Nomadic (Pages)
Nomadic (Pages)
Nomadic (Pages)
Nomadic is a solo tabletop role-playing As you play the game, go through the
game of exploration and survival. following steps:
You explore dangerous worlds in a quest to
find a new home for humankind. You use
You’ve spotted a new planet worth
Oracles when there are uncertainties,
investigating. How do you feel as of
perform dangerous actions, and manage
this moment ? Describe a memory
different resources to keep your body, your
from your time on earth before you
mind, your equipment, and your spaceship
started your nomadic journey.
in good shape.
Nomadic explores themes about isolation, Describe landing on the planet.
despair, futility, and mental/physical health. What piques your interest as you
Your safety is important, so for this reason, land (refer to the Planet Scanner).
don’t hesitate to rewind, rewrite, pause, or What is the biome like ? What kind of
take a break as you see fit. To play, you will terrain is the planet mostly made of ? Is
need a set of polyhedral dice, a pencil, and there life or fauna on the planet ? What
something you can either write on, or record is the weather like in the region where
yourself with for the journaling phases of you landed?
the game.
Explore the planet as long as you
Leaving Earth wish. When you have questions
about the world, or wonder if your
Humanity abandoned Earth as it got Nomad can succeed at doing certain
destroyed by climate catastrophes. The dangerous actions, use the game’s
International Space Program sent hundreds Oracles.
of pilots into the depths of space to explore, If your Nomad’s action isn’t directly
document, and survive the harshness of the involved in your question, use the
void in the hope of finding a new planet Question Oracle to get your answer.
where humans could prosper again. During
that time, what’s left of humanity is left If your Nomad is directly performing an
waiting in giant cryo ships for a new planet action and the outcome is in doubt, use
to be discovered. the Risk Oracle to know how it goes.
You are done exploring, and are
Your Gear ready to take off. Make a Resource
You are a Nomad, one of the pilots sent to Roll to see how many resources
look for inhabitable worlds through the you found while exploring. Add up the
vastness of the universe. You are equipped result on your character sheet.
with a high-tech exo-suit that lets you
survive some of the most harsh Leave the planet. As you are
environments. You carry with you a blaster, a floating with the stars again, take a
portable drone, scanners, and various moment to log or record what
sensors. You pilot a NOD class star ship happened during your journey. Beam
equipped with a light engine and an astro- the recordings or messages to the void.
droid who helps keep things in good shape. Maybe another Nomad will be in range
and receive your transmission.
Start your adventure on your ship. You’ve
been navigating in the void for weeks, and
6 The planet wasn’t the right one.
Nevertheless, this wasn’t all for
nothing, for the information and
resource you gathered are still crucial
are about to enter a new solar system. This
system has planets that are worth exploring, to your effort. It is now time to look for
either because of their resources or their a new planet to explore.
potential to become humanity’s new home.
Question Oracle Resource Tracks
If you have a question about the world, use You have 4 resources tracks: body, mind,
the Question Oracle to get your answer. gear, and ship. When a complication arises,
either as a result of you “focusing” or from a
Roll 2d6, sum the two numbers, and
check, you mark boxes on one of the tracks.
interpret the results.
Look at the fiction to decide which track to
mark. You can also pick a random one and
• On a 2-3, the answer is no, and… link it with the fiction later. E.g. when you mark
• On a 4-6, the answer is no. a ship box, you realize your ship’s engine is
• On a 7, the answer is yes, but… damaged the next time you see it. If there are no
• On a 8-10, the answer is yes. more boxes to mark, you have to make a choice.
• On a 11-12, the answer is yes, and…
Region Scanner
Biome (1d10)
1. Freshwater (pond, river, lake) 6. Temperate Forest
2. Marine (ocean, coral reef, estuary) 7. Boreal Forest
3. Grassland (prairie, steppe) 8. Hot Desert
4. Tropical Grassland (savanna) 9. Cold Desert
5. Tropical Forest 10.Tundra
Current Weather (1d10) Terrain (1d4)
1. Clear 6. Fog 1. Mountains
2. Cloudy 7. Snow 2. Hills
3. Drizzle 8. Storm 3. Plateaus
4. Rainy 9. Blizzard 4. Plains
5. Storm 10.Sandstorm
Flora Monitor
Size (1d6) Type (1d6)
1. Tiny 4. Large 1. Mushrooms 5. Shrubs
2. Small 5. Very Large 2. Herbs 6. Climbers
3. Normal 6. Gigantic 3. Flowers 7. Creepers
4. Trees 8. Trees
Your Body (1d8) Your Mind (1d6)
When you travel the void or explore new You sacrificed so much to start this journey,
worlds, one thing is certain; everything out and there are moments where remembering
there is trying to kill you. The work you are your old life does you more harm than good.
doing is dangerous, and it takes a toll on 1. You’re struck by memory about a hobby
your body. you used to love while on earth. What was
1. You realize you haven’t eaten anything in it?
the last three days and your stomach 2. You are thinking about a person you will
growls in pain. probably never see again in your lifetime.
2. You did a bad move, and you’ve sprain Who is it?
your ankle. 3. Someone dear to you wasn’t able to
3. You feel a huge pressure on your lungs board the last cryo-ship leaving earth.
that makes it extremely hard to breath. Who is it? Why couldn’t they leave?
4. Your vision becomes dizzy, and you feel 4. A long time ago, you me another Nomad
nauseous. in your journey. What news did they bring
5. You feel like you are on fire as numerous to you?
parts of your body start itching. 5. Many people wanted to become Nomads,
6. You feel a huge pain across your back. but you did something that made them
7. Your ears are constantly ringing, causing a pick you. What was it?
huge feeling vertigo. 6. You were allowed to bring one personnal
8. You don’t feel your hands and feet object with you. What is it ?
Determination DASH D D
Your skill aren’t all you have to survive the INITIAL CURRENT
harshess of space. You can also rely on your
sheer determination to push forward and to
make the mission a success. LEARN D D
When you use your determination, you use a
d12 instead of a skill rating to do a check.
Once used, you'll need to "focus" to use it
When you focus, you quickly take the time to INITIAL CURRENT
assess the situation, calculate all the
variables, and recenter yourself for what’s to
come. Determination
You can do this at any time to get a brief
As a result, all your skills reset to their initial
Focusing also introduces a new complication Tracks
to the story. When that happens, mark one
box on a resource track. BODY
Look at the “Complications” page for a list of MIND
possible complications to use depending on GEAR
which track you marked.
If all your resource tracks are filled, you need
to make a choice. Will you abandon the
mission or will you push forward into the Resources
unknown ?
This work is based on Breathless, product of Fari RPGs (, developed and authored by René-Pier
Deshaies-Gélinas, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https://