01 Technical Standards

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Considerations in the formulation of Technical Standards for domestic
1. The prevention of harmful signal interference.
2. The provision for better quality.
3. The proper utilization of the broadcast spectrum.


Medium Frequency Broadcast Station – an AM broadcast station licensed for

aural or sound transmissions intended for direct reception by the general public
and operated on a channel in the Medium Frequency Band.

Medium Frequency Broadcast Band – the band of frequencies from 526.5 to

1705 kHz.

Medium Frequency Broadcast Channel – the band of frequencies occupied by

the carrier and two sidebands of an AM Broadcast signal with the carrier
frequency at the center.


Channel Frequency (kHz)
1 531
2 540
3 549
4 558
5 567
6 576
⋮ ⋮
129 1683
130 1692
131 1701

Carrier Wave – a sinusoidal voltage or current generated in a transmitter and

subsequently modulated by a modulating wave.

Carrier Frequency – the frequency of the carrier wave.

Operating Frequency – the carrier frequency at any particular time.

Authorized Frequency – the carrier frequency authorized by the authority.

Hertz (Hz) – used as a unit of frequency, supplanting the term “cycle per second”

Percentage Modulation (Amplitude)

In positive direction: In negative direction:

where m – modulation level in percent

max – instantaneous maximum level of the modulated radio
frequency envelope
min – instantaneous minimum level of the modulated radio
frequency envelope
C – carrier level of radio frequency envelope without modulation

Maximum Percentage of Modulation – the greatest percentage of modulation

that may be obtained by a transmitter without producing, in its output, harmonics
of the modulating frequency in excess of those permitted by these regulations.

High-Level Modulation – modulation produced in the last radio stage of the


Low-Level Modulation – modulation produced in an earlier stage than the final.

Operating Power – the transmitter output power.

Maximum Rated Carrier Power – maximum power at which the transmitter can
be operated satisfactorily and is determined by the design of the transmitter.

Authorized Operating Power – power authorized by the authority.

Input Power – the product of the voltage and current at the output of the last
radio stage, measured without modulation.

Antenna Input Power – the product of the square of the antenna current and the
antenna resistance at the point where the current is measured.

Antenna Current – the radio-frequency current in the antenna with no


Antenna Resistance – means the total resistance of the transmitting antenna

system at the operating frequency and at the point at which the antenna current is

Modulator Stage – the last audio amplifier stage of the modulating wave which
modulates a radio-frequency stage.

Modulated Stage – the radio-frequency stage to which the modulator is coupled

and in which the continuous wave (carrier wave) is modulated in accordance with
the system of modulation and the characteristics of the modulating wave.

Daytime – period between 2200 Universal Time Coordinates (UTC) to 1000 UTC
(6:00 am – 6:00 pm local standard time).

Nighttime – time between 1000 UTC to 2200 UTC (6:00 pm – 6:00 am local
standard time).

Experimental Period – time between 1600 UTC – 2100 UTC (12 midnight to
5:00 am local standard time).

Field Strength – the rms value of the voltage strength produced in space by the
electric field or radio wave (dB).

Effective Field – or effective field intensity is the rms value of the inverse
distance field at 1.6 km from the antenna in all directions in the horizontal plane.

Service Areas
Primary Service Area – area in which the groundwave field of 1mV/m (60
dBu) is not subject to objectionable fading.

Secondary Service Area – served by the skywave and not subject to

objectionable interference. The signal is subject to intermittent variations in

Intermittent Service Area – the area receiving service from the groundwave
but beyond the primary service area and subject to some interference and

Audio-Frequency Signal-to-Interference Ratio – ratio (in dB) between the
values of the voltage of the wanted signal and the voltage of the interference,
measured under specified conditions, at the audio-frequency output of the

Audio-Frequency Protection Ratio – the agreed minimum value of the audio-

frequency signal-to-interference ratio considered necessary to achieve a
subjectively defined reception quality.

Radio-Frequency Wanted-to-Interference Signal Ratio – ratio (in dB) between

the values of the radio-frequency voltage of the wanted signal and the interfering
signal, measured at the output of the receiver under specified conditions.

Radio-Frequency Protection Ratio – value of the radio-frequency wanted-to-

interference signal ratio that enables, under specified conditions, the audio-
frequency protection ratio to be obtained at the output of a receiver.

Attended Transmitter – a transmitter where a qualified technician is in

attendance during all periods of its operation.

Carrier Shift – the variation of the mean carrier amplitude resulting from the
process of amplitude modulation; carrier shift is expressed in terms of variations
produced at a given percentage modulation by a sinusoidal test signal, the
variation being expressed as a percentage of the unmodulated carrier amplitude.

Total Harmonic Distortion – the effective value of the harmonic voltages

present in the audio frequency output of the equipment under test. It is expressed
as a percentage of the effective value of the fundamental audio frequency voltage
and the harmonic voltages present in the output.

Noise Level
Noise level – the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the voltage of spurious
origin present in the audio frequency output of the equipment under test,
expressed in decibels relative to a specified RMS value of sinusoidal audio
frequency voltage.

Unweighted Noise Level in a specified band means the noise level in that
band measured by an instrument, the frequency response of which is uniform
over that band.

Frequency Response – the variation, over a specified audio frequency range of

the transmission efficiency of the equipment under test; the variation is expressed

in decibels relative to the transmission efficiency at a specific frequency, such as
1,000 Hz.

Gain of an Audio Frequency Amplifier – the gain of an audio-frequency

amplifier or a chain of audio-frequency equipment incorporating one or more such
amplifiers, means the ratio, expressed in decibels of the power delivered to the
load at a specific frequency (usually 1kHz) to the power which would be delivered
to the same load if the amplifier or chain of equipment were replaced by an ideal
transformer matching the nominal load and source impedances.

Spurious Emission – the emission on any frequency outside of the assigned

channel or authorized band of frequencies and tolerances allowed by these
regulations. Emissions outside of the assigned channel, as a result of the
modulation process, is not considered spurious, unless it is due to overmodulation.

Authority – the National Telecommunications Commission.

Licensee – the holder of a license for a broadcasting station issued by the


Qualified technician – a person who is a holder of a radio operator’s license or its

equivalent, as required by these regulations, issued by the authority.


Equipment shall be constructed according to good engineering practice, such as:

1. mechanical soundness
2. neatness of wiring
3. accessibility for maintenance

A. General Technical Requirements

1. Adequacy of components
2. Compliance with Electrical Wiring Rules
3. Regulation of Supply Voltage
4. Protection
a. Protection of persons
b. Protection of equipment

B. Detailed Technical Requirements

1. Consideration of the Antenna System
a. selection of the antenna site
b. the polarization

c. the strength of the signal leaving the antenna

2. Location of Antenna Site

a. Location in relation to the population to be served and to other
communication installations and airports
b. Conductivity of the soil at and immediately adjacent to the site
c. Conductivity of the path between the site and the target area.

3. Antenna Design
a. The transmitting antenna system shall be vertically polarized and
shall radiate an effective field of not less than that of a 60-degree
vertical radiator.

4. Transmitting Equipment
a. Location and Layout
o Adequate space shall be provided in the building
o Adequate ventilation
o Adequate lighting shall be provided in all equipment rooms to
facilitate operation and maintenance of the equipment
b. Design, Construction, and Safety to Life:
o The transmitter must be capable of delivering its rated carrier
o The transmitter must be capable of delivering and maintaining
its carrier power within the required limits of + 10 percent
o The transmitter must be capable of satisfactory operation at the
authorized operating power with modulation of at least 90
percent with no more distortion.
o The transmitter must be capable of maintaining the operating
frequency within the limits of ± 10 Hertz of the assigned
o The carrier shift(current) at any percentage of modulation shall
not exceed 5 percent
o The carrier hum and extraneous noise level, (unweighted r.s.s.)
exclusive of microphone and studio noises over the frequency
band 30 to 20,000 Hz is, at least, 45dB below the level of a
sinusoidal tone of a 400 Hz, producing 90 percent modulation of
the carrier.
o The transmitter must be equipped with indicating instruments to
continuously measure the DC plate current and voltage and any
other indicating instruments necessary for proper operation.
o The transmitter shall be equipped with an adequate control
system for the application and removal of power.

o Adequate allowances shall be provided for all component parts
to avoid overheating at the maximum rated power output.
o The transmitter shall be operated, tuned, and adjusted so that
emissions outside of the authorized channel do not cause
harmful interference to the reception of other stations.
o In general, the transmitter shall be constructed either on racks
and panels or in totally enclosed frames protected as required by
the Philippine Electronics Code.
o Bleeder resistors or such other automatic means shall be
installed across all the condenser banks to remove any charge
which may remain after the high voltage circuit is opened.
o Plate supply and other high voltage devices, including
transformers, filters, rectifiers, and motor generators, shall be
provided with protective circuits so as to prevent injury to
operating personnel.
o Wiring between units of the transmitter shall be installed in
conduits or approved fiber or metal raceways to protect it from
mechanical injury.
o An oscilloscope or a type approved meter indicator type
modulation monitor is required for monitoring transmitter
o A frequency monitor or a type approved frequency meter
indicator is required for monitoring transmitter carrier

5. Metering Equipment
a. Linear scale instruments indicating the plate current or plate voltage
of the last radio stage shall meet the following specifications:
o Length of scale shall not be less than 6 cms.
o Accuracy shall be at least 2 percent of the full reading.
o The maximum rating of the meter shall be such that it does not
read off scale during normal operation.
o Full scale reading shall not be greater than five times the
minimum normal indication.

b. Instruments indicating antenna current, common point current, and

base currents shall meet the following specifications:

Instruments having logarithmic or square law scales:

o Full scale reading shall not be greater than three times the
minimum normal indication.

o No scale division above one-fifth scale reading (in amperes)
shall be greater than one-fiftieth of the full scale reading.
Frequency Monitor Specifications:
o The unit shall have an accuracy of at least 5 parts per million
under ordinary conditions of temperature and humidity
encountered in standard broadcast stations throughout the
o The range of the indicating device shall be, at least, from 20.
Hertz below to 20 Hertz above the assigned frequency.

6. Monitoring Equipment
a. Frequency Monitor
b. Modulation Monitor

7. Studio, Equipment, and Allied Facilities

a. Studio Location and Layout
o Each studio shall be associated with a control room from which
the operational area of the studio may be viewed with ease.
o Studios and control rooms shall be so constructed that they are
adequately insulated from sources of extraneous noise and
vibration, and the acoustic treatment of such studios and control
rooms shall be in accordance with good engineering practice.

8. Emergency Equipment and Facilities

a. Alternate Main Transmitter
o The regular and the optional main transmitter are co-located in a
single place.
o The external effects from both regular and alternate main
transmitters shall substantially be the same as to frequency

b. Auxiliary Transmitter
o An auxiliary transmitter may be provided and may be installed
in the same location as the regular main transmitter or in another
o Its operating power shall not be less than 10% or never greater
than the authorized operating power of the main transmitter.
o A licensed operator shall be in control whenever an auxiliary
transmitter is placed in operation.
o When installed in a location different from that of the regular
main transmitter, a type-approved modulation monitor and a
frequency monitor are required to be installed along with it.

c. Emergency Electric Power Generating Unit
d. Emergency Announce Equipment Complement
e. Spare Component Parts
f. Fire Fighting Facilities


1. Studio-to-Transmitter Link (STL)

Band A 300-315 MHz
Band B 734-752 MHz
Band C 942-952 MHz
The maximum power allowable for STLs shall be 15 watts.

2. Remote Pick-Up Broadcast Station

Band A 315-325 MHz
Band B 450-451 MHz
Band C 455-456 MHz
The maximum power allowable Remote Pick-up Stations shall be 35 watts.

3. Communications, Coordination and Control Link

Band A 4-12 MHz (non-exclusive)
Band B 25.67-26.1. MHz
Band C 162.235-162.615 MHz
166.250 and
170.150 MHz
Band D 432.5-433 MHz
437.5-438 MHz
The maximum power allowable for Communications, Coordination and
Control Link shall be:
Band A 100 watts (SBS)
Band B 160 watts (ERP)
Band C 160 watts (ERP)
Band D 200 watts
(for repeater)


A. Hours of Operation
1. Minimum Operating Schedule

a. The licensee shall maintain a minimum operating schedule of two-
thirds of the total hours that it is authorized to operate.

2. Broadcast(s) outside of the authorized regular operating schedules (as

before regular sign-on schedules and/or beyond the regular sign-off
schedules) may be aired without prior authorization from the Authority
provided the program falls under an emergency category or of very
important relevance to the station’s existence.

3. If a permanent discontinuance of operations is being contemplated, then

the licensee shall notify in writing the Authority or regional office where
the station is located at least two (2) days before the actual
discontinuance is effected.

B. Other Operating Practices

The percentage of modulation shall be maintained as high as possible,
consistent with good quality transmission.

C. Posting of Station and Operator Licenses

The original copy of the operator’s license shall be posted at the place where
he is on duty as an operator.

D. Operator Requirements
A radio operator holding a valid radio telephone first class operator’s license
shall be in actual charge of the transmitting apparatus and shall be on duty either
at the transmitter location or remote control point.
The licensee of a station shall employ at least one (1) full time licensed first-
class radiotelephone operator whose primary duty shall be to effect and insure the
proper functioning of the transmitting equipment.

E. Station Identification Announcements

A licensee of a medium-frequency broadcast station shall make station
identification announcements (call letters, frequency, and location) at the
beginning and ending of each time of operation and during operation on the hour
and either on the half hour or at the quarter hour preceding the next hour.

F. Logs
1. In the Program Log:
o An entry of the time each station identification announcement (call
letters, frequency, and location) is made.
o An entry briefly describing each program broadcast, such as “music,
“drama”, “speech’, etc. together with the name or title thereof, and

the sponsor’s name, with the time of the beginning and ending of the
complete program.
o An entry showing that each sponsored program broadcast has been
announced as sponsored, paid for, or furnished by the sponsor.
o An entry showing, for each program of network origin, the name of
the network originating the program.
o An entry of the time the program begins and ends.

2. In the Operating Log (Transmitter Log)

o An entry of the time the station begins to supply power to the
antenna, and the time it stops.
o An entry of each interruption to the carrier wave, its cause, and
o An entry of the following every 30 minutes:
 Operating constants of the last radio frequency stage plate
current and plate voltage
 Antenna current
o Any other entries required by the instrument of authorization.
o A log of all operations must be kept during the experimental period.
If the entries required above are not applicable thereto, then the
entries shall be made so as to fully describe the operation.
o Logs of medium frequency broadcast stations shall be retained by
the licensee or permittee for a period of two (2) years.
o Each log shall be maintained and signed by the radio operator during
his hour of duty.
o The log shall be kept in an orderly manner, in suitable form, and in
such detail that the data required for the particular class of station
concerned are readily available.
o No log or portion thereof shall be erased, obliterated, or willfully
destroyed within the period of retention provided by the rules.
o Rough log may be transcribed into condensed form, but in such
cases the original rough log or memoranda and all portions thereof
shall be preserved and made a part of the complete log.


Maximum Power Allocation

Area Maximum Power (kW)
Metro Manila* 50 kW
All other areas 10 kW

* NOTE: Transmitters of Existing Metro Manila Stations may be located outside
of Metro Manila. Provided, Metro Manila remains within the 80 dBu contour of
the transmitter.

o The station shall not operate more than 5% and not lower than 10% of its
authorized operating power.
o The Authority may grant a permit to operate a non- commercial AM
broadcast station exceeding these Maximum Power Allocations on a
case-to-case basis; Provided, such proposed station shall conform with
the Frequency Allocation Rules and Regulations.
o For new stations and increase of power applications, the maximum
power allowed must conform to protection ratios embodied in the
medium-wave band and therefore, shall be acted upon on a case to case


o A copy of the station license.

o Documents as to mode of ownership whether partnerships, corporation or
single proprietorship including trade name as registered in the
Department of Trade.
o A list of changes in transmitting facilities arranged chronologically).
Annex to this list, the corresponding licenses and permits supporting the
o Copies of the Program Standards, the Technical Standards, the NTC
compilation of laws, regulations, circulars and memoranda.
o Evidence of membership in the KBP.



FM broadcast band – portion of the radio frequency spectrum from 88 MHz to

108 MHz.

FM broadcast channel – band of frequencies 200 kilohertz wide and is

designated by its center frequency. Channels for FM broadcast stations begin at
88.1 megahertz and continue in successive steps of 200 kilohertz to and including
107.9 megahertz.


Channel Frequency (MHz)
201 88.1
202 88.3
204 88.5
205 88.7
206 88.9
⋮ 89.1
298 ⋮

FM broadcast station – station employing frequency modulation in the FM

broadcast band and intended to be received by the general public.

Frequency Modulation – a system of modulation where the instantaneous

frequency varies in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of the modulating

signal, and the instantaneous radio frequency is independent of the frequency of
the modulating signal.

Center frequency – the carrier frequency allocated by the Authority.

Frequency Swing – the instantaneous departure of the frequency of the emitted

wave from the center frequency resulting from modulation.
Antenna height above terrain (HAAT) – the height of the radiation center of the
antenna above the terrain 3 to 16 kilometers from the antenna. (Generally, a
different antenna height will be determined for each radial direction from the
– where circular or elliptical polarization is employed the antenna height
above average terrain shall be based upon the height of the radiation center of the
antenna which transmits the horizontal components of radiation.

Antenna field gain – the ratio of the effective free space field intensity produced
at 1.6 kilometers in the horizontal plane expressed in millivolts per meter for one
(1) kilowatt antenna input power, to 137.6 millivolts per meter.

Antenna power gain – the square of the ratio of the root- mean-square free space
field strength produced at 1.6 kilometers in the horizontal plane, in millivolts per
meter for one (1) kilowatt antenna power, to 137.6 millivolts per meter.

Effective radiated power (ERP) – the product of the transmitter power

(transmitter output power less transmission line loss) multiplied by (a) the antenna
power gain or (b) the antenna field gain squared.

Field intensity – “Field intensity” as used in these standards shall mean the
electric field intensity in the horizontal direction.

Free space field intensity – the field intensity that would exist at a point, in the
absence of waves reflected from the earth or other reflecting objects.

Service area – as applied to FM broadcasting, means the service resulting from an

assigned effective radiated power and antenna height above average terrain.

Radio-frequency (R.F.) Protection Ratio – the value of the radio-frequency

wanted-to-interfering signal ratio that enables, under specified conditions, the
radio-frequency protection ratio to be obtained at the output of a receiver.

Percentage modulation – the ratio of the actual frequency swing to the frequency
swing defined as 100 percent modulation, expressed in percentage.

Multiplexing – in its simplest sense, multiplexing implies that two or more
independent sources of information are combined for carriage over a single
medium, namely, the radio frequency “carrier”, and then are separated at the
receiving end.

FM Stereophonic Broadcast – the transmission of a stereophonic program by a

single FM broadcast station utilizing the main channel and a stereophonic sub-

Channel – a transmission path.

Composite Baseband Signal – a signal which is the sum of all signals which
frequency-modulates the main carrier. The signal can be represented by a formula
which includes all signal components: the main channel signal, the modulated
stereophonic subcarrier, the pilot subcarrier and the SCA subcarrier(s).

FM Baseband – the frequency band from 0 Hertz (Hz) to a specified upper

frequency which contains the composite baseband signal.

Main Channel – the band of frequencies from 50 (or less) Hz to 15,000 Hz on the
FM baseband which contains the main channel signal.

Main Channel Signal – a specified combination of the monophonic or left and

right audio signals which frequency-modulates the main carrier.

Stereophonic Sound – the audio information carried by plurality of channels

arranged to afford the listener a sense of the spatial distribution of sound sources.
Stereophonic sound includes, but is not limited to, biphonic (two channel),
triphonic (three channel) and quadraphonic (four channel) services.

Stereophonic Sound Subcarrier – a subcarrier within the FM broadcast

baseband used for transmitting signals for stereophonic sound reception of the
main broadcast program service.

Stereophonic Sound Subchannel – the band of frequencies from 23 kHz to 99

kHz containing sound subcarriers and their associated sidebands.

Subchannel – a transmission path specified by a subchannel signal occupying a

specified band of frequencies.

Subchannel Signal – subcarrier(s) and associated sideband(s) which frequency-

modulate the main carrier.

Pilot sub-carrier – a pilot sub-carrier serving as a control signal for use in the
reception of FM stereophonic broadcast.

Left (or Right) signal – the electrical output of a microphone or a combination of

microphones placed so as to convey the, intensity, time, and location of sounds
originating predominantly to the listener’s left (or right) of the center of the
performing area.

Left (or Right) stereophonic channel – the left (or right) signal as electrically
reproduced in the reception of an FM stereophonic broadcast.

Stereophonic separation – the ratio of the electrical signal caused in the right (or
left) stereophonic channel, to the electrical signal caused in the left (or right)
stereophonic channel, by the transmission of only a right (or left) signal.

Frequency Deviation – the peak difference between the instantaneous frequency

of the modulated wave and the carrier frequency.

Injection Ratio – the ratio of the frequency swing of the FM carrier by a

subchannel signal to the frequency swing defined as 100 percent modulation,
expressed in percentage.

Cross-talk – an undesired signal occurring in one channel caused by an electrical

signal in another channel.

Linear Crosstalk – a form of “crosstalk” in which the undesired signal(s) is

created by phase or gain inequalities in another channel or channels. Such
crosstalk may be due to causes external to the stereophonic generator
consequently it is sometimes referred to as “system crosstalk’.

Nonlinear Crosstalk – a form of crosstalk in which the undesired signal(s) is

created by harmonic distortion or intermodulation of electrical signal(s) in another
channel or channels. Such crosstalk may be due to distribution within the
stereophonic generator or FM transmitter consequently it is sometimes referred to
as “transmitter crosstalk”.

SCA – “Subsidiary Communications Authorization”

Index of cooperation – as applied to facsimile broadcasting, is the product of the

number of lines per inch, the available length in inches, and the reciprocal of the
line- use ratio (e.g. 105 x 8.2 x 8/7 = 984)

Line-use ratio – as applied to facsimile broadcasting is the ratio of the available
line to the total length of scanning line.

Available line – means the portion of the total length of scanning line that can be
used specifically for picture signals.

Rectilinear scanning – the process of scanning an area in a predetermined

sequence of narrow straight parallel strips.

Optical density – the logarithm (to the base 10) of the ratio of incident to
transmitted or reflected light

Experimental Period – the period between 12 midnight to 5:00 a.m. local

standard time (1600-2100 GMT).

Operating Power – this is the product of the plate voltage(Ep) and the plate
current(lp) of the last radio stage and efficiency factor, F, expressed:

Operating Power = Ep x lp x F

Last radio stage – the oscillator or radio-frequency-power amplifier stage which

supplies power to the antenna.

Qualified technician – as applied to FM broadcasting means a person who is a

holder of any class of Radio Telephone Operator.

Class-A Station – a Class-A station shall have an authorized transmitter power

not exceeding 25 kilowatts and an Effective Radiated Power (ERP) not exceeding
125 kilowatts and limited in antenna height of 2,000 feet above average terrain.
The minimum transmitter power shall be 10 kW.

Class-B station – a Class-B station shall have an authorized transmitter power not
exceeding 10 kilowatts and an Effective Radiated Power not exceeding 30
kilowatts, and limited in antenna height of 500 feet above average terrain. The
minimum transmitter power shall be 1 kW.

Class-C station – a Class-C station is a non-commercial, community station

having an authorized radiated power not exceeding 1,000 watts (ERP).

Class-D Station – a class-D station shall have an authorized transmitter power not
exceeding 10 watts. Educational stations shall be allowed to operate with Class-D
transmitter power.

Radio Frequency Protection Ratio
Frequency Spacing, (kHz) R.F. Signal Ratio
0 60 dBu: 15 dBu
200 60 dBu: 53 dBu
400 60 dBu; 80 dBu


A. Safety Requirements - conformity with Electrical Wiring Rules

B. Transmitting Facilities
o Location and Layout – the transmitting site should be selected consistent
with the purpose of the station.
o Antenna System

C. Transmitter and Associated Equipment

o Electrical Performance Standards
o Construction
o Wiring and Shielding
o Metering equipment
o Indicating Instruments
o Installation

D. Monitoring Equipment
o Frequency Monitor
o Modulation Monitor

E. Subsidiary Communications Authorization (SCA)

Permissible uses of the SCA must fall within one or both of the following
a. Transmission of programs which are of a broadcast nature, but which are of
interest primarily to limited segments of the public wishing to subscribe
thereto. Illustrative services include: background music, storecasting, detailed
weather forecasting; special time signals; and other material of a broadcast
nature expressly designed and intended for business, professional,
educational, religious, trade, labor, agricultural, or other groups engaged in
any lawful activity.

b. Transmission of signals which are directly related to the operation of FM

broadcast stations; for example: relaying of broadcast material to other FM
and standard AM broadcast stations; remote cueing and order circuits; remote

control telemetering functions associated with authorized STL operation, and
similar uses.

F. Facsimile engineering standards

The following standards apply to facsimile broadcasting under SCA operations.

a. Rectilinear scanning shall be employed, with scanning spot progressing from
left to right and scanned lines progressing from top to bottom of subject copy.

b. The standard index of cooperation shall be 984.

c. The number of scanning lines per minute shall be 360.

d. The line-use ratio shall be 7/8, or 315 degrees of the full scanning cycle.

e. The 1/8 cycle or 45 degrees not included in the available scanning line shall
be divided into 3 equal parts, the first 15 degrees being used for transmission
at approximately white level, The second 15 degrees for transmission at
approximately black level, and the third 15 degrees for transmission at
approximately white level.

f. An interval of not more than 12 seconds shall be available between two pages
of subject copy, for the transmission of a page-separation signal and/or other

g. Amplitude or (frequency-shift) modulation of the subcarrier shall be used.

h. Subcarrier modulation shall normally vary approximately linearly with the

optical density of the subject copy.

i. Negative modulation shall be used, i.e., for amplitude modulation of

subcarrier, maximum subcarrier amplitude and maximum radio frequency
swing on black; for frequency modulation of subcarrier, highest instantaneous
frequency of subcarrier on black.

j. Subcarrier noise level shall be maintained at least 30dB below maximum

(black) picture modulation level, at the radio transmitter input.

G. Studio, Equipment & Allied Facilities

Studio Location and Layout
a. Each studio shall be associated with a control room from which the
operational area of the studio may be viewed with. However, when the studio
and control rooms are integrated into one, an announcer shall perform simple
front panel type functions like level adjustments and switchings during
his/her board hours.
b. Studios and control rooms shall be so constructed that they are adequately
insulated from sources of extraneous noise and vibration, and the acoustic
treatment of such studios and control rooms shall be in accordance with good
engineering practice.

Emergency Equipment & Facilities

1. Alternate Main Transmitter
a. The regular and the optional main transmitter shall be co-located in a
single place.
b. The external effects from both regular and alternate main transmitters
shall substantially be the same as to frequency and stability.

2. Auxiliary Transmitter
a. An auxiliary transmitter may be provided and may be installed in the
same location as the regular main transmitter or in another location.
b. Its operating power shall not be less than 10% or never greater than the
authorized operating power of the main transmitter.
c. A licensed operator shall be in control whenever an auxiliary transmitter
is placed in.
d. When installed in a location different from that of the regular main
transmitter, a type-approved modulation monitor and a frequency
monitor are required to be installed with it.

Spare Component Parts

In order to cut down-times during scheduled on-air operations, a reasonable
variety and number of spare components appropriate to the equipment installed at
the site shall be kept on hand.


1. Studio-to-Transmitter Link (STL)

Band A 300-315 MHz
Band B 734-752 MHz
Band C 942-952 MHz
The maximum power allowable for STLs shall be 15 watts.

2. Remote Pick-Up Broadcast Station
Band A 315-325 MHz
Band B 450-451 MHz
Band C 455-456 MHz
The maximum power allowable Remote Pick-up Stations shall be 35watts.

3. Communications, Coordination and Control Link

Band A 4-12 MHz (non-exclusive)
Band B 25.67-26.1. MHz
Band C 162.235-162.615 MHz
166.250 and 170.150 MHz
Band D 432.5-433 MHz
437.5-438 MHz
The maximum power allowable for Communications, Coordination and
Control Link shall be:
Band A 100 watts (SBS)
Band B 160 watts (ERP)
Band C 160 watts (ERP)
Band D 200 watts (for repeater)


A. Hours of Operation
1. Minimum Operating Schedule
a. The licensee of each FM station shall maintain a minimum operating
schedule of two-thirds of the total hours that it is authorized to
operate, except in emergencies when, due to causes beyond the
control of the licensee, it becomes impossible to continue operating.
The station may cease operations for a period not exceeding 10 days.

2. Broadcast outside of the authorized regular operating schedule (as before

regular sign-on schedules and/or beyond the regular sign-off schedules)
may be aired without prior authorization from the appropriate regulatory
body provided the program falls under an emergency category or of very
important relevance to the station’s existence. The information shall be
entered in the program and operating logs at the time the broadcast was

3. If a permanent discontinuance of operations is being contemplated, then

the licensee shall notify the appropriate regulatory body in writing, at
least two (2) days before the actual discontinuance is affected.

B. Other Operating Requirements
1. The center frequency of each FM broadcast station shall be maintained
within 2000 Hertz of the assigned center frequency.

2 The percentage of modulation shall be maintained as high as possible

consistent with good quality of transmission and good broadcast practice
and in no case less than 85 percent nor more than 100 percent on peaks
of frequent recurrence during any selection which normally is transmitted
at the highest level of the program under consideration

3 The operating power of each station shall be maintained as near as

practicable to the authorized operating power, and shall not exceed the
limits of 5 percent above and 10 percent below the authorized power,
except that in an emergency when it becomes impossible to operate
within the authorized power, the station may be operated with reduced

The operating power of each station shall be determined by the indirect

method. This is the product of the plate voltage (Ep) and the plate current
(Ip) of the last radio stage, and an efficiency factor, F; That is,

Operating Power = Ep x lp x F

The efficiency factor, F, shall be established by the transmitter

manufacturer for each type of transmitter.

4. The station equipment shall be so operated, tuned and adjusted that

emissions outside of the authorized channel do not cause harmful
interference to the reception of other radio stations. FM broadcast
stations shall maintain the bandwidth occupied by their emissions in
accordance with the specifications set forth in this section. Stations shall
achieve the highest degree of compliance practicable with their existing

C. Posting of Station and Operator Licenses

1. The station license and other instrument(s) of station authorization shall
be posted in a conspicuous place and in such a manner that all terms are
visible, at the place the licensee considers to be the principal control
point of the transmitter. At all other control points listed on the station
authorization, a photocopy of the station license and other instrument(s)
of station authorization shall be posted.

2. Operators Requirements
a. Radio Operators holding a valid radiotelephone first class operator’s

b. A station which is authorized with a power of 10 kilowatts or less

may be operated by persons holding commercial radio operator’s
license of any class, except those with an aircraft radiotelephone
operator authorization or a temporary limited radiotelephone
operator class license, when the equipment is so designed that the
stability of the frequency is maintained by the transmitter itself
within the limits of tolerance specified, and none on the operations,
except those specified in:
o Those necessary to commence or terminate transmitter
emissions as a routine matter.
o Those external adjustments that may be required as a result of
variations of primary power supply.
o Those external adjustments which may be necessary to insure
modulation within the limits required.
o Those adjustments necessary to effect any change in operating
power which may be required by the station’s instrument(s) of
authorization. Should the transmitting apparatus be observed to
be operating in a manner inconsistent with the station’s
instrument of authorization and none of the above adjustments
are effective in bringing it into proper operation, a person
holding other than a radio telephone first class operator’s license
and not acting under the immediate supervision of a radio-
telephone first class operator, shall be required to terminate the
station’s emissions.

3. A station shall employ at least one full-time first class radiotelephone

operator whose primary duty shall be to effect and ensure the proper
functioning of the transmitting equipment.

D. Log Requirement
1. In the Program Log:
o An entry of the time each station identification announcement (call
letters, frequency, and location) is made.
o An entry briefly describing each program broadcast, such as “music,
“drama”, “speech’, etc. together with the name or title thereof, and
the sponsor’s name, with the time of the beginning and ending of the
complete program.

o An entry showing that each sponsored program broadcast has been
announced as sponsored, paid for, or furnished by the sponsor.
o An entry showing, for each program of network origin, the name of
the network originating the program.
o An entry of the time the program begins and ends.

2. In the Operating Log (Transmitter Log)

o An entry of the time the station begins to supply power to the
antenna, and the time it stops.
o An entry of each interruption to the carrier wave, its cause, and
o An entry of the following every 30 minutes:
 Operating constants of the last radio frequency stage plate
current and plate voltage
 Antenna current
o If a maintenance log is kept aside from the operating log, the
following entries are recommended:
 An entry of the time and result of the test of auxiliary
 A notation of all frequency checks and measurements made
independently of the frequency monitor and of the correlation of
these measurements with frequency monitor indications.
 A notation of the calibration check of automation recording
devices. An entry of the data and time of removal from the
restoration to service of any of the following equipment in the
event it becomes defective:
 Final R.F. stage plate voltmeter readings.
 Transmission line radio frequency voltage current, or power
meter readings.
 The entries required concerning quarterly inspections of the
condition of the tower lights and associated control
equipment and an entry when towers are cleaned and/or
 Entries which describe fully any experimental operation of
 Any other entries required by the current Instrument of
Authorization of the station and the provisions of this
o A log of all operations must be kept during the experimental period.
If the entries required above are not applicable thereto, then the
entries shall be made so as to fully describe the operation.

o Logs of FM broadcast stations shall be retained by the licensee or
permitee for a period of two (2) years.
o Each log shall be maintained and signed by the radio operator during
his hour of duty.
o The log shall be kept in an orderly manner, in suitable form, and in
such detail that the data required for the particular class of station
concerned are readily available.
o No log or portion thereof shall be erased, obliterated, or willfully
destroyed within the period of retention provided by the rules.
o Rough log may be transcribed into condensed form, but in such
cases the original rough log or memoranda and all portions thereof
shall be preserved and made a part of the complete log.

E. Operation During Emergency

When necessary to the safety of life and property and in response to
dangerous conditions of a general nature, FM broadcast stations may, at the
discretion of the licensee and without further Commission authority, transmit
emergency weather warnings and other emergency information.
Examples of emergency situations which may warrant either an immediate or
delayed response by the licensee are: Tornadoes, typhoons, floods, tidal waves,
earthquakes, extra-heavy rains, widespread fires, discharge of toxic gases,
widespread power failures, industrial explosions, and civil disorders.
Transmission of information concerning school closings and transportation
problems is appropriate. In addition, and if requested by responsible public
official, emergency point-to-point messages may be transmitted for the purpose of
requesting or dispatching aid and assisting in rescue operations.


A. Definition of terms

FM Broadcast Translator. A station in the broadcasting service operated for the

purpose of retransmitting the signals of an FM radio broadcast station without
significantly altering any characteristic of the incoming signal other than its
frequency and power output, in order to provide FM broadcast service to the
general public.

Commercial FM translator station. An FM broadcast translator station which

rebroadcasts the signals of a commercial FM radio broadcast station.

Non-commercial FM translator station. An FM broadcast translator station
which rebroadcasts the signals of a noncommercial FM radio broadcast station.

Primary FM station. The FM radio broadcast station radiating the signals which
are retransmitted by an FM broadcast translator station or by an FM booster

FM broadcast booster station. A station in the broadcasting service utilizing a

signal booster that operates on the same frequency as the primary FM station.

Rebroadcast. Means reception by radio of the program of a radio station, and the
simultaneous or subsequent retransmission of such program by a broadcast

B. Licensing Policies
1. Purpose and Permissible Service - FM Translators provide a means
whereby the signals of FM broadcast stations may be retransmitted to
areas within the province in which direct reception of such FM broadcast
stations is unsatisfactory due to distance or intervening terrain barriers.
The FM translator shall be located within the province in which its
primary station is located. The maximum translator power allowable is
100 watts. A maximum of 2 translator stations may be licensed for each
primary station.

2. An FM translator may be used only for the purpose of retransmitting the

signals of an FM broadcast station which is received directly through
space, converted, and suitably amplified.

3. The transmissions of each FM translator shall be intended for direct

reception by the general public and any other use shall be incidental

4. The technical characteristics of the retransmitted signals shall not be

deliberately altered so as to hinder reception on conventional FM
broadcast receivers.

5. An FM translator shall not deliberately retransmit the signals of any

station other than the station it is authorized by license to retransmit.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid unintentional retransmission of such
other signals.

6. FM broadcast booster stations provide a means whereby an FM radio

broadcast station may provide service to areas of low signal intensity in

any region within the province. An FM broadcast booster station shall be
located within the 1 millivolt per meter predicted flat terrain contour and
within the province in which its primary station is located. An FM
broadcast booster station is authorized to retransmit the signals of the
primary station only. It shall not retransmit the signals of any other
station nor make independent transmission, provided, however, that
locally generated signals may be used to excite the booster apparatus for
the purpose of conducting tests and measurements essential to the proper
installation and maintenance of the apparatus. The maximum allowable
power of a booster station is 100 watts. A maximum of 2 booster stations
may be licensed for each primary station.

7. The transmission of an FM broadcast booster station shall be intended for

direct reception by the general public. Such stations will not be
authorized to establish a point-to-point FM radio relay system.

8. An FM broadcast translator station or an FM booster station with a power

of 100 watts or less may be operated by a person designated by and under
the control of the licensee and need not be a licensed operator.

9. An authorization for a commercial FM translator station or booster

station shall not be granted if its signal shall interfere with any existing
principal station, FM booster station or FM translator station as provided
for in the FM radio frequency protection ratio.

10. An authorization for FM translator station or booster station shall not be

granted should the predicted 1 millivolt per meter field strength contour
extend into the boundary of another province.

11. Each application for an FM broadcast booster station shall include a

statement concerning the steps which have been taken in the design and
location of the equipment to insure that the areas of service from the
primary FM station will not be degraded by operation of the FM booster

C. Operational Requirements
1. Unattended Operation
a. The translator shall be equipped with suitable automatic circuits
which will place it in a non-radiating condition in the absence of a
signal on the input channel.
b. The on-and-off control (if at a location other than the transmitter
site) and the transmitting apparatus, shall be adequately protected
against tampering by unauthorized persons.

c. The Authority shall be supplied with the name, address and
telephone number of a person or persons who may be contacted to
secure suspension of operation of the translator promptly, should
such action be deemed necessary by the Authority. Such information
shall be kept by the licensee.
d. An application for authority to construct a new station pursuant to
this subpart or to make changes in the facilities of such a station,
which proposes unattended operation shall include an adequate
showing as to the manner of compliance with this section.
2. Power Limitations
a. The power output of the final radio frequency amplifier of a station
authorized under this subpart shall not exceed 100 watts.
o Stations employing multiple radio frequency amplifiers will be
licensed as a single station provided that the total power output
shall not exceed 100 watts.
o No limit is placed upon the effective radiated power which may
be obtained by the use of horizontally and vertically polarized
directive transmitting antennas.

3. Emissions and Bandwidth

a. The license of an FM translator or FM booster station authorizes the
transmission of either F3 or E9 emission (frequency modulation).

b. Standard width FM channels will be assigned and the transmitting

apparatus shall be operated so as to limit spurious emissions to the
lowest practicable value- Any emission including intermodulation
products and radio frequency harmonics which are not essential for
the transmission of the desired aural information shall be considered
to be spurious emissions.


o A copy of the station license.

o Documents as to mode of ownership whether partnerships, corporation or
single proprietorship including trade name as registered in the
Department of Trade.
o Documents on all changes of transmitter equipment, including the
incorporated changes in the license and the corresponding construction
o Copies of the Program Standards, the Technical Standards, the NTC
compilation of laws, regulations, circulars and memoranda.

o Evidence of membership in the KBP.




A. Time of Operation
1. All television broadcast stations will be licensed for unlimited time
operation. Each such station shall maintain a minimum regular program
operating schedule as follows: Not less than 2 hours daily in any 5 broadcast
days per week and not less than a total of 12 hours per week during the first
18 months of the station’s operation; not less than 2 hours daily in any 5
broadcast days per week and not less than a total of 16 hours, 20 hours, and
24 hours per week for each successive 6-month period of operation
respectively; and not less than 2 hours in each of the 7 days of the week and
not less than a total of 20 hours per week thereafter.

2. “Operation” includes the period during which a station is operated pursuant

to temporary authorization or during program tests, as well as during the
license period.

3. In the event that causes beyond a licensee’s control make it impossible to

adhere to the operating schedule the station may limit or discontinue
operation for a period of not more than 10 days, with further authority of the

4. Non-commercial educational television broadcast stations are not required to

operate on a regular schedule and no minimum number of hours of operation
is specified; but the hours of actual operation during a license period shall be

taken into consideration in considering the renewal of non-commercial
educational television broadcast licenses.

5. The aural transmitter of a television station shall not be operated separately

from the visual transmitter except for the following purposes:
o For actual tests of station equipment experimentation.
o For emergency “fills” in case of visual equipment failure or unscheduled
and unavoidable delays in presenting visual programs. In such situations,
the aural transmitter may be used to advise the audience of difficulties
and to transmit for a short period program material of such nature that the
audience will be enabled to remain tuned to the station; for example,
music or news accompanying a test pattern or other visual presentation.

B. Station Identification
1. A licensee of a television broadcast station shall make station identification
beginning and ending & each time of operation and during the operation on
the hour. The announcement at the beginning and ending of each time of
operation shall be by both aural and visual means. Other announcements may
be either aural or visual means.

2. Identification announcements during operation need not be made when to

make such announcement would interrupt a single consecutive speech, play,
religious service, symphony concert, or any type of production. In such cases,
the identification announcement shall be made at the first interruption of the
entertainment continuity and at the conclusion thereof.

C. Rebroadcast
The term “rebroadcast” as used in this section means reception by radio of the
program of a television broadcast station, and the simultaneous or subsequent
retransmission of such program by a broadcast station. The broadcasting of a
program relayed by an auxiliary broadcast station licensed to the television
broadcast station is not considered a rebroadcast

As used in this section, program includes any complete program or part thereof.

The licensee of a television broadcast station may, without further authority of the
NTC, rebroadcast the program of a Philippine television broadcast, station,
provided the NTC is notified of the call letters of each station rebroadcast and the
licensee certifies that express authority has been received from the licensee of the
station originating the program.

D. Posting of station and Operator Licenses
1. The station license and other instrument(s) of station authorization shall be
posted in a conspicuous place in such a manner that all terms are visible; at
the place the licensee considers to be the principal control point of the
transmitter. At all other control points listed on the station authorization, a
photocopy of the station license and other instruments of station authorization
shall be posted.

2. The original copy of the operator’s license shall be posted at the place where
he is on duty as an operator.

E. Operator Requirements
1. A radio operator holding a valid radio telephone first class operator’s license
shall be in actual charge of the transmitting apparatus and shall be on duty
either at the transmitter location or remote control point.

2. The licensee of a station shall employ at least one (1) full time licensed first-
class radiotelephone operator whose primary duty shall be to effect and insure
the proper functioning of the transmitting equipment.

F. Maintenance log
1. In the program log
o An entry of the time each station identification announcement (call
letters, channel, and location) is made.
o An entry briefly describing each program broadcast, such as “music”,
“drama”, “speech”, etc. together with the name or title thereof, and the
sponsor’s name, with the time of the beginning and ending of the
complete program. If a mechanical reproduction, either visual or aural is
used, the entry shall show the exact nature thereof, and the time it is
announced as a mechanical reproduction. If a speech is made by a
political candidate, the name and political affiliations of such speaker
shall be entered.
o An entry showing that each sponsored program broadcast has been
announced as sponsored, paid for, or furnished by the sponsor or that the
broadcast is under the auspices of a non-profit organization other than the
licensee or permittee.
o An entry showing, for each program of network origin, the name of the
network originating the program.
o An entry of the time the program begins and ends.

2. In the operating Log (Transmitter Log)

o An entry of the time the station begins to supply power to the antenna,
and the time it stops.
o An entry of each interruption to the carrier wave, its cause, and duration.
o An entry of the following every 30 minutes:
 Operating constants of the last radio frequency stage of the aural
transmitter (total plate current and plate voltage).
 Transmission line meter readings for both aural and visual
 Frequency monitor read
 Any other entries required by the instrument of authorization.

G. Retention of logs, etc.

1. A log of all operations must be kept during the experimental period. If the
entries required above are not applicable thereto, then the entries shall be
made so as to fully describe the operation.

2. Logs of television broadcast stations shall be retained by the licensee or

permittee for a period of two (2) years: Provided, however, that logs
involving communications incident to a disaster or which include
communications incident to or involved in an investigation by the Authority
and concerning which the licensee or permittee has been notified, shall be
retained by the licensee or permittee until he is specifically authorized in
writing by the Authority to destroy them: Provided, further, that logs incident
to or involved in any claim or complaint of which the licensee or permittee
has notice, shall be retained by the licensee or permittee until such claim or
complaint barred by the statute limiting the time for filling of suits upon such

3. Each log shall be maintained and signed by the radio operator during his tour
of duty. The logs shall be made available upon request by an authorized
representative of the Authority.

4. The log shall be kept in an orderly manner, in suitable form, and in such
detail that the data required for the particular class of station concerned are
readily available. Key letters or abbreviations may be used if proper meaning
or explanation is contained elsewhere in the log.

5. No log or portion thereof shall be erased, obliterated, or willfully destroyed

within the period of retention provided by the rules. Any necessary correction
may be made only by the person originating the entry who shall strike out the
erroneous portion, initial the correction made, and indicate the date of

6. Rough logs may be transcribed into condensed form, but in such cases the
original rough log or memoranda and all portions thereof shall be preserved
and made a part of the complete log.


Amplitude Modulation (AM) – a system of modulation in which the envelop of

the transmitted wave contains a component similar to the waveform of the signal
to be transmitted.
Antenna – a structure associated with the transition between a guided wave such
as may exist in a transmission line and a free-space wave. Such a structure usually
consists of radiating elements and means for distributing the energy to these

Omnidirectional or Non-Directional Antenna – an antenna that is designed to

be omnidirectional having a circular pattern with a “circularity” of the order of +1
dB to +2 dB. Antenna variations up to +3 dB have rendered satisfactory service
and are considered to be omnidirectional. The best location for maximum
coverage efficiency of an omnidirectional antenna is the center of the area to be

Directional Antenna – an antenna that is designed to be directional. It is

advisable to be used only for special terrain situations where the antenna is located
near a large body of water or where the service areas are at certain separated

Antenna Height Above Average Terrain – the average of the antenna heights
above the terrain from three (3) to sixteen (16) kilometers from the antenna ‘or the
eight directions spaced evenly for each 45 degrees of azimuth starting with True
North. (In general, a different antenna height will be determined in each direction
from the antenna). The average of these various heights is considered the antenna
height above the average terrain. In some cases less than 8 directions may be used.

Antenna Power Gain – the square of the ratio of the root-mean-square free space
field intensity produced at one kilometer in the horizontal plane, in millivolts per
meter for one kilowatt antenna input power to 137.6 mV/m. This ratio should be
expressed in decibels (dB). (If specified for a particular direction, antenna power
gain is based on the field strength In that direction only).

Antenna Terminal – an accessible point where the entire antenna including the
distributing system terminates into one feed line at the design characteristic

Aspect Ratio – the ratio of picture width to picture height as transmitted.

Aural Transmitter – the radio equipment for the transmission of the aural signal

Aural Center Frequency – the average frequency of the emitted wave when
modulated by a sinusoidal signal;
– the frequency of the emitted wave without modulation.
Azimuthal Pattern – a plot of the free-space radiated field intensity versus
azimuth at a specified vertical angle with respect to a horizontal plane (relative to
smooth earth) passing Through the center of the antenna.

Blanking Level – the level of the signal during the blanking interval, except the
interval during the scanning synchronizing pulse and the chrominance subcarrier
synchronizing burst

Chrominance – the colorimetric difference between any color and a reference

color having a specific chromaticity.

Chrominance subcarrier – the carrier which is modulated by the chrominance


Color Transmission – the transmission of color television signals which can be

reproduced with different values of hue, saturation, and luminance.

Effective Radiated Power – the product of the antenna input power and the
antenna power gain. This product should be expressed in kilowatts and in decibels
above one kilowatt (dBk). (If specified for a particular effective radiated power is
on the antenna power gain in that direction only).

Field – scanning through the picture area once in the chosen scanning pattern. In
the line interlaced scanning pattern of two to one, the scanning of the alternate
lines of the picture area once.

Frame – scanning all of the picture area once. In the line interlaced scanning of
two to one, a frame consists of two fields.

Free Space Field Intensity – the field intensity that would exist at a point in the
absence of waves reflected from the earth or other reflecting objects.

Frequency Modulation (FM) – a system of modulation where the instantaneous
radio frequency varies in proportion to the instantaneous amplitude of the
modulating signal (amplitude of modulating signal to be measured after pre-
emphasis, if used) and the instantaneous radio frequency of the modulating signal.

Frequency Swing – the instantaneous departure of the frequency of the emitted

waveform the center frequency resulting from modulation.

Horizontal Pattern – an azimuthal pattern when the specified vertical angle is

Interlaced Scanning – a scanning process in which successively scanned lines
are spaced an integral number of line widths, and in which the adjacent lines are
scanned during successive cycles of the field frequency.

Luminance – luminous flux emitted, reflected, or transmitted per unit solid angle
per unit projected area of the source.

Monochrome Transmission – the transmission of television signals which can be

reproduced in gradations of a single color only.

Negative Transmission – where a decrease in initial light intensity causes an

increase in the transmitted power.

Peak Power – the power over a radio frequency cycle corresponding in amplitude
to synchronizing peaks.

Percentage Modulation – as applied to frequency modulation, the ratio of the

actual frequency swing to the frequency swing defined as 100 percent modulation,
expressed in percentage. For the aural transmitter of television broadcast stations,
a frequency swing of± 25 kilohertz is defined as 100 percent modulation.

Polarization – the direction of the electric field as radiated from the transmitting

Reference Black Level – the level corresponding to specified maximum

excursion of the luminance signal in the black direction.

Reference White Level of the Luminance Signal – the level corresponding to

the specified maximum excursion of the luminance signal in the black direction.

Scanning – the process of analyzing successively, according to a predetermined

method, the light values of picture elements constituting the total picture area.

Scanning Line – a single continuous narrow strip of the picture area containing
highlights, shadows, and half-tones, determined by the process of scanning.

Standard Television Signal – a signal which conforms to The television

transmission standards.

Synchronization – the maintenance of one operation in step with another.

Television Broadcast Band – the frequencies in the band extending from 54 to

890 megahertz which are assignable to television broadcast stations. These
frequencies are 54 to 72 megahertz (Channels 2 through 4), 76 to 88 megahertz
(Channels 5 and 6), 174 to 216 megahertz (Channels 7 through 13), and 470 to
890 megahertz (Channels 14 through 83).

Television Broadcast Station – a station in the broadcasting service transmitting

simultaneously visual and aural signals intended to be received by the general
public. (ITU defines a television station in the broadcasting service employing a
system of telecommunication for the transmission of transit images of fixed or
moving objects.)

Television Channel – a band of frequencies 6-megahertz wide in the television

broadcast band and designated either by number or by the extreme lower and
upper frequencies.

Television Transmission Standards – the standards which determine the

characteristics of a television signal as radiated by a television broadcast station.

Television Transmitter – the radio transmitter or transmitters for the

transmission of both visual and aural signals.

Vertical Pattern – a plot of free-space radiated field intensity measured in the

Fraunhofer region versus vertical angle in any specified vertical place which
contains the center of the earth. The Fraunhofer region, or ‘farfield” as usually
defined, extends beyond a point where the distance between the transmitting and
receiving point as 2a2/λ ,where a is the length of the radiating portion of the
antenna, and λ is the wavelength.

Vestigial Sideband Transmission – a system of transmission wherein the lower

sideband is partially attenuated at the transmitter and radiated only in part.

Visual Carrier Frequency – the frequency of the carrier which is modulated by

the picture information.

Visual Transmitter – the radio equipment for the transmission of the visual
signal only.

Visual Transmitter Power – the peak power output when transmitting a standard
television signal.


A. Television Channels
The Channel allocated for television broadcasting in the Philippines are
shown in the following Tables. Channels 62 to 69 shall not be assigned in Metro
Manila or Metro Cebu or in any city where VHF channels 2 to 13 and UHF
channels 21 to 32 are allocated or assignable.
Each commercial broadcast entity may be allowed to operate not more than
one television station in any broadcast service area.

Table 1. VHF Television Channels

Visual Aural
Channel Carrier Carrier
No. Frequency Frequency
(MHz) (MHz)
2 54-60 55.250 59.750
3 60-66 61.250 65.750
4 66-72 67.250 71.750
5 76-82 77.250 81.750
6 82-88 83.250 87.750
7 174-180 175.250 179.750
8 180-186 181.250 185.750
9 186-192 187.250 191.750
10 192-198 193.250 197.750
11 198-204 199.250 203.750
12 204-210 205.250 207.50
13 210-216 211.250 215.750

Table 2. UHF Television Channels

Channel Frequency Visual Aural

Carrier Carrier
No. Frequency Frequency
(MHz) (MHz)
21 512-518 513.25 517.75
22 518-524 519.25 523.75
23 524-530 525.25 529.75
24 530-536 531.25 535.75
25 536-542 537.25 541.75
26 542-548 543.25 547.75
27 548-554 549.25 553.75
28 554-560 555.25 559.75
29 560-566 561.25 565.75
30 566-572 567.25 571.15
31 572-578 573.25 577.75
32 578-584 579.25 563.75
62 758-764 759.25 763.75
63 764-770 765.25 769.75
64 770-776 771.25 775.75
65 776-782 777.25 781.75
66 782-788 753.25 787.75
67 788-794 789.25 793.75
68 794-800 795.25 799.75
69 800-806 801.25 805.75

B. Radiated Signal Characteristics

The Philippines has adopted the NTSC Color Television System derived from
System M (CCIR) as the standards in Television Broadcasting in the Philippines.

Characteristics of the NTSC Video-Frequency

Number of lines per picture (frame) 525
Field frequency (fields/s) 59.94
Interlace 2/1
Picture (frame) frequency (pictures/s) 29.97
Line frequency (lines/s) 15,734.264
Tolerance (lines/s) ±0.044
Aspect ratio (width/height) 4/3
Scanning sequence (line) left-to-right
Scanning sequence (field) top-to-bottom
System capable of operating independently of power supply

Approximate gamma of picture signal 0.45 (1/2.2)
Nominal video bandwidth (MHz) 4.2
Chrominance subcarrier frequency (MHZ) 3.579545
Tolerance (Hz) ±10

Radio-Frequency Characteristics
Nominal Radio-Frequency bandwidth (MHz) 6
Sound-carrier relative to vision- carrier (MHz) +4.8
Nearest edge of channel relative to vision- carrier (MHz) 1.25
Nominal width of main side band (MHz) 4.2
Nominal width of vestigial side band (MHz) 0.75
Type of polarity of vision modulation A5C, negative
Synchronizing level as a percentage of peak carrier 100
Blanking level as a percentage of peak carrier 72.5-77.5
Difference between black level and blanking level as a
percentage of peak carrier
Peak-white level as a percentage of peak carrier 10-15
F3 + 25 kHz
Type of sound modulation
75 µs pre-emphasis
Ratio of effective radiated powers of vision and sound 10/1 - 5/1

Details of line-synchronizing signals

%H µs
Line period (H) 100 63.556
Line-blanking interval (a) 16.5-18 10.5-11.4
Interval between time datum (Ho) and back edge
12.7-16 8.06-10.3
of line-blanking signal (b)
Front porch (c) 2 1.27
Synchronizing pulse (d) 6.6-8 4.2-5.1
Build-up time (10-90%) of the edges of the line
0.75 0.48
blanking signal (e)
Build-up time (10-90%) of line- synchronizing
0.4 0.25
pulses (f)

Details of Synchronizing Signal

Field period (V) 16.683
Line period (H) (us) 63.556
Field-blanking period (i) (us) (0.07-0.08) V
(Approx. 18-21H)
Build-up times (10-90%) of the edges of field-blanking 6.36

pulses (k) (µs)
Duration of first equalizing pulse sequence (l) 3H
Duration of synchronizing pulse sequence (m) 3H
Duration of second sequence of equalizing pulses (n) 3H
Duration of equalizing pulse (p) 3.6
Duration of field-synchronizing pulse (q) 41.6-44
Interval between field-synchronizing pulses (r) 6 -8.8
Build-up times (10-90%) of edges of synchronizing
signals (s)


A. Transmitter Construction
1. In general, the transmitter shall be mounted either on racks and panels or in
totally enclosed frames protected as required by Article 810 of the Philippine
Electrical Code and the Philippine Electronics Code and those set forth

2. The transmitter shall be enclosed in a metal frame or grille, or separated from

the operating space by a barrier or other equivalent means. All metallic parts
shall be connected to the ground.

3. All external metallic handles and controls accessible to the operating

personnel shall be effectively grounded. No circuit in excess of 150 volts
shall have any part exposed to direct contact. A complete dead-front type of
switchboard is preferred.

4. All access doors shall be provided with interlocks which will disconnect all
voltages in excess of 350 volts when any access door is opened.

5. Means shall be provided for making all tuning adjustments, requiring voltages
in excess of 350 volts to be applied to the circuit, from the front of the panels
with all access doors closed.

6. Proper bleeder resistors or other automatic means shall be installed across all
the capacitor banks to lower any voltage which may remain accessible with
the access door open to less than 350 volts within two seconds after the
access door is opened.

7. All plate supply and other high voltage equipment, including transformers,
rectifiers and filter capacitors, shall be protected so as to prevent injury to
operating personnel.

8. Grounding sticks should be provided such that any part of the transmitter
could be grounded positively and conveniently. Interlocks must be provided
in the grounding stick storage mounting such that when the stick is removed
from its mounting the AC input power is automatically cutoff and the
transmitter cannot be operated unless all the grounding sticks are properly In

B. Additional Requirements Applicable both for Visual and Aural

1. The transmitter shall be equipped with suitable indicating instruments for the
determination of the operating power and with other instruments necessary
for proper adjustment, operation, and maintenance of the equipment.

2. Adequate provision shall be made for varying the output of the transmitters to
compensate for excessive variations in line voltage or for other factors
affecting the output power.

3. Adequate provisions shall be provided in all component parts to avoid

overheating at the rated maximum output powers.

4. All component parts shall be in accordance with general accepted standards

or those of the FCC or CCIR.

C. Transmitter Installation
1. The installation of transmitting equipment shall be made in suitable quarters.

2. Suitable facilities shall be provided for the welfare and comfort of the

3. All transmitting equipment electrical installations shall conform with the

provisions of the Philippine Electrical Code and the Philippine Electronics
Code so as to ensure the safety of property, equipment, personnel and the
public in general.

4. The installation of rubber matting in front and at the back of the transmitter
cabinet is required.

D. Monitoring Equipment
1. Frequency Measurements
o The visual carrier frequency and the difference between the visual carrier
frequency and the center frequency of the aural transmitter shall be
measured as often as necessary to ensure that they are within the
prescribed tolerance. However, in any event, the measurement shall be
made at least once each calendar month with not more than 40 days
expiring between successive measurements.

2. Modulation Monitors
o The licensee of each television broadcasting station shall have in
operation, at the transmitter or extension meter location, an approved
modulation monitor of the aural transmitter and sufficient monitoring
equipment for the visual signal to determine that the signal complies with
the requirements. An oscilloscope or Waveform monitor may be utilized
to monitor the visual signals.
o In the event that the visual monitoring equipment or the aural modulation
monitor becomes defective, the station may be operated without such
equipment pending its repair or replacement for a period not in excess of
60 days without further authority of the NTC. Provided, that:
 Appropriate entries shall be made in the maintenance log of the
station to show the date and time the equipment was removed from
and restored to service.
 During the period when the station is operated without aural
modulation or the visual monitoring equipment, the licensee shall
provide other suitable means for insuring that the aural modulation is
maintained within the tolerance prescribed and that the visual signal
is maintained in accordance with the requirements of this subpart.
 If conditions beyond the control of the licensee or permittee prevent
the restoration of the monitor or the monitoring equipment to service
within the period sped- fled above, an informal request may be filed
with the Radio Engineer in charge in the region in which the station
is located for such additional time as may be required to complete
repairs of the defective instrument or equipment.

E. Emergency Equipment and Facilities

1. Alternate Main Transmitter
o The regular and the optional main transmitter shall be co-located in a
single place.
o The external effects from both regular and alternate main transmitters
shall substantially be the same as to frequency and stability.

2. Auxiliary Transmitter
o An auxiliary transmitter may be provided and may be installed in the
same location as the regular main transmitter or in another location.
o Its operating power shall not be less than 10% or never greater than the
authorized operating power of the main transmitter.
o A licensed operator shall be in control whenever an auxiliary transmitter
is placed in operation.
o When installed in a location different from that of the regular main
transmitter, an oscilloscope or a type-approved modulation monitor and a
frequency monitor are required to be installed with it.


The median field strength for which protection against interference is
accorded are the following:

Channel 2 - 6 48 dBu
Channel 7 - 13 55 dBu
Channel 21- 32 65 dBu
Channel 62 - 69 70 dBu

These values refer to the field strength at a height of 10 meters above ground


A. Minimum Requirements
The minimum visual effective radiated power in any horizontal direction
shall be -10 dBk (100 watts). No minimum antenna height above average
terrain is specified.

B. Maximum Power
1. The maximum effective radiated powers of television broadcast stations
operating on the channels set forth below with the antenna heights not in
excess of 600 meters above average terrain shall be as follows:

Maximum visual effective radiated

Channel Nos.
power in dB above one kilowatt (dBk)

2-6 20 dBk (100kW)
7-13 25 dBk (316 kW)
21-32/62-69 37 dBk (5000 kW)

2. The effective radiated power (ERP) in any horizontal direction may not
exceed the maximum values permitted by this section. For antenna
heights in excess of 600 meters above average terrain.

3. In Metro-Manila and Metro-Cebu, the maximum effective radiated

powers of 350 kW for Channels 2-6, and 1,000 kW for Channels 7-13 are

4. In the computation of the power output of a broadcast station expressed

in ERP, only the output related to the maximum radiation lobe shall be

A. Introduction
Television antennas must have the proper performance characteristics
over each channel with a radiation pattern suitable for the population
distribution in the vicinity of the antenna so as to provide adequate field
strength for television service

B. Antenna Specifications
1. Gain of an Antenna
o The gain of an antenna is the ratio of the power required at the input
of a reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given
antenna to produce, in a given direction, the same field at the same
distance. When not specified otherwise, the figure expressing the
gain of an antenna refers to the gain in the direction of the radiation
of the main lobe. In services using scattering modes of propagation
the full gain of an antenna may not be realizable in practice and the
apparent gain may vary with time.

2. Beam Tilt
o Beam tilt is necessary to bring the main vertical beam tangential to
the earth, which is curving away from it. To accomplish this for a
300-meter elevation, a beam tilt of about 0.5 degree is required.

3. Power Capability
o Power in TV systems shall be expressed in terms of “Peak TV
Power”, which is the instantaneous power developed in the peak of

the synchronizing pulse of the visual transmitter. Since the black
level signal is 0.75 of the total voltage value of the pulse, the black
level power (for a totally black picture) is (0.75) 2 or 0.5625. The duty
cycle of the synchronizing pulse, both horizontal and vertical, adds
about 4 percent to this power so that black level power is 0.6 of the
peak TV power. Since the aural FM transmitters usually 0.l of the
peak TV power, the total heating or CW power in a TV signal is 0.7
of the peak TV power.

4. Antenna Input Impedance

o The primary purpose of an input Impedance specification is to obtain a
good match to the transmission line which carries the power up to the


Television auxiliary Broadcast Services fall under these categories:

1. Television Pick-up Station
2. Television STL Station
3. Television intercity Relay Station
4. Television Satellite Link Station

Definition of terms:

Active Satellite - an earth satellite carrying a station intended to transmit or

re-transmit radio communication signals.

Fixed Earth Station - an earth station intended to be used at a specific fixed


Geostationary Satellite - a geosynchronous satellite whose circular and

direct orbit lies in the plane of the Earth’s equator and which thus remains
fixed relative to the Earth; by extension, a satellite which remains
approximately fixed relative to the Earth.

Mobile Earth Station - an earth station in the mobile satellite service

intended to be used while in motion or during halts at unspecified points.

Spacecraft - a man-made vehicle which is intended to go beyond the major

portion of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Space Radio Communication - any radio communications involving the use
of one or more reflecting satellites or other objects in space.

Space Station - a station located on an object which is beyond, or has been

beyond, the major portion of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Terrestrial Station - a station effecting terrestrial radio communication.

Uplink - the transmission of radio frequency signals to a satellite from an

earth station.

Downlink - the transmission of radio frequency signals from a satellite to an

earth station.

Satellite Footprint - the area of the earth surface where satellite signal can be
received favorably according to predetermined standards.
Transponder - the part of a satellite that receives shifts in frequency,
amplifies and retransmits a radio frequency uplink signal. The signal is
redirected back to Earth in a broad wide-area coverage.

Azimuth - the horizontal pointing angle of an antenna measured clockwise in

degrees from true North.

Block Downconverter - a frequency-changing component used for

converting the frequency of the downlink band to a lower frequency for use
by a number of satellite receivers.

C-Band - a band of microwave frequencies used by downlink signals in the

range of 3.7-4.2 GHz and by uplink from 5.9-6.4 GHz.

Ku-Band - band of frequencies from 11.7 to 12.2 GHz reserved for direct
broadcast satellite services.

C/N - Carrier signal-to-noise signal power ratio. The result is expressed in

dB. Sometimes written C/NO and known as the carrier-to-noise power
density ratios.

Cassegrain Antenna - the cassegrain of dual reflector antenna uses a convex

and a concave reflector to direct signal energy to a feed horn.

Decoder - a device used to unscramble purposedly scrambled television


Cross Polarization - the vertical and horizontal polarization of downlink
satellite signals. Also known as opposite sense polarization.

EIRP - Effective Isotropic radiated power. The strength or energy level of a

beamed signal, expressed in dBw.

Circular Polarization - a type of satellite signal polarization in which the

transmitted wave assumes helical form. Clockwise and counterclockwise
circularly polarized signals can be transmitted simultaneously. A form of
polarization used by Intelsat satellites.

Elevation - the angle above the horizontal plane an antenna must be raised in
order to direct it towards the satellite.

Frequency Bands
The following frequencies are available for use by the fixed satellite
service. Precise frequencies and bandwidths of emission will be assigned on a
case-by-case basis.

Downlink Uplink
3700-4200 MHz
10.95-11.2 GHz 5925-6425MHz
11.45-11.7 0Hz 14.0-14.5 GHz
11.70-12.2 GHz 27.5-29.5 GHz
17.70-19.7 GHz 29.5-30.0 0Hz
19.70-20.0 0Hz

Frequency Tolerance
The carrier frequency of each earth station transmitter authorized in these
devices shall be maintained within 0.001 percent of the reference frequency.

5. Television Translator Relay Station

Definition of terms:

Television broadcast translator station - a station in the broadcasting

service operated for the purpose of re-transmitting the signal of a television
broadcast station by means of direct frequency conversion and amplification
of the incoming signal without significantly altering any characteristic of the

incoming signal other than its frequency and amplitude, for the purpose of
providing television reception to the general public.

Primary TV station – the television broadcasting station radiating the signal

which is re-transmitted by a television broadcast translator station.

VHF TV translator – a television broadcast translator station operating on a

VHF television broadcast channel.

UHF TV translator – a television broadcast translator station operating on a

UHF television broadcast channel.

Low Power TV Translator - a television broadcast translator operating with

a power of 100 watts or less.

6. Television Booster Station

7. Communications, Coordination, and Control Link
An updated Public Information File at each broadcast station shall be made
available at all times to the NTC inspector or to any interested party. The Public
Information File shall contain the following:
1. A copy of the station license.
2. Documents as to mode of ownership whether partnership, corporation or
single proprietorship including trade name as registered in the Department of
3. Records of changes of transmitter equipment in progressive order including
the incorporated changes in the license and the corresponding construct
4. The Broadcaster must keep in the Public Information File the Program
Standards, the Technical Standards, the NTC compilation of laws,
regulations, circulars and memoranda.
5. Evidence of membership in the KBP or any other accredited association of


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