Practical 9
Practical 9
Practical 9
C. Practical Outcome(PRo)
1. Select appropriate Zener diode for voltage regulating circuits..
2. Plot the practical characteristics of Zener Diode
3. Measure output voltage against variation in input voltage/load current.
Zener diodes are manufactured in the voltage rating from 2.4 V to 200 V and
more and the power rating of 150 mW to 50 W.
Characteristic of Zener Diode:
The VI characteristic graph of the Zener diode is shown in the figure below. This
curve shows that the Zener diode, when connected in forwarding bias, behaves
like an ordinary diode. But when the reverse voltage applies across it and the
reverse voltage rises beyond the predetermined rating, the Zener breakdown
occurs in the diode..
At Zener breakdown voltage the current starts flowing in the reverse direction.
The graph of the Zener breakdown is not exactly vertical shown above which
shows that the Zener diode has resistance. The voltage across the Zener is
represented by the equation shown below.
Vo = Vi - I se R se .
Vo = Vi – ( I L + I Z ) R se
Consider first that the load remains constant and the input voltage rises. The
output voltage tries to increases . But the zener diode draws more current so
current through series resistance R se increases. So voltage drop I se R se increases
and the output voltage remains constant.
Similarly when the input voltage decreases the zener current decreases such that
Vo remains constant.
F. Experimental set up:
Draw Circuit Diagram Here
G. Resources/Equipment Required
Sr.No. Instrument/Equipment
Specification Quantity
/Components/Trainer kit
K. Interpretation of Results
L. Conclusion
1. What is the difference between p-n Junction diode and zener diode?