18 Issue Bajoran Solar-Sailor
18 Issue Bajoran Solar-Sailor
18 Issue Bajoran Solar-Sailor
Stand assembly:
The stand hooks over
the back of the cabin.
Final position
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Ancient Bajorans used these simple solar-sail powered
spacecraft to explore their star system and beyond.
Many believed that the ancient Bajorans could not
have travelled very far in their solar-sailor vessels
because they would need to have passed through
the Denorios Belt. This was an unstable region of
space in the Bajor system filled with severe neutrino
disturbances and tachyon eddies, as well as being
the location of the Bajoran wormhole.
ajoran solar-sailor vessels were ancient Certainly, Chief Miles O’Brien was skeptical that
spacecraft that used enormous reflective sails it would work, and he was sure that it could not
to harness the power of light pressure from have made it all the way to Cardassia. He pointed
Bajor’s sun to provide propulsion, much in the same out that at sublight speeds the journey would have
way as a sailboat does with the wind. taken years, and the limited room on board the
More than 800 years ago, when humans were vessel meant the air supply would only last a few
first sailing across oceans, the Bajorans used these weeks. He also doubted the fragile ship would have
solar-sailor vessels, or lightships, to explore their star survived the expedition, as encountering any kind
system. It was believed by some historians that these of ion storm would have torn the sails to pieces and
ancient vessels even managed to reach Cardassia left the ship stranded.
in the neighbouring star system, but as these fragile
ships were not designed for faster-than-light travel TRADITIONAL CONSTRUCTION
it was thought unlikely this was possible. Despite O’Brien’s doubts, Sisko pressed on with
In 2371, Benjamin Sisko became fascinated by the project, building the solar-sailor vessel in one
these ancient lightships after seeing blueprints for of Deep Space 9’s cargo bays using the same
them while visiting the reopening of an old library materials and tools as the ancient Bajorans
on Bajor that had the most extensive collection of had done. In just a few weeks Sisko completed
antiquities on the planet. He decided to use these the vessel, impressing his colleagues with the
plans to build an authentic replica of a solar-sailor fine, detailed craftsmanship that went into its
vessel to see if it was spaceworthy. construction. The only concession to modern
technology that Sisko made was to install a gravity was now no longer running as smoothly as it had
net in the floor, as weightlessness made him feel sick. done before, but Sisko and his son were determined
After launching from Deep Space 9, it did not not to let this setback end the journey and they
take them long to get the sails in position, catch decided to press ahead.
the light pressure from the Bajoran sun and start
to sail across the star system. Even Jake, who had WARP SPEED
initially been reluctant to join his father on the trip, The solar-sailor had not gone much further when
was struck by the romanticism of the mode of it was hit by a powerful force that tore the port
transport as the ship sailed silently and serenely mainsail clean off and catapulted the ship forward
among the stars. at warp speed.
The solar-sailor initially performed very well, but It transpired that the vessel had been caught in a
part way through the journey the support for the tachyon eddy, a naturally-occurring phenomenon
starboard spritsail gave way and it ended up common in the Bajoran system, that scooped it
blocking one of the mainsails. Unable to fix it, Sisko up and propelled it at faster than light speeds.
was forced to jettison the spritsail by detonating Normally, tachyon eddies were not powerful
a small charge at the base of its support. The ship enough to affect spaceships, but because the solar-
Three Cardassian
warships put on a
fireworks show as they
begrudgingly celebrated
the achievement of
Sisko’s solar ship.
Spritsail mast
Living capsule
Tachyons are particles
that are always
travelling faster than
light. They are often
associated with time
travel, but in the case
of the solar sailor an
interstellar current of
these particles swept it
to warp speeds and into
the Cardassian system.
p The Bajoran system contains 14 planets, most of which are rich in
natural resources. Bajor’s homeworld is the 11th planet in the system.
he Bajoran system is located Denorios Belt between the two systems Smaller Bajoran colonies are also
approximately 50 light years away eight centuries earlier. This was done in located on Free Haven, although their
from the core Federation worlds, relatively flimsy vessels that used solar future was severely threatened by an
far deeper into the Alpha Quadrant sails for power – an impressive attack by Breen privateers in 2372.
than Earth’s Sol system. The closest engineering and navigational feat. Dreon VII is one of the furthest Bajoran
neighbouring systems are Cardassian colonies regularly visited by freighters
space and the Valo system, located EXTENSIVE SYSTEM from Bajor, with Prophet’s Landing being
in neutral space very close to the The central star of the Bajoran system is the Bajoran colony closest to the
Cardassian border, and containing Bajor-B’hava’el, which has 14 planets Cardassian border, and large enough
at least three habitable planets. revolving around it. These include eight to warrant its own governor.
At five and a quarter light years, the terrestrial worlds, of which Bajor XI is the The Bajoran system is most renowned
Bajoran system was once a safe primary homeworld; three gas giants; for containing temporal anomalies and
distance from Cardassian space. The and three ice/rock conglomerates. In astronomical phenomena. One of the
development of warp drive, however, the case of Bajor, its rich deposits of most fascinating areas is the Denorios
ultimately led to the Cardassians uridium were one of the primary reasons Belt, a charged plasma field which
reaching Bajor, where they plundered for Cardassian occupation, and for the contains unusually severe neutrino
the Bajorans’ rich natural resources construction of processing facilities, disturbances and tachyon eddies.
having exhausting their own reserves. such as Terok Nor and Empok Nor. The Denorios Belt is also the location
Archaeological finds on Cardassia The second inhabited planet within of the artificially created, verteron-
Prime proved that Bajorans were the system is Bajor VIII, consisting of six driven phenomenon known as the
successful in crossing the dangerous colonies and at least two moons. Bajoran wormhole, which allows vessels
p The Bajoran wormhole became the most p Deep Space 9 was initially called Terok Nor and built
strategically important location in the Alpha Quadrant. by the Cardassians to process minerals stripped from Bajor.
to travel to the Gamma Quadrant the Gamma Quadrant, but contact attempted to destroy the Bajoran sun
almost instantly. It is referred to by the with the Dominion changed all that. with a trilithium explosive device.
spiritual Bajoran people as the Celestial Following the end of the Dominion
Temple, and they looked upon its KEY LOCATION War in 2375, Bajor applied to join the
discovery as absolute proof of the The Bajoran system suddenly became a Federation. It was hoped that with their
Prophets’ existence. key strategic position in the war with help, the Bajorans could use the rich
It made the Bajoran system one of the Dominion that followed. The whole natural resources of their system to
the most important regions in the Alpha system came under severe threat, rebuild their society that had suffered
Quadrant for the economic and never more so than in 2373 when a so much, first at the hands of the
scientific opportunities it offered with Changeling posing as Dr. Julian Bashir Cardassians and then the Dominion.
p In 2373, a Changeling posing as Dr. Bashir stole p The Changeling Odo was found adrift as an infant in p Derna, Bajor’s fourth moon, was used as a field
a runabout and tried to destroy the Bajoran sun. his natural gelatinous state inside the Denorios Belt. hospital for Romulan troops during the Dominion War.
Unusually for STAR TREK, the Bajoran
solar-sailing ship had an organic design
that Herman Zimmerman described as
having a “Jules Verne” feel.
The Bajoran solar-sailing ship was a radical design departure
that owed as much to Jules Verne as the U.S.S. Enterprise.
he Bajoran solar-sailor ship was one for propulsion, the art department knew to three weeks,” said Martin. “They’ll let
of the most unusual and elegant that it needed to look quite different us know that something like the Bajoran
vessels to appear on STAR TREK. from anything they had designed solar-sailor is coming down the pipe so
It was specially designed for the third before. Fortunately, as concept artist we have more time to start coming up
season STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE Jim Martin remembered, they had some with ideas. We found out from René
episode ‘Explorers’. In the story, Sisko advance warning and time to prepare. Echevarria, who wrote the script, that
found the plans for an ancient craft in this was going to be a father/son
a Bajoran library and decided to build EXTRA TIME episode with Sisko and Jake, and they
one to prove that it could make an “Normally when there’s an element in a were going to make a solar-sailor. It got
interstellar journey. script that is going to need some special us excited.”
The solar-sailor had its origins in Bajor’s design we will find out from the writers Normally when a ship was only
past, and because it used solar winds very much ahead of time, maybe two needed for one episode there was little
p Jim Martin began by sketching out a few different ideas showing how a solar-sailing ship might work.
One of his first ideas involved using a parachute-style device attached to the front of the ship.
scope to design anything special, but ship would work. “The original script they would have to be deployed
this time, Martin said, the brief allowed talked about a means of propulsion outward in a circular fan shape.”
them to be creative. which uses the ions in space to propel
“There’s a lot of recycling of ships a craft, which would in layman’s terms SCIENCE & FANTASY
that have been used before, dressed be the solar wind. The writer indicated Knowing that he had to incorporate
differently for different cultures, so there that the ship was propelled by huge these sails, Martin sat down and began
isn’t really a chance to do a lot of new expanding solar sails that took to sketch out some ideas. He says that
things if it’s just going to be a one advantage of the direction of the wind at first he tried to come up with a ship
episode ship,” said Martin. “But, similar to the way a sailboat works on that was scientifically practical. “We did
because this was very specific about the oceans of the Earth. do some things with very large sails,”
what the design had to be, we needed “It was a fairly direct approach said Martin, “because, obviously, a
to come up with something new – it was except that in space you’re not sailing solar-sailor would need massive solar
a nice treat.” on a fluid that’s underneath you, you’re collectors to even be feasible.” Then,
As production designer Herman sailing in a hydrogen-enriched vacuum; during the pre-production process, the
Zimmerman explained, he and Martin in space that is all around you, so the producers made a subtle modification
began by thinking how a solar-sailing sails couldn’t be just above the ship – to the way the ship worked; instead of
being propelled by ions, which really was delighted with this new, more the idea of wings – sails as wings. We did
exist, it used tachyons – hypothetical organic direction, which rapidly led do some different things, but I think
faster-than-light particles that were to the final design. that’s what everyone was thinking right
often used in STAR TREK epsiodes. off the bat, and that’s what it ended up
The change may not seem that ELEGANT BUTTERFLY being. It’s essentially butterfly-like.”
important, but it had a major influence “It was a nice change to do something Zimmerman explained that they did
on the design. Since nobody could say that was more fantasy and less not consciously set out to make the ship
exactly how tachyons worked, Martin science,” said Martin. “This was going look like a butterfly; it was simply a
and Zimmerman felt that they did not to be a ship very much in the fantasy fortunate accident. “The ship has a
have to be too concerned about the realm, as opposed to the hardware of very insect-like quality while not being
science behind how it worked. In fact, a starship, so it was always going to be intentionally modelled after an insect. It
they abandoned the whole idea of elegant instead of practical. I think my was a fragile ship from Bajor’s ancient
looking scientific in favour of a more first reaction as an illustrator was to do past, and that made the challenge very
aesthetic, romantic approach. Martin something symmetrical, and to play on sweet because we were able to go
backwards from the future and reinvent romantic; it was kind of a Jules Verne build it as a computer-generated
what ancient Bajoran science was. That approach crossed with the Bajoran model; this made it far easier to
was fun.” motif, which was basically a manipulate the sails as they billowed
combination of Eastern cultures. If you in the solar wind. Martin remembered
BAJORAN STYLE look at the design, you’ll see a lot of being particularly impressed with the
That Bajoran design ethic had a pierced work where the inside and the results this produced.
profound effect on the finished ship. outside are the same structure. It’s “One of the really nice touches that
Martin said, “The Bajoran stuff is gentle typical, I think, of Japanese architecture the digital people did to it was to have
and elegant and ornate. Also, it’s to see the structure and not to hide it.” the sails unfold as it launches. We talked
supposed to be a ship from far in the Once the ship had been designed, about it doing that, but there were
past; I think as humans we look back on it was handed over to Dan Curry’s VFX never any drawings done for the
earlier designs and a more elegant age, team. Although at that point most STAR unfolding in the art department; we just
and you put that into the Bajorans too.” TREK ships were made as practical kept saying, ‘Yeah, and then it’s going
Zimmerman went on to add, “The models, they decided that the best way to unfold,’ and I believe that’s because
Bajoran influence made it more to handle the Bajoran solar-sailor was to it was in René’s [Echevarria] script. So
t The art department
created the plans of
the ship that Sisko
found in the library
by transferring Jim
Martin’s original
drawings and adding
some Bajoran
symbols, including
the ancient text.
Leeta, the dabo girl who eventually goes on
to marry Rom, makes her first appearance
in ‘Explorers’. Chase Masterson, the actress
who plays her, originally auditioned to play
the role of Mardah, Jake Sisko’s girlfriend.
When she was turned down for that part,
she was instead cast as Leeta, who was
originally intended to be just a one-episode
character. The producers were so impressed
with her performance that they decided to
make Leeta one of the recurring characters
of the show beginning in season four.