Assessing Reading Comprehension Difficulties Research
Assessing Reading Comprehension Difficulties Research
Assessing Reading Comprehension Difficulties Research
Generally, experts agree on what good readers do to comprehend text—they connect new text
with past experiences, interpret, evaluate, synthesize, and consider alternative interpretations.
Yet, traditional measures of reading comprehension only provide a general indicator of how
well a student understands text. They do not provide information about how the student uses
cognitive and metacognitive processes or explain why a student may be struggling. This
article discusses various traditional and innovative reading comprehension assessment
measures, including standardized norm-referenced tests, informal reading inventories,
interviews and questionnaires, anecdotal records and observations, oral retelling, freewriting,
and think-aloud procedures. For each technique relative strengths and weaknesses are
Aims. The nature of the relationships between different tests of reading accuracy, reading
comprehension and linguistic comprehension is investigated in this paper.
Samples, Methods and Results. In study 1,184 7–10 year old children completed a listening
comprehension test, three tests of reading accuracy (reading of nonwords, single words and
text) and two tests of reading comprehension (text comprehension and sentence completion).
While sentence completion was well accounted for by individual differences in word
recognition, text comprehension was more heavily dependent on listening comprehension.
Study 2 compared the performance of children with poor comprehension skills with controls
matched for age, nonverbal ability and decoding skill. The poor comprehenders had greatest
difficulty with those tests most heavily dependent on linguistic comprehension and least
difficulty on purer measures of decoding.
Conclusions. These findings show that different reading tests measure different aspects of
the reading process and that caution should be exercised when selecting tests for the
assessment of reading difficulties.
Background. The Neale Analysis of Reading Ability (NARA; Neale, 1997) is a widely used
assessment of reading comprehension and word reading accuracy. Spooner, Baddeley, and
Gathercole (2004) questioned the suitability of the NARA for identifying children with
specific reading comprehension deficits.
Aims and methods. An evaluation of the NARA measurement of word reading and reading
comprehension level was undertaken in relation to models of reading ability. Appropriate
control measures were considered. The strengths and weaknesses of different forms of
reading comprehension were also evaluated.
Results. Previous research into reading comprehension difficulties using the NARA has
adopted satisfactory control measures in relation to word reading ability. There are
limitations associated with all the considered forms of reading comprehension assessment.
There are many environmental and personal factors that contribute to reading success.
Reading comprehension is a complex interaction of language, sensory perception, memory,
and motivational aspects. However, most existing assessment tools have not adequately
reflected the complex nature of reading comprehension. Good assessment requires a
multifaceted approach to reading diagnosis and flexible interventions in order to cater for
individual learning needs. In recent times, the Four Roles Model has enabled educators to
broaden the focus of literacy programs in many Australian schools. Such a focus can provide
a framework to better understand the complex nature of reading comprehension and its
various situational applications. This discussion investigates the educational issues for the
assessment of students with reading comprehension difficulties and suggests appropriate
principles and strategies that teachers can apply to inform assessment and teaching practice.
Summary/Abstract: This study attempts to shed light on the concept of assessment as an essential
pedagogical practice for the improvement of the teaching-learning process. Particularly, it stresses
the strategies and the techniques that should be used in assessing reading comprehension with
reference to EFL classrooms. It describes the kinds of tasks that actually reveal students’ reading
comprehension abilities and needs. Moreover, this paper aims to illustrate the types and the
advantages of assessment for both teachers and learners. More importantly, this study tries to bring
equitable evidence of how reading comprehension can be adequately assessed. The findings showed
that assessment of reading comprehension is central to English language teaching as it provides
teachers with essential information about students’ weaknesses, needs, obstacles, and deficits.
Thus, teachers can implement the appropriate techniques and use the assessment results to amend
their classroom instruction and enhance the learning abilities.
Reading is an essential skill critical to most, if not all, academic learning and success at tertiary level.
Reading comprehension then, is a thinking process by which a reader selects facts, information or
from printed materials; determines the meanings the author intended to transmit; decides how they
to previous knowledge and judges their appropriateness and worth for meeting the learner’s own
and objectives.
To encourage meaningful understanding, apart from the above, a learner needs to understand and
remember texts by inferring, elaborating ideas, and discarding unimportant details (Garner, 1988).
tasks engage cognitive processes that require learners to follow and respond to a message from a
who is distant in space and time (Davis, 1995). Logically, active and thoughtful reading procedures
should lead learners to critically analyze and think of the text, resulting in the reconstruction of
knowledge. Many researchers advocate this concept of reading as a source for critical thinking
engagement with texts because of its potential to facilitate, re-enact and reconstruct knowledge that
produces meaning and understanding i.e. comprehension (Fielding & Pearson, 1994).
Comprehension includes all the skills and abilities necessary for literal, inferential and critical
Thus, reading comprehension questions are used extensively in testing language proficiency courses
Univesiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM). This study intends to analyze UiTM undergraduates’ ability in
answering reading comprehension questions at different levels of thinking and the test scores
by them.
The purpose of this study is to find answers to the following research questions;
2. How did the students score in answering different levels of thinking processes (Bloom’s
2.1 Introduction
Instructional assessment plays an essential role in the progress of the instructional process. It is an
essential part of the teaching-learning process. Students’ learning can be measured by different
procedures. One of these procedures, which are widely used by teachers in the classroom, is the
achievement test. Good achievement tests are supposed to measure different levels of learning.
(1956), suggested six different cognitive stages in learning from the simple recall or recognition of
Many reading tests still operate on the principle that meaning is text –immanent, and that the
leaner’s job
is to find the same meanings that the test designer found. The problem with testing comprehension
is that
they test only whether students are able to think what we want or expect them to think. Yet, they
do not
lead to an accurate assessment of what students really are thinking as they read. In fact, ‘forced
item type such as multiple choice usually produce the most problems among the best readers, who
invariably find some logical flaw or are confused by the only partial adequacy of the possible
Despite what experts have said about the nature of reading, many teachers measure comprehension
how well students recall the details of what they have read (Allington, 2001). Thus, most students
judged as proficient readers because they can answer questions related to the factual information in
text. However, when the assessment focuses on critical reading and responding to text, only a few
Ultimately, there is no one ideal assessment process. Multiple choice question (MCQ) testing has its
advantages and disadvantages. Chan and Kennedy (2002) suggest MCQs responses are easily scored
with accuracy and objectivity. Importantly, the tests do not openly disadvantage students with weak
reading skills to the same degree as essay questions. Misreading one MCQ may lose the student a
percentage; however, misreading an essay question can result in substantial losses, Overall, MCQs
provide increased breadth and depth of coverage of material as opposed to essays that may
on a focused area.
Multiple choice tests appear to be controversial and the major problems stem from poorly or in
appropriately constructed test items (Paxton, 2000). It is recognized that creativity cannot be tested
this disadvantage reflects Bloom’s taxonomy of combining ideas to form a new whole (Bloom,
Engelhart, Furst, Hill & Krathwohl,1956). However, the other five components of Blooms taxonomy:
knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis and evaluation can be tested through MCQs.
MCQs are able to provide information about student’s higher levels of understanding rather than the
notion that MCQ tests higher order learning ideals (Higgins & Tatham, 2003). If measures are
designed, the tests are able to assess the depth and breadth of students’ knowledge (Epstein,
Calvano & Matthews, 2002). However, some students will engage in rote learning irrespective of the
assessment method.
changing so rapidly. The ability to find out and solve problem was stressed as being more important.
According to Norman (1996), problem-solving and competence are not generic and are dependent
A longstanding criticism of the validity of MCQs is that testing cognitive knowledge does not
communication skills. However, decades of research have shown that knowledge of a domain is the
single best determinant of expertise (Glaser, 1984). MCQs are, therefore, a legitimate method of
competence testing, as cognitive knowledge is best assessed using written test forms (Downing,
While MCQs are expressly designed to assess knowledge, well-constructed MCQs can also access
knowledge rather than testing recall of isolated facts (Case & Swanson, 2001). However, ‘higher-
MCQs still require cognitive knowledge and may not be any more valid but their practicality makes
more acceptable to examinees and examiners .However, a fair MCQ-based test is much more than a
The Research Design used for this study is the Content Analysis Research and correlation study of
results between the scores of each item against the level of thought processes of the Bloom
This is a quantitative study; this type of study was chosen because the quantitative data appears to
easier to interpret because it is more specific and explicit rather than implicit in nature (Sulaiman,
A total of fifty Part 3 diploma students were chosen for this research. Convenience sampling was
used in
this study because the participants were willing and available to be studied. These part 3 students
have similar academic background. Their English language proficiency level ranges from low
intermediate to high intermediate. These students have been exposed to answering reading
Correlational Research design was used for this study. This correlational explores the relationship
between the students’ performance and the level of thinking process of the Bloom Taxonomy in
answering a reading comprehension paper. This is a quantitative study; this type of study was
because the quantitative data appears to be easier to interpret because it is more specific and
rather than implicit in nature (Sulaiman, 2004). Test scores would be collected and analyzed. This
attempts to measure the students’ reading comprehension scores against the level of thinking
A set of reading comprehension question was used. Thirty-five multiple choice items were tested in
paper. 7 questions on information transfer and 28 questions designed from 4 different reading
The test scores were collected and analyzed. The students’ reading comprehension scores against
level of thinking processes of the questions using Bloom Taxonomy was analyzed quantitatively.
Table 1 shows the total percentage score of the students with the correct answers for each question
in the
reading comprehension paper used in this study. The students’ performance in this paper varies
according to the levels of thinking process. Students performed better in questions with low level
thinking process (knowledge, comprehension and application) compared to high order questions.
From Table 2, only 66.0 % of students responded the Knowledge level questions correctly. As for the
Comprehension level, 57.2% of students got them right. 47.0 % of the students were able to answer
Application level questions correctly. Only 48.4% of students managed to answer the Analysis level
questions correctly. As for the Synthesis questions, 33.6% of the students got them right. There was
one question tested on the evaluation level with only 28.0 % of the students were able to answer
Table 1: Itemization of the Percentage of Students with Correct Score For Each Item
correct answer
1 Comprehension 46 92
2 Application 32 64
3 Application 15 30
4 Analysis 17 34
5 Comprehension 34 68
6 Analysis 13 26
7 Synthesis 17 34
8 Knowledge 32 64
9 Comprehension 19 38
10 Comprehension 26 52
11 Evaluation 14 28
12 Comprehension 31 62
13 Synthesis 12 24
14 Comprehension 25 50
15 Comprehension 33 66
16 Comprehension 28 56
17 Comprehension 28 56
18 Comprehension 37 74
19 Comprehension 20 40
20 Synthesis 20 40
21 Analysis 13 26
22 Comprehension 20 40
23 Analysis 14 28
24 Synthesis 17 34
25 Analysis 30 60
26 Comprehension 26 52
27 Comprehension 35 70
28 Analysis 20 40
29 Analysis 17 34
30 Comprehension 21 42
31 Knowledge 34 68
32 Analysis 16 32
33 Analysis 18 36
34 Synthesis 18 36
35 Analysis 10 20
Table 2: Percentage of students with correct answer according to Level of Thinking Processes
correct answer
Knowledge 2 66.0
Comprehension 15 57.2
Application 2 47.0
Analysis 10 48.4
Synthesis 5 33.6
Evaluation 1 28.0
The findings indicate that the level of thinking processes advocated by Bloom taxonomy has
influenced the performance of the students in the reading comprehension paper. It seems that the
students face difficulties when answering higher level questions especially questions at level 4, 5 and
(analysis, synthesis and evaluation). It also influences the students’ ability to answer higher order
questions as compared to lower order questions. The findings conclude that there’s a relationship
between the level of thinking and the students’ ability to answer them correctly.
Researchers have found that teaching reading strategies is important to developing increased
comprehension. At the same time, they have found many teachers lack a solid foundation for
these reading comprehension strategies (National Reading Panel, 2005).Teachers must employ
comprehension strategies to teach reading comprehension. Comprehension monitoring helps
what they understand or do not understand while reading a text. It also helps them to use “fix-up”
strategies such as re-reading for a particular purpose or adjusting reading speed as related to text
difficulty. Answering a variety of questions from literal to application types during pre-reading,
and post reading provides students with a purpose and focus for reading. Asking these questions
According to Chia (2001), some students report that they have no problem with understanding both
words and sentence structures of the paragraph, but they cannot reach satisfactory interpretation of
text. Hence, pre- reading, activities should emphasize methods of merging the students, text and
To assist the reading process, recall related prior knowledge, preview and predict what the text will
about. We need to build their background by activating appropriate prior knowledge through
about the text. Wallace (1992) proposes one very popular kind of pre-reading task is “brain
Brainstorming has many advantages. Firstly, it requires little preparation; second, it allows student
considerable freedom to bring their own prior knowledge and opinions to bear on a particular issue;
Previewing motivates students to read. Swaffar et. al. (1991) pointed out the benefits of previewing
techniques that allow students to formulate hypotheses about the text. Teachers ask students to
recall and
consider prior personal experiences that are relevant to the text and help to build the necessary
While-reading activities should enable students to monitor their comprehension through a variety of
strategies and experiences. Teachers should monitor comprehension by teaching students to guess
meaning of new words using the cueing system. Post-reading activities helps students to review
understanding of text, relate new ideas to their schemata, revise their thinking, apply the
information to
Vocabulary is essential for getting meaning from text. Thus, it is recommended that teacher should
consider using many activities before reading strategies to improve students’ vocabulary. As a
begins to read, reading vocabulary stumbled upon in texts is mapped onto the oral vocabulary
brings to the task. When the word is not in the students’ oral vocabulary, it will not be understood
when it
occurs in print. Vocabulary occupies an important ground in learning to read. Reading vocabulary is
Christen and Murphy (1991) insist that research clearly emphasizes that for learning to occur, new
information must be incorporated with what the students already knows. They feel that teaching
We could also utilize the breaking up the text strategy. A long text may appear daunting to students
whose reading is not very skilled or speedy. When you ask the class to read it silently, the slower
will feel even more inadequate, while the quicker ones will finish long before the time you have
This is a nuisance and may be a problem if discipline is shaky, since it gives the better students time
create disturbances. Kawabata (2007) agrees this method allows the students to analyse more detail
each section, obtain specific information more closely, combine information of the sections, and
understand the main idea of the text. Skimming, scanning, and breaking up the text are introduced
group activities to develop and confirm the students’ understanding further.
Some people read better than others but teachers can reduce the effects of the differences by
with the text in several short sections instead of all at once. In this way, the better students may be
waiting only a couple of minutes for each section, instead of a much longer time if the slower ones
Not being able to perform efficiently in English affects a substantial number of students in higher
institutions, especially when most subjects are taught in English using textbooks written in English.
Weak students are also generally not prepared to “perform” in the language because in-depth
processes are required in the study of the sciences and arts at tertiary level. They find it difficult to
understand the difficult texts in books and this will affect their performance in their core subjects. At
level, they need to speak, write and critically analyze in English to be well informed and competent,
failing which they will resort to memorizing and copying without fully understanding the contents.
Higher-order thinking occurs when students look beyond the surface of the text they are reading to
out an answer or to attain comprehension. Making predictions, drawing conclusions and making
inferences are examples of reading strategies that typically elicit higher-order thinking. While there
is a
recognized demand to have higher-order thinking practice in the classroom, there is also a
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unresolved. This paper investigates the relationship between the level of thinking
findings conclude that there’s a relationship between the level of thinking processes
needed and the students’ ability to answer these questions correctly. This paper