01 Introduction
01 Introduction
01 Introduction
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It is the relevant cost for decision making. …seeing a movie is not just the price of the ticket,
but the value of the time you spend in the theater.
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Principle #4: People Respond to Incentives Assumptions simplify the complex world,
Incentive: something that induces a person to make it easier to understand.
act, i.e. the prospect of a reward or punishment. Example: To study international trade,
Rational people respond to incentives. assume two countries and two goods.
Unrealistic, but simple to learn and
gives useful insights about the real world.
When gas prices rise, consumers buy more
hybrid cars and fewer gas guzzling SUVs. Model: a highly simplified representation of
When cigarette taxes increase, a more complicated reality.
teen smoking falls. Economists use models to study economic
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Depends on what happens to opportunity cost shifts resources
as economy shifts resources from one industry from beer to
to the other. mountain bikes:
If opp. cost remains constant, PPF becomes
PPF is a straight line. steeper
(In the previous example, opp. cost of a
opp. cost of
computer was always 10 tons of wheat.)
mountain bikes
If opp. cost of a good rises as the economy increases
produces more of the good, PPF is bow-shaped. Mountain
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Why the PPF Might Be Bow-Shaped Why the PPF Might Be Bow-Shaped
A mtn bikes is low. At B, opp. cost
most workers are are producing bikes.
of mtn bikes
producing beer, The few left in beer is high.
even those that are the best brewers.
are better suited Producing more B
to building bikes. bikes would require
So, do not have to shifting some of the
give up much beer to best brewers away
get more bikes. from beer production,
would cause a big
Mountain Mountain
drop in beer output.
Bikes Bikes
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