Brozer Island of War and Winter 1.0
Brozer Island of War and Winter 1.0
Brozer Island of War and Winter 1.0
A Fantasy Braunstein
“These things which are new are wont in the beginning to be set forth rudely and formlessly and must
then be polished and perfected in succeeding centuries. Behold, the art which I present is new, but in
truth so old, so spoiled and defiled by the barbarians, that I considered it necessary, in order to
introduce an entirely new form into it, to think out and publish a new vocabulary, having gotten rid of all
its pseudo-technical terms (pseudo-categorematis) lest it should retain its filth and continue to stink in
the old way, but since till now ears have been little accustomed to it, it will be hardly avoidable that
many will be offended and frightened away at the very threshold.””
—François Viète
WHY IS OUR BRAUNSTEIN SCENARIO FREE?* ............................................................................. 8
Running Your First Faction Braunstein ............................................................................................. 10
Brozer: Island of War and Winter ...................................................................................................... 16
A Brief Introduction on the Factions and Faction Play....................................................................... 19
Faction Breakdown ........................................................................................................................... 20
Major Factions ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Chaz and the Elves .......................................................................................................................... 23
The Conclave of Six ......................................................................................................................... 25
The Exquisite Inquisition ................................................................................................................... 27
Ferigno ............................................................................................................................................. 29
Frogtown .......................................................................................................................................... 31
The Norland Reavers ....................................................................................................................... 33
Prefect Suromus Drakon Invictus, Hammer of Rome....................................................................... 35
Minor Factions ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Green Martians of Little Panar .......................................................................................................... 39
Ises Glisel......................................................................................................................................... 41
Pilgrims of the Holy Destruction ........................................................................................................ 43
The Rat King’s Court ........................................................................................................................ 45
Sir Broger de Braunville .................................................................................................................... 47
Swoleceror Summit .......................................................................................................................... 49
Yuun Dineh The People of Yuun ...................................................................................................... 51
Map of Brozer ................................................................................................................................... 53
Appendix BRO.................................................................................................................................. 54
Battle Rules for Old School Fantasy Games ..................................................................................... 55
By Gabe Mamola and “Contorted Trash”
The true Common Good, contrary to the collectivist the RPG hobby space, a tension between those
chants of zombies and globalists, consists of those who want to build communities and friendships
goods which are not reduced by being distributed. through PLAY—and those who would like to
Such common goods as justice, health, education, sustain themselves through publishing. The ethoi
faith, and leisure are not only not used up the more that these two approaches inherently entail are, in
that people enjoy them, they are increased by their purest forms, in direct contradiction with each
being shared. other.
Movements like the OSR and other indie scenes A Braunstein is a game, or, more properly, a mode
within the broader RPG community developed with of play that involves multiple actors operating in
a DIY—at times even punk—ethos as a reaction to conflict under a fog of war that pits players
the extreme corporatization of D&D and RPGs in against one another in a highly fluid and dynamic
general. RPGs are a very difficult product to build RPG environment of thrilling chaos. This modal
a profitable business model on; once someone chaos is endemic to the game—it cannot be
understands the principles of the game, and grabs removed through railroaded modules like can be
a set of dice, they're set for life—so long as even done with conventional D&D. And, it is precisely
the faintest breath of creative spirit animates them. this player vs player chaos that gives any
Consistent market growth—despite corporate Braunstein (INCLUDING THIS ONE!) its replay-
monopolies and monetized gaming “cultures”—is ability. The same scenario will play out significantly
a near impossibility. This is a central tension within differently every time it is played.
1The print editions of Brozer, while not free, are offered at-cost with the minimum allowable price set by the printers.
—P. Alexander
David Wesely, its creator, is still running his FREE! in its entirety! to give those who are
Braunstein scenario set in the fictional republic of interested what they need to play a Braunstein for
Banania annually at Arnecon and other themselves &, in so doing, derive an
conventions more than 50 years after he first understanding of HOW to apply the PRINCIPLES
conceived of and ran it! And by all accounts, the of GOOD ROLEPLAYING contained in the
enjoyment that those who have played with him Braunstein mode of play.
derive from the scenario is something more than
mere historical interest. Consider it our, the BROSR’s, contribution to the
Common Good—and our attempt to pay to David
This game is not just fun in and of itself, but will Wesely the best that we can offer (and that his
dramatically alter and improve how people interact generous discovery deserves): honor as the head
with their favorite game systems, even the stupid and originator of a new and vital tradition within the
ones. It can take a shriveled-up, lost cause of a human arts. While David Wesely created the
campaign and breathe new life into it with ease! Braunstein long ago in the midwestern gaming
Braunstein play contains the very essence of scene, the RPG consumers of recent years left it
RPGs in a distilled form. This is because it is the muddy in a gutter. The BROSR has picked up the
Mother of RPGs. crown of the Braunstein, reverse engineered it
back into relevance with years of real campaign
The Braunstein is the womb of our hobby. Would play and debates. We wish our gaming forefathers
you sell your own mother? would have passed this crown on to us, that we
wouldn’t have had to rediscover it. But we did. And
Major David Wesely introduced into our world an there is no chance we will make the same
activity worthy of the Midwestern wargaming mistakes of our gaming forefathers by letting the
culture he was steeped in, worthy of the American Braunstein rot in obscurity. So the Braunstein is
imagination, and worthy of the sacred character of ours now; but also yours!
human leisure that crowns the seven-day week. It
is a new (relative to the history of human culture) Now, go PLAY, young Brozer, and play well . . .
—Gabe Mamola and “Contorted Trash,” 2024
This booklet is offered for
Running Your First Faction Braunstein
By Jeffro Johnson
That’s it! That is what Braunstein is. It’s a very, their character is doing. While you are doing
very simple idea. It is also unlike anything that that, all the other players are plotting and
anyone has been doing with D&D for forty years at scheming and negotiating in the other room or
least. You think that is an exaggeration? Well, hey, voice channels. Time can be fluid and strange
I can prove to you that it isn’t. Just ask people that with this method with the precise order of
play a lot of D&D what they think of “PvP”. They all events happening based on loose referee
say the same thing. “Oh, we used to do a bit of rulings and judgment calls. Freeform gameplay
that, but there were too many hard feelings and we like this can end up leaving some players in the
agreed to not allow it.” And so it went. At table after cold. With in-person games with a strict time
table, countless adventuring parties transformed limit, however, this approach allows the referee
into a Fellowship of the Getalong Gang. Everyone to focus on the most interesting gameplay
locked-arms and then strolled off into whatever elements, devise a climatic scenario around
narrative their Dungeon Masters had devised. The them, and then provide players with a satisfying
Big Bad Evil Guy and all of his allies and minions conclusion before everyone goes home.
in the tower just over the next hill were all run II. An alternative to this is to set up very strict turns
entirely by the referee. As often as not, their that may even represent a specific length of
stratagems and even their stats were all rigged just game time. Taking a page from En Garde and
so that the players could beat him with their last hit Gangbusters, players turn in written orders that
point. detail their intentions for the turn. The referee
surveys these orders, determines what things
I’m not sure who exactly decided that that was need to be played out and then calls together
D&D. Arneson didn’t play that way. Heck, the old players that are in conflict with each other in
D&D rules from the 1970’s didn’t describe a game order to determine the outcomes of any
like that, either. But somehow and for a long time schemes or battles. This method may feel fairer
it was very, very hard to discern just what exactly to more players, but this may come at the cost
those rules said. The thing that everyone had of requiring more referee time and effort to keep
decided that D&D was was just too self-evidently things moving. The big downside to this method
The Way™ for anyone to even be able to imagine is that if even one key player disappears for a
that it was anything other than what it had become. weekend or else consistently drags their feet on
At least, that was the case until our getting their instructions in, everything else in
aforementioned group of scrappy and notorious the campaign can be held up for who knows
AD&D gamers came along and flipped the table on how long.
business as usual in tabletop RPG campaigns. III. A final approach is to attach the game calendar
[See “How to Win at D&D” for more details on this. directly to the real world calendar, communicate
– editor] with all players virtually through discord chats,
cell phone instant messages, and/or social
But never mind that for now. How exactly do you media direct messages. Any action can be
run a Braunstein? Well, it turns out that there are declared to the referee at any time and for game
all kinds of ways you can do it. Every way seems purposes at the precise second that the referee
to produce the same chaotic gameplay dynamics receives a comprehensible and actionable
and astonishing events that we hear about in the order. This method can most easily scale up to
legendary Braunstein games of old. However, handle large numbers of players and can
there are tradeoffs to each approach. produce the most intricate and multifaceted
gameplay events, but it is easily the most
I. You can get all of your friends over to your demanding upon the referee. This style of play
house or on a discord server. You can then doesn’t just cause referees to burn out. It can
meet with them one at a time to discuss what be so demanding on players that many of them
will end up only playing once a year after such option for harnessing the talents of a large group
an experience. of high-quality players.
Which approach is best for you? That will depend Sometimes people don’t interact because they just
on your resources and the nature of your friend don’t know each other. If you are playing online,
group. At the moment it appears that Method III then make sure that the player rosters are pinned
has fallen out of favor. Method II is likely easiest somewhere. If you are running with a weekly
on a referee that is running things in a virtual or written order cycle, don’t assume that people are
“sessionless” campaign. I think I would thinking about your game all the time. You are
recommend Method I if you are intent on getting going to have to bang the drum a little and make
significant conflicts resolved in under six hours sure people are staying engaged. If a big enough
with a decent sized group of people all together chunk of your players have checked out thinking
either in person or on a Discord voice channel. that no one will notice if one or two people phone
it in, then your game is toast. You will face the
How precisely you go about running a Braunstein ignominy of having run a big time Braunstein event
isn’t really that important. Again, there are a lot of that stalled out due to player inattention and
ways to set one up. There is more than one way to referee incompetence. Don’t let it happen to you!
do it. But however you go about it, there is one
thing that is absolutely critical. You have to get the Seriously, though, the reason that these types of
players to interact with each other and they have games are the talk of the town is that something
to interact a lot. magical happens when the players flip from being
attuned to whatever is in the referee’s head to
This is not a typical roleplaying game where suddenly becoming intrigued and obsessed with
everything about the world is routed through a what is going on in several other players’ heads.
single game master who has a clear preplanned This stuff can get intense. Weird coincidences will
scenario in mind and each and every action in the happen. Things will transpire that are better than
game is inspected by him and overseen by him anything a referee could come up with on his own.
and adjudicated by him directly. This is a game People will freak out when their fortunes reverse or
where multiple scenarios develop out of the when the ally that they depend most upon turns out
players’ interactions with each other. If the players to be setting them up to take a fall.
aren’t interacting, then the game WILL NOT
WORK! This is not like other games.
There are many ways that this can go wrong and Something happens when you get a critical mass
the canny referee will take measures to head these of people acting independently, scheming,
things off. Many players taking up a faction for the plotting, negotiating, forming alliances, breaking
first time after years of playing in conventional style alliances, and stabbing people in the back. Yes, it’s
D&D campaigns will reflexively pull back. The idea true that there are moments where people get so
of building up a stronghold or a kingdom is so in character as they roleplay their dealings that you
compelling, many players will get lost in devising could dismiss the entire exercise as a glorified
each and every aspect of its culture, terrain, and LARP. And it’s true, when orders of battle are
fortifications. Whole groups of players are liable to drawn up when a group of forces have met in hex
get so hung up on this stuff that they will 1807, no one would fault you for insisting that this
collectively demand that the referee dedicate the was a wargame that is not terribly different from
entirety of his free time to more or less overseeing the BattleTech campaigns people threw together
a dozen or more ongoing solitaire games. This is way back in the nineties. And if someone peeked
clearly a poor use of referee effort and not the best in on the game and noted that every single
interaction that came to the referee’s attention was the campaign and you will find that you no longer
resolved by following as painstakingly as possible have all the answers. It’s going to feel very
any and all of the rules that are contained within different from the way it was when you ran role
the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide or Classic playing games before. You are no longer the all-
Traveller Books 1-3, then there are few people that powerful Dungeon Master with godlike powers
would be willing to contradict you if you were to over an imaginary world. You have been reduced
declared that this was still just a roleplaying game to being a mere referee, sorting out conflicts and
and there is nothing really special about any of it. disputes between players as they are brought to
Yet the fact remains, this is not like other games.
When you combine collaborative setting Don’t panic.
development, independent activity, negotiating in
character, very earnestly attempting to play a role Your players don’t know everything that is going
in character, navigating a conflict involving eight or on, either. They still need you. Everything appears
more sides each with subtly different objectives, completely chaotic, but a whirlpool-like Lorenz
making daring strategic decisions under fog of war attractor is at work drawing key players into a
and then playing out the titanic battles which particularly dramatic conflict. In the early stages of
emerge from those choices—something special a Braunstein, the referee will be struggling to
happens. Everyone has done individual elements convey just what exactly is going on, describing
of this type of gaming in board games and RPG what the players’ roles are, trying to set up key
campaigns and con events. But very few people one-on-one interactions that encourage people to
have combined them all once, mastered them, and get moving. When a critical mass of players begin
then moved between the various play modes as engaging with each other directly, the referee will
developing circumstances dictate. switch to just trying to keep up with all of the things
that are happening. Somehow and eventually, the
You are about to become someone who has. players’ collective activity will take a turn. The
many independent threads of activity begin to
What can you expect to discover? That something converge in maybe two or three areas of the game
tremendous was missing from Dungeons & world concurrently.
Dragons for a span of about forty years. That the
gameplay dynamics that emerged when Major Some players are going to be left out in the cold.
Wesely first began experimenting with Braunsteins Maybe they will have played too cautiously. Maybe
will happen at your table, too. That players are cutthroat players will take them out of the game on
liable to get hooked on games that utilize these turn one in a ridiculous scene that plays out in a
ideas, texting each other constantly and blowing completely unexpected manner. Maybe they did
up the referee’s direct messages. That sections of every single thing right and the titanic events have
the old D&D manuals that you never had a use for just happened to have passed them by. It
have suddenly become essential to holding happens. Hey, Tyche’s a fickle mistress! Don’t get
everything together. worked up over this. The players this happens to
will forgive you eventually. Maybe. Either way, you
The biggest thing you have to get ready for is the will have so many people begging to play with you,
capacity for this type of gaming to get completely you won’t notice if they don’t!
out of control. Players will start making things up,
working out things about the world, and deciding Seriously, though, when these Braunstein games
that certain things have happened without running reach a crescendo-like intensity, it becomes time
every detail of it past you first. People will start for a referee to take a much stronger hand in the
asking you about what precisely is happening in proceedings. He will identify the flashpoints of the
most intense activity and then meet with each as NPC’s for every other player in the game!
participant involved with them to nail down and
clarify what they think is happening there and what You will have your hands full, however. You are
they intend to do. If other players are on the fringes liable to be running two or three of these types of
of these proceedings, he will investigate to see if scenarios at once. This might be concurrently if
there is any way that he can involve them in the you are running the game sessionless. If you have
developments as a sort of wild card actor—the everyone together either online or in person, you
more the merrier, after all. Finally, he will take the may end up running one situation while everyone
faction details and the player decisions and sits around waiting for you to bring everybody back
translate them all into something that can be to the main group. Either way, if there is a way to
adjudicated with whatever RPG ruleset is being get some kind of dedicated battle referee that you
used to run the event. can hand things off to while you go check in on
other players, then you should look into that. If your
This is an art, not a science. You want to be true group as a whole is adept enough and trustworthy
to the intent of the players. You want to incorporate enough, you could conceivably delegate some
as many players as possible and as many things scenarios to the players that are involved to sort
that have been introduced into the campaign as out amongst themselves.
possible. If there is anything that has soaked up
session time or any sort of unresolved adventure Probably the most crucial thing is being willing to
hook that can be brought to bear upon the call the game when it becomes clear that some
proceedings, it should be done. If there is any new status quo has been achieved. Braunsteins
conceivable excuse that any variety of Chekhov’s tend to go hot and then cool down quickly after a
gun element in the game ceases to languish on the few decisive things have occurred. Things tend to
sidelines or else remain part of a static backdrop, work well with them when everyone is just starting
then it should have a fair chance of going off as the out, but the more obsessive people get with the
various forces of the players collide. As far as is proceedings, the more important it is to bring
possible, too, you want to be faithful to the game things to some kind of conclusion as quickly as you
rules that you are running with and everything that can. It will be way more fun to have a climatic battle
has ever happened in the campaign thus far. when everyone is still excited about the game than
Finally, you want to be sure that everything the it will be to have to chase people down and bully
players are bringing to the table are consistent with orders out of them when they are past ready to
their roles, their characterizations, and everything move on to other things.
that has become “canon” about these individuals
over the course of play. Now, if you are a student of RPG history, some of
this may sound a little odd to you. You might recall
It’s not as hard as it sounds. If you have run RPGs that the original Braunstein was a one-shot while
where the players have any amount of autonomy what I am talking about here is incorporating
such that they routinely go outside the bounds of Braunstein scenarios into ongoing RPG
anything you have prepared, then you should be campaigns. You might be aware that players have
right at home developing these sorts scenarios described the rules for adjudicating the convention
from Braunstein style gameplay. The only real games that Major Wesely has put on as more or
difference is that you have players facing off less amounting to “just ask Wesely”—while I am
against each other rather than players cooperating here saying to just use the RPG system of your
to overcome a world of NPC’s which are all played choice instead. Heck, you might even recall that
by the Dungeon Master. If it helps, just pretend that the point of the original Braunstein was to trick a
there aren’t really any NPC’s involved in the wargame club into trying out an experimental
session but that instead, the players are all serving game. There was supposedly going to be a
miniatures battle that was going to get played out have no magazine articles or blog posts outlining
after a sort of freeform pregame, but Wesely had how to do it and championing its unique properties
no intention of following through with that. over and above more conventional approaches to
Meanwhile, I am saying that Wesely’s Braunstein running D&D campaigns.
concept works brilliantly for just that very thing—
generating battle scenarios of all types ranging For our part, we hope everything in this game
from man-to-man shootouts on up to large battles module gets you on your way in experiencing this
with hundreds of men or monsters on a side. completely new form of gaming. Or perhaps we
should say a completely old form of gaming.
It’s fair to ask if this really can be a Braunstein if
the details and the contexts are so different. But Enjoy!
seriously, it’s kind of dumb if you think about it. A
D&D campaign is comprised of lots of individual
games. You could have different parties executing
dungeon delves all over the map. You could also
have people running strongholds playing out
miniatures battles at multiple places on the very
same map. It is not a tremendous stretch of the
imagination to consider setting Braunsteins of
various types within the continuity of such an
ongoing campaign. Indeed, there is plenty of
evidence within the old rulesets themselves that
D&D was originally intended to be played in
something like this manner from its inception.
In a long-term ongoing campaign with 1:1 and game world was being generated.
Jeffrogaxian Timekeeping, many inciting incidents
will occur. Your job as a Referee of a real campaign In a real ongoing RPG campaign players who
is to keep your eyes open for these and deliver a generate a Faction will likely have some past
great Session Braunstein when it happens. This campaign plot point or NPC to go off of and will
module, then, can be a training tool! simply need a little guidance on generating it for play.
“What does the McGuffinstone do?” “How do I decide who won the Brozer
It does whatever you need it to do. If a Faction Leader Braunstein?”
comes to you and says “I think the meteor can be As a Referee you’ll need to use your best judgment.
used to cast a Wish spell” you ponder this claim and The BROSR has tried many different ways of
(if they get the McGuffinstone in hand) you decide on “scoring” Braunstein sessions but fast and loose has
and roll a percentage chance that this is in fact true. proven to be the best. Having a scoring system of
Some Faction descriptions have ideas of what the “claiming this hex resource for 5 points” or “do this or
Leader thinks the McGuffinstone might do for him. that for 10 points” has been more likely to cause
players to take very stupid actions, turtling up, and
“Where is the McGuffinstone?” playing this more like a board game than an RPG.
You should decide. Look at the Factions that are Terrible!
being played in your Session Braunstein and pick a
location on the map which you believe will cause the When you run your session Braunstein it will likely be
most PVP Convergence. It may be best to put it close obvious who won it and it will also likely be clear who
to a particular Faction. It may be best to put it right in was second or third place.
the middle of all the Factions being played. It’s really
up to you, the Referee. Your goal is to spur on PVP The way a Faction leader wins the session
action, not PVE turtling. Focus on this! Braunstein might be a completely new objective and
goal he gives himself that has nothing to do with
In fact, a Braunstein session is nearly impossible to what’s written in these pages. But you may not be
mess up. While running it you will think you’re doing able to deny the player won!
a terrible job. You’re not. Your players are likely
having a blast! Embrace this too. If you’re running this as part of a real ongoing RPG
campaign we recommend rewarding the first through
“How do I make my own Factions?” third place winners with experience and free training
You may wonder how the BROSR came up with all for their legacy PC. Make this reward public at the
the great Factions in this work. How we came up with beginning so players are encouraged to play their
the size and strength of the armies and the like. It’s Faction role to the hilt even if it might hurt their legacy
easy! You make it up. PC.
Most of the stats and resources for the factions were Conclusion
rolled up randomly using the manual of monsters If it isn’t already clear; you and your players will soon
from a particularly famous advanced RPG game. realize Braunstein style play is FOUNDATIONAL to
tabletop roleplaying. Not only that; it’s much more fun
For this module we came up with the Faction idea than conventional approaches to gaming.
first and then determined with monster entry would
best fit the faction then rolled those. Goals and So it’s time to become elite. It’s time to leave the
Enemies and the like were determined as the Faction conventional behind. It’s time to BRAUNSTEIN.
A Brief Introduction on the Factions and
faction play
By P. Alexander (Cirsova)
I was brought in relatively late on the project with I personally recommend starting with the Major
the task of doing cleanup on factions, organizing groups, all of which feature fairly robust troop lists
information, and trying to standardize the text a bit and strong commanders, and adding in Minor
better, all while putting Brozer into layout. factions if you have more players, particularly
experienced players up for unique challenges.
Each faction was written by a different author who These factions are much smaller but have some
had a somewhat different approach in creating a fairly interesting facets that could make them
faction, even within (and sometimes outside of) the power brokers and kingmakers in the battle for
guidelines that Bdubs provided. I’ve tried to bring Brozer. Note that even within the Major factions,
factions into a somewhat similar look and feel there will be imbalances of power, leading to
without losing the unique flavor each contributor asymmetrical scenarios and asymmetrical
brought to their faction. warfare, but it really is anyone’s game!
Really, though, the two most important things for If you’re just trying Brozer out for the first time and
each entry is the basic vibe / feel of who the faction looking for a very simple introduction to the
is and the number and character of the troops they concept, the Conclave of Six acts as a mini-
possess. There are some items, semi-system Braunstein unto itself.
neutral stats, and other stuff for flavor, but if need
be, you can throw all of that out, go by named Each faction takes up a single double-sided page.
characters’ class and level or the troop type and If you want some real fog of war, don’t share the
extrapolate out what you need from whatever whole book with your players. Print the factions as
system you’re running. hand-outs or tear them out of the book and hand
them off to players.
If you’re a 1e guy, look at a monster manual entry
for a wilderness encounter; largest size Don’t let players get too hung up on any baked-in
encounters will typically give you a sample intrigues or backstories; they should be able to just
command structure with a leader and mooks. run with the obvious themes each faction
That’s really the core element of faction play for represents. Brozer is about the concept, not the
use with Braunsteins. metastory; the factions are samples to get you
started and get you and your players’ imaginations
The factions of Brozer are divided into two groups, turning.
Major and Minor.
Faction Breakdown
Major Factions Minor Factions
Chaz and the Elves: Chaotic Neutral. Mysterious The Green Martians: Neural Evil. Large four
elves of folklore and deep magic whose goals are armed aliens from beyond the stars. Their goal is
indecipherable. Difficult to find and difficult to trust. to port more of their number to Brozer through their
teleportation navigation tech. Take captives of
Conclave of Six: Neutral Good. Ancient union of Good forces.
six cavemen tribes. They have a naturalistic and
simple worldview; looking to maintain their hunting Isus Glisel: Chaotic Evil/insane. Powerful snow
ranges. nymph of siren songs attended to by ghostly
blizzard knights. Her goal is bringing the great frost
The Exquisite Inquisition: Good but rumors say giant Vallug back from suspended animation.
they are open to a dark shift! Insanely zealous
Inquisitors of the Roman pantheon. Their goals are Pilgrims of the Holy Destruction: Lawful Good.
to subjugate natives and destroy all heresy on Recently arrived peasants with their guard on a
Brozer. holy pilgrimage to destroy an evil artifact with the
power of the McGuffinstone.
Ferigno the Green Dragon: Chaotic Evil/lazy.
Ferigno is a green dragon and an embodiment of The Rat King’s Court: Lawful Neutral to True
elemental evil. His goal is to acquire more treasure Neutral. Weirding psychic rats that infest the island
and confound the forces of Good. and act as spies and assassins for those who pay.
Frogtown: Neutral evil. Horde of Frogmen who Sir Broger de Braunville: Lawful Good. Medieval
want to turn the island to a giant cozy swamp and knights who arrived on Brozer in a spaceship.
build moonpools. They are looking for a way to fix/power up their
ship to go home to England.
Norland Reavers: Neutral Evil to Chaotic Evil.
Crew of pirates looking to take slaves, riches, and Swoleceror Summit: Lawful Good. Wizards of
sacrifices for their dark sea goddess Cthaylor. great physical strength and training led by Hans
Frazen. Looking to acquire magic scrolls and
Prefect Drakon: Lawful Good. Faction of artifacts to keep them out of the hands of the weak.
militaristic Romans looking to bring the humans of
Brozer under the Lawful umbrella of the empire. Yuun Dineh: True Neutral. Druidic eskimo looking
to prevent the rise of Vallug te Frost Giant and Kill
Isus Glisel the witch.
Chaz and the Elves
By @BDubs1776
Magical Elf warriors and a small group of Hippogriff Location: The Elves have established a fine tree
riders. fort among the nicest pines they could find on
Brozer. After its completion they enjoyed many
The Elf stat block is as follows: months of mirth-making and weirding songs to
1+1 WD, HC as armor/shield shown below. celebrate the swaying northern lights.
Abilities: Surprise their opponents 67% of the time
by moving silently in nature. Invisible by blending Goals: Chaz wants to establish an emerald city
into nature if they do not move at all. +1 attacking made only for fey. He also wants to open a portal
with Bows. Can move, missile fire, and move again to Elfland so more elves can come under his
in a round. They are 90% resistant to charm and eventual kingship. He wants to eliminate the
sleep spells. They can see in the dark 60 feet. Exquisite Inquisition as they are humans with an
unwarranted antipathy towards elves and fey.
20 sword and bow, scale mail. Unacceptable!
30 sword and spear, chain mail and shield.
20 sword, chain mail and shield. Notes: Chaz’s elves are based primarily on “The
10 two handed sword, chain mail. Broken Sword” and “Three Hearts Three Lions” by
30 spear, chain mail and shield. Poul Anderson, my favorite fantasy author. These
30 bow, scale mail. elves also crib deeply from “The King of Elfland’s
20 hippogriff riders. Spear and bow, ring mail. Daughter” by Lord Dunsany. I recommend reading
160 Female Elves: See “The Broken Sword” for at least one of these before attempting to run Chaz
information about how to play them. and his elves.
The Conclave of Six
By P. Alexander (Cirsova), w/Ryan Howard
● 100 Cavemen reimagining of the United Caveman Federation
● 100 Females [fight as Cavemen-1, morale from Jeffro’s Trollopulous game. Thanks to input
-2 except when defending caves and from Ryan, the tribes are less homogenous than
children] they were in that particular game, however this
● 50 Children [ranged combat only and also means that the Conclave is potentially its own
cannot leave caves] mini-Braunstein. The different lifestyles of the
differing tribes can lead to either synergy or
Cavemen are armed with the following: friction. Both the Bulls and the Spears are
Spear + Stone Axe - 10% advancing towards civilization, one through
Stone Axe Only - 20% domestication of livestock, the other through
Spear Only - 20% organization and martial skill. Together, this is a
Club - 50% powerful combination. Without external pressures
to unite them, would the Bulls face predation from
Women & Children: other tribes? Is that Roc stealing their cattle?!
Short spear - 20%
Sling - 20% This element of internal tension is key to
Thrown/Improvised - 60% preventing the Conclave from being a static faction
in isolation despite the overall worldview of the
Each caveman is equal to two normal men and cavemen.
add +1 to damage for their strength. Women fight
as F1[Cavemen-1] and children as normal men. This faction is heavily inspired by the 1962 film,
Women and children do not add strength bonus. “Fire Monsters Against the Son of
Hercules/Maciste Against the Monsters”, in which
Tribes that Caius stays with can recruit any Lost a tribe of nomadic sun worshippers are raided for
World Encounter creature types they can “capture” their women by a tribe of moon-worshiping
once a month during a Great Hunt. cavemen and their cannibal allies. While the earlier
incarnation of the United Caveman Federation
All tribes may attempt to recruit their special type also owes a lot to Grug Wojak memes, this version
once per month. [Note: there is only one Roc.] is potentially a little more serious.
Location: Near central mountain/jungles, access The differing caves give a player a lot of flexibility
to as many adjacent terrain types as possible. as to how to approach the tribes’ philosophical
underpinnings and thus flexibility for numerous
Goals: Most of the Cavemen have a naturalistic playstyles. This faction could be run either as
and simple worldview that manifests as Neutral dynamic and potentially warlike or freewheeling
Good. Their primary goal is to maintain their and lackadaisical, or anything in between,
hunting ranges. Most of the tribes are not depending on which of the caves grabs your fancy.
expansionist, however the Bulls often require It even allows for a player who is willing to play
increasingly large grazelands as their mastery of against his own interests in the name of fun,
herd domestication grows. The Cavemen should any one cave prove more interesting to play
especially hate the Tharks and the Pirates who than the caves as a whole or should any one chief
raid for slaves. They dislike but respect the Tribal prove more worthy than Caius. A Conclave civil
Chief. They like that Frogtown Frogs are lazy and war could be an excellent means for drawing other
like to be left alone. nearby factions into a conflict in which the
cavemen as a whole will ultimately come out
Notes: The Conclave of Six is largely a ahead.
The Exquisite Inquisition
By RDubs
Description: During the turbulent years of the 11th Grand Inquisitor Catalan was told by Enforcer
century Earth, a group of zealous inquisitors was Juan Milano that while he was raiding a faeborne
exiled through a cursed portal by a coven of village, in a moment of zealous mania, he licked
witches, thrust into the wilds of Brozer, this group the tears from an Elven Maidens cheek as she
of Clerics discovered the power that can be watched her mate burn. He claims he was
harnessed through the exquisite pain of Fae instantly gifted with a vision that depicted his death
creatures while interrogating them to locate more in the next Hut he would visit. This vision was
of the foul creatures. Developing the harvesting confirmed by his patron Deity during prayer so he
into an art the Order of the Divine Tear was ordered the next hut torched. To his shock, five
formed. Unbeknownst to The Order, their belief in warriors ran out covered in flames then dropped at
the True Gods has been corrupted through the use his feet. The blades they wielded were deadly,
of the chaos infused crystals, grown from Fae covered with a thick substance that looked very
tears, which have corrupted their faith. Dreams much like Wyvern venom.
and visions have begun to let chaotic gods
communicate with the Clerics subconsciously. The This account has spurred Grand Inquisitor
results of this communication are still unknown. Catalan to explore the cause of Milano’s vision.
His first attempt did spur him to send his riders,
The Inquisition, while a faction of their own, now along with Milano, to a location that revealed rebel
form the spiritual heart of Drakon’s expeditionary elven forces. A dream days later has led Catalan
force. These priests are relentless hunters of all to treat with an apothecary in order to strengthen
things chaotic or fae, particularly despising elves this effect. These efforts have made the capture
and other magical beings whom they see as of multiple elves to be used in these experiments
affronts to the divine order. The Inquisitors are necessary, but the powder that results from this
known to capture fae creatures and torture them to Apothecary’s process has proven of the utmost
extract their tears, which they alchemically use in trooper test subjects. Perhaps the
crystallize to power their sacred weapons and inquisitors and enforcers can make use of this.
strengthen their own divine abilities. They wield
faith as a blade, enforcing their god’s will with a mix Catalan has been informed that the Apothecary
of fervent preaching, brutal exorcisms, and militant has been successful in forming the powder into a
lawfulness. hard, crystalline mass that he would like to test on
various items. He awaits the order.
If the player should decide to partake of these
crystals or ingest of crystalline powder, these Each use of the crystalline powder grants the user
clerics begin a slow shift from Lawful to Chaotic a glimpse into the future. Should crystals be
while instantly developing an addiction to the developed they will add additional movement, a +1
chaotic powders and crystals. bonus to hit or a +1 bonus to HC determined by a
random roll. *Your Referee will provide you the
Martial troops are made of Romanesque soldiers answer to one well-formed question he deems to
supplied by the Prefect Suromus Expeditionary be within reason, note: Each use of Powder
force while Clerical troops resemble Catholic requires a roll to determine if the Characters
clergy from the 11th century alignment shifts one step toward Chaos. A shift in
alignment disallows spellcasting or the ability to be
the target of spells from the Inquisition. Mace + 1, 2 Sword +1, 3 Javelins of Lightning,
Javelin +2, 12 Bolts +2, Dust of Appearance
Leader: Grand Inquisitor Arnauta Catalan (C11)
seeks to rid the Isle of Brozer of all ungodly Potions: 2 Human Control, 2 Levitation, 2 Heroism,
creatures. He will refuse to treat with non-humans Super Heroism, Animal Control 2 Invulnerability,
that are not subservient to his cause. Faeborne
creatures are at risk when in his presence, as their 2 Spell lvl 1-6
dark energy enrages him.
WD6, +1 to Attack Roll, HC 4 (Chainmail+ 300 Heavy Footman, HC4 (Chain + Shield)
Shield/Bracers of Defense HC4), Equipment: Ring 40 Heavy Cavalry, HC4 (Chain + Shield), medium
of Djinni Summoning, Brooch of Shielding, Staff of warhorse, Sword
the Adder, Crossbow of Speed, Hammer +2, Ring 10 Heavy Mounted Archers, HC 4 (Chain + Shield)
of Mammal Control,0, 4 Bolts +2, Medium medium warhorse, composite bow, sword
Warhorse, Packet of Crystalline Powder 80 Lancers, HC 7 (Leather + Shield), lance, sword
light warhorse
Officers: 20 Light Mounted Archers, HC 7 (Leather +
All Inquisitor officers have +1 to their Attack Rolls, Shield), light warhorse, composite bow, sword,
HC 4 (Chainmail + Shield), and medium warhorses 20 Light Mounted Crossbowmen, HC 7 (Leather +
unless otherwise stated. Shield) light warhorse, light crossbow, mace
By Macho Mandalf
Description: Ferigno is a Green Dragon, an following items from his treasure hoard:
embodiment of Chaos who has recently arrived on Longsword of Dancing, Platemail +2, Shield +1,
the island from the Hollow Earth. He delights in Cloak of Elven Kind; Hammer +3, Dwarven
inflicting frustration on all who oppose him; Thrower; Scarab of Enraging Enemies (19
including monsters and humans in the service of Charges).
Law, and adventurers in particular. He has made
a pact with an otherworld entity (see BOB) which Officers: BOB the Wraith of Ages. BOB is a Wraith
has increased his power still further. He has a who came from the mists of Brozer. He appears to
dragon’s typical desire for treasure, but also a come from our modern world, wearing a denim
curious fascination with adventurers, and has used jacket and jeans and sporting a crooked Kubrik
his ability to transform his appearance to pose as grin. Some believe he may be the reason for the
one. weirding Brozer mysts and mortals’ inability to
escape the island by sea. For his part BOB speaks
Leader: Ferigno of course. Despite his chaotic little. It’s unclear why he’s aligned with the dragon
nature, he is a loyal ally to those who are of a like but as of yet neither have betrayed the other. In
mind, and will not hesitate to form a pact in order addition to BOB Ferigno schemes with the Gnoll
to advance himself and increase his power. Leader Bloodfang and Shaman Yakkar.
Ferigno is a Huge Ancient Green Dragon 10 WD, BOB: WD 8, HC 4, Damage 1d8 and energy drain
HC 2, No. of Attacks 3, Damage 2d3/2d3/2d10. (level lost), Move on foot or fly. Special abilities:
Special abilities: • No damage from normal weapons.
● Vine Aura: Units engaging in melee with • Half damage from silver weapons,
Ferigno on the ground save vs Paralyze or • Full damage from magic weapons.
are entangled by nearby vines for 2d4 turns Vineling Chief Ficus: 2 WD (12 HP), HC 7,
● Invulnerable: only hit by magic weapons Damage 1d6+1. Special abilities:
● Shape Change: (become humanoid form) • Entangle with poison spell like ability
at will • Growth of Plants spell like ability
● Breath weapon: 3/day for 80 damage. 5” Gnoll Chief Bloodfang: 6 WD (28 HP), HC 3, +3
long, 4” wide, 3” high toxic vapor cloud weapon damage
● Resistance to magic 50% Gnoll Shaman Yakkar: 4 WD (20 HP), HC 4, +2
● Dragon fear weapon damage. Divine Spells per day: 2/2
Spells: per day 4/4/2 1. cause light wounds, detect good, detect
1. Sleep, Enlarge, Charm Person, Friends magic, darkness, protection from good,
2. Alter Self, Mirror Image, Deathless Minion resist fear
(used to create undead vinelings), 2. augury, chant, detect charm, resist fire,
Invisibility snake charm, speak with animals
3. Dispel Magic, Hide from Scrying**
(prevention of discovery or information Troops:
gathering by crystal balls or other scrying Vinelings, undead humans tied and animated with
devices, clairaudience, clairvoyance. vines from Ferigno’s natural magics mixed with
Duration: 1/2 day.) BOB’s dark powers. They can be turned as
undead but never make morale checks otherwise;
When in humanoid form Ferigno will wield the
they obey BOB and Ferigno perfectly. Gnolls, about the place.
these creatures, part man and part jackal, climbed
out of the rift from the Hollow Earth and were Ferigno’s lair contains the following treasure:
convinced to give allegiance to Ferigno. They are 7,000 CP, 6,000 SP, 6,000 EP, 8000 GP, 1000 PP;
naturally bigger than human men and attack with 1 ornamental item, 6 trinkets, 2 topaz worth 500
feral abandon. gp, each; 1 diamond worth 1,000 gp, 2 bone
baseball caps worth 20 gp each, 1 alabaster
Undead Vinelings can use their viney bodies to gnome statue worth 700 gp, 1 silver party mask
move freely in trees and undergrowth and gain +2 worth 600 gp, 1 jade statue worth 900 gp, 2 crates
to HC when they do so: of glassware worth 200 gp each, 13 jackalskin rugs
• 100 1 WD, HC 5, Damage 1d6 worth 90 gp each, 30 loads of pelts worth 450 gp,
• 8 Champions 1+1 WD (8 HP), HC 6, 20 cord of hard wood log worth 100 gp
Damage 1d6+1. Special: Entangle spell Sword +1, Cursed; Longsword of Dancing,
like ability. Growth of Plants spell like Platemail +2, Shield +1, Oil of Etherealness, Cloak
ability. of Elven Kind; Hammer +3, Dwarven Thrower;
Scarab of Enraging Enemies (19 Charges);
10 Ghouls: 2 WD, HC 3, 3 attacks, Damage Cursed Potion of Delusion; Potion of ESP.
1d3/1d3/1d6 + Paralyze.
Goals: Treasure, having left much treasure in the
Adult males Gnolls can fight weaponless for 2d4 Hollow Earth, Ferigno wants more. He also wishes
damage; but also carry thrown javelins (1d6) and to discover any knowledge which he can use to his
sickle glaives (1d10) with an additional bonus for advantage in making life miserable for his
strength: enemies. In relation to these goals; he hates the
• 60 2 WD, HC 4, +1 weapon damage forces of lawful good and has a special enmity for
• 8 Champions 3 WD (16 HP), HC 5, +2 the Roman guy Drakon. Under no circumstances
weapon damage will he take part in action that aids this enemy;
• 1 Subchief 4 WD (20 HP), HC 4, +2 however, he is no dummy and will not easily be led
weapon damage into attacking Drakon unless the odds of success
• 10 Females 1 WD, HC 7, 1d6 weaponless are high. His dislike could easily spread to the
damage or spear 1d6 inquisition if they throw in with Drakon. He has an
• 40 Welps 4 HP, HC 8, 1d2 or harsh affinity for the green creatures of Frogtown, but is
language ambivalent to their goal of radically changing the
island. Equally, the green skinned Tharks are seen
Location: Ferigno’s lair, located deep within a as ally material. Of the neutrals, Ferigno respects
forest, is formed by felled trees stacked up against the information network of the Rat King and will
the ruin of an old tower. Along the trees and under likely seek to exploit it. He sees the Elves as a
them is a labyrinth of dying foliage. Only the dangerous wild card to be treated with caution, and
vinelings may charge in the lair due to all the has no opinion on the tribal humans.
ground cover which doesn’t effect them. Around
the lair is a wooden palisade containing the gnoll Notes: Ferigno does not have any strong
village; to most observers this is all that is notable Appendix N influences, hence the detailed
attitudes provided above.
By Kes
Description: Every world has a Frogtown, and on Equipment: Leather Armor, Shield, Sword +1
the Isle of Brozer, this manifested in a fissure Cursed, Cloak of the Manta Ray.
opening up in the island and a horde of vicious
Frogmen bubbling up out of the Underworld. Big-Eye is the shaman and magical advisor of
Already naturally belligerent against the hated Froganza. A powerful spellcaster and seer who
“dryskins” of the surface world, they found favors swampy, slimy, and amphibious spells.
themselves surrounded by things called “snow”
and “ice” and they hate it almost as much, even if C14, 9 HC
making yellow snow and throwing it at dryskins Equipment: Potion of Human Control, Staff of the
never gets old. They intend to channel that hatred Mage, Horn of Bubbles, Vial of Endless Salmarsh
into reshaping their hex and ultimately the island,
into a paradise more to their liking: a The Muscle Shoals Boys are five elite troops are
TundraSwamp. better trained, equipped and disciplined, and wear
fancy helmets indicating they are better than the
Leader: Froganza is the leader of this colony of ordinary frogs.
frogmen. A hulking bullfrog whose brutish
appearance hides the cunning and petty mind of a 8 WD, 8 HC
Sixth Grade Bully. A favorite punishment for Equipment: Leather Armor and Spears, fancy
criminals and outsiders is forcing them to lick helmets
flagpoles, then while the victim is stuck, beating
them with sticks. The Blind Murmurers within the Sunken Temple
of the Frog God (and at other underground
WD: 19, HC: 5, +2 Damage on all attacks religious shrines) the priest-caste of four
Equipment: Leather Armor, Shield +2, Sword +1, seemingly blind frogmen have control.They are
Ring of Water Walking, Boots of Running and actually quite stupid, but the rest of the frogmen
Jumping, Pipes of the Sewers (summons the don’t realize this and venerate them as wise
smallest types of Giant Frogs in your campaign shamans.
4+2 WD, 3 HC
Troops: The majority of the Frogtown army Special Attack: Blinding Stare (May open their
consists of rank-and-file frogmen. They are of eyes fully to emit a blinding light. Victims within a
similar strength to human soldiers but with special range of 30’ or less must save or be blinded for 11-
abilities such as jumping and camouflage. The 20 turns. Anyone with infravision must save at -3.
common frogs are strong jumpers, but rather
stupid and impulsive decision makers. The Great Froggod lurks buried deep within the
Sunken Temple. It (he?) is a tentacled, froglike
Officers, etc.: “god” with an enormous appetite. Regular
One-Eye is the marshall of Frogtown’s military sacrifices keep it satiated, but extreme
forces. Not as large or as deceptive as Froganza, circumstances could bring it to the surface world to
but still a physical menace feared by the troops cause havoc. The Frog God will not leave its
under his command. 11WD, 7 HC, +1 Damage on underground lair except under the most
all attacks exceptional of circumstances.
Goals: Brozer is a cold island covered in snow.
16 WD, 2 HC (tentacles, 4 HC (body), 6 WC Frogtown hates that, and will, through manual
(tongue) labor and any magical means they can find,
Special Attacks: Tongue Attack. (On a 19 or 20, or attempt to convert first their hex and then the rest
14 to 20 for a size Small creature) an attack with of the island, into a humid, swampy, tropical
the tongue will swallow a victim whole and will mudhole just how they like it. Given time and
suffer an immediate 4-16 points of damage from resources, they will attempt to explore the map
stomach acid. Victims can only attack inside the and/or make alliances with similar evil factions and
belly with a dagger or similar small stabbing will begin constructing Moon Pools in appropriate
weapons smaller than a short sword. Each hexes for teleportation transportation and to
successive round deals 4-16 damage to the victim. spread their influence (see: “The Moon Pool” by A.
The victim will be unconscious after the second Merritt for inspiration).
round. If the victim is reduced to -10 HP or less,
they are fully digested and cannot be resurrected. Notes: Frogtown’s obvious visual touchstone, and
Special Defenses: Immune to normal fires initial aesthetic is drawn from the 1988 Rowdy
Roddy Piper classic, “Hell Comes to Frogtown”
Troops: combined with various frog memes from the
80 Normal Frogmen: 1 WD, HC 8 due to leather internet, including Apu Apustaja memes. As for
armor. Appendix N references, the Frogs should be
treated as strange and alien as the frogmen in
Hop: All Frogmen can hop forward or upwards “The Moon Pool” by A. Merritt (though evil instead
adding +1 to their attack and dealing double of benevolent) and their culture and landscape
damage. Unless employing a long weapon such as should reflect the lost civilization of “The Face in
a spear, their attacks will always take place after the Abyss” (also by Merritt and without the
their opponents. dinosaur-riding). If given time and the opportunity,
the Frogs will attempt to build “Moon Pools” of their
Camouflage: If Frogmen are motionless in an area own which act as large teleporters that can
that allows them to blend in, a frogman is 75% transport individuals and small units from one hex
unlikely to be noticed, which also applies to to another with a known Moon Pool of its own.
detection by infravision. When attacking from a There is an inherent silliness to anthropomorphic
camouflaged state, the frogman has a 50% chance frogmen, and the faction should be played with a
of surprising its victims, or an 83% chance if using mix of bloviating posturing and short-term thinking
the hopping attack. maximized for comic effect, but also with a lot of
secrets held close to the chest. The faction player
Location: Frogtown bubbled up from the great rift needs to know more than they let everyone else
down the center of Brozer. It’s possible they and know, including allies. If faced with a difficult
their drive for Moon Pool magic may have opened choice on what course of action to take, choosing
up the rift in the first place. the funniest option is usually the correct one.
The Norland Reavers
By Night Danger
They should oscillate between humorous, Mean John: F4, Mean as he is ugly
cartoonish villainy and brutal, esoteric evil. If Ring of Mammal Control, Potion of Super-
unsure how often to change between the two, Heroism, Potion of Animal Control
simply roll a d6 each turn, with silly evil happening
on a 1-3 and horrific evil happening on a 4-6. Surly Jean: F4, Uglier than he is mean
Potion of Healing, Potion of Giant Strength, Potion
Leader: Captain Angus Macready(F8), age 42, of Extra-Healing, Potion of Polymorph Self
is a pompous, self-important JERK. He vainly
preens and maintains his image as a pirate, Cruel Juan: F4, Meaner than Jean is ugly
twirling his moustache and putting beads in his
golden tresses, but beneath this peacocking is a Ivan the Unpleasant: F4, Uglier than Juan is
slow-witted, short-sighted, violent and hateful mean
man. Given the choice, he will always take the 10 Arrows +1 (And obviously a longbow), Potion of
course of action most likely to make his enemies Heroism, Potion of Invulnerability
look stupid in the event of success, even if success
is unlikely. He fears nothing (to his detriment), and With the exception of Tu’uk the Wise, all Levelled
has come to the Isle of Brozer to collect the hide of Officers of the Norland Reavers wear Chainmail
some terrible arctic beast, to be fashioned into and carry shields and swords.
matching coats for him and his beloved harlot
Bismireldalina. If he encounters signs that his deity Troops:
CThaylor is displeased with his actions he will All regular troops are 1WD, with HC and damage
default to raiding nearby sentient populations for according to weapon and armor type.
easy money, captives and plunder. 10 Men in Chain w/ Shield, carrying swords and
Javelin +2, Ring of Mammal Control, Mace +1, 10 men in Chain, carrying swords
Ring of Protection +3, Cloak of the Elves, Pipe of 10 men in Leather w/ Shields, carrying swords
the Sewers 40 men in Leather, carrying spears
30 men in Leather, carrying axes
10 men in Leather, carrying heavy crossbows should read Lovecraft’s “The Horror at Red Hook”
30 men in Leather, carrying light crossbows. and “The Call of Cthulhu”, paying close attention
to the police raid in New Orleans in the latter. For
Location: The ship has weighed anchor along a further evil cult inspiration Robert E. Howard’s
coast and taken rowboats to make a semi- “The Devil in Iron” and Alexander Palacio’s “The
permanent base camp no more than two hexes Turquoise Serpent” are both highly recommended.
way. They have built a shrine to Cthaylor with a
blood-stained altar on the beach where they Altar of CThaylor: This dark altar is a unique magic
venerate their dark powers. item that can be used by Tu’uk the Wise (and other
spellcasting followers of CThaylor) to bestow great
Goals: The primary goal of Captain Angus is to kill power on followers of the dark goddess. The target
some sort of arctic wurm or monster that he can of the buff must be within sight of the altar and a
fashion into a trophy to impress his ladyfriend. The follower of CThaylor.
crew is along for the ride as long as plunder, slaves
and sacrifices can be requisitioned in tandem with The level of the spell is twice the level of the
the pursuit of this goal. Religious fervour for sacrifice victim (example: a character of level 3, if
Cthaylor is high, and if anything happens to sacrificed, would bestow a level 6 spell effect). The
Captain Angus, Tu’uk the Wise will take over and effects are of permanent duration but fade away
all other goals will be secondary to bringing about on a full moon. Only three effects can be active at
the manifestation of the oceanic Elder Being. a time. Trying for a fourth before a full moon resets
it all causes the altar to explode and kill everyone
They have captured 3 hostages from other factions around it. And no buff is cast.
and are seeking ransom for them, no set price, the
goal is to simply filch as much value as possible CThaylor of the Deep: She is a dark Lovecraftian
from the relevant faction. (Designers Note: The octopus goddess. Think Dagon but she’s a world-
referee and this faction player should work out who famous singer of banal pop songs. How she can
the hostages are; with an eye towards interesting be risen in your campaign and what she would do
conflict). if she is risen are up to the referee. The player of
the Norland Reavers faction can give the referee
If you feel displeased with the offers made by said ideas but it’s the referee’s choice if and how it all
factions, feel free to sacrifice the prisoners to works out. CThaylor’s strength will also be up to
Cthaylor while laughing full, hearty laughs and the referee. In our campaigns she has 24WD, is
twirling your moustache. colossal, makes 6 attacks, and is a 20th level spell
caster. You can find these exact stats in the best
Notes: These guys are not a “serious” force of evil retroclone out there; a particular book which will
because of the incompetence of their captain. soon ship with a stunning poplar slip case.
Obviously, any pirate worth his salt should be
inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson’s “Treasure If you play this module as part of an ongoing
Island”, but in practice Captain Angus will lead the campaign and CThaylor rises from the depths, we
crew in a fashion more closely resembling the recommend having her controlled as a faction as
Muppets adaptation of this work. Tu’uk the Wise is part of a session Braunstein now and then. NOT
very much the source of “Genuine” evil among the as a mindless weapon for the Norland Reavers
pirates, and to get an idea of his intentions you faction to wield at enemies.
Prefect Suromus Drakon Invictus,
Hammer of Rome
By @drakoninvictus
4 ballistae
3 light catapults
1 heavy catapult into the fold then so be it, but he would prefer to
12 longships in various states of disrepair convert them. There is zero tolerance for Chaos in
(Designer Note: I recommend reducing the a world where the dangers of such are tangible
number of usable ships for Drakon down to 1 or 2 and widespread.
if you have the Pirates faction being played; so
Drakon can’t easily overwhelm them.) Notes: Black Company is likely the strongest
influence from Appendix N. Drop-in of my longtime
Location: Walled fortress, access to shore, no Dubzaron patron. Faction is a bastion of Law and
more than 4 hexes from Exquisite Inquisition. antagonist to Chaotic factions. Has diplomatic
options with neutral factions, but from a purely
Goals: Drakon’s goal is to bring humans under the transactional perspective. Plays as the straight
umbrella of the Empire and present a unified front man, civilized presence. Maybe have market
against the fantastical world around them. If he has access for trade. Hates beastmen, especially
to crush the natives and assimilate what remains Frogtown.
Green Martians of Little Panar
By James Streissand
Description: Standing roughly 15 feet tall, these the secondary docks at the water (where captured
four-armed green aliens arrived from Mars by ships are held), then up a narrow but steep
accident mid-raid. A flaming elven vessel staircase with no ceiling (for raining missiles upon
appeared in their planet's atmosphere for all to intruders).
see. It was sure to crash; all Martian raiding parties
nearby quickly set off, each hoping the elves would Little Panar's primary exports are monster
land on their blades first. eggs/young, slaves, and their services as raiders
and operators. Green Martians frequently attempt
The first Martian raiders to arrive were red, to capture spouses, valuable officers, and passing
narrowly beating the elves to their own crash site. merchants. They dislike capturing heroes, anti-
Cargo bays opened and burning elven marines heroes, and other leader-type characters in
spilled forth to meet the Reds (now short two comparison, who if captured by accident will likely
carriers, with which the elves cushioned their ship) be sold or set as bait in an empty monster lair
in combat as all remaining crew desperately tried (65%). Green Martians maintain 4 monster lairs
to smother their fuel reserves. Most were killed in connected to Little Panar.
the melee and even fewer were left once the blaze
was under control. A second raiding party arrived, Troops: 116 green Martian warriors guard Little
green Martians who now call Little Panar home. Panar’s equal number of women and children.
They are guarded by 17 gorallions as well. When
Escape was the elves' only hope for survival. They rolling an encounter in Little Panar's hex, there is
began another fold jump and prayed it would finish a 50% chance the result is using an unclaimed lair
before Martians slew them all. Scorched wings in Little Panar (assuming it was not encountered
unfurled, balloons inflated, and boosters fired as in-lair). These lairs are the only means of
the elven vessel was carried upwards. None of the approaching Little Panar by land. Grates are
green Martian’s skiffs or carriers would rise quickly embedded deep within each lair, always on the
enough to meet the elves. Instead their ceiling so as to safely drop useless slaves or bait.
bloodthirsty leader Taj Lequor diverted all craft to
a cliff near the crash site, where they would launch Little Panar’s current chief is the R8 Taj Lequor,
off and intercept the elven vessel mid-air. Two surrounded by at least 3 of the following troop
skiffs managed to ram it, coming to a stop inside. types at all times (unless in a secret meeting):
The rest were leashed by the fold-jump and carried
on a second miscalculated jump, landing inside the (3x) F6 Sub-Chiefs
Isle of Brozer. The elves' prayers were answered; (6x) F4 Sergeants.
their last marine fell after the jump was complete. (20x) Bodyguards.
2 captive MU6
Location: “Little Panar” is the Martians’ home 1 captive I4
away from home. The elf fold-ship displaced a
cliffside in the Isle of Brozer offering the Martians Equipment: 25% of green Martians (including all
a unique seat of power. Little Panar can only be to use radium guns and carry 20 rounds of
effectively approached by sea. Any hopeful troops ammunition each. A distributor (50% chance of
or adventurers must then either scale a 40 ft cliff to being a slave) carries the rest of any group's
reach a makeshift hangar bay or fight up through ammunition. Another 25% wield a spear and two
javelins with their four arms, able to follow any placed on the defensive, Little Panar’s Martians try
spear throw with a javelin or throw a javelin to incite rebellion in the other factions through
immediately before a charge or set for charge. The capture. Officers, spouses, and those beloved by
remaining 50% wield a sword and mace each. their communities are prioritized whereas leaders
are not targets for capture (though Little Panar can
Three skiffs remain operational, as does one be paid to kill them). Not only does the capture of
carrier. The carrier must be repaired as two a leader tend to rally loyal troops and give disloyal
damaged skiffs within 6 months or be rendered troops a chance to desert, it robs the Martians of a
inoperable. chance to truly turn the target against themselves.
A good castellan is either priceless or not missed
The gorallions are a 6-armed ape species which at all. Any attempt to rescue his wife on the other
regenerate as per trolls until afflicted with poison hand can only muster a smaller force. Worse, the
or acid, and attack 6 times every 4 rounds. Their castellan can't afford to abandon her lest his
numbers may be increased by hunting down ape leadership be questioned and risk open rebellion!
and monkey-like creatures of any variety,
lycanthropes, ogres, and goblins. If bitten by a More likely the rebellion will end once the Martians’
gorallion, the aforementioned will follow the rules captives are returned to their community (50%
for lycanthropy as if they were a human chance if dead, 75% chance if returned alive).
(transforming if not cured). Rebellions themselves have a 50% chance of
paying the ransom outright (provided they have the
Three damaged skiffs are in the docks along with funds). Taj Lequar's muse for this cunning strategy
one damaged carrier. Creatures familiar with or is a chaotic elven magic user named Vythian the
composed of machinery could be used to repair a Beautiful, who bargains with Lequar in secret
skiffs with approximately 2d6 months work, every full moon to prophesize his future, enable
magical tools, and 10,000gp worth of materials. contact with Mars, and trade for secrets or elven
The green Martians hold 18,000gp worth of useful prisoners. Vythian the Beautiful's objective is to
materials for repairing these vehicles but don't spirit the elf fold-ship away to his home in Jupiter's
know it; this planet's composition and gravity gives clouds (free of any Martians).
them some difficulty when it comes to repairs.
Knight Commander Frustaz (Gelid Knight) Goal:Lure players into service or traps. Use them
WD: 6, HC: 5 to reclaim Tyrung/break its seal. Ysenna likely
Melee Attack: Long Sword knows of the Cthaylor/kong thing and may view
Tyrung as a means to deal with it. Expand into and
Troops: take the island with frost giant, troops, and
50 Gelid Knights converted units/players after the seal is
WD: 1+1, HC: 7 broken/sword is removed.
Melee Attacks: Long Sword
Notes: Kushat from Black Amazon of Mars, run by
5 Gelid Knight Sergeants Atali from Conan (Frost-Giant's Daughter/Gods of
WD: 2, HC: 6 the North)
Melee Attacks: Great Hammer
2 Gelid Knight Captains Would be fun to play as a weird or mysterious
WD:4, HC: 5 figure, leaning more into manipulating other
Melee Attack: Great Sword factions or players into doing what you want, and
making promises you won’t keep. Siren songs on
Due to the unflinching focus and obedience of the the wind might tell them what they want to hear
Gelid Knights, they do not check for morale, and and sow rumors of treasure here and there. For
each round may either make two attacks, or one enemies, it might be hard to make a move on
attack with a +2 to their to-hit. Ysenna without also giving her some advantage,
like breaking the seal to even enter the valley.
Location: Isolated and wind-scarred valley Most anyone "new" to the island would be seen as
surrounded by cliffs/mountains on one end of the some upstart obstacle to her plans. Perhaps
great rift. Tyrung and the seal caused the Great Frost that
the cavemen speak of?
Pilgrims of the Holy Destruction
By Fluid the Druid
Description: These are Pilgrims who venture to (CL5), and Hamon (CL3). Both have maces, clubs,
visit the McGuffin Stone. They dress in white and Plate & Shield (HC2). Aaron has a Ring of Fire
hooded robes emblazoned with Red Crosses. Proofing.
Otherwise, the pilgrims seem much like normal
unheroic men—if somewhat giddy with the thought The two carry her in a palanquin along with a chest
of completing their pilgrimage. The fighters among and vessels that smell of vinegar.
them wear similar white surcoats with red crosses.
They are on a holy quest (they tell everyone) to Officers, etc: Morgan le Fae is a powerful wizard
destroy an ancient evil artifact in their possession (F4/MU10) who is accompanying Emlyn. She will
that they carry in an ark that contains its evil. They introduce herself merely as “Fay” and just another
believe the McGuffin Stone can be used to destroy pilgrim. She is the true mastermind behind the
this ancient device. It is their task to find that expedition.
McGuffin Stone and expose the artifact to it to
become illuminated unto the means of neutralizing HC4 (Plate & Shield)
the artifact. Every member of the pilgrims is LE
PRF. Equipment: Protecto Ring +3, Ring o’ Spells,
Amulet of missile deflection, Illusion Wand (96
The pilgrims are peaceful and will try to avoid charges), Potions: 2 x super cure, 2 x shape
battle. The guards will protect the ark over the change, fireproof, speedo
pilgrims. However, if individuals or small groups 7 silver, 2 gold, 100 gp garnet, 25,000 gp ruby.
travel with them into the wilderness, they will
attempt to swarm them with their daggers to Tome of Spells: 1)invis valet, understand
overbear, capture or kill them. If forced to fight languages, be charming, hold door, find magic,
against troops or other monsters, they never check read magic, 2) make forget, Lock Door, 3)
morale and will attack with fanatic ferocity with gustiness, inviso 10', call monsters, 4) ice blizzard,
their daggers. make hole, make like a tree, 5) Contact Planar
Creatures, Poison Fog.
Leader: Abbess Emlynn (aka “Lynn”) the Pure Inviso Ring
(CL8). Nun Abbess. She will be the main point of
contact with the pilgrims who will keep to Guard Samson (F8), HC1 (Shield+1, Plate),
themselves. She will introduce herself as “Lynn”. Hammer +2, Autoloader Crossbow (10 Quarrels
+1), Potions: Strength, Curing
WD 8, HC -2 (Plate +3 & Shield, Protecto Ring +1)
Mace+1 Guard Joshua (F7), HC 2(Plate & Shield),
Spetum, Long sword
Note: Emlyn is possessed by a Penanggalan with
all the abilities of that creature. She inhabits the Guard David (F7), HC2 (Leather+1, [high agility]),
body of a LG PRF Nun. Note: magic will detect her Long sword+1, Dagger+1
as LG PRF.
Mattahias (F6), HC4 (Chain & Shield), Potions:
fireproof, speedo, climbo, flyo, super cure, shape
Emlynn has two body servants to assist her, Aaron change
Gideon (F6), HC1 (Chain & Shield, Protecto Ring 80 Pilgrims (WD1-1, HC10, LE PRF, dagger,
+3), 3x Electro Spears fanatic never check morale, 3D8 copper each).
Judas Maccabeus (F6), HC 4 (Chain & Shield), Location: Starting location, roll randomly for any
Spear, Long sword, Scroll: safety from magic of the known ports. They will arrive by ship and
(cursed), Potions: climbo, flyo without delay head into the wilderness seeking the
McGuffin Stone. Instead, they will head to the most
Additional guards include Omri Jephtah (F4), active volcano seeking lava.
Mesha (F2), Ahab (F2), Nemo (F2), and Saul (F1).
Each is HC4 (chain & shield), armed with Spear Goals:
and Broadsword. Openly known Goal: They bear an ancient evil
artifact that they wish to destroy.
Dismas (T7) leads a group of “Pilgrim Tricksters”. Secret Goal: It is not an ancient evil artifact but
HC4 (Leather), Short sword +1, Dagger, Cloak of King Arthur’s sword Excalibur. It is sealed in an
Teleport Nearby, Potions: super brave, animal Iron box the is locked. The lock is also trapped with
friendship, human friendship, levitation. a poisoned needle. In addition, the box has been
Wizard Locked (by a WD 8 Wizard), and the box
His tricksters include: has been marked with symbols of Fear &
Gastas (T5), HC5 (Leather), Cloak of Camo, Short Hopelessness. The box is kept in an Ark which is
Sword, Ring of Animal Control carried by four of the Pilgrims and surrounded by
Barabbas (T3), HC6, club, sling the pilgrim’s guards. Excalibur is a Holy +5
Judas (T1), HC6, dagger, club Longsword of lopful vengeance.
The RaT King’s Court
By Jon Mollison
Description: The best Braunsteins all have at Officers, etc.: The Rat King’s “Officers” have no
least one faction that operates outside the normal faces of their own. Instead, they take on the faces
rules of conflict: a neutral third party to act as of the Officers of other factions. They do not speak
information brokers, and trustworthy enough to for the Rat King for fear of exposing themselves,
make services worth the gold they charge. The Rat but use the giant rats around them to speak on the
King’s Court is not that faction. King’s behalf. The Rat King will have one wererat
spy for every two active players/factions.
While it may serve the important game function of
allowing for limited access to spycraft and For more information on how the wererats operate,
message delivery, the Rat King has goals of his see Infiltration, below. Should the need for direct
own. As with espionage and intelligence agencies combat occur, the wererats will act as the stats
everywhere, the Rat King’s Court serves his own given for the Officer whom they replaced.
interests. He may be a useful source of
information, but one should never forget the old Troops: The Rat King is protected in his home lair
adage of “trust, but verify” when dealing with him by 3-18 giant rats. In addition to these giant rats,
and his agents. each wererat is attended by 2-12 giant rats that
lurk about in the shadows. It is these giant rats who
And his agents might not be everywhere on act as the mouth of the Rat King. Using them, the
Brozer, but giant rats are. Any one of which could Rat King can speak with any faction at any time,
act as the mouth of the Rat King. but these creatures are too stupid to engage in
espionage in their own right. They cannot gather
Leader: The Rat King has no name. The Rat King information, being too dull witted to know what
needs no name. His physical appearance is that of matters, but serve the dual purpose of allowing the
a dozen giant rats whose tails are knotted in a Rat King to deliver messages among factions
gordian mess. Unlike mundane rat kings, these without the slow trekking about the world, and to
tails are fully conjoined. Though capable of limited provide cover for his Officers.
movement in a roiling, clumsy mass of giant rats,
he is physically very vulnerable. Even a child Location: Unlike the other factions on the Isle of
could stomp him to death in a moment, and should Brozer, the Rat King’s starting location must be
his whereabouts ever become known (see declared prior to the start of the game. He may
Location below) he risks being instantly killed or select any faction’s home hex as his starting
worse— bound to servitude to his captors. location and should nominate a location within that
hex for his lair. If the player chooses to make his
His physical restrictions are counterbalanced by lair within (i.e. the basement or attic of) the seat of
powerful psychic abilities. The dozen giant rats are power itself, he treats that location as subject to
not just linked to each other as a hivemind, but also Infiltration.
have the ability to reach out across the miles and
communicate instantly with others of their kind. Infiltration: Before the game begins, the Rat King
While unable to read the minds of non-ratkin, he player should also nominate half of the opposing
has used his link to other giant rats and wererats players to serve as host to his wererat spies. Even
to assemble a small and powerful force of spies before the game begins, his agents have been
who do his bidding. active in the Frozen Isle. As a result, any of that
faction’s Officers is not as listed, but is rather a as 6WD assassins. Any failed assassination
wererat agent. This entitles the Rat King player to attempt reveals the identity of the wererat to the
eavesdrop on any conversation between that faction in whose camp he operates.
player and either another player or even the
referee. Goals: The Rat King’s primary goal is survival. He
counts every time he survives to see the next dawn
The Rat King need not announce which Officer is as a win. Beyond that, he operates in the shadows
secretly a wererat. It is enough to announce that to maintain the balance of power among his two-
the faction is infiltrated. legged peers. He does not seek treasure or
reward, but only safety and security. As such, he
Instead of worrying about tracking and role-playing understands that true victory for himself comes
the interactions of replaced Officers, an infiltrated when none of the other factions can count
faction—and a player whose faction is infiltrated themselves as unambiguous winners. He may sell
will know it from the fact that another player is himself as a useful ally, but his usefulness ends
present and eavesdropping—has two choices. He should his client look to take a commanding
might opt to take advantage of having the Rat position in the fight for the McGuffinstone.
King’s ear at the cost of the Rat King knowing his
secrets. Alternatively, he might act to root out the He has no interest in shiny things such as gold and
mole-rat in his midst. baubles. His fees are instead to act as both a
source of information and a means of influence.
The cost of excising the wererat spy is left as an His agents will demand high prices initially, and
exercise for the referee. At a minimum, killing the walk them back to find out just how much a faction
wererat will also remove a random Officer from the covets information. That will tell the Rat King
faction roster, as that character was killed and something about his client’s own goals. With spies
replaced long before the game began. Whatever in a faction’s camp, he will also have a very good
the ultimate cost, that player will find his camp idea how wealthy his clients are and will tune his
bereft of giant rats and will not be able to access prices accordingly in order to strip them of their
the Rat King’s intelligence network or instant wealth and thereby reduce their ability to secure
communications until he has made restitution to victory on their own terms.
the Court Rodentia.
If no one wins, the Rat King wins.
Assassination: The wererats can, in times of
extremity, act as assassins. When ordered to do Notes: The Rat King is based primarily on the
so by the Rat King, due to their abilities to folklore of Western Europe, the best folklore from
transform and experience as spies, they operate which to draw inspiration.
Sir Broger de Braunville
By Max Scruby
Description: In the year 1345 the village of villagers. All English units will fight at +1 in her
Mansby was gearing up to assist the King of defense.
England in his war against France. They were
rudely interrupted by the arrival of an interstellar Brother Parvus, a monk with an incredible talent
scout craft, which the noble Sir Broger quickly for translation.
overwhelmed and commandeered for the war
effort. Unfortunately, the sly captive Bronithor, the Bronithor, the Baron's alien captive, who is
pilot of the craft (dubbed the Crusader by the familiar with the controls and weaponry of the alien
villagers) diverted course, and instead of arriving spacecraft, and can be communicated with
in France as planned the Baron Broger and his through Brother Parvus. Generally quite cowardly
people were caught in some sort of interstellar and will not attempt escape unless an obviously
anomaly and have crash landed on the Isle of superior chance at survival and recovery of the
Brozer. ship presents itself.
Leader: Sir Broger, Baron de Brauneville, is a just Troops: 4 sergeants and 8 assistants (fight as F1,
leader, a skilled warrior, and a shrewd strategist. equipped as the troops they lead)
He wants what is best for his people, the Faith, and
England. Fights as an F9 “Lord” in full plate (HC2) 20 mounted knights (WD 1+1), HC 2 (Full Plate),
wielding a massive +3 two-handed sword or a warhorse, lance, arming sword, warhammer
lance when fighting on horseback. 40 English longbowmen (WD 1), HC 8 (padded
armor + buckler), longbow(+2 to hit), sword
Sir Broger's Standard provides +1 to hit and 30 footmen (WD 1), HC 5 (chainmail), pikes
damage to troops within 6”
In addition to the trained troops there are a similar
Officers, etc: number of non-combatant men and their families
Sir Browain Montbelle, a fine warrior with a (bringing the total number of villagers to around
cunning streak that makes him well suited to 200), who are able to complete various tasks such
leading guerilla actions. Fights as an F4 “Hero” in as fortification. The forces of Mansby are able to
full plate plus shield (HC1) and longsword, or lance fabricate medieval siege equipment such as rams,
when mounted. Due to his skill at woodcraft, a mantlets and trebuchets with access to wood.
force he is leading will surprise foes in a forested
area 50% of the time Alien Weaponry:
The forces of Mansby have looted the arms locker
Red John Hameward, a master archer serving Sir of the craft, and in addition to their existing
Broger in a leadership role, he's rougher around weapons they will employ a variety of alien
the edges then Sir Browain but he's steadfast in weaponry in combat when appropriate.
the face of any foe. Fights as an F4 “Hero” wielding
a +1 longbow or a footman's mace in close Hand Cannon
quarters, and wears a mail hauberk (HC5). Range: 100 yards
Damage: 3D
Lady Catherine, Broger's devoted wife and Treats all targets as hit class 10 (ignores armour)
adviser, key in maintaining the morale of the lost
Handheld Explosives preferred allies are those with philosophies closest
Range: 30 yards outdoors, 30ft indoors to Christian doctrine (Lawful and/or Good aligned
Damage: 2D factions).
These devices will affect all units within a 10ft
radius of the impact point It's likely they will attempt to open friendly
diplomatic relations with the Prefect Drakon and
Large Explosives the Inquisition, believing them to be some offshoot
These can be fired from siege equipment or the of the Roman Catholic Church. The Swolecerors
ship's bombards, and will have a range matching will appeal to Broger's knightly instincts with their
the weaponry they are fired from. The blast radius feats of strength, and call to mind the myth of
for the majority of the explosives is 30ft, dealing 3D Arthur for the men, so he will also be sure to make
of damage. However, there is also a small atomic contact with them and seek out their advice with
device on the ship that if detonated will have a the other factions. The English will be suspicious
blast radius of 300 yards, killing everything within of the native tribes of the island and see them as
200 yards and 50% within 300 yards with debris, pagans, but if the opportunity to work together
and causing blindness to anything watching the against an evil foe arises they will. The elves will
blast from within 1000 yards. be naturally mistrusted. Any of the evil or evil
seeming entities such as the Rat King or the
Location: based out of the crashed Crusader Frogmen will be seen as foes to ward off and
scout ship defeat.
Goals: seek out the means to locate and return to Sir Broger's men are a small force very far from
England. Spread the Faith. Protect the people of home, so in all conflicts they aim to keep losses
Mansby. minimal and impact maximal. Shock-and-awe and
guerrilla warfare are the two main methods by
Notes: This faction is cribbed from the Poul which this faction wages war, followed up by swift
Anderson novel "The High Crusade". The story diplomatic moves before the limited extent of their
involves many independent actors with opposing actual force can be discovered. They will avoid
goals operating under a fog-of-war, and so the revealing the location of their ship and the
faction is expected to fit right in with a Braunstein noncombatants on board, and will use rather than
scenario. The Baron and his men have no qualms trade the alien weaponry in their possession.
making alliances with unusual entities and playing
other factions off each other, although their
Swoleceror Summit
By @NotJohnDaker
Equipment: Spellbook with all Swoleceror spells, Goals: Acquire magical scrolls / artifacts, so that
as well as spells appropriate for a MU9. they stay out of the hands of the weak. Slay wicked
Weightlifting Bar (Treat as Staff +2, can only be creatures to show off their strength (preferring the
used by Swolecerors). Ring that casts FIST 1/day biggest or most notable targets). Invent new spells
(See Swoleceror Spells). that mix the martial with the magical.
Notes: Will dislike any evil factions, but will have 3rd level, 3 at 5th level, 4 at 7th level, etc.
some respect for strength among their enemies.
They are stealing a bit from the Dying Earth Summon Celestial Luchador: 6th level spell
stories, besides the obvious fact that they are This spell summons a Luchador from the Heavens.
magicians. Think of the physical troubles the It will serve the caster, but for every day (after the
characters get into and how some conflicts can first), there is a cumulate 5% chance that the
only be solved by brute strength. Also, they have Luchador will return to the Heavens. (5% on day
"mighty thews", as Robert E. Howard might say. In two, 10% on day three, 15% on day four, etc) If the
battle, they should be used to hit the enemy hard Luchador is asked to do anything evil or
in one area. They are not guys with shields who underhanded, it will refuse and add 20% to the
hold the line (although they respect that); they go chance to return to the Heavens.
into the fray to do the most damage they can in
such a way as to make the enemy flee from their Celestial Luchador: WD 8, HC 3, Move: 12”, # of
might. Attacks: 1, Damage: 4d4 (punch or kick) or
grapple, Magic Resistance: 20% chance to ignore
Swolceror Spells: Swolecerors know the hostile spell cast against it, Alignment: Lawful
following spells in addition to the normal spells Good, Special Abilities: Can fly for 2 combat
known. They may never learn any Necromancy or rounds (cannot fly again until it touches the
obviously evil spells, however they may use any ground) and is immune to falling damage. If
weapon as a Fighting Man. All spells require attacking after falling, increase damage done to
Verbal and Somatic components and a 1 round 8d8.
casting time.
The material component to this spell is a piece of
FIST: 7th level spell leather from the mask of a luchador who died in
Range: 10”+ 1” per caster level the good graces of the Heavens.
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: Save vs. Spells for half damage. Zillifrent's Frothy Protein Shakes: 1st level spell
Nerds (as defined by the GM) don’t get to save. Range: Self
Area of Effect: All creatures within 2” of the point Duration: 1 hour per level
of impact Area of Effect: Special
The Swoleceror yells “FIST” and punches the air. The caster creates 2 frothy protein shakes. At 5th
A giant fist strikes a point within range and all level, 4 frothy protein shakes are created and at
creatures within range take 6d10 damage. 9th level, 8 frothy protein shakes are created. They
are sealed, so the caster does not have to worry
Flying Elbow: 1st level spell about spilling them. The caster may drink one as
Range: 6” + 1” Duration: Instant part of the casting action. Shakes have the
Saving Throw: None following effects: +3 to melee/ranged damage, 2x
Area of Effect: One target max lift for 3d4 rounds. Heal 1d4 hit points (per
A ghostly image of a Swoleceror appears and shake). Effects of shakes do not stack.
strikes the target in the head with a flying elbow,
OH YEAH! If the game has a Pummeling table, The material component to this spell is a small
each Flying Elbow uses that table. If not, roll 1d10: plastic scoop. Any Swoleceror who beat their
1-4=1d4 dmg, 4-7=1d6 dmg, 8-9=1d8 dmg, personal record in lifting within the past 24 hours
10=2d10 dmg. may ignore the material component.
Description: The Yuun Dineh, or “The People of 10-200% (roll a D20). This requires the lighting of
Yuun” in the common tongue, or more commonly a beacon fire on a nearby peak and the procession
yet “The People,” are not the ancient and native of a ceremonial spear to the nomad’s hearthfires.
inhabitants of the Frozen Isle of Brozer, which the The village palisade protects the tribe’s
Yuun Dineh name Thuulish. This hardy iron age noncombatant free-women (61), children (61), and
tribe of semi-nomadic hunters, gatherers, fishers, slavegirls (50). If the palisade is attacked directly
reindeer and mammoth herders, sea-raiders, and and breached, free-women will test morale and
slavers. The clans of the tribe have blended fight as F0 if passed and surrender if failed.
together the traditions of many peoples who have Children and slave-girls never fight.
come to this hidden island via mysterious
enchanted mists and sorcerous blizzards. Troop Numbers
However, the core of the Yuun Dineh are the last + 1 F5 (High Chief)
surviving Hyperboreans. The time-lost last faithful + 2 F4 (Subcheifs)
of Yuun, Lady of the Elk, goddess of the + 4 F3 (Subleaders)
Hyperboreans. Survivors of the fall of Uzuldar, + 1 C8 (High Shaman)
they were guided by prophecy and vision through + 1 C6 (Seeress)
the mists to this place of final refuge. + 4 C4 (Subshamans)
+ 48 Able Bodied Tribesmen (F1)
Leader: High Chief Athammaus the Ageless (F5). Tribesmen are armed as follows:
He wields the Anathame, an enchanted shield, spear & mace 30% (14)
executioner’s sword+1 of black star-iron. shield & 2 spears 40% (20)
Athammaus was once, long ago, the headsman shortbow & mace 30% (14)
(executioner) of the Hyperborean city of Uzuldar.
During the events leading up to the final fall of that + Total Strength: 61
city under the advancing glaciers, Athammaus
harkened to the visions given him by Yuun and
lead the last remnants of her faithful out of that Goals:
doomed place. In doing so, he abandoned his + Survival.
lover, a priestess of Yuun’s rival, the Toad-god. + Ally the Cavemen or failing that, take their
She cursed him with undeath, that they may never women.
be again together, in this life or the next. It is + Retain independence.
whispered that her name was Ysenna. + Prevent the awakening of Vallug the Frost
Officers, etc.: Chief Orca Raider (F4), Chief + Kill Ysenna, Siren of the Spires.
Reindeer Warrior (F4), High Elk Shaman (C8),
First Mammoth Rider (F3), Keeper of Ironfires Troops Description:
(C4), Seeress of Polaris (C6), Keeper of Slave The above forces are organized as follows
Pens (F3), First Elk Warrior (F3), Second Elk + Orca Raiders (elite, marine foot): 14 Tribal
Warrior (F3) Raiders (F1) armed with shield, spear,
leather shirt, & mace (HC 7), led by Chief
Troops: If The People have a chance to rally their Orca Raider (F4) armed with shield, spear,
nomadic kin from inland, increase these numbers axe, chain shirt (HC 4). These 15 men crew
the village’s “orca,” a longboat fitted out for gate, facing the island, and the sea gate, facing the
coastal raiding. docks. The village survives primarily by fishing and
+ Reindeer Archers (elite, light ranged cav): whaling which is supplemented by reindeer
14 Tribal Riders (F1) armed with shortbow herding, mammoth hunting, and small garden
& mace (HC 8), led by Chief Reindeer plots within the palisade. The land gate is large
Warrior (F4) armed with shield, spear, axe, enough to pass two war-mammoths side by side
shortbow, and chain shirt (HC 4). All are when fully opened and is flanked by two over built
mounted on reindeer. strong towers. Highest on the promontory rock is
+ Mammoth Riders (elite, heavy shock cav): the High Chief’s Hall. Below the Chiefs Hall are the
3 Mammoth Shamans (C4) armed with 8 longhouses of the 8 clans of the village. Each
armed with shield, club, darts, and leather longhouse is built around a central pillar of ivory,
shirt (HC 7), lead by First Mammoth Rider which is a single mammoth tusk. Each of these
(F3) armed with shield, spear, axe, tusks is engraved with the legends of that clan.
shortbow, and chain shirt (HC 4). All are These massive carved tusks would be worth 1000
mounted on mammoths. gold pieces each if sold, but the clans would rather
+ Elk Warriors (shield and spear light foot): die than do so.
20 Tribal Warriors (F1) armed with shield,
leather shirt, & 2 spears (HC 7) led by First Notes: Sami + Inuit + Haida. Fishing, whaling,
Elk Warrior (F3) armed with shield, spear, reindeer herding, walrus and mammoth hunting,
axe, chain shirt (HC 4), assisted by Second coastal raiding, slave taking, ivory trading. Sworn
Elk Warrior (F3) armed the same. When enemies of Ysenna, Siren of the Spires and her pet
raiding they are supported by elk drawn Frost Giant. Inspirational reading - Hyperborea by
sleds and can use skis and snowshoes to Clark Ashton Smith, Beasts, Savages, and Blood
cross otherwise impassible deep snow and Brothers of Gor by John Norman. These are brutal
ice areas. tribals who live close to nature, red in tooth and
claw. Think Apache Vikings. They generally slay
Location: Village of Yunday: situated on a stone men and capture women. But sometimes they
promontory over the bay, the village is surrounded also adopt strangers if it benefits them to do so.
by a rammed earth wall topped with a log palisade They respect strength, prowess, and bravery
with multiple towers. There are two gates; the land above all.
Appendix BRO
Jeffro Johnson
X: @JohnsonJeffro
X: @BDubs1776
John Daker
X: @NotJohnDakerJ
X: @drakoninvictus
Jon Mollison
X @NotJonMollison
Macho Mandalf
X @LL_929
X: @HjeuphosAcre
X: @cirsova
Battle Rules for Old School Fantasy Games
By Jeffro Johnson
Every fantasy adventure campaign will feature version of the D&D game or a close derivative of
titanic battles. The best ones will allow for actual those games, then you already have a set of
full-on wars that play out over a span of months or wargame rules that are a perfect fit for these types
years. Bold! Ambitious! Thrilling! But it's never of scenarios. It's the exact same combat rules you
going to happen unless you have a set of wargame use to adjudicate a battle with sewer rats on the
rules that can support those levels of play. first level of a dungeon. It's the exact same combat
rules you use to adjudicate a battle with dog-men
But here's the problem. If you attempt to introduce in the lower levels of a crypt. It is the exact same
a new set of battle rules to an existing RPG group, combat rules you use to adjudicate a battle with a
no one is going to want to learn it. People are dragon that has a massive hoard of gold and gems
generally playing in an RPG campaign because and magic-items.
they prefer RPGs to wargames or board games,
after all. Why would they suddenly become die If you think about it for a moment, it should be
hard wargamers just because they've played in the obvious. The combat rules of your fantasy game
same campaign for a year and now have D&D are derived from Chainmail, an honest to
characters that have reached the 6th or the 8th or goodness set of miniatures rules for medieval
even name-level? It's just not going to miniatures battles played out with figures on a ping
spontaneously happen. pong table. A few tweaks were made to these rules
in order to adapt them to dungeon adventures. You
Thus it is that countless D&D campaigns feature don’t have to change that much at all to have
parties that attain the upper echelons of wealth, something that is good enough to handle any sort
success, and power only for the game to stop at of battle that will arise in the context of your own
that point. High level play just isn't that fun for a lot continuing campaign or session Braunstein. Even
of people running conventional-style fantasy better, if you’ve been running a campaign for any
games. They don't see the point in such powerful length of time, your players are already intimately
characters continuing to go on adventures familiar with the workings of these rules. And even
together as if they were all still a bunch of scrappy better than that, they already are able to plan
ne'er do wells that are so desperate for gold as to intelligently in the context of a campaign that
risk certain death in the dungeons just to have half utilizes these rules. The outcome of every titanic
a chance in life. And they aren't going to learn event that is resolved with these rules will make
some new type of game at this point, either. Heck, intuitive sense to your play group. By playing with
most wargame products are purchased by people you so long, you already know that they are willing
that never end up playing them with anyone to stake their player characters’ lives on a conflict
anyway! So time and again people throw away that hinges on the way these combat mechanics
characters that they've spent countless hours work. You already have buy in for doing the same
developing in a long term rags-to-riches story and thing at scale. It’s time to take advantage of that to
then replace them with a new pack of player make your campaign something your players will
characters in some other campaign setting. brag about for years.
These instructions assume you are using one of keep moving and be informed by the results of key
TSR’s Basic D&D rule sets or else one of their battles.
derivatives such as Labyrinth Lord or some other
retroclone. We have found AD&D’s combat We are therefore adding back into the D&D
system to be perfectly tuned to this task and have combat rules the minimum number of game
felt almost no need to house rule its contents at all. elements from the older rule sets to allow them to
On the other hand, not everyone has the mettle to work for the most common battle situations that will
wade through its rather byzantine organization. In arise in continuing D&D campaigns. We suspect
the interests of expanding the potential audience that these concepts were not passed on from 70’s
for a hybrid approach to Braunstein, Role-playing, era roleplayers to 80’s era roleplayers because the
and Wargaming we have opted to meet as many progenitors of these games took it for granted that
people as possible where they are and offer them these ideas would be self-evident. If that in fact
something that gives them the best chance of was the case, it is our hope that we can rectify this
success at the table. now.
Many people have had some degree of success Scaling and Block Troops
using Chainmail as a drop-in replacement for their The real beauty of the D&D combat rules lies in
RPG’s combat rules. I do not endorse this their simplicity. Very few people can leave it alone!
approach. D&D is a derivative of Chainmail. D&D It’s so simple people can’t help but want to tack
combat works at scale. There is no need to stupid things onto it. Gygax tried to warn us. Don’t
translate back and forth between the two systems. add critical hits to these rules, he said. Don’t
It is better to play D&D as if it were intended to change it to have individual initiative rules, he said.
handle battles with hundreds or even thousands of But roleplayers resented him telling them what to
men and monsters on each side. This is a safe bet do. And they had no idea what they were giving up
because (a) that does turn out to be the case and when they began making changes to the rules
(b) it works. In practice, it turns out to be extremely which Gary had bequeathed to them. The vital
useful to just let the stats of an ancient red dragon thing that they were giving up was scalability.
in a mass combat scenario simply be precisely the Those core combat rules in the classic TSR-era
same as the ones that are used in a dungeon incarnations of D&D were so simple, so abstract
delving scenario. that they were just as applicable to modeling
simple battles between a group of low level player
Some people see here an opportunity to import as characters and a dozen hobgoblins as they were a
many game elements as possible from Chainmail group of 200 heavy cavalry charging a mass of 400
and Swords & Spells back into the classic TSR-era orcs.
D&D rules of the mid-eighties. These efforts are
hampered from the fact that they are born out of a How can you make the jump? Easy! Just imagine
sort of theorycrafting mindset or else a desire to that each figure represents ten men. Further,
develop a set of write only homebrew rules. imagine that these large bodies of troops travel
Countless hours at the tabletop indicate that many around in ranks and formations. A group of one
of these nuances were likely dropped with good hundred men-at-arms could be represented on the
reason. They simply aren’t that relevant to what tabletop by a set of ten cubes. If the men are
most people playing in large ongoing D&D armed with short swords, then only the front rank
campaigns care about. Campaigns don’t need will be able to attack when this formation is in
perfectly curated battle scenarios that are contact with another formation of troops. If the men
balanced and fun and give many opportunities for are armed with polearms, then the referee may
tactical brilliance. What campaigns need is battle allow both of the two ranks of men to make attacks
results– so everything else that is going on can when these troops have “based” an opposing
formation. unit. The dragon would tally his damage normally
as well, but before applying it to the block troops,
Now, how to handle the attacks and damage when he would divide the total damage by ten. Likewise,
two formations have come in contact during a when the block troops resolve their attacks against
melee round? The actual geometry of the situation the dragon, the referee will need to make a ruling
and the weapons involved will determine the on how many figures may make melee attacks–
number of attacks each side will make. Generally, possibly only one or two figures in most cases.
each figure that is in contact with an enemy These figures will make their attacks versus the
formation will get one d20 attack roll. Calculate the red dragon normally, however if any hits occur, the
to-hit targets as you would normally for the level or damage done will be multiplied by ten. Area effect
hit dice of the unit as adjusted by the enemy’s weapons such as dragon breath and certain spells
armor class. Pick up several d20 polyhedrons at work slightly differently. Determine which figures
once now– one for each figure that has been ruled fall within the radius of the spell or breath attack
to have an attack. Just as you would imagine, each and then apply a total number of damage to the
of the d20’s that meets or exceeds the to-hit target block of troops equal to the number of figures
counts as a hit. affected multiplied by the normal damage amount
of the attack. (I.e., you do not divide the damage
Damage is handled differently from standard by ten as you would for other attacks from an
combat, however. Rather than rolling the damage individual figure.)
individually from each hit, just go ahead and
multiply the average damage value for the Individual player characters can be attached to a
weapons by the number of hits. Likewise, hit points block of troops as support units. While there are
are not tracked on a figure-by-figure basis. The many potential ways to handle this, the simplest is
mass of troops has a number of hit points equal to to just declare that they are tagging along on the
its number of figures multiplied by their average hit back ranks and are thus among the last characters
points. Each time the block of troops receives within the unit that will be eliminated. Should a
damage equal to or greater than the average hit block of enemy troops have similar individualized
points of a single figure from their ranks, one figure characters associated with them, the best thing to
is removed from its back rank from the right to the do would be to allow the individual player
left. If there are damage points still remaining after characters to battle against their enemy
this, they can be tracked by taking a red die counterparts with the standard D&D combat rules
representing the number of damage points that while the block troops are fighting each other
have not yet resulted in a casualty. concurrently. This type of action recalls Théoden
battling the chief of the Haradrim and also Merry
Scale Mixing and Hero Figures and Éowyn battling the Witch-king at the Battle of
Figures that represent ten men can battle with Pelennor Fields. It’s really exciting!
figures that represent a single high level character
or monster. While this is trivial to resolve, it is Leaders and Morale
something that is easily mixed up during the heat The introduction of scaling rules into classic
of play, so be careful with this. The rule here is that fantasy role-playing games gives us an
scaled up troops multiply the damage they do opportunity to put to rest a longstanding argument:
against individual figures by ten. They divide the that of the “linear fighter vs. the quadratic wizard.”
damage they receive from individual figures by ten. Yes, the magic-user characters start off rather
uninspiring with their abilities limited to a single low
For example, a red dragon attacking a group of level spell a day. Once these losers get access to
block troops with his claw/claw/bite routine will roll high level spells, they appear set to dominate the
his attacks normally versus the armor class of the campaign world, much to the chagrin of advocates
for the more high-t fighter class. Later editions these dead simple mass combat rules a try
rectify this by introducing spell-like feat abilities anyway. I think you will find that you have
which make high-level fighters more or less everything you need to resolve the ridiculous
interchangeable with wizards. But there is a better battles that develop when your friends get together
solution available to those that are willing to reach to play out the factions that you have handed over
back into the early days of the hobby: you can give to them in the free for all that scenarios like Brozer
fighters the ability to lead troops. will no doubt produce.
We suggest allowing a fighter to lead 10 men for One thing I would like to draw your attention to is
each level he has obtained at levels four and just how good these rules actually are. Go ahead!
below. For each level he attains after the fourth, he Test them side by side with the War Machine™
is granted the ability to lead another 20 men on top rules from the light blue Mentzer Companion set
of that. Further, a fighter’s henchmen who are from back in the day. You can play out battles with
fighters also have the ability to lead troops. Under the standard D&D rules in less time than it takes to
this rule, it is possible for even first level fighters to run the numbers with Mentzer’s super simple
play a significant role on the battlefield– perhaps battle system. You don’t have to translate to an
by leading a detachment of ten light cavalry to abstract system and then back to a D&D. Even
scout out a location or else to put pressure on a better, you have the whole of the D&D system
key unit. Mid-level fighters with a few henchmen available to you for your fantasy battles. You are
could form a fairly significant army without anyone not saddled with pretending that human and
having to wait until they reach name level in order humanoid troops are the only things on the
to play out an engaging wargame. Other classes battlefield. An evil wizard might field a phalanx of
which would like to field troops have a means of 30 giant crabs. The cavalry might show up on turn
doing so as well: taking on fighters as henchmen two with thirty pegasus and a fourth-level fighter
of their own! The demi-human classes are a riding on each of them. A mid-level magic-user PC
special case. Note that they all have “Veteran” as might show up in the same battle riding on a blue
a level title even at first level. However, their strict dragon. You already know what to do to make all
level limits preserve the spirit of a humanocentric this work! Even better, your players do, too.
campaign which Gygax was so committed to.
Now, I have not explained to you that the person
Remember that charisma bonuses of fighters that controls the battlefield gets back half of their
should serve as morale modifiers for the troops casualties if they can take the time to rally their
they lead. Charisma is no longer the proverbial forces and tend to the wounded. I did not delve into
dump stat when you play the wargame elements the mysteries of why the outdoor scale in AD&D
that are still extant in the earliest iterations of the switches from feet to yards and what that means
D&D game. The paladin with a charisma of for area of effect spells. I didn’t break down how
seventeen isn’t just a force to be reckoned with in larger groups of blocks will wrap around smaller
the dungeons. He is a tremendous element of units and then get bonuses for flanking attacks
dramatic fantasy battles. with some of their cubes. I did not expound upon
the beauty of the AD&D rules for overbearing and
Total Gaming Enlightenment how they can be applied to cavalry charges. I didn’t
The ideas presented here are just enough to get tell you that horses get to do their own melee
you going. They are very, very simple. You cannot attacks in rounds after the charge, either. Heck, I
put this game into a box with a bunch of fancy didn’t even give you needful things like weapon
components and then sell it for two hundred length stats from the AD&D Players Handbook and
dollars. There is just not enough game here to base sizes for figures as laid out in the nearly-
justify that. Nevertheless, I encourage you to give forgotten Swords & Spells pamphlet. We didn’t talk
about terrain rules or catapults or the differences stuff like this every week. You feel terrible about
between the morale rules of various editions of the reality of what actually makes continuing RPG
D&D, either. campaigns work. You feel guilty every time you
cite “rulings not rules” or “rule of cool” for a
My advice to you right now is to not get hung up on refereeing decision. But you observe that your
that stuff. Right now you don’t need to initiate a players have a blast anyway, they talk about the
research project on some kind of weird stupid stuff that happens all the time on social
comparative gaming studies effort. You are not media, and they keep coming back for more. You
Jon Peterson, after all. And don’t get it in your head pull this off with incomplete rule sets. You pull this
that you are somehow going to whip up the off with incoherent rule sets. You pull this off with
ultimate set of homebrew wargaming rules for rule sets that anybody can look at and determine
games like this. You have no idea about any of this that these results at your table should not be
and you are just going to muddy the waters with happening at all. You have mastered this sort of
yet another clone game that nobody will actually thing in countless dungeon adventure scenarios
play. Don’t fall into the same trap that countless over the years. There is nothing stopping you from
other gamers have succumbed to. GO PLAY applying the exact same methods to adjudicating
SOME GAMES WITH YOUR FRIENDS. titanic battles with hundreds of men and monsters
on each side. In fact… it would be a really great
Some of you are a little daunted by the idea, idea if you did.
though. “What? Go into a game session with
terribly incomplete rules and no idea what the The laws of fantasy gaming don’t suddenly change
players are going to do?” Well… yeah. That there just because you have switched from a mythic
is what we refer to around here as Thursday night. underworld to an epic battlefield. You’ve been a
Dungeon Master for years. The only thing
Why are you scared? You run dungeon preventing you from becoming a Battle Master is
adventures all the time. Your players come up with the idea that wargaming is hard or special or
dumb plans every week that absolutely should not different. It isn’t. You’ve got this, buddy. Go
work. These things interact with the completely off ahead and scale up! Let your players move troops
the wall strangeness in your shoddy one page around on a hex map and see what happens. Keep
dungeons to produce situations that no rulebook your cool when forces collide. The things that you
can cover. You might think to yourself at times, don’t anticipate and which rules manuals don’t
“gosh… I just made a ruling. That is probably really cover are the very things that your players will be
important. I should probably write this down so that most excited about. The fact that you can just use
my refereeing is consistent from month to month your imagination and judgment to come to a
and year to year. I have an obligation to do this. decision that keeps things moving is why you are
After all, I am a gentleman genius autist and I run serving as a referee in the first place.
my game like it’s some kind of case law scenario
that will no doubt be reviewed by the supreme D&D is a wargame. Even the basic versions of the
court in some landmark decision.” But let’s be real game have everything you need in order to play it
here. Stupid situations like the one you just as one. Whether you’ve been running old school
painstakingly documented are never going to dungeon adventures for two years or twenty, you
come up again. Something weird and stupid and already know how to run a fantastic medieval
dumb for entirely different reasons is going to wargames campaign– you just don’t know it yet.
come up again next week and you have no way of
anticipating what that will be. Now, go forth and conquer!