2024 - Fall - Career Development-Project Guidelines - Updated
2024 - Fall - Career Development-Project Guidelines - Updated
2024 - Fall - Career Development-Project Guidelines - Updated
- Use empathy mapping to understand affected stakeholders. Facilitate
empathetic engagement with s stakeholders through interviews, surveys,
and observations.
- Analyze data collected to define specific challenges and prioritize
areas for improvement.
- Reframe problem statements to focus on user needs and aspirations.
Part 3 PROPOSED SOLUTION - Ideate and Prototype with Critical
Additional Readings:
1. "Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and
Brand Value" by Thomas Lockwood
2. "Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know" by
Adam Grant
3. "Thinkertoys: A handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques” by
Micheal Michalko
Part 4 Validation Plan – How to implement internal and external validation
campaigns to test the solution?
Additional Readings:
1. "Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five
Days" by Jake Knapp
2. "Lean Start-up" by Eric Ries
- How to develop prototypes (with a critical eye towards feasibility,
impact, and ethical considerations)
- How to test prototypes rigorously, questioning assumptions and
seeking evidence to validate or refine ideas (e.g. produce flyers and
organize demo to potential users and buyers to get their feedback,
develop a fanpage, launch an awareness raising campaign, etc.)
- How to iterate on solutions based on critical analysis of feedback and
Mid-term Please create an Employability Plan that documents your skill audit
Assignment results, your goal setting, study planning and all the skills developed and
utilized throughout the course.
Additional Reading:
- Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Model
- Employability Skills by various authors
Your Employability Plan should:
- Document the skill audit resutls
- Set your skill development goals for this course and your long-term
professional aspirations. Set specific intentions for how you plan to
grow your skills during the course.
- Identify challenges to your skill development
- Reflect on the skills you used and how they will be valuable in your
professional journey.
- Reflect on the skills you developed and how they will be valuable in
your professional journey.
Day 13: Submission of the completed version of the project report (50%)
Day 14-15: Project presentation (10%)
Evaluation Criteria:
- Group Presentation:
Presentation Contents 3.0
Presentation skills 3.0
Presentation Format and Styles 1.0
Q&A section, Eloquence 2.0
Time Management 1.0
- Group Report:
Importance Notes:
- File naming format: 2024_Fall_KDOE441_Group no._Title of the Project
- All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced. Paraphrased and
quoted material must have accompanying citations. Your document must be
formatted and references cited following FTU guidelines.
- Your written report should be no less than 15 pages, not including the title and
references pages.
- Plagiarism in the assignment both directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited
- Formatting: A4 paper, Time New Roman, font size 13, line spacing: 1.5 lines.
The title page should include the logos of FTU, name of the course, title of the
project, group number, names of group members, instructor, and place and year
of publication. (Please refer to the Report Cover Template provided by FTU)
- The report must contain an executive summary, and a table of contents.