Air Force Flight Wright-Patterson: Dynamics Laboratory AFB, Ohio 45433
Air Force Flight Wright-Patterson: Dynamics Laboratory AFB, Ohio 45433
Air Force Flight Wright-Patterson: Dynamics Laboratory AFB, Ohio 45433
R=19790007444 2020-03-20T18:19:10+00:00Z
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I. G. Bowen
R. L. Newman
lhe results show that fewer missed passes occured with the roll-stabi-
lized HUD when the horizon was obscured. The pilots also reported that the
workload was greatly reduced. Roll-stabilizationwas required to prevent
vertigo when flying in the absence of a natural horizon. Any HUD intended
For mid-air retrieval should dispiay pitch, roll, sideslip, airspeed, and
vertical velocity.
One of the most successful ways to recover drones is the mid-air re-
trieval system (MARS). During these recoveries,a parachute system is de-
ployed from a descendingdrone prior to retrieval. A typical pazachute sys-
tem consists of an engagement parachute connected by a load line to the drone
and a main parachute canopy supporting the drone. The main canopy is de-
signed to release when the load line from the drone to'the engagement para-
chute is under tension. The load line is routed up the main canopy risers 1
to a break-tie at its apex, then up to the engagement parachute. _
To recover the drone or other object, the pilot flies the helicopter to
approach the engagement parachute from the side opposite the load line.
• 0
This location is shown by an aiming panel on the main canopy. The helicopter
has three hooks rigged beIow it which catch load carrying members in the en-
gagement parachute. These hooks are connected to an energy absorbing winch
aboard the helicopter. As the ioad line absorbs the tension after engage-
ment, the apex tie releases, Followed by main canopy separation, and the
drone is carried by the load line supported from the helicopter. Figure l
shows the heiicopter and parachute system just prior to engagement.
The pilot's primary visual cue is the alignment of the helicopter, the
top of the engagement parachute, and the horizon. If the horizon is obscured
by smoke, haze, or clouds, or if false horizons are present, the pilot has
extreme difficuIty in judging his position relative to the target. Under
these circumstances,attempted recovery can be dangerous and Fruitless.
The head-up display has been used to assist pilots during visual track-
ing tasks. The HUD is an outgrowth of the reflecting gunsight and presents
Flight instrument data in the pilot's Field of view as he looks at external
visual cues. Io date, HUDs have been applied to two main areas: weapons
delivery(_) and landing approach(_,_). A survey of HUD technology is also
HUDs serve to combine real world visual cues with derived data. These
data sources are complementary. It would be difficult to reproduce the real
world cues artificially. At the same time, the derived data presents infor-
mation that the pilot cannot perceive directly, or only with greatdifficulty.
One must be careful, however, to ensure that both data Fields are compatible.
As Singleton points out(_), there is a basic incompatibilitybetween the
redundant, analogue data of the real world and the symbolic, often digital
data of artificial displays, lhe problem is Further complicated by the need
for careful attention to retain proper balance, so that the proper display
(real world or artificial data) dominates. During visual tracking, the real
world must dominate with the flight instrument data providing supplementary
information, lhe roles reverse during instrument flight. However, the HUD
must not be such a compelling sight that the pilot Fixates on it to the ex-
clusion of the real world. This has definite implications on pi]ot learning
andhas been reporLedelsewhere(2). Thesecomments were verified by conversa-
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Roll information is not considered essential since the VAM was designed
for use on final approach in visual conditions only. Later VAMBincorporate
an airspeed index showing deviation from a reference speed. A color-coded
index shows deviation with a red S for slow, a yellow F for fast, and a green
O for correct airspeed, lhis peripheral cue is simlliar to the angle-of-
attack indexes on some military airplanes.
lhe overall purpose of this program was to determine whether a HUD will
assist the pilot of a MARShelicopter with recoveries in low visibility con-
ditions and will also enhance training and standardization, lhe experimen-
tal objective was to determine whether a no-roll presentation is acceptable
for MARSoperations. If not, is a roll-stabilized horizon bar acceptable?
Specific questions to be answered were: (1) What changes in MARSperformance
(precision and smoothness of control, airspeed control, and maintenance of
the sight picture) are attributed to the HUD? (2) What is the pilot workload
change induced by the HUD? (3) What are pilot preferences for, and potential
operational problems associated with roll-stabilized and non-roll-stabilized
HUD formats? and (4) What changes in HUD format, data, or procedures will
help lmprove MARS performance?
A total of six sorties were flown using four subject pilots. All four
subjects were well qualified in CH-3 MARS operations. CH-3 flying experience
ranged from 800 to 1800 hours with a total flying experience range of 2500
to 2950 hours. All pilots were CH-} instructor pilots. The safety pilots
were also CH-3 instructorp/lots. One of the subjects also served as a safe-
Ly pilot after he completed his flights as a subject. None of the pilots had
flown any HUD-equipped aircL'aft prior to this evaluaLion.
Pre-experiment Ouestionnaire
of a natural horizon. The pilots also commented on the difficulty of transi-
tioning from keeping the parachute on the horizon to passing over the canopy
just prlor to engagement. Two pilots felt that roll information would be very
important in a MARSHUD, but not essential. Three felt that it would be
desirable, and one pilot had a neutral opinion.
SubJective Workload
rile pilots all felt a need to come "inside" for more data than was shown
on the HUD. All reported a need for airspeed until they adapted to the aic-
speed indexes. All required vertical velocity data. Rest required sideslip
information with NH, but either HUD provided this data to the pilots' satis-
faction. Roll and pitch data were required in the absence of a HUDby some
pilots; the RH configuration eliminated the need to come lnside for either.
One pilot felt a need for torque oc RPN,
The need for additional data is sun,narized in Table If. The HUD was felt
to be useful only during final approaches since the horiz=_ bar was displaced
beyond the limits of the combiner glass during the turns to final approach,
: The pilots were generally less concerned over high or low passes with the _
HUD than wiLhouL. One pilot eolnmented that while he was less concerned in
general, the lo_s of sight of the parachute on short final (blocked by the HUD
hardware) did bother him° (Note= this subject pilot also fle_ as a safety
pilot and as a subject pilot during Phase ]l and felt that it was not a prob-
lem after adaptation.) Either HUOconfiguration caused the "hits" to be con-
centrated at the pole tips.
Other Comments
The HUDwas removed from the helicopter used for Phase I and for the four
sorties described above, it was then taken to the OL and installed in another
CH-3. Eighteen operational recoveries ware made at the OL during the month of
April 1975. Only the RH display was used for recoveries during this phase, al-
though the NR moae was briefly evaluated during other Flying in the haze con-
ditions prevalent at the Ol.
Benefit of HUD
The second operational sortie typifies the benefit of the HUD. On this
sortie, the load line break-ties had separated from the main canopy resulting
in the engagement parachute lying over and remaining at the same altitude as
the main canopy. With the horizon obscured by haze, rain, and clouds, the HUD
alJo_ed a BuccessFul recovery on the first pass. The pilots Felt that in the
absence of a HUD, there would have been multiple missed passes an6 very likely
a lost drone.
The pilots felt that pilot workload was much lower with the HUO.
_isu_l Illusion_
Both pilots co_ented on an illusion during passes with the HUD in mar-
gins1 weather, lhey had the illuslon of being correctly lined up with the
engagement parachute, but the fILM)showed them to be high. Confidence in the
HUD from their experience in Arizona allowed them to use the HUD to correct
their flight paths and make consistent catches.
Operational Effectiveness
Wemust further separate the data intu learning and steady-state perform-
ance. To do this, we shall classify all no-HUD passes as steady-state _ince
all subjects were considered to be highly qualified by their organizations.
All Phase I passes with either HUD should be considered as learning passes.
Ihe actual recoveries made using the roll-stabilized HUO, both DVs and opera-
tional drones, can be classed as steady-state performance. Thus we have _2
]earning passes and 45 steady-state performance passes.
]he performan('e comparison between the two HUD versions can only be based
on the learning data. Because of the small sample size, the differen:e in
miss rates is not significant.
]o cow, are the performance of the RH and the no-flUe baseline, we must use
steady-staLe performance and, as a result, e_late the difficulty of making
passes to IWs and to tar=demparachutes, although the motion of the tandem
parachute system makeu actual recoveries harder. Likewise_ we must equate the
difficulty or operating in Arizona in good visibility to the difficulty of i
operating at the OL in haze and smoke. Since the NH passes were mostly made i
to INs at Davis-Nonthan AFB, these assumptions are heavily weighted against
the HUD. !
Nevertheless, the miss rates were ._uch lower with tim }IUO (] misses in
23 passes or 13_) than witt_0ut the tlUD (J2_ missed). Again the limited data
precludes mly statistical test (XZ=2.29, dr=l, O.2>p>O.l). HoweverD in view
of the heavily biassed test conditions, this difference in miss rates should
be considered valid.
Mission Success Rate
To convert from miss rate (i. e., fraction of passes missed) to mission
success rate (i. e., fraction of drones recovered), we use the familiar par-
allel redundancy formula:
where n is the number of passes possible befor_ the drone is too low for a
safe pads. With a typical value of n = 3, we can compute the mission success
rates. For the roll HUD, the learning curve performance is 98.9% and the
steady-sLateperformance in 99.8% of all drones recowred. The steady-state
baseline (no HUD) performance is 96.8,%.
Again, the assumptions favor the no HUD case. If we look at the one
sortie where the HUD malfunctioned (3 misses out of four passes), the corres-
ponding mission success rate for no HUD in haze would be 58%. This figure
is consistentwith mission recovery r3tes of less than fifty percent which
have been reported in no-horizon conditions.
Flight Safety
The primary hazard during MARS operations is collision with the para-
chute. During Phase I, it was noticed that the successful passes with the HUD
were concentrated at the pole tips. This effect is probably the result of the
aiming V helping the pilot to make a smooth transition to allow the parachute
to pass beneath the helicopter into the engagement window. While this effect
was only noticed with passes to TWs, it will undoubtedly reduce the number of
nose or belly slaps during training and certainly minimize the risk of a ca-
tastrophiccollision. It is not ciear whether the aiming V should be adjus-
table to accommodiatedifferent size parachutes. The pilot opinions were
divided and no tests were conducted.
While no particular problems with the no-roll HUD were noted during
flights in good weather, the pilots at the OL did report a strong tendency
toward vertigo when flying the no-roll HUD in restricted visibility. This
represents an unacceptablehazard.
One sortie was cancelled because of invalid pitch data on one HUD. This
can be a serious hazard in instrumentweather conditions or if the horizon is
not visible. Serious considerationshould be given to incorporating an in-
strument comparator to warn against invalid data. Failing this, crew proce-
dures must be developed to ensure that discrepanciesare noted. However, it
will be difficult for the non-flying pilot to crosscheck his HUD with his
panel instruments.
The basic MARS HUD was intended to display pitch, sideslip, and airspeed
with an optional roll display. The pitch display was the primary display
needed for MARS. Since sideslip and airspeed were critical for successful
engagements,they were also included. Part of the experimental design was to
i ]
evaluate the need For roll. The HUD also included an aiming V to assist the _:
pilot during the transition just prior to engagement. During the evaluation,
pilot comments suggested that vertical velocity data be added.
Pitch. Lack of adequate pitch cues from the horizon was the original
reason for the HUD. We can, therefore, presume that pitch is a requirement
for a MARS HUD. However, with a pitch malfunction, the airspeed, sideslip,
, and vertical velocity data would still be useful. Pitch failure, then, need
only extinguish the pitch and roll displays (and the aiming V).
While the use of the three symbol airspeed display is adequate for de-
termining both the actual airspeed and trends, some learning over and above
the normal HUD familiarizationseems to be needed.
Aiming V. The aiming V was commented on favorably by the subject pilots.
However, no concensus could be reached on the need for different Vs for dif-
ferent sized parachute canopies.
The HUD system (with roll) will enhance MARS performance during periods
of reduced visibility. It will also enhance safety during training by causing
the passes above the target parachute to be higher -- reducing the chances of
the helicopter'sstriking the parachute. Roll stabilization is a safety-of-
flight requirement to avoid vertigo in no-horizon weather conditions. Roll-
stabilizationappeared to improve performance over the no-roll case; however
insuffient data was available for a statistically valid test.
Pilot workload is much lower when using the HUD. Iraining to use the HUD
should require practice passes to 2-4 training weights, assuming a MARS-quali-
fied pilot. The ability to make full use of the airspeed cue on the HUD may
require additional time. The airspeed learning curve seems to be quite var-
iable from pilot to pilot.
[he MARS HUD should display pitch, roll, sideslip, airspeed, and vertical
velocity data. A reliable self-test circuit is highly desirable. The horizon
line should be more distinct than the aiming V.
While the HUD should enhance crew training and standardizationas well as
mission performance, operational flight procedures should be reviewed shortly
after fleet use begins.
2. Naish, J. M., Properties and Design of the Head-Up Display (HUD), McDon-
nell-Douglas Report MDC-JI409, 1968; revised 1970
) Mackie, R., Jet Transport Operations in the Arctic, presented at the Air-
craft Operations in the Canadian Arctic Meeting of the Canadian Aeronau-
tics and Space Institute,Edmonton, 1973
B. Partial (MARS) Flight Manual, USAF CH-3E Helicopters, USAF Technical Or-
dec 1H-3(C)C(I)-I, 1974
Controlled ;1 I 2 ''_ 3 4 5
1Very Med- ' Very _d
_- Parameter Easy Easy ium Hard Hard
Airspeed 1 2 1 1 3.4
Vertical Velocity 1 2 1 1 3.4
Ieitch 2 3 2.6
_" Sideslip 2 2 1 2.8
z° IRolZ 3 Z 2.4 ,_
Overall 1 2 1 1 3.4 :
rAirspeed 1 3 1 1 3.33 J
Vertical Velocity 4 1 1 3.5
IPitch 3 2 1 2.67
Sideslip I 4 I 2.0
Roll 5 i 2.17
Overall I 3 I i 3.33
Airspeed 2 I 3 3.17
Vertical Velocity 2 I _ 3.17
=: Pitch 3 2 2.4
Sideslip 1 4 1 2.0
Roll 4 I I 2,83
z Overall 1 3 2 3.17
391 .'
_j --i
._ "_ 0
q_ -r _ o:
0 0 0 0
tJ Z n_ Z
Figure i
l !
• 0
Horizo-_n $
i Airspeed j
;, Aiming V /
.__ Sideslip _/
Figuce Z
MARSHUDDisplay Format
(As Tested)
I I i I I
S ]
/\ .....
.' Velocity
Aiming V
/ '
I ' I'
_ i
Figure 3