Ref615 Hbffaeagcbh5bna11g

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REF615 5.0 FP1 IEC


Feeder protection and control

Feeder protection and control relay
REF615 is a dedicated feeder protection and
control relay for protection, control,
measurement and supervision of overhead
lines and cable feeders in utility and industrial
power distribution systems, including radial,
looped and meshed distribution networks,
with or without distributed power generation.

Ordering code for the product

H B F F AE AG C B H 5 B N A 1 1G

Relay casing and test switches

Complete Relay

1 Complete Relay with conformal coating

3 Complete Relay with conformal coating and with test switch installed and wired in
19'' cover plate

4 Complete Relay with conformal coating and with test switch installed and wired for
CombiFlex rack mounting

H Complete Relay

K Complete Relay with test switch installed and wired in 19'' cover plate

L Complete Relay with test switch installed and wired for CombiFlex rack mounting



Main Application
Feeder protection and control

F Feeder protection and control 1/6
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Functional Application
F F: Directional O/C, directional E/F, voltage based protections and CB condition monitoring
(RTD option)
A A: Non-directional O/C and directional E/F

B B: Non-directional O/C, directional E/F and CB condition monitoring (RTD option)

C C: Non-directional O/C and non-directional E/F

D D: Non-directional O/C, non-directional E/F and CB condition monitoring (RTD


E E: Non-directional O/C, directional E/F, voltage based measurements and CB

condition monitoring (RTD option)

F F: Directional O/C, directional E/F, voltage based protections and CB condition

monitoring (RTD option)

G G: Directional O/C, directional E/F, voltage based protections & measurements and
CB condition monitoring (Sensor inputs, optional synchro-check with IEC61850-9-

H H: Non-directional O/C, Non-directional E/F, voltage & frequency based protection,

synchro-check and CB condition monitoring (RTD option)

J J: Directional O/C, directional E/F, voltage & frequency based protection, synchro-
check and CB condition monitoring (optional power quality, RTD option)

K K: Dir. and non-dir. O/C and E/F, high impedance restricted E/F, voltage & frequency
based protection, synchro-check and CB cond. monitoring (optional power quality
and fault locator)

L L: Directional and non-directional O/C and E/F with multi-frequency neutral

admittance, voltage & frequency & power based protection & measurements and CB
condition monitoring (Sensor inputs, optional power quality, fault locator,
interconnection protection and synchro-check with IEC61850-9-2LE)

N N: Directional and non-directional O/C and E/F with multi-frequency neutral

admittance, voltage & frequency & power based protection & measurements, high
imp. differential protection, synchro-check and CB condition monitoring (optional
power quality, fault locator and interconnection protection)

Analog Inputs/Outputs
4I (Io 1/5A) + 5U

AA 4I (Io 1/5A) + U0

AB 4I (Io 0.2/1A) + U0

AC 4I (Io 1/5A)

AD 4I (Io 0.2/1A)

AE 4I (Io 1/5A) + 5U

AF 4I (Io 0.2/1A) + 5U

BC 5I (Io 1/5A) + 5U

DA 3Is+3Us+Io (0.2/1A) IEC60044 2/6
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DB 3Is+3Us+Io (0.2/1A) IEC61869

FA 4I (Io 1/5A) + U0 + 6RTD + 2mA

FB 4I (Io 0.2/1A) + U0 + 6RTD + 2mA

FC 4I (Io 1/5A) + 6RTD + 2mA

FD 4I (Io 0.2/1A) + 6RTD + 2mA

FE 4I (Io 1/5A) + 5U + 2RTD + 1mA

FF 4I (Io 0.2/1A) + 5U + 2RTD + 1mA

Binary Inputs/Outputs
16BI + 10BO

AA 3BI + 6BO

AB 4BI + 6BO

AC 11BI + 10BO

AD 12BI + 10BO

AE 17BI + 13BO

AF 18BI + 13BO

AG 16BI + 10BO

AH 8BI + 10BO

FA 17BI + 9BO + 3HSO

FB 18BI + 9BO + 3HSO

FC 16BI + 6BO + 3HSO

FD 8BI + 6BO + 3HSO

FE 12BI + 6BO + 3HSO

FG 11BI + 6BO + 3HSO

Communication (Serial)
RS 232/485 + RS485 (including IRIG-B)

A RS 485 (including IRIG-B)

B Glassfibre ST

C RS 232/485 + RS485 (including IRIG-B)

N None

Communication (Ethernet)
Ethernet 100Base TX (RJ45)

A Ethernet 100Base FX (LC)

B Ethernet 100Base TX (RJ45)

C Ethernet 100Base FX (1xLC, 2xRJ45) with HSR/PRP

D Ethernet 100Base TX (3xRJ45) with HSR/PRP 3/6
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E Ethernet 100Base FX (2xLC, 1xRJ45) with HSR/PRP

F Ethernet 100Base FX (1xLC, 2xRJ45) with HSR/PRP and IEC61850-9-2LE

G Ethernet 100Base TX (3xRJ45) with HSR/PRP and IEC61850-9-2LE

H Ethernet 100Base FX (2xLC, 1xRJ45) with HSR/PRP and IEC61850-9-2LE

N None

Communication (Protocol)
IEC 61850 + DNP 3.0

A IEC 61850

B Modbus

C IEC 61850+Modbus

D IEC 103

E DNP 3.0

G IEC 61850 + IEC103

H IEC 61850 + DNP 3.0

English and Spanish

1 English

2 English and Chinese

3 English and German

4 English and Swedish

5 English and Spanish

6 English and Russian

7 English and Polish

8 English and Portuguese (Brasilian)

A English and Italian

B English and Finnish

C English and French

E English and Czech

L English and Turkish

P English and Hungarian

Front Panel
Large LCD with Single Line Diagram (SLD)

A Small LCD

B Large LCD with Single Line Diagram (SLD)

C Small LCD with Chinese symbols 4/6
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D Large LCD with Single Line Diagram and Chinese symbols

Option 1

A Reclosing

B Arc Protection

C Arc Protection and reclosing

D Power Quality

E Power Quality and Reclosing

F Power Quality and Arc Protection

G Power Quality and Arc Protection and reclosing

H Fault locator and Reclosing

J Fault locator and Arc Protection

K Fault locator and Arc Protection and Reclosing

L Fault locator and Power Quality

M Fault locator and Power Quality and Reclosing

N None

P Fault locator and Power Quality and Arc Protection

Q Fault locator and Power Quality and Arc Protection and Reclosing

Option 2
Directional E/F

A Directional E/F

B Admittance based E/F + Directional E/F

C Wattmetric based E/F + Directional E/F

D Harmonics based E/F + Directional E/F

E Harmonics based E/F

G Interconnection protection + Directional E/F

H Interconnection protection and Admittance based E/F + Directional E/F

J Interconnection protection and Wattmetric based E/F + Directional E/F

K Interconnection protection and Harmonics based E/F + Directional E/F

N None

Power Supply
48-250 Vdc; 100-240 Vac

1 48-250 Vdc; 100-240 Vac

2 24-60 Vdc

Product Version 5.0 FP1 5/6
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1G Product Version 5.0 FP1 6/6

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