LB4 - Unit - Test - 01A HW

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Mauricio Sánchez T4

Unit test 1A the first two years and then he

3 moved abroad to work with poor
Grammar people in Africa. He 4 enjoyed every
1 Complete the conversation with the minute of his time in Africa and
5 has learnt a lot since he went there.
present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets or the
correct question tags. ___/5 marks
A: What 0 are you doing
(you/do) here? 3 Choose the correct options.
B: I 1 looking (look) for a When Amy left school, she went
present for my sister. backpacking around Europe. It was 0bit /
A: Oh yes, it’s her birthday much / lot cheaper to travel this way
soon, 2 isn't it? than staying in expensive hotels. It wasn’t
B: Yes, on Monday. She 1more difficult / as difficult / a bit
3 wants (want) a new difficult as she expected to find
top but I 4don´t know (not temporary jobs in different cities, and
d know) what to get her. Can most jobs paid 2less bad / much better /
you help? as worse than she expected. However,
A: She 5 likes (like) bright she had to work a 3lot / much / far
colours, 6 isn't she? harder than ever before, but she enjoyed
B: Yes, she does. it. She stayed away 4a bit more / bit / a
A: These are cool! bit longer than she planned because the
B: Great! I’ll take two of them. trip was 5far / less / lot more exciting
A: So, 7 Has she (she/have) than she expected.
a party on Monday?
B: No, we 8 are going (go) to ___/5 marks
London – we’ve got tickets
to a concert.
A: But your sister usually Vocabulary
9 works (work) on
4 Choose the odd one out.
0 you wear them on your feet:
B: Yes, but she 10doesn't work
shoes boots trainers hat
(not work) on her birthday.
1 you wear them on the top part of your
She’s got the day off.
sweater jacket skirt cardigan
___/10 marks 2 you wear them on your legs:
gloves jeans trousers tights
2 Complete the text with the present 3 you wear them on your head:
perfect or past simple form of a verb bandana baseball cap fleece
from the box. hairband
4 you wear them on your feet:
be ● enjoy ● finish ● learn socks high heels pocket
● move ● work sandals
John 0 has been a doctor since he 5 they have a metal part:
1 finished university five years ago. He bangle belt leggings zip
has workedin a hospital in England for
___/5 marks

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5 Complete the pattern and style Function
0 I want a pl a i n shirt. 7 Complete the conversation. Write
spotted one word in each gap.
1 She bought a s t d jacket.
2 He loves his f o y shirt.flowery A: Hello. Do you need any
0 help ?
3 There was a colourful p tt d
patterned B: Oh, hello. Yes, I’m looking
carpet in the living room. 1
4 He bought a new c s l jacket for for some new
the weekend.
casual trousers.
5 She gave him a c e k d shirt for A: What kind of trousers do
his birthday. checked you want?
B: 2
6 The shirt was very b g y and was somethig smart, in a dark
much too big for her. baggy colour, like these. But these
7 She wore a blue and white are a bit small. Have you
striped 3 them in a
s r p d skirt. got
bigger 4 ?
A: Yes, here you are.
___/7 marks
B: Can I 5 try them on?
A: Of course. The changing
6 Match the jobs in the box to the room’s over there.
people. There is one extra job. B: Thanks.
actor ● artist ● beautician ● A: Are they any good?
doctor ● firefighter ● journalist B: Mmm … These are a
● mechanic ● plumber ● 6 bit big, aren’t
politician ● receptionist they?
0 Ewa helps people when they are ill. A: I think they 7 suits
doctor you. They’re very
1 Frank paints beautiful pictures. fashionable now.
artist B: I don’t know. 8 How
2 People voted for David and he is much are they?
now in the government. politician A: £25.
3 Mary looks after women’s skin and B: I’m sorry, they’re not quite
does their make-up.beautician 9 right . I’ll
4 Jonathan has rescued lots of 10
leave them, thank
animals and people from burning you.
buildings. firefighter
5 Julie works in a hotel. She ___/10 marks
welcomes guests when they arrive
and gives them their keys.
recepcionist Total: ___/50 marks
6 Carol works for the local
newspaper. journalist
7 Philip repairs motorbikes and cars.
8 James repairs water pipes.

___/8 marks

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sorry for the late 2

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