Applications of Ion Exchange Resin in Oral Drug Delivery Systems

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International Journal of Drug Delivery Technology 2017; 7(3); 127-136
doi: : 10.25258/ijddt.v7i03.9556
ISSN: 0975 4415
Review Article

Applications of Ion Exchange Resin in Oral Drug Delivery Systems

KathpaliaHarsha*, DasSukanya
Department of Pharmaceutics, VES College of Pharmacy, Chembur, Mumbai.

Received: 20th July, 17; Revised 7th August, 17, Accepted: 12th September, 17; Available Online:25th September, 17

Ion Exchange Resins (IER) are insoluble polymers having styrene divinylbenzene copolymer backbone that contain acidic
or basic functional groups and have the ability to exchange counter ions with the surrounding aqueous solutions. From the
past many years they have been widely used for purification and softening of water and in chromatographic columns,
however recently their use in pharmaceutical industry has gained considerable importance. Due to the physical stability
and inert nature of the resins, they can be used as a versatile vehicle to design several modified release dosage forms The
ionizable drug is complexed with the resin owing to the property of ion exchange. This resin complex dissociatesin vivo to
release the drug. Based on the dissociation strength of the drug from the drug resin complex, various release patterns can
be achieved. Many formulation glitches can be circumvented using ion exchange resins such as bitter taste and
deliquescence. These resins also aid in enhancing disintegrationand stability of formulation. This review focuses on
different types of ion exchange resins, their preparation methods, chemistry, properties, incompatibilities and their
application in various oral drug delivery systems as well as highlighting their use as therapeutic agents.

Keywords: Ion exchange resins, modified release, taste masking, polacrilin potassium, cholestyramine.

INTRODUCTION dissociation of a weak acid resin is strongly influenced by

Ion exchange resins (IER) are insoluble polymers that the solution pH. Consequently, resin capacity depends in
contain acidic or basic functional groups and have the part on the solution pH.
ability to exchange counter-ions within aqueous solutions Anion exchange resins
surrounding them. Based on the nature of the exchangeable Strongly basic anion exchange resin
ion of the resin as a cation or anion, it is classified as These resins have positively charged functional groups and
cationic or anionic exchange resins, respectively. The they exchange negatively charged ions. They are prepared
classification flowchart is shown in Figure 1. by chlormethylating benzene ring of the divinylbenzene
Types of ion exchange resins components followed by attachment of CH2Clgroups and
Cation exchange resins then these are reacted with tertiary amineswhich has a
Strongly acidic cation exchange resins strong, permanent charge (-NR3+, where R stands for some
They have negatively charged groups covalently bound to organic group). The chemical structure of an anion
them and they exchange positively charged ions. The basic exchange resin is shown in Figure3
structure of cation exchange resin comprises of styrene and The mechanism of anion exchange process can be
divinylbenzene. Copolymerization of styrene and represented by the following reaction:-
divinylbenzene followed by introduction of sulfonic acid
groups (-SO3H) into most of the benzene rings yields
cation exchange resins. The mechanism of exchange
process can be symbolized by the following reaction: Where, (Resin +-Exchange group-) indicates a resin
polymer with anionic exchange group and A- indicates
anions in the surrounding solution.
Weakly basic anion exchange resin
Where, (Resin–-Exchange group+) indicates a resin Weak base resins are like weak acid resins in which the
polymer with cation exchange group and A+ indicates degree of ionization is strongly influenced by pH due to
anions in the surrounding solution. which they exhibit minimum exchange capacity above pH
The chemical structure of a strong cation exchange resin is of 7.0. The weak base resin does not have an OH ion form
shown in figure 2. such as the strong base resin but has -NH2, which weakly
Weakly acidic cation exchange resins attracts protons to form NH3+ group1.
These resins are similar to weak organic acids which Mechanism of drug release from resinates:
weakly dissociate. Here the ionizable group is a carboxylic Anion exchange resins involve basic functional groups
acid (COOH) as contrasting to the sulfonic acid group capable of removing anions from acidic solutions while
(SO3H) present in strong acid resins. The degree of cation exchange resins contain acidic functional group,

*Author for Correspondence: [email protected]

KathpaliaHarsha et al. / Applications of Ion…

capable of removing cations from basic solutions. The use Equilibration rate
of ion exchange resinto prolong the effect of drug release Ion exchange reactions are reversible reactions with
is based on the principle that positively or negatively equilibrium conditions being different for different ions.
charged pharmaceuticals, combined with appropriate Cross-linkage has a definite influence on the time required
resins yield insoluble polysaltresinates. Ion exchange for an ion to reach equilibrium. An ion exchange resin that
resonates when administered orally, they are retained in is highly cross-linked is quite resistant to the diffusion of
stomach for two hours in contact with an acidic fluid of pH various ions through it, and hence, the time required to
1.2 and then move into the intestine at a slightly alkaline reach equilibrium is much longer. The larger the ion or
pH. Towards the large intestine, desorption from resins and molecule diffusing into an ion exchange particle, or the
absorption into the body may be slowed due to low fluid more highly cross-linked the polymer, the longer the time
content and poor absorption in colon2. The formulation and required to reach equilibrium conditions1.
in vivo release process is explained graphically in Figure Porosity and swelling
4. Porosity is defined as the ratio of the volume of the
Properties of ion exchange resins material to its mass. The size of the ions, which can
Particle size penetrate into a resin matrix, depends strongly on the
Fine particles render more surface area than coarse porosity. Porosity of the ion-exchangers depends upon
particles and less internal volume for ions to diffuse, so polymerization procedures. The amount of swelling is
less time is required to establish equilibrium. Similarly, directly proportional to the number of hydrophilic
desorption of bound drug from the complex will be faster functional groups attached to the polymer matrix and is
in fine particles3. General particle size of resin ranges from inversely proportional to the degree of divinyl benzene
0.25-1.25mm. cross linking present in the resin6.
Cross linking Ionogenic group on the resin
When an ion-exchange resin is highly cross-linked, the The acid or base strength of an exchanger is dependent on
diffusion of various ions can be impeded. This will the various ionogenic groups, incorporated into the resin.
increase the time required to reach equilibrium and reduce The pKa value of the resin will have a significant influence
the amount of loaded drug. Degree of cross linking is the on the rate at which the drug will be released from resinate
divinylbenzene content which affects the degree of in the gastric fluids.
permeability. Resins having higher cross linking make it Resins containing sulfonic acid, phosphonic or carboxylic
difficult to generate additional functional groups because acid exchange group have approximate pKa values of < 1,
sulphonation is generally accomplished after cross linking 2-3 and 4-6 respectively. Anionic exchangers are
reaction. Resins with very low crosslinking tend to be quarternary, tertiary or secondary ammonium groups
watery and change dimensions markedly depending on having pKa values of > 13, 7-9 or 5-9, respectively7,1.
which ions are bound. Jeong S studied the effect of Stability
crosslinking and particle size on the moisture content of The resinous ion-exchangers are remarkably inert
resin. Dowex® 50WX2 containing 2% divinylbenzene, substances. At ordinary temperature and excluding the
Dowex® 50WX4 containing 4% divinylbenzene and more potent oxidizing agents, divinylbenzene cross-linked
Dowex® 50WX8 containing 8% divinylbenzene were the resins are resistant to decomposition through chemical
resins used in the study. It was found that at 2% attack2.
crosslinkage, moisture content was more and as the Purity and toxicity
crosslinking was increased upto 8% the moisture content There are purification procedures needed prior to use of
was reduced to half. The practical ranges of divinybenzene resin in drug formulation to avoid possible toxicity.
are considered to be between 2-16. It was also established Commercial product cannot be used as such because they
that as the crosslinking was increased upto 8% the drug contain impurities that cause severe toxicity. Therefore,
loading ratio also decreased significantly3. careful purification of the resin prior to treatment with the
Total exchange capacity drug is required2. The resin can be purified by washing
The total capacity of ion-exchange resins is defined as the with absolute ethanol, ethanol-water mixtures, and
total number of chemical equivalents available for eventually with water over 1 week8.
exchange per unit weight or unit volume of the resin. This Preparation of drug resinates
capacity is expressed in terms of milliequivalents per dry There are two methods which can be employed for
gram (meq/g) of resin or milliequivalents per millilitre of preparation of drug resinates which are column process
wet resin. As stated earlier, more highly cross-linked a and batch process. Batch process involves simple mixing
resin, the more difficult it becomes to introduce additional of drug with resin under continuous stirring and then the
functional groups4. The exchange capacity governs the resins are washed and air dried wherein column process
amount of drug that can be taken up by the resin. involves elution of concentrated drug solution through a
Comparatively, the sulfonic acid resins or amine resins resin column9.The process is depicted diagrammatically in
have lower exchange capacity (4meq/g ) than the cation Figure 5
exchange resins derived from acrylic acid polymers Drugs suitable for resinate preparation
(10meq/g). This is because the amine resins have bulkier All drugs cannot be formulated into drug resinates. There
constituents which makes it difficult to introduce other are certain criteria which the drug has to fulfill to become
functional groups5. a candidate for drug resinate complexation which are

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Figure 1: Classification of Ion exchange resin with examples.

The biological half-life should be within 2-6 hours. The use of resins has occupied an important place in the
The drug is to be absorbed from all regions of the GI tract. development of oral sustained-release systems because of
The drug should be stable sufficiently in the gastric juice, their better drug retaining properties and prevention of
otherwise it would fail in providing therapeutic efficacy. dose dumping.
Drug should have an acidic or basic group in the chemical An investigation was done to develop sustained release
structure6. matrix tablets of glipizide using ion exchange resin
Certain advantages of ion exchange resin formulations are (Cholestyramine).
elimination of over and under dosing, high drug loading The release profile and retention of glipizide by matrix
capacity which prevents dose dumping and easy economic tablet was influenced by glipizide-ion exchange binding
method of preparation10. and sodium chloride which was added as a release
Applications in oral drug delivery modifier. Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose was also added
As disintegrating agent to modifythe drug release. The drug releases of the
Polacrilin potassium is a cation exchange resin used in oral optimized batches were compared with the drug release of
pharmaceutical formulations as a tablet disintegrant. It marketed formulation (GLYNASE XL-10).It was found
ionizes to give potassium cations and an anionic polymer that drug release through the formulation containing IER
chain11. The disintegration action is governed by its high can be increased by incorporating a little amount of salt
swelling property. The reported concentration of polacrilin such as sodium chloride in it which provides the ions
potassium as tablet disintegrant is 2-10% although 2% is needed for exchange locally. Whereas, in batches without
considered to be sufficient12. the sodium chloride, ions from the medium have to diffuse
Bele M .et al., hypothesized that polacrilin potassium through the gel layer of HPMC and reach glipizide-IER
might have a property to improve the permeability of complex to displace the drug. Also the result showed that
anionicdrugs owing to the Donnan membrane gel layer containing ions must be present in near vicinity
phenomenon. The effect of polacrilin potassium on the because the tablet which disintegrated showed less drug
permeability of diclofenac potassium, used as a model release than those which were intact15.
anionic drug, was tested in vitro using Franz diffusion In a study it was stated that anion exchange resins, such as
cells. The amount of drug permeated across the dialysis cholestyramine, possess bioadhesive properties, which
membrane was significantly more in the presence of might be caused by their electrostatic interaction with the
polacrilin potassium. The in vivo studies also showed mucus and epithelial cell surface. The use of such
enhanced Cmax of 3.68 µg/ml in presence of Polacrilin bioadhesive ion exchange resin is another attractive
potassium as compared to 2.14 µg/ml in presence of approach in the development of targeted formulations for
crosspovidone11. the GI tract. Hence diclofenac-cholestyramine yields a
Kalyanka P et al. developed directly compressible high peak plasma concentration, favoring drug transfer to
orodispersible tablets of quetiapine fumarate by the effect compartment leading to a rapid onset of
sublimation method. Indion 414 was used as analgesic effect. Diclofenac sodium is an anionic drug
superdisintegrant at a concentration varying from 3 to 5% which when incorporated in an anion exchange resin,
and camphor was used as subliming agent. Shorter Cholestyramine leads to extended release of the drug16.
disintegration time was obtained using Indion 414 as a A combination tablet of ranitidine inimmediate release
superdisintegrant and sublimation method proved to be form and domperidone in sustained release form was
useful for development of orodispersible tablet13. formulated using resin complexation. The weak cation
The low crosslinked anionic exchange resin Dowex1 ®x2 exchange resin Indion 294 was selected for complexing
can also act as a disintegrating agent. For these resins the ranitidine, as ranitidine is a basic drug which was needed
mechanism of disintegration appears to be governed by in immediate release form, whereas Indion 244, a strong
wicking and swelling actions14. cation exchange resin, was chosen to produce sustained
For modified release

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Figure 2: Structure of cation exchange resin.

Figure 3: Structure of anion exchange resin.

Figure 4: Formulation and In vivo release mechanism.

release resinates of domperidone, again a basic drug. Res- Opioid drugs such as morphine and codeine are often
inates were prepared using batch method and formulated associated with side effects such as stomach upset and
into combination tablets17. other gastrointestinal effects. Furthermore they are often
associated with addictive properties and are susceptible to

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Table 1: Ion exchange resins used in modified release formulations.

Drugs Ion exchange resin
Venlafaxine hydrochloride
(Microencapsulated venlafaxine hydrochloride ion-exchange resins) 20
Ranitidine hydrochloride (Sustained release) 21 Amberlite® IRP 69
Chlorpheniramine maleate(Oral Controlled Release) 22 Indion® 244
Diclofenac sodium microcapsules
(Prolonged drug release)23
Metformin hydrochloride microcapsules
Amberlite® IRP69
(Prolonged drug release) 24

Figure 5: Methods of preparation of resinates (a) Batch process, (b) Column process.

Table 2: Ion exchange resins for taste masking.

Bitter drugs formulation Ion exchange resin
Sumatriptan succinate (Sublingual tablets)28 Kyron T114®
Cefpodoxime paroxetil (Sustained release tablets)29 Tusion-311 ®
Etoricoxib (Drug resin complex)30 Indion 204®
Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride
Indion 234® and Tulsion 343®
(Effervescent and Dispersible tablets)31
Chlorpheniramine maleate
(Fast disintegrating tablet) 32
Quinine sulphate (Suspension)33 Indion-234®
(Edible oral film strip)34
Donepezil Hydrochloride (Orally disintegrating tablet)35 Amber lite IRP-64
Clindamycin Hydrochloride (Oral suspension)36 Amber lite IRP-69

abuse. Mehta et al. formed resin complex with cation Liquifer® is an iron controlled release suspension product,
exchange resins which were coated with a hybrid coating designed to provide supplemental iron as once-a-day
comprising of a barrier coating containing a polyvinyl dosage form in a pleasant tasting liquid form. The iron in
acetate polymer and a plasticizer and an enteric coating to the ferrous state is bound to a sulphonic acid ion-exchange
avoid drug release in the stomach at acidic pH. Enteric resin. The rationale for developing this product is to
coating is provided so that the drug gets released in the prevent high concentrations of iron in the stomach, which
intestinal pH ( higher pH). This barrier coating and may cause gastrointestinal distress. The iron-resin
enteric coating also provides a favorable abuse resistant complex serves perfectly for this purpose because not more
property to the formulation. Ion exchange resin helps in than 25% of the iron in the iron-resin
sustaining the release of drug from the resin 18.

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Table 3: Commercial formulations containing ion exchange resin

Brand name Drug Ion exchange resin
NovoNorm (Tablets) Repaglinide Polacrilin potassium
Lertus (capsules) Diclofenac sodium Cholestyramine
Tussionex Hydrocodone bitartrate and Polistirex
(Extended release suspension) Chlorpheniramine
Penntuss Codeine and Chlorpheniramine Polistirex
(Extended release suspension) maleate
Delsym Dextromethorphan Polistirex
(Extended release liquid for cough
Nicorette Nicotine Polacrilex
(Nicotine gum)
Liquifer Iron (Ferrous state) Polystyrene sulfonate
(Iron supplement)

Table 4: Indion resins for oral formulations41.

Resin type INDIO Matrix Function Standard Particle Moisture Total Applications
N type al group ionic form size content exchange
desig- mm % capacity
nation (meq/ml)
Weakly 204 Crosslinke ―COO― H+ <0.15 ≤5 10.0* Taste masking of bitter
acidic d drugs such as
cation Polyacryli Norfloxacin,
exchange c Ofloxacin,
Famotidine etc.
Weakly 214 Crosslinke ―COO― H+ <0.15 ≤5 10.0* Taste masking of bitter
acidic d drugs such as
cation Polyacryli Azithromycin
exchange c
Strongly 224 Styrene ―SO3― H+ 0.2-1.2 ≤3 4.8* Sustained release agent
acidic Divinylbe in drug formulation
cation nzene
Weakly 234 Crosslinke ―COO― K+ <0.15 ≤10 - Taste masking of bitter
acidic d drugs such as
cation Polyacryli Ciprofloxacin,
exchange c Chloroquine Phosphate
etc. as well as tablet
Weakly 234 S Crosslinke ―COO― K+ <0.075 ≤10 - Taste masking of bitter
acidic d drugs as well as tablet
cation Polyacryli disintegration.
exchange c
Strongly 244 Styrene ―SO3― H+ <0.15 ≤10 4.5* Sustained release agent
acidic divinylben in drug formulation
cation zene
Strongly 254 Styrene ―SO3― Na+ <0.15 ≤10 - Sustained release agent
acidic Divinylbe in drug formulation
cation nzene
Weakly 264 Crosslinke ―COO― H+ <0.15 ≤5 10.0* Stabilisation of
acidic d Vitamin B12

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cation Polyacryli
exchange c
Strongly 284 Styrene ―SO3― Na+ 0.3-1.2 ≤70 1.0 Sustained release agent
acidic divinylben in drug formulation
cation zene
Weakly 294 Crosslinke ―COO― K+ <0.15 ≤10 - Tablet disintegrant/
acidic d taste masking. Product
cation Polymetha meets specifications of
exchange crylic Polacrilin Potassium,
Strongly 404 Styrene ―SO3― Ca++ <0.15 ≤8 - Treatment of
acidic divinylben hyperkalaemia.
cation zene
Weakly 414 Crosslinke ―COO― K+ <0.15 ≤10 - As super- disintegrant
acidic d in mouth disperse
cation Polyacryli tablets, iron & calcium
exchange c pellets.
Strongly 454 Styrene ―N+R3 Cl― >0.075- ≤12 1.8-2.2** Cholestyramine resin-
basic divinylben 45% used for lowering
anion zene <0.15- serum cholesterol
exchange 1% levels. Taste masking,
drug stabilization,
controlled release &
active ingredient.
Weakly 464 Crosslinke ―COO― H+ <0.15 ≤5 9.5* Nicotine taste masking.
acidic d
cation Polymetha
exchange crylic
*meq/dry gm
** sodium glycocholate exchange capacity

complex would be solubilized in the stomach with normal from the Eudragit ® RS 100 polymer which would
gastric fluid levels, thus allows reduced gastrointestinal possibly be an effect of interaction between the quaternary
irritation. In addition, iron in resinate form improves taste, ammonium groups of polymer and the sulfonic groups of
reduces tooth staining, and minimizes possible overdoses Amberlite®IRP 69. Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride was
as compared to conventional products19. reported to be released faster as compared to
Fluidized bed Wurster process has been recently used for chlorpheniramine and propranolol25.
coating of drug loaded ion exchange resin to form Sulfopropyl dextran ion-exchange microspheres was
microcapsules that helps in achieving prolonged release of formulated for the drug Doxorubicin as an effective
the drug. Ion exchange resin, together with a versatile delivery system for tumor treatment. Various drug release
coating material would be a possible method to prepare a rates were achieved by varying the drug loading.
variety of prolonged release microcapsules23,24. Table 1 Doxorubicin microspheres of sulfopropyl dextran showed
enlists a few examples of ion exchange resins used for significant effect on cancer cells in vitro26.
modified release formulation. For taste masking
Another approach of controlled drug delivery is to The fact that drug release from ion-exchange materials is
formulate ion exchange resin into a multiparticulate highly dependent on the physiological pH and electrolyte
system such as microspheres., bound concentration within the GI tract can be applied for taste
some water soluble cationic drug namely masking of drugs. Typically, the ionized drug and the ion-
chlorpheniramine maleate, propranolol hydrochloride, exchanger form a stable complex under buccal conditions
pseudoephedrine hydrochloride with Amberlite ® IRP 69 (pH 6.7, low ion concentration) for the relatively short
and then microencapsulated with an aqueous solvent period of exposure, making the drug unavailable for taste
evaporation method. The resins were then dispersed in an sensation. When drug comes across low pH the drug is
organic polymer solution comprising of ethylcellulose, effectively released.
poly (methyl methacrylate), Eudragit RS 100 followed by A study was conducted at Ranbaxy Laboratory for taste
emulsification in aqueous phase. The drug release was masking of Clarithromycin, an antibacterial agent, which
found to be dependent on the binding affinities of the drug is extremely bitter in taste. The research dealt with
and the resin. It was repored that there was no drug release

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development of taste masked resinate of clarithromycin water. The lack of dispersibility in water affects the
using Tulsion-335, an acidic cation exchange resin. pharmacokinetic profile of the drug. Malkowska S. et al.
Evaluation of taste masking and dissolution rate of the developed a pharmaceutical ion exchange resin with a high
drug from resin using various ratios of drug resin complex degree of dispersibility in water. The problem of poor
was carried out (i.e. 1:1, 1:2, 1:3, and 1:4) dispersibility was overcomed by granulating ion exchange
The dissolution rate studies in phosphate buffer pH 6.8 resin using a sugar or sugar alcohol and sufficient amount
showed that approximately 75 % of drug was dissolved in of water, alcohol or aqueous alcohol to facilitate
5 minutes, while in the same period the dissolution of granulation due to which the water dispersibility was found
clarithromycin from drug resin complex in 1:3 ratio was to be increased to a greater extent42.
below 50%. The dissolution of clarithromycin is thus Another problem associated with ion exchange resin,
reduced at salivary pH from the complex27. especially cation exchangers gives a sandy feel in mouth
Orodispersible tablet of Doxylamine succinate was that remains in the mouth after oral administration. The
formulated and evaluated by Puttewar T et. al. It is an cation exchange resin therapy is most popular for daily
extremely bitter drug which prevents morning sickness in potassium control in hyperkalemia resulting from chronic
pregnant women therefore it is very essential to mask the and acute renal failure and daily dose of 5 to 30g is
bitter taste. Taste masking by ion exchange resin, Indion required which is quite a large dose. Due to this large dose
234 was employed because of its better drug loading and sandy feel remains in the mouth and throat, and the
taste masking. unpleasant feel may lead to poor compliance. To combat
From the in vivo evaluation it was concluded that initially this problem a gelling agent i.e. carboxymethyl cellulose
the drug resin complex shows some degree of bitterness sodium was incorporated in the formulation which causes
but after two minute the bitter taste sensation was totally swelling without disintegration therefore, the sandy feel in
masked indicating a score 0 in degree of the mouth and throat, is reduced and the taste and easiness
bitterness37.(Puttewar T. et al.,2010). Table 2 enlists some in oral administration are both improved. The dosage form
resins used for taste masking of bitter drug formulations is granules,powders, or dry syrups, and more preferably in
Other applications the form of dry syrups43.
Ion exchange resin have the ability to enhance the rate of Incompatibilities
dissolution of poorly soluble drugs having ionizable Ion-exchange resins are incompatible with strong
properties. Complexation of Atorvastatin calcium with oxidizing agents, amines, and particularly tertiary amines.
anion exchange resin, Duolite®AP143/1093 enhanced the There is a history of major incompatibility of ion exchange
dissolution rate as well as solubility as compared with the resins with parabens like methyl and propylparaben.
untreated form38. To investigate this further Elder D et al., manufactured ion-
Resins also help in stabilization of formulations. The exchange resin development batches, Drug + Resin and
oldest example is of resinate stabilized Vitamin B12. only Resin as placebo containing different levels of
Alone Vitamin B12 has a stability of less than few months propylparaben. The percentage of free propylparaben in
but resinate stabilizes the formulation for more than 2 placebo formulations is much greater than in formulations
years. Problems of handling deliquescence material while containing drug substance. This study proved that the drug
formulation can also be solved by resinate complex resin complex binds to the parabens and there is a
formation. Sodium valproate which is known to be highly decreased concentration of propylparaben in drug resin
deliquescent, when complexedwith various ion exchange formulation as compared to the placebo. Hence
resins, remains free flowing while the pure drug liquefies preservative to be used in the resin formulation must be
under the same conditions39. chosen carefully to avoid incompatibilities44.
Certain resins also have therapeutic applications such Characterization and evaluation of resinates
ascholestyramine, acts as a bile acid sequestrant. It acts by By monitoring the DSC curves of the drug resin complex,
removing bile acids from the body and hence lowering characterization of the resinate complex can be done. FTIR
cholesterol levels. Some examples of marketed spectrum of the complex can be analyzed. Micromeritic
cholestyramine formulations properties of the resins like shape, bulk density, flow
are Questran, Prevalite, Cholestyramine Light, Questran properties, tap density, packing ability can be studied to
Light40. Another example of a therapeutic resin is sodium enhance easy formulation17.
polystyrene sulfonate which is a cation exchange resin In vitro testing of the drug resin complexes can be done on
used to treat hyperkalemia. It affects the exchange of column and batch exposure of the resinates to the
sodium and potassium in the body. Kayexalate is a simulated gastric fluid and simulated intestinal fluid6.
marketed formulation of sodium polystyrene sulfonate. In vivo testing of the drug includes serum concentration
Some examples of commercialized formulations level determination, urinary excretion, and toxicity. The
containing ion exchange resins are listed in table 3. Table complex will release the active content only when it is
4 enlists pharmaceutical grade Indion resins for oral replaced by the ion which has the same charge. In addition,
formulations along with their properties and various release is not instantaneous, and the drug must diffuse
applications. through the resin from the internal exchange sites. After
Challenges in formulation the counter ion exchange process is complete, the resin will
One of the major drawbacks of ion exchange resin simply be eliminated from the body with whatever
formulation is that they are not sufficiently dispersible in

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