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Теsт4 Food and Meals

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( Vocabulary test “FOOD AND MEALS” )

I. What do we call:
1. small pieces of raw potatoes fried crisp;
2. vegetables served at table;
3. the sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees;
4. small balls of dough cooked in boiling oil;
5. substances we add to food to make it tastier;
6. a person, who likes sweets;
7. the process of preparing dinner (breakfast);
8. the meat which has no fat;
9. extra money that we give to a waiter in a restaurant;
10. a large spoon we use to pour soup into a plate;
11. a meal taken between lunch and supper if dinner is not taken in
the evening;
12. a snack and drink taken during the morning;
13. a quick meal in the middle of the day;
14. the first meal of the day;
15. a formal evening meal in Belarus;
16. the main meal of the day in England;
17. a meal eaten in the late morning;

II.Use the right word:

a) meal, food, course, dish
1. We have three … a day, breakfast, dinner and supper.
2. I like to cook my … myself.
3. This … tastes bad. Don’t eat it.
4. Breakfast in England is generally a bigger … than they have on the
5. The most common third … at our canteen is compote.
6. Why don’t you take a … of meat and vegetables?
7. Dinner consists of several … .

5. The English are famous for their … beef.

III.Fill in articles if necessary:

1. … dinner is ready. Will you have it now?
2. Would you like to come over for … dinner on Friday?
3. When … lunch was over they went upstairs to rest a little.
4. It all happened at … official luncheon.
5. –How do you like … supper? –Oh, it’s … delicious supper.
6. –What will you have for … dessert? –I’d rather have …
7. –How was … tea? –… tea was super.
8. I hope you are satisfied with … supper.
9. … breakfast was bacon and eggs.
10. They are giving … dinner in honour of her retirement.
11. I hate his habit of reading a newspaper at … breakfast.
12. I don’t like … mineral water, I prefer … cup of … tea.
13. Is there anything to your taste on … menu?
14. She is going to cook … fish soup for … dinner.
15. What can you recommend for … first course?
16. … meat is just to my liking.
17.What do you usually have for … second course?
18. … cheese was fresh and tasty and he ate it with … appetite.
19. At … dinner we sat far from each other and could not talk.
20. After … dinner sit a while, after … supper walk a mile.
21. Who is coming to … tea?
22. I had … supper at the hotel restaurant.
23. For … breakfast I had … boiled egg and … cup of … strong tea.
24. He prefers … roasted meat for … second course.
25. She likes … black coffee for … breakfast.
26. Will you please buy … loaf of … brown bread?
27. He is fond of … cabbage soup.
28. I liked … pork we had for … supper.
29. I had … big dinner today.

4. You can’t make butter … skimmed milk.

5. The impressive building of the bank made … steel and glass
towers over the other houses.
6. Lenses made … plastic are as good as those made … glass and
much lighter.
7. Silk is made … very thin thread which is produced by a silk worm.
8. My blouse is made … the finest silk.
9. What is viscose made … ?
10. Bread is made … flour and water.
11. Their dining table is made … solid oak.
12. What did you make this sauce … ? It’s delicious.
13. “Redbrick universities” is the colloquial name for the universities
which appeared in the 19th century. Normally they were made …
red brick.
14. Whisky is made … barley.
15. Wine is an alcoholic drink made … grapes or any fruit.

V. Complete the sentences using the words from a) and b):

a) grill fry roast b) kettle saucepan frying pan
bake steam boil grill hot plate toaster
liquidizer pan percolator

1. To make boiled eggs, you a)……...the eggs in water in a

b)………for about 3 minutes.
2. If you want potato soup, put the boiled potatoes into the
b)………for a couple of minutes with a little milk and butter and
then heat.
3. To make fried eggs, you a)………the eggs in oil in a b)………on
the b)………for about 2 minutes.
4. To make steamed rice, you a)………the rice over some water in a
b)………on the b)………for about 30 minutes.

VI. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Сейчас очень многие увлекаются вегетарианской пищей.
Вегетарианцы совсем не едят мяса, они едят овощи–картошку,
морковь, свеклу, цветную капусту, горох, салат.
2. Какой сочный арбуз! Я, пожалуй, съем еще кусочек.
3. Дай мне дольку апельсина, чайную ложку сахара, щепотку
соли, кусочек хлеба и плитку шоколада. Я буду готовить
фирменное блюдо.
4. Этот пудинг очень сытный, я буду есть его без сливок и без
5. Какое масло лучше использовать для приготовления
пищи–сливочное или растительное? –Говорят, растительное
6. Я люблю все мучное. Я знаю, что от булочек, пирожных и
печенья полнеют, но ничего не могу с собой поделать.
7. Ты не могла бы дать рецепт торта, который мы ели у тебя на
дне рождения?
8. Вчера я собиралась испечь яблочный пирог. Но когда я
пришла домой, я обнаружила, что у меня закончилась мука.
9. Какой кофе вы предпочитаете: черный или с молоком?
–Вообще-то я не люблю кофе. Можно мне чашку чая,
10. Я предпочитаю свежие фрукты замороженным. В них больше


1.chips; 2.salad; 3.honey; 4.doughnuts; 5.spices; 6.sweet tooth;
7.cooking; 8.lean meat; 9.tip; 10.ladle; 11.dinner; 12.breakfast;
13.lunch; 14.breakfast; 15.supper; 16.dinner; 17.brunch.

a) 1.meals; 2.meals; 3.dish; 4.meal; 5.course; 6.dish; 7.courses;
8.meal; 9.food; 10.dish;
b) 1.roasted; 2.baked; 3.fry; 4.cooking, boil; 5.roast.

1. –; 2. –; 3.the; 4.an; 5.the, a; 6.–, –; 7.the, the; 8.the; 9.the; 10. –;
11.–; 12.–, a, –; 13.the; 14.–, –; 15.the; 16.the; 17.the; 18.the; 19.–;
20.–, –; 21.–; 22.–; 23.–, a, a; 24.–, the; 25.–, –; 26.a, –; 27.–; 28.the,
–; 29.a; 30.the; 31.the; 32.the; 33.a; 34.the.

1.of; 2.of; 3.from; 4.of/from; 5.of; 6.from; 7.from; 8.of; 9.from; 10.of;
11.of; 12.from; 13.of; 14.from; 15.from.

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