DAA Unit 6
DAA Unit 6
DAA Unit 6
Unit-6: Backtracking
The term backtracking suggests that if the current
solution is not suitable, then backtrack and try other
solutions. Thus, recursion is used in this approach.
This approach is used to solve problems that have
multiple solutions. If you want an optimal solution, you
must go for dynamic programming.
Backtracking is an algorithmic technique where the goal
is to get all solutions to a problem using the brute force
It consists of building a set of all the solutions
incrementally. Since a problem would have constraints,
the solutions that fail to satisfy them will be removed.
Green is the start point, blue is the intermediate point, red are
points with no feasible solution, dark green is end solution.
Here, when the algorithm propagates to an end to check if it is a
solution or not, if it is then returns the solution otherwise
backtracks to the point one step behind it to find track to the
next point to find solution.
Problem: You want to find all the possible ways of
arranging 2 boys and 1 girl on 3 benches. Constraint:
Girl should not be on the middle of the bench.
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC-314)
Unit-6: Backtracking
Example Backtracking Approach
Solution: There are a total of 3! = 6 possibilities. We
will try all the possibilities and get the possible solutions.
We recursively try all the possibilities.
All the possibilities are:
Subset sum problem is the problem of finding a subset
such that the sum of elements equal a given number.
The backtracking approach generates all permutations
in the worst case but in general, performs better than
the recursive approach towards subset sum problem.
A subset A of n positive integers and a value sum is
given, find whether or not there exists any subset of the
given set, the sum of whose elements is equal to the
given value of sum.
In 0/1 Knapsack Problem,
Statement: A thief has a bag or knapsack that can contain maximum weight W of his
loot. There are n items and the weight of ith item is Wi and it worth Vi . An amount of
item can be put into the bag is 0 or 1 i.e. x i is 0 or 1. Here the objective is to collect the
items that maximize the total profit earned.
Thank You!