Ohs W10
Ohs W10
Ohs W10
Food preparation involves all of the steps that occur between obtaining raw ingredients and
consuming them. In this lesson you will able to learn the broad types of activities involve in
preparation of food.
At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:
a. discuss the general practices about food preparation and the minimal internal temperature of each food;
b. express the importance of general preparation practices in preparing food.; and
c. list down the method of thawing food and its importance.
Awesome! I know that you have already have an idea about the topic. Have a nice day ahead and let us
proceed now to the lesson content. indly read the text analytically and carefully. You need to take down
notes in your notebook of the words that you find important in order to have deeper understanding of
the topic.
5. 135˚F (57˚C)
Fruit, vegetables, grains (rice, pasta), and
legumes (beans, refried beans) that will be
hot-held for service 144˚F (62˚C) 5 minutes
Minimum internal cooking temperature:
165˚F (74˚C)
Guidelines for microwave cooking:
Cover food to avoid the surface from drying out
Revolve or stir it halfway through cooking so heat reaches the food more evenly
Allow to stand for at least two minutes after cooking to let the food temperature even out
Always check the temperature in at least two places to make sure the food is cooked through
1. If your menu incorporates raw or undercooked TCS items, you must:
Take note it on the menu next to the items
- Asterisk the item
- Place an annotation at the menu bottom indicating the item is raw, undercooked, or contains
raw or undercooked ingredients.
Guide customers who order this food of the increased risk of foodborne illness.
Post a notice in the menu.
Occupational Health and Safety Practices 4|Page
Week 10
Supply this information using brochures, table tents, or signs.
2. The FDA advises against contribute these items on a children’s menu if they are raw or
3. If partially cooking meat, seafood, poultry, or eggs or dishes consisting of these items:
NEVER cook the food longer than 60 minutes during the start of cooking
Cool the food immediately after initial cooking
Put in the freezer or refrigerate the food after cooling it
Heat the food to its required proper minimum internal temperature before selling or serving it
Cool the food if it will not be served as soon as possible or held for service
If you cool food from 135˚F to 70˚F (57˚C to 21˚C) in less than two hours:
Utilize the remaining time to cool it to 41˚F (5˚C) or lower
The entire cooling time cannot be longer than six hours
If you cool food from 135˚F to 70˚F (57˚C to 21˚C) in one hour
And then you have five hours to get the food to 41˚F (5˚C) or lower
Methods for Cooling Food
Before cooling food, start by reducing its size:
Cut larger items into smaller pieces
Portion large containers of food into smaller containers or shallow pans
Methods for cooling food safely and quickly:
Place food in an ice-water bath
Stir it with an ice paddle
Place it in a tumble chiller or blast chiller
Use cold water or ice as an ingredient
When storing food for further cooling:
Loosely cover food containers before keeping them
Food can be left uncovered if secured from contamination
Storing the uncovered containers above other food, especially raw seafood, meat, and
poultry, will help to prevent cross contamination
Food reheated for immediate service:
It can be reheated to at any temperature if it was cooked and cooled properly
Food reheated for hot-holding:
Read the lesson once again. If you have any clarifications regarding the topic, you can contact me
or send me message personally. After that, Let’s check your comprehension by doing this activity.
Nice try! You really understand the lesson well. Be ready for the next activity.
Are you learning? Answer this activity about the importance of general
preparation practices in preparing food. Goodluck!
Instructions: Answer the given question below. Express it in 3 to 5 sentences. Write your answer on the
answer sheet provided.
Instructions: On the answer sheet provided, write an essay about what you’ve learned in this lesson
consisting of five to ten sentences.
Congratulations! You are really showing excellence in your activities. I hope you will do the same
on your next module. Have a nice day!