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(vy DAYS 13 2n°-25n482 = 0 lei fe Ouadratic inequation EXERCISE A (6) Solve the Solve the following inequations :-1.3x?-2x-8>0 2. Tx2-7x-B4 20. 3.3x7/13x-30 504, 9x7=12 1420 S.VORMBxI 120 6 GAX4Bx49 <0 7. (x-5)M 2-3) <1 8. (EA Sx-GMx244 1) > 09. (x24 xYMH?-XH > 3 ANS' 1.(2,@), (-00,-4/3) 2.[4,00) ,(-=,-3] 3. [-6, 5/3] 4. R-(2B }5.xeR — 6.Nosolution 7. (-@, -2) UC 8/3, ©) 8. (2,3) 9. (1,3) SEQUENCES AND PROGRESSIONS Arithmetic Progression a, atd, at2d-- called A.P. a= first term, d= common difference n®term T,= at (n-I)d 1. THEOREM (i) If the sum of threre numbers in /\.P. is given then the numbers should be taken as a-d, a, ad Gi) If the sum of four numbers in A.P. is given, then the numbers should be taken as a-3 d, a-d, atd , at3d 2. THEOREM _(i) If each term of an A.P. is increased by same number, (ii) decreased by the same number. Gil) Multiplied by thesame number. _(iv) Divided by the same non-zero number then the resulting sequence is also an AP. n™ TERM OF _A.P. FROM THE END Ifa first term and d be the common difference having m terms n th term from end = a+(m-n) d XERCISE A (7) 2 For thascqueace {Tj} where T,= 2et2t]. find the first three terms. paue 2. Find the 15*and 32nd terms of the sequence { ,} where. T= (1 ifnisodd {#192 ifn is even 3. Find the first five terms of the sequence given by @(azl Gi) a= 7 a, 42, n22 a=ata,, 223 4, Find the n®term of the sequence 5, 2, -1, 4, -7—-- pl,neN , show that it is not an AP. 5. A sequence { a,) is given by 4 6. Find the 20% and n* term of the sequence 4, 9, 14, 19— 7, Determine 2nd term and r*term of an A.P. whose 6*term is 12 and 8*tenm is 22 . s# term of an AP, whose 9 term is -6 and common difference is 5/4 8. Determine the 2: tenn of an AP. is equal to 11times its 11*term, show that the 18% term of the AP. is zero. respectively, show that x (q-)+y(e-p) + = (P-@) = the AP. 5, 13, 2I——— is 181? 9. If 7 times the 7* 10. If the p*, qf and r*torms of an AP. bex,y, 64, 60 ———is-872 12. Which term in 1). Which texm in the AP. 68, iy 28, k, $78 are the three consecutive terms of (i) k+2, 4-6, Bk-2 (ii) 8k+4, Ok-2, 2k-7 13. Determine k so that an AD .14 For the AP a, a, a, ap —— Wfa/a,- 25 find a/a, 15. If ptterm of an A.P. is ¢ and q® term is d, what is the term ? 16. If m times the m* term of an A.P. is equal n times its n® term, show that the (m+n)* term of the A p | zero 17. If the m* term of an A.P. be I/n and n*term ke I/m, then show that its (mn)*term is 1 18. How many numbers of the two digits are divisible by 7? 19. Find the 12%term from the end of the following AP. (i)3, 5, 7,-—201 Gi) 3, 8, 13- 20. Find three numbers in A.P. whose sum is -3 and product is 8. ___21. The sum of three numbers in A-P. is 9 and sum of their squares is 59. Find the numbers. 22. Split 69 into 3 partes in A.P. such that the product of the smaller part is 483. 23. Four numbers are in A.P. their sum is 16 and sum of their squares is 84. Find the numbers. 24. The unyles of a quadrilateral are in A.P. whose common difference is 10° Find the angles. 25. The digits of a positive integer , having three digits, are in A.P. and their sum is 15, The number obtained t reversing the digits is 594 less than the original number. Find the number. 26. Ifa, b,c, are in AP. show that (i) I/be, Ica, I/ab arein AP. (ii) a(btcVbc, b(ctal/ca. c(atbVVab are i AP. Gi) brc-a, cad, atb-c are in AP. (iv) Mabie ), 1NctVa), (NatVb) are in AP. MW) (bte4ay3 , (cta-4by3, (atb4c)3 arein AP. 27.1f a, b?, Pare in AP. then prove that the following are also in AP. @ Mote), Micta), 1a) Gi) ate), dicta), eat) ANSWERS A (7) 1.2,7,16 2,224, 512.5 3.6)1,3,5,7,9 @i)-11,23,5483n 6.99, Sn-1 7.-8, 57-18 8.14 11.208 12. 23rd 13.()3 Gi) 1/2 Gil) 31/48 (4/515. {o(¢-q) +4 (p4)}(P-q) 18.13 19. @ 179 D198 20.2, -1,-4 21. 7,3,-1 22. 21,23,25 23.1,3,5,7 24. 75%,85°,95°,105° 25, 852 Sum of first 'n'terms of the AP. S.=(0/2) (2a+(o-1)d] S.= (w2) [atl] where 1= last tem. ARITHMETIC MEANS — AM. between two numbers aandb A= (atb)/2 INSERTION OF n.A.M.s BETWEEN TWO GIVEN NUMBERS Let a & b be any two given numbers Let A,, A.—— Abe the n, AM. between aandb Total terms = n+2 at(nt2-1)d=b-ay(ntl) A=atd= i (VN) AS atd=at balm), A= ar2d a4? (b-ay(nt ly, A> alnd at n( b-ay(n*) RCISE A (8) ~ 50 terms (ii) 5413421 --- 4181 id the sum of first 50 natural numbers Find the sum of first 35 even natural number. Find the sum of alll intergers which are divisible by 7 and lying between 50 and 500. g Find the sum of 10 terms of the sequence (x+y), tty’, (-y?>--- >> i) Find the sum of all intergers less than 500 and divisible by the both 3 & 7 Gii) Find the the sum of n terms whose n*term given by 5-6n. 5. How many terms of the sequence -12, -9,-6,-3 ~ - -- . must be taken to make the sum 547 7. Determine the sum of the first 35 terms of an A.P. ifits second term is 2 and seventh terms is 22. 8. If the first term of an A.P. is 2.and the sum of first five terms is equal to one-fourth of the sum of the next five terms, then find the sum of first 30 terms. 9. Ifthe sum of the first n terms of a sequence is of the form An*+Bn where A and B are constants, independent of n, show that the sequence is an A.P. Is the converse true? Justify your answer. 10. If the sum of first, n, 2n, 3n terms of an AP. are S,, S,,S,, respectively show that $,= 3 (S,S,) 1, Ifthe sum of m terms of an A.P. is to the sum of'n terms of the same A.P. is as m?: n°, prove that the ratio of its mi" and n térm is 2-1 : 2n-1. 7 12. if the 5% and the 12* terms of an AP. ave 30 and 65 respectively, what is the sum of the first 20 terms 7 13. How many terms are there in a A.P. whose first and fifth terms are respectively -14 and 2 and the sum of all the terms is 407 14, Find the common difference of an A.P. whose first term is 100 and the sum of whose first six terms is five ‘ times the sum if the next six terms. 15. The sum of n terms of two AP. are in the ratio In+1: 4n +27. Find the ratio of their 11*term. 16, The first,second and last terms of a finite AP. are a, b, crespectively. Show that the sum of all terms of the AR. is (ate) (btc-2a)2(b-2). 17. If the sums of the first p, q, r terms of an AP. bo a, b,c respectively, show that. a qrypt b (rpVate Pay =0 18. If the sum of first p terms of an A.P. is equal to the sum of first q terms, show that the sum of first (p+q) ‘tems is zero. 19.1E the pth term is 1/q and q*term isI/p, show that the sum of pq terms is (pqt1)2. 20. Solve the equation 14+6+11————x = 148 21. Solve the equation 144 #7+10----- -x=590,& the 44, 10* and 16%terms ofaGp, are x, y, 9. the Stem of a GP. is 16 and 10 term is 1 10.1f p, 7 respectively, prove that x, y, 2 are in G.P. Generalise. (2, find its 15% term QTarein AP, and x, y,z are in GP, prove that x.y V1. Find four numbers forming a Sreater than the fourth by 18, te grs=1 GLP. where the third term is greater than the first by 9 and the second term is| 12. Ifthe sum of three mumbers in G.P. is 38 and their product is 1728, find them, 13. Ifthe continued product of ‘three numbers in G.P. is 216 and the sum. of their products in pairs is 156, find the numbers. 14. Find three numbers in GP. whose sum is 52 and sum of whose Products in pairs is 624. 15. The product of the first three terms of a G.P. is 1000. If6 ii third term, the tems, is aded to its second term and 7 added to its become in AP. Find G.P. 16. Ifa, b,c, be respectively the P*, q®, and rterms of a G.P. prove that.(q-r) log a + (r-p) log b + (p-q) loge=0 V7AE the frst and o® tems of a G.P, are a and b respectively and if pis the product of frst a terms, Prove that p?=(a by. 18. Ifa. b, c,d, are in GP, show that (a*+b*4+e2) (bra) ( abtbeted?. 19. The sum of three numbers in GP. is 56. LEwe subtract 1, 7,21 from these numbers in that order, we obtain. an A.P. Find these numbers, 720 Ifthe p*, q*and r*temns of a G.P. be a,b respectively , prove that at. B®. ora = 1 21. Ifab,c are in GP. Prove that the following are also in GP.O2B Gia be (iii) a+b’, abtbc, bee 22.1 Wety), Udy, yz) are three consecutive terms of an AP. Prove that x, y, z are three consecutive terms ofa GP. 23 Ifa, b, careinGP. and Xy are the AM. of a, b and b, c respectively, then prove that. wx +d y=2 and Ix-+Hly=2/b 24. Find ‘such that k+9, k-6 and 4 form three consecutive terms of aGP, 25. Ifa, b, c arein AP. and a, x, b, and b, y, c are in GP. ‘Show that x2, b, y?are in AP, ANSWERS A (9) 1.@ 768, 3.2 (03 (0.2)! 2. M162 3.20+40+80 ~~ ----yes 4. 5,5 7.303 9. 164 1H. 3,6,12,-24 12.8, 12, 18,0018, 12,8 13.2, 6, 18,0r 18,62 14.4, 12, 36, or 36, 12,4 IS SSBB ------- 19.32, 168 24. 16,0 5,1 re 162) Si Gatesi ;
(=) Sum of first in terms of a G.P, (i)S,-a( FMI) if <1 GS,” 8 I(r) if r> 1 GOS/=na i= 1 Gy S= (kyle), 1 lastterm= art! (©) Sum to infinity a4 ar4 a? --- ----- ere (©) Geometric mean G between two number a and b (i) G= vb BGM. between _ewo number a and b aG,G,----2 2-- G, b Total terms =n+2 al=p => tween T= (bayeen G=a >a (bale, G.= woaQe yer ge ars any” : EXERCISE A (10) 1. Find the sum of indicated umber of terms. @2,4,8 ----- - -9tenms Gi) 1,23, 419, ----~ + a 2. Find the following sums. @ 5+10120 ------.. 1280 fi) 1B 4343-B+ 3. Find the sum of n terms of the following sequence, Q@xty, thy, Shey taytiyt+ Gi) 1+ (Lag ( Vextx) + (exits) + 4. Determine the number of terms in the GP. if T, = 3, T,=96 and S,=189 of the GP, 5. The second and fifth terms of G.P. are -1/2 and 1/16 respectively . Find the sum of the G-P. upto 8 terms. 6. How many terms of the sequence 3, 32, 3 cents are needed to give the sum 120? 7. ind the following sums. © eae @9+99+999+- ~
)Jn-x CVO] 4.6 5. gsy2g 6.4 BOLD (90-14 110 ) - ¥F (-¥)(1-y)] 98-10) Gi) (5/81) (10*-9n-10) V10") 8. (7/81) (4490 +109) 9, G12) a- 13. @-1 Gi) 10019 16, 983 17. @) 43/99 Gi) 13/30 Gii) 233/990 Gy) 15549 20, Cy>y VI) Cy) 21. 4V2 29.8 23.3 24. 6, 18,54 25.4, 16,64 26. -12 SUM OF ARITEMETICO GEOMETRIC SERIES (A, ) S=at(atd)r+ (ada a(t) + de Lap 7.@ (9) 10" 2 GY) 44/81) Onaine 13" VW. Never Teach 12, 24.) EXERCISE A (1) 1. Find the sakm to infinity of the series 193/24 sz47is 4. 2. Ifthe sum to infinite of the series 34( 34d 4 + (3424 ya + 4. Find the sum to n terms of the series, @ 1432 +5247 4-2_ @) 142784 37324. MP + Saas Gi) 14254 3,24 4,04 5. Find the sum to infinity of the series L2xt3th430, 6. If the sum to infinity of the series 3452-72, weno is 44/9, find.ANSWERS A (11) --3n/2 3° ‘ 562.32 3.1m 4, (ocmayara) Gi) GRY (I-13"}3n72 Gi) Creve - (Ix) 5. Mix? 6.4 SUM TO N. Orsi WEN (@) Sum of first n natural number La=S,= 1424314 = a(ntly/2 ©) Sum of square of natural number Da?=S,= PH —— — a? = n(n) (2 VG (©) Sum of cube of natural number Ln=S= P14F ——- --- a= (n(at 2 PP EXCERCSE _A (12) 1. Find ie frat a intern isiven Pa a we (iv) 2n?-30+5 2. Find the following sums @ 1742432. 20 (ii) 12413 414 --—-- 437 Gi) 18741974202. AP ivy 4446 18 3. Evaluate 143445? 4. Show that (1.242 32-2. aH? Y (17242234 22-22. mat] = Gn +5V3n+1) > Show ditut the sua of the cubes of auy natal atmnbes of consccutive integers is divicible by the orm of those integers. 6-IES, S,,S, are the sums of first n natural numbers and their square and their cubes. Show that 98,2=5, (1+ 8$,) 7. Find the sum of the series. @ 123423.443454-—--- 2... ~tonterms (ji) 2442464 g2 (Gi) 12.4.4+23.743.4.10, Rterms (iv) 1+ (1+2) + (14243) + () 17+ (14254 243m ~+-mteans (vi) 1.242.3% 3.42 8. Find the sum of n terms of the following series @ 143+6H10 Gi) 245410417 —_ Gi) 14347413 —_ ANSWERS _A (12) 1.@ (a+) 2m+7V6 Gi) m(a+1) (3n23m+34y/12 Gi) n(@+) (n+) 2 ©2870 637 ii) 33935 Gv) 102600 3. mrt) 7, @ 2 (aH) ( n42)(a13y4 @ 20 (+1) Gots Gil)m (mH) (9n4250414 yI2 @) (mT) (O2Y6 (v) a (att (me2v12 GA)n tH) (m2) (3m45)12 8. (IF m (nt) (V6 Gi)n( many 6 Gin (may2 Gyn (rtemtaye, 6) 347414424137 6 + 2021) (iv) n(4nramt23y6Answers S (4) 1 50 7 (12325 ai 2055 2s 3@2 @s 4G 345 1061, 12.64 ; G84 623 | @ 7.94 82 2,4.60 Po 9G) I411 Gi) 3.88 10.@ 121 (i 14.94 HB 12.65.25 Mathematical Induction rete mathematical induction Lat le) be aston’ of hea forallneN (Vie ea ce (n) is true forn =k Gil) Verify that P (a) is true for n= K+ Then P (n) is true for all n EN EXERCISE M(1 Prove that P (n) is true for all néN by M1 1. Let P (n) be the statement “n?#n is even.” -yris an integral multiple of y) 2. By principle of MLL, provethat. (2-1 isdivisibleby7 (ii) x" MS nel (iii) eet isd isible by 9 (iv) 10%43.4"45 is divisible by 9 @) oer 1Y2n 1) sisi by 6 foralin EN. Ui) N2panr+swt remainder isalways1~ cb Muisreke by (vii) 10™"+1 is divisible by 11 (viii) > when divided by 8, the: (ex) (4x2 1+ ox whenever x is positive and nis a positive interget. w=n (at I2nt1 V6 n< (2nt178 3. @) 14243 ----------- n=n(ntly 2 (i) P42B?- = (Gil) 143445" -- == o> (20-1 = n(20-1) nt 13 (iv) 14243 222 = [nat y2 P (i) V.24123+18.4————— Va(n+1)=2/(0+1) () P4243 ne eee Qn) =H ii) 113418.5415.7 21) 21) =a) (viii) 14345 - (ee) a+ (ahd) Het2A) -=-- ==> {anal d} =n [2a¢ G1) a2 Linear Programming «Draw the diagram of the solution set ofthe linear constrains @3xHy212 y2l,x20 @2x43756, xty $4, x20 y20 Gi) 2x +3y 236, x23,y22 (iv) xty $5, axty24, xtSy2 5,xS4,yS3 wxty2l, yS5, x56, xt9yS63, x,y2z0 (vi) Verify that the soluction set of the follwing linear consraints is empty. 3x Hy 2 12, xt2y $3, x20, y20 (vii) bd < 3 (vii) Ixy 21 @ ‘Show that the solution set of the following linear in equations is an unbounded set. xty29, 3xty= 12,xy20
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