Daily Planning March

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Yellow berni

1st march

aims: to introduce yourself and practice greetings vocabulary

skills: vocabulary- listening- speaking
warm up: we will play “top five” - Students will introduce themselves and their classmates
task 1: in this activity, kids will complete some copies with activities related to holidays.

task 2: kids will complete 2 papers with: one wish for this year, another with something that
they don´t want for this year.
conclusion: We will play "Lips reading" using introductions and greetings.

4th march

aims: to practice vocabulary already seen

skills: speaking- listening- reading
warm up: we will play “I spy with my little eye” in order to recognize colours and numbers.
task 1: kids will complete page 1 from the booklet.

conclusion:We will play word freeze in order to practice the vocabulary (greetings,colours,numbers)

5th march

aims: to continue practicing the vocabulary

skills: speaking- listening- vocabulary
warm up: we will learn and practice our “hello song” Hello! | Super Simple Songs
also how they will pay attention using a song .
one little finger x3
tac tac tac
put your finger up
put your finger down
put it on your mouth.
task 1 and 2: students will complete page 2 and 3 from the booklet. They will draw about
themself and will work with feelings.

conclusion: we will use flashcards to practice vocabulary.

6th march

aims: to continue with the vocabulary and keep practicing.

skills: listening- vocabulary- speaking
warm up: students will play What do you do when...? -In this imaginative weather game,
students write and talk about what they do when it's sunny, rainy, windy and snowy and score
points for matching answers
task 1: kids will complete page 4 from the booklet

conclusion: we will check the answers on the board.

7th march

aims: to practice vocabulary about numbers

skills: vocabulary- listening- speaking
warm up: kids will listen a song about numbers
task 1: students will complete the following copies about numbers
conclusion: We will play "Lips reading" using numbers and colours.

8th march

aims: to practice vocabulary about colours.

skills: listening- speaking- vocabulary
warm up:
task 1:

conclusion: We will play I spy. I will explain to students that I will think of one of the objects inside
the classroom and tell them only its colour using a rhyme: I spy with my little eye... something green!
Students will guess what object I have in mind and point to it.

11th march

aims: to practice school objects vocabulary

skills: listening-speaking-vocabulary
warm up: We will review vocabulary about school objects using our pencil cases
task 1: kids will complete the following copy- they will listen and say school vocabulary-

conclusion: I will ask them about their school objects- Do you have any yellow pencil?-
What colour is your school bag?
12th march

aims: to continue practicing vocabulary

skills: speaking- vocabulary
warm up: Hangman with the vocabulary.
task 1: students will complete the following activity:

task 2: In this activity, kids will draw a backpack and different school objects
conclusion: Kids will share their "backpacks" with their friends. They will name each school object.

13th march

aims: To review vocabulary about family.

skills: Vocabulary- Speaking- writing
warm up: We will review vocabulary playing with a ball in the class. Kids will pass the ball saying a
word learned during the unit.
task 1: kids will complete the following activity

conclusion: I will invite them to play “stop”: I will show the Characters Flashcards and call out a
character one by one. I will encourage students to say Stop! when the flashcard of that character is

14th march

aims: to remember vocabulary about family and body

skills: Vocabulary- speaking
warm up: kids will play “the hangman” with vocabulary about the body .
task 1: students will complete the following page.

task 2: kids will complete the following exercises

conclusion: kids will create a monster and talk about it using vocabulary (body)

15th march

aims: to practice vocabulary about pets.

skills: speaking- vocabulary- writing
warm up:We will play “Simon Says”. I will name animals and the students will mime. First,
we will remember the vocabulary together.
task 1: kids will complete the following activity

task 2: We will go to the computer room.

conclusion: students will share about their pets.

18th march
aims:To know the class book. To use it for the first time.
skills: Vocabulary - Listening - Speaking.
warm up: We will play “treasure hunt…” in order to find their English books
task 1: students will work on : student´s book, page 6 - Practice book, page 4
conclusion: We will check the answers together.

19th march

aims: Review school objects vocabulary.

skills: Listening - Speaking - Writing
warm up: Mindful Movement” practice - Show your school objects.
task 1: Student’s book, page 7
This activity will help students to consolidate vocabulary in a ludic and meaningful way.
I will show students a pencil case and say: Look, it is a pencil case. Students will repeat.
Then I will say: I use it to keep my school objects, like my pens and pencils. I will Encourage
students to show me their pencil cases. Now, I will call their attention to the school objects
on page 7. Students will call out the objects.
task 2: practice book, page 5
conclusion: We will play “Stop” I will encourage students to say Stop! when the flashcard of
that object is shown. To make it more challenging, I can change the flashcards as quickly as

20th march

Aims: To read and listen to a comic strip about school.

To learn greetings and how to introduce oneself.
Skills: Listening - Speaking - Writing
Warm up: Mindful Movement” practice.
Sing and Move. I will Play Track 1 and students will sing the song again. This time, I will
assign a movement to each vocabulary word, and ask students to do it when the words are
mentioned in the song.
Task 1: Student’s book, pages 8 - 9
In this lesson, students will learn greetings, and how to introduce themselves
Conclusion: Greeting Activity.
I will encourage students to go around the class saying Hello, Hi, Good morning, What’s
your name? and My name is… I will allow several minutes for students to interact and I will
encourage students to practise intonation.

21st march

Aims: To practise greetings and how to introduce oneself.

Skills: Listening - Speaking - Writing
Warm up: We will practise speaking and listening. I will start asking What’s this?
Task 1: practice book, pages 6 - 7
Conclusion: We will play Simon says using school objects.

22nd march

Aims: To review greetings and how to introduce oneself.

To learn and understand classroom instructions.
Skills: Listening - Speaking - Writing
Warm up: “Mindful Movement” practice
Task 1: student´s book, pages 10 - 11.
Task 2: kids will go to the computer room in order to practise vocabulary


Conclusion: Introduce Yourself.

I will distribute sheets of paper and markers. I will ask students to draw themselves. When
they finish, I will ask them to write My name is …
Then I will display the drawings on the classroom walls. I will ask a volunteer to point to their
drawing and read aloud My name is… to the rest of the class. I will ask How are you? Then
the volunteer will answer.

25th march

Aims: To make a pennant and talk about themselves

Skills: Writing - Speaking
Warm up: Mindful Movement” practice
Task 1: In this task kids will use different materials and complete the following copy version.
This project will be display on the classroom walls

Conclusion: Show and tell

26th march

Aims: To learn a mindful practice to help focus attention.

To get acquainted with concepts of Topic 1: family and friends.
To discover information from the illustration.
Skills: Writing - Listening - speaking
Warm up: Mindful Movement” practice - flashcards to practise the vocabulary of family
Task 1: student’s book, page 12 - 13
Kids will get acquainted with the topic by searching different things in the illustration.
Task 2: Task 2: Od1 Video T1 “Nadiya’s family”
The objectives of this activity are:
● create critical Thinking about how family and place influence our identity.
● Make a Listening: Inferring meaning from visual elements .
● To Practise Speaking: By meeting and greeting people.
- Before Watching I will walk around the class asking where each other’s parents and
grandparents are from. The goal is to find out whose family is the most spread out.
- While Watching
a. Before playing the video, ask the students to think about the following questions
while they watch: Where is Nadiya from? Why does Nadiya go to Bangladesh? I will
ask them to discuss the answers to the questions in pairs or groups before sharing
with the rest of the class.
b. Students will solve the following activity:

Critical thinking: How do you think Nadiya feels when she sees her family in Bangladesh?
How do you think Nadiya feels when she sees her family in Bangladesh?
For the next class, we will make the project: Famous Identities Art and Design
Kids will choose someone famous who is from another country. With the help of their
families, they will research this person and their family (either online or in the media). Then
they will use this information to create a portrait of this person that reflects their identity. I will
ask: What elements have they included? Why? They will share it with the class.

27th march

Aims: To learn to count from one to ten.

To recognise the written form of numbers from one to ten.
Skills: Writing - Listening - Writing
Warm up: Mindful Movement practice - We will play a game to practise numbers from one to
Task 1: student’s book, page 14 - practice book, pages 8
Students will paste the numbers 1, 3, 6 and 9 stickers on the corresponding places.
Also, they will sing a song (A girl counting with her fingers)
Conclusion: we will check the answers.

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