Теsт4 Food and Meals
Теsт4 Food and Meals
Теsт4 Food and Meals
( Vocabulary test “FOOD AND MEALS” )
I. What do we call:
1. small pieces of raw potatoes fried crisp;
2. vegetables served at table;
3. the sweet nectar of flowers collected by bees;
4. small balls of dough cooked in boiling oil;
5. substances we add to food to make it tastier;
6. a person, who likes sweets;
7. the process of preparing dinner (breakfast);
8. the meat which has no fat;
9. extra money that we give to a waiter in a restaurant;
10. a large spoon we use to pour soup into a plate;
11. a meal taken between lunch and supper if dinner is not taken in
the evening;
12. a snack and drink taken during the morning;
13. a quick meal in the middle of the day;
14. the first meal of the day;
15. a formal evening meal in Belarus;
16. the main meal of the day in England;
17. a meal eaten in the late morning;
1.chips; 2.salad; 3.honey; 4.doughnuts; 5.spices; 6.sweet tooth;
7.cooking; 8.lean meat; 9.tip; 10.ladle; 11.dinner; 12.breakfast;
13.lunch; 14.breakfast; 15.supper; 16.dinner; 17.brunch.
a) 1.meals; 2.meals; 3.dish; 4.meal; 5.course; 6.dish; 7.courses;
8.meal; 9.food; 10.dish;
b) 1.roasted; 2.baked; 3.fry; 4.cooking, boil; 5.roast.
1. –; 2. –; 3.the; 4.an; 5.the, a; 6.–, –; 7.the, the; 8.the; 9.the; 10. –;
11.–; 12.–, a, –; 13.the; 14.–, –; 15.the; 16.the; 17.the; 18.the; 19.–;
20.–, –; 21.–; 22.–; 23.–, a, a; 24.–, the; 25.–, –; 26.a, –; 27.–; 28.the,
–; 29.a; 30.the; 31.the; 32.the; 33.a; 34.the.
1.of; 2.of; 3.from; 4.of/from; 5.of; 6.from; 7.from; 8.of; 9.from; 10.of;
11.of; 12.from; 13.of; 14.from; 15.from.