Section Vii Soq-57

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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

(Contracts Services)
(Bid Proposal Sheet)

Delivery Address:
Solapur STPP
0771- 2544550
SI No. Code Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount Long
10 Construction of road & drain in Solapu ####### ####### #########
10.10 1(a) Excavation (Lead 5km) In soil M3 421.00 2,542,840.0 Yes
6,040 0
10.20 2(a) Excavation (near pit) In soil M3 436.00 12,338,800. Yes
28,300 00
10.30 7(b) PCC M10 M3 359 4,097.00 1,470,823.0 Yes
10.40 7(d) PCC M20 (agg. 12.5 mm) M3 60 4,004.00 240,240.00 Yes
10.50 8(a)(ii) RCC M25 below ground M3 5,100.00 24,429,000. Yes
4,790 00
10.60 11(a)(ii) Reinforcement below ground MT 16,559.00 8,710,034.0 Yes
526.000 0
10.70 12(a) FoRMTwork below ground level M2 545.00 15,532,500. Yes
28,500 00
10.80 24 P&L precast PCC/RCC M25 M3 988 9,755.00 9,637,940.0 Yes
10.90 51(d)(i)Providing Precast concrete paver M3 935 12,317.00 11,516,395. Yes
10.100 74(a) P/I 200 mm NB NP3 class RCC RMT 996.00 1,304,760.0 Yes
pipes 1,310 0
10.110 74(b) P/I 300 mm NB NP3 class RCC RMT 85 1,373.00 116,705.00 Yes
10.120 74(d) P/I 450 mm NB NP3 class RCC RMT 228 2,031.00 463,068.00 Yes
10.130 74(g) P/I 900 mm NB NP3 class RCC RMT 78 4,102.00 319,956.00 Yes
10.140 94(a) P/L sub-base WBM (90-45mm M3 3,094.00 3,960,320.0 Yes
stone) 1,280 0
10.150 95(a) P/L base WBM (63-45mm stone) M3 2,687.00 5,239,650.0 Yes
1,950 0
10.160 95(b) P/L base WBM (53-22.5mm stone) M3 2,936.00 10,510,880. Yes
3,580 00
10.170 96 P/L 75 mm premix BM M3 7,801.00 23,949,070. Yes
3,070 00
10.180 97 P/L 25 mm premix bituminous carpet M2 246.00 10,061,400. Yes
40,900 00
10.190 98 P/L Seal coat of premix fine agg M2 66.00 2,699,400.0 Yes
40,900 0
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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

10.200 Ex-01 Demolishing R.C.C. work M3 30 2,108.00 63,240.00 Yes

10.210 Ex-02 Excavation disposal (In rock) M3 479.00 732,870.00 Yes
10.220 Ex-03 Extra over Ex-02 for lift M3 145.00 221,850.00 Yes
UOM Legends:- AU - Activity unit M3 - Cubic meter MT - Metric Tonne M2 - Square meter RMT - Running
TOTAL OF BOQ PART - 00010 Rs. 146,061,741.00


I / We quote BOQ Part-00010 of the subject work as follow :

Above percentage %( Percent)

Below percentage % ( Percent)
Note-1 : Bidders are requested to quote the percentage clearly in figure & words
GRAND TOTAL in Figure:


(Signature of Buyer's Representative) ( Signature of Supplier/Contractor)

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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041


S.No. Service Code Service Text

Service Long Text

10.10 1(a) Excavation (Lead 5km) In soil

Excavation including stacking of excavated material (rock/ soil) required for backfilling away from the excavated pit upto a
lead of 1.00 Km., backfilling with selected excavated material (for all lifts) & compacting the same by mechanical means in
layers not exceeding 300 mm compact thickness (higher layer thickness upto 500 mm in case of compaction using special
type of equipment, such as vibratory roller etc.) to minimum 85% Standard Proctor Density at optimum moisture content in
case of soil and / or to 85% of original volume in case of boulders and filling the interstices with selected excavated
materials, disposal of surplus excavated material outside the plant boundary upto a total lead of 5.00 Kms. (including
dressing the top surface) and / or disposal of surplus excavated material by filling within the plant boundary and compacting
the same by mechanical means in layers (not exceeding 300 mm thickness, higher layer thickness upto 500 mm in case of
compaction using special type of equipment, such as vibratory roller etc.) to minimum 85% Standard Proctor Density at
optimum moisture content in case of soil and / or to 85 % of original volume in case of boulders, clearing grass and
vegetation, levelling, draining and pumping out surface water (i.e. water other than water below ground water table),
lowering of ground water table to maintain dry working conditions till completion of all activities (such as concreting, curing,
water proofing, filling / testing etc.), which require dry working conditions providing cofferdams, sheeting, shoring, strutting,
bracing, trimming of excavated bottom, testing, with all labour, material, equipment, handling, transportation, preparation of
the scheme for excavation and dewatering and getting the same approved, etc., for all types of work, at all levels, all
complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer, including leads as specified above and lifts upto
5.00 M.
In soil (All types)

10.20 2(a) Excavation (near pit) In soil

"Excavation including stacking of excavated material (rock / soil) required for backfilling near the excavated pits, backfilling
with selected excavated material by pushing and spreading (for all lifts), disposal of surplus excavated material outside the
plant boundary upto a total lead of 5.00 Kms. (including dressing the top surface) and / or disposal of surplus excavated
material by filling within the plant boundary and compacting the same by mechanical means in layers not exceeding
300 mm thickness, (higher layer thickness upto 500 mm in case of compaction using special type of equipment, such as
vibratory roller etc.) to minimum 85 % Standard Proctor Density at optimum moisture content in case of soil and / or to
85 % of original volume in case of boulders, clearing grass and vegetation, levelling, draining and pumping out surface
water (i.e. water other than water below ground water table) lowering of ground water table to maintain dry working
conditions till completion of all activities (such as concreting, curing, water proofing, filling / testing etc.), which require dry
working conditions providing cofferdams, sheeting, shoring, strutting, bracing, trimming of excavated bottom, testing, with all
labour, material, equipment, handling, transportation, preparation of the scheme for excavation and dewatering and getting
the same approved, etc., for all types of work, at all levels, all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions
of the Engineer, including leads as specified above and lifts upto 5.00 M"
In soil (All types)

10.30 7(b) PCC M10

"Providing and laying nominal mix or design mix, Plain Cement Concrete as specified below, at all levels, for all kinds of
works, such as mass concrete, lean concrete, bed blocks, mud-mat, grading, underbed, filling, screed concreting, paving,
plinth protection, damp proof course, drains, gully chambers, trenches, etc., with all labour, material, equipment, handling,
batching, transporting, pumping, including mix design, mixing (no stacking of material shall be done near the work area
where concrete is being placed), conveying, placing and compacting, protecting and curing, testing, for all working
conditions, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer
M 10 (with graded aggregate of nominal size 40mm) nominal mix.
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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

10.40 7(d) PCC M20 (agg. 12.5 mm)

"Providing and laying nominal mix or design mix, Plain Cement Concrete as specified below, at all levels, for all kinds of
works, such as mass concrete, lean concrete, bed blocks, mud-mat, grading, underbed, filling, screed concreting, paving,
plinth protection, damp proof course, drains, gully chambers, trenches, etc., with all labour, material, equipment, handling,
batching, transporting, pumping, including mix design, mixing (no stacking of material shall be done near the work area
where concrete is being placed), conveying, placing and compacting, protecting and curing, testing, for all working
conditions, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer
M 20 (with graded aggregate of nominal size 12.5mm) design mix

10.50 8(a)(ii) RCC M25 below ground

Providing and laying design mix cement concrete, for Reinforced Cement Concrete works, as specified below, at all levels,
for all kinds of works, with 20 mm nominal size graded stone aggregate (unless specified otherwise), with all labour,
material, equipment, handling, batching, transporting, testing, pumping, including mix design, mixing, conveying, placing and
compacting, protecting and curing, testing, cleaning and finishing, rendering to give a smooth and even surface, for all
working conditions, preparation of scheme for concreting and getting it approved by the engineer, etc., all complete, as per
specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer
For all works below ground level
M 25

10.60 11(a)(ii) Reinforcement below ground

Providing and placing reinforcement, as specified below, in reinforced cement concrete and other allied works, at all levels,
for all kinds of works (including reinforcement for machine foundations like top decks of TGs, BFPs FANs etc.) with all
labour, material, equipment, handling, transportation, cleaning, straightening, cutting, testing, including bending and placing,
binding in position, concrete cover blocks, chairs and spacers, laps and anchorage, cover to reinforcement, preparation of
bar bending schedules and getting it approved, all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the
For works below ground level
High strength deformed TMT bars

10.70 12(a) FoRMTwork below ground level

Providing and fixing plywood formwork with suitable overlay (film faced), for cast- in-situ, plain or reinforced cement
concrete, to give an even and smooth surface to exposed faces of concrete, at all levels and for all kinds of works (except
for the works of beams, columns and top deck of machine foundations supported on Vibration Isolation System) and
sections (including curved surfaces, block outs / pockets, openings etc.), including block type foundations with all labour,
material, equipment, handling, transportation, shoring, strutting, scaffolding, staging, tieing, nailing, caulking, bolting, testing,
cambering, cleaning, removal of formwork and staging, design and preparation of scheme for formwork and getting it
approved by the Engineer, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer.
For works below ground level

10.80 24 P&L precast PCC/RCC M25

Providing and laying all types of pre-cast cement concrete units (plain or reinforced) of grade M 25, in all kinds of works, like
trench / floor covers, drain covers, fins, coping, facia, lintel, chajjas, wall panels, blocks for road edging, kerb block,
separators, roof units, etc., at all levels, with graded stone chips (20 / 12.5 / 10 mm nominal size), including all labour,
material, equipment, handling, trans portation, formwork, batching, mixing, casting, compacting, curing, testing, rendering,
exposed surface with cement sand mortar 1:3, handling, storing, transporting, for all leads and lifts, erection, setting in
position with cement sand mortar 1:3, filling gaps between adjacent Pre-cast units with M-30 concrete or Cement Sand
mortar 1:3, making of holes for bolts, / fixing/lifting, welding etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and
instructions of the Engineer. (reinforcement, steel embedments and inserts, if provided, shall be paid separately under
relevant items).
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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

10.90 51(d)(i)Providing Precast concrete paver

Providing and laying following material/ finishes of approved shade and colour (non - premium colours), over under bed of
cement mortar / concrete, at all levels and for all kind of works, elevations, on horizontal and vertical surfaces for all types of
work (like flooring, skirting, dado, wall lining & facing, tread and risers etc.), including all workmanship, preparation of
working drawings, topping, spreading white cement slurry at an average rate of 2.5 kg/Sq. M., (unless noted otherwise),
jointing and joint filling with white cement slurry (unless noted otherwise) mixed with colour pigment, to match the shade of
the finishing material, laying to plumb and water level in desired pattern, line and hair- line joint formed with inverted 'V'
shaped stone edges, curing, rubbing, grinding, polishing, edge moulding, finishing and cleaning, testing, providing opening
of required size and shape, casting in panels wherever specified, including all labour, material, equipment, scaffolding,
handling, transportation, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer. (Under bedding
of cement mortar / concrete (PCC), if provided, shall be paid separately under relevant item). (Note : The size of tiles
specified herein below are the minimum acceptable sizes.)
Interlocking concrete blocks of various sizes / shapes, pigmented and thickness as approved by Engineer, having M 35
grade of concrete and pigmented to specified colours, in different pattern including the preparation of subbase with 20mm
thick sand and filling of joints with dry sand (hardstone aggregate subbase if provided shall be paid under relevant item)

10.100 74(a) P/I 200 mm NB NP3 class RCC pipes

Providing and laying non-pressure RCC pipes, conforming to IS : 458, at all levels, for all kind of work, collar jointed with stiff
mixture of 1 Cement : 2 Sand mortar, including laying installation and jointing of pipes and fittings, with all labour, material,
equipment, testing, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer. (excavation and
filling shall be paid separately under relevant items).
200 mm NB, class NP3

10.110 74(b) P/I 300 mm NB NP3 class RCC pipes

Providing and laying non-pressure RCC pipes, conforming to IS : 458, at all levels, for all kind of work, collar jointed with stiff
mixture of 1 Cement : 2 Sand mortar, including laying installation and jointing of pipes and fittings, with all labour, material,
equipment, testing, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer. (excavation and
filling shall be paid separately under relevant items).
300 mm NB, class NP3

10.120 74(d) P/I 450 mm NB NP3 class RCC pipes

Providing and laying non-pressure RCC pipes, conforming to IS : 458, at all levels, for all kind of work, collar jointed with stiff
mixture of 1 Cement : 2 Sand mortar, including laying installation and jointing of pipes and fittings, with all labour, material,
equipment, testing, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer. (excavation and
filling shall be paid separately under relevant items).
450 mm NB, class NP3

10.130 74(g) P/I 900 mm NB NP3 class RCC pipes

Providing and laying non-pressure RCC pipes, conforming to IS : 458, at all levels, for all kind of work, collar jointed with stiff
mixture of 1 Cement : 2 Sand mortar, including laying installation and jointing of pipes and fittings, with all labour, material,
equipment, testing, etc., all complete, as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer. (excavation and
filling shall be paid separately under relevant items).
900 mm NB, class NP3

10.140 94(a) P/L sub-base WBM (90-45mm stone)

Providing and laying of Sub-base course (Water Bound Macadam) of nominal thickness as specified, laid in layers each of
100 mm compacted finished thickness including preparation of subgrade by 6 passes of 8-10 ton roller, with following
specified size of graded stone aggregates, true to camber and slope, handling, transportation for all leads and lifts,
preparation of sub-grade, spreading, rolling, providing and supplying screening, sprinkling and grouting, application of
binding materials, setting and drying, including all labour, material, equipment, all complete as per specifications, drawings
and instructions of the Engineer
Using 90 mm - 45 mm size graded stone aggregate.
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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

10.150 95(a) P/L base WBM (63-45mm stone)

Providing and laying of Base course of shoulder (Water Bound Macadam) of nominal thickness as specified, laid in layers
each of 75 mm compacted finished thickness, with following specified size of graded stone aggregates, true to camber and
slope, handling, transportation for all leads and lifts, preparation of sub-base course, spreading, rolling, providing and
supplying screening, sprinkling and grouting, application of binding materials, setting and drying, including all labour,
material, equipment, all complete as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer.
Using 63 mm - 45 mm size graded stone aggregate, arranged by the contractor on his own from outside plant.

10.160 95(b) P/L base WBM (53-22.5mm stone)

Providing and laying of Base course of shoulder (Water Bound Macadam) of nominal thickness as specified, laid in layers
each of 75 mm compacted finished thickness, with following specified size of graded stone aggregates, true to camber and
slope, handling, transportation for all leads and lifts, preparation of sub-base course, spreading, rolling, providing and
supplying screening, sprinkling and grouting, application of binding materials, setting and drying, including all labour,
material, equipment, all complete as per specifications, drawings and instructions of the Engineer.
Using 53 mm-22.4 mm size graded stone aggregate.

10.170 96 P/L 75 mm premix BM

Providing and laying of Premix Bituminous Macadam Base Course, with stone aggregates of quality, size and grading as
specified in IRC, laid in layer each of 75 mm compacted finished thickness, true to camber and slope, including tack coat,
Bitumen of grad 80/100 @4% by weight of total mix, hot mixing of stone aggregate and bitumen in hot mix plant, handling
transportation of mixed material, for all leads and lifts, laying with paver, spreading, rolling with road roller of 8-10 ton
capacity to acheive required compaction and density, finishing including all labour, material equipment, all complete, as per
specifications, drawing and instructions of the Engineer.

10.180 97 P/L 25 mm premix bituminous carpet

Providing and laying of Bituminous Pre- Mix Carpet of 25 mm thickness, including tack coat as per specifications, over the
prepared base course as per the recommendations of IRC-14, application of binding materials, binder as per IS:73,
handling, transportation, for all aggregates, consolidation, setting and drying including all labour, material, Equipment, all
complete, as per specifications, drawings and instruction of the Engineer.

10.190 98 P/L Seal coat of premix fine agg

Providing and laying of Seal Coat of premixed fine aggregate type-B, over prepared surface of road, mixing of binding
materials with aggregate, binder as per IS:73, handling, transportation, spreading, rolling, finishing with 6-9 Ton smooth
wheeled power road roller all complete.

10.200 Ex-01 Demolishing R.C.C. work

Demolishing R.C.C. work manually/ by mechanical means including stacking of steel bars and disposal of unserviceable
material within 2 km lead as per direction of Engineer - in- charge.

10.210 Ex-02 Excavation disposal (In rock)

Earth work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator)/manual means over areas (exceeding 30 cm in depth,
1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm on plan) including getting out and disposal of excavated earth lead upto 2 km and lift upto
1.5 m, as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
Ordinary rock

10.220 Ex-03 Extra over Ex-02 for lift

Extra for every additional lift of 1.5 m or part thereof in excavation / banking excavated or stacked materials.
Ordinary or hard rock
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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041



S.No. Collective No. / Vendor Details

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NTPC Limited
( A Government of India Enterprise )
NIT No.: 9900257709/025/1041

List of Documents

Please note that below documents are needed to be provided along with Invoice.

S.No. Document Description

1 CAR Policy
2 Invoice
3 Reconcilation of Free Issue Material
4 MRC Certificate
5 measurement sheet
6 Documents in support of PVC Indices
7 PVC calculation sheet
8 PVC invoice

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