Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Lesson Plan 3
Total: 10 point
Middle • Read the text and write down new •Pupils read the text. Descriptor: Student
of the vocabulary from the text. Guess Introduce new words. - read the text Book
lesson their meaning from the text and - vocabulary. Ex1, P 80
Present make up sentences using them. Total: 2 point
ation Introduce new tool. Check Ss
part. sentences together using DeepL. Differentiation: Ex 2, P 80
30 min «Verbal support»
•Pupils complete with method is used to Link to
• Ss find out True or False. Intoduce True or False. help Ss use new Chat GPT
them new tool. Check Ss' answers ANSWERS words in the
using Chat GPT. 1True 2 False 3 False sentences.
4 False 5 True 6 False
- complete with
True or False
•Pupils change the Total: 2 point
• Explain the task and give some
time to prepare. ending of the story. Use
tool to escape Descriptor:
Ss complete the task. Check Ss' - write the Link to
answers with DeepL. grammatical mistakes. DeepL
- use tool
Total: 2 point
• Draw Ss' attention to the next •Pupils change some
creativity task and then Ss complete actions in the text. Ss use Descriptor: Ex 5/6, P 81
the task. Ss use DeepL to use DeepL to not repeat - write sentences
synonyms for the new vocabulary. words but find their with new
Check Ss' answers. synonyms. vocabulary
Total: 2 point
Total: 10 point
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Home task: Write the story you
have experienced with natural
disasters. Use DeepL to escape
mistakes in grammar.
Unit 7: Natural Disaster
Teacher name: Dosbayeva Adema
Grade: 7 “E” Number present: absent:
Lesson theme Across Cultures
Learning objectives 7.L6 deduce meaning from context with little support in extended
talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics
7.L5 recognise the opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended
talk on a range of general and curricular topics
7.R2 understand specific information and detail in texts on a
range of familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives Learners will be able to:
- practise lengthy conversations about a narrow range of general
and curriculum-related themes infer meaning from context with
little assistance.
- present acknowledged viewpoint of the speaker(s) in a
supported lengthy discussion on a variety of curriculum-related
and general subjects.
- practise comprehend particular details and facts from texts on a
////variety of well-known general and academic subjects.
Value links Honesty – You may highly value telling people the truth. This one
gets tricky when being honest can be hurtful to others. So, a person
who really puts honesty first might be the sort of person who will
tell the truth even if it hurts to do so.
Total: 10 point
the Learners provide feedback on what
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Home task: Group work. Ask AI to
give more examples about disasters
in a particular place and present in
front of others.
Unit 7 Travel and Sport Lesson 2
Teacher name: Adema Dosbayeva
Date: 29.02.2024
Grade: 8 Number present: absent:
Lesson title Use of English: modals
Learning objectives
Value links Fairness – If you value fairness, you might be highly sensitive to
situations at school or in the workplace where a teacher or a peer
has exhibited favoritism or allowed someone to get away with
living by a different set of rules to everyone else.
-Make CCQ
questions Yes / No
Total: 1 point
Total: 10 point
End of FEEDBACK Poster
the Learners provide feedback on what Success
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Home task: SB Ex 5, P 79
Unit 7 Travel and Tourism
Teacher name: Adema Dosbayeva
Grade: 8 Number present: absent:
Lesson theme Skills
Learning objectives
Value links Honesty – You may highly value telling people the truth. This one
gets tricky when being honest can be hurtful to others. So, a person
who really puts honesty first might be the sort of person who will
tell the truth even if it hurts to do so.
Total: 10 point
the Learners provide feedback on what
lesson they have learned at the lesson.
5 min Home task: Write an Essay
describing your last vacation. Use
AI to check grammar.