A Unified Convergence Analysis of Block Successive Minimization Methods For Nonsmooth Optimization
A Unified Convergence Analysis of Block Successive Minimization Methods For Nonsmooth Optimization
A Unified Convergence Analysis of Block Successive Minimization Methods For Nonsmooth Optimization
The block coordinate descent (BCD) method is widely used for minimizing a continuous function f
of several block variables. At each iteration of this method, a single block of variables is optimized, while
the remaining variables are held fixed. To ensure the convergence of the BCD method, the subproblem
to be optimized in each iteration needs to be solved exactly to its unique optimal solution. Unfortunately,
these requirements are often too restrictive for many practical scenarios. In this paper, we study an
alternative inexact BCD approach which updates the variable blocks by successively minimizing a
sequence of approximations of f which are either locally tight upper bounds of f or strictly convex
local approximations of f . We focus on characterizing the convergence properties for a fairly wide class
of such methods, especially for the cases where the objective functions are either non-differentiable or
nonconvex. Our results unify and extend the existing convergence results for many classical algorithms
such as the BCD method, the difference of convex functions (DC) method, the expectation maximization
(EM) algorithm, as well as the alternating proximal minimization algorithm.
Index Terms
Block Coordinate Descent, Block Successive Upper-bound Minimization, Successive Convex Ap-
proximation, Successive Inner Approximation
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota, 200 Union Street SE,
Minneapolis, MN 55455. Emails: {meisam,mhong,luozq}@ece.umn.edu.
min f (x1 , . . . , xn )
s.t. xi ∈ Xi , i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
where Xi ⊆ Rmi is a closed convex set, and f : i=1 Xi → R is a continuous function. A popular
approach for solving the above optimization problem is the block coordinate descent method (BCD),
which is also known as the Gauss-Seidel method. At each iteration of this method, the function is
minimized with respect to a single block of variables while the rest of the blocks are held fixed. More
specifically, at iteration r of the algorithm, the block variable xi is updated by solving the following
xri = arg min f (xr1 , . . . , xri−1 , yi , xi+1 , . . . , xnr−1 ), i = 1, 2, . . . , n. (1)
yi ∈Xi
Let us use {xr } to denote the sequence of iterates generated by this algorithm, where xr , (xr1 , . . . , xrn ).
Due to its particular simple implementation, the BCD method has been widely used for solving problems
such as power allocation in wireless communication systems [28], clustering [14], image denoising and
image reconstruction [7] and dynamic programming [17].
Convergence of the BCD method typically requires the uniqueness of the minimizer at each step or the
quasi-convexity of the objective function (see [30] and the references therein). Without these assumptions,
it is possible that the BCD iterates do not get close to any of the stationary points of the problem (see
Powell [24] for examples). Unfortunately, these requirements can be quite restrictive in some important
practical problems such the tensor decomposition problem (see [19] and the application section in this
work) and the sum rate maximization problem in wireless networks. In fact, for the latter case, even
solving the per block subproblem (1) is difficult due to the non-convexity and non-differentiability of the
objective function.
To overcome such difficulties, one can modify the BCD algorithm by optimizing a well-chosen
approximate version of the objective function at each iteration. The classical gradient descent method,
for example, can be viewed as an implementation of such strategy. To illustrate, recall that the update
rule of the gradient descent method is given by
g(x, xr ) , f (xr ) + ∇f (xr )(x − xr ) + kx − xr k2 .
Clearly, the function g(x, xr ) is an approximation of f (·) around the point xr . In fact, as we will see
later in this paper, successively optimizing an approximate version of the original objective is the key
idea of many important algorithms such as the concave-convex procedure [33], the EM algorithm [10],
the proximal minimization algorithm [2], to name a few. Furthermore, this idea can be used to simplify
the computation and to guarantee the convergence of the original BCD algorithm with the Gauss-Seidel
update rule (e.g. [31], [12], [32]). However, despite its wide applicability, there appears to be no general
unifying convergence analysis for this class of algorithms.
In this paper, we provide a unified convergence analysis for a general class of inexact BCD methods
in which a sequence of approximate versions of the original problem are solved successively. Our focus
will be on problems with nonsmooth and nonconvex objective functions. Two types of approximations
are considered: one being a locally tight upper bound for the original objective function, the other being
a convex local approximation of the objective function. We provide convergence analysis for both of
these successive approximation strategies as well as for various types of updating rules, including the
cyclic updating rule, the Gauss-Southwell update rule or the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule.
By allowing inexact solution of subproblems, our work unifies and extends several existing algorithms
and their convergence analysis, including the difference of convex functions (DC) method, the expectation
maximization (EM) algorithm, as well as the alternating proximal minimization algorithm.
Throughout the paper, we adopt the following notations. We use Rm to denote the space of m
dimensional real valued vectors, which is also represented as the Cartesian product of n smaller real
valued vector spaces, i.e.,
Rm = Rm1 × Rm2 × . . . × Rmn ,
where i=1 mi = m. We use the notation (0, . . . , dk , . . . , 0) to denote the vector of all zeros except the
k-th block, with dk ∈ Rmk . The following concepts/definitions are adopted in our paper:
• Distance of a point from a set: Let S ⊆ Rm be a set and x be a point in Rm , the distance of the
point x from the set S is defined as
To gain some insights to the general inexact BCD method, let us first consider a simple Successive
Upper-bound Minimization (SUM) approach in which all the variables are grouped into a single block.
Although simple in form, the SUM algorithm is the key to many important algorithms such as the DC
programming [33] and the EM algorithm [4].
Consider the following optimization problem
min f (x)
s.t. x ∈ X,
2 repeat
3 r =r+1
4 Let X r = arg minx∈X u(x, xr−1 )
5 Set xr to be an arbitrary element in X r
where X is a closed convex set. Without loss of generality, we can assume that dom f = X . When
the objective function f (·) is non-convex and/or nonsmooth, solving (2) directly may not be easy. The
SUM algorithm circumvents such difficulty by optimizing a sequence of approximate objective functions
instead. More specifically, starting from a feasible point x0 , the algorithm generates a sequence {xr }
according to the following update rule
where xr−1 is the point generated by the algorithm at iteration r − 1 and u(x, xr−1 ) is an approximation
of f (x) at the r -th iteration. Typically the approximate function u(·, ·) needs to be chosen such that the
subproblem (3) is easy to solve. Moreover, to ensure the convergence of the SUM algorithm, certain
regularity conditions on u(·, ·) is required (which will be discussed shortly). Among others, u(x, xr−1 )
needs to be a global upper bound for f (x), hence the name of the algorithm. The main steps of the SUM
algorithm are presented in Fig. 1.
We remark that the proposed SUM algorithm is in many ways similar to the inner approximation
algorithm (IAA) developed in [21], with the following key differences:
• The IAA algorithm approximates both the objective functions and the feasible sets. On the contrary,
the SUM algorithm only approximates the objective function.
• The the IAA algorithm is only applicable for problems with smooth objectives, while the SUM
algorithm is able to handle nonsmooth objectives as well.
It is worth mentioning that the existing convergence result for the IAA algorithm is quite weak. In
particular, [21, Theorem 1] states that if the whole sequence converges, then the algorithm should converge
to a stationary point. In the following, we show that the SUM algorithm provides stronger convergence
guarantees as long as the approximation function u(·, ·) satisfies certain mild assumptions1 which we
outline below.
The assumptions (A1) and (A2) imply that the approximate function u(·, xr−1 ) in (3) is a tight upper
bound of the original function. The assumption (A3) guarantees that the first order behavior of u(·, xr−1 )
is the same as f (·) locally (note that the directional derivative u′ (x, y; d) is only with respect to the
variable x). Although directly checking (A3) may not be easy, the following proposition provides a
sufficient condition under which (A3) holds true automatically.
Proposition 1 Assume f (x) = f0 (x) + f1 (x), where f0(·) is continuously differentiable and the direc-
tional derivative of f1 (·) exists at every point x ∈ X . Consider u(x, y) = u0 (x, y)+f1 (x), where u0 (x, y)
is a continuously differentiable function satisfying the following conditions
Proof: First of all, (4) and (5) imply (A1) and (A2) immediately. Now we prove (A3) by contradiction.
Assume the contrary so that there exist a y ∈ X and a d ∈ Rm so that
These assumptions are weaker than those made to ensure the convergence of the IAA algorithm.
Furthermore, since f0 (·) and u0 (·, ·) are continuously differentiable, there exists a α > 0 such that for
z = y + αd,
f0′ (z; d) 6= u′0 (x, z; d) . (7)
Clearly, (8) and (9) imply that u′0 (x, z; d) = f ′ (z; d) which contradicts (7).
The following theorem establishes the convergence for the SUM algorithm.
Theorem 1 Assume that Assumption 1 is satisfied. Then every limit point of the iterates generated by
the SUM algorithm is a stationary point of the problem (2).
where step (i) is due to (A1), step (ii) follows from the optimality of xt+1 (cf. step 4 and 5 in Fig.1),
and the last equality is due to (A2). A straightforward consequence of (10) is that the sequence of the
objective function values are non-increasing, that is
Assume that there exists a subsequence {xrj } converging to a limit point z . Then Assumptions (A1),
(A2) together with (11) imply that
Letting j → ∞, we obtain
u(z, z) ≤ u(x, z), ∀ x ∈ X,
which implies
u′ (x, z; d) ≥ 0, ∀ d ∈ Rm with z + d ∈ X .
f ′ (z; d) ≥ 0, ∀ d ∈ Rm with z + d ∈ X ,
Corollary 1 Assume that the level set X 0 = {x | f (x) ≤ f (x0 )} is compact and Assumption 1 holds.
Then, the sequence of iterates {xr } generated by the SUM algorithm satisfy
lim d(xr , X ∗ ) = 0,
Proof: We prove the claim by contradiction. Suppose on the contrary that there exists a subsequence
{xrj } such that d(xrj , X ∗ ) ≥ γ for some γ > 0. Since the sequence {xrj } lies in the compact set X 0 ,
it has a limit point z . By further restricting the indices of the subsequence, we obtain
In many practical applications, the optimization variables can be decomposed into independent blocks.
Such block structure, when judiciously exploited, can lead to low-complexity algorithms that are dis-
tributedly implementable. In this section, we introduce the Block Successive Upper-bound Minimization
(BSUM) algorithm, which effectively takes such block structure into consideration.
Let us assume that the feasible set X is the cartesian product of n closed convex sets: X = X1 ×. . .×Xn ,
with Xi ⊆ Rmi and i mi = m. Accordingly, the optimization variable x ∈ Rm can be decomposed as:
x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), with xi ∈ Xi , i = 1, · · · , M . We are interested in solving the problem
min f (x)
s.t. x ∈ X.
2 repeat
3 r = r + 1, i = (r mod n) + 1
4 Let X r = arg minxi ∈Xi ui (xi , xr−1 )
5 Set xri to be an arbitrary element in X r
6 Set xrk = xkr−1 , ∀ k 6= i
Different from the SUM algorithm, the BSUM algorithm only updates a single block of variables in
each iteration. More precisely, at iteration r , the selected block (say block i) is computed by solving the
following subproblem
Assumption 2
Proposition 2 Assume f (x) = f0 (x) + f1 (x), where f0(·) is continuously differentiable and the direc-
tional derivative of f1 (·) exists at every point x ∈ X . Consider ui (xi , y) = u0,i (xi , y) + f1 (x), where
u0,i (xi , y) satisfies the following assumptions
Theorem 2
(a) Suppose that the function ui (xi , y) is quasi-convex in xi and Assumption 2 holds. Furthermore,
assume that the subproblem (13) has a unique solution for any point xr−1 ∈ X . Then, every limit
point z of the iterates generated by the BSUM algorithm is a coordinatewise minimum of (12). In
addition, if f (·) is regular at z , then z is a stationary point of (12).
(b) Suppose the level set X 0 = {x | f (x) ≤ f (x0 )} is compact and Assumption 2 holds. Furthermore,
assume that the subproblem (13) has a unique solution for any point xr−1 ∈ X for at least n − 1
blocks. If f (·) is regular at every point in the set of stationary points X ∗ with respect to the
coordinates x1 , . . . , xn . Then, the iterates generated by the BSUM algorithm converge to the set of
stationary points, i.e.,
lim d(xr , X ∗ ) = 0.
Proof: The proof of part (a) is similar to the one in [2] for block coordinate descent approach. First
of all, since a locally tight upper bound of f (·) is minimized at each iteration, we have
Let us consider the subsequence {xrj } converging to the limit point z . Since the number of blocks
is finite, there exists a block which is updated infinitely often in the subsequence {rj }. Without loss of
generality, we assume that block n is updated infinitely often. Thus, by further restricting to a subsequence,
we can write
xrnj = arg min un (xn , xrj −1 ).
r +1
Now we prove that xrj +1 → z , in other words, we will show that x1j → z1 . Assume the contrary that
r +1
x1j does not converge to z1 . Therefore by further restricting to a subsequence, there exists γ̄ > 0 such
r +1 r
γ̄ ≤ γ rj = kx1j − x1j k, ∀ rj .
r r +1
Let us normalize the difference between x1j and x1j , i.e.,
r +1 r
x1j − x1j
s rj , .
γ rj
Notice that ksrj k = 1, thus srj belongs to a compact set and it has a limit point s̄. By further restricting
to a subsequence that converges to s̄, using (B1) and (B2), we obtain
r +1
f (xrj +1 ) ≤ u1 (x1j , xr j ) (16)
= u1 (x1j + γ rj srj , xrj ) (17)
≤ u1 (x1j + ǫγ̄srj , xrj ), ∀ ǫ ∈ [0, 1] (18)
≤ u1 (x1j , xrj ) (19)
= f (xrj ), (20)
where (16) and (20) hold due to (B1) and (B2). The inequalities (18) and (19) are the result of quasi-
convexity of u(·, xrj ). Letting j → ∞ and combining (16), (18), (15), and (20) imply
or equivalently
f (z) = u1 (z1 + ǫγ̄s̄, z), ∀ ǫ ∈ [0, 1]. (21)
u1 (x1j+1 , xrj+1 ) = f (xrj+1 ) ≤ f (xrj +1 )
r +1
≤ u1 (x1j , xrj ) ≤ u1 (x1 , xrj ), ∀ x1 ∈ X 1 .
Letting j → ∞, we obtain
u1 (z1 , z) ≤ u1 (x1 , z), ∀ x1 ∈ X 1 ,
which further implies that z1 is the minimizer of u1 (·, z). On the other hand, we assume that the minimizer
is unique, which contradicts (21). Therefore, the contrary assumption is not true, i.e., xrj +1 → z .
r +1
Since x1j = arg minx1 ∈X1 u1 (x1 , xrj ), we get
r +1
u1 (x1j , xrj ) ≤ u1 (x1 , xrj ) ∀ x1 ∈ X1 .
u1 (z1 , z) ≤ u1 (x1 , z) ∀ x1 ∈ X 1 ,
Now we prove part (b) of the theorem. Without loss of generality, let us assume that (13) has a unique
solution at every point xr−1 for i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1. Since the iterates lie in a compact set, we only need
to show that every limit point of the iterates is a stationary point of f (·). To do so, let us consider a
subsequence {xrj } which converges to a limit point z ∈ X 0 ⊆ X . Since the number of blocks is finite,
there exists a block i which is updated infinitely often in the subsequence {xrj }. By further restricting
to a subsequence, we can assume that
xi j ∈ arg min ui (xi , xrj −1 ).
Since all the iterates lie in a compact set, we can further restrict to a subsequence such that
where z k ∈ X 0 ⊆ X and z i = z . Moreover, due to the update rule in the algorithm, we have
r −i+k
uk (xkj , xrj −i+k−1 ) ≤ uk (xk , xrj −i+k−1 ), ∀ xk ∈ X k , k = 1, 2, . . . , n.
On the other hand, the objective function is non-increasing in the algorithm and it has a limit. Thus,
f (z 0 ) = f (z 1 ) = . . . = f (z n ). (25)
The inequalities (26) and (27) imply that zkk−1 and zkk are both the minimizer of uk (·, z k−1 ). However,
according to our assumption, the minimizer is unique for k = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1 and therefore,
z 0 = z 1 = z 2 = . . . = z n−1 = z
which implies the stationarity of the point z due to the regularity of f (·).
The above result extends the existing result of block coordinate descent method [2] and [30] to the
BSUM case where only an approximation of the objective function is minimized at each iteration. As
we will see in Section VIII, our result implies the global convergence of several existing algorithms
including the EM algorithm or the DC method when the Gauss-Seidel update rule is used.
A key assumption for the BSUM algorithm is the uniqueness of the minimizer of the subproblem. This
assumption is necessary even for the simple BCD method [2]. In general, by removing such assumption,
the convergence is not guaranteed (see [24] for examples) unless we assume pseudo convexity in pairs
of the variables [34], [30]. In this section, we explore the possibility of removing such uniqueness
Recently, Chen et al. [1] have proposed a related Maximum Block Improvement (MBI) algorithm,
which differs from the conventional BCD algorithm only by its update schedule. More specifically, only
the block that provides the maximum improvement is updated at each step. Remarkably, by utilizing
such modified updating rule (which is similar to the well known Gauss-Southwell update rule), the
per-block subproblems are allowed to have multiple solutions. Inspired by this recent development, we
propose to modify the BSUM algorithm similarly by simply updating the block that gives the maximum
improvement. We name the resulting algorithm the Maximum Improvement Successive Upper-bound
Minimization (MISUM) algorithm, and list its main steps in Fig. 3.
Clearly the MISUM algorithm is more general than the MBI method proposed in [1], since only an
approximate version of the subproblem is solved at each iteration. Theorem 3 states the convergence
result for the proposed MISUM algorithm.
Theorem 3 Suppose that Assumption 2 is satisfied. Then, every limit point z of the iterates generated
by the MISUM algorithm is a coordinatewise minimum of (12). In addition, if f (·) is regular at z , then
z is a stationary point of (12).
2 repeat
3 r =r+1
4 Let k = arg mini minxi ui (xi , xr−1 )
5 Let X r = arg minxk ∈Xk uk (xk , xr−1 )
6 Set xrk to be an arbitrary element in X r
7 Set xri = xir−1 , ∀ i 6= k
Proof: Let us define Ri (y) to be the minimum objective value of the i-th subproblem at a point y ,
Ri (y) , min ui (xi , y).
Using a similar argument as in Theorem 2, we can show that the sequence of the objective function
values are non-increasing, that is
Let {xrj } be the subsequence converging to a limit point z . For every fixed block index i = 1, 2, . . . , n
and every xi ∈ Xi , we have the following series of inequalities
≥ f (xrj +1 )
≥ f (xrj+1 )
= ui (xi j+1 , xrj+1 ),
where we use k to index the block that provides the maximum improvement at iteration rj + 1. The
first and the second inequalities are due to the definition of the function Ri (·) and the MISUM update
rule, respectively. The third inequality is implied by the upper bound assumption (B2), while the last
inequality is due to the non-increasing property of the objective values.
Letting j → ∞, we obtain
In the previous sections, we have demonstrated that the stationary solutions of the problems (2) and (12)
can be obtained by successively minimizing a sequence of upper-bounds of f (·). However, in practice,
unless the objective f (·) possesses certain convexity/concavity structure, those upper-bounds may not be
easily identifiable. In this section, we extend the BSUM algorithm by further relaxing the requirement
that the approximation functions {ui (xi , y)} must be the global upper-bounds of the original objective
Throughout this section, we use hi (., .) to denote the convex approximation function for the ith block.
Suppose that hi (xi , x) is no longer a global upper-bound of f (x), but only a first order approximation
of f (x) at each point, i.e.,
In this case, simply optimizing the approximate functions in each step may not even decrease the objective
function. Nevertheless, the minimizer obtained in each step can still be used to construct a good search
2 repeat
3 r = r + 1, i = (r mod n) + 1
4 Let X r = arg minxi ∈Xi hi (xi , xr−1 )
5 Set yir to be an arbitrary element in X r and set ykr = xrk , ∀ k 6= i
6 Set dr = y r − xr and choose σ ∈ (0, 1)
7 Armijo stepsize rule: Choose αinit > 0 and β ∈ (0, 1). Let αr be the largest
element in {αinit β j }j=0,1,... satisfying:
f (xr ) − f (xr + αr dr ) ≥ −σαr f ′ (xr ; dr )
8 Set xr = xr−1 + αr (y r − xr−1 )
direction, which, when combined with a proper step size selection rule, can yield a sufficient decrease
of the objective value.
Suppose that at iteration r , the i-th block needs to be updated. Let yir ∈ minyi ∈Xi hi (yi , xr−1 ) denote
the optimal solution for optimizing the i-th approximation function at the point xr−1 . We propose to use
yir − xir−1 as the search direction, and adopt the Armijo rule to guide the step size selection process. We
name the resulting algorithm the Block Successive Convex Approximation (BSCA) algorithm. Its main
steps are given in Figure 4.
Note that for dr = (0, . . . , dri , . . . , 0) with dri = yir − xri , we have
hi (xri + λdri , xr ) − hi (xri , xr )
f ′ (xr ; dr ) = h′i (xi , xr ; dri ) = lim ≤ 0, (31)
xi =xri λ↓0 λ
where the inequality is due to the fact that hi (·) is convex and yir = xri +dri is the minimizer at iteration r .
Moreover, there holds
Hence the Armijo step size selection rule in Figure 4 is well defined when f ′ (xr ; dr ) 6= 0, and there
exists j ∈ {0, 1, . . .} such that for αr = αinit β j ,
The following theorem states the convergence result of the proposed algorithm.
Theorem 4 Suppose that f (·) is continuously differentiable and that Assumption (30) holds. Furthermore,
assume that h(x, y) is strictly convex in x and continuous in (x, y). Then every limit point of the iterates
generated by the BSCA algorithm is a stationary point of (2).
Proof: First of all, due to the use of Armijo step size selection rule, we have
which implies
lim αr f ′ (xr ; dr ) = 0. (33)
Consider a limit point z and a subsequence {xrj }j converging to z . Since {f (xr )} is a monotonically
decreasing sequence, it follows that
lim f (xr ) = f (z).
By further restricting to a subsequence if necessary, we can assume without loss of generality that in
the subsequence {xrj }j the first block is updated. We first claim that we can further restrict to a further
subsequence such that
lim drj = 0. (34)
We prove this by contradiction. Let us assume the contrary so that there exists δ, 0 < δ < 1 and
ℓ ∈ {1, 2, . . .}
kdrj k ≥ δ, ∀ j ≥ ℓ. (35)
Defining prj = kdrj k , the equation (33) implies αrj kdrj kf ′ (xrj ; prj ) → 0. Thus, we have the following
two cases:
Case A: f ′ (xrj ; prj ) → 0 along a subsequence of {xrj }. Let us restrict ourselves to that subsequence.
Since kprj k = 1, there exists a limit point p̄. By further restricting to a subsequence and using the
smoothness of f (·), we obtain
f ′ (z; p̄) = 0. (36)
h1 (z1 + δp̄1 , z) > h1 (z1 , z) + δh′1 (x1 , z; p̄1 ) ≥ h1 (z1 , z), (37)
x1 =z1
where p̄1 is the first block of p̄ and the last step is due to (36) and (30). On the other hand, since
r r r r
x1j + δp1j lies between x1j and y1j , we have
r r r
h1 (x1j + δp1j , xrj ) ≤ h1 (x1j , xrj ).
which implies f (z; p̄) ≥ 0 since σ < 1. Therefore, using an argument similar to the previous case, (37)
and (38) hold, which is a contradiction. Thus, the assumption (35) must be false and the condition (34)
must hold. On the other hand, y1j is the minimizer of h1 (·, xrj ); thus,
h1 (y1j , xrj ) ≤ h1 (x1 , xrj ), ∀ x1 ∈ X 1 . (39)
r r r
Note that y1j = x1j + d1j . Combining (34) and (39) and letting j → ∞ yield
lim xrj +1 = z.
Therefore, by restricting ourselves to the subsequence that drj → 0 and repeating the above argument n
times, we obtain
In both the BSUM and the BSCA algorithms considered in the previous sections, variable blocks are
updated in a simple cyclic manner. In this section, we consider a very general block scheduling rule
named the overlapping essentially cyclic rule and show they still ensure the convergence of the BSUM
and the BSCA algorithms.
In the so called overlapping essentially cyclic rule, at each iteration r , a group ϑr of the variables is
chosen to be updated where
ϑr ⊆ {1, 2, . . . , n} and ϑr 6= ∅.
Furthermore, we assume that the update rule is essentially cyclic with period T , i.e.,
ϑr+i = {1, 2, . . . , n}, ∀ r.
Notice that this update rule is more general than the essentially cyclic rule since the blocks are allowed
to have overlaps. Using the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule, almost all the convergence results
presented so far still hold. For example, the following corollary extends the convergence of BSUM to
the overlapping essentially cyclic case.
Corollary 2
(a) Assume that the function ui (xi , y) is quasi-convex in xi and Assumption 2 is satisfied. Furthermore,
assume that the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule is used and the subproblem (13) has a
unique solution for every block ϑr . Then, every limit point z of the iterates generated by the BSUM
algorithm is a coordinatewise minimum of (12). In addition, if f (·) is regular at z with respect to
the updated blocks, then z is a stationary point of (12).
(b) Assume the level set X 0 = {x | f (x) ≤ f (x0 )} is compact and Assumption 2 is satisfied. Further-
more, assume that the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule is used and the subproblem (13)
has a unique solution for every block ϑr . If f (·) is regular (with respect to the updated blocks) at
every point in the set of stationary points X ∗ , then the iterates generated by the BSUM algorithm
converges to the set of stationary points, i.e.,
lim d(xr , X ∗ ) = 0.
Proof: The proof of both cases are similar to the proof of the BSUM algorithm with the simple
cyclic update rule. Here we only present the proof for case (a). The proof of part (b) is similar.
Let {xrj } be a convergent subsequence whose limit is denoted by z . Consider every T updating
cycle along the subsequence {xrj }, namely, {(xrj , xrj +1 , . . . , xrj +T −1 )}. Since the number of different
subblocks ϑr is finite, there must exist a (fixed) T tuple of variable blocks, say (ϑ0 , ϑ1 , . . . , ϑT −1 ), that
has been updated in infinitely many T updating cycles. By restricting to the corresponding subsequence
of {xrj }, we have
r +i+1
xϑji = arg min uϑi (xϑi , xrj +i ), ∀ i = 0, 1, 2, . . . , T − 1.
xϑ i
The rest of the proof is the same as the proof of part (a) in Theorem 2. The only difference is that the
steps of the proof need to be repeated for the blocks (ϑ0 , ϑ1 , . . . , ϑT −1 ) instead of (1, . . . , n).
In the proof of Corollary 2, we first restrict ourselves to a fixed set of T variable blocks that have
been updated in infinitely many consecutive T update cycles. Then, we use the same approach as in the
proof of the convergence of cyclic update rule. Using the same technique, we can extend the results in
Theorem 4 to the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule. More specifically, we have the following
Corollary 3 Assume f (·) is smooth and the condition (30) is satisfied. Furthermore, assume that h(x, y)
is strictly convex in x and the overlapping essentially cyclic update rule is used in the BSCA algorithm.
Then every limit point of the iterates generated by the BSCA algorithm is a stationary point of (2).
Notice that the overlapping essentially cyclic rule is not applicable to the MISUM algorithm in which
the update order of the variables is given by the amount of improvement. However, one can simply check
that the proof of Theorem 3 still applies to the case when the blocks are allowed to have overlaps.
In this section, we provide several applications of the algorithms proposed in the previous sections.
Consider a K -cell wireless network where each base station k serves a set Ik of users (see Fig. 5 for
an illustration). Let ik denote the i-th receiver in cell k. For simplicity, suppose that the users and the
base stations are all equipped with N antennas. Let us define the set of all users as I = {ik | 1 ≤ k ≤
K, i ∈ Ik }. Let dik denote the number of data symbols transmitted simultaneously to user ik .
Fig. 5: The cellular network model considered in Section VIII-A. The solid lines represent the direct channels,
while the dotted lines represent the interfering channels.
When linear transceivers are used at the base stations and the users, user ik ’s received signal vector,
denoted as yik ∈ CN , can be written as
Ik K Ij
yik = Hik k Vik sik + Hik k Vℓk sℓk + Hik j Vℓj sℓj + nik , ∀ ik ∈ I,
| {z }
desired signal ℓ6=i,ℓ=1 j6=k,j=1 ℓ=1
| {z } | {z }
intracell interference intercell interference plus noise
where Vik ∈ CM ×dik is the linear transmit beamformer used by base station k for user ik ; sik ∈ Cdik ×1
is user ik ’s data signal. The matrix Hik j represents the channel from transmitter j to receiver ik , and nik
denotes the complex additive white Gaussian noise with distribution CN (0, σi2k I). User ik estimates the
intended message using a linear beamformer Uik ∈ CM ×dik : ŝik = UH
ik yik .
Treating interference as noise, the rate of user ik is given by
X −1
Rik (V) = log det I + Hik k Vik (Vik ) Hik k σi2k I +
Hik j Vℓj (Vℓj ) H
ik j .
We are interested in finding the beamformers V such that the sum of the users’ rates are optimized
X Ik
max Rik (V)
{Vik }ik ∈I
k=1 i=1
s.t. Tr(Vik VH
ik ) ≤ P̄k , ∀ k ∈ K.
Note that we have included a transmit power constraint for each base station. It has been shown in
[20] that solving (40) is NP-hard. Therefore, we try to obtain the stationary solution for this problem.
Furthermore, we can no longer straightforwardly apply the BSUM algorithm that updates Vik ’s cyclically.
This is due to the fact that the users in the set Ik share a common power constraint. Thus the requirement
for the separability of the constraints for different block components in (12) is not satisfied.
To devise an efficient and low complexity algorithm for problem (40), we will first transform this
problem to a more suitable form. We first introduce the function fik (Uik , V) , log det E−1
ik , where
Eik is the mean square error (MSE) matrix given as
H H 2
Eik , (I − UH H H
ik Hik k Vik )(I − Uik Hik k Vik ) + UH H
ik Hik j Vℓj Vℓj Hik j Uik + σik Uik Uik .
In the subsequent presentation we will occasionally use the notation Eik (Uik , V) to make the dependency
of the MSE matrix and the transceivers explicit.
Taking the derivative of fik (Uik , V) with respect to Uik and checking the first order optimality
condition, we have
X −1
arg max fik (Uik , V) = σi2k I + Hik j Vℓj VH H
ℓj Hik j Hik k .Vik
Plugging in the optimal value of Uik in fik (·), we obtain maxUik fik (Uik , V) = Rik (V). Thus, we can
rewrite the optimization problem equivalently (40) as2
X Ik
min log det(Eik )
k=1 i=1
s.t. Tr (Vik VH
ik ) ≤ Pk , ∀ k ∈ K.
Notice the fact that the function log det(·) is a concave function on its argument (see, e.g., [5]), then
b ik , we have
for any feasible Eik , E
b ik ) + Tr[E
= log det(E b −1 (Eik − E
b ik )] , uik (Eik , E
b ik ) (42)
Such equivalence is in the sense of one-to-one correspondence of both local and global optimal solutions. See [28] for a
detailed argument.
Utilizing the above transformation and the upper bound, we can again apply the BSUM algorithm. Let
V and U be two block variables. Define
b b
uv V, (V, U) , b ik ), Eik (V
uik (Eik (V, U b ik ))
b, U
k=1 i=1
b b
uu U, (V, U) , b , Uik ), E(V
uik (Eik (V b ik ))
b, U
k=1 i=1
The above BSUM algorithm for solving (40) is called WMMSE algorithm in the reference [28].
Due to (42), we must have that
uv V, (V2r , U2r ) ≥ log det(Eik (V, U2r
ik )), for all feasible V, ∀ ik
k=1 i=1
uu U, (V2r+1 , U2r ) ≥ log det(Eik (V2r+1 , Uik )) for all Uik , ∀ ik
k=1 i=1
Moreover, other conditions in Assumption 2 are also satisfied for uv (·) and uu (·). Thus the convergence
of the WMMSE algorithm to a stationary solution of problem (41) follows directly from Theorem 2.
We briefly mention here that the main benefit of using the BSUM approach for solving problem (41)
is that in each step, the problem (43) can be decomposed into K independent convex subproblems, one
for each base station k ∈ K. Moreover, the solutions for these K subproblems can be simply obtained
in closed form (subject to an efficient bisection search). For more details on this algorithm, we refer the
readers to [28] and [25].
The BSUM approach has been extensively used for resource allocation in wireless networks, for
example [8], [16], [18], [23], [27], and [26]. However, the convergence of most of the algorithms was
not rigorously established.
The classical proximal minimization algorithm (see, e.g., [3, Section 3.4.3]) obtains a solution of the
problem minx∈X f (x) by solving an equivalent problem
min f (x) + kx − yk22 , (45)
x∈X ,y∈X 2c
where f (·) is a convex function, X is a closed convex set, and c > 0 is a scalar parameter. The equivalent
problem (45) is attractive in that it is strongly convex in both x and y (but not jointly) so long as f (x)
is convex. This problem can be solved by performing the following two steps in an alternating fashion
r+1 1 r 2
x = arg min f (x) + kx − y k2 (46)
x∈X 2c
Equivalently, let u(x; xr ) , f (x) + 2c kx − xr k22 , then the iteration (46)–(47) can be written as
It can be straightforwardly checked that for all x, xr ∈ X , the function u(x, xr ) serves as an upper
bound for the function f (x). Moreover, the conditions listed in Assumption 1 are all satisfied. Clearly, the
iteration (48) corresponds to the SUM algorithm discussed in Section III. Consequently, the convergence
of the proximal minimization procedure can be obtained from Theorem 1.
The proximal minimization algorithm can be generalized in the following way. Consider the problem
s.t. xi ∈ Xi , i = 1, · · · , n,
where {Xi }ni=1 are closed convex sets, f (·) is convex in each of its block components, but not necessarily
strictly convex. A straightforward application of the BCD procedure may fail to find a stationary solution
for this problem, as the per-block subproblems may contain multiple solutions. Alternatively, we can
consider an alternating proximal minimization algorithm [12], in each iteration of which the following
subproblem is solved
min f (xr1 , . . . , xri−1 , xi , xri+1 , . . . , xrn ) + kxi − xri k22 (50)
xi 2c
s.t. xi ∈ Xi .
It is not hard to see that this subproblem always admits a unique solution, as the objective is a strictly
convex function of xi . Let ui (xi , xr ) , f (xr1 , · · · , xi , · · · xrn ) + 2c kxi − xri k22 . Again for each xi ∈ Xi
and xr ∈ j Xj , the function ui (xi , xr ) is an upper bound of the original objective f (x). Moreover,
all the conditions in Assumption 2 are satisfied. Utilizing Theorem 2, we conclude that the alternating
proximal minimization algorithm must converge to a stationary solution of the problem (49). Moreover,
our result extends those in [12] to the case of nonsmooth objective function as well as the case with
iteration-dependent coefficient c. The latter case, which was also studied in the contemporary work [32],
will be demonstrated in an example for tensor decomposition shortly.
The proximal splitting algorithm (see, e.g., [9]) for nonsmooth optimization is also a special case of
the BSUM algorithm. Consider the following problem
where X is a closed and convex set. Furthermore, f1 is convex and lower semicontinuous; f2 is convex
and has Lipschitz continuous gradient, i.e., k∇f2 (x) − ∇f2 (y)k ≤ βkx − yk, ∀ x, y ∈ X and for some
β > 0.
Define the proximity operator proxfi : X → X as
proxfi (x) = arg min fi (y) + kx − yk2 . (52)
y∈X 2
The following forward-backward splitting iteration can be used to obtain a solution for problem (51) [9]:
We then show that u(x, xr ) is an upper bound of the original function f1 (x)+f2 (x), for all x, xr ∈ X .
Note that from the well known Descent Lemma [2, Proposition A.32], we have that
f2 (x) ≤ f2 (xr ) + kx − xr k2 + hx − xr , ∇f2 (xr )i
≤ f2 (xr ) + kx − xr k2 + hx − xr , ∇f2 (xr )i
where the second inequality is from the definition of γ . This result implies that u(x, y) ≥ f1 (x) +
f2 (x), ∀ x, y ∈ X . Moreover, we can again verify that all the other conditions in Assumption 1 is true.
Consequently, we conclude that the forward-backward splitting algorithm is a special case of the SUM
Similar to the previous example, we can generalize the forward-backward splitting algorithm to the
problem with multiple block components. Consider the following problem
min fi (xi ) + fn+1 (x1 , · · · , xn ) (56)
s.t. xi ∈ Xi , i = 1, · · · , n
where {Xi }ni=1 are a closed and convex sets. Each function fi (·), i = 1, · · · n is convex and lower
semicontinuous w.r.t. xi ; fn+1 (·) is convex and has Lipschitz continuous gradient w.r.t. each of the
component xi , i.e., k∇fn+1 (x) − ∇fn+1 (y)k ≤ βi kxi − yi k, ∀ xi , yi ∈ Xi , i = 1, · · · , n. Then the
following block forward-backward splitting algorithm can be shown as a special case of the BSUM
algorithm, and consequently converges to a stationary solution of the problem (56)
i = proxγfi (xri − γ∇xi fn+1 (xr )), i = 1, 2, ..., n,
where Xr = a1r ◦ a2r ◦ . . . ◦ anr and air ∈ Rmi . Here the notation “ ◦ ” denotes the outer product.
In general, finding the CP decomposition of a given tensor is NP-hard [15]. In practice, one of the
most widely accepted algorithms for computing the CP decomposition of a tensor is the Alternating
Least Squares (ALS) algorithm [11], [19], [29]. The ALS algorithm proposed in [6], [13] is in essence a
BCD method. For ease of presentation, we will present the ALS algorithm only for tensors of order three.
Let X ∈ RI×J×K be a third order tensor. Let (A; B; C) represent the following decomposition
(A; B; C) , ar ◦ br ◦ cr ,
where ar (resp. br and cr ) is the r -th column of A (resp. B and C ). The ALS algorithm minimizes the
difference between the original and the reconstructed tensors
The ALS approach is a special case of the BCD algorithm in which the three blocks of variables A, B,
and C are cyclically updated. In each step of the computation when two blocks of variables are held
fixed, the subproblem becomes the quadratic least squares problem and admits closed form updates (see
One of the well-known drawbacks of the ALS algorithm is the swamp effect where the objective
value remains almost constant for many iterations before starting to decrease again. Navasca et al. in
[22] observed that adding a proximal term in the algorithm could help reducing the swamp effect. More
specifically, at each iteration r the algorithm proposed in [22] solves the following problem for updating
the variables:
kX − (A; B; C)k2 + λkA − Ar k2 + λkB − B r k2 + λkC − C r k2 , (58)
where λ ∈ R is a positive constant. As discussed before, this proximal term has been considered in
different optimization contexts and its convergence has been already showed in [12]. An interesting
numerical observation in [22] is that decreasing the value of λ during the algorithm can noticeably
improve the convergence of the algorithm. Such iterative decrease of λ can be accomplished in a number
of different ways. Our numerical experiments show that the following simple approach to update λ can
significantly improve the convergence of the ALS algorithm and substantially reduce the swamp effect:
kX − (Ar ; B r ; C r )k
λr = λ0 + λ1 , (59)
where λr is the proximal coefficient λ at iteration r . Theorem 2 implies the convergence is guaranteed
even with this update rule of λ, whereas the convergence result of [12] does not apply in this case since
the proximal coefficient is changing during the iterations.
Figure 6 shows the performance of different algorithms for the example given in [22] where the
tensor X is obtained from the decomposition
3 2 cos θ 0 1 0 0
1 cos θ 0
A= , B= 0 sin θ 1 , C = 0 1 0 .
0 sin θ 1
0 sin θ 0 0 0 1
The vertical axis is the value of the objective function where the horizontal axis is the iteration number.
In this plot, ALS is the classical alternating least squares algorithm. The curve for Constant Proximal
shows the performance of the BSUM algorithm when we use the objective function in (58) with λ = 0.1.
The curve for Diminishing Proximal shows the performance of block coordinate descent method on (58)
where the weight λ decreases iteratively according to (59) with λ0 = 10−7 , λ1 = 0.1. The other two
curves MBI and MISUM correspond to the maximum block improvement algorithm and the MISUM
algorithm. In the implementation of the MISUM algorithm, the proximal term is of the form in (58) and
the weight λ is updated based on (59).
Constant Proximal
10 Dimnishing Proximal
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Table I represents the average number of iterations required to get an objective value less than ǫ = 10−5
for different algorithms. The average is taken over 1000 Monte-Carlo runs over different initializations.
The initial points are generated randomly where the components of the variables A, B, and C are drawn
independently from the uniform distribution over the unit interval [0, 1]. As it can be seen, adding a
diminishing proximal term significantly improves the convergence speed of the ALS algorithm.
The expectation maximization algorithm (EM) in [10] is an iterative procedure for maximum likelihood
estimation when some of the random variables are unobserved/hidden. Let w be the observed random
vector which is used for estimating the value of θ . The maximum likelihood estimate of θ can be given
θ̂ML = arg max ln p(w|θ). (60)
Let the random vector z be the hidden/unobserved variable. The EM algorithm starts from an initial
estimate θ 0 and generates a sequence {θ r } by repeating the following steps:
The EM-algorithm can be viewed as a special case of SUM algorithm [4]. In fact, we are interested in
solving the following optimization problem
min − ln p(w|θ).
, u(θ, θ r ),
where the inequality is due to the Jensen’s inequality and the third equality follows from a simple change
of the order of integration for the expectation. Since Ez|w,θr ln p(z|w, θ r ) is not a function of θ , the
M-step in the EM-algorithm can be written as
Furthermore, it is not hard to see that u(θ r , θ r ) = − ln p(w|θ r ). Therefore, under the smoothness
assumption, Proposition 1 implies that Assumption 1 is satisfied. As an immediate consequence, the EM-
algorithm is a special case of the SUM algorithm. Therefore, our result implies not only the convergence
of the EM-algorithm, but also the convergence of the EM-algorithm with Gauss-Seidel/coordinatewise
update rule (under the assumptions of Theorem 2). In fact in the block coordinate EM-algorithm (BEM),
at each M-step, only one block is updated. More specifically, let θ = (θ1 , . . . , θn ) be the unknown
parameter. Assume w is the observed vector and z is the hidden/unobserved variable as before. The
BEM algorithm starts from an initial point θ 0 = (θ10, . . . , θn0 ) and generates a sequence {θ r } according
to the algorithm in Figure 7.
The motivation behind using the BEM algorithm instead of the EM algorithm could be the difficulties
in solving the M-step of EM for the entire set of variables, while solving the same problem per block of
variables is easy. To the best of our knowledge, the BEM algorithm and its convergence behavior have
not been analyzed before.
A popular algorithm for solving unconstrained problems, which also belongs to the class of successive
upper-bound minimization, is the Concave-Convex Procedure (CCCP) introduced in [33]. In CCCP, also
2 repeat
3 r = r + 1, i = r mod n + 1
4 r , θ , θ r , . . . , θ r )}
E-Step: gi (θi , θ r ) = Ez|w,θr {ln p(w, z|θ1r , . . . , θi−1 i i+1 n
known as the difference of convex functions (DC) programming, we consider the unconstrained problem
min f (x),
where f (x) = fcve (x) + fcvx (x), ∀ x ∈ Rm ; where fcve (·) is a concave function and fcvx (·) is convex.
The CCCP generates a sequence {xr } by solving the following equation:
which is equivalent to
xr+1 = arg min g(x, xr ), (61)
where g(x, xr ) , fcvx (x)+(x−xr )T ∇fcve (xr )+fcve (xr ). Clearly, g(x, xr ) is a tight convex upper-bound
of f (x) and hence CCCP is a special case of the SUM algorithm and its convergence is guaranteed by
Theorem 1 under certain assumptions. Furthermore, if the updates are done in a block coordinate manner,
the algorithm becomes a special case of BSUM whose convergence is guaranteed by Theorem 2. To the
best of our knowledge, the block coordinate version of CCCP algorithm and its convergence has not been
studied before.
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