DP Linear
DP Linear
DP Linear
E-OLYMP 1560. Decreasing number There are three types of operations you can
perform on an integer:
1. If it's divisible by 3, divide it by 3;
2. If it's divisible by 2, divide it by 2;
3. Subtract 1.
Given a positive integer n, find the minimal number of operations needed to
produce the number 1.
► Let f(n) contains the minimum number of operations to convert the number n to
1. For example,
f(1) = 0, since we already have number 1;
f(2) = 1, perform operations 2 → 1;
f(5) = 3, perform operations 5 → 4 → 2 → 1;
f(10) = 3, perform operations 10 → 9 → 3 → 1;
In the case of n = 10 it is better to subtract 1 first than to use the greedy idea and
divide by 2.
Moreover, if n is not divisible by 2 (or by 3), then the corresponding element (f(n /
2) or f(n / 3)) is absent in the function min. For example, for n = 8 we have:
f(8) = min(f(7), f(4)) + 1
For n = 7 we get:
f(7) = min(f(6)) + 1 = f(6) + 1
The values of the function f(n) will be stored in the cells of array d[MAX], where
MAX = 106 + 1. Fill the cells of array d from 1 to 10 6 according to the given recurrence
relation. For example, the following table shows the values of d[i] for 1 i 11:
E-OLYMP 1619. House robber You are a professional robber planning to rob
houses along a street. Each house has a certain amount of money stashed, the only
constraint stopping you from robbing each of them is that adjacent houses have security
system connected and it will automatically contact the police if two adjacent houses are
broken into on the same night.
Given a list of non-negative integers representing the amount of money of each
house, determine the maximum amount of money you can rob tonight without alerting
the police.
► Let’s number the houses starting from index one (i-th house contains ai money).
Let f(i) be the maximum amount of money that can be robbed from houses with
numbers from 1 till i-th.
Then f(1) = a1, f(2) = max(a1, a2).
To calculate f(i) we consider two cases:
If the i-th house is robbed, then one can’t rob the (i – 1)-th house. In this case
profit will be f(i – 2) + ai.
if the i-th house is not robbed, the profit will be f(i – 1).
So we have
f(i) = max(f(i – 2) + ai, f(i – 1))
Store the values of f(i) in array res. The answer to the problem is the value of f(n) =
Let’s find f(3). If house 3 is not robbed, the income is f(2) = 6. If house 3 is robbed,
we can rob first house with income f(1) = 6 plus income for the third house that equals
to 2 (the total profit is 6 + 2 = 8).
Let’s find f(4). If fourth house is not robbed, the income is f(3) = 8. If fourth house
is robbed, we can rob the first two houses with an income of f(2) = 6 plus income for
the fourth house which equals to 10. Equating the total profit to 16 (6 + 10 = 16).
Exercise. Find the values of f(i) for the next input data:
E-OLYMP 9036. Dice combinations Your task is to count the number of ways to
construct sum n by throwing a dice one or more times. Each throw produces an outcome
between 1 and 6.
For example, if n = 3, there are 4 ways:
► Let f(n) be the number of ways one can get the sum n. Let the number k (1 ≤ k ≤
6) fell on the last throw. Then all throws except the last one should get the number n – k,
which can be done in f(n – k) ways. Thus, we have:
f(n) = f(n – 1) + f(n – 2) + f(n – 3) + f(n – 4) + f(n – 5) + f(n – 6)
The sum n = 1 can only be obtained in one way, by rolling the dice once and
getting 1 on it, so f(1) = 1.
The sum n = 2 can be obtained in two ways: 1 + 1 and 2, so f(2) = 2.
Let n = 3. We can:
get 3 with one throw;
get 2 with the last throw and get 1 with the rest throws, which can be done in
f(1) = 1 way;
get 1 with the last throw and get 2 with the remaining throws, which can be
done in f(2) = 2 ways;
For example
f(8) = f(7) + f(6) + f(5) + f(4) + f(3) + f(2) = 125,
f(9) = 2 * f(8) – f(2) = 2 * 125 – 2 = 248
E-OLYMP 987. Nails Some nails are hammered on a straight plank. Any two
nails can be joined by a thread. Connect some pairs of nails with a thread, so that to
each nail will be tied with at least one thread, and the total length of all threads will be
► Sort the nail’s coordinates in array а. Let dp[i] equals to the minimal total length
of all thread, when any two nails starting from the first one (the nails are numbered
starting from 1) till i-th are connected with the thread.
If n = 2, both nails must be joined with the thread, so
dp[2] = a2 – a1
If n = 3, we must connect first nail with the second, and second with the third. So
dp[3] = a3 – a1
To add i-th nail one has two possibilities to join it with the thread:
1) connect first i – 2 nails among themselves, the (i – 1)-th nail connect to the i-th.
The total length of the thread for such connection equals to dp[i – 2] + a[i] – a[i – 1].
2) connect first i – 1 nails among themselves, the i-th nail we connect to the (i – 1)-
th. The length of the thread equals to dp[i – 1] + a[i] – a[i – 1].
Select the connection method where the total length of the thread is smallest. So
dp[i] = min(dp[i – 2], dp[i – 1]) + a[i] – a[i – 1]
Sort the nail’s coordinates for the sample input: 0, 2, 4, 10, 12. For two nails dp[2]
= 2 – 0 = 2. For three nails we must connect them all with the thread (each nail must be
tied with at least one thread), so
dp[3] = (4 – 2) + (2 – 0) = 4
Exercise. Find the values of dp[i] for the next input data:
E-OLYMP 8596. Journey from west to east There are n cities standing on a
straight line from west to east. The cities are numbered from 1 to n, in order from west
to east. Each point on the line has its own one-dimensional coordinate, and the point
closer to the east has a large coordinate. The coordinate of the i-th city is xi.
You are now in city 1, and want to visit all cities. You have two ways to travel:
Walk in a straight line. At the same time, your level of fatigue will increase
by a units each time you move a distance of 1, regardless of the direction.
Teleport to any point you want. Your fatigue level will increase by b units,
regardless of teleported distance.
Find the lowest possible level of fatigue, at which you will visit all the cities.
► Consider some optimal (with a minimum level of fatigue) route to visit all cities.
It can always be rebuilt so that the movement is carried out from left to right with visits
to consecutive cities. For example the following route
can be converted to
Let dp[i] be the the minimum level of fatigue with which you can reach city i from
city 1 moving sequentially through cities from left to right. It is obvious that dp[0] = 0.
You can get to the i-th city from the (i – 1) -th in two ways:
walk in a straight line. Then fatigue level will increase by a * (x[i] – x[i – 1]);
teleport. Then fatigue level will increase by b;
Since overall fatigue should be minimized, it is necessary to choose the path for
which the fatigue is minimum. In this way
dp[i] = dp[i – 1] + min( a * (x[i] – x[i – 1]), b)
Test 1. From the 1st city we go to the 2nd, after we teleport to the 3rd. At the end
we go to the 4th. The fatigue level at the end will be 2 * 1 + 5 + 2 * 2 = 11, which is the
lowest possible.
dp[1] = 0;
dp[2] = dp[1] + min( a * (2 – 1), b) = 0 + min( 2 * (2 – 1), 5) = 0 + 2 = 2;
dp[3] = dp[2] + min( a * (5 – 2), b) = 2 + min( 2 * (5 – 2), 5) = 2 + 5 = 7;
dp[4] = dp[3] + min( a * (7 – 5), b) = 7 + min( 2 * (7 – 5), 5) = 7 + 4 = 11;
Test 2. From city 1 we just go to all cities up to 7th. As a result, the fatigue level
will be 84, which is the lowest possible.
Test 3. Visit all cities, in any order, teleporting six times. The fatigue level will be
12, which is the lowest possible.
Exercise. Find the values of dp[i] for the next input data:
You can notice that dp[i] = 2* dp[i – 1]. However, this formula can be obtained
from the following considerations. From
dp[i – 1] = dp[1] + dp[2] + … + dp[i – 2]
follows that
dp[i] = (dp[1] + dp[2] + … + dp[i – 2]) + dp[i – 1] =
dp[i – 1] + dp[i – 1] = 2 * dp[i – 1]
If i > k, then its possible to get into the i-th cell from any out of k previous, so
dp[i] = = dp[i – k] + … + dp[i – 1]
Similarly, you can see that from the fact that
dp[i – 1] = dp[i – k – 1] + … + dp[i – 2]
follows that
dp[i] = dp[i – k] + … + dp[i – 1] =
(dp[i – k – 1] + dp[i – k] + … + dp[i – 2]) – dp[i – k – 1] + dp[i – 1] =
2 * dp[i – 1] – dp[i – k – 1]
For the given sample test n = 8 and k = 2 the state of dp array has the from:
E-OLYMP 798. Platforms In older games one can run into the next situation. The
hero jumps along the platforms that hang in the air. He must move himself from one
side of the screen to the other. When the hero jumps from one platform to the
neighboring, he spends |y2 – y1| energy, where y1 and y2 are the heights where these
platforms hang. The hero can make a super jump that allows him to skip one platform,
but it takes him 3 * | y3 – y1| energy.
You are given the heights of the platforms in order from the left side to the right.
Find the minimum amount of energy to get from the 1-st (start) platform to the n-th
(last). Print the list (sequence) of the platforms that the hero must pass.
► Let e[i] contains the minimum amount of energy sufficient to get from platform
1 to platform i. Obviously, e[1] = 0 (to get from the first platform to the first is zero
energy), and e[2] = |y2 – y1|, since the second platform can only be reached from the first
In cell p[i], we’ll store the number of the platform from which we jumped to the i-
th. Initially, we set p[1] = -1 (initially we are on the first platform), and also p[2] = 1.
To the i-th platform (i ≥ 3) you can jump either from (i – 1) -th, spending e[i – 1] +
|yi – yi-1| energy, or from (i – 2)-th, having made a super jump and spending e[i – 2] + 3·|
yi – yi-2| energy. So
e[i] = min( e[i – 1] + |yi – yi-1| , e[i – 2] + 3·|yi – yi-2| )
If to the i-th platform the jump is performed from (i – 1) -th, then set p[i] = i – 1. If
from (i – 2) -th, then we set p[i] = i – 2. To find the number of platforms on which
jumps from the first to the n-th were performed, one should walk from the n-th platform
to the first one each time moving from the i-th platform to p[i] -th.
To restore the path, move from the final (6-th) platform back along the indexes of
It remains to find the minimum among the three expressions, which equals to the
shortest time in which all i buyers can purchase tickets.
E-OLYMP 806. Platorms - 3 In older games one can run into the next situation.
The hero jumps along the platforms that hang in the air. He must move himself from
one side of the screen to the other. When the hero jumps from one platform to the
neighboring, he spends |y2 – y1|2 energy, where y1 and y2 are the heights where these
platforms hang. The hero can make a super jump that allows him to skip one platform,
but it takes him 3 * |y3 – y1|2 energy.
You are given the heights of the platforms in order from the left side to the right.
Find the minimum amount of energy to get from the 1-st (start) platform to the n-th
► With given energy functions sometimes it is optimal for the hero to make one
move backwards. Consider the following example. Suppose we have 4 platforms with
heights of 1, 10, 2, 11. We calculate the energy that hero should spent to reach the last
platform in different ways.
As we can see, the optimal way is to jump from 1-st platform to the 3-rd using
super jump, then return to the 2-nd and using super jump once more, to appear on the
last, 4-th platform. The total spent energy equals to 3 + 64 + 3 = 70.
Let dp[i] be the minimal amount of energy enough to get from the 1-st platform to
the i-th. Let dp[1] = 0, because initially we are on the first platform. We can get to the
second platform either from the first only (if n = 2), or in two ways:
from 1-st to the 2-nd using |y2 – y1|2 energy;
from 1-st to the 3-rd and then to the 2-nd spending 3 * |y3 – y1|2 + |y2 – y3|2
So if n > 2 then dp[2] = min(|y2 – y1|2, 3 * |y3 – y1|2 + |y2 – y3|2).
Now consider the calculation of dp[i]. One can get into i-th platform either from (i
– 1)-th or from (i – 2)-th using super jump. But when i < n, one can get into the i-th
platform from the (i + 1)-th, where we jumped from the (i – 1)-th. So dp[i] equals to
minimum among the values:
dp[i – 1] + |yi – yi-1|2 : normal jump from the (i – 1)-th platform;
dp[i – 2] + 3 * |yi – yi-2|2 : super jump from the (i – 2)-th platform;
dp[i – 1] + 3 * |yi+1 – yi-1|2 + |yi – yi+1|2 : one jumps from the (i – 1)-th to (i +
1)-th, and then to i-th platform. This movement possible only if i < n.
E-OLYMP 9628. Frog There are n stones, numbered 1, 2, ..., n. For each i (1 ≤ i ≤
n), the height of stone i is hi. There is a frog who is initially on stone 1. It will repeat the
following action some number of times to reach stone n: if the frog is currently on stone
i, jump to stone i + 1 or stone i + 2. Here, a cost of | hi − hj | is incurred, where j is the
stone to land on.
Find the minimum possible total cost incurred before the frog reaches stone n.
► Let dp[i] be the smallest cost of moving the frog to stone i. Then:
dp[1] = 0 (do not need to move anywhere),
dp[2] = | h2 − h1 |;
The frog can jump onto the i-th platform (i ≥ 3):
either from (i – 1)-th with cost |hi – hi-1|;
or from (i – 2)-th with cost |hi – hi-2|;
dp[i] = min( dp[i – 1] + |hi – hi-1| , dp[i – 2] + |hi – hi-2| )