P44x - Engc - E33 (Mapa Modbus 090C)

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Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444

P44x/EN GC/E33 Configuration / Mapping

Page 2 MiCOM P441, P442 & P444

This documentation version E33 is specific to the following models

Model number

For other models / software versions, please contact ALSTOM T&D Protection and
Control for the relevant information.
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page 1

Configuration / Mapping
This Chapter is split into several sections, these are as follows:

Part A: Menu database

This database defines the structure of the relay menu for the Courier interface and the front
panel user interface. This includes all the relay settings and measurements. Indexed strings
for Courier and the user interface are cross referenced to the Menu Datatype Definition
section (using a G Number). For all settable cells the setting limits and default value are
also defined within this database.
Note: The following labels are used within the database
Label Description Value
V1 Main VT Rating 1 (100/110V)
V2 Checksync VT Rating 1 (100/110V)

I1 Phase CT Rating 1 or 5 (Setting 0A08)

I4 Mutual CT Rating 1 or 5 (Setting 0A0E)

Part B: Menu datatype definition for Modbus
This table defines the datatypes used for Modbus (the datatypes for the Courier and user
interface are defined within the Menu Database itself using the standard Courier
Datatypes). This section also defines the indexed string setting options for all interfaces.
The datatypes defined within this section are cross reference to from the Menu Database
using a G number.
Part C: Internal digital signals (DDB)
This table defines all of the relay internal digital signals (opto inputs, output contacts and
protection inputs and outputs). A relay may have up to 512 internal signals each reference
by a numeric index as shown in this table. This numeric index is used to select a signal for
the commissioning monitor port. It is also used to explicitly define protection events
produced by the relay.
Part D: Menu Database for MODBUS
This database defines the structure of the menu for the Modbus interface. This includes all
the relay settings and measurements.
Part E: IEC60870-5-103 Interoperability Guide
This table fully defines the operation of the IEC60870-5-103 (VDEW) interface for the relay
it should be read in conjunction with the relevant section of the Communications Chapter of
this Manual (P44x/EN CT).
P44x/EN GC/E33 Configuration / Mapping

Page 2 MiCOM P441, P442 & P444

Part F: DNP3.0 Database

This database defines the structure of the menu for the DNP3.0 interface. This includes all
the relay settings and measurements.
Part G: Maintenance records
This section of the Appendix specifies all the maintenance information that can be produced
by the relay.


Chapter IT: Introduction : User Interface operation and connections to relay
Chapter CT: Communications: Overview of communication interfaces
Courier User Guide R6512
Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide PI-MBUS-300 Rev. E
IEC60870-5-103 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems - Transmission Protocols –
Standard for the informative interface of Protection Equipment
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-1

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
00 00 SYSTEM DATA * * *
00 1 Language Indexed String G19 G19 English Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
00 2 Password ASCII Password(4 bytes) 40001 40002 G20 G20 AAAA Setting 65 90 1 0 * * *
00 4 Description ASCII Text(16 bytes) 40004 40011 G3 MiCOM Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
00 5 Plant Reference ASCII Text(16 bytes) 40012 40019 G3 ALSTOM Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
00 6 Model Number ASCII Text(32 bytes) 30020 30035 G3 Model Number Data * * *
00 8 Serial Number ASCII Text(7 bytes) 30044 30051 G3 Serial Number Data * * *
00 9 Frequency Unsigned Integer(1 byte) 40020 40020 G1 50 Setting 50 60 10 2 * * *
0A Comms Level Unsigned Integer(2 bytes) 2 Data * * *
00 0B Relay Address Unsigned Integer(2 bytes) G1 255 Setting 0 255 1 1 * * * Needs to be address of interface
00 0C Plant Status Binary Flags(16 bits) 30002 30002 G4 Data * * *
00 0D Control Status Binary Flags(16 or 32 bits) 30004 30004 G5 Data * * *
00 0E Active Group Unsigned Integer(2 bytes) 30006 30006 G1 G1 Data * * *
00 10 CB Trip/Close Indexed String(2) G55 No Operation Command 0 2 1 1 * * * Visible to LCD+Front Port
00 10 CB Trip/Close Indexed String(2) 40021 40021 G55 G55 No Operation Command 0 2 1 0 * * * Visible to Rear Port
00 11 Software Ref. 1 ASCII Text(16 characters) 30052 30059 G3 Data * * *
00 20 Opto I/P Status Binary Flag(32 bits) 30727 30728 G27 Data * * *
00 21 Relay O/P Status Binary Flag(32 bits) G9 Data * * *
00 22 Alarm Status 1 Binary Flag(32 bits) G96 Data * * *
00 40 Relay O/P Status 1 Binary Flag(32 bits) 30007 30008 G9 Data * * *
00 41 Relay O/P Status 2 Binary Flag(32 bits) 30009 30010 G251 Data
00 50 Alarm Status 1 Binary Flag(32 bits) 30011 30012 G96 Data * * *
00 51 Alarm Status 2 Binary Flag(32 bits) 30013 30014 G111 Data * * *
00 52 Alarm Status 3 Binary Flag(32 bits) 30015 30016 G250 Data * * *
00 D0 Access Level Unsigned Integer(2 bytes) 30017 30017 G1 G1 Data * * *
00 D1 Password Control Unsigned Integer(2 bytes) 40022 40022 G22 G22 2 Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
00 D2 Password Level 1 ASCII Password(4 characters) 40023 40024 G20 G20 AAAA Setting 65 90 1 1 * * *
00 D3 Password Level 2 ASCII Password(4 characters) 40025 40026 G20 G20 AAAA Setting 65 90 1 2 * * *
00 D4-D8Reserved for levels > 2
01 00 VIEW RECORDS * * *
01 1 Select Event Unsigned Integer(2) 40100 40100 G1 0 Setting 0 249 1 0 * * * Max value is oldest record
01 2 Menu Cell Ref Cell Reference (From Record) Data * * * Indicates type of event
01 3 Time & Date IEC870 Time & Date 30103 30106 G12 (From Record) Data * * *
01 4 Event Text Ascii String(32) Data * * * See Event sheet
01 5 Event Value Binary Flag(32)/UINT32 30108 30109 G27 Data * * * Note DTL depends on event type
01 6 Select Fault Unsigned Integer 40101 40101 G1 0 Setting 0 4 1 0 * * * Allows Fault Record to be selected
01 7 Active Group Unsigned Integer 30113 30113 G1 0 Data * * *
N/A Distance Data * * *
N/A Started Phase Data * * *
N/A Tripped Phase Data * * *
N/A Overcurrent Data * * *
N/A Overcurrent Data * * *
N/A Neg Seq O/C Data * * *
N/A Neg Seq O/C Data * * *
N/A Broken Conductor Data * * *
N/A Earth Fault Data * * *
N/A Earth Fault Data * * *
N/A Aided D.E.F Data * * *
N/A Aided D.E.F Data * * *
N/A Undervoltage Data * * *
N/A Undervoltage Data * * *
N/A Overvoltage Data * * *
N/A Overvoltage Data * * *
N/A Breaker Fail Data * * *
N/A Supervision Data * * *
01 8 Faulted Phase Binary Flags (8 Bits) 30114 30114 G16 G16 Data * * * Started phases + tripped phases
01 9 Start Elements Binary Flags (32 Bits) 30115 30116 G84 G84 Data * * * Started elements
01 0A Trip Elements Binary Flags (32 Bits) 30117 30118 G85 G85 Data * * * Tripped elements 1
01 0B Validities Binary Flags (8 Bits) 30119 30119 G130 G130 Data * * * Viliditie of Fault Report
01 0C Time Stamp IEC870 Time & Date 30120 30123 G12 G12 Data * * *
01 0D Fault Alarms Binary Flags (32 Bits) 30124 30125 G87 G87 Data * * * Faullt Alarms/Warnings
01 0E System Frequency Courier Number (frequency) 30126 30126 G25 Data * * *
01 0F Fault Duration Courier Number (time) 30127 30128 G24 Data * * *
01 10 Relay Trip Time Courier Number (time) 30129 30130 G24 Data * * *
01 11 Fault Location Courier Number (Metres) 30131 30132 G125 Data * * * ( (0D08=0 AND 0D07=0) AND 090D <> 0 )
01 12 Fault Location Courier Number (Miles) 30133 30134 G125 Data * * * ( (OD08=0 AND 0D07=1) AND 090D <> 0 )
01 13 Fault Location Courier Number (ohms) 30135 30136 G125 Data * * * ( 0D08 = 1 AND 090D <> 0 )
01 14 Fault Location Courier Number(% ) 30137 30138 G125 Data * * * ( 0D08 = 2 AND 090D <> 0 )
01 15 IA Courier Number (current) 30139 30140 G24 Data * * *
01 16 IB Courier Number (current) 30141 30142 G24 Data * * *
01 17 IC Courier Number (current) 30143 30144 G24 Data * * *
01 1B VAN Courier Number(voltage) 30145 30146 G24 Data * * *
01 1C VBN Courier Number(voltage) 30147 30148 G24 Data * * *
01 1D VCN Courier Number(voltage) 30149 30150 G24 Data * * *
01 1E Fault Resistance Courier Number (Ohms) 30151 30152 G125 Data * * * Resistor for Fault Laocator
01 1F Fault in Zone Indexed string 30153 30153 G110 Data * * * Resistor for Fault Laocator
01 F0 Select Report Unsigned Integer 40102 40102 G1 Manual override to se Setting 0 4 1 2 * * * Allows Self Test Report to be selected
01 F1 Report Text Ascii String(32) Data * * *
01 F2 Maint Type UINT32 30036 30037 G27 Data * * *
01 F3 Maint Data UINT32 30038 30039 G27 Data * * *
01 FF Reset Indication Indexed String G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
02 00 MEASUREMENTS 1 * * *
02 1 IA Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30200 30201 G24 Data * * *
02 2 IA Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30202 30202 G30 Data * * *
02 3 IB Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30203 30204 G24 Data * * *
02 4 IB Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30205 30205 G30 Data * * *
02 5 IC Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30206 30207 G24 Data * * *
02 6 IC Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30208 30208 G30 Data * * *
02 9 IN Derived Mag Courier Number (current) 30212 30213 G24 Data * * *
02 0A IN Derived Angle Courier Number (current) 30214 30214 G30 Data * * *
02 0D I1 Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30218 30219 G24 Data * * *
02 0E I2 Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30220 30221 G24 Data * * *
02 0F I0 Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30222 30223 G24 Data * * *
02 14 VAB Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30230 30231 G24 Data * * *
02 15 VAB Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30232 30232 G30 Data * * *
02 16 VBC Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30233 30234 G24 Data * * *
02 17 VBC Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30235 30235 G30 Data * * *
02 18 VCA Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30236 30237 G24 Data * * *
02 19 VCA Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30238 30238 G30 Data * * *
02 1A VAN Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30239 30240 G24 Data * * *
02 1B VAN Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30241 30241 G30 Data * * *
02 1C VBN Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30242 30243 G24 Data * * *
02 1D VBN Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30244 30244 G30 Data * * *
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-2

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
02 1E VCN Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30245 30246 G24 Data * * *
02 1F VCN Phase Angle Courier Number (angle) 30247 30247 G30 Data * * *
02 22 VN Derived Mag Courier Number (voltage) 30248 30249 G24 Data * * *
02 23 VN Derived Ang Courier Number (angle) 30250 30250 G30 Data * * *
02 24 V1 Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30251 30252 G24 Data * * *
02 25 V2 Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30253 30254 G24 Data * * *
02 26 V0 Magnitude Courier Number (voltage) 30255 30256 G24 Data * * *
02 2A Frequency Courier Number (frequency) 30263 30263 G30 Data * * *
02 2B C/S Voltage Mag Courier Number (voltage) 30264 30265 G24 Data * * *
02 2C C/S Voltage Ang Courier Number (angle) 30266 30266 G30 Data * * *
02 2F IM Magnitude Courier Number (current) 30267 30268 G24 Data * * *
02 30 IM Angle Courier Number (angle) 30269 30269 G30 Data * * *
02 31 Slip Frequency Courier Number (frequency) 30270 30270 G30 Data * * *
03 00 MEASUREMENTS 2 * * *
03 1 A Phase Watts Courier Number (Power) 30300 30302 G29 * * *
03 2 B Phase Watts Courier Number (Power) 30303 30305 G29 Data * * *
03 3 C Phase Watts Courier Number (Power) 30306 30308 G29 Data * * *
03 4 A Phase VArs Courier Number (VAr) 30309 30311 G29 Data * * *
03 5 B Phase VArs Courier Number (VAr) 30312 30314 G29 Data * * *
03 6 C Phase VArs Courier Number (VAr) 30315 30317 G29 Data * * *
03 7 A Phase VA Courier Number (VA) 30318 30320 G29 Data * * *
03 8 B Phase VA Courier Number (VA) 30321 30323 G29 Data * * *
03 9 C Phase VA Courier Number (VA) 30324 30326 G29 Data * * *
03 0A 3 Phase Watts Courier Number (Power) 30327 30329 G29 Data * * *
03 0B 3 Phase VArs Courier Number (VAr) 30330 30332 G29 Data * * *
03 0C 3 Phase VA Courier Number (VA) 30333 30335 G29 Data * * *
03 0D Zero Seq Power Courier Number (VA) 30336 30338 G29 Data * * *
03 0E 3Ph Power Factor Courier Number (decimal) 30339 30339 G30 Data * * *
03 0F APh Power Factor Courier Number (decimal) 30340 30340 G30 Data * * *
03 10 BPh Power Factor Courier Number (decimal) 30341 30341 G30 Data * * *
03 11 CPh Power Factor Courier Number (decimal) 30342 30342 G30 Data * * *
03 16 3Ph W Fix Demand 30343 30345 G29 Data * * * 3 Phase Watts - Fixed Demand
03 17 3Ph VArs Fix Dem 30346 30348 G29 Data * * * 3 Phase VArs - Fixed Demand
03 20 3Ph W Peak Demand 30349 30351 G29 Data * * * 3 Phase Watts - Peak Demand
03 21 3Ph VArs Peak Demand Courier Number (decimal) 30352 30354 G29 Data * * * 3 Phase VArs - Peak Demand
03 25 Reset Demand Courier Number (decimal) 40103 40103 G1 0 Command 0 1 1 * * *
06 00 CB CONDITION * * *
06 1 CB A Operations Unsigned Integer 30600 30600 G1 Data * * * Number of Circuit Breaker Operations
06 2 CB B Operations Unsigned Integer 30601 30601 G1 Data * * * Number of Circuit Breaker Operations
06 3 CB C Operations Unsigned Integer 30602 30602 G1 Data * * * Number of Circuit Breaker Operations
06 4 Total IA Broken Courier Number (current) 30603 30604 G125 Data * * * Broken Current A Phase
06 5 Total IB Broken Courier Number (current) 30605 30606 G125 Data * * * Broken Current B Phase
06 6 Total IC Broken Courier Number (current) 30607 30608 G125 Data * * * Broken Current C Phase
06 7 CB Operate Time Courier Number (time) 30609 30609 G25 Data * * * Circuit Breaker operating time
06 8 Reset CB Data Indexed String 40140 40140 G11 G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * * Reset All Values
06 9 Total 1P Reclosures Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 30611 30611 G1 Data * * * No of Autoreclosures
06 0A Total 3P Reclosures Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 30612 30612 G1 Data * * * No of Autoreclosures
06 0B Reset Total A/R Indexed String 40141 40141 G11 G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * * Reset No of Autoreclosures
07 00 CB CONTROL * * *
07 1 CB Control by Indexed String 40200 40200 G99 G99 Disabled Setting 0 7 1 2 * * *
07 2 Manual Close Pulse Time Courier Number (Time) 40201 40201 G2 0.5 Setting 0.1 10 0.01 2 * * *
07 3 Trip Pulse Time Courier Number (Time) 40202 40202 G2 0.5 Setting 0.1 5 0.01 2 * * *
07 4 Man Close Delay Courier Number (Time) 40203 40203 G2 10 Setting 0.01 600 0.01 2 * * * Manual Close Delay
07 5 Healthy Window Courier Number (Time) 40206 40207 G35 5 Setting 0.01 9999 0.01 2 * * *
07 6 C/S Window Courier Number (Time) 40208 40209 G35 5 Setting 0.01 9999 0.01 2 * * * Check Sync Window
07 7 A/R Single Pole Indexed String 40204 40204 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 *
07 8 A/R Three Pole Indexed String 40205 40205 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
08 00 DATE and TIME * * *
08 1 Date/Time IEC870 Time & Date 40300 40303 G12 Setting 0 * * *
N/A Date Front Panel Menu only
N/A Time Front Panel Menu only
08 4 IRIG-B Sync Indexed String 40304 40304 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 *
08 5 IRIG-B Status ASCII String 30090 30090 G17 G17 Data *
08 6 Battery Status Indexed String 30091 30091 G59 G59 Data * * *
08 7 Battery Alarm Indexed String 40305 40305 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 1 Restore Defaults Indexed String 40402 40402 G53 G53 No Operation Command 0 5 1 2 * * *
09 2 Setting Group Indexed String 40403 40403 G61 G61 Select via Menu Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 3 Active Settings Indexed String 40404 40404 G90 G90 Group 1 Setting 0 3 1 1 * * *
09 4 Save Changes Indexed String 40405 40405 G62 G62 No Operation Command 0 2 1 2 * * *
09 5 Copy From Indexed String 40406 40406 G90 G90 Group 1 Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
09 6 Copy to Indexed String 40407 40407 G98 G98 No Operation Command 0 3 1 2 * * *
09 7 Setting Group 1 Indexed String 40408 40408 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 8 Setting Group 2 Indexed String 40409 40409 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 9 Setting Group 3 Indexed String 40410 40410 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 0A Setting Group 4 Indexed String 40411 40411 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 0D Dist. Protection Indexed String 40412 40412 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 10 Power-Swing Indexed String 40413 40413 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 11 Back-Up I> Indexed String 40414 40414 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 12 Neg Sequence O/C Indexed String 40415 40415 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 13 Broken Conductor Indexed String 40416 40416 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 14 Earth Fault Prot Indexed String 40417 40417 G131 G131 Disabled Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
09 15 Aided D.E.F Indexed String 40418 40418 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 16 Volt Protection Indexed String 40419 40419 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 17 CB Fail & I< Indexed String 40420 40420 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 18 Supervision Indexed String 40421 40421 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 19 System Checks Indexed String 40422 40422 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 24 Internal A/R Indexed String 40423 40423 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
09 25 Input Labels Indexed String G80 Visible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 26 Output Labels Indexed String G80 Visible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 28 CT & VT Ratios Indexed String G80 Visible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 29 Event Recorder Indexed String G80 Invisible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 2A Disturb Recorder Indexed String G80 Invisible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * * Disturbance recorder
09 2B Measure't Setup Indexed String G80 Invisible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 2C Comms Settings Indexed String G80 Visible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 2D Commission Tests Indexed String G80 Invisible Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
09 2E Setting Values Indexed String G54 Primary Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
0A 00 CT AND VT RATIOS * * *
0A 1 Main VT Primary Courier Number (Voltage) 40500 40501 G35 110 Setting 100 1000000 1 2 * * * Label V1=1
0A 2 Main VT Sec'y Courier Number (Voltage) 40502 40502 G2 110 Setting 80*V1 140*V1 1*V1 2 * * *
0A 3 C/S VT Primary Courier Number (Voltage) 40503 40504 G35 110 Setting 100 1000000 1 2 * * * Label V2=C/S VT Rating/110
0A 4 C/S VT Secondary Courier Number (Voltage) 40505 40505 G2 110 Setting 80*V2 140*V2 1*V2 2 * * * Check Sync VT Secondary
0A 7 Phase CT Primary Courier Number (Current) 40506 40506 G2 1 Setting 1 30000 1 2 * * * I1=Phase CT secondary rating
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-3

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
0A 8 Phase CT Sec'y Courier Number (Current) 40507 40507 G2 1 Setting 1 5 4 2 * * * Label NM1 = 0A08^1001
0A 0D Mcomp CT Primary Courier Number (current) 40508 40508 G2 1 Setting 1 30000 1 2 * * * Label I4=Mcomp CT Rating
0A 0E Mcomp CT Sec'y Courier Number (current) 40509 40509 G2 1 Setting 1 5 4 2 * * * Mutua compensation CT Secondary
0A 0F C/S Input Indexed String 40510 40510 G40 G40 A-N Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
0A 10 Main VT Location Indexed String 40511 40511 G89 G89 Line Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
0B 1 Clear Events Indexed String G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 2 Clear Faults Indexed String G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 3 Clear Maint Indexed String G11 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 4 Alarm Event Indexed String 40520 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 5 Relay O/P Event Indexed String 40521 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 6 Opto Input Event Indexed String 40522 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 7 System Event Indexed String 40523 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 8 Fault Rec Event Indexed String 40524 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 9 Maint Rec Event Indexed String 40525 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 0A Protection Event Indexed String 40526 G11 G37 No Command 0 1 1 1 * * *
0B 0B DDB element 31 - 0 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40527 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 0C DDB element 63 - 32 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40529 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 0D DDB element 95 - 64 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40531 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 0E DDB element 127 - 96 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40533 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 0F DDB element 159 - 128 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40535 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 10 DDB element 191 - 160 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40537 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 11 DDB element 223 - 192 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40539 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 12 DDB element 255 - 224 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40541 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 13 DDB element 287 - 256 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40543 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 14 DDB element 319 - 288 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40545 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 15 DDB element 351 - 320 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40547 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 16 DDB element 383 - 352 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40549 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 17 DDB element 415 - 384 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40551 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 18 DDB element 447 - 415 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40553 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 19 DDB element 479 - 448 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40555 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1A DDB element 511 - 480 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40557 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1B DDB element 543 - 512 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40559 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1C DDB element 575 - 544 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40561 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1D DDB element 607 - 575 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40563 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1E DDB element 639 - 608 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40565 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 1F DDB element 671 - 640 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40567 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 20 DDB element 703 - 672 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40569 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 21 DDB element 735 - 704 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40571 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 22 DDB element 767 - 736 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40573 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 23 DDB element 799 - 768 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40575 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 24 DDB element 831 - 800 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40577 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 25 DDB element 863 - 832 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40579 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 26 DDB element 895 - 864 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40581 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 27 DDB element 927 - 896 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40583 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 28 DDB element 959 - 928 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40585 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 29 DDB element 991 - 960 Binary Flag (32 bits) 40587 G27 0xFFFFFFFF Setting 0 1 32 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0B 2A DDB element 1022 - 992 Binary Flag (31 bits) 40589 G27 0x7FFFFFFF Setting 0 1 31 1 * * * Visible if one DDB signal is Protection EVENT
0C 1 Duration Courier Number (time) 40600 40600 G2 1.5 Setting 0.1 10.5 0.01 2 * * *
0C 2 Trigger Position Courier Number (percentage) 40601 40601 G2 33.3 Setting 0 100 0.1 2 * * *
0C 3 Trigger Mode Indexed String 40602 40602 G34 G34 Single 0 1 1 2 * * *
0C 4 Analog Channel 1 Indexed String 40603 40603 G31 G31 VA Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 5 Analog Channel 2 Indexed String 40604 40604 G31 G31 VB Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 6 Analog Channel 3 Indexed String 40605 40605 G31 G31 VC Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 7 Analog Channel 4 Indexed String 40606 40606 G31 G31 VN Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 8 Analog Channel 5 Indexed String 40607 40607 G31 G31 IA Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 9 Analog Channel 6 Indexed String 40608 40608 G31 G31 IB Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 0A Analog Channel 7 Indexed String 40609 40609 G31 G31 IC Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 0B Analog Channel 8 Indexed String 40610 40610 G31 G31 IN Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
0C 0C Digital Input 1 Indexed String 40611 40611 G32 G32 Relay 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 0D Input 1 Trigger Indexed String 40612 40612 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 0E Digital Input 2 Indexed String 40613 40613 G32 G32 Relay 2 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 0F Input 2 Trigger Indexed String 40614 40614 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 10 Digital Input 3 Indexed String 40615 40615 G32 G32 Relay 3 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 11 Input 3 Trigger Indexed String 40616 40616 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 12 Digital Input 4 Indexed String 40617 40617 G32 G32 Relay 4 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 13 Input 4 Trigger Indexed String 40618 40618 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 14 Digital Input 5 Indexed String 40619 40619 G32 G32 Relay 5 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 15 Input 5 Trigger Indexed String 40620 40620 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 16 Digital Input 6 Indexed String 40621 40621 G32 G32 Relay 6 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 17 Input 6 Trigger Indexed String 40622 40622 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 18 Digital Input 7 Indexed String 40623 40623 G32 G32 Relay 7 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 19 Input 7 Trigger Indexed String 40624 40624 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 1A Digital Input 8 Indexed String 40625 40625 G32 G32 Relay 8 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 1B Input 8 Trigger Indexed String 40626 40626 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 1C Digital Input 9 Indexed String 40627 40627 G32 G32 Relay 9 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 1D Input 9 Trigger Indexed String 40628 40628 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 1E Digital Input 10 Indexed String 40629 40629 G32 G32 Relay 10 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 1F Input 10 Trigger Indexed String 40630 40630 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 20 Digital Input 11 Indexed String 40631 40631 G32 G32 Relay 11 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 21 Input 11 Trigger Indexed String 40632 40632 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 22 Digital Input 12 Indexed String 40633 40633 G32 G32 Relay 12 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 23 Input 12 Trigger Indexed String 40634 40634 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 24 Digital Input 13 Indexed String 40635 40635 G32 G32 Relay 13 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 25 Input 13 Trigger Indexed String 40636 40636 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 26 Digital Input 14 Indexed String 40637 40637 G32 G32 Relay 14 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 27 Input 14 Trigger Indexed String 40638 40638 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 28 Digital Input 15 Indexed String 40639 40639 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 29 Input 15 Trigger Indexed String 40640 40640 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 2A Digital Input 16 Indexed String 40641 40641 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 2B Input 16 Trigger Indexed String 40642 40642 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 2C Digital Input 17 Indexed String 40643 40643 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 2D Input 17 Trigger Indexed String 40644 40644 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 2E Digital Input 18 Indexed String 40645 40645 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 2F Input 18 Trigger Indexed String 40646 40646 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 30 Digital Input 19 Indexed String 40647 40647 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 31 Input 19 Trigger Indexed String 40648 40648 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 32 Digital Input 20 Indexed String 40649 40649 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 33 Input 20 Trigger Indexed String 40650 40650 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 34 Digital Input 21 Indexed String 40651 40651 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 35 Input 21 Trigger Indexed String 40652 40652 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 36 Digital Input 22 Indexed String 40653 40653 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-4

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
0C 37 Input 22 Trigger Indexed String 40654 40654 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 38 Digital Input 23 Indexed String 40655 40655 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 39 Input 23 Trigger Indexed String 40656 40656 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 3A Digital Input 24 Indexed String 40657 40657 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 3B Input 24 Trigger Indexed String 40658 40658 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 3C Digital Input 25 Indexed String 40659 40659 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 3D Input 25 Trigger Indexed String 40660 40660 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 3E Digital Input 26 Indexed String 40661 40661 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 3F Input 26 Trigger Indexed String 40662 40662 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 40 Digital Input 27 Indexed String 40663 40663 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 41 Input 27 Trigger Indexed String 40664 40664 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 42 Digital Input 28 Indexed String 40665 40665 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 43 Input 28 Trigger Indexed String 40666 40666 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 44 Digital Input 29 Indexed String 40667 40667 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 45 Input 29 Trigger Indexed String 40668 40668 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 46 Digital Input 30 Indexed String 40669 40669 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 47 Input 30 Trigger Indexed String 40670 40670 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 48 Digital Input 31 Indexed String 40671 40671 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 49 Input 31 Trigger Indexed String 40672 40672 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0C 4A Digital Input 32 Indexed String 40673 40673 G32 G32 Not Used Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0C 4B Input 32 Trigger Indexed String 40674 40674 G66 G66 No Trigger Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0D 1 Default Display Indexed String 40700 40700 G52 G52 Description Setting 0 6 1 2 * * *
0D 2 Local Values Indexed String 40701 40701 G54 G54 Secondary Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Local Measurement Values
0D 3 Remote Values Indexed String 40702 40702 G54 G54 Primary Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Remote Measurement Values
0D 4 Measurement Ref Indexed String 40703 40703 G56 G56 VA Setting 0 5 1 1 * * * Measurement Phase Reference
0D 5 Measurement Mode Unisgned Integer 40704 40704 G1 G1 0 Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
0D 6 Demand Interval Courier Number (Time - Minutes40705 40705 G2 G2 30 Setting 1 99 1 2 * * *
0D 7 Distance Unit Indexed String 40706 40706 G97 G97 Kilometres Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
0D 8 Fault Location Indexed String 40707 40707 G51 G51 Distance Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0E 1 Rear Protocol Indexed String G71 Data * * *
0E 2 Remote Address Unsigned integer 255 Setting 0 255 1 1 * * * Build = Courier
0E 2 Remote Address Unsigned integer 40800 40800 G1 1 Setting 0 247 1 1 * * * Build = Modbus
0E 2 Remote Address Unsigned integer 1 Setting 0 255 1 1 * * * Build = IEC60870-5-103
0E 2 Remote Address Unsigned integer 1 Setting 0 65534 1 1 * * * Build = DNP
0E 3 Inactivity Timer Courier Number (Time-minutes) 40801 40801 G2 15 Setting 1 30 1 2 * * *
0E 4 Baud Rate Indexed String G38v 19200 bits/s Setting 0 2 1 2 * * * Build = Modbus
0E 4 Baud Rate Indexed String 40802 40802 G38m G38 19200 bits/s Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Build = IEC60870-5-103
0E 4 Baud Rate Indexed String G38d 19200 bits/s Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Build = DNP
0E 5 Parity Indexed String 40803 40803 G39 G39 None Setting 0 2 1 2 * * * Build = Modbus
0E 5 Parity Indexed String G39 None Setting 0 2 1 2 * * * Build = DNP
0E 6 Measure't Period Courier Number (Time) 10 Setting 1 60 1 2 * * * Build = IEC60870-5-103
0E 7 Physical Link Indexed String G21 RS485 Setting 0 1 1 1 * * * Build=IEC60870-5-103
0E 8 Time Sync Indexed String G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Build = DNP
0E A CS103 Blocking Indexed String G210 Disabled Setting 0 2 1 2 * * * Build = IEC60870-5-103
0E 1F ETHERNET COMMS (Sub-heading)
0E 20 IP Address ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 21 Subnet Mask ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 24 Number of Routes Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Setting 0 4 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 25 Router Address 1 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 26 Target Network 1 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 27 Router Address 2 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 28 Target Network 2 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 29 Router Address 3 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2A Target Network 3 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2B Router Address 4 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2C Target Network 4 ASCII Text (16 chars) Setting 48 57 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2D Inactivity Timer Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 15 Setting 1 30 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2E Default Pass Lvl Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 2 Setting 0 2 1 1 * * * Build = UCA2.0
0E 2F GOOSE Min Cycle Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 10 Setting 0 1 1
0E 30 GOOSE Min Cycle Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Setting 0 1 1
0E 31 GOOSE Increment Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 900 Setting 0 1 1
0E 32 GOOSE Startup Indexed String Broadcast Setting
0E 34 GOOSE VIP Status Binary Flag (32 bits) 0x00000000h Data
0E 36 NSAP Address ASCII Text 0x00000000h Setting
0E 37 Transport Select ASCII Text Setting
0E 38 Session Select ASCII Text 00.00 Setting
0E 39 Present. Select ASCII Text 00.00 Setting
0E 3A AP Title ASCII Text Setting
0E 3B AE Qual. Used Indexed String Not Used Setting
0E 3C AE Qualifier Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Setting
0E 3D Ethernet Media Indexed String G220 Copper Setting 0 1 1 1 * * *
0E 40 Enrolled Flags Binary Flag (32 bits) 0x00000000h Data
0E 41 Our Tx Msg Cnt. Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 42 Our Rx Msg Cnt. Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 43 Our DDB Changes Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 44 Our Last Seq Tx Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 45 Our Last Msg Tx Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 46 Our Msg Rjct Cnt Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 50 IED View Select Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Setting
0E 51 IED Recvd Msgs Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 52 IED Last Seq Rx Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 53 IED Last Msg Rx Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 54 IED Missed Msgs Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 55 IED Missed Chngs Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 56 IED Timeouts Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 0 Data
0E 5F IED Stats Reset Indexed String Our IED Setting
0E 60 Loopback Mode Indexed String No Action Setting
0E 61 Reload Mode Indexed String No Action Setting
0E 81 RP2 Protocol Indexed String G71 G71 Courier Data * * * SMF
0E 84 RP2 Card Status Indexed String G204 G204 Data * * * SMF
0E 88 RP2 Port Config Indexed String G205 G205 EIA232 (RS232) Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * SMF
0E 8A RP2 Comms Mode Indexed String G206 G206 IEC60870 FT1.2 Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * SMF
0E 90 RP2 Address Unsigned Integer (16 bits) 255 Setting 0 255 1 1 * * * SMF
0E 92 RP2 InactivTimer Courier Number (time-minutes) 15 Setting 1 30 1 2 * * * SMF
0E 94 RP2 Baud Rate Indexed String G38 G38m 19200 bits/s Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * SMF
0F 1 Opto I/P Status Binary Flag(32 bits) G27 Data * * *
0F 2 Relay Status 1 Binary Flag(32 bits) G27 Data * * *
0F 3 Relay Status 2 Binary Flag(32 bits) G27 Data
0F 4 Test Port Status Binary Flags(8 bits) 30722 30722 G124 Data * * *
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-5

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
0F 5 LED Status Binary Flags(8 bits) 0-7 Data * * *
0F 6 Monitor Bit 1 Unsigned Integer 40850 40849 G32 G32 Relay 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 7 Monitor Bit 2 Unsigned Integer 40851 40850 G32 G32 Relay 2 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 8 Monitor Bit 3 Unsigned Integer 40852 40851 G32 G32 Relay 3 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 9 Monitor Bit 4 Unsigned Integer 40853 40852 G32 G32 Relay 4 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 0A Monitor Bit 5 Unsigned Integer 40854 40853 G32 G32 Relay 5 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 0B Monitor Bit 6 Unsigned Integer 40855 40854 G32 G32 Relay 6 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 0C Monitor Bit 7 Unsigned Integer 40856 40855 G32 G32 Relay 7 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 0D Monitor Bit 8 Unsigned Integer 40857 40856 G32 G32 Relay 8 Setting 0 DDB Size 1 2 * * * DDB Size different for each model
0F 0E Test Mode Indexed String 40858 40858 G204 G204 Disabled Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
0F 0F Test Pattern 1 Binary Flags (32bits) 40859 40860 G9 G9 0 Setting 0 4.29E+09 1 2 * * *
0F 10 Test Pattern 2 Binary Flags (32bits) 40861 40862 G9 G9 0 Setting 0 16383 1 2
0F 11 Contact Test Indexed String 40863 40863 G93 G93 No Operation Command 0 2 1 2 * * *
0F 12 Test LEDs Binary Flags (8bits) 40864 40864 G94 G94 No Operation Command 0 1 1 2 * * *
0F 13 Autoreclose Test Indexed String 40865 40865 G36 G36 No Operation Command 0 4 1 2 * * * 0924=1 AND 0F0E=2
0F 20 DDB element 31 - 0 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30723 30724 G27 Data * * * Relay
0F 21 DDB element 63 - 32 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30725 30726 G27 Data * * * Opto
0F 22 DDB element 95 - 64 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30727 30728 G27 Data * * *
0F 23 DDB element 127 - 96 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30729 30730 G27 Data * * *
0F 24 DDB element 159 - 128 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30731 30732 G27 Data * * *
0F 25 DDB element 191 - 160 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30733 30734 G27 Data * * *
0F 26 DDB element 223 - 192 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30735 30736 G27 Data * * *
0F 27 DDB element 255 - 224 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30737 30738 G27 Data * * *
0F 28 DDB element 287 - 256 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30739 30740 G27 Data * * *
0F 29 DDB element 319 - 288 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30741 30742 G27 Data * * *
0F 2A DDB element 351 - 320 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30743 30744 G27 Data * * *
0F 2B DDB element 383 - 352 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30745 30746 G27 Data * * *
0F 2C DDB element 415 - 384 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30747 30748 G27 Data * * *
0F 2D DDB element 447 - 415 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30749 30750 G27 Data * * *
0F 2E DDB element 479 - 448 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30751 30752 G27 Data * * *
0F 2F DDB element 511 - 480 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30753 30754 G27 Data * * *
0F 30 DDB element 543 - 512 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30755 30756 G27 Data * * *
0F 31 DDB element 575 - 544 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30757 30758 G27 Data * * *
0F 32 DDB element 607 - 575 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30759 30760 G27 Data * * *
0F 33 DDB element 639 - 608 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30761 30762 G27 Data * * *
0F 34 DDB element 671 - 640 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30763 30764 G27 Data * * *
0F 35 DDB element 703 - 672 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30765 30766 G27 Data * * *
0F 36 DDB element 735 - 704 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30767 30768 G27 Data * * *
0F 37 DDB element 767 - 736 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30769 30770 G27 Data * * *
0F 38 DDB element 799 - 768 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30771 30772 G27 Data * * *
0F 39 DDB element 831 - 800 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30773 30774 G27 Data * * *
0F 3A DDB element 863 - 832 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30775 30776 G27 Data * * *
0F 3B DDB element 895 - 864 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30777 30778 G27 Data * * *
0F 3C DDB element 927 - 896 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30779 30780 G27 Data * * *
0F 3D DDB element 959 - 928 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30781 30782 G27 Data * * *
0F 3E DDB element 991 - 960 Binary Flag (32 bits) 30783 30784 G27 Data * * *
0F 3F DDB element 1022 - 992 Binary Flag (31 bits) 30785 30786 G27 Data * * *
10 00 CB MONITOR SETUP * * *
10 1 Broken I^ Courier Number (Decimal) 40151 40151 G2 2 Setting 1 2 0.1 2 * * * Broken Current Index
10 2 I^ Maintenance Indexed String 40152 40152 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Broken Current to cause maintenance alarm
10 3 I^ Maintenance Courier Number (Current) 40153 40154 G35 1000 Setting 1*NM1 25000*NM11*NM1 2 * * * IX Maintenance Alarm
10 4 I^ Lockout Indexed String 40155 40155 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Broken Current to cause lockout alarm
10 5 I^ Lockout Courier Number (Current) 40156 40157 G35 2000 Setting 1*NM1 25000*NM11*NM1 2 * * * IX Maintenance Lockout
10 6 N° CB Ops Maint Indexed String 40158 40158 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Trips to cause maintenance alarm
10 7 N° CB Ops Maint Unsigned Integer 40159 40159 G1 10 Setting 1 10000 1 2 * * * Number of Circuit Breaker Trips
10 8 N° CB Ops Lock Indexed String 40160 40160 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Trips to cause lockout alarm
10 9 N° CB Ops Lock Unsigned Integer 40161 40161 G1 20 Setting 1 10000 1 2 * * * Number of Circuit Breaker Trips for lockout alarm
10 0A CB Time Maint Indexed String 40162 40162 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Operating Time
10 0B CB Time Maint Courier Number (Time) 40163 40164 G35 0.1 Setting 0.005 0.5 0.001 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Operating time
10 0C CB Time Lockout Indexed String 40165 40165 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Operating Time
10 0D CB Time Lockout Courier Number (Time) 40166 40167 G35 0.2 Setting 0.005 0.5 0.001 2 * * * Circuit Breaker Operating time
10 0E Fault Freq Lock Indexed String 40168 40168 G88 G88 Alarm Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Excessive fault frequency
10 0F Fault Freq Count Unsigned Integer 40169 40169 G1 10 Setting 0 9999 1 2 * * * Excessive Fault Frequency Counter
10 10 Fault Freq Time Courier Number (time) 40170 40171 G35 3600 Setting 0 9999 1 2 * * * Excessive Fault Frequency Time
10 11 Lockout Reset Indexed String 40172 40172 G11 G11 No Command 0 1 1 2 * * * Reset Maintenance Alarms
10 12 Reset Lockout by Indexed String 40173 40173 G81 G81 CB Close Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
10 13 Man Close RstDly Courier Number (time) 40174 40174 G2 5 Setting 0.01 600 0.01 2 * * * Manual Close Reset Delay
11 1 Global threshold Indexed String 40900 40900 G200 G200 24-27V Setting 0 5 1 2 * * *
11 2 Opto Input 1 Indexed String 40901 40901 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 3 Opto Input 2 Indexed String 40902 40902 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 4 Opto Input 3 Indexed String 40903 40903 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 5 Opto Input 4 Indexed String 40904 40904 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 6 Opto Input 5 Indexed String 40905 40905 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 7 Opto Input 6 Indexed String 40906 40906 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 8 Opto Input 7 Indexed String 40907 40907 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 9 Opto Input 8 Indexed String 40908 40908 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * * *
11 0A Opto Input 9 Indexed String 40909 40909 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 0B Opto Input 10 Indexed String 40910 40910 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 0C Opto Input 11 Indexed String 40911 40911 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 0D Opto Input 12 Indexed String 40912 40912 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 0E Opto Input 13 Indexed String 40913 40913 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 0F Opto Input 14 Indexed String 40914 40914 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 10 Opto Input 15 Indexed String 40915 40915 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 11 Opto Input 16 Indexed String 40916 40916 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 * *
11 12 Opto Input 17 Indexed String 40917 40917 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 13 Opto Input 18 Indexed String 40918 40918 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 14 Opto Input 19 Indexed String 40919 40919 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 15 Opto Input 20 Indexed String 40920 40920 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 16 Opto Input 21 Indexed String 40921 40921 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 17 Opto Input 22 Indexed String 40922 40922 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 18 Opto Input 23 Indexed String 40923 40923 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 19 Opto Input 24 Indexed String 40924 40924 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2 *
11 1A Opto Input 25 Indexed String 40925 40925 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 1B Opto Input 26 Indexed String 40926 40926 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 1C Opto Input 27 Indexed String 40927 40927 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 1D Opto Input 28 Indexed String 40928 40928 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 1E Opto Input 29 Indexed String 40929 40929 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 1F Opto Input 30 Indexed String 40930 40930 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 20 Opto Input 31 Indexed String 40931 40931 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
11 21 Opto Input 32 Indexed String 40932 40932 G201 G201 24-27V Setting 0 4 1 2
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-6

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
30 1 Line Setting (Sub Heading) * * *
30 2 Line Length Courier Number (metres) 41000 41001 G35 100000 Setting 300 1000000 10 2 * * * Length in Km
30 3 Line Length Courier Number (miles) 41002 41003 G35 62 Setting 0.2 625 0.005 2 * * * Setting strored in Km, displayed using miles
30 4 Line Impedance Courier Number(Ohms) 41004 41005 G35 12 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * Positive Sequence Impedance
30 5 Line Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41006 41006 G2 70 Setting -90 90 0.1 2 * * * Positive Sequence Angle
30 6 Zone Setting (Sub Heading) * * *
30 7 Zone Status Binary Flag G120 G120 000011110 Setting 0 31 1 2 * * *
30 8 kZ1 Res Comp Courier Number 41007 41007 G2 1 Setting 0 7 0.001 2 * * *
30 9 kZ1 Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41008 41008 G2 0 Setting -180 180 0.1 2 * * *
30 0A Z1 Courier Number(Ohm) 41009 41010 G35 10 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * *
30 0B Z1X Courier Number(Ohms) 41011 41012 G35 15 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * (3007 AND 000001b) > 0
30 0C R1G Courier Number(Ohms) 41013 41013 G2 10 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * *
30 0D R1Ph Courier Number(Ohms) 41014 41014 G2 10 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * *
30 0E tZ1 Courier Number(Time) 41015 41015 G2 0 Setting 0 10 0.002 2 * * *
30 0F kZ2 Res Comp Courier Number 41016 41016 G2 1 Setting 0 7 0.001 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 10 kZ2 Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41017 41017 G2 0 Setting -180 180 0.1 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 11 Z2 Courier Number(Ohms) 41018 41019 G35 20 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 12 R2G Courier Number(Ohms) 41020 41020 G2 20 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 13 R2Ph Courier Number(Ohms) 41021 41021 G2 20 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 14 tZ2 Courier Number(Time) 41022 41022 G2 0.2 Setting 0 10 0.01 2 * * * (3007 AND 000010b) > 0
30 15 kZ3/4 Res Comp Courier Number 41023 41023 G2 1 Setting 0 7 0.001 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 16 kZ3/4 Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41024 41024 G2 0 Setting -180 180 0.1 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 17 Z3 Courier Number(Ohms) 41025 41026 G35 30 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 18 R3G - R4G Courier Number(Ohms) 41027 41027 G2 30 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 19 R3Ph - R4Ph Courier Number(Ohms) 41028 41028 G2 30 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 1A tZ3 Courier Number(Time) 41029 41029 G2 0.6 Setting 0 10 0.01 2 * * * (3007 AND 001000b) > 0
30 1B Z4 Courier Number(Ohms) 41030 41031 G35 40 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * (3007 AND 010000b) > 0
30 1C tZ4 Courier Number(Time) 41032 41032 G2 1 Setting 0 10 0.01 2 * * * (3007 AND 010000b) > 0
30 1D Zone P - Direct. Indexed String 41033 41033 G123 Directional Fwd Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 1E kZp Res Comp Courier Number 41034 41034 G2 1 Setting 0 7 0.001 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 1F kZp Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41035 41035 G2 0 Setting -180 180 0.1 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 20 Zp Courier Number(Ohms) 41036 41037 G35 25 Setting 0.001*V1/ 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 21 RpG Courier Number(Ohms) 41038 41038 G2 25 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 22 RpPh Courier Number(Ohms) 41039 41039 G2 25 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 23 tZp Courier Number(Time) 41040 41040 G2 0.4 Setting 0 10 0.01 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1)) x
30 24 Serial Comp Line Indexed String 41041 41041 G37 Disableb Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 25 Zone Overlap Mode Indexed String 41042 41042 G37 Disableb Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * ((3007 AND 010100b) > 0) and (301D = 1))
30 26 Fault Locator (Sub Heading) * * *
30 27 kZm Mutual Comp Courier Number 41043 41043 G2 0 Setting 0 7 0.01 2 * * *
30 28 kZm Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41044 41044 G2 0 Setting -180 180 0.1 2 * * *
31 00 GROUP 1 * * *
31 1 Program Mode Indexed String 41050 41050 G106 G106 Standard Scheme Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
31 2 Standard Mode Indexed String 41051 41051 G107 G107 Basic + Z1X Setting 0 6 1 2 * * *
31 3 Fault Type Indexed String 41052 41052 G115 G115 Both Enabled Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
31 4 Trip Mode Indexed String 41053 41053 G114 G114 Force 3 Poles Trip Setting 0 2 1 2 * Trip mode for the distance protection
31 5 Sig. Send Zone Indexed String 41054 41054 G108 G108 None Setting 0 3 1 2 * * * Signal Send Zone
31 6 DistCR Indexed String 41055 41055 G109 G109 None Setting 0 5 1 2 * * * Type of Scheme on signal Recieve
31 7 Tp Courier Number(Time) 41056 41056 G2 0.02 Setting 0 1 0.002 2 * * * (((3102 = 5) OR (3102 = 6)) AND (3101 = 0))
31 8 tReversal Guard Courier Number(Time) 41057 41057 G2 0.02 Setting 0 0.15 0.002 2 * * * Time Delay Reversal Guard
31 9 Unblocking Logic Indexed String 41058 41058 G113 G113 None Setting 0 2 1 * * * Type of TAC Receive
31 0A TOR-SOTF Mode Binary Flags (16bits) 41059 41059 G118 G118 48 Setting 0 8192 1 2 * * *
31 0B SOFT Delay Courier Number(Time) 41060 41060 G2 110 Setting 10 3600 1 2 * * *
31 0C Z1Ext On Chan.Fail Indexed String 41061 41061 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
31 0D Weak Infeed (Sub Heading) * * * ((3101=0) AND ((3102 >=1) AND (3102)<=4))) OR
31 0E WI :Mode Status Indexed String 41062 41062 G116 G116 Disabled Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
31 0F WI : Single Pole Trip Indexed String 41063 41063 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 *
31 10 WI : V< Thres. Courier Number (Voltage) 41064 41064 G2 45 Setting 10 70 5 2 * * *
31 11 WI : Trip Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41065 41065 G2 0.06 Setting 0 1 0.002 2 * * *
31 12 Loss Of Load (Sub Heading) * * *
31 13 LoL: Mode Status Indexed String 41066 41066 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
31 14 LoL. Chan. Fail Indexed String 41067 41067 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
31 15 LoL: I< Courier Number (Current) 41068 41068 G2 0.5 Setting 0.05*I1 1*I1 0.05*I1 2 * * *
31 16 LoL: Window Courier Number (Time) 41069 41069 G2 0.04 Setting 0.01 0.1 0.01 2 * * *
32 00 GROUP 1 * * *
32 2 DX Courier Number (Ohms) 41151 41151 G2 0.5 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I 2 * * *
32 3 IN > Status Indexed String 41152 41152 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
32 4 IN > (% Imax) Courier Number (%) 41153 41153 G2 40 Setting 10 100 1 2 * * *
32 5 I2 > Status Indexed String 41154 41154 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
32 6 I2 > (% Imax) Courier Number (%) 41155 41155 G2 30 Setting 10 100 1 2 * * *
32 7 Imax Line > Status Indexed String 41156 41156 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
32 8 Imax Line > Courier Number (Current) 41157 41157 G2 3 Setting 1*I1 20*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
32 9 Unblocking Time-Delay Courier Number (Time) 41158 41158 G2 30 Setting 0 30 0.1 2 * * *
32 0A Blocking Zones Binary Flag(8 bits) 41159 41159 G119 G119 0 Setting 0 15 1 2 * * *
35 00 GROUP 1 * * *
35 1 I>1 Function Indexed String 41250 41250 G43 G43 DT Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
35 2 I>1 Directional Indexed String 41251 41251 G44 G44 Directional Fwd Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
35 3 I>1 VTS Block Indexed String 41252 41252 G45 G45 Non-Directional Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 4 I>1 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41253 41253 G2 1.5 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
35 5 I>1 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41254 41254 G2 1 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
35 6 I>1 Time Delay VTS Courier Number (Time) 41255 41255 G2 0.2 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * * 3501 <> 0 AND 3502<>0 AND 3503 = 1
35 7 I>1 TMS Courier Number (Decimal) 41256 41256 G2 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025 2 * * * 5>=3501>=2
35 8 I>1 Time Dial Courier Number (Decimal) 41257 41257 G2 7 Setting 0.5 15 0.1 2 * * *
35 9 I>1 Reset Char Indexed String 41258 41258 G60 G60 DT Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 0A I>1 tRESET Courier Number (Time) 41259 41259 G2 0 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * * 5>=3501>=1 OR (3509=0 AND 3501 >=6)
35 0B I>2 Function Indexed String 41260 41260 G43 G43 DT Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
35 0C I>2 Directional Indexed String 41261 41261 G44 G44 Non-Directional Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
35 0D I>2 VTS Block Indexed String 41262 41262 G45 G45 Non-Directional Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 0E I>2 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41263 41263 G2 2 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
35 0F I>2 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41264 41264 G2 2 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
35 10 I>2 Time Delay VTS Courier Number (Time) 41265 41265 G2 2 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * * 350B <> 0 AND 350C<>0 AND 350D = 1
35 11 I>2 TMS Courier Number (Decimal) 41266 41266 G2 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025 2 * * * 5>=350B>=2
35 12 I>2 Time Dial Courier Number (Decimal) 41267 41267 G2 7 Setting 0.5 15 0.1 2 * * *
35 13 I>2 Reset Char Indexed String 41268 41268 G60 G60 DT Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 14 I>2 tRESET Courier Number (Time) 41269 41269 G2 0 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * * 5>=350B>=1 OR (3513=0 AND 350B >=6)
35 15 I>3 Status Indexed String 41270 41270 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 16 I>3 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41271 41271 G2 3 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
35 17 I>3 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41272 41272 G2 3 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
35 18 I>4 Status Indexed String 41273 41273 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
35 19 I>4 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41274 41274 G2 4 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
35 1A I>4 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41275 41275 G2 4 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
36 00 GROUP 1 * * *
36 1 I2> Status Indexed String 41300 41300 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
36 2 I2> Directional Indexed String 41301 41301 G44 G44 Non-Directional Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-7

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
36 3 I2> VTS Indexed String 41302 41302 G45 G45 Non-Directional Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
36 4 I2> Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41303 41303 G2 0.2 Setting 0.08*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
36 5 I2> Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41304 41304 G2 10 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
36 6 I2> Char Angle Courier Number (Angle) 41305 41305 G2 -45 Setting -95 95 1 2 * * *
37 00 GROUP 1 * * *
37 1 Broken Conductor Indexed String 41350 41350 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
37 2 I2/I1 Setting Courier Number (Decimal) 41351 41351 G2 0.2 Setting 0.2 1 0.01 2 * * *
37 3 I2/I1 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41352 41352 G2 60 Setting 0 100 0.1 2 * * *
37 4 I2/I1 Trip Indexed String 41353 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
38 00 GROUP 1 * * *
38 1 IN>1 Function Indexed String 41400 41400 G43 G43 DT Setting 0 10 1 2 * * * I>2 Overcurrent Status
38 2 IN>1 Directional Indexed String 41401 41401 G44 G44 Directional Fwd Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
38 3 IN>1 VTS Block Indexed String 41402 41402 G45 G45 Non-Directional Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
38 4 IN>1 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41403 41403 G2 0.2 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
38 5 IN>1 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41404 41404 G2 1 Setting 0 200 0.01 2 * * *
38 6 IN>1 Time Delay VTS Courier Number (Time) 41405 41405 G2 0.2 Setting 0 200 0.01 2 * * * 3801<>0 AND 3802<>0 AND 3803=1
38 7 IN>1 TMS Courier Number (Decimal) 41406 41406 G2 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025 2 * * * 5>=3801>=2
38 8 IN>1 Time Dial Courier Number (Decimal) 41407 41407 G2 7 Setting 0.5 15 0.1 2 * * *
38 9 IN>1 Reset Char Indexed String 41408 41408 G60 G60 DT Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
38 0A IN>1 tRESET Courier Number (Time) 41409 41409 G2 0 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * * 5>=3801>=1 OR (3809=0 AND 3801>=6)
38 0B IN>2 Status Indexed String 41410 41410 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
38 0C IN>2 Directional Indexed String 41411 41411 G44 G44 Non-Directional Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
38 0D IN>2 VTS Block Indexed String 41412 41412 G45 G45 Non-Directional Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
38 0E IN>2 Current Set Courier Number (Current) 41413 41413 G2 0.3 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
38 0F IN>2 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41414 41414 G2 2 Setting 0 200 0.01 2 * * *
38 10 IN>2 Time Delay VTS Courier Number (Time) 41415 41415 G2 2 Setting 0 200 0.01 2 * * * 380B<>0 AND 380D=1
38 11 IN> Directional (Sub Heading) 2 3802 >0 OR 380C > 0
38 12 IN> Char Angle Courier Number(Angle) 41416 41416 G2 -45 Setting -95 95 1 2 * * * 3802 >0 0R 380C > 0
38 13 Polarisation Indexed String 41417 41417 G46 G46 Zero Sequence Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * 3802 > 0 0R 380C > 0
39 00 GROUP 1 * * *
39 1 Channel Aided DEF Status Indexed String 41450 41450 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
39 2 Polarisation Indexed String 41451 41451 G46 G46 Zero Sequence Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
39 3 V> Voltage Set Courier Number (Voltage) 41452 41452 G2 1 Setting 0.5 20 0.01 2 * * *
39 4 IN Forward Courier Number (Current) 41453 41453 G2 0.1 Setting 0.05*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
39 5 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41454 41454 G2 0 Setting 0 10 0.1 2 * * *
39 6 Scheme Logic Indexed String 41455 41455 G112 Shared Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
39 7 Tripping Indexed String 41456 41456 G48 Three Phase Setting 0 1 1 2 *
3C 00 GROUP 1
3C 1 Zero Seq. Power Status Indexed String 41600 41600 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
3C 2 K Time Delay Factor Courier Number (Time) 41601 41601 G2 0 Setting 0 2 0.2 2 * * *
3C 3 Basis Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41602 41602 G2 1 Setting 0 10 0.01 2 * * *
3C 4 Residual Current Courier Number (Current) 41603 41603 G2 0.1 Setting 0.05*I1 1*I1 0.01 2 * * *
3C 5 Residual Power Courier Number (Power) 41604 41604 G2 0.5 Setting 0.3*I1*V1 6*I1*V1 0.03*I1*V 2 * * *
42 00 GROUP1
42 1 V< & V> MODE Binary Flags (8bits) 41949 41949 G121 G121 0 Setting 0 15 1 2 * * * 4204 <> 0 OR 4208 <> 0
42 2 UNDER VOLTAGE (Sub Heading)
42 3 V< Measur't Mode Indexed String 41950 41950 G47 G47 Phase-Neutral Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
42 4 V<1 Function Indexed String 41951 41951 G23 G23 DT Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
42 5 V<1 Voltage Set Courier Number (Voltage) 41952 41952 G2 50 Setting 10 120 1 2 * * * Range covers Ph-N & Ph-Ph
42 6 V<1 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41953 41953 G2 10 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
42 7 V<1 TMS Courier Number (Decimal) 41954 41954 G2 1 Setting 0.5 100 0.5 2 * * *
42 8 V<2 Status Indexed String 41955 41955 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
42 9 V<2 Voltage Set Courier Number (Voltage) 41956 41956 G2 38 Setting 10 120 1 2 * * * Phase-Neutral
42 0A V<2 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41957 41957 G2 5 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
42 0B OVERVOLTAGE (Sub Heading)
42 0C V> Measur't Mode Indexed String 41958 41958 G47 G47 Phase-Neutral Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
42 0D V>1 Function Indexed String 41959 41959 G23 G23 DT Setting 0 2 1 2 * * *
42 0E V>1 Voltage Set Courier Number (Voltage) 41960 41960 G2 75 Setting 60 185 1 2 * * *
42 0F V>1 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41961 41961 G2 10 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
42 10 V>1 TMS Courier Number (Decimal) 41962 41962 G2 1 Setting 0.5 100 0.5 2 * * *
42 11 V>2 Status Indexed String 41963 41963 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
42 12 V>2 Voltage Set Courier Number (Voltage) 41964 41964 G2 90 Setting 60 185 1 2 * * *
42 13 V>2 Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 41965 41965 G2 0.5 Setting 0 100 0.01 2 * * *
45 00 GROUP 1 * * *
45 1 BREAKER FAIL (Sub Heading) * * *
45 2 CB Fail 1 Status Indexed String 42100 42100 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
45 3 CB Fail 1 Timer Courier Number (Time) 42101 42101 G2 G2 0.2 Setting 0 10 0.005 2 * * *
45 4 CB Fail 2 Status Indexed String 42102 42102 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
45 5 CB Fail 2 Timer Courier Number (Time) 42103 42103 G2 G2 0.4 Setting 0 10 0.005 2 * * *
45 6 CBF Non I Reset Indexed String 42104 42104 G205 G205 1 Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
45 7 CBF Ext Reset Indexed String 42105 42105 G205 G205 1 Setting 0 3 1 2 * * *
45 8 UNDER CURRENT (Sub Heading) * * *
45 9 I < Current Set Courier Number (Current) 42106 42106 G2 G2 0.05*I1 Setting 0.05*I1 3.2*I1 0.1*I1 2 * * *
46 00 GROUP 1 * * *
46 1 VT SUPERVISION (Sub Heading) * * *
46 2 VTS Time Delay Courier Number (Time s) 42150 42150 G2 5 Setting 1 20 1 2 * * *
46 3 VTS I2> & I0> Inhibit Courier Number (Current) 42151 42151 G2 0.05 Setting 0 1.0*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
46 4 Detect 3P Indexed String G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
46 5 Threshold 3P Courier Number (Voltage) G2 30 Setting 10 70 1 2 * * *
46 6 Delta I> Courier Number (Current) G2 0.1*I1 Setting 0.01*I1 5*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
46 7 CT SUPERVISION (Sub Heading)
46 8 CTS Status Indexed String 42152 42152 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
46 9 CTS VN< Inhibit Courier Number (Voltage) 42153 42153 G2 1 Setting 0.5 22 0.5 2 * * *
46 0A CTS IN> Set Courier Number (Current) 42154 42154 G2 0.1 Setting 0.08*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1 2 * * *
46 0B CTS Time Delay Courier Number (Time s) 42155 42155 G2 5 Setting 0 10 1 2 * * *
46 0C CVT SUPERVISION (Sub Heading)
46 0D CVTS Status Indexed String 42156 42156 G37 G37 Disabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * *
46 0E CVTS VN> Courier Number (Voltage) 42157 42157 G2 1 Setting 0.5 22 0.5 2 * * *
46 0F CVTS Time Delay Courier Number (Time s) 42158 42158 G2 100 Setting 0 300 1 2 * * *
48 00 GROUP 1 * * *
48 1 C/S Check Schem. for A/R Binary Flags (8bits) 42250 42250 G103 G103 7 Setting 0 7 1 2 * * *
48 2 C/S Check Schem. for ManBinary Flags (8bits) 42251 42251 G103 G103 7 Setting 0 7 1 2 * * *
48 3 V< Dead Line Courier Number (Voltage) 42252 42252 G2 13 Setting 5 30 1 2 * * *
48 4 V> Live Line Courier Number (Voltage) 42253 42253 G2 32 Setting 30 120 1 2 * * *
48 5 V< Dead Bus Courier Number (Voltage) 42254 42254 G2 13 Setting 5 30 1 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 010b) > 0
48 6 V> Live Bus Courier Number (Voltage) 42255 42255 G2 32 Setting 30 120 1 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 101b) > 0
48 7 Diff Voltage Courier Number (Voltage) 42256 42256 G2 6.5 Setting 0.5 40 0.1 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 100b) > 0
48 8 Diff Frequency Courier Number (Frequency) 42257 42257 G2 0.05 Setting 0.02 1 0.01 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 100b) > 0
48 9 Diff Phase Courier Number(Degre) 42258 42258 G2 20 Setting 5 90 2.5 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 100b) > 0
48 0A Bus-Line Delay Courier Number (Time) 42259 42259 G2 0.2 Setting 0.1 2 0.1 2 * * * (4801 OR 4802) AND 100b) > 0
49 00 GROUP 1 * * *
49 1 AUTORECLOSE MODE (Sub Heading) * * *
49 2 1P Trip Mode Indexed String 42300 42300 G101 G101 1 Setting 0 3 1 2 * Mode on Single Phase Tripping
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page A-8

Part A - Menu Database (Courier)

CourierRef Courier Text Courier Data Type Modbus Address Data Group Default Setting Cell Type Min Max Step asswor
Model Comment
Col Row Start End Courier Modbus Level 1 2 4
49 3 3P Trip Mode Indexed String 42301 42301 G102 G102 1 Setting 0 3 1 2 * * * Mode on Three Phase Tripping
49 4 1P Rcl - Dead Time 1 Courier Number (Time) 42302 42302 G2 G2 1 Setting 0.1 5 0.01 2 * Single Phase Reclosing - Dead Time 1
49 5 3P Rcl - Dead Time 1 Courier Number (Time) 42303 42303 G2 G2 1 Setting 0.1 60 0.01 2 * * * Three Phase Reclosing - Dead Time 1
49 6 Dead Time 2 Courier Number (Time) 42304 42304 G2 G2 60 Setting 1 3600 1 2 * * * ( (3>= 4902>=1) AND 0707=1)
49 7 Dead Time 3 Courier Number (Time) 42305 42305 G2 G2 180 Setting 1 3600 1 2 * * * ( (3>= 4902>=2) AND 0707=1)
49 8 Dead Time 4 Courier Number (Time) 42306 42306 G2 G2 180 Setting 1 3600 1 2 * * * (4902=3 AND 0707=1)
49 9 Reclaim Time Courier Number (Time) 42307 42307 G2 G2 180 Setting 1 600 1 2 * * *
49 0A Reclose Time Delay Courier Number (Time) 42308 42308 G2 G2 0.1 Setting 0.1 10 0.1 2 * * *
49 0B Discrimination Time Courier Number (Time) 42309 42309 G2 G2 5 Setting 0.1 5 0.01 2 * * *
49 0C A/R Inhbit Wind Courier Number (Time) 42310 42310 G2 G2 5 Setting 1 3600 1 2 * * *
49 0D C/S on 3P Rcl DT1 Indexed String 42311 42311 G37 G37 Enabled Setting 0 1 1 2 * * * Select Synchro Check
49 0F Block A/R Binary Flag (16 bits) 42312 41312 G117 G117 16383 Setting 0 16383 1 2 * * *
4A 00 GROUP 1 * * *
4A 1 Opto Input 1 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42400 42407 G3 Opto Label 01 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 2 Opto Input 2 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42408 42415 G3 Opto Label 02 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 3 Opto Input 3 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42416 42423 G3 Opto Label 03 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 4 Opto Input 4 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42424 42431 G3 Opto Label 04 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 5 Opto Input 5 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42432 42439 G3 Opto Label 05 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 6 Opto Input 6 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42440 42447 G3 Opto Label 06 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 7 Opto Input 7 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42448 42455 G3 Opto Label 07 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 8 Opto Input 8 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42456 42463 G3 Opto Label 08 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4A 9 Opto Input 9 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42464 42471 G3 Opto Label 09 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0A Opto Input 10 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42472 42479 G3 Opto Label 10 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0B Opto Input 11 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42480 42487 G3 Opto Label 11 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0C Opto Input 12 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42488 42495 G3 Opto Label 12 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0D Opto Input 13 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42496 42503 G3 Opto Label 13 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0E Opto Input 14 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42504 42511 G3 Opto Label 14 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 0F Opto Input 15 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42512 42519 G3 Opto Label 15 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 10 Opto Input 16 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42520 42527 G3 Opto Label 16 Setting 32 163 1 2 * *
4A 11 Opto Input 17 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42528 42535 G3 Opto Label 17 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 12 Opto Input 18 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42536 42543 G3 Opto Label 18 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 13 Opto Input 19 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42544 42551 G3 Opto Label 19 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 14 Opto Input 20 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42552 42559 G3 Opto Label 20 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 15 Opto Input 21 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42560 42567 G3 Opto Label 21 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 16 Opto Input 22 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42568 42575 G3 Opto Label 22 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 17 Opto Input 23 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42576 42583 G3 Opto Label 23 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4A 18 Opto Input 24 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42584 42591 G3 Opto Label 24 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 00 GROUP 1 * * *
4B 1 Relay 1 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42600 42607 G3 Relay Label 01 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 2 Relay 2 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42608 42615 G3 Relay Label 02 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 3 Relay 3 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42616 42623 G3 Relay Label 03 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 4 Relay 4 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42624 42631 G3 Relay Label 04 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 5 Relay 5 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42632 42639 G3 Relay Label 05 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 6 Relay 6 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42640 42647 G3 Relay Label 06 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 7 Relay 7 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42648 42655 G3 Relay Label 07 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 8 Relay 8 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42656 42663 G3 Relay Label 08 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 9 Relay 9 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42664 42671 G3 Relay Label 09 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0A Relay 10 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42672 42679 G3 Relay Label 10 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0B Relay 11 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42680 42687 G3 Relay Label 11 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0C Relay 12 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42688 42695 G3 Relay Label 12 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0D Relay 13 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42696 42703 G3 Relay Label 13 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0E Relay 14 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42704 42711 G3 Relay Label 14 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 0F Relay 15 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42712 42719 G3 Relay Label 15 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 10 Relay 16 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42720 42727 G3 Relay Label 16 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 11 Relay 17 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42728 42735 G3 Relay Label 17 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 12 Relay 18 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42736 42743 G3 Relay Label 18 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 13 Relay 19 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42744 42751 G3 Relay Label 19 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 14 Relay 20 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42752 42759 G3 Relay Label 20 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 15 Relay 21 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42760 42767 G3 Relay Label 21 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 16 Relay 22 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42768 42775 G3 Relay Label 22 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 17 Relay 23 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42776 42783 G3 Relay Label 23 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 18 Relay 24 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42784 42791 G3 Relay Label 24 Setting 32 163 1 2 * * *
4B 19 Relay 25 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42792 42799 G3 Relay Label 25 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1A Relay 26 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42800 42807 G3 Relay Label 26 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1B Relay 27 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42808 42815 G3 Relay Label 27 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1C Relay 28 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42816 42823 G3 Relay Label 28 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1D Relay 29 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42824 42831 G3 Relay Label 29 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1E Relay 30 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42832 42839 G3 Relay Label 30 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 1F Relay 31 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42840 42847 G3 Relay Label 31 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 20 Relay 32 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42848 42855 G3 Relay Label 32 Setting 32 163 1 2 *
4B 21 Relay 33 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42856 42863 G3 Relay Label 33 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 22 Relay 34 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42864 42871 G3 Relay Label 34 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 23 Relay 35 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42872 42879 G3 Relay Label 35 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 24 Relay 36 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42880 42887 G3 Relay Label 36 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 25 Relay 37 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42888 42895 G3 Relay Label 37 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 26 Relay 38 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42896 42903 G3 Relay Label 38 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 27 Relay 39 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42904 42911 G3 Relay Label 39 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 28 Relay 40 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42912 42919 G3 Relay Label 40 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 29 Relay 41 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42920 42927 G3 Relay Label 41 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 2A Relay 42 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42928 42935 G3 Relay Label 42 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 2B Relay 43 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42936 42943 G3 Relay Label 43 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 2C Relay 44 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42944 42951 G3 Relay Label 44 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 2D Relay 45 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42952 42959 G3 Relay Label 45 Setting 32 163 1 2
4B 2E Relay 46 ASCII Text (16 chars) 42960 42967 G3 Relay Label 46 Setting 32 163 1 2
50 00 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 43000 44999

70 00 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 45000 46999

90 00 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 47000 48999
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-1

Part B - Data Types


eg. 5678 stored as 5678

See 50300.3110.004


0x00FF Second character
0xFF00 First character


0x0001 Plant Status 1 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0002 Plant Status 2 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0004 Plant Status 3 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0008 Plant Status 4 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0010 Plant Status 5 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0020 Plant Status 6 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0040 Plant Status 7 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0080 Plant Status 8 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0100 Plant Status 9 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0200 Plant Status 10 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0400 Plant Status 11 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0800 Plant Status 12 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x1000 Plant Status 13 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x2000 Plant Status 14 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x4000 Plant Status 15 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x8000 Plant Status 16 (0 = Off, 1 = On)


0x0001 Control Status 1 (0 = Off, 1 = On)

0x0002 Control Status 2 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0004 Control Status 3 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0008 Control Status 4 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0010 Control Status 5 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0020 Control Status 6 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0040 Control Status 7 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0080 Control Status 8 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0100 Control Status 9 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0200 Control Status 10 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0400 Control Status 11 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0800 Control Status 12 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x1000 Control Status 13 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x2000 Control Status 14 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x4000 Control Status 15 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x8000 Control Status 16 (0 = Off, 1 = On)

G6 Record Control Command Register

0 No Operation
1 Clear event Records
2 Clear Fault Record
3 Clear Maitenance Records
4 Reset Indications

G7 VTS Indicate/Block
0 Blocking
1 Indication


(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 Opto 1 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0002 Opto 2 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0004 Opto 3 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0008 Opto 4 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0010 Opto 5 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0020 Opto 6 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0040 Opto 7 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0080 Opto 8 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0100 Opto 9 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0200 Opto 10 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0400 Opto 11 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x0800 Opto 12 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x1000 Opto 13 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x2000 Opto 14 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x4000 Opto 15 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0000,0x8000 Opto 16 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0001,0x0000 Opto 17 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0002,0x0000 Opto 18 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0004,0x0000 Opto 19 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0008,0x0000 Opto 20 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0010,0x0000 Opto 21 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0020,0x0000 Opto 22 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0040,0x0000 Opto 23 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)
0x0080,0x0000 Opto 24 Input State (0=Off, 1=Energised)


(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 Relay 1 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0002 Relay 2 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0004 Relay 3 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0008 Relay 4 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0010 Relay 5 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0020 Relay 6 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0040 Relay 7 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0080 Relay 8 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0100 Relay 9 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0200 Relay 10 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0400 Relay 11 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0800 Relay 12 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x1000 Relay 13 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x2000 Relay 14 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x4000 Relay 15 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x8000 Relay 16 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0001,0x0000 Relay 17 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-2

Part B - Data Types


0x0002,0x0000 Relay 18 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)

0x0004,0x0000 Relay 19 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0008,0x0000 Relay 20 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0010,0x0000 Relay 21 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0020,0x0000 Relay 22 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0040,0x0000 Relay 23 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0080,0x0000 Relay 24 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0100,0x0000 Relay 25 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0200,0x0000 Relay 26 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0400,0x0000 Relay 27 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0800,0x0000 Relay 28 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x1000,0x0000 Relay 29 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x2000,0x0000 Relay 30 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x4000,0x0000 Relay 31 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x8000,0x0000 Relay 32 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)

G10 PASSWORD LEVEL (May not be needed see modbus)

0 Level 0
1 Level 1
2 Level 2

0 No
1 Yes


This will take the IEC 870 format as shown in ref [J] section 5.1.16
0x007F First register - Years
0x0FFF Second register - Month of year / Day of month / Day of week
0x9FBF Third Register - Summertime and hours / Validity and minutes
0xFFFF Fourth Register - Milli-seconds


0 Latched alarm active
1 Latched alarm inactive
2 Self reset alarm active
3 Self reset alarm inactive
4 Relay event
5 Opto event
6 Protection event
7 Platform event
8 Fault logged event
9 Maintenance Record logged event

G14 PAS UTILISE I> Function Link

Bit 0 I>1 VTS Block
Bit 1 I>1 VTS Block Non-Directionnal
Bit 2 I>2 VTS Block
Bit 3 I>2 VTS Block Non-Directionnal
Bit 4 I>3 VTS Block
Bit 5 I>4 VTS Block
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused


0 No Record
1 Un-extracted
2 Extracted


0x0001 Start A
0x0002 Start B
0x0004 Start C
0x0008 Start N
0x0010 Trip A
0x0020 Trip B
0x0040 Trip C
0x0080 Trip N

0 Card not fitted
1 Card failed
2 Signal healthy
3 No Signal

G18 Record Selection Command Register

0x0000 No Operation
0x0001 Select next event
0x0002 Accept Event
0x0004 Select next Disturbance Record
0x0008 Accept disturbance record
0x0010 Select Next Disturbance record page

0 English
1 Francais
2 Deutsch
3 Espanol

G20 (Second reg, First Reg) PASSWORD (2 REGISTERS)

0x0000, 0x00FF First password character
0x0000, 0xFF00 Second password character
0x00FF, 0x0000 Third password character
0xFF00, 0x0000 Fourth password character

G21 IEC870 Interface

0 RS485
1 Fibre Optic


0 Level 0 - Passwords required for levels 1 & 2.
1 Level 1 - Password required for level 2.
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-3

Part B - Data Types


2 Level 2 - No passwords required.

G23 Voltage Curve selection

0 Disabled
1 DT


High order word of long stored in 1st register

Low order word of long stored in 2nd register
Example 123456.789 stored as 123456789


Example 50.050 stored as 50050

G26 1 REGISTER Relay Status

0x0001 Out of Service

0x0002 Minor Selft Test Failure
0x0004 Event
0x0008 Time Synchronisation
0x0010 Disturbance Flag
0x0020 Fault
0x0040 Unused
0x0080 Unused
0x0100 Unused
0x0200 Unused
0x0400 Unused
0x0800 Unused
0x1000 Unused
0x2000 Unused
0x4000 Unused
0x8000 Unused


High order word of long stored in 1st register
Low order word of long stored in 2nd register
Example 123456 stored as 123456


Power = (Secondary power/CT secondary) * (100/VT secondary)


All power measurments use a signed value of type G28 and a
2 register unsigned long multiplier of type G27
Value = Real Value*110/(CTsecondary*VTsecondary)
For Primary Power Multipler = CTprimary * VTprimary/110
For Secondary Power Multipler = CTsecondary * VTsecondary/110



0 VA
1 VB
2 VC
3 VN
4 IA
5 IB
6 IC
7 IN
8 IM
9 V Checksync
10 unasigned

G32 Digital channel assignment this mapping depend of the model (P441 P442 P444)
0 8/16/24 Optos These are example values. Need one to be unassigned
to 14/21/32 Relays
8 Feedback
1024 72 - 1024 Internal Signals


(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 Digital Channel 1 Bit 0 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0002 Digital Channel 1 Bit 1 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0004 Digital Channel 1 Bit 2 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0008 Digital Channel 1 Bit 3 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0010 Digital Channel 1 Bit 4 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0020 Digital Channel 1 Bit 5 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0040 Digital Channel 1 Bit 6 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0080 Digital Channel 1 Bit 7 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0100 Digital Channel 1 Bit 8 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0200 Digital Channel 1 Bit 9 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0400 Digital Channel 1 Bit 10 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x0800 Digital Channel 1 Bit 11 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x1000 Digital Channel 1 Bit 12 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x2000 Digital Channel 1 Bit 13 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x4000 Digital Channel 1 Bit 14 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0000,0x8000 Digital Channel 1 Bit 15 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0001,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 0 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0002,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 1 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0004,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 2 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0008,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 3 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0010,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 4 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0020,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 5 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0040,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 6 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0080,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 7 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0100,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 8 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0200,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 9 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0400,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 10 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x0800,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 11 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-4

Part B - Data Types


0x1000,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 12 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)

0x2000,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 13 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x4000,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 14 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)
0x8000,0x0000 Digital Channel 2 Bit 15 (0 = No Trigger, 1= Trigger)


0 Single
1 Extended

G35 Numeric Setting (as G2 but 2 registers)

Number of steps from minimum value
expressed as 2 register 32 bit unsigned int

G36 Test Mode

0 No Operation
1 3 Pole Test
2 Pole A Test
3 Pole B Test
4 Pole C Test


0 Disabled
1 Enabled


0 9600 bits/s
1 19200 bits/s
2 38400 bits/s


0 9600 bits/s
2 19200 bits/s


0 1200 bits/s
1 2400 bits/s
2 4800 bits/s
3 9600 bits/s
4 19200 bits/s
5 38400 bits/s


0 Odd
1 Even
2 None


0 A-N
1 B-N
2 C-N
3 A-B
4 B-C
5 C-A


0 None
1 Undervoltage
2 Differential
3 Both


0 None
1 Timer
2 Frequency
3 Both


0 Disabled
1 DT
2 IEC S Invervse
3 IEC V Inverse
4 IEC E Inverse
5 UK LT Inverse
6 IEEE M Inverse
7 IEEE V Inverse
8 IEEE E Inverse
9 US Inverse
10 US ST Inverse

0 Non-Directional
1 Directional Fwd
2 Directional Rev


0 Block
1 Non-Directional

0 Zero Sequence
1 Neg Sequence


0 Phase-Phase
1 Phase-Neutral


0 Any Phase
1 Three Phase

0 Measured
1 Derived
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-5

Part B - Data Types



0 Distance
1 Ohms
2 % of Line


0 Date & Time
1 Description
2 Plant Reference
3 U, I, Freq
4 Freq, P, Q


0 No Operation
1 All Settings
2 Setting Group 1
3 Setting Group 2
4 Setting Group 3
5 Setting Group 4


0 Primary
1 Secondary


0 No Operation
1 Trip
2 Close


0 VA
1 VB
2 VC
3 IA
4 IB
5 IC

G57 Data Transfer Domain

0 PSL Settings
1 PSL Configuration


0 SEF Enabled
1 Wattmetric SEF
2 REF Enabled


0 Dead
1 Healthy


0 DT
1 Inverse


0 Select via Menu
1 Select via Optos

0 No Operation
1 Save
2 Abort

G64 ISEF> Func Link

Bit 0 ISEF>1 VTS Block
Bit 1 ISEF>2 VTS Block
Bit 2 ISEF>3 VTS Block
Bit 3 ISEF>4 VTS Block
Bit 4 ISEF>3 Block A/R
Bit 5 ISEF>4 Block A/R
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused

G65 F< Function Link

Bit 0 F<1 U/V Block
Bit 1 F<2 U/V Block
Bit 2 F<3 U/V Block
Bit 3 F<4 U/V Block
Bit 4 Unused
Bit 5 Unused
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused


0 No Trigger
1 Trigger L/H
2 Trigger H/L


0 Single
1 Dual

G68 CB Fail Reset Options

0 I< Only
1 CB Open & I<
2 Prot Reset & I<


0 Manual
1 Auto


0 Opto Set
1 Auto
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-6

Part B - Data Types


2 User Set
3 Pulse Set

0 Courier
1 IEC870-5-103
2 Modbus


0 Protection Reset
1 CB Trips


0 Suspend
1 Continue


0 User Interface
1 Select NonAuto

G75 Auto-Reclose after Control Close

0 Enabled
1 Inhibited


0 Prepare Rx
1 Complete Rx
2 Prepare Tx
3 Complete Tx
4 Rx Prepared
5 Tx Prepared
6 OK
7 Error

G77 Auto-Reclose
0 Out of Service
1 In Service

G78 A/R Telecontrol

0 No Operation
1 Auto
2 Non-auto

G79 Custom Settings

0 Disabled
1 Basic
2 Complete

G80 Visible/Invisible
0 Invisible
1 Visible

G81 Reset Lockout by

0 User Interface
1 CB Close

G82 A/R Protection blocking

0 No Block
1 Block Inst Prot

G83 A/R Status

0 Auto Mode
1 Non-auto Mode
2 Live Line

G84 Modbus value+bit pos Started Elements(Product Specific)

(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 General Start
0x0000,0x0002 Start I>1
0x0000,0x0004 Start I>2
0x0000,0x0008 Start I>3
0x0000,0x0010 Start I>4
0x0000,0x0020 Start I2>
0x0000,0x0040 Start IN>2
0x0000,0x0080 Start IN>3
0x0000,0x0100 Start DEF
0x0000,0x0200 Start V<1
0x0000,0x0400 Start V<2
0x0000,0x0800 Start V>1
0x0000,0x1000 Start V>2
0x0000,0x2000 Start Broken Cond
0x0000,0x4000 Start LOL
0x0000,0x8000 Start Distance
0x0001,0x0000 Start TOC
0x0002,0x0000 Start Zero Seq. Pow.

G85 Modbus value+bit pos Tripped Elements(1)(Product Specific)

(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000, 0x0001 Any Trip
0x0000, 0x0002 Trip I>1
0x0000, 0x0004 Trip I>2
0x0000, 0x0008 Trip I>3
0x0000, 0x0010 Trip I>4
0x0000, 0x0020 Trip I2>
0x0000, 0x0040 Trip IN>2
0x0000, 0x0080 Trip IN>3
0x0000, 0x0100 Trip DEF
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-7

Part B - Data Types


0x0000, 0x0200 Trip V<1

0x0000, 0x0400 Trip V<2
0x0000, 0x0800 Trip V>1
0x0000, 0x1000 Trip V>2
0x0000, 0x2000 Trip Broken line
0x0000, 0x4000 Trip Z1
0x0000, 0x8000 Trip Z2
0x0001, 0x0000 Trip Z3
0x0002, 0x0000 Trip Zp
0x0004, 0x0000 Trip Z4
0x0008, 0x0000 Trip Z2 Aided
0x0010, 0x0000 Trip LOL
0x0020, 0x0000 Trip Soft Tor
0x0040, 0x0000 Trip WI
0x0080, 0x0000 Trip CB Fail1
0x0100, 0x0000 Trip CB Fail2
0x0200, 0x0000 Trip Zero Seq. Pow.
0x0400, 0x0000
0x0800, 0x0000
0x1000, 0x0000
0x2000, 0x0000
0x4000, 0x0000
0x8000,0x0000 Trip User

G86 Bit Description Tripped Elements(2) (Product Specific)

(Second reg, First Reg)(Courier and IEC870 Bit Position)

G87 Bit Description Fault Alarms (Product Specific)

(Second reg, First Reg)(Courier and IEC870 Bit Position)
0x0000,0x0001 VT Fail Alarm
0x0000,0x0002 CT Fail Alarm
0x0000,0x0004 CB Status Alarm
0x0000,0x0008 AR Lockout Shot >
0x0000,0x0010 V<1 Alarm
0x0000,0x0020 V<2 Alarm
0x0000,0x0040 V>1 Alarm
0x0000,0x0080 V>2 Alarm
0x0000,0x0100 COS Alarm
0x0000,0x0200 CVT Fail Alarm

G88 Alarms
0 Alarm Disabled
1 Alarm Enabled

G89 Main VT Location

0 Line
1 Bus

G90 Group Selection

0 Group 1
1 Group 2
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-8

Part B - Data Types


2 Group 3
3 Group 4

G91 A/R Protection Blocking

0 Allow Tripping
1 Block Tripping

G92 Lockout
0 No Lockout
1 Lockout

G93 Commission Test

0 No Operation
1 Apply Test
2 Remove Test

G94 Commission Test

0 No Operation
1 Apply Test

G96 Bit Position Alarm 1 Indexed Strings

2 General Alarm
3 Prot'n Disabled
4 f out of Range
5 VT Fail Alarm
6 CT Fail Alarm
7 Broken Cond. Alarm
8 CB Fail Alarm
9 I^ Maint Alarm
10 I^ Lockout Alarm
11 CB Ops Maint
12 CB Ops Lockout
13 CB Op Time Maint
14 CB Op Time Lockout
15 F.F. Pre Lockout
16 F.F. Lock
17 Lockout Alarm
18 CB Status Alarm
19 Man CB Trip Fail
20 Man CB Cls Fail
21 Man CB Unhealthy
22 Control No C/S
23 AR Lockout Shot >
24 SG-Opto Invalid
25 A/R Fail
26 V<1 Alarm
27 V<2 Alarm
28 V>1 Alarm
29 V>2 Alarm
30 COS Alarm
31 CVT Fail Alarm

G97 Distance Unit

0 Kilometres
1 Miles

G98 Copy to
0 No Operation
1 Group 1
2 Group 2
3 Group 3
4 Group 4

G99 CB Control
0 Disabled
1 Local
2 Remote
3 Local+Remote
4 Opto
5 Opto+local
6 Opto+Remote
7 Opto+Rem+local



G101 Reclosing Mode on Single Phase tripping

0 1
1 1/3
2 1/3/3
3 1/3/3/3

G102 Reclosing Mode on Three Phase tripping

0 3
1 3/3
2 3/3/3
3 3/3/3/3

G103 Synchro Check Mode

Bit 0 Live Bus / Dead Line
Bit 1 Dead Bus / Live Line
Bit 2 Live Bus / Live Line

G105 Blocking type

0 None
1 Zone 1 unblocking
2 Zones 1 and 2 unblocking
3 Zones 1, 2 and 3 unblocking
4 Blocking all zones
5 Zone 1 blocking
6 Zones 1 and 2 blocking
7 Zones 1, 2 and 3 blocking
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-9

Part B - Data Types


G106 Program Mode

0 Standard Scheme
1 Open Scheme

G107 Standard Scheme

0 Basic + Z1X
1 P.O.P. Z1
2 P.O.P. Z2
3 P.U.P. Z2
4 P.U.P. Fwd
5 B.O.P. Z1
6 B.O.P. Z2

G108 Signal Send Zone

0 None
1 CsZ1
2 CsZ2
3 CsZ4

G109 Type of Scheme

0 None
1 PermZ1
2 PermZ2
3 PermFwd
4 BlkZ1
5 BlkZ2

G110 Zone in Fault

0 None
1 Zone 1
2 Zone 2
3 Zone 3
4 Zone Programmable
5 Zone 4

G111 Bit Position Alarm 2 Indexed Strings

0 Alarm user 1
1 Alarm user 2
2 Alarm user 3
3 Alarm user 4
4 Alarm user 5

G112 Type of Scheme Logic on Aided DEF

0 Shared
1 Blocking
2 Permissive

G113 Unblocking Mode

0 None
1 Loss of Guard
2 Loss of Carrier

G114 Trip Mode for the distance protection

0 Force 3 Poles Trip
1 1 Pole Trip before T2
2 1 Pole Trip before T3

G115 Fault Type

0 Phase-to-ground Fault Enabled
1 Phase-to-phase Fault Enabled
2 Both Enabled

G116 Weak-infeed Mode

0 Disabled
1 Echo
2 WI Trip & Echo

G117 Block A/R

Bit 0 At T2
Bit 1 At T3
Bit 2 At Tzp
Bit 3 LoL Trip
Bit 4 I2> Trip
Bit 5 I>1 Trip
Bit 6 I>2 Trip
Bit 7 V<1 Trip
Bit 8 V<2 Trip
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-10

Part B - Data Types


Bit 9 V>1 Trip

Bit 10 V>2 trip
Bit 11 IN>2 Trip
Bit 12 IN>3 Trip
Bit 13 Aided D.E.F Trip
Bit 14 Zero. Seq. Power Trip
Bit 15 Unused
Bit 16 Unused

G118 TOR SOTF Mode

Bit 0 TOR Z1 Enabled
Bit 1 TOR Z2 Enabled
Bit 2 TOR Z3 Enabled
Bit 3 TOR All Zones Enabled
Bit 4 TOR Dist. Scheme Enabled
Bit 5 SOTF All Zones
Bit 6 SOTF Level Detectors
Bit 7 SOTF Z1 Enabled
Bit 8 SOTF Z2 Enabled
Bit 9 SOTF Z3 Enabled
Bit 10 SOTF Z1 + Rev Enabled
Bit 11 SOTF Z2 + Rev Enabled
Bit 12 SOTF Dist. Scheme Enabled
Bit 13 SOFT Disable
Bit 14 Unused
Bit 15 Unused

G119 Power-Swing Zone Blocking

Bit 0 Z1&Z1x blocking
Bit 1 Z2 Blocking
Bit 2 Z3 Blocking
Bit 3 Zp Blocking
Bit 4 Unused
Bit 5 Unused
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused

G120 Zone Status

Bit 0 Z1x Enabled
Bit 1 Z2 Enabled
Bit 2 Zp Enabled
Bit 3 Z3 Enabled
Bit 4 Z4 Enabled
Bit 5 Unused
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused

G121 V<&V> MODE

Bit 0 V<1 Trip
Bit 1 V<2 Trip
Bit 2 V>1 Trip
Bit 3 V>2 Trip
Bit 4 Unused
Bit 5 Unused
Bit 6 Unused
Bit 7 Unused

G122 Plant Status

Bit 0 All Poles Open
Bit 1 Any Poles Closed
Bit x Unused

0 Directional Fwd
1 Directional Rev


(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0001 Test Port Status 1 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0002 Test Port Status 2 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0004 Test Port Status 3 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0008 Test Port Status 4 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0010 Test Port Status 5 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0020 Test Port Status 6 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0040 Test Port Status 7 (0 = Off, 1 = On)
0x0080 Test Port Status 8 (0 = Off, 1 = On)

G125 2 REGISTER Measurements in IEEE floating point format

G130 1REGISTER Measurements

Bit 0 Measurements and Location are not valid
Bit 1 Measurements is valid
Bit 2 Location is valid


0 Disabled
1 Earth Fault O/C
2 Zero Seq. Power

G200 Treshold Voltages

0 24-27V
1 30-34V
2 48-54V
3 110-125V
4 220-250V
5 Custom

G201 Treshold Voltages

0 24-27V
1 30-34V
2 48-54V
3 110-125V
4 220-250V
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page B-11

Part B - Data Types


G202 Controll Input Status (2 REGISTERS)

(2nd Reg, 1st Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 Control Input 1 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0002 Control Input 2 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0004 Control Input 3 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0008 Control Input 4 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0010 Control Input 5 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0020 Control Input 6 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0040 Control Input 7 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0080 Control Input 8 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0100 Control Input 9 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0200 Control Input 10 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0400 Control Input 11 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x0800 Control Input 12 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x1000 Control Input 13 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x2000 Control Input 14 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x4000 Control Input 15 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0000,0x8000 Control Input 16 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0001,0x0000 Control Input 17 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0002,0x0000 Control Input 18 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0004,0x0000 Control Input 19 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0008,0x0000 Control Input 20 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0010,0x0000 Control Input 21 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0020,0x0000 Control Input 22 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0040,0x0000 Control Input 23 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0080,0x0000 Control Input 24 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0100,0x0000 Control Input 25 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0200,0x0000 Control Input 26 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0400,0x0000 Control Input 27 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x0800,0x0000 Control Input 28 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x1000,0x0000 Control Input 29 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x2000,0x0000 Control Input 30 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x4000,0x0000 Control Input 31 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)
0x8000,0x0000 Control Input 32 (0 = Reset, 1 = Set)

G203 Virtual Input

0 No Operation
1 Set
2 Reset


0 Disabled
1 Test Mode
2 Blocked

G205 CB Fail Reset Options

0 I< Only
1 CB Open & I<
2 Prot Reset & I<
3 Disable
4 Prot Reset Or I<

G250 Alarm Status 3

0 Battery fail
1 Field Volt Fail
2 Reserved
3 GOOSE IED Absent
4 NIC Not Fitted
5 NIC No Response
6 NIC Fatal Error
7 NIC Soft. Reload
8 Bad TCP/IP Cfg.
9 Bad OSI Config.
10 NIC Link Fail
11 NIC SW Mis-Match
12 IP Addr Conflict
13 Reserved for InterMiCOM and other platform alarms


(Second reg, First Reg)
0x0000,0x0001 Relay 33 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0002 Relay 34 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0004 Relay 35 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0008 Relay 36 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0010 Relay 37 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0020 Relay 38 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0040 Relay 39 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0080 Relay 40 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0100 Relay 41 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0200 Relay 42 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0400 Relay 43 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x0800 Relay 44 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x1000 Relay 45 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x2000 Relay 46 (0=Not Operated, 1=Operated)
0x0000,0x4000 Unused
0x0000,0x8000 Unused
0x0001,0x0000 Unused
0x0002,0x0000 Unused
0x0004,0x0000 Unused
0x0008,0x0000 Unused
0x0010,0x0000 Unused
0x0020,0x0000 Unused
0x0040,0x0000 Unused
0x0080,0x0000 Unused
0x0100,0x0000 Unused
0x0200,0x0000 Unused
0x0400,0x0000 Unused
0x0800,0x0000 Unused
0x1000,0x0000 Unused
0x2000,0x0000 Unused
0x4000,0x0000 Unused
0x8000,0x0000 Unused
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-1

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

























































DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_1 96 LED 1 Programmable LED 1 (By default TRIP A) LED

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_2 97 LED 2 Programmable LED 2 (By default TRIP B) LED

Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-2

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_3 98 LED 3 Programmable LED 3 (By default TRIP C) LED

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_4 99 LED 4 Programmable LED 4 (By default GENERAL START) LED

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_5 100 LED 5 Programmable LED 5 (By default ZONE 1 + AIDED TRIP) LED

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_6 101 LED 6 Programmable LED 6 (By default FORWARD) LED

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_LED_7 102 LED 7 Programmable LED 7 (By default REVERSE) LED


DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52A_A 104 CB Aux A (52-A) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52B_A 105 CB Aux A (52-B) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52A_B 106 CB Aux B (52-A) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52B_B 107 CB Aux B (52-B) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52A_C 108 CB Aux C (52-A) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_52B_C 109 CB Aux C (52-B) Circuit breaker pole A closed/Status input from CB PSL (IN) CB STATUS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_SPAR 110 SPAR Enable Enable internal single pole autorecloser PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_TPAR 111 TPAR Enable Enable internal three pole autorecloser PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_AR_INTERNAL 112 A/R Internal Give internal autorecloser present (visible) PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_1P 113 A/R 1p In Prog. One-pole external autoreclose cycle in progress PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_3P 114 A/R 3p In Prog. Three-pole external autoreclose cycle in progress PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_AR_CLOSING 115 A/R Close Circuit Breaker closing order from external autoreclose PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_RECLAIM 116 A/R Reclaim External autorecloser in reclaim PSL (IN) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_BAR 117 BAR Block internal autoreclose PSL (IN) Autorecloser
Autorisation signal from external check Synchroniser for
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CTL_CHECK_SYNCH 118 Ext Chk Synch OK PSL (IN) Autorecloser
reclosing with internal A/R
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CB_HEALTHY 119 CB Healthy Circuit breaker operational (gas pressure, mechanical state) PSL (IN) CB STATUS
Block all protection functions
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_BLK_PROTECTION 120 BLK Protection PSL (IN) All protection
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_TRP_3P 121 Force 3P Trip Three pole tripping only PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CB_MAN 122 Man. Close CB Circuit breaker manual close - order received PSL (IN) CB Status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CB_TRIP_MAN 123 Man. Trip CB Circuit breaker manual trip - order received PSL (IN) CB Status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_DISC 124 CB Discrepancy CB Discrepancy (one pole open) PSL (IN) CB Status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PROTA 125 External Trip A Phase A trip by external protection relay PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PROTB 126 External Trip B Phase B trip by external protection relay PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PROTC 127 External Trip C Phase C trip by external protection relay PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CR 128 DIST. Chan Recv Signal receive on main channel (Distance) PSL (IN) Un-blocking logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CR_DEF 129 DEF. Chan Recv Signal receive on DEF channel PSL (IN) Un-blocking logic
Distance scheme channel out of service / Loss of Guard (Carrier
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_COS 130 DIST. COS PSL (IN) Un-blocking logic
out of service)
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_COS_DEF 131 DEF. COS DEF scheme channel out of service / Loss of Guard PSL (IN) Un-blocking logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_Z1X_EXT 132 Z1X Extension Zone 1 Extension Input PSL (IN)
Fuse failure on busbar VT or MCB open (blocks voltage
dependant functions)
Fuse failure on line VT or MCB open (blocks voltage dependant
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_SBEF_TIMER_BLOCK_2 135 IN>1 Timer Block Block earth fault stage 1 time delay PSL (IN) Earth Fault

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_SBEF_TIMER_BLOCK_3 136 IN>2 Timer Block Block earth fault stage 2 time delay PSL (IN) Earth Fault

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_DEF_TIMER_BLOCK 137 DEF Timer Block Block aided DEF time delay PSL (IN) DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_1 138 I>1 Timer Block Block phase overcurrent stage 1 time delay PSL (IN) I>1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_2 139 I>2 Timer Block Block phase overcurrent stage 2 time delay PSL (IN) I>2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_3 140 I>3 Timer Block Block phase overcurrent stage 3 time delay PSL (IN) I>3

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_4 141 I>4 Timer Block Block phase overcurrent stage 4 time delay PSL (IN) I>4

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_NPS_TIMER_BLOCK 142 I2> Timer Block Block negative sequence overcurrent time delay PSL (IN) I>4

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_UNDU_TIMER_BLOCK_1 143 V<1 Timer Block Block phase undervoltage stage 1 time delay PSL (IN) V<1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_UNDU_TIMER_BLOCK_2 144 V<2 Timer Block Block phase undervoltage stage 2 time delay PSL (IN) V<2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_OVEU_TIMER_BLOCK_1 145 V>1 Timer Block Block phase overvoltage stage 1 time delay PSL (IN) V>1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_OVEU_TIMER_BLOCK_2 146 V>2 Timer Block Block phase overvoltage stage 2 time delay PSL (IN) V>2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_DISTANCE_TIMER_BLOCK 147 DIST. Tim. Block Block distance element time delay PSL (IN) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CB_RESET_LOCKOUT 148 Reset Lockout CB monitoring lockout reset PSL (IN) CB Monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_CB_RESET_ALL_VALUES 149 Reset All values Reset all values of CB monitoring PSL (IN) CB Monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_RESET_RELAYS_LEDS 150 Reset Latches Reset all permanent alarms + led and relay lached PSl (IN)
Enable I>4 Element for stub bus protection (isolator of HV line
open - status isolator must be connected to an opto input)
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_TRIP_A_USER 152 User Trip A Internal input for trip logic A PSL (IN) Trip Logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_TRIP_B_USER 153 User Trip B Internal input for trip logic B PSL (IN) Trip Logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_TRIP_C_USER 154 User Trip C Internal input for trip logic C PSL (IN) Trip Logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_INP_ZSP_TIMER_BLOCK 155 ZSP Timer Block Zero Sequence Power - Timer Block PSL (IN) ZSP
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-3

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_UNUSED0 160 Field Volt Fail Field voltage failure (48V DC for optos) PSL (OUT)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_GENERAL 161 General alarm General alarm PSL (OUT)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_PROT_DISABLED 162 Prot'n Disabled Test mode enabled - every protections out of order PSL(OUT) Commission Test

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_F_OUT_OF_RANGE 163 F out of Range Frequency out of range PSL (OUT) Freq. Tracking

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_VTS_SLOW 164 VT Fail Alarm Fuse failure indication (VT alarm) PSL (OUT) VT Supervision

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CTS 165 CT Fail Alarm Current transformers supervision indication PSL (OUT) CT Supervision

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_BREAKER_FAIL 166 CB Fail Alarm Circuit breaker failure on any trip PSL (OUT) Breaker Fail

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_I_BROK_MAINT 167 I^ Maint Alarm Broken current maintenance alarm (1st level) PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_I_BROK_LOCKOUT 168 I^ Lockout Alarm Broken current lockout alarm (2nd level) PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_OPS_MAINT 169 CB Ops Maint Alarm on number of circuit breaker operations PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_OPS_LOCKOUT 170 CB Ops Lockout Lockout on number of circuit breaker operations PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_OP_TIME_MAINT 171 CB Op Time Maint Alarm on CB excessive operating time PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_OP_TIME_LOCKOUT 172 CB Op Time Lock CB locked out due to excessive operating time PSL (OUT) CB monitoring
Excessive Fault Frequency CB Trip pre lockout Alarm (number of
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_PRE_LOCKOUT 173 F.F. Pre Lockout PSL (OUT) CB monitoring
fault maxi)
DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_EFF_LOCKOUT 174 F.F. Lock Excessive Fault Frequency CB Trip Lockout Alarm PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LOCKOUT_ALARM 175 Lockout Alarm Lockout Alarm PSL (OUT) CB monitoring

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_STATUS 176 CB Status Alarm Discrepancy in status of 52a and 52b auxiliary contacts PSL (OUT) CB Status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_TRIP 177 Man CB Trip Fail CB fail on manual trip PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_CLOSE 178 Man CB Cls Fail CB fail on manual close PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_CONTROL_UNHEALTHLY 179 Man CB Unhealthy CB unhealthy for manual control PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_NO_CHECK_SYNC_CONTROL 180 Control No C/S No internal check synchronism available PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_AR_LOCKOUT_MAX_SHOTS 181 AR Lockout Shot> Autoreclose lockout following final programmed attempt PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_SG_OPTO_INVALID 182 SG-opto Invalid Setting group selected via opto (1 & 2 only) input invalid PSL (OUT)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_AR 183 A/R Fail No check sync / autorecloser failed PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_1 184 V<1 Alarm 1st stage undervoltage alarm PSL (OUT) V<1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_2 185 V<2 Alarm 2nd stage undervoltage alarm PSL (OUT) V<2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_1 186 V>1 Alarm 1st stage overvoltage alarm PSL (OUT) V>1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_2 187 V>2 Alarm 2nd stage overvoltage alarm PSL (OUT) V>2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_COS 188 COS Alarm HF carrier anomaly alarm PSL(OUT) Unblocking logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_BROKEN_COND 189 Brok. Cond. Alarm broken Conductor Alarm PSL(OUT) Broken conductor

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_CVTS 190 User Alarm User-definable alarm (application customized) PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_USER1 195 User Alarm 1 Self Reset PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_USER2 196 User Alarm 2 Self Reset PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_USER3 197 User Alarm 3 Self Reset PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_USER4 198 User Alarm 4 Latched PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_ALARM_USER5 199 User Alarm 5 Latched PSL (IN)

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_CLOSE 223 A/R Close Autorecloser Close command to CB PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_1POLE_IN_PROG 224 A/R 1P In Prog One-pole autoreclose cycle in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_3POLE_IN_PROG 225 A/R 3P In Prog Three-pole autoreclose cycle in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_1ST_CYCLE_IN_PROG 226 A/R 1st In Prog First high speed autoreclose cycle in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_234TH_CYCLE_IN_PROG 227 A/R 234 In Prog Further autoreclose cycles in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_TRIP_3PH 228 A/R Trip 3P Autorecloser signal to force all trips to be 3 Ph PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_RECLAIM 229 A/R Reclaim Reclaim timer timeout in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_DISCRIM 230 AR Discrim. Discrim. Time window in progress PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_ENABLE 231 A/R Enable Autorecloser enabled / in service PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_1PAR_ENABLE 232 A/R SPAR Enable Single pole autorecloser activated PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_3PAR_ENABLE 233 A/R TPAR Enable Three pole autorecloser activated PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_LOCKOUT 234 A/R Lockout Autorecloser locked-out (no autoreclosure possible until reset) PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_AR_FORCE_SYNC 235 A/R Force Sync. Force synchronism check to be made PSL (OUT) Autorecloser

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_SYNC 236 Check Synch. OK Check Synchronism conditions satisfied PSL (OUT) Synchro Check

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEAD_LINE 237 V< Dead Line Check Synch. Dead Line PSL (OUT) Synchro Check

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_LIVE_LINE 238 V> Live Line Check Synch. Live Line PSL (OUT) Synchro Check

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEAD_BUS 239 V< Dead Bus Check Synch. Dead Bus PSL (OUT) Synchro Check

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_LIVE_BUS 240 V> Live Bus Check Synch. Live Bus PSL (OUT) Synchro Check

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CONTROL_CLOSE_IN_PROG 241 Ctrl Cls In Prog Manual (control) close in progress PSL (OUT) CB Control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CARRIER_SEND 242 DIST Sig. Send Distance protection schemes - Signal Send PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNB_CR 243 DIST UNB CR Unblock main channel received PSL(OUT) Unblocking Logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_FWD 244 DIST Fwd Distance protection: Forward fault detected PSL (OUT) Distance
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-4

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_REV 245 DIST Rev Distance protection: Reverse fault detected PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_A 246 DIST Trip A Distance protection: Phase A trip PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_B 247 DIST Trip B Distance protection: Phase B trip PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_C 248 DIST Trip C Distance protection: Phase C trip PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_START_A 249 DIST Start A Distance protection started on phase A PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_START_B 250 DIST Start B Distance protection started on phase B PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_START_C 251 DIST Start C Distance protection started on phase C PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_ACC 252 DIST Sch. Accel. Distance scheme Accelerating PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_PERM 253 DIST Sch. Perm. Distance scheme Permissive PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_BLOCK 254 DIST Sch. Block. Distance scheme Blocking PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Z1 255 Z1 Fault in zone 1 PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Z1X 256 Z1X Fault in zone 1 extended PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Z2 257 Z2 Fault in zone 2 PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Z3 258 Z3 Fault in zone 3 PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Z4 259 Z4 Fault in zone 4 PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_Zp 260 Zp Fault in zone P PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_T1 261 T1 Timer in zone 1 elapsed (at 1 = end of timer) PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_T2 262 T2 Timer in zone 2 elapsed (at 1 = end of timer) PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_T3 263 T3 Timer in zone 3 elapsed (at 1 = end of timer) PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_T4 264 T4 Timer in zone 4 elapsed (at 1 = end of timer) PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TZP 265 Tzp Timer in zone p elapsed (at 1 = end of timer) PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_A 266 WI Trip A Phase A trip on weak infeed PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_B 267 WI Trip B Phase B trip on weak infeed PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_C 268 WI Trip C Phase C trip on weak infeed PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_POWER_SWING 269 Power Swing Power swing detected PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_REVERSAL_GUARD 270 Reversal Guard Current reversal guard logic in action PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_CARRIER_SEND 271 DEF Sig. Send DEF protection schemes - Signal Send PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNB_CR_DEF 272 DEF UNB CR Unblock DEF channel PSL (OUT) Unblocking logic

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_REV 273 DEF Rev Channel Aided DEF: reverse fault PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_FWD 274 DEF Fwd Channel Aided DEF: forward fault PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_START_AN 275 DEF Start A Channel Aided DEF: start phase A PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_START_BN 276 DEF Start B Channel Aided DEF: start phase B PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_START_CN 277 DEF Start C Channel Aided DEF: start phase C PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_A 278 DEF Trip A Channel Aided DEF: trip phase A PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_B 279 DEF Trip B Channel Aided DEF: trip phase B PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_C 280 DEF Trip C Channel Aided DEF: trip phase C PSL (OUT) Aided DEF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_TRIP 281 IN>1 Trip Earth fault stage 1 trip PSL (OUT) Earth Fault 1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_TRIP 282 IN>2 Trip Earth fault stage 2 trip PSL (OUT) Earth Fault 2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_PICK_UP 283 IN>1 Start Earth fault stage 1 start PSL (OUT) Earth Fault 1

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_PICK_UP 284 IN>2 Start Earth fault stage 2 start PSL (OUT) Earth Fault 2

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_A 285 V< Start Any A Any undervoltage start detected on phase A PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_B 286 V< Start Any B Any undervoltage start detected on phase B PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_C 287 V< Start Any C Any undervoltage start detected on phase C PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_PICK_UP 288 V<1 Start Undervoltage stage 1 start PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_PICK_UP 289 V<2 Start Undervoltage stage 2 start PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_TRIP 290 V<1 Trip Undervoltage stage 1 trip PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_TRIP 291 V<2 Trip Undervoltage stage 2 trip PSL (OUT) Undervoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_A 292 V> Start Any A Any overvoltage start detected on phase A PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_B 293 V> Start Any B Any overvoltage start detected on phase B PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_C 294 V> Start Any C Any overvoltage start detected on phase C PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_PICK_UP 295 V>1 Start Overvoltage stage 1 start PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_PICK_UP 296 V>2 Start Overvoltage stage 2 start PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_TRIP 297 V>1 Trip Overvoltage stage 1 trip PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_TRIP 298 V>2 Trip Overvoltage stage 2 trip PSl (OUT) Overvoltage

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_PICK_UP 299 I2> Start Negative Sequence Current Start PSL (OUT) Neg Seq. O/C

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_TRIP 300 I2> Trip Negative Sequence Current Trip PSL (OUT) Neg Seq. O/C

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_A 301 I> Start Any A Any overcurrent start for phase A PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_B 302 I> Start Any B Any overcurrent start for phase B PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-5

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_C 303 I> Start Any C Any overcurrent start for phase C PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_PICK_UP 304 I>1 Start Overcurrent stage 1 start PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_PICK_UP 305 I>2 Start Overcurrent stage 2 start PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_PICK_UP 306 I>3 Start Overcurrent stage 3 start PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_PICK_UP 307 I>4 Start Overcurrent stage 4 start PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_TRIP 308 I>1 Trip Overcurrent stage 1 trip PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_TRIP 309 I>2 Trip Overcurrent stage 2 trip PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_TRIP 310 I>3 Trip Overcurrent stage 3 trip PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_TRIP 311 I>4 Trip Overcurrent stage 4 trip PSL (OUT) Phase Overc.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_SOTF_ENABLE 312 SOTF Enable Switch On To Fault enable PSL (OUT) SOTF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_I_TOR_ENABLE 313 TOR Enable Trip On Reclose enable PSL (OUT) TOR

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TOC_START_A 314 TOC Start A Trip on Close start on phase A PSL (OUT) SOTF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TOC_START_B 315 TOC Start B Trip on Close start on phase B PSL (OUT) SOTF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TOC_START_C 316 TOC Start C Trip on Close start on phase C PSL (OUT) SOTF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_START 317 Any start Any protection start PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_1PH 318 1ph Fault Single phase fault PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_2PH 319 2ph Fault Two phase fault PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_3PH 320 3ph Fault Three phase fault PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP 321 Any Trip Single or three pole trip or external protection trip PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_A 322 Any Int. Trip A Any internal protection A phase trip PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_B 323 Any Int. Trip B Any internal protection B phase trip PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_C 324 Any Int. Trip C Any internal protection C phase trip PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_A 325 Any Trip A Any trip A (internal or external protection) PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_B 326 Any Trip B Any trip B (internal or external protection) PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_C 327 Any Trip C Any trip C (internal or external protection) PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_1P_TRIP 328 1P Trip Single pole trip (internal or external) PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_3P_TRIP 329 3P Trip Three pole trip (internal or external) PSL (OUT) All protection

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_BROKEN_CONDUCTOR_TRIP 330 Brk.Conduct.Trip Broken conductor trip PSL (OUT) Broken Cond.

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_LOSS_OF_LOAD_TRIP 331 Loss. Load Trip Loss of load trip PSL (OUT) Loss of load

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_SOTF_TOR_TRIP 332 SOTF/TOR Trip Switch on to fault trip or trip on reclose PSL (OUT) SOTF

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TBF1_TRIP_3PH 333 tBF1 Trip Breaker fail trip from tBF1 PSL (OUT) Breaker failure

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_TBF2_TRIP_3PH 334 tBF2 Trip Breaker fail trip from tBF2 PSL (OUT) Breaker failure

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CONTROL_TRIP 335 Control Trip Control trip command from user PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CONTROL_CLOSE 336 Control Close Control close command from user PSL (OUT) CB control

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_VTS_FAST 337 VTS Fast Unstantaneous unconfirmed fuse failure internal detection PSL (OUT) VTS

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_A 338 CB Aux A CB Phase A status PSL (OUT) CB status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_B 339 CB Aux B CB Phase B status PSL (OUT) CB status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_C 340 CB Aux C CB Phase C status PSL (OUT) CB status

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ANY_POLE_DEAD 341 Any Pole Dead Any circuit breaker pole dead (one or more poles open) PSL (OUT) Poledead

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ALL_POLE_DEAD 342 All Pole Dead All circuit breaker poles dead (breaker open 3 phase) PSL (OUT) Poledead

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIR_AV_WIT_FILT 343 DIST Fwd No Filt Distance protection: Forward fault detected not filtered PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_DIR_AM_WIT_FILT 344 DIST Rev No Filt Distance protection: Reverse fault detected not filtered PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CVMR 345 DIST Convergency Distance protection: Internal characteristic PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_CROSS_COUNTRY 346 Cross Count. Flt Cross Country Fault PSL (OUT) Distance

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ZSP_START 347 ZSP Start Zero Sequence Power - Start PSL (OUT) ZSP

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_PRT_ZSP_TRIP 348 ZSP Trip Zero Sequence Power - Trip PSL (OUT) ZSP

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_1 364 Relay 1 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_2 365 Relay 2 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_3 366 Relay 3 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_4 367 Relay 4 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_5 368 Relay 5 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_6 369 Relay 6 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_7 370 Relay 7 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_8 371 Relay 8 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_9 372 Relay 9 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_10 373 Relay 10 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_11 374 Relay 11 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_12 375 Relay 12 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-6

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_13 376 Relay 13 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_14 377 Relay 14 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_15 378 Relay 15 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_16 379 Relay 16 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_17 380 Relay 17 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_18 381 Relay 18 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_19 382 Relay 19 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_20 383 Relay 20 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_21 384 Relay 21 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_22 385 Relay 22 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_23 386 Relay 23 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_24 387 Relay 24 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_25 388 Relay 25 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_26 389 Relay 26 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_27 390 Relay 27 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_28 391 Relay 28 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_29 392 Relay 29 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_30 393 Relay 30 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_31 394 Relay 31 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_32 395 Relay 32 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_33 396 Relay 33 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_34 397 Relay 34 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_35 398 Relay 35 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_36 399 Relay 36 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_37 400 Relay 37 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_38 401 Relay 38 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_39 402 Relay 39 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_40 403 Relay 40 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_41 404 Relay 41 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_42 405 Relay 42 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_43 406 Relay 43 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_44 407 Relay 44 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_45 408 Relay 45 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_46 409 Relay 46 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_47 410 Relay 47 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_48 411 Relay 48 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_49 412 Relay 49 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_50 413 Relay 50 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_51 414 Relay 51 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_52 415 Relay 52 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_53 416 Relay 53 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_54 417 Relay 54 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_55 418 Relay 55 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_56 419 Relay 56 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_57 420 Relay 57 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_58 421 Relay 58 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_59 422 Relay 59 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_60 423 Relay 60 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_61 424 Relay 61 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_62 425 Relay 62 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_63 426 Relay 63 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_OUTPUT_CON_64 427 Relay 64 PSL Input Equivalent to Relay Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_1 428 LED Con IN 1 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_2 429 LED Con IN 2 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_3 430 LED Con IN 3 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_4 431 LED Con IN 4 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_5 432 LED Con IN 5 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_6 433 LED Con IN 6 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page C-7

Part C - Internal Digital Signals - DDB Element

DDB Element Name Ordinal English Text Description Source

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_7 434 LED Con IN 7 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_LED_CON_8 435 LED Con IN 8 PSL Input Equivalent to LED Output Condition PSL

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_1 436 Timer in 1 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 1 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_2 437 Timer in 2 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 2 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_3 438 Timer in 3 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 3 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_4 439 Timer in 4 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 4 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_5 440 Timer in 5 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 5 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_6 441 Timer in 6 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 6 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_7 442 Timer in 7 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 7 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_8 443 Timer in 8 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 8 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_9 444 Timer in 9 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 9 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_10 445 Timer in 10 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 10 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_11 446 Timer in 11 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 11 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_12 447 Timer in 12 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 12 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_13 448 Timer in 13 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 13 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_14 449 Timer in 14 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 14 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_15 450 Timer in 15 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 15 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMERIN_16 451 Timer in 16 PSL Input from Auxiliary Timer 16 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_1 452 Timer out 1 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 1 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_2 453 Timer out 2 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 2 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_3 454 Timer out 3 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 3 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_4 455 Timer out 4 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 4 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_5 456 Timer out 5 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 5 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_6 457 Timer out 6 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 6 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_7 458 Timer out 7 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 7 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_8 459 Timer out 8 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 8 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_9 460 Timer out 9 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 9 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_10 461 Timer out 10 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 10 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_11 462 Timer out 11 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 11 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_12 463 Timer out 12 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 12 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_13 464 Timer out 13 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 13 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_14 465 Timer out 14 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 14 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_15 466 Timer out 15 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 15 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_TIMEROUT_16 467 Timer out 16 PSL Ouput from Auxiliary Timer 16 Auxiliary Timer

DDB_ENTRY (DDB_FAULT_RECORD_TRIG 468 Fault_REC_TRIG Trigger for Fault Recorder FRT

Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-1

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
Read and write access of Output Relays
1 Contact -1. FF A0 GB 14 14 21 21 32 32 46 46
2 Contact -2. FF A1 GB 13 13 20 20 31 31 45 45
3 Contact -3. FF A2 GB 12 12 19 19 30 30 44 44
4 Contact - 4. FF A3 GB 11 11 18 18 29 29 43 43
5 Contact - 5. FF A4 GB 10 10 17 17 28 28 42 42
6 Contact - 6. FF A5 GB 9 9 16 16 27 27 41 41
7 Contact - 7. FF A6 GB 8 8 15 15 26 26 40 40
8 Contact -8. FF A7 GB 7 7 14 14 25 25 39 39
9 Contact - 9. FF A8 GB 6 6 13 13 24 24 38 38
10 Contact -10. FF A9 GB 5 5 12 12 23 23 37 37
11 Contact -11. FF AA GB 4 4 11 11 22 22 36 36
12 Contact -12. FF AB GB 3 3 10 10 21 21 35 35
13 Contact -13. FF AC GB 2 2 9 9 20 20 34 34
14 Contact -14. FF AD GB 1 1 8 8 19 19 33 33
15 Contact -15. FF AE GB 7 7 18 18 32 32
16 Contact -16. FF AF GB 6 6 17 17 31 31
17 Contact -17. FF B0 GB 5 5 16 16 30 30
18 Contact -18. FF B1 GB 4 4 15 15 29 29
19 Contact -19. FF B2 GB 3 3 14 14 28 28
20 Contact -20. FF B3 GB 2 2 13 13 27 27
21 Contact -21. FF B4 GB 1 1 12 12 26 26
22 Contact -22. FF B5 GB 11 11 25 25
23 Contact -23. FF B6 GB 10 10 24 24
24 Contact -24. FF B7 GB 9 9 23 23
25 Contact - 25. FF B8 GB 8 8 22 22
26 Contact - 26. FF B9 GB 7 7 21 21
27 Contact - 27. FF BA GB 6 6 20 20
28 Contact - 28. FF BB GB 5 5 19 19
29 Contact - 29. FF BC GB 4 4 18 18
30 Contact -30. FF BD GB 3 3 17 17
31 Contact -31. FF BE GB 2 2 16 16
32 Contact -32. FF BF GB 1 1 15 15
33 Contact -33. FF C0 GB 14 14
34 Contact -34. FF C1 GB 13 13
35 Contact -35. FF C2 GB 12 12
36 Contact -36. FF C3 GB 11 11
37 Contact -37. FF C4 GB 10 10
38 Contact -38. FF C5 GB 9 9
39 Contact -39. FF C6 GB 8 8
40 Contact -40. FF C7 GB 7 7
41 Contact -41. FF C8 GB 6 6
42 Contact -42. FF C9 GB 5 5
43 Contact -43. FF CA GB 4 4
44 Contact -44. FF CB GB 3 3
45 Contact -45. FF CC GB 2 2
46 Contact -46. FF CD GB 1 1
Read only access of the Opto-Isolators
10001 Input -1 FF D0 GB 8 8 16 16 24 24 24 24
10002 Input -2 FF D1 GB 7 7 15 15 23 23 23 23
10003 Input -3 FF D2 GB 6 6 14 14 22 22 22 22
10004 Input -4 FF D3 GB 5 5 13 13 21 21 21 21
10005 Input -5 FF D4 GB 4 4 12 12 20 20 20 20
10006 Input -6 FF D5 GB 3 3 11 11 19 19 19 19
10007 Input -7 FF D6 GB 2 2 10 10 18 18 18 18
10008 Input -8 FF D7 GB 1 1 9 9 17 17 17 17
10009 Input -9 FF D8 GB 8 8 16 16 16 16
10010 Input -10 FF D9 GB 7 7 15 15 15 15
10011 Input -11 FF DA GB 6 6 14 14 14 14
10012 Input -12 FF DB GB 5 5 13 13 13 13
10013 Input -13 FF DC GB 4 4 12 12 12 12
10014 Input -14 FF DD GB 3 3 11 11 11 11
10015 Input -15 FF DE GB 2 2 10 10 10 10
10016 Input -16 FF DF GB 1 1 9 9 9 9
10017 Input -17 FF E0 GB 8 8 8 8
10018 Input -18 FF E1 GB 7 7 7 7
10019 Input -19 FF E2 GB 6 6 6 6
10020 Input -20 FF E3 GB 5 5 5 5
10021 Input -21 FF E4 GB 4 4 4 4
10022 Input -22 FF E5 GB 3 3 3 3
10023 Input -23 FF E6 GB 2 2 2 2
10024 Input -24 FF E7 GB 1 1 1 1
Read only access of Data
30001 30001 Modbus Status Register FF 01 G26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30002 30002 Plant Status 0 0C G4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30004 30004 Control Status 0 0D G5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30006 30006 Active Group 0 0E G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30007 30008 Relay O/P Status 1 0 40 G9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30009 30010 Relay O/P Status 2 0 41 G9 2 2 Data
30011 30012 Alarm Status 1 0 50 G96 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30013 30014 Alarm Status 2 0 51 G96 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30015 30016 Alarm Status 3 0 52 G96 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30017 30017 Access Level 0 D0 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30020 30035 Model Number 0 6 G3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Data
30036 30037 Maint Type 1 F2 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30038 30039 Maint Data 1 F3 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30044 30051 Serial Number 0 8 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Data
30052 30059 Software Ref. 1 0 11 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Data
30090 30090 IRIG-B Status 8 5 G17 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30091 30091 Battery Status 8 6 G59 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30100 30100 Number of Event records stored FF 02 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30101 30101 Number of Fault records stored FF 03 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30102 30102 Number of Maint records stored FF 04 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30103 30106 Time & Date 1 3 G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
30107 30107 Event Type FF 8C G13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30108 30109 Event Value 1 5 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30110 30110 Modbus Adress FF 8D G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-2

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
30111 30111 Event Index FF 8E G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30112 30112 Additionnal data present FF 05 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30113 30113 Active Group 1 7 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30114 30114 Faulted Phase 1 8 G16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30115 30116 Start Elements 1 9 G84 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30117 30118 Trip Elements 1 0A G85 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30119 30119 Validities 1 0B G130 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30120 30123 Time Stamp 1 0C G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
30124 30125 Fault Alarms 1 0D G87 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30126 30126 System Frequency 1 0E G25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30127 30128 Fault Duration 1 0F G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30129 30130 Relay Trip Time 1 10 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30131 30132 Fault Location 1 11 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30133 30134 Fault Location 1 12 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30135 30136 Fault Location 1 13 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30137 30138 Fault Location 1 14 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30139 30140 IA 1 15 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30141 30142 IB 1 16 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30143 30144 IC 1 17 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30145 30146 VAN 1 1B G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30147 30148 VBN 1 1C G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30149 30150 VCN 1 1D G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30151 30152 Fault Resistance 1 1E G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30153 30153 Fault in Zone 1 1F G110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30200 30201 IA Magnitude 2 1 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30202 30202 IA Phase Angle 2 2 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30203 30204 IB Magnitude 2 3 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30205 30205 IB Phase Angle 2 4 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30206 30207 IC Magnitude 2 5 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30208 30208 IC Phase Angle 2 6 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30212 30213 IN Derived Mag 2 9 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30214 30214 IN Derived Angle 2 0A G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30218 30219 I1 Magnitude 2 0D G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30220 30221 I2 Magnitude 2 0E G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30222 30223 I0 Magnitude 2 0F G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30230 30231 VAB Magnitude 2 14 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30232 30232 VAB Phase Angle 2 15 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30233 30234 VBC Magnitude 2 16 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30235 30235 VBC Phase Angle 2 17 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30236 30237 VCA Magnitude 2 18 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30238 30238 VCA Phase Angle 2 19 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30239 30240 VAN Magnitude 2 1A G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30241 30241 VAN Phase Angle 2 1B G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30242 30243 VBN Magnitude 2 1C G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30244 30244 VBN Phase Angle 2 1D G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30245 30246 VCN Magnitude 2 1E G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30247 30247 VCN Phase Angle 2 1F G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30248 30249 VN Derived Mag 2 22 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30250 30250 VN Derived Ang 2 23 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30251 30252 V1 Magnitude 2 24 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30253 30254 V2 Magnitude 2 25 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30255 30256 V0 Magnitude 2 26 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30263 30263 Frequency 2 2A G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30264 30265 C/S Voltage Mag 2 2B G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30266 30266 C/S Voltage Ang 2 2C G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30267 30268 IM Magnitude 2 2F G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30269 30269 IM Angle 2 30 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30270 30270 Slip Frequency 2 31 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30300 30302 A Phase Watts 3 1 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30303 30305 B Phase Watts 3 2 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30306 30308 C Phase Watts 3 3 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30309 30311 A Phase VArs 3 4 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30312 30314 B Phase VArs 3 5 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30315 30317 C Phase VArs 3 6 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30318 30320 A Phase VA 3 7 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30321 30323 B Phase VA 3 8 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30324 30326 C Phase VA 3 9 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30327 30329 3 Phase Watts 3 0A G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30330 30332 3 Phase VArs 3 0B G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30333 30335 3 Phase VA 3 0C G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30336 30338 Zero Seq Power 3 0D G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30339 30339 3Ph Power Factor 3 0E G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30340 30340 APh Power Factor 3 0F G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30341 30341 BPh Power Factor 3 10 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30342 30342 CPh Power Factor 3 11 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30343 30345 3Ph W Fix Demand 3 16 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30346 30348 3Ph VArs Fix Dem 3 17 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30349 30351 3Ph W Peak Demand 3 20 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30352 30354 3Ph VArs Peak Demand 3 21 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30360 30361 A Phase Watts FF EF G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30362 30363 B Phase Watts FF F0 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30364 30365 C Phase Watts FF F1 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30366 30367 A Phase VArs FF F2 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30368 30369 B Phase VArs FF F3 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30370 30371 C Phase VArs FF F4 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30372 30373 A Phase VA FF F5 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30374 30375 B Phase VA FF F6 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30376 30377 C Phase VA FF F7 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30378 30379 3 Phase Watts FF F8 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30380 30381 3 Phase VArs FF F9 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30382 30383 3 Phase VA FF FA G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30384 30385 Zero Seq Power FF FB G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30386 30387 3Ph W Fix Demand FF FC G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30388 30389 3Ph VArs Fix Dem FF FD G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30390 30391 3Ph W Peak Demand FF FE G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30392 30393 3Ph VArs Peak Demand FF FF G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30600 30600 CB A Operations 6 1 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-3

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
30601 30601 CB B Operations 6 2 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30602 30602 CB C Operations 6 3 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30603 30604 Total IA Broken 6 4 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30605 30606 Total IB Broken 6 5 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30607 30608 Total IC Broken 6 6 G125 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30609 30609 CB Operate Time 6 7 G25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30611 30611 Total 1P Reclosures 6 9 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30612 30612 Total 3P Reclosures 6 0A G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30701 30701 Modbus Status Register FF 01 G26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30702 30703 Measurements1 - IA Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30704 30705 Measurements1 - IB Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30706 30707 Measurements1 - IC Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30708 30709 Measurements1 - VAB Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30710 30711 Measurements1 - VBC Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30712 30713 Measurements1 - VCA Magnitude 2 G24 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30714 30716 Measurements2 -3 phase Watts 3 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30717 30719 Measurements2 -3 phase Vars 3 G29 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Data
30720 30720 Measurements2 -3 phase powerFactor 3 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30721 30721 Measurements1 -Frequency 2 G30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30722 30722 Test Port Status 0F 4 G124 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30723 30724 DDB element 31 - 0 0F 20 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30725 30726 DDB element 63 - 32 0F 21 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30727 30728 DDB element 95 - 64 0F 22 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30729 30730 DDB element 127 - 96 0F 23 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30731 30732 DDB element 159 - 128 0F 24 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30733 30734 DDB element 191 - 160 0F 25 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30735 30736 DDB element 223 - 192 0F 26 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30737 30738 DDB element 255 - 224 0F 27 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30739 30740 DDB element 287 - 256 0F 28 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30741 30742 DDB element 319 - 288 0F 29 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30743 30744 DDB element 351 - 320 0F 2A G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30745 30746 DDB element 383 - 352 0F 2B G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30747 30748 DDB element 415 - 384 0F 2C G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30749 30750 DDB element 447 - 415 0F 2D G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30751 30752 DDB element 479 - 448 0F 2E G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30753 30754 DDB element 511 - 480 0F 2F G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30755 30756 DDB element 543 - 512 0F 30 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30757 30758 DDB element 575 - 544 0F 31 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30759 30760 DDB element 607 - 575 0F 32 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30761 30762 DDB element 639 - 608 0F 33 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30763 30764 DDB element 671 - 640 0F 34 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30765 30766 DDB element 703 - 672 0F 35 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30767 30768 DDB element 735 - 704 0F 36 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30769 30770 DDB element 767 - 736 0F 37 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30771 30772 DDB element 799 - 768 0F 38 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30773 30774 DDB element 831 - 800 0F 39 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30775 30776 DDB element 863 - 832 0F 3A G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30777 30778 DDB element 895 - 864 0F 3B G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30779 30780 DDB element 927 - 896 0F 3C G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30781 30782 DDB element 959 - 928 0F 3D G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30783 30784 DDB element 991 - 960 0F 3E G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30785 30786 DDB element 1022 - 992 0F 3F G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
30800 30800 Number of disturbance records. FF 6 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30801 30801 Oldest stored disturbance record. FF 7 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30802 30802 Number registers in current page. FF 8 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Data
30803 30929 Disturbance record data [1-127] FF 09-87 G1 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 Data
30930 30933 Disturbance record time stamp. FF 88 G1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
31000 31015 Grp1 PSL Ref B7 01 G3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Data
31016 31019 Date/Time B7 02 G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
31020 31021 PSL unique ID B7 03 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
31022 31037 Grp2 PSL Ref B7 04 G3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Data
31038 31041 Date/Time B7 05 G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
31042 31043 PSL unique ID B7 06 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
31044 31059 Grp3 PSL Ref B7 07 G3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Data
31060 31063 Date/Time B7 08 G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
31064 31065 PSL unique ID B7 09 G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
31066 31079 Grp3 PSL Ref B7 0A G3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Data
31082 31085 Date/Time B7 0B G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Data
31086 31087 PSL unique ID B7 0C G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data
Read and write access of Settings
40001 40002 Password 0 2 G20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 65 90 1
40004 40011 Description 0 4 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
40012 40019 Plant Reference 0 5 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
40020 40020 Frequency 0 9 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 50 60 10
40021 40021 CB Trip/Close 0 10 G55 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 2 1
40022 40022 Password Control 0 D1 G22 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40023 40024 Password Level 1 0 D2 G20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 65 90 1
40025 40026 Password Level 2 0 D3 G20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 65 90 1
40100 40100 Select Event 1 1 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 249 1
40101 40101 Select Fault 1 6 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 4 1
40102 40102 Select Report 1 F0 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 4 1
40103 40103 Reset Demand 3 25 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40140 40140 Reset CB Data 6 8 G11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40141 40141 Reset Total A/R 6 0B G11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40151 40151 Broken I^ 10 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 2 0.1
40152 40152 I^ Maintenance 10 2 G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40153 40154 I^ Maintenance 10 3 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 1*NM1 25000*NM1 1*NM1
40155 40155 I^ Lockout 10 4 G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40156 40157 I^ Lockout 10 5 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 1*NM1 25000*NM1 1*NM1
40158 40158 N° CB Ops Maint 10 6 G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40159 40159 N° CB Ops Maint 10 7 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 10000 1
40160 40160 N° CB Ops Lock 10 8 G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40161 40161 N° CB Ops Lock 10 9 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 10000 1
40162 40162 CB Time Maint 10 0A G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40163 40164 CB Time Maint 10 0B G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.005 0.5 0.001
40165 40165 CB Time Lockout 10 0C G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40166 40167 CB Time Lockout 10 0D G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.005 0.5 0.001
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-4

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
40168 40168 Fault Freq Lock 10 0E G88 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40169 40169 Fault Freq Count 10 0F G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 9999 1
40170 40171 Fault Freq Time 10 10 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 9999 1
40172 40172 Lockout Reset 10 11 G11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40173 40173 Reset Lockout by 10 12 G81 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40174 40174 Man Close RstDly 10 13 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.01 600 0.01
40200 40200 CB Control by 7 1 G99 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 1
40201 40201 Manual Close Pulse Time 7 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 10 0.01
40202 40202 Trip Pulse Time 7 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 5 0.01
40203 40203 Man Close Delay 7 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.01 600 0.01
40204 40204 A/R Single Pole 7 7 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40205 40205 A/R Three Pole 7 8 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40206 40207 Healthy Window 7 5 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.01 9999 0.01
40208 40209 C/S Window 7 6 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.01 9999 0.01
40250 40250 SelectDisturbance record. FF 89 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 65535 1
40300 40303 Date/Time 8 1 G12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Setting
40304 40304 IRIG-B Sync 8 4 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40305 40305 Battery Alarm 8 7 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40400 40400 Record Selection Command Register FF 8A G18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 24 1
40401 40401 Record Control Command Register FF 8B G6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 4 1
40402 40402 Restore Defaults 9 1 G53 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 5 1
40403 40403 Setting Group 9 2 G61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40404 40404 Active Settings 9 3 G90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
40405 40405 Save Changes 9 4 G62 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 2 1
40406 40406 Copy From 9 5 G90 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
40407 40407 Copy to 9 6 G98 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 3 1
40408 40408 Setting Group 1 9 7 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40409 40409 Setting Group 2 9 8 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40410 40410 Setting Group 3 9 9 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40411 40411 Setting Group 4 9 0A G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40412 40412 Dist. Protection 9 0D G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40413 40413 Power-Swing 9 10 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40414 40414 Back-Up I> 9 11 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40415 40415 Neg Sequence O/C 9 12 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40416 40416 Broken Conductor 9 13 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40417 40417 Earth Fault Prot 9 14 G131 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40418 40418 Aided D.E.F 9 15 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40419 40419 Volt Protection 9 16 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40420 40420 CB Fail & I< 9 17 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40421 40421 Supervision 9 18 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40422 40422 System Checks 9 19 G37 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40423 40423 Internal A/R 9 24 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40500 40501 Main VT Primary 0A 1 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 100 1000000 1
40502 40502 Main VT Sec'y 0A 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 80*V1 140*V1 1*V1
40503 40504 C/S VT Primary 0A 3 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 100 1000000 1
40505 40505 C/S VT Secondary 0A 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 80*V2 140*V2 1*V2
40506 40506 Phase CT Primary 0A 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 30000 1
40507 40507 Phase CT Sec'y 0A 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 5 4
40508 40508 Mcomp CT Primary 0A 0D G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 30000 1
40509 40509 Mcomp CT Sec'y 0A 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 5 4
40510 40510 C/S Input 0A 0F G40 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
40511 40511 Main VT Location 0A 10 G89 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40520 40520 Alarm Event 0B 4 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40521 40521 Relay O/P Event 0B 5 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40522 40522 Opto Input Event 0B 6 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40523 40523 System Event 0B 7 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40524 40524 Fault Rec Event 0B 8 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40525 40525 Maint Rec Event 0B 9 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40526 40526 Protection Event 0B 0A G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40527 40527 DDB element 31 - 0 0B 0B G27 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40529 40529 DDB element 63 - 32 0B 0C G28 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40531 40531 DDB element 95 - 64 0B 0D G29 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40533 40533 DDB element 127 - 96 0B 0E G30 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40535 40535 DDB element 159 - 128 0B 0F G31 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40537 40537 DDB element 191 - 160 0B 10 G32 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40539 40539 DDB element 223 - 192 0B 11 G33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40541 40541 DDB element 255 - 224 0B 12 G34 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40543 40543 DDB element 287 - 256 0B 13 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40545 40545 DDB element 319 - 288 0B 14 G36 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40547 40547 DDB element 351 - 320 0B 15 G37 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40549 40549 DDB element 383 - 352 0B 16 G38 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40551 40551 DDB element 415 - 384 0B 17 G39 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40553 40553 DDB element 447 - 415 0B 18 G40 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40555 40555 DDB element 479 - 448 0B 19 G41 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40557 40557 DDB element 511 - 480 0B 1A G42 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40559 40559 DDB element 543 - 512 0B 1B G43 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40561 40561 DDB element 575 - 544 0B 1C G44 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40563 40563 DDB element 607 - 575 0B 1D G45 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40565 40565 DDB element 639 - 608 0B 1E G46 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40567 40567 DDB element 671 - 640 0B 1F G47 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40569 40569 DDB element 703 - 672 0B 20 G48 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40571 40571 DDB element 735 - 704 0B 21 G49 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40573 40573 DDB element 767 - 736 0B 22 G50 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40575 40575 DDB element 799 - 768 0B 23 G51 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40577 40577 DDB element 831 - 800 0B 24 G52 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40579 40579 DDB element 863 - 832 0B 25 G53 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40581 40581 DDB element 895 - 864 0B 26 G54 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40583 40583 DDB element 927 - 896 0B 27 G55 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40585 40585 DDB element 959 - 928 0B 28 G56 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40587 40587 DDB element 991 - 960 0B 29 G57 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 32
40589 40589 DDB element 1022 - 992 0B 2A G58 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 1 31
40600 40600 Duration 0C 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 10.5 0.01
40601 40601 Trigger Position 0C 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.1
40602 40602 Trigger Mode 0C 3 G34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40603 40603 Analog Channel 1 0C 4 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40604 40604 Analog Channel 2 0C 5 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40605 40605 Analog Channel 3 0C 6 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-5

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
40606 40606 Analog Channel 4 0C 7 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40607 40607 Analog Channel 5 0C 8 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40608 40608 Analog Channel 6 0C 9 G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40609 40609 Analog Channel 7 0C 0A G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40610 40610 Analog Channel 8 0C 0B G31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
40611 40611 Digital Input 1 0C 0C G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40612 40612 Input 1 Trigger 0C 0D G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40613 40613 Digital Input 2 0C 0E G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40614 40614 Input 2 Trigger 0C 0F G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40615 40615 Digital Input 3 0C 10 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40616 40616 Input 3 Trigger 0C 11 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40617 40617 Digital Input 4 0C 12 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40618 40618 Input 4 Trigger 0C 13 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40619 40619 Digital Input 5 0C 14 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40620 40620 Input 5 Trigger 0C 15 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40621 40621 Digital Input 6 0C 16 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40622 40622 Input 6 Trigger 0C 17 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40623 40623 Digital Input 7 0C 18 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40624 40624 Input 7 Trigger 0C 19 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40625 40625 Digital Input 8 0C 1A G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40626 40626 Input 8 Trigger 0C 1B G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40627 40627 Digital Input 9 0C 1C G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40628 40628 Input 9 Trigger 0C 1D G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40629 40629 Digital Input 10 0C 1E G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40630 40630 Input 10 Trigger 0C 1F G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40631 40631 Digital Input 11 0C 20 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40632 40632 Input 11 Trigger 0C 21 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40633 40633 Digital Input 12 0C 22 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40634 40634 Input 12 Trigger 0C 23 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40635 40635 Digital Input 13 0C 24 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40636 40636 Input 13 Trigger 0C 25 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40637 40637 Digital Input 14 0C 26 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40638 40638 Input 14 Trigger 0C 27 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40639 40639 Digital Input 15 0C 28 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40640 40640 Input 15 Trigger 0C 29 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40641 40641 Digital Input 16 0C 2A G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40642 40642 Input 16 Trigger 0C 2B G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40643 40643 Digital Input 17 0C 2C G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40644 40644 Input 17 Trigger 0C 2D G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40645 40645 Digital Input 18 0C 2E G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40646 40646 Input 18 Trigger 0C 2F G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40647 40647 Digital Input 19 0C 30 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40648 40648 Input 19 Trigger 0C 31 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40649 40649 Digital Input 20 0C 32 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40650 40650 Input 20 Trigger 0C 33 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40651 40651 Digital Input 21 0C 34 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40652 40652 Input 21 Trigger 0C 35 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40653 40653 Digital Input 22 0C 36 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40654 40654 Input 22 Trigger 0C 37 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40655 40655 Digital Input 23 0C 38 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40656 40656 Input 23 Trigger 0C 39 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40657 40657 Digital Input 24 0C 3A G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40658 40658 Input 24 Trigger 0C 3B G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40659 40659 Digital Input 25 0C 3C G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40660 40660 Input 25 Trigger 0C 3D G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40661 40661 Digital Input 26 0C 3E G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40662 40662 Input 26 Trigger 0C 3F G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40663 40663 Digital Input 27 0C 40 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40664 40664 Input 27 Trigger 0C 41 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40665 40665 Digital Input 28 0C 42 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40666 40666 Input 28 Trigger 0C 43 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40667 40667 Digital Input 29 0C 44 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40668 40668 Input 29 Trigger 0C 45 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40669 40669 Digital Input 30 0C 46 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40670 40670 Input 30 Trigger 0C 47 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40671 40671 Digital Input 31 0C 48 G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40672 40672 Input 31 Trigger 0C 49 G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40673 40673 Digital Input 32 0C 4A G32 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 DDB Size 1
40674 40674 Input 32 Trigger 0C 4B G66 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40700 40700 Default Display 0D 1 G52 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 6 1
40701 40701 Local Values 0D 2 G54 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40702 40702 Remote Values 0D 3 G54 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40703 40703 Measurement Ref 0D 4 G56 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 5 1
40704 40704 Measurement Mode 0D 5 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
40705 40705 Demand Interval 0D 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 99 1
40706 40706 Distance Unit 0D 7 G97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40707 40707 Fault Location 0D 8 G51 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40800 40800 Remote Address 0E 2 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 247 1
40801 40801 Inactivity Timer 0E 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 30 1
40802 40802 Baud Rate 0E 4 G38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40802 40802 Baud Rate 0E 4 G38 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40803 40803 Parity 0E 5 G39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40803 40803 Parity 0E 5 G39 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40850 40850 Monitor Bit 1 0F 6 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40851 40851 Monitor Bit 2 0F 7 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40852 40852 Monitor Bit 3 0F 8 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40853 40853 Monitor Bit 4 0F 9 G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40854 40854 Monitor Bit 5 0F A G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40855 40855 Monitor Bit 6 0F B G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40856 40856 Monitor Bit 7 0F C G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40857 40857 Monitor Bit 8 0F D G1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 511 1
40858 40858 Test Mode 0F E G204 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
40859 40860 Test Pattern 1 0F F G9 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0 4294967295 1
40861 40862 Test Pattern 2 0F 10 G9 2 2 Setting 0 16383 1
40863 40863 Contact Test 0F 11 G93 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 2 1
40864 40864 Test LEDs 0F 12 G94 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 1 1
40865 40865 Autoreclose Test 0F 13 G36 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Command 0 4 1
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-6

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
40900 40900 Global threshold 11 1 G200 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 5 1
40901 40901 Opto Input 1 11 2 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40902 40902 Opto Input 2 11 3 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40903 40903 Opto Input 3 11 4 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40904 40904 Opto Input 4 11 5 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40905 40905 Opto Input 5 11 6 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40906 40906 Opto Input 6 11 7 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40907 40907 Opto Input 7 11 8 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40908 40908 Opto Input 8 11 9 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40909 40909 Opto Input 9 11 0A G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40910 40910 Opto Input 10 11 0B G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40911 40911 Opto Input 11 11 0C G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40912 40912 Opto Input 12 11 0D G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40913 40913 Opto Input 13 11 0E G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40914 40914 Opto Input 14 11 0F G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40915 40915 Opto Input 15 11 10 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40916 40916 Opto Input 16 11 11 G201 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40917 40917 Opto Input 17 11 12 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40918 40918 Opto Input 18 11 13 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40919 40919 Opto Input 19 11 14 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40920 40920 Opto Input 20 11 15 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40921 40921 Opto Input 21 11 16 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40922 40922 Opto Input 22 11 17 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40923 40923 Opto Input 23 11 18 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40924 40924 Opto Input 24 11 19 G201 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
40925 40925 Opto Input 25 11 1A G201 Setting 0 2 1
40926 40926 Opto Input 26 11 1B G201 Setting 0 2 1
40927 40927 Opto Input 27 11 1C G201 Setting 0 2 1
40928 40928 Opto Input 28 11 1D G201 Setting 0 2 1
40929 40929 Opto Input 29 11 1E G201 Setting 0 2 1
40930 40930 Opto Input 30 11 1F G201 Setting 0 2 1
40931 40931 Opto Input 31 11 20 G201 Setting 0 2 1
40932 40932 Opto Input 32 11 21 G201 Setting 0 2 1
Group 1
41000 41001 Line Length 30 2 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 300 1000000 10
41002 41003 Line Length 30 3 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.2 625 0.005
41004 41005 Line Impedance 30 4 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41006 41006 Line Angle 30 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -90 90 0.1
41007 41007 kZ1 Res Comp 30 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 0.001
41008 41008 kZ1 Angle 30 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -180 180 0.1
41009 41010 Z1 30 0A G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41011 41012 Z1X 30 0B G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41013 41013 R1G 30 0C G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41014 41014 R1Ph 30 0D G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41015 41015 tZ1 30 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.002
41016 41016 kZ2 Res Comp 30 0F G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 0.001
41017 41017 kZ2 Angle 30 10 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -180 180 0.1
41018 41019 Z2 30 11 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41020 41020 R2G 30 12 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41021 41021 R2Ph 30 13 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41022 41022 tZ2 30 14 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.01
41023 41023 kZ3/4 Res Comp 30 15 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 0.001
41024 41024 kZ3/4 Angle 30 16 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -180 180 0.1
41025 41026 Z3 30 17 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41027 41027 R3G - R4G 30 18 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41028 41028 R3Ph - R4Ph 30 19 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41029 41029 tZ3 30 1A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.01
41030 41031 Z4 30 1B G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41032 41032 tZ4 30 1C G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.01
41033 41033 Zone P - Direct. 30 1D G123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41034 41034 kZp Res Comp 30 1E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 0.001
41035 41035 kZp Angle 30 1F G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -180 180 0.1
41036 41037 Zp 30 20 G35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Setting 0.001*V1/I1 500*V1/I1 0.001*V1/I1
41038 41038 RpG 30 21 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41039 41039 RpPh 30 22 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41040 41040 tZp 30 23 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.01
41041 41041 Serial Comp line 30 24 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41042 41042 Zone Overlap mode 30 25 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41043 41043 kZm Mutual Comp 30 27 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 0.01
41044 41044 kZm Angle 30 28 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -180 180 0.1
41050 41050 Program Mode 31 1 G106 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41051 41051 Standard Mode 31 2 G107 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 6 1
41052 41052 Fault Type 31 3 G115 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41053 41053 Trip Mode 31 4 G114 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41054 41054 Sig. Send Zone 31 5 G108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
41055 41055 DistCR 31 6 G109 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 5 1
41056 41056 Tp 31 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 0.002
41057 41057 tReversal Guard 31 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 0.15 0.002
41058 41058 Unblocking Logic 31 9 G113 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41059 41059 TOR-SOTF Mode 31 0A G118 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 127 1
41060 41060 SOFT Delay 31 0B G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 3600 1
41061 41061 Z1Ext On Chan.Fail 31 0C G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41062 41062 WI :Mode Status 31 0E G116 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41063 41063 WI : Single Pole Trip 31 0F G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41064 41064 WI : V< Thres. 31 10 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 70 5
41065 41065 WI : Trip Time Delay 31 11 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 0.002
41066 41066 LoL: Mode Status 31 13 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41067 41067 LoL. Chan. Fail 31 14 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41068 41068 LoL: I< 31 15 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.05*I1 1*I1 0.05*I1
41069 41069 LoL: Window 31 16 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.01 0.1 0.01
41150 41150 DR 32 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41151 41151 DX 32 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 400*V1/I1 0.01*V1/I1
41152 41152 IN > Status 32 3 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41153 41153 IN > (% Imax) 32 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 100 1
41154 41154 I2 > Status 32 5 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41155 41155 I2 > (% Imax) 32 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 100 1
41156 41156 Imax Line > Status 32 7 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-7

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
41157 41157 Imax Line > 32 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1*I1 20*I1 0.01*I1
41158 41158 Unblocking Time-Delay 32 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 30 0.1
41159 41159 Blocking Zones 32 0A G119 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 15 1
41250 41250 I>1 Function 35 1 G43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
41251 41251 I>1 Directional 35 2 G44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41252 41252 I>1 VTS Block 35 3 G45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41253 41253 I>1 Current Set 35 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1
41254 41254 I>1 Time Delay 35 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41255 41255 I>1 Time Delay VTS 35 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41256 41256 I>1 TMS 35 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025
41257 41257 I>1 Time Dial 35 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 15 0.1
41258 41258 I>1 Reset Char 35 9 G60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41259 41259 I>1 tRESET 35 0A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41260 41260 I>2 Function 35 0B G43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
41261 41261 I>2 Directional 35 0C G44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41262 41262 I>2 VTS Block 35 0D G45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41263 41263 I>2 Current Set 35 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1
41264 41264 I>2 Time Delay 35 0F G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41265 41265 I>2 Time Delay VTS 35 10 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41266 41266 I>2 TMS 35 11 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025
41267 41267 I>2 Time Dial 35 12 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 15 0.1
41268 41268 I>2 Reset Char 35 13 G60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41269 41269 I>2 tRESET 35 14 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41270 41270 I>3 Status 35 15 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41271 41271 I>3 Current Set 35 16 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1
41272 41272 I>3 Time Delay 35 17 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41273 41273 I>4 Status 35 18 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41274 41274 I>4 Current Set 35 19 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1
41275 41275 I>4 Time Delay 35 1A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41300 41300 I2> Status 36 1 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41301 41301 I2> Directional 36 2 G44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41302 41302 I2> VTS 36 3 G45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41303 41303 I2> Current Set 36 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1
41304 41304 I2> Time Delay 36 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41305 41305 I2> Char Angle 36 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -95 95 1
41350 41350 Broken Conductor 37 1 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41351 41351 I2/I1 Setting 37 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.2 1 0.01
41352 41352 I2/I1 Time Delay 37 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.1
41353 41353 I2/I1 Trip 37 4 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41400 41400 IN>1 Function 38 1 G43 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
41401 41401 IN>1 Directional 38 2 G44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41402 41402 IN>1 VTS Block 38 3 G45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41403 41403 IN>1 Current Set 38 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 4.0*I1 0.01*I1
41404 41404 IN>1 Time Delay 38 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 200 0.01
41405 41405 IN>1 Time Delay VTS 38 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 200 0.01
41406 41406 IN>1 TMS 38 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.025 1.2 0.025
41407 41407 IN>1 Time Dial 38 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 15 0.1
41408 41408 IN>1 Reset Char 38 9 G60 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41409 41409 IN>1 tRESET 38 0A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41410 41410 IN>2 Status 38 0B G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41411 41411 IN>2 Directional 38 0C G44 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41412 41412 IN>2 VTS Block 38 0D G45 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41413 41413 IN>2 Current Set 38 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 32*I1 0.01*I1
41414 41414 IN>2 Time Delay 38 0F G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 200 0.01
41415 41415 IN>2 Time Delay VTS 38 10 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 200 0.01
41416 41416 IN> Char Angle 38 12 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting -95 95 1
41417 41417 Polarisation 38 13 G46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41450 41450 Channel Aided DEF Status 39 1 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41451 41451 Polarisation 39 2 G46 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41452 41452 V> Voltage Set 39 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 20 0.01
41453 41453 IN Forward 39 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.05*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1
41454 41454 Time Delay 39 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.1
41455 41455 Scheme Logic 39 6 G112 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41456 41456 Tripping 39 7 G48 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41600 Zero Seq. Power Status 3C 1 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41601 K Time Delay Factor 3C 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 0.2
41602 Basis Time Delay 3C 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.01
41603 Residual Current 3C 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.05*I1 1 0.01
41604 Residual Power 3C 1 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.3 0.6 0.03
41949 41949 V< & V> MODE 42 1 G121 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 15 1
41950 41950 V< Measur't Mode 42 3 G47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41951 41951 V<1 Function 42 4 G23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41952 41952 V<1 Voltage Set 42 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 120 1
41953 41953 V<1 Time Delay 42 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41954 41954 V<1 TMS 42 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 100 0.5
41955 41955 V<2 Status 42 8 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41956 41956 V<2 Voltage Set 42 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 10 120 1
41957 41957 V<2 Time Delay 42 0A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41958 41958 V> Measur't Mode 42 0C G47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41959 41959 V>1 Function 42 0D G23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
41960 41960 V>1 Voltage Set 42 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 60 185 1
41961 41961 V>1 Time Delay 42 0F G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
41962 41962 V>1 TMS 42 10 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 100 0.5
41963 41963 V>2 Status 42 11 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
41964 41964 V>2 Voltage Set 42 12 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 60 185 1
41965 41965 V>2 Time Delay 42 13 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 100 0.01
42100 42100 CB Fail 1 Status 45 2 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
42101 42101 CB Fail 1 Timer 45 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.005
42102 42102 CB Fail 2 Status 45 4 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
42103 42103 CB Fail 2 Timer 45 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 0.005
42104 42104 CBF Non I Reset 45 6 G68 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
42105 42105 CBF Ext Reset 45 7 G68 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 2 1
42106 42106 I < Current Set 45 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.05*I1 3.2*I1 0.1*I1
42150 42150 VTS Time Delay 46 2 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 20 1
42151 42151 VTS I2> & I0> Inhibit 46 3 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1.0*I1 0.01*I1
42152 42152 CTS Status 46 8 G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
42153 42153 CTS VN< Inhibit 46 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 22 0.5
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-8

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
42154 42154 CTS IN> Set 46 0A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.08*I1 4*I1 0.01*I1
42155 42155 CTS Time Delay 46 0B G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 10 1
42156 42156 CVTS Status 46 0C G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 0 1
42157 42157 CVTS VN> 46 0D G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.01 0.1 0.01
42158 42158 CVTS Time Delay 46 0E G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 300 1
42250 42250 C/S Check Schem. for A/R 48 1 G103 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 1
42251 42251 C/S Check Schem. for Man CB 48 2 G103 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 7 1
42252 42252 V< Dead Line 48 3 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 5 30 1
42253 42253 V> Live Line 48 4 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 30 120 1
42254 42254 V< Dead Bus 48 5 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 5 30 1
42255 42255 V> Live Bus 48 6 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 30 120 1
42256 42256 Diff Voltage 48 7 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.5 40 0.1
42257 42257 Diff Frequency 48 8 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.02 1 0.01
42258 42258 Diff Phase 48 9 G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 5 90 2.5
42259 42259 Bus-Line Delay 48 0A G2 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 2 0.1
42300 42300 1P Trip Mode 49 2 G101 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
42301 42301 3P Trip Mode 49 3 G102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 3 1
42302 42302 1P Rcl - Dead Time 1 49 4 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 5 0.01
42303 42303 3P Rcl - Dead Time 1 49 5 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 60 0.01
42304 42304 Dead Time 2 49 6 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 3600 1
42305 42305 Dead Time 3 49 7 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 3600 1
42306 42306 Dead Time 4 49 8 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 3600 1
42307 42307 Reclaim Time 49 9 G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 600 1
42308 42308 Reclose Time Delay 49 0A G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 10 0.1
42309 42309 Discrimination Time 49 0B G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0.1 5 0.01
42310 42310 A/R Inhbit Wind 49 0C G2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 1 3600 1
42311 42311 C/S on 3P Rcl DT1 49 0D G37 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 1 1
42312 41312 Block A/R 49 0F G117 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Setting 0 16383 1
42400 42407 Opto Input 1 4A 1 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42408 42415 Opto Input 2 4A 2 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42416 42423 Opto Input 3 4A 3 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42424 42431 Opto Input 4 4A 4 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42432 42439 Opto Input 5 4A 5 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42440 42447 Opto Input 6 4A 6 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42448 42455 Opto Input 7 4A 7 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42456 42463 Opto Input 8 4A 8 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42464 42471 Opto Input 9 4A 9 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42472 42479 Opto Input 10 4A 0A G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42480 42487 Opto Input 11 4A 0B G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42488 42495 Opto Input 12 4A 0C G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42496 42503 Opto Input 13 4A 0D G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42504 42511 Opto Input 14 4A 0E G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42512 42519 Opto Input 15 4A 0F G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42520 42527 Opto Input 16 4A 10 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42528 42535 Opto Input 17 4A 11 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42536 42543 Opto Input 18 4A 12 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42544 42551 Opto Input 19 4A 13 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42552 42559 Opto Input 20 4A 14 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42560 42567 Opto Input 21 4A 15 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42568 42575 Opto Input 22 4A 16 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42576 42583 Opto Input 23 4A 17 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42584 42591 Opto Input 24 4A 18 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42600 42607 Relay 1 4B 1 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42608 42615 Relay 2 4B 2 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42616 42623 Relay 3 4B 3 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42624 42631 Relay 4 4B 4 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42632 42639 Relay 5 4B 5 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42640 42647 Relay 6 4B 6 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42648 42655 Relay 7 4B 7 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42656 42663 Relay 8 4B 8 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42664 42671 Relay 9 4B 9 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42672 42679 Relay 10 4B 0A G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42680 42687 Relay 11 4B 0B G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42688 42695 Relay 12 4B 0C G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42696 42703 Relay 13 4B 0D G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42704 42711 Relay 14 4B 0E G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42712 42719 Relay 15 4B 0F G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42720 42727 Relay 16 4B 10 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42728 42735 Relay 17 4B 11 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42736 42743 Relay 18 4B 12 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42744 42751 Relay 19 4B 13 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42752 42759 Relay 20 4B 14 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42760 42767 Relay 21 4B 15 G3 8 8 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42768 42775 Relay 22 4B 16 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42776 42783 Relay 23 4B 17 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42784 42791 Relay 24 4B 18 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42792 42799 Relay 25 4B 19 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42800 42807 Relay 26 4B 1A G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42808 42815 Relay 27 4B 1B G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42816 42823 Relay 28 4B 1C G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42824 42831 Relay 29 4B 1D G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42832 42839 Relay 30 4B 1E G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42840 42847 Relay 31 4B 1F G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42848 42855 Relay 32 4B 20 G3 8 8 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42856 42855 Relay 33 4B 21 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42864 42863 Relay 34 4B 22 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42872 42871 Relay 35 4B 23 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42880 42879 Relay 36 4B 24 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42888 42887 Relay 37 4B 25 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42896 42895 Relay 38 4B 26 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42904 42903 Relay 39 4B 27 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42912 42911 Relay 40 4B 28 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42920 42919 Relay 41 4B 29 G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42928 42927 Relay 42 4B 2A G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42936 42935 Relay 43 4B 2B G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42944 42943 Relay 44 4B 2C G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
42952 42951 Relay 45 4B 2D G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page D-9

Part D - Menu Database for MODBUS

Modbus Address Col Row Group
P441 P441 P442 P442 P444 P444 P444 P444
Start End Description Modbus Cell Type Min Max Step
42960 42959 Relay 46 4B 2E G3 8 8 Setting 32 163 1
43000 44999 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 50 00
45000 46999 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 70 00
47000 48999 Repeat of Group 1 columns/rows 90 00
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page E-1

Part E - IEC870-5-103 (VDEW)

ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI Model Number Interpretation

P441 P442 P444

System Functions(Monitor)
8 10 0 128 End of General Interrogration * * *
6 8 0 128 Time Syncronisation * * *
5 3 2 128 Reset FCB * * *
5 4 3 128 Reset CU * * *
5 5 4 128 Start/Restart * * *
5 6 5 128 Power On * * *
Note: Identification message in ASDU 5: ALSTOM P44x Software ref i.e. ALSTOM P444 3.0
Status Indications
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 16 128 Auto-recloser active * * * DDB_PRT_AR_ENABLE
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 17 Tele-protection active
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 18 Protection active
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 19 128 LED Reset * * * RESET_INDICATIONS
1 9,11 20 Monitor direction blocked
1 9,11 21 128 Test mode * * * * DDB_ALARM_PROT_DISABLED
1 9,11 22 Local parameter setting
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 23 128 Characteristic 1 * * * * PG1 Changed
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 24 128 Characteristic 2 * * * * PG2 Changed
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 25 128 Characteristic 3 * * * * PG3 Changed
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 26 128 Characteristic 4 * * * * PG4 Changed
1 1,7,9,11 27 128 Auxillary input 1 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_1
1 1,7,9,11 28 128 Auxillary input 2 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_2
1 1,7,9,11 29 128 Auxillary input 3 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_3
1 1,7,9,11 30 128 Auxillary input 4 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_4
Supervision Indications
1 1,7,9 32 Measurand supervision I
1 1,7,9 33 Measurand supervision V
1 1,7,9 35 Phase sequence supervision
1 1,7,9 36 128 Trip circuit supervision * * * * DDB_ALARM_CTS
1 1,7,9 37 I>> back-up supervision
1 1,7,9 38 128 VT fuse failure * * * * DDB_ALARM_VTS_SLOW
1 1,7,9 39 128 Teleprotection disturbed * * * * DDB_ALARM_COS
1 1,7,9 46 Group warning
1 1,7,9 47 Group alarm
Earth Fault Indications
1 1,7,9 48 128 Earth Fault L1 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_AN
1 1,7,9 49 128 Earth Fault L2 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_BN
1 1,7,9 50 128 Earth Fault L3 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_CN
1 1,7,9 51 128 Earth Fault Fwd * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_FWD
1 1,7,9 52 128 Earth Fault Rev * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_REV
Fault Indications
2 1,7,9 64 128 Start /pickup L1 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_A
2 1,7,9 65 128 Start /pickup L2 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_B
2 1,7,9 66 128 Start /pickup L3 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_C
2 1,7,9 67 128 Start /pickup N * * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_PICK_UP
2 1,7 68 128 General Trip * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP
2 1,7 69 128 Trip L1 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_A
2 1,7 70 128 Trip L2 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_B
2 1,7 71 128 Trip L3 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_C
2 1,7 72 Trip I>> (backup)
4 1,7 73 Fault Location in ohms * * *
2 1,7 74 128 Fault forward * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_FWD
2 1,7 75 128 Fault reverse * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_REV
2 1,7 76 128 Teleprotection signal sent * * * DDB_PRT_CARRIER_SEND
1 1,7 77 128 Teleprotection signal received * * * DDB_PRT_UNB_CR
2 1,7 78 128 Zone 1 * * * DDB_PRT_Z1
2 1,7 79 128 Zone 2 * * * DDB_PRT_Z2
2 1,7 80 128 Zone 3 * * * DDB_PRT_Z3
2 1,7 81 128 Zone 4 * * * DDB_PRT_Z4
2 1,7 82 128 Zone 5 * * * DDB_PRT_ZP
2 1,7 83 Zone 6
2 1,7,9 84 128 General Start * * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_START
2 1,7 85 128 Breaker Failure * * * DDB_ALARM_BREAKER_FAIL
2 1,7 86 Trip measuring system L1
2 1,7 87 Trip measuring system L2
2 1,7 88 Trip measuring system L3
2 1,7 89 Trip measuring system E
2 1,7 90 128 Trip I> * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_TRIP
2 1,7 91 128 Trip I>> * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_TRIP
2 1,7 92 128 Trip IN> * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP2_TRIP
2 1,7 93 128 Trip IN>> * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP3_TRIP
Auto-Reclose Indications (Monitor)
1 1,7 128 128 CB 'on' by A/R * * DDB_PRT_AR_CLOSE
1 1,7 129 CB 'on' by long time A/R
1 1,7,9 130 128 AR blocked * * * DDB_PRT_AR_LOCKOUT
Measurands (Monitor)
3.1 2,7 144 128 Measurand I
3.2 2,7 145 128 Measurands I,V
3.3 2,7 146 128 Measurands I,V,P,Q
3.4 2,7 147 128 Measurands IN,VEN
9 2,7 148 128 Measurands IL1,2,3,VL1,2,3,P,Q,f * * *
Generic Functions(Monitor)
10 42,43 240 128 Read Headings
10 42,43 241 128 Read attributes of all entries of a group
10 42,43 243 128 Read directory of entry
10 1,2,7,9,11,12,42,4244 128 Real attribute of entry
10 10 245 128 End of GGI
10 41,44 249 128 Write entry with confirm
10 40,41 250 128 Write entry with execute
10 40 251 128 Write entry aborted
System Functions (Control)
7 9 0 Init General Interrogation * * *
6 8 Time Syncronisation * * *
General Commands
20 20 16 Auto-recloser on/off * *
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page E-2

Part E - IEC870-5-103 (VDEW)

ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI Model Number Interpretation

P441 P442 P444

20 20 17 Teleprotection on/off
20 20 18 Protection on/off
20 20 19 LED Reset * * *
20 20 23 Activate characteristic 1 * * *
20 20 24 Activate characteristic 2 * * *
20 20 25 Activate characteristic 3 * * *
20 20 26 Activate characteristic 4 * * *
Generic Functions
21 42 240 Read headings of all defined groups
21 42 241 Read single attribute of all entries of a group
21 42 243 Read directory of single entry
21 42 244 Read attribute of sngle entry
21 9 245 Generic General Interrogation (GGI)
10 40 248 Write entry
10 40 249 Write with confirm
10 40 250 Write with execute
10 40 251 Write entry abort
Non Standard Actual Channel for disturbance recorder in monitor direction
TYP ASDU COT ACC FUN Description GI 1 2 4
27,30,31 31 245 128 Private channel for frequency * * *
Non Standard Information numbers in monitor direction
TYP ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI 1 2 4 DDB Element Name
1 1,7,9 0 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_1
1 1,7,9 1 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_2
1 1,7,9 2 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_3
1 1,7,9 3 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_4
1 1,7,9 4 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_5
1 1,7,9 5 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_6
1 1,7,9 6 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_7
1 1,7,9 7 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_8
1 1,7,9 8 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_9
1 1,7,9 9 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_10
1 1,7,9 10 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_11
1 1,7,9 11 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_12
1 1,7,9 12 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_13
1 1,7,9 13 130 * * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_14
1 1,7,9 14 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_15
1 1,7,9 15 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_16
1 1,7,9 16 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_17
1 1,7,9 17 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_18
1 1,7,9 18 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_19
1 1,7,9 19 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_20
1 1,7,9 20 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_21
1 1,7,9 21 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_22
1 1,7,9 22 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_23
1 1,7,9 23 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_24
1 1,7,9 24 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_25
1 1,7,9 25 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_26
1 1,7,9 26 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_27
1 1,7,9 27 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_28
1 1,7,9 28 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_29
1 1,7,9 29 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_30
1 1,7,9 30 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_31
1 1,7,9 31 130 * * DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_32
1 1,7,9,11 27 128 Opto 1 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_1
1 1,7,9,11 28 128 Opto 2 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_2
1 1,7,9,11 29 128 Opto 3 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_3
1 1,7,9,11 30 128 Opto 4 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_4
1 1,7,9,11 68 130 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_5
1 1,7,9,11 69 130 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_6
1 1,7,9,11 70 130 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_7
1 1,7,9,11 71 130 * * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_8
1 1,7,9,11 72 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_9
1 1,7,9,11 73 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_10
1 1,7,9,11 74 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_11
1 1,7,9,11 75 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_12
1 1,7,9,11 76 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_13
1 1,7,9,11 77 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_14
1 1,7,9,11 78 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_15
1 1,7,9,11 79 130 * * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_16
1 1,7,9,11 80 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_17
1 1,7,9,11 81 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_18
1 1,7,9,11 82 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_19
1 1,7,9,11 83 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_20
1 1,7,9,11 84 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_21
1 1,7,9,11 85 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_22
1 1,7,9,11 86 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_23
87 130 * * DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_24
1 1.7 96 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_1
1 1.7 97 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_2
1 1.7 98 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_3
1 1.7 99 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_4
1 1.7 100 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_5
1 1.7 101 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_6
1 1.7 102 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_7
1 1.7 103 130 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_LED_8
1 1.7 104 130 * * * DDB_INP_52A_A
1 1.7 105 130 * * * DDB_INP_52B_A
1 1.7 106 130 * * * DDB_INP_52A_B
1 1.7 107 130 * * * DDB_INP_52B_B
1 1.7 108 130 * * * DDB_INP_52A_C
1 1.7 109 130 * * * DDB_INP_52B_C
1 1.7 110 130 * * * DDB_INP_SPAR
1 1.7 111 130 * * * DDB_INP_TPAR
1 1.7 112 130 * * * DDB_INP_AR_INTERNAL
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page E-3

Part E - IEC870-5-103 (VDEW)

ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI Model Number Interpretation

P441 P442 P444

1 1.7 113 130 * * * DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_1P
1 1.7 114 130 * * * DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_3P
1 1.7 115 130 * * * DDB_INP_AR_CLOSING
1 1.7 116 130 * * * DDB_INP_RECLAIM
1 1.7 117 130 * * * DDB_INP_BAR
1 1.7 118 130 * * * DDB_INP_CTL_CHECK_SYNCH
1 1.7 119 130 * * * DDB_INP_CB_HEALTHY
1 1.7 120 130 * * * DDB_INP_BLK_PROTECTION
1 1.7 121 130 * * * DDB_INP_TRP_3P
1 1.7 122 130 * * * DDB_INP_CB_MAN
1 1.7 123 130 * * * DDB_INP_CB_TRIP_MAN
1 1.7 124 130 * * * DDB_INP_DISC
1 1.7 125 130 * * * DDB_INP_PROTA
1 1.7 126 130 * * * DDB_INP_PROTB
1 1.7 127 130 * * * DDB_INP_PROTC
1 1.7 128 130 * * * DDB_INP_CR
1 1.7 129 130 * * * DDB_INP_CR_DEF
1 1.7 130 130 * * * DDB_INP_COS
1 1.7 131 130 * * * DDB_INP_COS_DEF
1 1.7 132 130 * * * DDB_INP_Z1X_EXT
1 1.7 133 130 * * * DDB_INP_MCB_VTS_BUS
1 1.7 134 130 * * * DDB_INP_MCB_VTS_LINE
1 1.7 135 130 * * * DDB_INP_SBEF_TIMER_BLOCK_2
1 1.7 136 130 * * * DDB_INP_SBEF_TIMER_BLOCK_3
1 1.7 137 130 * * * DDB_INP_DEF_TIMER_BLOCK
1 1.7 138 130 * * * DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_1
1 1.7 139 130 * * * DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_2
1 1.7 140 130 * * * DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_3
1 1.7 141 130 * * * DDB_INP_PHOC_TIMER_BLOCK_4
1 1.7 142 130 * * * DDB_INP_NPS_TIMER_BLOCK
1 1.7 143 130 * * * DDB_INP_UNDU_TIMER_BLOCK_1
1 1.7 144 130 * * * DDB_INP_UNDU_TIMER_BLOCK_2
1 1.7 145 130 * * * DDB_INP_OVEU_TIMER_BLOCK_1
1 1.7 146 130 * * * DDB_INP_OVEU_TIMER_BLOCK_2
1 1.7 147 130 * * * DDB_INP_DISTANCE_TIMER_BLOCK
1 1.7 148 130 * * * DDB_INP_CB_RESET_LOCKOUT
1 1.7 149 130 * * * DDB_INP_CB_RESET_ALL_VALUES
1 1.7 150 130 * * * DDB_INP_RESET_RELAYS_LEDS
1 1.7 151 130 * * * DDB_INP_STUB_BUS
1 1.7 152 130 * * * DDB_INP_TRIP_A_USER
1 1.7 153 130 * * * DDB_INP_TRIP_B_USER
1 1.7 154 130 * * * DDB_INP_TRIP_C_USER
1 1.7 155 130 * * * DDB_INP_ZSP_TIMER_BLOCK
1 1,7,9 160 130 DDB_ALARM_UNUSED0
1 1,7,9 161 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_GENERAL
1 9.11 21 128 Test mode * * * * DDB_ALARM_PROT_DISABLED
1 1,7,9 163 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_F_OUT_OF_RANGE
1 1,7,9 38 128 VT fuse failure * * * * DDB_ALARM_VTS_SLOW
1 1,7,9 36 128 Trip circuit supervision * * * * DDB_ALARM_CTS
2 1,7,9 85 128 Breaker Failure * * * DDB_ALARM_BREAKER_FAIL
1 1,7,9 167 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_I_BROK_MAINT
1 1,7,9 168 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_I_BROK_LOCKOUT
1 1,7,9 169 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_OPS_MAINT
1 1,7,9 170 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_OPS_LOCKOUT
1 1,7,9 171 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_OP_TIME_MAINT
1 1,7,9 172 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_OP_TIME_LOCKOUT
1 1,7,9 173 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_PRE_LOCKOUT
1 1,7,9 174 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_EFF_LOCKOUT
1 1,7,9 175 130 * * * * DDB_LOCKOUT_ALARM
1 1,7,9 176 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_STATUS
1 1,7,9 177 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_TRIP
1 1,7,9 178 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_CLOSE
1 1,7,9 179 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_CONTROL_UNHEALTHLY
1 1,7,9 180 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_NO_CHECK_SYNC_CONTRO
1 1,7,9 181 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_AR_LOCKOUT_MAX_SHOTS
1 1,7,9 182 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_SG_OPTO_INVALID
1 1,7,9 183 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CB_FAIL_AR
1 1,7,9 184 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_1
1 1,7,9 185 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_2
1 1,7,9 186 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_1
1 1,7,9 187 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_2
1 1,7,9 39 128 Teleprotection disturbed * * * * DDB_ALARM_COS
1 1,7,9 189 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_BROKEN_COND
1 1,7,9 190 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_CVTS
1 1,7,9 191 130 DDB_ALARM_UNUSED1
1 1,7,9 192 130 DDB_ALARM_UNUSED2
1 1,7,9 193 130 DDB_ALARM_UNUSED3
1 1,7,9 194 130 DDB_ALARM_UNUSED4
1 1,7,9 195 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_USER1
1 1,7,9 196 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_USER2
1 1,7,9 197 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_USER3
1 1,7,9 198 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_USER4
1 1,7,9 199 130 * * * * DDB_ALARM_USER5
1 1.7 128 128 CB 'on' by A/R * * * DDB_PRT_AR_CLOSE
1 1,7,9 224 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_1POLE_IN_PROG
1 1,7,9 225 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_3POLE_IN_PROG
1 1,7,9 228 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_TRIP_3PH
1 1,7,9 229 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_RECLAIM
1 1,7,9 230 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_DISCRIM
1 1,7,9,11,12,20,21 16 128 Auto-recloser active * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_ENABLE
1 1,7,9 232 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_1PAR_ENABLE
1 1,7,9 233 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_3PAR_ENABLE
1 1,7,9 130 128 AR blocked * * * * DDB_PRT_AR_LOCKOUT
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page E-4

Part E - IEC870-5-103 (VDEW)

ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI Model Number Interpretation

P441 P442 P444

1 1,7,9 235 130 * * * DDB_PRT_AR_FORCE_SYNC
1 1,7,9 236 130 * * * * DDB_PRT_SYNC
2 1,7,9 76 128 Teleprotectioon signal sent * * * DDB_PRT_CARRIER_SEND
1 1,7,9 77 128 Teleprotection signal received * * * DDB_PRT_UNB_CR
2 1,7,9 74 128 Fault forward * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_FWD
2 1,7,9 75 128 Fault reverse * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_REV
2 1,7,9 69 128 Trip L1 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_A
2 1,7,9 70 128 Trip L2 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_B
2 1,7,9 71 128 Trip L3 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_C
2 1,7,9 64 128 Start/Pickup L1 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_A
2 1,7,9 65 128 Start/Pickup L2 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_B
2 1,7,9 66 128 Start/Pickup L3 * * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_START_C
1 1,7,9 252 130 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_ACC
1 1,7,9 253 130 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_PERM
1 1,7,9 254 130 * * * DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_BLOCK
2 1,7,9 78 128 Zone 1 * * * DDB_PRT_Z1
2 1,7,9 0 131 * * * DDB_PRT_Z1X
2 1,7,9 79 128 Zone 2 * * * DDB_PRT_Z2
2 1,7,9 80 128 Zone 3 * * * DDB_PRT_Z3
2 1,7,9 81 128 Zone 4 * * * DDB_PRT_Z4
2 1,7,9 82 128 Zone 5 * * * DDB_PRT_Zp
5 131 DDB_PRT_T1
6 131 DDB_PRT_T2
7 131 DDB_PRT_T3
8 131 DDB_PRT_T4
2 1,7,9 10 131 * * * DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_A
2 1,7,9 11 131 * * * DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_B
2 1,7,9 12 131 * * * DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_C
2 1,7,9 13 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_POWER_SWING
1 1,7,9 14 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_REVERSAL_GUARD
2 1,7,9 15 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_CARRIER_SEND
1 1,7,9 16 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNB_CR_DEF
1 1,7,9 52 128 Earth Fault Rev * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_REV
1 1,7,9 51 128 Earth Fault Fwd * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_FWD
1 1,7,9 48 128 Earth Fault L1 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_AN
1 1,7,9 49 128 Earth Fault L2 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_BN
1 1,7,9 50 128 Earth Fault L3 * * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_START_CN
2 1,7,9 22 131 * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_A
2 1,7,9 23 131 * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_B
2 1,7,9 24 131 * * * DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_C
2 1,7,9 92 128 Trip IN> * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_TRIP
2 1,7,9 93 128 Trip IN>> * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_TRIP
2 1,7,9 67 128 Start/Pickup N * * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 28 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_PICK_UP
1 1,7,9 29 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_A
1 1,7,9 30 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_B
1 1,7,9 31 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_C
2 1,7,9 32 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 33 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 34 131 * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_TRIP
2 1,7,9 35 131 * * * DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_TRIP
1 1,7,9 36 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_A
1 1,7,9 37 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_B
1 1,7,9 38 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_C
2 1,7,9 39 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 40 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 41 131 * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_TRIP
2 1,7,9 42 131 * * * DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_TRIP
2 1,7,9 43 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 44 131 * * * DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_TRIP
1 1,7,9 45 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_A
1 1,7,9 46 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_B
1 1,7,9 47 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_C
2 1,7,9 48 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 49 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 50 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 51 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_PICK_UP
2 1,7,9 90 128 Trip I> * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_TRIP
2 1,7,9 91 128 Trip I>> * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_TRIP
2 1,7,9 54 131 * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_TRIP
2 1,7,9 55 131 * * * DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_TRIP
1 1,7,9 56 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_SOTF_ENABLE
1 1,7,9 57 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_I_TOR_ENABLE
2 1,7,9 58 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_TOC_START_A
2 1,7,9 59 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_TOC_START_B
2 1,7,9 60 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_TOC_START_C
2 1,7,9 84 128 General Start * * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_START
62 131 DDB_PRT_1PH
63 131 DDB_PRT_2PH
64 131 DDB_PRT_3PH
2 1,7,9 68 128 General Trip * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP
2 1,7,9 66 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_A
2 1,7,9 67 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_B
2 1,7,9 68 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_INTERNAL_TRIP_C
2 1,7,9 69 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_A
2 1,7,9 70 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_B
2 1,7,9 71 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_C
2 1,7,9 72 131 * * * DDB_PRT_1P_TRIP
2 1,7,9 73 131 * * * DDB_PRT_3P_TRIP
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page E-5

Part E - IEC870-5-103 (VDEW)

ASDU COT INF FUN Description GI Model Number Interpretation

P441 P442 P444

2 1,7,9 74 131 * * * DDB_PRT_BROKEN_CONDUCTOR_TRIP
2 1,7,9 75 131 * * * DDB_PRT_LOSS_OF_LOAD_TRIP
2 1,7,9 76 131 * * * DDB_PRT_SOTF_TOR_TRIP
2 1,7,9 77 131 * * * DDB_PRT_TBF1_TRIP_3PH
2 1,7,9 78 131 * * * DDB_PRT_TBF2_TRIP_3PH
1 1,7,9 82 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_A
1 1,7,9 83 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_B
1 1,7,9 84 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_C
1 1,7,9 85 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_ANY_POLE_DEAD
1 1,7,9 86 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_ALL_POLE_DEAD
1 1,7,9 91 131 * * * * DDB_PRT_ZSP_START
1 1,7,9 92 131 * * * DDB_PRT_ZSP_TRIP
1 1.7 108 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_1
1 1.7 109 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_2
1 1.7 110 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_3
1 1.7 111 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_4
1 1.7 112 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_5
1 1.7 113 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_6
1 1.7 114 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_7
1 1.7 115 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_8
1 1.7 116 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_9
1 1.7 117 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_10
1 1.7 118 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_11
1 1.7 119 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_12
1 1.7 120 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_13
1 1.7 121 131 * * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_14
1 1.7 122 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_15
1 1.7 123 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_16
1 1.7 124 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_17
1 1.7 125 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_18
1 1.7 126 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_19
1 1.7 127 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_20
1 1.7 128 131 * * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_21
1 1.7 129 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_22
1 1.7 130 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_23
1 1.7 131 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_24
1 1.7 132 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_25
1 1.7 133 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_26
1 1.7 134 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_27
1 1.7 135 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_28
1 1.7 136 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_29
1 1.7 137 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_30
1 1.7 138 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_31
1 1.7 139 131 * DDB_OUTPUT_CON_32
1 1.7 172 131 DDB_LED_CON_1
1 1.7 173 131 DDB_LED_CON_2
1 1.7 174 131 DDB_LED_CON_3
1 1.7 175 131 DDB_LED_CON_4
1 1.7 176 131 DDB_LED_CON_5
1 1.7 177 131 DDB_LED_CON_6
1 1.7 178 131 DDB_LED_CON_7
1 1.7 179 131 DDB_LED_CON_8
1 1.7 180 131 DDB_TIMERIN_1
1 1.7 181 131 DDB_TIMERIN_2
1 1.7 182 131 DDB_TIMERIN_3
1 1.7 183 131 DDB_TIMERIN_4
1 1.7 184 131 DDB_TIMERIN_5
1 1.7 185 131 DDB_TIMERIN_6
1 1.7 186 131 DDB_TIMERIN_7
1 1.7 187 131 DDB_TIMERIN_8
1 1.7 188 131 DDB_TIMERIN_9
1 1.7 189 131 DDB_TIMERIN_10
1 1.7 190 131 DDB_TIMERIN_11
1 1.7 191 131 DDB_TIMERIN_12
1 1.7 192 131 DDB_TIMERIN_13
1 1.7 193 131 DDB_TIMERIN_14
1 1.7 194 131 DDB_TIMERIN_15
1 1.7 195 131 DDB_TIMERIN_16
1 1.7 196 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_1
1 1.7 197 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_2
1 1.7 198 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_3
1 1.7 199 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_4
1 1.7 200 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_5
1 1.7 201 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_6
1 1.7 202 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_7
1 1.7 203 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_8
1 1.7 204 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_9
1 1.7 205 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_10
1 1.7 206 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_11
1 1.7 207 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_12
1 1.7 208 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_13
1 1.7 209 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_14
1 1.7 210 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_15
1 1.7 211 131 DDB_TIMEROUT_16
1 1,7,9 212 131 DDB_FAULT_RECORD_TRIG
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-1

Part F - DNP3
X Object name Event Class P444 P442 P441
D DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_11 2 10 10 10
D DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_12 2 11 11 11
D DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_13 2 12 12 12
D DDB_OUTPUT_RELAY_14 2 13 13 13
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_1 2 32 21 14
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_2 2 33 22 15
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_3 2 34 23 16
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_4 2 35 24 17
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_5 2 36 25 18
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_6 2 37 26 19
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_7 2 38 27 20
D DDB_OPTO_ISOLATOR_8 2 39 28 21
D DDB_ALARM_CTS 2 60 41 26
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-2

Part F - DNP3
X Object name Event Class P444 P442 P441
D DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_1 2 79 60 45
D DDB_ALARM_UNDER_V_2 2 80 61 46
D DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_1 2 81 62 47
D DDB_ALARM_OVER_V_2 2 82 63 48
D DDB_ALARM_COS 2 83 64 49
D DDB_ALARM_CVTS 2 85 66 51
D DDB_ALARM_USER1 2 86 67 52
D DDB_ALARM_USER2 2 87 68 53
D DDB_ALARM_USER3 2 88 69 54
D DDB_ALARM_USER4 2 89 70 55
D DATABASE 2 90 71 56
D DATABASE 2 91 72 57
D DDB_INP_52A_A 3 92 73 58
D DDB_INP_52B_A 3 93 74 59
D DDB_INP_52A_B 3 94 75 60
D DDB_INP_52B_B 3 95 76 61
D DDB_INP_52A_C 3 96 77 62
D DDB_INP_52B_C 3 97 78 63
D DDB_INP_SPAR 3 98 79 64
D DDB_INP_TPAR 3 99 80 65
D DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_1P 3 101 82 67
D DDB_INP_AR_CYCLE_3P 3 102 83 68
D DDB_INP_AR_CLOSING 3 103 84 69
D DDB_INP_RECLAIM 3 104 85 70
D DDB_INP_BAR 3 105 86 71
D DDB_INP_CB_HEALTHY 3 107 88 73
D DDB_INP_TRP_3P 3 109 90 75
D DDB_INP_CB_MAN 3 110 91 76
D DDB_INP_CB_TRIP_MAN 3 111 92 77
D DDB_INP_DISC 3 112 93 78
D DDB_INP_PROTA 3 113 94 79
D DDB_INP_PROTB 3 114 95 80
D DDB_INP_PROTC 3 115 96 81
D DDB_INP_CR 3 116 97 82
D DDB_INP_CR_DEF 3 117 98 83
D DDB_INP_COS 3 118 99 84
D DDB_INP_COS_DEF 3 119 100 85
D DDB_INP_Z1X_EXT 3 120 101 86
D DDB_INP_MCB_VTS_BUS 3 121 102 87
D DDB_INP_MCB_VTS_LINE 3 122 103 88
D DDB_INP_OVEU_TIMER_BLOCK_2 3 134 115 100
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-3

Part F - DNP3
X Object name Event Class P444 P442 P441
D DDB_INP_STUB_BUS 3 139 120 105
D DDB_INP_TRIP_A_USER 3 140 121 106
D DDB_INP_TRIP_B_USER 3 141 122 107
D DDB_INP_TRIP_C_USER 3 142 123 108
D DDB_PRT_AR_CLOSE 3 144 125 110
D DDB_PRT_AR_1POLE_IN_PROG 3 145 126 111
D DDB_PRT_AR_3POLE_IN_PROG 3 146 127 112
D DDB_PRT_AR_1ST_CYCLE_IN_PROG 3 147 128 113
D DDB_PRT_AR_234TH_CYCLE_IN_PROG 3 148 129 114
D DDB_PRT_AR_TRIP_3PH 3 149 130 115
D DDB_PRT_AR_RECLAIM 3 150 131 116
D DDB_PRT_AR_DISCRIM 3 151 132 117
D DDB_PRT_AR_ENABLE 3 152 133 118
D DDB_PRT_AR_1PAR_ENABLE 3 153 134 119
D DDB_PRT_AR_3PAR_ENABLE 3 154 135 120
D DDB_PRT_AR_LOCKOUT 3 155 136 121
D DDB_PRT_AR_FORCE_SYNC 3 156 137 122
D DDB_PRT_SYNC 3 157 138 123
D DDB_PRT_DEAD_LINE 3 158 139 124
D DDB_PRT_LIVE_LINE 3 159 140 125
D DDB_PRT_DEAD_BUS 3 160 141 126
D DDB_PRT_LIVE_BUS 3 161 142 127
D DDB_PRT_CARRIER_SEND 3 163 144 129
D DDB_PRT_UNB_CR 3 164 145 130
D DDB_PRT_DIST_FWD 3 165 146 131
D DDB_PRT_DIST_REV 3 166 147 132
D DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_A 3 167 148 133
D DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_B 3 168 149 134
D DDB_PRT_DIST_TRIP_C 3 169 150 135
D DDB_PRT_DIST_START_A 3 170 151 136
D DDB_PRT_DIST_START_B 3 171 152 137
D DDB_PRT_DIST_START_C 3 172 153 138
D DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_ACC 3 173 154 139
D DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_PERM 3 174 155 140
D DDB_PRT_DIST_CR_BLOCK 3 175 156 141
D DDB_PRT_Z1 3 176 157 142
D DDB_PRT_Z1X 3 177 158 143
D DDB_PRT_Z2 3 178 159 144
D DDB_PRT_Z3 3 179 160 145
D DDB_PRT_Z4 3 180 161 146
D DDB_PRT_Zp 3 181 162 147
D DDB_PRT_T1 3 182 163 148
D DDB_PRT_T2 3 183 164 149
D DDB_PRT_T3 3 184 165 150
D DDB_PRT_T4 3 185 166 151
D DDB_PRT_TZP 3 186 167 152
D DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_A 3 187 168 153
D DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_B 3 188 169 154
D DDB_PRT_WI_TRIP_C 3 189 170 155
D DDB_PRT_POWER_SWING 3 190 171 156
D DDB_PRT_UNB_CR_DEF 3 193 174 159
D DDB_PRT_DEF_REV 3 194 175 160
D DDB_PRT_DEF_FWD 3 195 176 161
D DDB_PRT_DEF_START_AN 3 196 177 162
D DDB_PRT_DEF_START_BN 3 197 178 163
D DDB_PRT_DEF_START_CN 3 198 179 164
D DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_A 3 199 180 165
D DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_B 3 200 181 166
D DDB_PRT_DEF_TRIP_C 3 201 182 167
D DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_TRIP 3 202 183 168
D DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_TRIP 3 203 184 169
D DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_2_PICK_UP 3 204 185 170
D DDB_PRT_IN_SUP_3_PICK_UP 3 205 186 171
D DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_PICK_UP 3 209 190 175
D DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_PICK_UP 3 210 191 176
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-4

Part F - DNP3
X Object name Event Class P444 P442 P441
D DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_1_TRIP 3 211 192 177
D DDB_PRT_UNDER_V_2_TRIP 3 212 193 178
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_A 3 213 194 179
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_B 3 214 195 180
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_ANY_PICK_UP_C 3 215 196 181
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_PICK_UP 3 216 197 182
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_PICK_UP 3 217 198 183
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_1_TRIP 3 218 199 184
D DDB_PRT_OVER_V_2_TRIP 3 219 200 185
D DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_PICK_UP 3 220 201 186
D DDB_PRT_I2_SUP_TRIP 3 221 202 187
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_A 3 222 203 188
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_B 3 223 204 189
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_ANY_PICK_UP_C 3 224 205 190
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_PICK_UP 3 225 206 191
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_PICK_UP 3 226 207 192
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_PICK_UP 3 227 208 193
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_PICK_UP 3 228 209 194
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_1_TRIP 3 229 210 195
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_2_TRIP 3 230 211 196
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_3_TRIP 3 231 212 197
D DDB_PRT_I_SUP_4_TRIP 3 232 213 198
D DDB_PRT_SOTF_ENABLE 3 233 214 199
D DDB_PRT_I_TOR_ENABLE 3 234 215 200
D DDB_PRT_TOC_START_A 3 235 216 201
D DDB_PRT_TOC_START_B 3 236 217 202
D DDB_PRT_TOC_START_C 3 237 218 203
D DDB_PRT_ANY_START 3 238 219 204
D DDB_PRT_1PH 3 239 220 205
D DDB_PRT_2PH 3 240 221 206
D DDB_PRT_3PH 3 241 222 207
D DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP 3 242 223 208
D DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_A 3 246 227 212
D DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_B 3 247 228 213
D DDB_PRT_ANY_TRIP_C 3 248 229 214
D DDB_PRT_1P_TRIP 3 249 230 215
D DDB_PRT_3P_TRIP 3 250 231 216
D DDB_PRT_SOTF_TOR_TRIP 3 253 234 219
D DDB_PRT_TBF1_TRIP_3PH 3 254 235 220
D DDB_PRT_TBF2_TRIP_3PH 3 255 236 221
D DDB_PRT_CONTROL_TRIP 3 256 237 222
D DDB_PRT_VTS_FAST 3 258 239 224
D DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_A 3 259 240 225
D DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_B 3 260 241 226
D DDB_PRT_CB_AUX_C 3 261 242 227
D DDB_PRT_ANY_POLE_DEAD 3 262 243 228
D DDB_PRT_ALL_POLE_DEAD 3 263 244 229
D DDB_PRT_DIR_AV_WIT_FILT 3 264 245 230
D DDB_PRT_DIR_AM_WIT_FILT 3 265 246 231
D DDB_PRT_CVMR 3 266 247 232
D DDB_PRT_ZSP_START 3 268 249 234
E DDB_PRT_ZSP_TRIP 3 269 250 235
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-5

Part F - DNP3

M 1
X Distance relay DNP3.0 Object type 10 definition
X Point reference Database Supports
X P444 Object name Col Row Latch Pulse
H Activate setting groups
D 0 Activate setting group 1 0xFF 0x01 Y Y
D 1 Activate setting group 2 0xFF 0x02 Y Y
D 2 Activate setting group 3 0xFF 0x03 Y Y
D 3 Activate setting group 4 0xFF 0x04 Y Y
H Controls
D 4 CB Trip 0xFF 0x10 Y Y
D 5 CB Close 0xFF 0x11 Y Y
D 6 Reset Indication 0x01 0xFF Y Y
D 7 Reset Demand 0x03 0x25 Y Y
D 8 Reset CB Data 0x06 0x08 Y Y
D 9 Reset Total A/R 0x06 0x0B Y Y
D 10 Clear Events 0x0B 0x01 Y Y
D 11 Clear Faults 0x0B 0x02 Y Y
D 12 Clear Maint 0x0B 0x03 Y Y
D 13 Contact Test 0x0F 0x11 Y Y
D 14 Test LEDs 0x0F 0x12 Y Y
D 15 Autoreclose Test - 3 Phase 0xFF 0x12 Y Y
D 16 Autoreclose Test - Phase A 0xFF 0x13 Y Y
D 17 Autoreclose Test - Phase B 0xFF 0x14 Y Y
D 18 Autoreclose Test - Phase C 0xFF 0x15 Y Y
E 19 Lockout Reset 0x10 0x11 Y Y

M 1
X Distance relay DNP3.0 Object type 20 definition
X Point reference Counter
X P444 Object name Col Row Running Frozen
D 0 CB A Operations 0x06 0x01 Y Y
D 1 CB B Operations 0x06 0x02 Y Y
D 2 CB C Operations 0x06 0x03 Y Y
D 3 Total 1P Reclosures 0x06 0x09 Y Y
E 4 Total 3P Reclosures 0x06 0x0A Y Y
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-6

Part F - DNP3
X Distancerelay DNP3.0 Object type 30 definition
X Point reference Database
X P444 Object name Col Row Event Class Type Deadband Scaling Units
H Active group
D 0 Active group 0x00 0x0E 1 D9 1 x1 [None]
H Measurements 1
D 1 IA Magnitude 0x02 0x01 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 2 IA Phase Angle 0x02 0x02 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 3 IB Magnitude 0x02 0x03 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 4 IB Phase Angle 0x02 0x04 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 5 IC Magnitude 0x02 0x05 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 6 IC Phase Angle 0x02 0x06 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 7 IN Derived Mag 0x02 0x09 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 8 IN Derived Angle 0x02 0x0A 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 9 I1 Magnitude 0x02 0x0D 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 10 I2 Magnitude 0x02 0x0E 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 11 I0 Magnitude 0x02 0x0F 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 12 VAB Magnitude 0x02 0x14 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 13 VAB Phase Angle 0x02 0x15 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 14 VBC Magnitude 0x02 0x16 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 15 VBC Phase Angle 0x02 0x17 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 16 VCA Magnitude 0x02 0x18 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 17 VCA Phase Angle 0x02 0x19 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 18 VAN Magnitude 0x02 0x1A 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 19 VAN Phase Angle 0x02 0x1B 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 20 VBN Magnitude 0x02 0x1C 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 21 VBN Phase Angle 0x02 0x1D 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 22 VCN Magnitude 0x02 0x1E 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 23 VCN Phase Angle 0x02 0x1F 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 24 VN Derived Mag 0x02 0x22 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 25 VN Derived Ang 0x02 0x23 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 26 V1 Magnitude 0x02 0x24 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 27 V2 Magnitude 0x02 0x25 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 28 V0 Magnitude 0x02 0x26 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 29 Frequency 0x02 0x2A 2 D5 0.5 x 0,01 Hz
D 30 C/S Voltage Mag 0x02 0x2B 2 D3 5 x Vn /(110 x 100) V
D 31 C/S Voltage Ang 0x02 0x2C 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 32 IM Magnitude 0x02 0x2F 2 D1 0.1 x In / 500 A
D 33 IM Angle 0x02 0x30 2 D4 1 x 0,01 deg
D 34 A Phase Watts 0x03 0x01 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 35 B Phase Watts 0x03 0x02 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 36 C Phase Watts 0x03 0x03 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 37 A Phase VArs 0x03 0x04 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 38 B Phase VArs 0x03 0x05 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 39 C Phase VArs 0x03 0x06 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 40 A Phase VA 0x03 0x07 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 41 B Phase VA 0x03 0x08 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 42 C Phase VA 0x03 0x09 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 43 3 Phase Watts 0x03 0x0A 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 44 3 Phase VArs 0x03 0x0B 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 45 3 Phase VA 0x03 0x0C 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 46 Zero Seq Power 0x03 0x0D 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 47 3Ph Power Factor 0x03 0x0E 2 D8 0.1 x 0,001 [None]
D 48 APh Power Factor 0x03 0x0F 2 D8 0.1 x 0,001 [None]
D 49 BPh Power Factor 0x03 0x10 2 D8 0.1 x 0,001 [None]
D 50 CPh Power Factor 0x03 0x11 2 D8 0.1 x 0,001 [None]
D 51 3Ph W Fix Demand 0x03 0x16 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 52 3Ph VArs Fix Dem 0x03 0x17 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 53 3Ph W Peak Demand 0x03 0x20 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
D 54 3Ph VArs Peak Demand 0x03 0x21 2 D6 1 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA
E 55 Slip Frequency 0x02 0x31 2 D5 0.5 x 0,01 Hz
Configuration / Mapping
abcd P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page F-7

Part F: DNP3

Data Type Description Scaling Units Deadband

D1 Phase, RMS and sequence currents x In / 500 A 0.10
D2 Sensitive neutral currents x In / 10,000 A 0.01
D3 Voltages x Vn /(110 x 100) V 5.00
D4 Angles x 0,01 deg 1.00
D5 Frequency x 0,01 Hz 0.50
D6 Power 0,1 x In .Vn / 110 W/Var/VA 1.00
D7 Percentage x 100 % 10.00
D8 Power Factor x 0,001 [None] 0.10
D9 Setting Group x1 [None] 1.00
D10 Energy x In .Vn / 110 Wh/Varh/Vah N/A
D11 Admittance (I Earth Fault) x (In / 1000).(110 / Vn) S 0.10
D12 Admittance (I Sensitive) x (In / 10000).(110 / Vn) S 0.01
D13 Time x 0.01 min 5.00
D14 Temperature x 0.1 C 1.0
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page G-1

Part G - Maintenance Records

Fault type Test type Comments
0 Initialisation "fast W'Dog Error"
1 Initialisation "Battery Failure"
2 Initialisation "BBRAM Failure"
3 Initialisation "Field Volt Fail"
4 Initialisation "Bus Reset Error"
5 Initialisation "Slow W'Dog Error"
6 Permanent "SRAM Failure Bus"
7 Permanent "SRAM Failure Blk"
8 Permanent "FLASH Failure"
9 Permanent "Code Verify Fail"
10 Permanent "BBRAM Failure"
11 Permanent "Battery Failure"
12 Permanent "Field Volt Fail"
13 Permanent "EEPROM Failure"
14 Permanent "Software Failure"
15 Permanent "Hard Verify Fail"
16 Permanent "Non Standard"

A 2 first digits of LCD 0x For hexadecimal number
B Software type 0 Plateform error
B Software type 8 Application error
C Software task or module N
D Element in the task or module NN
E 4 digits to print internal data NNNN
G R = stop + reboot D = definitive stop M = Msg maint
H Type of maintenance message

0x 8 1 01 NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_PILE_T_CAL R "Software Failure"

0x 8 1 02 NNNN Superv :CREATION_T_CAL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 03 NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_PILE_T_SUP R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 04 NNNN Superv :CREATION_T_SUP R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 05 NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_PILE_T_CPU R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 06 NNNN Superv :CREATION_T_CPU R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 07 NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_PILE_T_EVT R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 08 NNNN Superv :CREATION_T_EVT R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 09 NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_HISR R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 0A NNNN Superv :CREATION_HISR R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 0B NNNN Superv :CREATION_LISR R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 0C NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_Q_CAL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 0D NNNN Superv :CREATION_Q_CAL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 0E NNNN Superv :ALLOC_MEM_Q_SUP R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 00 NNNN Superv :CREATION_Q_SUP R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 10 NNNN Superv :CREATION_SYSTEM_POOL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 11 NNNN Superv :CREATION_PLATFORM_POOL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 12 NNNN Superv :CREATION_APPLI_POOL R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 13 NNNN Superv :CREATION_SEM_BBRAM_LOG R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 14 NNNN Superv :CREATION_SEM_BBRAM_IBROKEN R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 15 NNNN Superv :CREATION_PERTURBO R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 16 NNNN Superv :ENV_MSG_CONFIG_PERTURBO R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 17 NNNN Superv :START_COPROCE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0001 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Nombre d'optos faux R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0002 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : pb lecture E2PROM série R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0003 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Checksum E2PROM série erroné R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0004 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur la 1ere voie check err R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0005 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur les voies tensions R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0006 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur les voies tensions R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0007 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur la 2ème voie check erR "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0008 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur les voies courants R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0009 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur les voies courants R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 000A Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Pb E2PROM série, sur la 3ème voie check erR "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 000B Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : problème détection d'une carte opto(bon nomR "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0070 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : colonne N°7 pb : erreur de communication R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0090 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : colonne N°9 pb : erreur de comminication R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0100 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : colonne N°10 pb R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0110 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : colonne N°11 pb : 4ème langue erronnée R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0150 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Colonne N°15; pb type de carte optos R "Software Failure"
0x 8 1 18 0740 Superv :MODEL_NUMBER : Colonne N°7 et N°4; pb type de carte irigb R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 01 NNNN Coproce board :RSP_TRANSCODE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0001 Coproce board : ECHANGE M "Non Standard"
0x 8 2 02 0002 Coproce board : ECHANGE M "Non Standard"
0x 8 2 02 0004 Coproce board : ECHANGE M "Non Standard"
0x 8 2 02 0008 Coproce board : ECHANGE M "Non Standard"
0x 8 2 02 0010 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0020 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0040 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0080 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0100 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0200 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0400 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 0800 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 1000 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 02 2000 Coproce board : ECHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 2 03 NNNN Coproce board :TRANSFER R "Software Failure"
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page G-2

Part G - Maintenance Records

0x 8 3 01 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_1 R "Software Failure"

0x 8 3 02 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_2 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 03 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_3 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 04 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_4 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 05 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_5 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 06 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_6 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 07 cccN Logic : TASK_LOG_7 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 08 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_10 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 09 NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_11 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 0A NNNN Logic : TASK_LOG_12 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 0B NNNN Logic : LOG_TEMPORISATION_1 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 0C NNNN Logic : LOG_TEMPORISATION_2 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 0D NNNN Logic : LOG_TEMPORISATION_3 R "Software Failure"
0x 8 3 0E NNNN Logic : STORE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 01 NNNN Logic : RECEPT_MSG R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 02 NNNN Logic : UNKNOWN_MSG R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 03 NNNN Logic : ENV_MSG_SETTING_CS R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 04 NNNN Logic : ENV_MSG_SETTING R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 05 NNNN Logic : ENV_MSG_CMDE_FROM_MVP R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 06 NNNN Logic : ENV_MSG_ERROR R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 07 NNNN Logic : SID_MSG_CMDE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 08 NNNN Logic : SID_MSG_SETTING R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 09 NNNN Logic : FONCTION_TRCODE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0A NNNN Logic : WRITE_TRCODE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0B NNNN Logic : READ_TRCODE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0C NNNN Logic : UIMF_CMDE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0D NNNN Logic : CURMF_CMDE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0E NNNN Logic : MODMF_CMDE_INCONNUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 0F NNNN Logic : GROUPE_INVALIDE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 10 NNNN Logic : GROUPE_ETD_INVALIDE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 11 NNNN Logic : ECHEANCE_TIMER_BBRAM R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 12 NNNN Logic : PHASE_CT_SECONDARY M "Non Standard"
0x 8 4 13 NNNN Logic : SEF_CT_SECONDARY R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 14 NNNN Logic : MAIN_VT_SECONDARY M "Non Standard"
0x 8 4 15 NNNN Logic : RCPT_MSG_LOGIQUE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 4 16 NNNN Logic : TRANSCODE R "Software Failure"
0x 8 5 01 NNNN Disturbance : RECEPT_MSG_PERT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 01 NNNN Database manager: P_SEMAPHORE_ERR R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 02 NNNN Database manager: L_SEMAPHORE_ERR R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 02 NNNN Database manager: O_SEMAPHORE_ERR R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 04 NNNN Database manager: COMMIT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 05 NNNN Database manager: ABORT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 06 NNNN Database manager: E2P_FAILURE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 07 NNNN Database manager: PG_DEFAULTED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 08 NNNN Database manager: PSL_DATETIME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 1 09 NNNN Database manager: REGISTER_NOTIFIER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 01 NNNN Logging: CREATE_ALARM_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 02 NNNN Logging: CREATE_EVENT_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 03 NNNN Logging: CREATE_FAULT_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 04 NNNN Logging: CREATE_MAINT_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 05 NNNN Logging: ALARM_EVENT_ID R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 06 NNNN Logging: ALARM_NO_RANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 07 NNNN Logging: EVENT_NO_RANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 08 NNNN Logging: FAULT_NO_RANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 09 NNNN Logging: MAINT_NO_RANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 0A NNNN Logging: OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 0B NNNN Logging: ALLOCATE_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 0C NNNN Logging: SEND_MESSAGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 2 0D NNNN Logging: ALARM_GROUP_NO_RANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 01 NNNN Default access: BAD_CS_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 02 NNNN Default access: BAD_CS_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 03 NNNN Default access: BAD_DR_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 04 NNNN Default access: BAD_DR_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 05 NNNN Default access: BAD_PG_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 06 NNNN Default access: BAD_PG_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 07 NNNN Default access: BAD_CSDATA_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 08 NNNN Default access: BAD_DRDATA_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 09 NNNN Default access: BAD_PGDATA_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 0A NNNN Default access: BAD_PSLC_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 0B NNNN Default access: BAD_PSLC_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 0C NNNN Default access: BAD_PSLF_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 3 0D NNNN Default access: BAD_PSLF_READ R "Software Failure"
0x 0 4 01 NNNN Text access: HIT_DEFAULT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 5 00 NNNN Co-processor R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 01 NNNN User interface: CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 02 NNNN User interface: CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 03 NNNN User interface: CREATE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 04 NNNN User interface: GET_QUEUE_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 05 NNNN User interface: GET_TASKDATA_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 06 NNNN User interface: KEYPAD_INIT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 07 NNNN User interface: CREATE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 08 NNNN User interface: RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 09 NNNN User interface: OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 0A NNNN User interface: RELEASE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 0B NNNN User interface: SEND_TIMER_MESSAGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 0C NNNN User interface: CONTROL_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 0D NNNN User interface: RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page G-3

Part G - Maintenance Records

0x 0 6 0E NNNN User interface: UNEXPECTED_MSG R "Software Failure"

0x 0 6 0F NNNN User interface: GET_TASKSTACK_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 10 NNNN User interface: KEYPAD_START R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 11 NNNN User interface: GET_CELL_INFO R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 12 NNNN User interface: COMMIT_UNLOCK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 13 NNNN User interface: ABORT_UNLOCK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 14 NNNN User interface: INVALID_EVENT_TYPE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 15 NNNN User interface: INVALID_DATA_TYPE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 16 NNNN User interface: INVALID_CELL_STATUS R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 17 NNNN User interface: SEND_RESET_MESSAGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 18 NNNN User interface: KEYPAD_STOP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 19 NNNN User interface: INVALID_PW_LEVEL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 1A NNNN User interface: BAD_IP_CONVERSION R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 1B NNNN User interface: INVALID_IP_FIELD R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 1C NNNN User interface: INVALID_OSI_FIELD R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 1D NNNN User interface: BAD_OSI_CONVERSION R "Software Failure"
0x 0 6 1E NNNN User interface: BAD_MONTH R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 01 NNNN Courier communication: CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 02 NNNN Courier communication: OBTAIN_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 03 NNNN Courier communication: CREATE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 04 NNNN Courier communication: SEND_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 05 NNNN Courier communication: RECEIVE_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 06 NNNN Courier communication: INTIALISE_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 07 NNNN Courier communication: CREATE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 08 NNNN Courier communication: RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 09 NNNN Courier communication: OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0A NNNN Courier communication: RELEASE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0B NNNN Courier communication: DELETE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0C NNNN Courier communication: READ_DRIVER_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0D NNNN Courier communication: SEND_DRIVER_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0E NNNN Courier communication: ALARM_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 0F NNNN Courier communication: CANCEL_ALARM_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 10 NNNN Courier communication: DISABLE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 11 NNNN Courier communication: ENABLE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 12 NNNN Courier communication: BUFFER_NOT_FREE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 13 NNNN Courier communication: CREATE_UNLOCK_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 14 NNNN Courier communication: CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 15 NNNN Courier communication: RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 16 NNNN Courier communication: DEFAULT_CASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 7 17 NNNN Courier communication: SYSSERV_FAILURE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 01 NNNN K-bus: APP_CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 02 NNNN K-bus: APP_CREATE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 03 NNNN K-bus: APP_CREATE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 04 NNNN K-bus: APP_CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 05 NNNN K-bus: APP_ALLOC_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 06 NNNN K-bus: APP_OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 07 NNNN K-bus: APP_RELEASE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 08 NNNN K-bus: APP_RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 09 NNNN K-bus: APP_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0A NNNN K-bus: APP_SEND_TO_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0B NNNN K-bus: APP_DEFAULT_CASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0C NNNN K-bus: APP_ALARM_CALL_START R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0D NNNN K-bus: APP_ALARM_CALL_STOP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0E NNNN K-bus: TX_CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 0F NNNN K-bus: TX_CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 10 NNNN K-bus: TX_ALLOC_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 11 NNNN K-bus: TX_RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 12 NNNN K-bus: TX_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 13 NNNN K-bus: TX_SEND_TO_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 14 NNNN K-bus: TX_DEFAULT_CASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 15 NNNN K-bus: TX_INIT_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 16 NNNN K-bus: TX_START_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 17 NNNN K-bus: RX_CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 18 NNNN K-bus: RX_ALLOC_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 19 NNNN K-bus: RX_RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1A NNNN K-bus: DRV_STOP_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1B NNNN K-bus: DRV_ADDRESS_CHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1C NNNN K-bus: DRV_START_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1D NNNN K-bus: DRV_READ_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1E NNNN K-bus: KBUS_ALARM_CALL_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 1F NNNN K-bus: KBUS_CANCEL_ALARM_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 20 NNNN K-bus: KBUS_BUFFER_NOT_FREE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 21 NNNN K-bus: KBUS_START_RESTART_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 8 22 NNNN K-bus: KBUS_SYSSERV_FAILURE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 01 NNNN Courier database: UNKNOWN_INSTANCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 02 NNNN Courier database: COURIER_PARAMETERGROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 03 NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_INT32 R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 04 NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_ASCII R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 05 NNNN Courier database: DATABASE_LOCK_STOLEN R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 06 NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_PASSWORD R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 07 NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_INT16 R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 08 NNNN Courier database: SYSSERV_FAILURE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 09 NNNN Courier database: BF03_STATE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 0A NNNN Courier database: SAVECELL_STATE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 0B NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_FLOAT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 0C NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_INDEX R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 0D NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_DATE_TIME R "Software Failure"
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page G-4

Part G - Maintenance Records

0x 0 9 0E NNNN Courier database: COURIER_DECODE_RESTOREDEFAULTS R "Software Failure"

0x 0 9 0F NNNN Courier database: UNKNOWN_DATA_TYPE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 10 NNNN Courier database: UNKNOWN_EVENTID R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 20 NNNN Courier database: UNKNOWN_PG_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 30 NNNN Courier database: BAD_STRING_INDEX R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 40 NNNN Courier database: DEFAULTED_SWITCH R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 50 NNNN Courier database: NO_SEA_INI_DRIV_PHASE1 R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 60 NNNN Courier database: BAD_CELL_REFERENCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 70 NNNN Courier database: GOOSE_CONFIG_NOTIFY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 9 80 NNNN Courier database: BAD_ETHNET_STATUS_GET_TEXT_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 01 NNNN Modbus communication: CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 02 NNNN Modbus communication: CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 03 NNNN Modbus communication: GET_QUEUE_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 04 NNNN Modbus communication: GET_TASKDATA_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 05 NNNN Modbus communication: CREATE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 06 NNNN Modbus communication: RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 07 NNNN Modbus communication: OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 08 NNNN Modbus communication: RELEASE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 09 NNNN Modbus communication: CREATE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0A NNNN Modbus communication: CONTROL_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0B NNNN Modbus communication: GET_STACK_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0C NNNN Modbus communication: INIT_DRIVER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0D NNNN Modbus communication: SCM_SEND_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0E NNNN Modbus communication: SCM_RECEIVE_FRAME R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 0F NNNN Modbus communication: GETINSTANCE_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 10 NNNN Modbus communication: GETFRAME_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 11 NNNN Modbus communication: UNLOCK_DATABASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 12 NNNN Modbus communication: SEND_NOTIFY_MESSAGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 13 NNNN Modbus communication: INVALID_BAUDRATE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 14 NNNN Modbus communication: INVALID_PARITY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 15 NNNN Modbus communication: INVALID_MESSAGE_ID R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 16 NNNN Modbus communication: INVALID_MESSAGE_SID R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 17 NNNN Modbus communication: LDA_COMMIT_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 18 NNNN Modbus communication: LDA_RESTORE_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 A 19 NNNN Modbus communication: RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 01 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 02 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_CREATE_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 03 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_CREATE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 04 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 05 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_ALLOC_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 06 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 07 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_START_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 08 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 09 NNNN VDEW communication: APP_SEND_TO_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0A NNNN VDEW communication: APP_BAD_MSG R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0B NNNN VDEW communication: APP_DEFAULT_CASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0C NNNN VDEW communication: APP_CONTROL_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0D NNNN VDEW communication: APP_RESET_TIMER R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0E NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_CREATE_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 0F NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_CREATE_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 10 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_ALLOC_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 11 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_RESUME_TASK R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 12 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_RECEIVE_FROM_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 13 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_SEND_TO_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 14 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_INFO_OF_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 15 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_RESET_QUEUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 16 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_BAD_MSG R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 17 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DEFAULT_CASE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 18 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DRV_INIT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 19 NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DRV_SETTING_CHANGE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1A NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DRV_START_STOP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1B NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DRV_RX R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1C NNNN VDEW communication: LNK_DRV_TX R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1D NNNN VDEW communication: SYS_SERV R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1E NNNN VDEW communication: OBTAIN_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 1F NNNN VDEW communication: RELEASE_SEMAPHORE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 20 NNNN VDEW communication: BAD_SETTING R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 21 NNNN VDEW communication: BAD_ADDRESS R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 22 NNNN VDEW communication: ASDU_SOURCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 23 NNNN VDEW communication: STACK_SOURCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 24 NNNN VDEW communication: SUP_SOURCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 B 25 NNNN VDEW communication: DIST_SOURCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 C 01 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: SERIAL_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 02 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: FLASH_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 03 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: CREATE_SWDT_FAIL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 C 04 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: MEM_ALLOC D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 05 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: QUEUE_CREATE D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 06 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: TASK_CREATE D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 07 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: DATEANDTIME_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 08 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: LOGGINGAPI_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 09 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: AUTOINITDATA_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 0A NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: RESTOREDEFAULTDATA_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 0B NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: BADACTIVEGROUP_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 0C NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: RESTOREACTIVEGROUP_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 0E NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: RELAY_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 0F NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: CREATE_FWDT_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 10 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: FWD_TIMEOUT R "Software Failure"
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441, P442 & P444 Page G-5

Part G - Maintenance Records

0x 0 C 10 0001 Problème Non Configuration de la carte COPROCE R "Software Failure"

0x 0 C 10 0002 Problème Non Configuration de la tâche LOGIQUE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 C 10 0003 Problème Non Configuration de la carte COPROCE et la tâche Logique R "Software Failure"
0x 0 C 11 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: PERM_TEST_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 12 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: CREATE_LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 13 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: STOP_LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 14 0001 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_SERIAL_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0002 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_LCD_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0003 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_FLASH_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0004 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_DATE_AND_TIME_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0006 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_REL_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0007 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_LOGS_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0008 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_DATABASE_INIT
0x 0 C 14 0009 Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_DATABASE_COMMIT
0x 0 C 14 000A Initialisation & monitoring: LKUP_FAIL D NO MAINT PLERR_IRIGB_ENABLE
0x 0 C 15 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: XINITIALISE_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 C 16 10 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "SRAM Failure Bus" RAM BUS
0x 0 C 16 11 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "SRAM Failure Blk" RAM BLK
0x 0 C 16 12 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "FLASH Failure" FLASH CKS
0x 0 C 16 13 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "Code Verify Fail" CODE COMPAR
0x 0 C 16 14 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "BBRAM Failure" BATTERY SRAM
0x 0 C 16 15 Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "EEPROM Failure" EEPROM CKS
0x 0 C 16 BN Initialisation & monitoring: CONT_TEST_FAIL R "Software Failure" RELAY N = N° carte
0x 0 C 17 16 Initialisation & monitoring: SEC_TEST_FAIL D "fast W'Dog Error" FAST WATCH DOG NON EXP
0x 0 C 17 17 Initialisation & monitoring: SEC_TEST_FAIL D "BBRAM Failure" BATTERY SRAM
0x 0 C 17 18 Initialisation & monitoring: SEC_TEST_FAIL D "Bus Reset Error" BUS RESET
0x 0 C 17 19 Initialisation & monitoring: SEC_TEST_FAIL D "Slow W'Dog Error" SLOW WATCH DOG
0x 0 C 17 1A Initialisation & monitoring: SEC_TEST_FAIL D "fast W'Dog Error" FAST WATCH DOG EXP
0x 0 C 18 NNNN Initialisation & monitoring: FIXVT_FAIL D NO MAINT
0x 0 D 01 NNNN Method support: INVALID_PARAM_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 02 NNNN Method support: INVALID_COURIER_INST R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 03 NNNN Method support: INVALID_DEP_TYPE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 04 NNNN Method support: INVALID_GRP_GV R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 05 NNNN Method support: INVALID_GRP_NOTIFY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 06 NNNN Method support: INVALID_OPTO_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 07 NNNN Method support: INVALID_RELAY_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 D 08 NNNN Method support: DEFAULTED_SWITCH R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 01 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: INVALID_SIZE_FL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 02 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: INVALID_SIZE_PSL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 03 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: INVALID_BYTE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 04 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: INVALID_DECTUPLE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 05 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: INVALID_COND_SETTINGS R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 06 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: TIMERS_DEFAULT R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 07 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: NO_RESPONSE_FN R "Software Failure"
0x 0 E 08 NNNN Prog. scheme logic: FAIL_EXECUTION R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 01 NNNN User interface method: GET_DATA_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 02 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_LIMITS_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 03 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_VALUE_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 04 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_DISPLAY_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 05 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_TEXT_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 06 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_SET_VALUE_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 07 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_STRING_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 08 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_EVENT_TYPE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 09 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_GET_DATA_TYPE_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 0A NNNN User interface method: IRIG_B_CONFIG_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 0B NNNN User interface method: ENCODE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 0E NNNN User interface method: GET_EVENT_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 00 NNNN User interface method: LIMITS_CHECK_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 10 NNNN User interface method: DEFAULTS_RESTORE_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 11 NNNN User interface method: GROUP_COPY_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 12 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_CELL_LOCK_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 13 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_CELL_UNLOCK_CALL R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 14 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_CELL_REFERENCE R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 15 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_RELAY_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 0 F 16 NNNN User interface method: INVALID_OPTO_GROUP R "Software Failure"
0x 1 0 01 NNNN Platform utilities: BAD_INTERFACE R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 01 NNNN Modbus database: INVALID_CELL_ACCESS R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 02 NNNN Modbus database: UNLOCK_REG_UNRESOLVED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 03 NNNN Modbus database: UNLOCK_REG_MISMATCH R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 04 NNNN Modbus database: READ_REG_UNRESOLVED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 05 NNNN Modbus database: READ_REG_MISMATCH R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 06 NNNN Modbus database: WRITE_REG_UNRESOLVED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 07 NNNN Modbus database: WRITE_REG_MISMATCH R "Software Failure"
0x 1 1 08 NNNN Modbus database: T_ACCESS_NONE_CALLED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 01 NNNN Modbus method: GET_DATA_MEMORY R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 02 NNNN Modbus method: INTEGER_WRONG_SIZE R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 03 NNNN Modbus method: DEFAULTS_RESTORE_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 04 NNNN Modbus method: GROUP_COPY_FAILED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 05 NNNN Modbus method: SET_VALUE_NONE_CALLED R "Software Failure"
0x 1 2 06 NNNN Modbus method: INVALID_REGISTER_SPACE R "Software Failure"
Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441/P442 & P444

P44x/EN GC/E33 Configuration / Mapping

MiCOM P441/P442 & P444

Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441/P442 & P444 Page 1/4

Input-Opto Couplers

DIST. Chan Recv

DDB #128
Opto Label 01
DDB #064
DEF. Chan Recv
DDB #129

DDB #130
Opto Label 02
DDB #065
DDB #131

Opto Label 03 MCB/VTS Line

DDB #066 DDB #134

Opto Label 04 BAR

DDB #067 DDB #117

Opto Label 05 CB Healthy

DDB #068 DDB #119

Opto Label 06 Man. Close CB

DDB #069 DDB #122

Opto Label 07 Reset Lockout

DDB #070 DDB #148

SPAR Enable
DDB #110
Opto Label 08
DDB #071

TPAR Enable
DDB #111

Files:p441uk09.psl, p442uk09.psl and p444uk09.psl

P44x/EN GC/E33 Configuration Mapping

Page 2/4 MiCOM P441/P442 & P444

Output Contact

Z1 0
DDB #255 Relay Label 01
Straight DDB #000 Trip Z1

DDB #246

DDB #247
DDB #248

DDB #243

DDB #255

DDB #256
Z2 Distance
DDB #257 Straight Relay Label 10
DDB #009
0 Aided Trip
DDB #260

DDB #258

DDB #259

DDB #255 Latching LED 5 Z1 +
DDB #100
Aided Trip
DDB #256

Any Trip A
DDB #325 Straight Relay Label 02
DDB #001 Trip A

Any Trip B
DDB #326 Straight Relay Label 03
DDB #002 Trip B

Any Trip C
DDB #327 Straight Relay Label 04
DDB #003 Trip C

DIST Sig. Send 0

DDB #242
Straight Relay Label 05 Signal Send
DDB #004
DEF Sig. Send 0 (Dist. + DEF)
DDB #271

Files:p441uk09.psl, p442uk09.psl and p444uk09.psl

Configuration / Mapping P44x/EN GC/E33

MiCOM P441/P442 & P444 Page 3/4

Output Contact

Any Start
DDB #317 Straight Relay Label 06
DDB #005 General Start

Any Start
DDB #317 Latching LED 4
DDB #099 General Start
Any Start
DDB #317 Dwell

Any Trip
DDB #468 Starting
DDB #321
Fault Recorder

Any Trip
DDB #321 Straight Relay Label 07
DDB #006 General Trip

General Alarm
DDB #161 Straight Relay Label 08
DDB #007 General Alarm

IN>1 Trip
DDB #281

IN>2 Trip
DDB #282
DEF Trip A
Straight Relay Label 09 Trip
DDB #278 DDB #008
DEF Trip B
DDB #279
DDB #280

A/R Lockout
DDB #234 Straight Relay Label 11
DDB #010 A/R lockout

A/R 1P In Prog
DDB #224 0
Straight Relay Label 12 A/R
DDB #011
A/R 3P In Prog
DDB #225
0 in Progress

A/R Close Relay Label 13
DDB #223 Straight DDB #012 A/R Close

Power Swing
DDB #269 Straight Relay Label 14
DDB #013
Power Swing

Files:p441uk09.psl, p442uk09.psl and p444uk09.psl

P44x/EN GC/E33 Configuration Mapping

Page 4/4 MiCOM P441/P442 & P444

Leds Front Panel

Any Trip A LED 1

DDB #325 Latching DDB #096 Trip A

Any Trip B Latching LED 2

DDB #326 DDB #097 Trip B

Any Trip C Latching LED 3

DDB #327 DDB #098 Trip C

DIST Fwd Latching LED 6

DDB #244 DDB #101 Forward

DIST Rev Latching LED 7

DDB #245 DDB #102 Reverse

A/R Enable Non - LED 8

DDB #231
Latching DDB #103 A/R Enable

Files:p441uk09.psl, p442uk09.psl and p444uk09.psl

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