Answers To Ch-1 (Cash Budget)
Answers To Ch-1 (Cash Budget)
Answers To Ch-1 (Cash Budget)
Exercises and practice
Сhарtеr 1
Smаrt Sports
Cash budget fоr the three months ended ЗО June 2021
Sam could ask his motheT foT а loan оr he could seek ап overdraft. As he is expecting to Ье очеr-
drawn in Мау Ьу Д2,050, he would need to have а 1оап or ап overdTaft of at Ieast f2,050 in рlасе
Ьу the end ofApril.
Ь) Тhе очеrа1l gross profit maTgin that would Ье made on the three football klts
с) Hockeykits:
Gross profit margin
Rovers 9о0/2,4оохlо0о/о=З7.5о/о
Tigers 2,000,Z4,000 х 1000/о = 50.0%
Panthers 1,000,/5,000 х 100% = 20.0%
(900+2,000+ 1,000)
е) The profitability of the different contracts is чеrу variable. The Tigers' contract is expected
to make а 50Ио gross profit margin, whereas the PantheTs' contract wi11 make only а 200lо
margin. Overa1l, hоwечец the gross profit maTgin expected to Ье made on selling footba11
kits is З5.90lо, which is only slightly mоrе than the mаrgiпоf З4.2О/о expected to Ье made оп
the hockey kits.
Smart Sports
Cash budget for the six months ended З1 December 2021
July August September осtоЬеr November December Total
Е t- Е Е Е Е Е
Frоm 2,4о0 2,40о з,000 з,000 з,400 74,2оо
Loat-t 12,000 12,000
Total 12,000 2,4оо 2,4оо з,000 3,000 з,400 26,2оо
Payments to з,44о \,44о 1,в00 1,в00 2,040 10,520
Teleplrone 400 400 во0
Electгicity 650 650 1,300
Accountant'S 1,25 125 125 125 125 125 750
Delivery 100 100 100 зOо
Question Solutions
Тrче оr False?
А False. The cash budget for а business should only include business transactions and not
include реrsопа1 cash receipts and expenses.
В Тruе.
С False. Drawings are amounts taken out of the business fоr the owner's реrsопаl use.
D False. А sale is made whеп the goods or services are invoiced to the customer.
Е Тruе.
2. Hugh
Caslr budget fоr the tlrrее months ended З Маrсh 2022
Note: Тhе comprtter Hugh botrgl-rt for his регsопа1 trse is rrot included in the cash brrclget for the lэusiness.
Chapter 2
Demonstration Exercise Solutions
Demonstration Exerci se 2.2
1. Тhеrе would Ье no effect оп profit, as sales and purchases are поt affected.
2. The cash balance would go down Ьу €30 as less cash would have соmе in frоm sales.