Lecture 13 - Perceptrons: Machine Learning March 16, 2010

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Lecture 13 Perceptrons

Machine Learning March 16, 2010

Last Time
Hidden Markov Models
Sequential modeling represented in a Graphical Model

Perceptrons Leading to
Neural Networks aka Multilayer Perceptron Networks But more accurately: Multilayer Logistic Regression Networks

Review: Fitting Polynomial Functions

Fitting nonlinear 1-D functions Polynomial: Risk:

Review: Fitting Polynomial Functions

Order-D polynomial regression for 1D variables is the same as D-dimensional linear regression Extend the feature vector from a scalar. More generally

Neuron inspires Regression

Graphical Representation of linear regression
McCullough-Pitts Neuron Note: Not a graphical model

Neuron inspires Regression

Edges multiply the signal (xi) by some weight (i). Nodes sum inputs Equivalent to Linear Regression

Introducing Basis functions

Graphical representation of feature extraction

Edges multiply the signal by a weight. Nodes apply a function, d.

Extension to more features

Graphical representation of feature extraction

Combining function
How do we construct the neural output

Linear Neuron

Combining function
Sigmoid function or Squashing function

Logistic Neuron

Classification using the same metaphor


Logistic Neuron optimization

Minimizing R() is more difficult

Bad News: There is no closed-form solution. Good News: Its convex.


Aside: Convex Regions

Convex: for any pair of points xa and xb within a region, every point xc on a line between xa and xb is in the region


Aside: Convex Functions

Convex: for any pair of points xa and xb within a region, every point xc on a line between xa and xb is in the region


Aside: Convex Functions

Convex: for any pair of points xa and xb within a region, every point xc on a line between xa and xb is in the region


Aside: Convex Functions

Convex functions have a single maximum and minimum! How does this help us? (nearly) Guaranteed optimality of Gradient Descent


Gradient Descent
The Gradient is defined (though we cant solve directly) Points in the direction of fastest increase


Gradient Descent
Gradient points in the direction of fastest increase To minimize R, move in the opposite direction


Gradient Descent
Gradient points in the direction of fastest increase To minimize R, move in the opposite direction


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps (nearly) guaranteed to converge to the minimum


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps Can oscillate if is too large


Gradient Descent
Initialize Randomly Update with small steps is ever 0 not at the minimum Can stall if


Back to Neurons

Linear Neuron

Logistic Neuron


Classification squashing function


Strictly classification error


Classification Error
Only count errors when a classification is incorrect.

Sigmoid leads to greater than zero error on correct classifications


Classification Error
Only count errors when a classification is incorrect.

Perceptrons use strictly classification error


Perceptron Error
Cant do gradient descent on this.

Perceptrons use strictly classification error


Perceptron Loss
With classification loss: Define Perceptron Loss.
Loss calculated for each misclassified data point


Now piecewise linear risk rather than step function


Perceptron Loss
Perceptron Loss.
Loss calculated for each misclassified data point

Nice gradient descent


Perceptron vs. Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression has a hard time eliminating all errors
Errors: 2

Perceptrons often do better. Increased importance of errors.

Errors: 0

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Instead of calculating the gradient over all points, and then updating.

Update the gradient for each misclassified point at training Update rule:

Online Perceptron Training

Online Training
Update weights for each data point.

Iterate over points xi point,

If xi is correctly classified Else

Theorem: If xi in X are linearly separable, then this process will converge to a * which leads to zero error in a finite number of steps.

Linearly Separable
Two classes of points are linearly separable, iff there exists a line such that all the points of one class fall on one side of the line, and all the points of the other class fall on the other side of the line


Linearly Separable
Two classes of points are linearly separable, iff there exists a line such that all the points of one class fall on one side of the line, and all the points of the other class fall on the other side of the line


Next Time
Multilayer Neural Networks


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