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Mysore Rd, Jnana Bharathi, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560056


Banking Financial Services & Insurance

Apprenticeship Embed Program (AEP)

2024 –2025
Dean and Chairperson
Jnanabharathi Campus,
Bangalore – 560 056.

Proceedings of BOS Meeting

Proceedings of the BOS meeting for (Regular), (Insurance and Actuarial
Science), (LSCM), (TTM), BBA (General), BBA (Aviation Management), BA
(Tourism), BHM, (Retail operation -AEP) (Logistics operation-AEP),
(Banking Financial Service and Insurance -AEP) and (Business Analytics)
programmes as per the SEP structure and online for the Academic Year 2024-25
held on 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th ,8th 10th, 11th 12th, 15th 16th, ,18th and 19th July 2024 in the
Department of commerce Jnana Bharathi campus, Bengaluru University, Bengaluru-
560056. The board has reviewed and approved the course matrix for 1st Semester to 6th
Semester and syllabus for 1st and 2nd semesters of the above-mentioned programmes. The
board authorized the Chairman to make the necessary changes.

Sl. Name& Address Photo Designation Signature
01 Dr. R. Sarvamangala
Chairperson & Dean, Department of
Commerce, Jananabharathi Campus Chairperson
Bangalore University, Bengaluru-560056

02 Dr. Gurumuthy K H
Principal, Department of Commerce,
Government First Grade College, Member
Kuduru, Magadi-561101

03 Dr. Mohammed Farooq Pasha

Associate Professor, Department of
Commerce, Government First Grade College, Member
Kengeri, Bengaluru-560060

04 Dr. Ganesh N K
Associate Professor, Department of
Commerce, Government First Grade College, Member

05 Dr. Ambarish R
Principal, Dharmasagara First Grade College,
Dommasandra, Anekal Taluk, Bengaluru- Member

06 Dr. Tabreez Pasha
Principal & Director, DON BOSCO Institute
of Management Studies and Computer Member
Applications, Kumbalagodu, Mysore Road,
07 Prof. Shankaracharya
Principal, Department of Commerce, VEIT
College, Jayanagara, Member

08 Dr. Balaji N P
Associate Professor, Department of
Commerce, Government First Grade College, Member
Bidadi, Ramanagara Dist-562109

09 Dr. K. Sivamurugan
Associate Professor, Department of
Commerce, ST Claret College, Jalahalli, Member

10 Prof. Ravikiran T N
Principal, Transcend Degree College
Yelachenahalli, Kumaraswamy Layout, Member
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560078

11 Dr.Lakshmi.V
Assistant Professor,
Department Of Commerce, Co-opted
GFGC Channapatna Member

12 Prof. Naziya Sulthana N

Assistant Professor,
Sri Aurobindo College
West of Chord Road 2nd Stage,
Rajajinagar, Bengaluru- 560010



As per the Government Order No. ED 166 UNE 2023, Bangalore, dated
08.05.2024, all Universities in Karnataka, are required to revise the curriculum
of Degree Programs as per the guidelines of the Karnataka State Higher Education
Council and State Education Planning Commission, constituted by the
government, from the academic year 2024-2025. In furtherance of the said
Government order, the Program Structure prepared by the BOS will be applicable
to students admitted to B. Com Financial Services & Insurance (AEP) Program,
offered by Bengaluru University affiliated colleges. Therefore, this regulation will
be applicable to all students seeking admission for B. Com Financial Services &
Insurance (AEP)) Programme from the academic year 2024-25. The Board of
Studies resolved to provide the regulation for B. Com Financial Services &
Insurance (AEP) Undergraduate Program along with Framework and Syllabus for
the various Core Courses and Specific Elective Courses for each semester.


1. To prepare Students to pursue careers in Marketing, Accounting and Taxation,

Auditing, Financial Analysis and Management and allied disciplines
2. To develop business analysts for organizations, capital markets and
commodity markets and securities market, business, industry, trade and
3. To develop competent human capital for creative thinking and problem solving
in business sectors and for nation building
4. To create entrepreneurial environment by producing and channeling
innovative, creative and promising young entrepreneurs for the economy
5. To develop business philosophers with a focus on social responsibility and
ecological sustainability.
6. To churn out IT enabled global managers for solving real life business
problems and addressing business development issues with a passion for
quality competency and holistic approach.

7. To inculcate, ingrain and internalize the young minds to become ethical
managers with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills.
8. To empower students to take up higher education to become business
scientists, researchers, consultants and teachers, with needed core
9. To empower students for pursuing professional courses like Chartered
Accountancy, Cost and Management Accountancy, Company Secretary and
other allied offline and online programs
10. To induce students to take up professions in manufacturing, services and
knowledge sector in tune with the changing business landscape
11. To prepare students to take up competitive examinations such as UPSC,
KPSC and other competitive examination authorities where business
disciplines are earmarked.
12. To imbibe leadership skills both in their chosen professional filed for
achieving personal and professional excellence and thereby create moral
leadership for business and nation development


Candidates who have completed Two years Pre – University course of

Karnataka State or its equivalent as notified by the Government from time
to time are eligible to seek admission for this programme. The students of
other states and foreign countries are eligible in accordance with state and
central government guidelines from time to time


The programme is for Three (03) years consisting of Six Semesters

altogether. A candidate shall complete his/her degree within six (06)
academic years from the date of his/her admission to the first semester. A
Student who successfully completes Three (03) years of the programme will
be awarded Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce (B.Com.) by Bangalore


The medium of instruction shall be English. Wherever necessary the

instructions will be in bilingual. However, a candidate is permitted to write
the examination either in English or in Kannada


There shall be Maximum of 60 students in each section.


a) For the purpose of calculating attendance, each semester shall be taken
as a Unit.
b) A student shall be considered to have satisfied the requirement of
attendance for the semester, if he/she has attended not less than 75%
in aggregate of the number of working periods in each of the subjects.
c) A student who fails to complete the programme in the manner stated
above shall not be permitted to take the University examination.


a. In every semester, the student should maintain a Record Book in

which the exercises given under each subject are to be recorded.
This Record has to be submitted to the concerned faculty for
evaluation at least 15 days before the end of each semester.

b. Every student should also submit the practical record

book/report/presentation on “Business Skill Development’ of every
semester and submitted to the concerned faculty for evaluation, at
least 15 days before the end of each semester.

c. Students should visit organizations in and around vicinity of the

institution or any other place for the purpose of gaining practical
exposure and there after maintain the record to record the
student’s experience of industrial visit and study tour. This Record
has to be submitted to the concerned faculty for evaluation at least
15 days before the end of each semester

d. Every college is required to establish a dedicated business lab /

computer lab to enable students get practical knowledge of
business activities and also enable online learning

e. The BOE is authorized to make random surprise visits to the

colleges and verify record books and validate the internal marks


To teach programme, the candidate with M. Com, MFA, MIB, MBA
(F&A) MBS graduates with B. Com, B.B.M, BBA & BBS as basic degree from
a recognized university are only eligible to teach and to evaluate the
subjects (except languages & compulsory subjects) Languages constitution
values and environment studies (EVS) subjects shall be taught by the
teachers as recognized by the respective board of studies.

The subjects like Business Data Analysis, Business quantitative analysis,

corporate communication and computer Accounting-Tally prime and
accounting software programme shall be taught by commerce faculty only

a. There shall be a university examination at the end of each semester. The

maximum marks for the university examination in each paper shall be

b. Of the 20 marks of Internal Assessment,

i. Lab activities /skill-based activities shall be - 5 marks

ii. Tests marks shall be based on 1 Hr duration

of the test - 10 marks

iii. The attendance marks shall be - 5 marks

(20 marks from two tests, which are to be conducted during the semester)

i) For First test of 20 marks (one hour time duration), questions to be

given from the syllabus component (any of the units).

ii) For Second test of 20 marks (one hour time duration), questions
to be given from the skill development component of the syllabus.

The average of the two tests must be taken as a score for internal

c. Minimum 75% of attendance is eligible to take university exam

The marks based on attendance shall be awarded as given below:
➢ 75-80% of total class held during the semester = 1 marks.
➢ 80-85% = 2 marks
➢ 85- 90% = 3 marks.
➢ 90-95% = 4 marks.
➢ 95-100% = 5 marks.

a) A candidate shall apply for all the parts in each examination when
he/she appears for the first time. A candidate shall be considered to
have appeared for the examination only if he/she has submitted the
prescribed application for the examination along with the required
fees to the university with minimum of 75% attendance in each

b) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree

program on transfer from any other University shall be eligible to
claim exemption under Part I from the study of the respective
language if he/she has studied and passed the language at the
corresponding level.

c) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree

program on transfer from any other University shall also be eligible
to claim exemption under Part II from studying and passing in those
subjects which he/she has studied and passed at the corresponding

d) A candidate who is permitted to seek admission to this degree

program on transfer from any other University shall not be eligible
for the award of ranks.


Candidates who have obtained a minimum of 35% marks in university

examination and an aggregate of 40% marks in each subject shall be
eligible for a pass or exemption in that subject.


1. The results of the First to Sixth semester degree examination shall be

declared and classified separately as follows:

a. Distinction: Those who obtain 85% and above of the total marks
of parts I, II & III.

b. First Class: Those who obtain 60% and above of the total marks
of parts I, II & III.

c. Second Class: Those who obtain 50% and above but less than 60%
of total marks of parts I, II & III

d. Pass Class: Rest of the successful candidates who secure 40% and
above but less than 50% of marks in part I, II & III.

2. Ranks shall be declared on the basis of the aggregate marks obtained by

the candidates in this degree programme (including (part I Part II and
Part III) as a whole. However, only those candidates who have cleared
each semester university examination in the first attempt only shall be
eligible for award of ranks. The first ten ranks only shall be notified by
the university


No candidates passing through an external examination shall be eligible for any

scholarship, fellowship, medal, prize or any other award.


a) A candidate is allowed to carry-forward all the previous un-cleared papers to

the subsequent semester/semesters.

b) Such of those candidates who have failed/remained absent for one or more
papers henceforth called as repeaters, shall appear for exam in such paper/s
during the three immediately succeeding examinations. There shall be no
repetition for internal assessment test.

c) The candidate shall take the examination as per the syllabus and the scheme
of examination in force during the subsequent appearances.

d) In the event of any disputes or discrepancies, the aggrieved party jurisdiction

of court is Bangalore


Each question paper shall carry 80 marks and the duration of examination is
3 hours. The Question paper shall ordinarily consist of three sections, to
develop testing of conceptual skills, understanding skills, comprehension
skills, articulation and application of skills. The question paper setter shall be
asked to prepare Three sets of papers with a maximum of 10% repetition. The
Question Paper will be as per the following Model:

SECTION-A (Conceptual questions)

(07 X 02 = 14
1. a, b ,c, d, e, f, Answer any SEVEN out of TEN questions.
g, h, i, j Each question carries 2 Marks
(Analytical questions)
SECTION -B: (03 X 08 = 24
Answer any THREE out of FIVE questions.
2,3,4,5.6 Marks)
Each question carries 8 Marks

(Essay type questions)

SECTION-C: (03 X 14 = 42
Answer any THREE out of Five questions.
7,8,9.10, 11 Marks)
Each question carries 14 Marks

Total 80 Marks
XVI. COURSE MATRIX-See Annexure – 1 for B. Com Financial Services &
Insurance (AEP) Course Matrix



B. Com (Banking Financial Services & Insurance) SEP-2024-25

Course Title Course No of No of No of Course

Code Paper Hours Credit s
s s Credits
Semester I 6 300 20 20
Skill Courses Accounts Assistant BFSI-SC1 1 90 6 6

Core Courses Basic Business & Applied Law BFSI-1 1 45 3 9

Business Mathematics & Statistics BFSI-2 1 45 3
Business Economics BFSI-3 1 45 3
General Language I Lang-1 1 45 3 5
Courses Language II Lang-2 1 30 2

Semester II 6 300 20 20
Skill Courses Insurance Advisor/Agent BFSI-SC2 1 90 6 6

Core Courses Foundations of Investments BFSI-4 1 45 3 9

Investments - Risk and Returns BFSI-5 1 45 3
Financial Management BFSI-6 1 45 3
General Language I Lang-3 1 45 3 5
Courses Language II Lang-4 1 30 2

Semester III 6 300 20 20

Skill Courses Mutual Fund Distributor BFSI-SC3 1 90 6 6

Core Courses Personal Financial Planning BFSI-7 1 45 3 9

Introduction to Indian Capital BFSI-8 1 45 3
Sales & Distribution Management BFSI-9 1 45 3
General Language I Lang-5 1 45 3 5
Courses Language II Lang-6 1 30 2

Semester IV 6 300 20 20
Skill Courses Credit Processing Officer BFSI-SC4 1 90 6 6

Core Courses Retail Banking Assets Sales and BFSI-10 1 45 3 9


Retail Banking Liabilities Sales BFSI-11 1 45 3
Taxation BFSI-12 1 45 3
General Language I Lang-7 1 45 3 5
Courses Language II Lang-8 1 30 2

Semester V & VI 1800 40 40

Apprenticeship BFSI-A1 1800 40

Grand Total 4,800 160 160

Basic Business and Applied Law

Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-1 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of applied Indian
business law, covering both theoretical concepts and practical applications in the
Indian business environment. It prepares students for legal compliance, risk
management, and ethical decision-making in Indian businesses and commercial
Unit 1 Introduction to Indian Business Law
Overview of the Indian legal system-Sources of Indian business law
(constitution, statutes, case law)-Importance of legal compliance in
Indian business operations-Key Legal Concepts in Indian Law-
Principles of Indian contract law, Essentials of valid contracts under the
Indian Contract Act:1872-Overview of tort law and its application in
business disputes Regulatory Framework for Business in India-Role of
regulatory agencies (SEBI, RBI, IRDAI, CCI)-Overview of company law
(Companies Act, 2013)-Overview of taxation laws (Income Tax Act, GST
Unit II Contract Law and Commercial Transactions
Indian Contract Act, 1872-Formation and essentials of a valid
contract-Types of contracts under Indian law (sale, lease, agency)-
Performance, breach, and discharge of contracts-Special Contracts-
Bailment and pledge-Indemnity and guarantee-Contract of agency-
Commercial Transactions-Sale of Goods Act, 1930-Negotiable
Instruments Act, 1881-Overview of e-commerce laws and electronic
Unit-III Corporate Law and Business Organizations:
Companies Act, 2013-Incorporation and registration of companies-
Corporate governance requirements for Indian companies-Directors'
duties and liabilities-Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs)-Formation
and registration of LLPs-Rights and duties of partners in an LLP-
Conversion and winding up of LLPs-Partnership Act, 1932-Formation
and types of partnerships-Rights and duties of partners-Dissolution of
Unit-IV Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in India:
Intellectual Property Laws in India-Indian Patents Act, 1970-
Trademarks Act, 1999-Copyright Act, 1957-Protection of Trade Secrets
and Designs-Indian laws on trade secrets-Design protection under the
Designs Act, 2000-Geographical Indications (GI) protection
Unit-V Regulatory Compliance and Business Ethics:
Regulatory Compliance for Businesses-Securities laws and regulations
(SEBI Act)-Competition law (Competition Act, 2002)-Consumer
protection laws (Consumer Protection Act, 2019)-Business Ethics and
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)-Legal and ethical responsibilities
of businesses-CSR provisions under the Companies Act, 2013-
Compliance and reporting requirements for CSR activities
Unit-VI Dispute Resolution Mechanisms:

Indian Judiciary and Legal Proceedings-Structure of Indian courts (civil
and criminal)-Jurisdiction and hierarchy of courts-Overview of
alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods-Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996-Arbitration agreements and proceedings
Appointment and powers of arbitrators-Enforcement and challenge of
arbitral awards
Unit-VII Emerging Areas in Indian Business Law:
Data Protection and Privacy Laws-Overview of the Personal Data
Protection Bill, 2019-Compliance requirements for data protection-
Impact of data protection laws on businesses-Start-up and
Entrepreneurship Laws-Legal framework for start-ups in India-
Incentives and support mechanisms for start-ups-Intellectual property
strategies for start-ups
Case Studies and Practical Applications:
• Analyzing real-world legal cases and business disputes in India
• Drafting legal documents and contracts under Indian law
• Simulated negotiations and legal advisory exercises
Additional Resources and Tools
• Indian business law textbooks, casebooks, and legal journals
• Legal databases and online resources (Manupatra, SCC Online)
• Guest lectures by legal practitioners and business lawyers

Business Mathematics and Statistics
Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-2 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of business
mathematics and statistics, covering both mathematical concepts and statistical
techniques relevant to various business applications. It integrates theoretical
knowledge with practical skills to prepare students for analyzing data, making
informed business decisions, and solving complex problems in real-world
Unit 1 Basic Arithmetic Operations
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division-Order of operations
(PEMDAS)-Fractions, decimals, and percentages-Algebraic Concepts-
Variables, constants, and expressions-Solving linear equations and
inequalities-Formulas and their applications in business-Functions
and Graphs-Linear functions and their graphs-Quadratic functions and
parabolas-Exponential and logarithmic functions
Unit II Financial Mathematics
Time Value of Money-Future value and present value calculations-
Compound interest and simple interest-Annuities and perpetuities-
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis-Net present value (NPV) and internal
rate of return (IRR)-Capital budgeting decisions-Sensitivity analysis
and scenario modeling-Financial Ratios and Analysis-Liquidity ratios
(current ratio, quick ratio)-Solvency ratios (debt-to-equity ratio,
interest coverage ratio)-Profitability ratios (return on investment, profit
Unit-III Descriptive Statistics
Data Presentation and Summary-Frequency distributions and
histograms-Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode)-
Measures of dispersion (variance, standard deviation)-Probability
Distributions-Discrete probability distributions (binomial, Poisson)-
Continuous probability distributions (normal distribution)-Sampling
and Estimation-Sampling techniques (random sampling, stratified
sampling)-Point estimation and interval estimation
Unit-IV Inferential Statistics
Hypothesis Testing-Null and alternative hypotheses-Type I and Type II
errors-One-sample and two-sample hypothesis tests-Regression
Analysis-Simple linear regression-Multiple regression analysis-
Interpretation of regression coefficients-ANOVA and Nonparametric
Tests-Analysis of variance (ANOVA)-Nonparametric tests (Mann-
Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test)
Unit-V Time Series Analysis
Trend Analysis-Moving averages and trend lines-Seasonal variations
and seasonal decomposition-Forecasting Techniques-Exponential
smoothing methods-Time series models (ARIMA)
Unit-VI Decision Analysis and Optimization
Decision Trees-Decision nodes, chance nodes, and terminal nodes-
Expected value and decision tree analysis-Linear Programming-
Formulating linear programming problems-Graphical and simplex
methods for solution
Business Applications and Case Studies
• Financial analysis using ratios and financial models
• Market research and data analysis for business decision-making
• Risk assessment and management using statistical techniques
Additional Resources and Tools
• Business mathematics and statistics software (e.g., Excel, MATLAB, R)
• Online resources, textbooks, and academic journals
• Workshops, tutorials, and webinars on business mathematics and statistics

Foundations of Business Economics
Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-3 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of business economics,
covering both microeconomic and macroeconomic principles, applied analysis
techniques, and their relevance to business strategy and decision-making.
Unit 1 Introduction to Business Economics
Definition and scope of business economics-Importance of economic
analysis in business decision-making-Economic Fundamentals-Basic
concepts of economics (scarcity, opportunity cost, supply and demand)
Microeconomics vs. macroeconomics-Economic Systems and Market
Structures-Overview of different economic systems (capitalism,
socialism, mixed economy)-Market structures (perfect competition,
monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition)
Unit II Microeconomic Analysis
Consumer Behavior-Utility theory and consumer preferences-
Indifference curve analysis and budget constraints-Elasticity of
demand and its applications-Producer Behavior-Production and cost
analysis-Profit maximization under different market structures-
Theory of the firm: short-run vs. long-run decisions-Market
Equilibrium and Pricing-Equilibrium in competitive markets-Pricing
strategies and price discrimination-Non-price competition and product
Unit-III Macroeconomic Analysis
National Income Accounting-Concepts of GDP, GNP, and national
income-Measures of economic performance (unemployment rate,
inflation rate)-Aggregate Demand and Supply-Determinants of
aggregate demand and supply-Keynesian and classical approaches to
macroeconomic equilibrium-Fiscal and monetary policy tools-Economic
Growth and Development-Theories of economic growth (Solow model,
endogenous growth theory)-Factors influencing economic development
(human capital, technology, institutions)
Unit-IV Business Cycles and Economic Fluctuations
Understanding Business Cycles-Phases of the business cycle
(expansion, peak, contraction, trough)-Causes and consequences of
economic fluctuations-Role of Government in Stabilization-Fiscal policy
tools for stabilization (taxation, government spending)-Monetary policy
tools (interest rates, open market operations)
Unit-V Applied Business Economics
Cost-Benefit Analysis-Principles of cost-benefit analysis-Application in
project evaluation and decision-making-Risk Analysis and Uncertainty-
Decision-making under uncertainty-Techniques for risk assessment
and management-Market Research and Forecasting-Methods of market
research (surveys, interviews, focus groups)-Forecasting techniques
(time-series analysis, regression analysis)
Unit-VI International Economics and Global Business Environment
International Trade Theory-Comparative advantage and gains from
trade-Tariffs, quotas, and trade policies-Foreign Exchange Markets and
Exchange Rate Determination-Exchange rate regimes (fixed vs.
floating)-Factors influencing exchange rates
Unit-VII Business Economics and Strategy
Strategic Decision Making-Game theory and strategic interactions-
Competitive dynamics and strategic positioning-Economic Analysis of
Pricing and Product Strategies-Price discrimination strategies-Product
differentiation and market segmentation
Case Studies and Practical Applications
• Analyzing real-world business scenarios and case studies
• Applying economic concepts to business decision-making processes
• Simulation exercises on market behavior, strategic interactions, and policy
Additional Resources and Tools
• Economic textbooks, journals, and academic literature
• Economic databases and statistical resources
• Industry reports and market analysis tools

Basic Finance Concepts
Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-4 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum covers a comprehensive range of topics in financial analysis,
starting from basic concepts to advanced techniques, and integrates practical
applications to provide a well-rounded learning experience
Unit 1 Introduction to Finance
Overview of financial markets-Key participants (individuals,
institutions)-Objectives of financial analysis-Time Value of Money
(TVM)-Future value, present value, and compounding-Understanding
interest rates and discounting-Risk and Return-Types of risk
(systematic, unsystematic)-Calculating risk measures (standard
deviation, beta)-Relationship between risk and return
Unit II Financial Statement Analysis
Understanding Financial Statements-Balance Sheet, Income
Statement, Cash Flow Statement-Reading and interpreting financial
statements-Financial Ratios-Liquidity ratios-Solvency ratios-
Profitability ratios-Efficiency ratios-DuPont Analysis-Decomposition of
return on equity (ROE)-Identifying drivers of performance
Unit-III Valuation Techniques
Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) Analysis-Forecasting cash flows-
Estimating terminal value-Calculating present value-Comparable
Company Analysis (CCA)-Identifying comparable companies-Analyzing
multiples (P/E, EV/EBITDA, etc.)-Valuation using market comparables
Asset-Based Valuation-Valuing assets and liabilities-Adjusted book
value method-Liquidation value method
Unit-IV Financial Modeling
Excel Skills for Financial Modeling-Building income statement, balance
sheet, cash flow statement-Creating dynamic financial models-Building
Integrated Financial Models-Forecasting revenue, expenses, and cash
flows-Sensitivity analysis and scenario modeling-Company Valuation
Modeling-Integrating DCF, CCA, and other valuation methods-
Developing valuation models for different industries
Unit-V Advanced Topics
Financial Risk Management-Hedging Techniques-Derivatives and their
use in risk management-Corporate Finance-Capital structure decisions
Cost of capital estimation-Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) Analysis-
M&A process overview-Valuation techniques in M&A
Case Studies and Practical Applications
• Analyzing real-world financial statements
• Valuing companies based on case studies
• Hands-on financial modeling exercises
Additional Resources and Tools
• Financial analysis software (e.g., Bloomberg Terminal, FactSet)
• Online resources, books, and academic journals
• Guest lectures from industry professionals

Foundations of Investments
Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-5 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of investments focusing
on risk and returns, covering theoretical concepts, practical applications, and
behavioral aspects to prepare students for careers in investment management,
financial analysis, and portfolio management.
Unit 1 Introduction to Investments
Definition and objectives of investment-Importance of risk-return trade-
off in investment decisions-Overview of investment vehicles (stocks,
bonds, mutual funds, ETFs)-Financial Markets and Instruments-
Overview of financial markets (stock market, bond market, money
market)-Types of financial instruments (stocks, bonds, derivatives)-
Understanding market efficiency and pricing mechanisms
Unit II Risk and Return Concepts
Risk and Return Fundamentals-Definition of risk and return-
Relationship between risk and return (risk-return trade-off)-Measures
of risk (standard deviation, beta) and return (expected return, yield)-
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)-Theory of CAPM and its
assumptions-Calculation of expected return using CAPM-Role of beta
in measuring systematic risk-Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)-Portfolio
diversification and risk reduction-Efficient frontier and optimal asset
allocation-Capital Market Line (CML) and Risk-Free Rate
Unit-III Risk Assessment and Management
Types of Risk in Investments-Systematic vs. unsystematic risk-Market
risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk-Political and
regulatory risk-Risk Measurement Techniques-Value at Risk (VaR)-
Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR)-Stress testing and scenario analysis
Risk Management Strategies-Asset allocation strategies (strategic vs.
tactical asset allocation)-Hedging techniques (options, futures, swaps)
Portfolio insurance strategies
Unit-IV Investment Analysis and Valuation
Fundamental Analysis-Analysis of financial statements (income
statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement)-Valuation methods
(discounted cash flow, relative valuation)-Qualitative analysis (industry
analysis, competitive advantage assessment)-Technical Analysis-Price
and volume analysis-Chart patterns and trends-Technical indicators
(moving averages, MACD, RSI)
Unit-V Portfolio Management
Portfolio Construction-Asset allocation strategies based on risk
tolerance and investment objectives-Portfolio optimization techniques
Rebalancing and monitoring portfolio performance-Diversification
Strategies-Benefits of diversification-Correlation analysis and portfolio
diversification-Risk-parity and risk-budgeting approaches-Performance
Evaluation-Measures of portfolio performance (Sharpe ratio, Treynor
ratio, Jensen's alpha)- Benchmarking and performance attribution
analysis-Evaluation of active vs. passive investment strategies
Unit-VI Behavioral Finance

Behavioral Biases and Heuristics-Overconfidence, loss aversion, herd
behavior, and other biases-Impact of behavioral biases on investment
decisions-Strategies to mitigate behavioral biases-Market Anomalies
and Investor Irrationality-Market bubbles and crashes-Momentum
effect, value effect, and other market anomalies-Contrarian investment
Case Studies and Practical Applications
• Analyzing real-world investment scenarios and case studies
• Conducting risk assessments and constructing investment portfolios
• Simulated trading exercises and portfolio management simulations
Additional Resources and Tools
• Investment textbooks, journals, and academic literature
• Financial modeling software (e.g., Excel, Bloomberg)
• Investment analysis platforms and databases

Foundations of Financial Management
Credits: 3 Subject Code: BFSI-6 Hours: 45

Course Objectives
This curriculum provides a comprehensive understanding of financial
management, covering theoretical concepts, practical applications, and tools and
techniques to equip individuals with the skills needed to make informed financial
decisions and effectively manage financial resources within organizations.
Unit 1 Introduction to Financial Management
Definition and objectives of financial management-Role and
responsibilities of financial managers-Overview of financial markets
and institutions-Financial Statements Analysis-Understanding
financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow
statement)-Financial ratio analysis and interpretation-DuPont analysis
for assessing profitability-Time Value of Money-Principles of time value
of money (present value, future value, discounting)-Applications of time
value of money in investment decision-making-Calculating present and
future values of cash flows
Unit II Capital Budgeting and Investment Decisions
Capital Budgeting Techniques-Net present value (NPV) analysis-
Internal rate of return (IRR) method-Payback period and discounted
payback period-Risk and Return Analysis-Understanding risk and
return relationship-Capital asset pricing model (CAPM) for calculating
cost of equity-Risk-adjusted discount rate and sensitivity analysis-
Project Evaluation and Selection-Evaluating strategic alignment and
project viability-Capital rationing and project prioritization-Real
options analysis for investment flexibility
Unit-III Financing Decisions and Capital Structure:
Capital Structure Theory-Modigliani-Miller theorem and capital
structure irrelevance-Trade-off theory and pecking order theory-Factors
influencing optimal capital structure-Debt and Equity Financing-
Sources of long-term financing (debt, equity, hybrid securities)-Cost of
debt and cost of equity calculation-Dividend policy and distribution
decisions-Financial Leverage and Risk Management-Impact of financial
leverage on returns and risk-Managing financial risk through hedging
and derivatives-Working capital management and liquidity risk
Unit-IV Financial Planning and Forecasting
Budgeting and Forecasting-Types of budgets (operating budget, capital
budget, cash budget)-Zero-based budgeting and flexible budgeting
techniques-Rolling forecasts and variance analysis-Financial Modeling-
Building financial models for forecasting and scenario analysis-
Sensitivity analysis and scenario planning-Forecasting financial
statements and cash flows-Working Capital Management-Managing
cash, receivables, and inventory-Cash conversion cycle optimization-
Short-term financing and liquidity management
Unit-V Financial Performance Measurement and Analysis
Financial Performance Metrics-Key performance indicators (KPIs) for
financial analysis-Economic value added (EVA) and shareholder value
analysis-Balanced scorecard approach to performance measurement-
Financial Reporting and Disclosure-International Financial Reporting -
Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP)-Corporate governance and financial transparency-Regulatory
compliance and financial reporting requirements-Financial Risk
Management-Identification and assessment of financial risks (market
risk, credit risk, liquidity risk)-Risk mitigation strategies
(diversification, hedging, insurance)-Stress testing and risk scenario
Unit-VI Corporate Finance and Strategic Financial Management

Mergers and Acquisitions-M&A process and valuation methods-

Financial and strategic considerations in mergers and acquisitions-
Post-merger integration and performance evaluation-Corporate
Restructuring-Types of corporate restructuring (divestitures, spin-offs,
joint ventures)-Financial implications of restructuring activities-
Shareholder value creation through restructuring-International
Financial Management-Foreign exchange risk management-
Multinational capital budgeting and financing decisions-Global
financial markets and international investment opportunities
Case Studies and Practical Applications
• Analyzing real-world financial management scenarios and case studies
• Financial modeling and decision-making projects
• Simulations and business games for strategic financial management
Additional Resources and Tools
• Financial management textbooks, journals, and research papers
• Financial analysis software and tools (e.g., Excel, financial modeling
• Workshops and seminars on financial management topics


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