Ol Ict Past Paper
Ol Ict Past Paper
Ol Ict Past Paper
(2) If character > 70. then suitability d: "Gooc::l"
(3) If weakness < .:40 'ancf cha�acter > 70 then. �1.1:itability JJqood"
(4) If weakness < 40 or character > 70 then $Uit;ab;i..lity =· �'Good"
33. Consider the following statements.
A - A machine language code �cmsists of Os and ls. . ,
B - A . Pascal prngram is easier.· to understand than its machine language equivalent.
C - A Pascal code �eeds to be compiledto coh�ert into its equfv�1�n(machine
.. . langu�ge code'.
From the above which statement/stat�ments is/are correct?
. .
. - ./
'.: . ., ' -
·. (1) A ,only (2), A and B only. (3) A and C only · (4}. All A, B .and., C
·. 34. Which of. the following lists the selected activities of the System ·Development Life Cycle in the
correct order?
(1) Coding __.,. Solution design __.,. Requirement identification � Testing � Deployment
(2) Requirement identification � Solution design __.,. Coding __.,. Testing �. Dfployment
(3)' Solution design � Coding � Requirement identification ·� Deployment �. _Testing
(4) Solution design __.,. Requirement identification __.,. Coding -... Deployment __.,. Testing
. 35. Assume a complex software system C<?P.sisting of many units is being developed. Which of th�
following lists the 'types of testing involved in thfs development in thefr c0rrecf order?
(1) Acceptance testing by the users --1"' system testing __.,. unit testing -.... integration testing
(2) Integration testing ·� acceptance testing by the users ..--;;. system testing -a- unit testing
(3) Unit testing � integration testing __.,. acceptance testing 'by ·the users � system testing
(4) Unit testing __.,. integration testing __.,. system testing __.,. acceptance testing by the users
36. Which of the following is a correct example for an IP address?
(1) 255.64.80
. (2)
(3) (4)
. 37. Which of the following does the translation of domain names to IP addresses?
(1) DNS server. (2) Mail server (3) Media server (4) Web server
38. Which of the following is not essential for. an.. o(fl.cer in. Sri Lan�a y) j9ip } ,video"conference
· ,·,•· ·
involving officers in USA and Japan? . . , . . .·
(1) A computer or an equivalent. device with a camera, mic:rophoµe anq a." speaker ,
' ' ·
(2) An internet connection·
(3) Relevant video conferencing software
:(4) USB drive
39. Raja wants to send a job applicatiot;t email with hts resllll:!eas anattacluueptto [email protected].
Which of the following options in the. email application,should Raja use to;atta,ch .the resume? ...-,..._
(1) io (2) Subject '· (3) • (4) ��
40. Which of the following HTML statements has incorrect syntax.?
(1) <a href="http://www.railway.gov.lk">Sri Lanka' Railways <la> ..--
(2) <h2><center><font face="Arial" 'color="blue";WORK<lfont></centei:i><:dh2>
·, (3) ..,:::img http://www.w3schools.con'l/imag�s/picture.jpg .border=· "3"::>
(4) <p align="right"> Sri Lanka <Ip>
[see page six
Kosala Rajapakse www.itpanthiya.com
OL/2022(2023)/80/E-l, II -12 -
6. (i) Compared to raster files, vector files are more suitable to store images like institution logos that
frequently need resizing. Explain the reason for it.
(ii) Assume that you recorded an original song and stored it as an audio file. The file consists of
two silent portions, one before the actual song begins and the other after the song ended. You
want to remove those two silent portions using Audacity.
A part of the Audacity interface is shown below.
,,(&J.,t �v,_ Transport Toob He\p
II .... a 14 H
(a) Explain how you would use the interface options selecting from those labeled A-F to
remove the two silent portions describe above.
(b) Write down the label of the interface option that you will use to play your modified file.
(iii) Assume that you are creating a video with Windows Movie-maker.
(a) What is the importance of the timeline stage in the interface?
(b) List three features that you could add to your video through the software.
7. (i) Match the following descriptions labelled A - D with the correct terms from the list and write
down the relevant term number against each label in the label � term number fonnat.
Label Description
Patients in remote locations connecting to hospital specialist units through the
use of ICT
B An application that helps teachers I students in teaching I learning
c Creating detailed images of internal parts of the body
Buying and selling of goods and services via the Internet and the transfer of
funds and data to complete the sales
List : { I - Cardiac screening, 2 - Electronic banking, 3 - Electronic commerce, 4 - Learning
Management System (LMS), 5 - Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), 6 - Medical
telctraining, 7 - School Management System, 8 -Telemedicine}
(ii) Sunil's computer which operated at high speed initially has become very slow lately. One or
Sunil's friends asks him to discard it and buy a new one.
Do you agree with Sunil's friend? Explain.
(iii) Write down one method to avoid plagiarism when reproducing infonnation from the Internet.
(iv) "Technology should be one'�· servant and not the master." What is meant by 'becoming the
master' and 'becoming the servant' in this statement?