Pec Assessment
Pec Assessment
Pec Assessment
10. I feel confident that I will succeed at whatever I try to do. ______
11. No matter whom I'm talking to, I'm a good listener. ______
13. I try several times to get people to do what I would like them to do. ______
15. My own work is better than that of other people I work with. ______
16. I don't try something new without making sure I will succeed. ______
17. It's a waste of time to worry about what to do with your life. ______
18. I seek the advice of people who know a lot about the tasks
I'm working on. ______
20. I do not spend much time thinking about how to influence others. ______
24. When something gets in the way of what I'm trying to do, I keep
on trying to accomplish what I want. ______
28. The more specific I can be about what I want out of life, the
more chance I have to succeed. ______
30. I try to think of all the problems I may encounter and plan what
to do if each problem occurs. ______
34. I prefer activities that I know well and with which I am comfortable. ______
35. When faced with major difficulties, I quickly go on to other things. ______
36. When I'm doing a job for someone, I make a special effort to
make sure that the person is happy with my work. ______
37. I'm never entirely happy with the way in which things are done;
I always think there must be a better way. ______
40. When working for a project for someone, I ask many questions
to be sure I understand what the person wants. ______
41. I deal with problems as they arise rather than spend time
to anticipate them. ______
44. There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone. ______
45. I try things that are very new and different from what I have
done before. ______
46. I try several ways to overcome things that get in the way of
reaching my goals. ______
48. I do find ways to complete tasks faster at work and at home. ______
54. I stick with my decisions even if others disagree strongly with me. ______
55. When I don't know something, I don't mind admitting it. ______
Scoring Sheet
1. Enter the ratings from the completed questionnaire on the lines above the item numbers in
parentheses. Notice that the item numbers in each column are consecutive. Item No. 2 is
below item No. 1 and so forth.
2. Do the addition and subtraction in each row to compute each PEC score. Watch carefully the
plusses (+) and minuses (-) to come up with the correct computation.
Check twice or thrice if you have obeyed this rule!
Note that the correction factor is very important for the calculation of the final score.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Opportunity Seeking
Risk Taking
Goal Setting
Information Seeking
0 5 10 15 20 25
Corrected Score Sheet
1. The correction factor (the total of items 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55) is used to determine
whether or not a person tries a very favourable image of himself. If the total score on this
factor is 20 or greater, then the total score on the ten PECs must be corrected to provide a
more accurate assessment of the strengths of the PEC score for that individual.
24 or 25 7
22 or 23 5
20 or 21 3
19 or less 0
3. Use the next page (Corrected Score Sheet) to correct each PEC score before using the
Profile Sheet.
Opportunity Seeking
Risk Taking
Goal Setting
Information Seeking