ASCEND Rotor Structure ECCE 2022
ASCEND Rotor Structure ECCE 2022
ASCEND Rotor Structure ECCE 2022
This work was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under
Award Number DE-AR0001356.
© 2022 IEEE
Young’s Modulus Failure Strength Specific Stiffness Specific Strength
Material Density (g/cm3)
(GPa) (MPa) (GPa/(g/cm3)) (MPa/(g/cm3))
Aluminum 6061-T6 2.71 68.3 234 25.2 86.3
Titanium Ti-6Al-4V 4.43 110 869 24.8 196
CFRP:IM7/8552 (Unidirectional) 1.55 171 2326 110 1500
Fig. 9. Pareto frontiers of rotor structure masses vs deflections for 4 material choices
diameter considered, shows a clear advantage for minimizing
structural mass.
Combining these structural masses with that of the active
electromagnetic masses and plotting against axial force
experienced gives Fig. 12. Fig. 13 compares the total mass
between each design in bar chart format. Fig. 14 provides the
total mass, together with the efficiency and no-load axial force.
This paper provides design of CFRP rotor structure support
for an axial flux dual rotor electric motor configuration aiming
an extreme lightweight powertrain system in aviation
application. As a starting point, the optimal electromagnetic
design from [2] is used and summarized in Table II. Using
IM7/8552 carbon fiber composite, three different structural
designs are mass optimized to prevent over 0.3mm of deflection
under a 5.75 kN axial force. The first, a solid disk with a quasi-
isotropic layup yielded a 1000 g design. Using a spoked design,
Fig. 10. Efficiency, total active mass, and no load axial force for new as given in Fig. 6, with a quasi-isotropic layup reduces the mass
electromagnetic configuration sweep
to 941 g. However, when using box beam spokes with a
unidirectional layup to leverage the anisotropy of the CFRP like
TABLE VI: ELECTROMAGNETIC CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS the design in Fig. 8, the optimal mass found is 406 g, which is a
Magnet Inner Magnet Outer Magnet 57% weight reduction. When applying the same optimization
Radius (mm) Radius (mm) Length (mm) method to structures of Aluminum 2024-T3, Titanium 4V-6Al,
Original 110 135 10
1 105 135 8
and a hybrid with an aluminum structure and a carbon fiber
2 110 140 8 retaining ring, optimal masses of 831, 819, and 600 grams are
3 115 140 10 found, respectively. Thus, CFRPs can yield a significant
reduction in structural mass relative to metallics. However, this
benefit is only realized if the structural design takes advantage
of CFRP’s anisotropic properties.
Optimized Rotor Mass (kg)
EM Config 1
EM Config 2
EM Config 3
-6.600 -6.400 -6.200 -6.000 -5.800 -5.600 -5.400
Axial Force at No Load (kN)
Fig. 11. Mass optimal composite rotor structure masses vs axial load for new electromagnetic configurations
Total Combined Mass vs Axial Load for new EM configs
EM Config 1
EM Config 2
EM Config 3
8.3 Original EM Config
-6.600 -6.400 -6.200 -6.000 -5.800 -5.600 -5.400
Axial Force at No Load (kN)
Fig. 12. Combined electromagnetic and rotor structural masses vs axial forces for new electromagnetic configurations
Total Mass (kg)
Rotor Mass
EM Mass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Fig. 13. Bar graph showing combined electromagnetic and structural masses for each new configuration examined. Design 1 is the original design.
A new parametric sweep of the electromagnetic design was mass results, which shows an overall optimal mass configuration
performed, with 22 new design points generated and of 8.181 kg including the motor with the EM active material and
characterized in Fig. 10. From this, the same optimization the rotor structure. This is a reduction of 682 grams from the
method was performed using IM7/8552 CFRP on each new original 8.863 kg configuration.
configuration, with results given in Figs. 11-14. A clear trend
between increasing axial force and optimal mass is given in Fig.
11, when only considering rotor structure. However, when
electromagnetic masses are added, no such clear trend emerges
as seen in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 summarizes the combined optimal
thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do
not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
Government or any agency thereof.
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