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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

7, Issue 08, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Modelling and Analysis of Four Jaw Chuck

Trupti Diliprao Ashtekar1 Dr. R. R. Gawande2 Dr. M. J. Sheikh3
M. Tech Student 2,3Associate Professor
Bapurao Deshmukh College of Engineering, Sewagram, Maharashtra. 442001, India
Abstract— The work piece materials from initial stage to 2) They are used to held wound, square, hexagonal, and
finished products that is effectively used in engineering irregular-shaped work pieces.
applications successfully needs to be held firmly in machines 3) The jaws can be reversed to hold work by the inside
for machining process. One such application is the lathe diameter.
where work piece is held in chucks, if in case this holding 4) Grip rectangular and other non-cylindrical shapes for
device malfunctions or there is a loss in gripping force which turning or facing.
may lead to the inefficient machining. Present work involves 5) Hold stock off-center for turning cams or drilling off-
design and analysis of a four jaw chuck used in a small scale center Holes.
industry manufacturing cast iron double flange pipes for
irrigation purpose. The work is concentrated on evaluating
loss of gripping force in high speed power chucks due to
centrifugal effect at the jaws and work piece material. A
chuck is modelled in high end CAD tool and Simulated with
initial gripping force using ANSYS tool and gripping force
variation analysis is carried out. The FE analysis shows the
successful evaluated results. In advent of sophisticated FEA
tools such as ANSYS which has been extensively used in this
dissertation work to design and development of a Four jaw
chuck to hold the work-piece satisfying all and additional
Keywords: CAD Modeling, Finite Element Analysis, Four
Jaw Chuck

For a manufacturing company to compete in today’s market Fig. 1: Schematic Diagram of Chuck
they must produce a quality product at the highest possible
efficiency, productivity and less maintenance cost. Vibration A. Advantages of a Four Jaw Chuck:
during machining can affect the quality of manufactured 1) Work can be centered to high precision
parts, precision, life of tool, performance of lathe machine 2) Can handle square/rectangular bar
and cutting rates. 3) Can turn work off-center
1) Three jaw chuck 4) Slightly more grip on round stock
2) Four jaw chuck
Three jaw chuck have advantage of self-centering III. FORCE CALCULATION FOR FOUR JAW CHUCK
and limitation is that it not recommended for high speed load
A. Main Cutting Force turning operation
Four Jaw Chucks are critical units of the high speed Fs= s*t*kc
horizontal lathe, while the interference fit between the chuck main cutting force = 11 KN
and spindle is one of most important factors influencing the B. Required Gripping Force for turning operation is
performance of the high speed horizontal lathe. It is very calculated using equation
important to monitor the chucking condition of the power
Req. G.F. = Fs.Sz/μsp*dz/dsp
chucks for safety consideration in Lathes, especially high
=132 KN.
speed lathes. They can be used to hold irregularly shaped
parts. Multiple gripping method is one of the advantage of C. Centrifugal Force of Chuck
four jaw chuck.
High speed cutting is used more and more widely
because of high efficiency and perfect quality. For ensuring
human safety and avoiding damages to expensive machine
tools, real-time condition monitoring to spindle units,
clamping devices and feeding units is becoming important.


1) Four- jaw independent chuck has four jaws; each of
which can be adjusted independently by a chance
Fig. 2: Dimension of existing chuck of related machine

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Modelling and Analysis of Four Jaw Chuck
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 08/2019/102)

Centrifugal force for chuck = 29 KN Bending stress

D. To calculate Centrifugal Force for workpiece.
Now finding the number of cycles for material
EF =DB*AE/AD=(6-3)(2.29-2.02)/(2.29-1.88)
EF = 1.97
Log10 N = 3 + EF
Log10 N = 3 + 1.97
Log10 N =4.97
N = 93325.33 Cycles.

Fig. 3: Dimension of workpiece

To find deflection of pipe due to relative weight we consider
the length of pipe in between chuck and tailstock.
Deflection of pipe due to self-weight 983.84

Fig. 6: Actual Plotting of S-N Curve for Malleable cast iron


Cad model of the four jaw chuck as per the calculation.
Fig. 4: deflection due to self-weight
Weight of pipe=Wp =weight of pipe/meter length =
= 178.88 N
= 178.88 N
Wp =180 N/m
Deflection of pipe

Fig. 7: Model of Four Jaw Chcuk

Fig. 5: Deflection of pipe uniformly distributed load

Moment of inertia for deflection
I =π/64 (d04 -di4)
I =3.67 * 10-6mm4
Centrifugal Force of workpiece = 4.393 KN
3.5. Total centrifugal force chuck and work piece
Fc = mv2/r + mv2/r
Fc = 33.39KN
= 33394.24N
E. Fatigue Life Calculations:
Section modulus of hollow circular spindle Fig. 8: Parts of four jaw chuck assembly are as chuck,
Z=П/32*(do³-di³) washer, screw, jaw, nut
Bending moment

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Modelling and Analysis of Four Jaw Chuck
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1) 3D model of four jaw chuck has been developed in Creo
Parametric 5.0, static structural analysis of four jaw
chuck assembly is done with the help of ANSYS 18.1.
2) The four jaw chuck has been designed with help of
gripping force and centrifugal force which are developed
due to rotation of chuck as well as workpiece.
3) From analytical calculation of various forces acting on
four jaw chuck we calculated gripping force and
centrifugal force which are 132kN, 33.33kN
4) By choosing the material for four jaw chuck malleable
cast iron we found fatigue life cycle increased to
93325.25 cycles.
Fig. 9: Model of four jaw chuck 5) Further we have done finite element analysis on four jaw
chuck using bounding condition in which centrifugal
V. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS forces is applied FEM package ANSYS 18.1 we found
The finite element method (FEM) is one of the most used following results. Equivalent von Mises
methods in engineering. These methods and programs based stress=(289mPa), Deformation=0.0015mm, Equivalent
on it are fundamental usage in CAD. FEA / FEM are von Mises strain=0.181.
indispensable in all engineering analysis where high 6) Further we have done finite element analysis on four jaw
performance is required. The main purpose of the study is to chuck using bounding condition in which gripping forces
see a practical application using FEA to improve design of a is applied FEM package ANSYS 18.1 we found
typical mechanical component. following results. Equivalent von Mises stress =316mPa,
Deformation=0.216 mm, Equivalent von Mises
7) After comparing values of result from FEM package and
allowable values we found that FEM values are less than
allowable values henceforth we can conclude that our
product is safe.


A. Conclusion:
This work involves modeling and analysis of four jaw chuck
under static loading condition. 3D model is prepared in Creo
Parametric 5.0 and analysis is performed in the ANSYS 18.1
Fig. 10: Equivalent von misses stress for four jaw chuck for
It is observed that due to vibration in chuck the improper
centrifugal force.
quality of the final product was observed, so reduce this we
have to reduce vibration of chuck and workpiece.
Our objective is to determine the various forces
developed due to machining these forces causes the
deflection as well as vibration in the chuck which further
leading to improper finishing of final good.
For solving this problem we have done CAD
modeling of four jaw chuck using Creo Parametric 5.0
furthermore ANSYS tool is used to verify whether designed
of chuck parameters are within permissible limits. In which
we got equivalent stress which is less than allowable stress.
The finite element analysis shows the successful evaluated
Fig. 11: Equivalent von misses stress for four jaw chuck for Also we found that by choosing the material for four
gripping force. jaw chuck as malleable cast iron, the fatigue life cycle
1) Using bounding condition in which centrifugal forces is increased. All the analytically calculated values of forces and
applied, we found following results. Equivalent von stress are closely matching and are with permissible limits
Mises stress = 289mpa, Deformation =0.181mm, with the values obtained from ANSYS.
Equivalent von Mises strain=0.0015.
2) Using bounding condition in which gripping forces is B. Future scope:
applied, we found following results. Equivalent von 1) Further modern techniques can be used to reduce the
Mises stress= 316mpa, Deformation =0.216mm, unwanted forces acting on chuck operation.
Equivalent von Mises strain=0.0018.

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Modelling and Analysis of Four Jaw Chuck
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 08/2019/102)

2) Different material can be used for the chuck and

durability can be further improved.
3) YOGLAKSHMI Industry in future may expand their
business to different products with lathe operation.
4) In future it is possible to change geometrical dimension
of four jaw chuck so that it can sustain the heavy impact

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