Health 4TH Week1

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7 Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office III

Learning Activity Sheets

Health 7
Quarter 4 – Weeks 1-4
Nature of Non-Communicable
Health – Grade 7
Learning Activity Sheet
Title: Nature of Non-Communicable Diseases
Quarter 4- Weeks 1- 4

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Learning Activity Sheet Development Team

Writer: Joanne Lim-Abanes

Editors: Saturnino D. Dumlao
Reviewer: Jose Tala, EdD
Graphic Artist: Maria Alexandra M. Ruiz

Layout Artist: Joanne Lim-Abanes

Layout Evauator: Raquel F. Queyquep

Cover Designer: Paul Marion R. Vallentos

Management Team: May B. Eclar, PhD,CESO III

Roda T. Razon,PhD ,CESO V
Librada M. Rubio,PhD,Chief-CLMD
Ma.Editha R. Caparas,EdD,EPS-LRMS
I.What I Need to Know?
Engelbert B. Agunday,EdD,EPS-MAPEH

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II.What I Know?

At the end of this Learning Activity Sheet, you are expected to:
1. explain non-communicable diseases based on cause and effect, signs and
symptoms, risk factors and protective factors and possible complications
(H7DD-IVb-d-25/Weeks 1-3); and
2. correct myth and fallacies about non-communicable diseases
(H7DD-IVe-26/Week 4).

Activity 1: Multiple Choices

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a separate sheet of

1. Which of the following statements does NOT describe Non-Communicable

A. consequence of unhealthy lifestyle
B. caused by pathogen
C. cannot be transmitted from one person to another
D. consequence of behavioral and hereditary factors

2. It is a disease that prevents the body from converting food into energy.
A. Arthritis C. Diabetes
B. Asthma D. Kidney Failure

3. What is the main difference between communicable and non-communicable diseases?

A. NCD can be treated whereas CD cannot.
B. CD can spread to others whereas NCD cannot.
C. CD can be treated whereas NCD cannot.
D. NCD can spread to others whereas CD cannot.

4. Non-communicable diseases are generally caused by ________

A. behavioral risk factors C. environmental risk factors
B. biological risk factors D. both A and B

5. Cancer is a disease wherein an abnormal body cell _________

A. stops growing and dies.
B. grows for a time, but then stops.
C. attacks another body cell.
D. grows and spreads to other body parts.

6. What does hypertension mean?

A. High tension C. High blood pressure
B. High sugar level D. None of the above

7. Which of the following refers to an exaggerated response to an antibody-forming substance

or antigen?
A. Allergy B. Amnesia C. Anxiety D. Arthritis

8. What are the risk factors that are common with all non-communicable diseases?
A. Activity and obesity
B. Obesity and a high fat diet
C. Lack of exercise and too much sugar
D. Both B and C

9. Which of the following is considered an NCD?

A. Typhoid B. Dengue C. Hypertension D. Leptospirosis

10. Why do we need to correct myths and misconceptions about diseases?

A. We do not want to be labeled as backward or non-educated.
B. Following myths and misconceptions may endanger our health.
C. We need to change our beliefs to keep pace with the changing times.
D. Our medical practitioners will get mad if we don’t follow their advice.

Nature of Non-Communicable
1 Diseases

Health is wealth; therefore, everyone must devise ways to prevent and control all sorts
of illnesses/diseases. If one member of the family is sick, the whole family is affected,
resources may be depleted and loss of life or limb can become a painful fate.

Fitness and health can be achieved through early detection, prevention and control.
Proper diet, exercise, and enough sleep contribute to a healthy home environment equipped
with a positive, happy outlook. Indeed, maintaining good health and wellness is in our hands.
Prevention and control of diseases are of vital importance. Proper knowledge about the
nature of non-communicable diseases is a start in keeping a healthy body – not just for our
sake but for the sake of our family and our community.

III. What’s In?

Activity 2. Blast from the past!
Directions: Choose the word or words from the box that answer each of the item below. Write
your answer on separate sheet of paper.



_______1. It is defined as the physiological and emotional responses to a significant or

unexpected change or disruption in one’s life.
_______2. A positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor.
_______3. It refers to the things that make a person stressed.
_______4. A negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor.
_______5. It refers to being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn new things and
improve one’s skills.

Activity 3. Write and Reflect

Directions: Think of words about Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) to complete the
bubble map. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

IV. What’s New?
Activity 4: Picture Analysis
Directions: Analyze the picture below then answer the following questions . Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Tell something about the picture above.

2. What do you think the father is suffering from?
3. What should the family do next?
4. How do you think the situation could be prevented?

V.What is It?

Non-communicable diseases are not caused by pathogens or disease causing

organisms such as bacteria or viruses, but rather, by how people live, by the conditions with
which they are born or by the hazards around them. It also includes diseases caused by a
breakdown of the body tissues (degenerative diseases), poor diet, environmental and
occupational hazards, stress and tension.
Non-communicable Description Signs and Symptoms
Allergy a misguided reaction to runny nose, stuffy nose,
foreign substances by the sneezing, nasal itching (rubbing)
immune system. The itchy ears and throat, postnasal
substances that trigger allergy drip (throat clearing).
are called allergen. Examples
include pollens, dust mites,
molds, dander and certain

a disease that prevents the Excessive - urination (polyuria),

Diabetes body from converting food into thirst (polydipsia), hunger
energy (polyphagia)

Non-communicable Description Signs and Symptoms
a chronic lung disorder that
causes airways (the tubes that
carry air into and out of the shortness of breath, wheezing,
Asthma lungs) to become inflamed, coughing, chest tightness.
which means that they swell
and produce lots of thick
Chest pain, chest tightness,
chest pressure and chest
discomfort (angina), shortness of
the disease of the heart and breath, pain, numbness,
Cardiovascular disease
blood vessels weakness or coldness in your
legs or arms if the blood vessels
in those parts of your body are
C-hange in bowel or bladder
A- sore that does not heal
U- nusual bleeding or discharge
T- hickening or lump in breast or
Cancer caused by abnormal cells I- ndigestion or difficulty in
growing without control swallowing
O- bvious change in wart or mole
N- agging cough or hoarseness

U- nexplained weight loss

P- resistant hoarseness
Joint pain, tenderness and
stiffness, inflammation in and
refers to the inflammation of around the joints, restricted
Arthritis joints. It usually occurs during movement of the joints, warm
old age red skin over the affected joint,
weakness and muscle wasting.
Kidney or Renal Failure a medical condition in which decreased urine output, although
the kidneys fail to adequately occasionally urine output
remains normal fluid retention,
causing swelling in your legs,
ankles or feet, shortness of
filter waste products from the breath, fatigue, confusion,
blood nausea, weakness, irregular
heartbeat, chest pain or

NCDs Four Major Risk Factors

The World Health Organization (WHO) has prioritized the following: Physical inactivity,
Tobacco use, Alcohol use, and Unhealthy diets (increased fat and sodium, with low fruit and
vegetable intake).

Behavioral Risk Factors

Modifiable behaviors, such as tobacco use, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet and the
harmful use of alcohol, all increase the risk of NCDs. Tobacco accounts for over 7.2 million
deaths every year (including from the effects of exposure to second-hand smoke), and is
projected to increase markedly over the coming years. 4.1 million annual deaths have been
attributed to excess salt/sodium intake. More than half of the 3.3 million annual deaths
attributable to alcohol use are from NCDs, including cancer. 1.6 million deaths annually can be
attributed to insufficient physical activity.

Metabolic Risk Factors

Metabolic risk factors contribute to four key metabolic changes that increase the risk of

• Raised blood pressure

• Overweight/obesity

• Hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels) and

• Hyperlipidemia (high levels of fat in the blood).

In terms of attributable deaths, the leading metabolic risk factor globally is elevated
blood pressure (to which 19% of global deaths are attributed), followed by overweight and
obesity and raised blood glucose.

Promoting healthy diet, physical activity, reduced alcohol use and tobacco use cessation
are simple and cost effective measures to reduce premature death and disability from NCDs.
Prevention strategies are not only effective tools to protect populations against developing an
NCD, but also for mitigating and reducing the burden of various NCDs and the risk of
developing co-morbidities alongside existing illness.

Myths And Fallacies About Non-communicable Diseases

Myths and fallacies have existed ever since societies began, influencing the perceptions
about health, and the cause and cure of health related problems. Given the increase of the
burden of non-communicable diseases (NCD) and the possibility to avoid it, it is urgent to
implement or strengthen NCD preventive programs in the Philippines. However, many myths
hinder the implementation of NCD programs.

Myths and fallacies that can directly or indirectly impact our health:
• Taking a bath on a Friday will make one sick
• An amulet or anting-anting protects the wearer from diseases and helps counteract witchery
• Relapse or “binat” caused by eating certain kinds of food or by cutting the hair too soon after
illness. This best treated by fumigating the patient with smoke produced by burning the
offending food or the patient’s hair.

VI.What’s More?
Activity 5: Point Out!
Directions: Fill in the boxes with the correct letters to complete the non-communicable disease
being described by its signs and symptoms. Some . letters. are done for you as a clue. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere


2. Excessive urination, thirst and/or hunger


3. Runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing


4. Shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing


5. Swelling and painful joints


Activity 6: Relate Cause and Effect

Directions: Complete the fishbone diagram below by writing the risk factors that causes non-
communicable diseases. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Risk Communicable
Factors Diseases
Activity 7: Myths and Misconceptions
Directions: Complete the comic strip below by correcting the myths and misconceptions about
non-communicable diseases. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

My father told me
that he will never get
sick because he has
an amulet that will
protect him against
all diseases.

That is not true________


VII.What I Have Learned?

Activity 8: Fight NCDs!
Directions: Write a short paragraph with 3 to 4 sentences about the potential risks of acquiring
non-communicable diseases. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. How do you think acquiring a non-communicable diseases and their possible
complications affect one’s family?

2. As a student, it is important to know and understand the nature of non- communicable

diseases because _________________________________________________________


VIII. What I Can Do?

Activity 9: Our NCD Protection Shield
1. Make a poster about preventing non- communicable diseases. Use a clean bond paper and
crayons for your poster.
2. Write your brief explanation at the back of your poster.

Rubrics for poster making

Excellent Good Fair Poor
(5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)
Use of Time Student uses Student uses most Student uses Student does not
his/her time to of his/her time to some of his/her use his/her time to
work productively work productively time to work work productively
and efficiently and efficiently productively and and efficiently.
efficiently Student is
frequently off task.
Relevance to the Drawing/illustration Drawing/illustration Drawing/illustration Drawing/illustration
Topic is very clear and is clear and has a slight is vague.
relevant. relevant. relevance to the
Creativity, The poster has an The poster has The poster needs The poster needs
Originality and excellent and nice design and improvement in significant
Overall Impact original drawing. It layout. It is neat design, layout or improvement in
is neat and easy to and easy to read. neatness. design, layout and
understand the neatness.

IX. Assessment
A. True or False: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the sentence is correct and F if it is
incorrect. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

______1. NCDs are the leading causes of death worldwide.

______2. Drinking powdered juice and milk daily protects the body from sickness.
______3.Smoking tobacco has no effect in acquiring NCDs
______4.Eliminating major risks could prevent NCDs.
______5. Exercising on a regular basis is a healthy practice.
______6. Staying awake late at night is a healthy habit.

B. Multiple Choices: Read the sentence carefully. Write the letter of your choice on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following does NOT describe non-communicable diseases (NCDs)?

A. caused by pathogen
B. consequence of unhealthy lifestyle
C. cannot be transmitted from one person to another
D. consequence of behavioral and hereditary factors

2. It refers to a chronic lung disorder that causes airways (the tubes that carry air into and out of
the lungs) to become inflamed, which means that they swell and produce lots of thick mucus.
A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular Disease C. Asthma D. Kidney Failure

3. Which of the following is a sign or symptom of cancer?

A. unexplained weight loss B. excessive hunger C. sneezing D.inflammation of joints

4. A warm red skin over the affected joint is a sign or symptom of what non-communicable
A. diabetes B. arthritis C. asthma D. allergy

5. Maria’s mother noticed an obvious change in her mole. This could be a sign or symptom of
what non-communicable disease?
A. cancer B. cardiovascular disease C. asthma D. kidney Failure

C. Classification: Classify the statements below. Put M if it is a myth or F if it is a fact. Write your
answers on separate sheet of paper.

_____1. Taking a bath on a Friday will make one sick.

_____2. Jogging and walking are good substitute to fitness gym activities.
_____3. NCDs are largely preventable through effective interventions that tackle shared risk
_____4. An amulet or anting-anting protects the wearer from diseases and helps counteract


Reference Books:
DepEd K TO 12 Physical Education and Health Learners Module Grade 7, First Edition,2017

Electronic References:
n.d. Accessed December 2020.
communicable-diseases-flash-cards/ Accessed December
2020. Accessed December


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