MP - Lab Manual SRCOE

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Experiment No.

Title: Write an X86/64 ALP to accept five 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers
from user and store them in an array and display the accepted numbers

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 1

Aim: Write an X86/64 ALP to accept five 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers from user and store them
in an array and display the accepted numbers.


1) To be familiar with the format of assembly language program structure and instructions.

2) To study the format of assembly language program along with different assembler directives
and different functions of the NASM.

3) To learn the procedure how to store N hexadecimal number in memory.


1) CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2) OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3) Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4) Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5) Linker:-LD, GNU Linke

Software Requirements:

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Edito

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)


Introduction to Assembly Language Programming:

Each personal computer has a microprocessor that manages the computer's arithmetical, logical
and control activities. Each family of processors has its own set of instructions for handling
various operations like getting input from keyboard, displaying information on screen and
performing various other jobs. These set of instructions are called 'machine language instruction'.
Processor understands only machine language instructions which are strings of 1s and 0s.
However machine language is too obscure and complex for using in software development. So the
low level assembly language is designed for a specific family of processors that represents various
instructions in symbolic code and a more understandable form. Assembly language is a low-level
programming language for a computer, or other programmable device specific to particular
computer architecture in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which are generally
portable across multiple systems. Assembly language is converted into executable machine code
by a utility program referred to as an assembler like NASM, MASM etc.
Advantages of Assembly Language
An understanding of assembly language provides knowledge of:
 Interface of programs with OS, processor and BIOS;
 Representation of data in memory and other external devices;
 How processor accesses and executes instruction;
 How instructions accesses and process data;
 How a program access external devices.
Other advantages of using assembly language are:
 It requires less memory and execution time;
 It allows hardware-specific complex jobs in an easier way;
 It is suitable for time-critical jobs;
ALP Step By Step:
Installing NASM:
If you select "Development Tools" while installed Linux, you may NASM installed along with the
Linux operating system and you do not need to download and install it separately. For checking
whether you already have NASM installed, take the following steps:
 Open a Linux terminal.
 Type whereis nasm and press ENTER.
 If it is already installed then a line like, nasm: /usr/bin/nasm appears. Otherwise, you will
see justnasm:, then you need to install NASM.
To install NASM take the following steps:
Open Terminal and run below commands:
 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get install nasm

Assembly Basic Syntax:

An assembly program can be divided into three sections:
 The data section
 The bss section
 The text section
The order in which these sections fall in your program really isn’t important, but by convention
the .data section comes first, followed by the .bss section, and then the .text section.
The .data Section
The .data section contains data definitions of initialized data items. Initialized data is data that has
a value before the program begins running. These values are part of the executable file. They are
loaded into memory when the executable file is loaded into memory for execution. You don’t
have to load them with their values, and no machine cycles are used in their creation beyond what
it takes to load the program as a whole into memory. The important thing to remember about the
.data section is that the more initialized data items you define, the larger the executable file will
be, and the longer it will take to load it from disk into memory when you run it.
The .bss Section
Not all data items need to have values before the program begins running. When you’re reading
data from a disk file, for example, you need to have a place for the data to go after it comes in
from disk. Data buffers like that are defined in the .bss section of your program. You set aside
some number of bytes for a buffer and give the buffer a name, but you don’t say what values are
to be present in the buffer. There’s a crucial difference between data items defined in the .data
section and data items defined in the .bss section: data items in the .data section add to the size of
your executable file. Data items in the .bss section do not.
The .text Section
The actual machine instructions that make up your program go into the .text section. Ordinarily,
no data items are defined in .text. The .text section contains symbols called labels that identify
locations in the program code for jumps and calls, but beyond your instruction mnemonics, that’s
about it. All global labels must be declared in the .text section, or the labels cannot be ‘‘seen’’
outside your program by the Linux linker or the Linux loader. Let’s look at the labels issue a little
more closely.
A label is a sort of bookmark, describing a place in the program code and giving it a name that’s
easier to remember than a naked memory address. Labels are used to indicate the places where
jump instructions should jump to, and they give names to callable assembly language procedures.
Here are the most important things to know about labels:
 Labels must begin with a letter, or else with an underscore, period, or question mark. These
last three have special meanings to the assembler, so don’t use them until you know how
NASM interprets them.
 Labels must be followed by a colon when they are defined. This is basically what tells
NASM that the identifier being defined is a label. NASM will punt if no colon is there and
will not flag an error, but the colon nails it, and prevents a mistyped instruction mnemonic
from being mistaken for a label. Use the colon!
 Labels are case sensitive. So yikes:, Yikes:, and YIKES: are three completely different

Assembly Language Statements

Assembly language programs consist of three types of statements:
 Executable instructions or instructions.
 Assembler directives or pseudo-ops
 Macros
Syntax of Assembly Language Statements
[label] mnemonic [operands] [;comment]

Instructions needed:
EQU- Assign single absolute values to symbols.
MOV- Copies byte or word from specified source to specified destination
CALL- The CALL instruction causes the procedure named in the operand to be executed. JNZ-
Jumps if not equal to Zero 16
JNC-Jumps if no carry is generated
1 Start
2. Declare & initialize the variables in .data section.
3. Declare uninitialized variables in .bss section.
4. Declare Macros for print and exit operation.
5. Initialize pointer with source address of array.
6. Initialize count for number of elements.
7. Put the complete summed rbx value to arr[n]
8. Max display of 16 characters and rsi points to _output[16]
9. Dividing by base 16
10. Terminate the process.
11. Declare the Procedure.
12. Stop.


Here we have accepted 64 bit Hexadecimal numbers from user and store them in an array and
display the accepted numbers.
Experiment No. 2
Title: Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length .

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 2

Aim: Write an X86/64 ALP to accept a string and to display its length.


1. To learn the instructions related to String

2. To be familiar with data segments.

3. To learn the instructions related to String operation


1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker

Software Requirements

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker



Writing a macro is another way of ensuring modular programming in assembly language.

 A macro is a sequence of instructions, assigned by a name and could be used anywhere in
the program.
 In NASM, macros are defined with %macro and %endmacro directives.
 The macro begins with the %macro directive and ends with the %endmacro directive.
The Syntax for macro definition −
%macro macro_name number_of_params
<macro body>
Where, number_of_params specifies the number parameters, macro_name specifies the name of
the macro. The macro is invoked by using the macro name along with the necessary parameters.
When you need to use some sequence of instructions many times in a program, you can put those
instructions in a macro and use it instead of writing the instructions all the time.

Procedures or subroutines are very important in assembly language, as the assembly language
programs tend to be large in size. Procedures are identified by a name. Following this name, the
body of the procedure is described which performs a well-defined job. End of the procedure is
indicated by a return statement.


Following is the syntax to define a procedure −

procedure body
The procedure is called from another function by using the CALL instruction. The CALL
instruction should have the name of the called procedure as an argument as shown below −
CALL proc_name
The called procedure returns the control to the calling procedure by using the RET instruction.
Instructions needed:

MOVS: Move String

CMPS: Compare string

SCAS: Scan string

LODS: Load string

STOS: Store string

ESI: Source index register

EDI: Destination index register

REP: Repeat while ECX not xero 20

REPE/REPZ: Repeat while equal or zero

REPNE/REPNZ: Repeat while not equal or not zero


1 Start

2. Declare & initialize the variables in .data section.

3. Declare uninitialized variables in .bss section.

4. Declare Macros for print and exit operation.

5. Initialize pointer to get input string from user.

6. Initialize counter for calculating no. of chatters in string.

7. Display string entered by user.

8. Put value of count in rax register

9. max size of display , for convinience set to 16 and rsipoints to output[16]

10. setting rdx to null without setting a null byte (a tip i saw on reddit) needed to clean dl for use
11. Declare the Procedure for ascii conversion.

12. Stop


Here we have studied how to accept a string and to display its length.
Experiment No. 3
Title: Write an X86/64 ALP to find the largest of given
Byte/Word/Dword/64-bit numbers.

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 3

Aim: Write an X86/64 ALP to find the largest of given Byte/Word/Dword/64-bit numbers.


1. To understanding of basic data structure

2. To compare the different data structure

3. To make usage of different data structure for hexadecimal number


1 CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker

Software Requirements:

1 CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker


Data type in 80386:

The 80386 supports the following data types they are

 Bit
 Bit Field: A group of at the most 32 bits (4bytes)
 Bit String: A string of contiguous bits of maximum 4Gbytes in length.
 Signed Byte: Signed byte data
 Unsigned Byte: Unsigned byte data.
 Integer word: Signed 16-bit data.
 Long Integer: 32-bit signed data represented in 2's complement form.
 Unsigned Integer Word: Unsigned 16-bit data
 Unsigned Long Integer: Unsigned 32-bit data
 Signed Quad Word: A signed 64-bit data or four word data.
 Unsigned Quad Word: An unsigned 64-bit data.
 Offset: 16/32-bit displacement that points a memory location using any of the addressing
 Pointer: This consists of a pair of 16-bit selector and 16/32-bit offset.
 Character: An ASCII equivalent to any of the alphanumeric or control characters.
 Strings: These are the sequences of bytes, words or double words. A string may contain
minimum one byte and maximum 4 Gigabytes.
 BCD: Decimal digits from 0-9 represented by unpacked bytes.
 Packed BCD: This represents two packed BCD digits using a byte, i.e. from 00 to 99.

Registers in 80386:
 General Purpose Register: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX
 Pointer register: ESP, EBP
 Index register: ESI, EDI
 Segment Register: CS, FS, DS, GS, ES, SS
 Eflags register: EFLAGS
 System Address/Memory management Registers : GDTR, LDTR, IDTR
 Control Register: Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3
 Debug Register : DR0, DR,1 DR2, DR3, DR4, DR5, DR6, DR7
 Test Register: TR0, TR,1 TR2, TR3, TR4, TR5, TR6, TR7


Size of operands in an Intel assembler instruction

 Specifying the size of an operand in Intel

 The size of the operand (byte, word, double word) is conveyed by the operand itself
 EAX means: a 32 bit operand
 AX means: a 16 bit operand
 AL means: a 8 bit operand the size of the source operand and the destination operand must
be equal.

Addressing modes in 80386:

The purpose of using addressing modes is as follows:

1. To give the programming versatility to the user.
2. To reduce the number of bits in addressing field of instruction.

1. Register addressing mode: MOV EAX, EDX

2. Immediate Addressing modes: MOV ECX, 20305060H
3. Direct Addressing mode: MOV AX, [1897 H]
4. Register Indirect Addressing mode MOV EBX, [ECX]
5. Based Mode MOV ESI, [EAX+23H]
6. Index Mode SUB COUNT [EDI], EAX
7. Scaled Index Mode MOV [ESI*8], ECX
8. Based Indexed Mode MOV ESI, [ECX][EBX]
9. Based Index Mode with displacement EA=EBX+EBP+1245678H
10. Based Scaled Index Mode with displacement
MOV [EBX*8] [ECX+5678H], ECX
11. String Addressing modes:
12. Implied Addressing modes:
Instructions needed:

ROL: Rotate 32 bits r/m dword left CL times

JBE: Jump short if below or equal

INC: Increment dword register by 1 DEC:

Decrement dword register by 1


1 Start

2. Declare & initialize the variables in .data section.

3. Declare uninitialized variables in .bss section.

4. Declare Macros for print and exit operation.

5. Initialize pointer with source address of array.

6. Initialize count to find the data type of number.

7. Displaying array elements

8. Finding Largest Number by comparing rsi, rax

9. Displaying Largest Number

10. Terminate the process.

11. Declare the Procedure for ascii comparison.

12. Stop.

Thus we have found the largest of given Byte/Word/Dword/64-bit numbers
Experiment No. 4

Title: Multiplication of two 8 bit nos. using Successive addition

and Shift and add method

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 4
Aim: Write X86/64 ALP to perform multiplication of two 8-bit hexadecimal numbers. Use
successive addition and add and shift method. (use of 64-bit registers is expected).


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker


There are 5 basic form of define reverse directives.

Directives Purpose
DD Define byte
DW Define word
DD Define doubleword
DQ Define quad word
DT Define Ten byte
RESB Reserve byte
RESW Reserve word
RESQ Reserve quad word
REST Reserve ten word

Instructions Needed:
MOV : Move or copy word

ROR : Rotate to right

AND : Logical AND

INC : Increment
DEC : Decrement
JNZ : Jump if not
CMP : Compare
JNC: Jump if no carry
JBE : Jump if below

Shift & Add method:

The method taught in school for multiplying decimal no. is based on calculated partial
products, shifting it to the left & then adding them together. Shift & add multilplication
is similar to the multiplication performed by paper & pencil. This method adds the
multiplicand X to itself Y times where Y denotes the multiplier. To multiply two nos. by
paper & pencil placing the intermediate product in the appropriate positions to the left
of earlier product.

1. Consider 1 byte is in AL & another in BL

2. We have to multiply byte in AL with byte in BL
3. In this method, you add 1 with itself & rotate other no. each times &shift it by 1
bit n left along with carry
4. If carry is present add 2 NOS.
5. Initialize count to n as we are scanning for n digit decrement counter each time,
the bits are added

The result is stored in AX, display the

result. Eg., AH=11H, BL=10H, Count=n

Step 1:

AX=11 + 11 = 22H

Rotate BL by 1 bit to left along with carry 0001 0000

B1=10H 0010 0000 (20)

Step 2:
Decrement count =3
Check for carry, carry is not there So Add with itself

Rotate BL to left

BL=0 0000 0000 (00)

Step 3:

Decrement count=2 Add no. with itself


Rotate BL to left

B2=0 (carry) 1000 0000 (80)

Step 4:

Decrement count=0 Add no. with itself,


Rotate BL to left

BL=0 (carry) 1000 0000 (80)

Step 5:

Decrement count =0, carry is generated

Add Ax, BX


i.e., 11H+10H=0110H


Let S={s, e, x, y, time, mem ᶲs} be program perspective of multiplication of two 8

bit hexadecimal Nos.

Let X be the input such that X={x1, x2, x3, }

Such that there exists function fx1: x{0, 1} X2={s the two digit multiplicate }

Let x2= b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

Where xb1 € x1 Here exists a function fx2:x2 {00h, 01h, 02h, ...... ffh}

X3 is the single digit choice

Let x4 = b3 b2 b1 b0 where (bi x € x1 there Let y is the output)

Y= b15 b14 b13 b12 bb11 b10 b09 b08 b07 b06 b05 b04 b03 b02 b01 b00

(where bi€ x1) Y= {0000b,0001b ffffb}

Time ( for successive addition) = {f1,f2,f3,f4} Where f1 = Accept x2 & x3

F2= Addition (Repeat x2+x1+ ............................................. & till x3=00)

F3= display

Time (for shift and add)= {f1,f2,f3} Where

F1= Accept x1&x3

Conclusion- From this program we have studied the multiplication of 8 bit nos. and in this
we have studied and implemented the program of successive addition and shift & add
Experiment No. 5

Title: Write a switch case driven X86/64 ALP to perform 64-bit

hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /) using suitable macros
Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 5
Aim: Write a switch case driven X86/64 ALP to perform 64-bit hexadecimal arithmetic operations (+,-,*, /)
using suitable macros. Define procedure for each operation.


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker


Conditional Transfer Instructions The conditional transfer instructions are jumps that may or may not
transfer control, depending on the state of the CPU flags when the instruction executes.

 Conditional Jump Instructions:

The conditional jumps that are listed as pairs are actually the same instruction. The assembler
provides the alternate mnemonics for greater clarity within a program listing. Conditional jump instructions
contain a displacement which is added to the EIP register if the condition is true. The displacement may be a
byte, a word, or a doubleword. The displacement is signed; therefore, it can be used to jump forward or
 Loop Instructions:

The loop instructions are conditional jumps that use a value placed in ECX to specify the number of
repetitions of a software loop. All loop instructions automatically decrement ECX and terminate the
loop when ECX=0. Four of the five loop instructions specify a condition involving ZF that terminates
the loop before ECX reaches zero.

LOOP (Loop While ECX Not Zero) is a conditional transfer tha automatically
decrements the ECX register before testing ECX for the branch condition. If ECX is non- zero, the
program branches to the target label specified in the instruction. The LOOP instruction causes the
repetition of a code section until the operation of the LOOP instruction decrements ECX to a value of
zero. If LOOP finds ECX=0, control transfers to the instruction immediately following the LOOP
instruction. If the value of ECX is initially zero, then the LOOP executes 232 times.
Conclusion Thus we have studied a switch case drivenX86/64ALP to perform 64-
bithexadecimal arithmetic operations.
Experiment No. 6
Title: Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode
and display the values of GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 6

Aim: Write X86/64 ALP to switch from real mode to protected mode and display the values of
GDTR, LDTR, IDTR, TR and MSW Registers.


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker


Four registers of the 80386 locate the data structures that control segmented memory
management called as memory management registers:
 GDTR :Global Descriptor Table Register
These register point to the segment descriptor tables GDT. Before any segment register
is changed in protected mode, the GDT register must point to a valid GDT. Initialization
of the GDT and GDTR may be done in real-address mode. The GDT (as well as LDTs)
should reside in RAM, because the processor modifies the accessed bit of descriptors.
The instructions LGDT
and SGDT give access to the GDTR.
 LDTR :Local Descriptor Table Register
These register point to the segment descriptor tables LDT. The LLDT instruction loads
a linear base address and limit value from a six-byte data operand in memory into the
LDTR. The SLDT instruction always store into all 48 bits of the six-byte data operand.
 IDTR Interrupt Descriptor Table Register
This register points to a table of entry points for interrupt handlers (the IDT). The
LIDT instruction loads a linear base address and limit value from a six-byte data
operand in memory into the IDTR. The SIDT instruction always store into all 48 bits
of the six-byte data operand.
 TR Task Register
This register points to the information needed by the processor to define the current
task. These registers store the base addresses of the descriptor tables (A descriptor
table is simply a memory array of 8-byte entries that contain
Descriptors and descriptor stores all the information about segment) in the linear
address space and store the segment limits.
SLDT: Store Local Descriptor Table Register
Operation: DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register

Description: SLDT stores the Local Descriptor Table Register (LDTR) in the two-byte
register or memory location indicated by the effective address operand. This register
is a selector that points into the Global Descriptor Table. SLDT is used only in
operating system software. It is not used in application programs.
Flags Affected: None
SGDT: Store Global Descriptor Table Register Operation:
DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register contents;

Description: SGDT copies the contents of the descriptor table register the six bytes of memory
indicated by the operand. The LIMIT field of the register is assigned to the first word at the effective
address. If the operand-size attribute is 32 bits, the next three bytes are assigned the BASE field of the
register, and the fourth byte is written with zero. The last byte is undefined. Otherwise, if the operand-
size attribute is 16 bits, the next 4 bytes are assigned the 32-bit BASE field of the register. SGDT and
SIDT are used only in operating system software; they are not used in application programs.
Flags Affected: None

SIDT: Store Interrupt Descriptor Table Register

Operation: DEST ← 48-bit BASE/LIMIT register contents;

Description: SIDT copies the contents of the descriptor table register the six bytes of memory
indicated by the operand. The LIMIT field of the register is assigned to the first word at the effective
address. If the operand-size attribute is 32 bits, the next three bytes are assigned the BASE field of the
register, and the fourth byte is written with zero. The last byte is undefined. Otherwise, if the operand-
size attribute is 16 bits, the next 4 bytes are assigned the 32-bit BASE field of the register. SGDT and
SIDT are used only in operating system software; they are not used in application programs.
Flags Affected: None


1. Display welcome message on terminal using macro disp.

2. Store most significant bit of CR0 in eax register.
3. Check the PE bit of CR0.
4. If PE=1 then display message “Processor is in Protected mode”.
5. And if PE=0 then display message “Processor is in Real mode”.
6. Then copies/stores the contents of GDT, IDT, LDT using sgdt, sidt, sldt instruction.
7. Display their contents using macro function disp and disp_num.

Conclusion- In this way, we use GDTR, LDTR and IDTR in Real mode.
Experiment No. 7
Title: Write X86/64 ALP to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent
BCD number and 5- digit BCD number into its equivalent HEX number

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 7

Aim: Write X86/64 ALP to convert 4-digit Hex number into its equivalent BCD number and 5- digit BCD
number into its equivalent HEX number. Make your program user friendly to accept the choice from user
for: (a) HEX to BCD b) BCD to HEX (c) EXIT. Display proper strings to prompt the user while accepting the
input and displaying the result. (Wherever necessary, use 64-bit registers).


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker


Let S = { s , e , X, Y, Fme, mem│Φs } be the programmer‟s perspective of Hex to

BCD & BCD to hex conversion
Let X be the input such that X= { X1, X2,X3, }
Such that there exists function fx 1 : X1 {0,1}

X2 is the four Digit Hex Number.

Let X2 = b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 where
bi Є X1. There exists a function f X2 : X2 { 0000h,0001h,0002h,-,- FFFFh}

X3 is the Five digit BCD number.

Let X3 = b19 b18 b17 b16 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5b4 b3 b2 b1
b0 where bi Є X1
There exists a function fX3: X3 { 00000,00001, ---- 99999}

X4 is the Single digit choice.

Let X4 = b3 b2 b1 b0 where bi Є X1
There exists a function fX4: X4 { 1,2,3}

Let Y1 is the 5 Digit BCD Output

Let Y= b19 b18 b17 b16 b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3
b2 b1 b0 Where bi Є X1
Y1 { 00000,00001, ---- 99999}

Let Y2 is the 4 Digit Hex Output

Let Y= b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2
b1 b0 Where bi Є X1
Y1 { 0000h,0001h, ---- FFFFh}

Fme 1( Hex to bcd ) = { F1 ,F2,F3 }

Where F1 = Accept X2
F2 = Repeat (X2/10) till quotient =0 & push Remainder on
stack F3 = Pop remainder from stack & display

Fme 2(bcd to hex) = { F1 ,F2,F3,F4 }

Where F1 = Accept BCD digit X3 i
F2 = Result= Result*10 + X3i & i=i-1 (Initially
Result=0) F3= repeat F1 onwards untill i=0
F4= Display Result

Fme 3(exit)= {F1}

Where F1= Call Sys_exit Call

Fme = { F1,F2,F3,F4}
Where F1= Accept X4
F2= If X4=1, Call Fme1
F3= If X4=2,Call Fme2
F4= If X4=3, Call Fme3

1. Hexadecimal to BCD conversion:

Conversion of a hexadecimal number can be carried out in different ways e.g.

dividing number by 000Ah and displaying quotient in reverse way.

2. BCD to Hexadecimal number:

Conversion of BCD number to Hexadecimal number can be carried out by

multiplying the BCD digit by its position value and the adding it in the final result.

Special instructions used:

DIV: Unsigned Divide. Result Quotient in AL and Remainder in AH for 8-bit

division and for 16-bit division Quotient in AX and Remainder in DX

MUL: Unsigned Multiply. For 8-bit operand multiplication result will be stored in
AX and for 16-bit multiplication result is stored in DX:AX Commands.
• To assemble

nasm –f elf 64 hello.nasm -o hello.o

• To link
ld –o hello hello.o
• To execute


1. Start
2. Initialize data section
3 Display the Menu Message.
4 Accept the choice from the user.
5 If choice=1 then call Hex to bcd procedure. If choice=2 then call Bcd to Hex If
choice=3 then call exit procedure
6 Hex to BCD Procedure:
a) Accept 4 Digit Hexadecimal Number.
b) Number=Number/10 & Number=Quotient
c) Push the remainder on the stack
d) If Number=0, Go to next step otherwise go to step b
e) Pop remainder , Convert into ascii & display untill all remainder are popped out
7 Bcd to hex Procedure:
b. Accept BCD Digit
c. Check whether all BCD Digits are accepted. If YES then go to
step e otherwise go to next step
d. RESULT= RESULT*10 + BCD Digit accepted e. Display RESULT
Conclusion- Hence we conclude that we can perform the Hex to BCD conversion &
BCD to hex Conversion.

Experiment No. 8 & 9

Title: Non-overlapped and overlapped block transfer.
Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 8 & 9
Aim: Write X86/64 ALP to perform non-overlapped block transfer with and without string specific
instructions. Block containing data can be defined in the data segment.


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker

Non-overlapped blocks:
In memory, two blocks are known as non-overlapped when none of the element is common.

9D Memory Block 2
Memory Block 1

In above example of non-overlapped blocks there is no common element between block 1

& 2.
While performing block transfer in case of non-overlapped blocks, we can start transfer
from starting element of source block to the starting element of destination block and then we
can transfer remaining elements one by one.
Overlaped Block:
In memory, two blocks are known as overlapped when at least one element is common
between two blocks.
While performing block transfer we have to see which element/s of source block is/are overlapped. If
ending elements are overlapped then start transferring elements from last and if starting elements
are overlapped then start transfer from first element
Memory Block 2
FF Common Element

Memory Block 1

Instructions needed:

1. MOVSB-Move string bytes.

2. JNE-Jump if not equal

3. AND-AND each bit in a byte or word with corresponding bit in another byte or word

4. INC-Increments specified byte/word by 1

5. DEC-Decrements specified byte/word by 1

6. JNZ-Jumps if not equal to Zero

7. CMP-Compares to specified bytes or words

8. JBE-Jumps if below of equal

9. CALL-Transfers the control from calling program to procedure.

10. RET-Return from where call is made

1) Non –Overlapped Block Transfer:

In non-overlapped block transfer Source Block & destination blocks are different. Here
we can transfer byte by byte data or word by word data from one block to another block.

i) Start
ii) Initialize data section
iii) Initialize RSI to point to source block
iv) Initialize RDI to point to destination block
v) Initialize the counter equal to length of block
vi) Get byte from source block & copy it into destination block
vii) Increment source & destination pointer
viii) Decrement counter
ix) If counter is not zero go to step vi
x) Display Destination Block
xi) Stop

2) Overlapped Block Transfer.

In Overlapped block transfer there is only one block & within the
same block We are transferring the data.

i) Start
ii) Initialize data section
iii) Accept the overlapping position from the user
iv) Initialize RSI to point to the end of source block
v) Add RSI with overlapping Position & use it as pointer to point
to End of Destination Block.
vi) Initialize the counter equal to length of block
vii) Get byte from source block & copy it into destination block
viii) Decrement source & destination pointer
ix) Decrement counter
x) If counter is not zero go to step vii
xi) Display Destination Block
xii) Stop

Initialize src-_array, count, des_array

Initialize Data segment

Source Index register Base address of src_array

Destn Index register Base address of des__array

Clear the direction flag (DF = 0)

Load the count in CX register

Transfer src_array content to des_array ;

Increment SI & DI

Decrement count i.e

CX = CX - 1
If count not zero repeat transfer of data

Display result


Conclusion- Hence we conclude that we can perform non-overlapped & overlapped block Transfer with &
without using string instructions.
Experiment No. 10

Title: Find factorial of a given integer number on a command line by

using recursion

Date of Performance: Roll No:

Exper Date of Submission: University Seat No:

No. 10 Signature of Staff:

x86 ALP to find the factorial of a given integer number on a command line by using recursion. Explicit
stack manipulation is expected in the code.


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs

 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker

A recursive procedure is one that calls itself. There are two kind of recursion: direct
and indirect. In direct recursion, the procedure calls itself and in indirect recursion,
the first procedure calls a second procedure, which in turn calls the first procedure.

Recursion could be observed in numerous mathematical algorithms. For example,

consider the case of calculating the factorial of a number. Factorial of a number is

Fact (n) = n * fact (n-1) for n > 0

given by the equation −

For example: factorial of 5 is 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 = 5 x factorial of 4 and this can be a good

example of showing a recursive procedure. Every recursive algorithm must have an
ending condition, i.e., the recursive calling of the program should be stopped when a
condition is fulfilled. In the case of factorial algorithm, the end condition is reached
when n is 0.

Instructions needed:
1. AND-AND each bit in a byte or word with corresponding bit in another byte or word

2. INC-Increments specified byte/word by1

3. DEC-Decrements specified byte/word by1

4. JG - The command JG simply means: Jump if Greater.

5. CMP-Compares to specified bytes or words

6. MUL - The MUL (Multiply) instruction handles unsigned data

7. CALL-Transfers the control from callingprogramto procedure.

8. ADD- ADD instructions are used for performing simple addition of binary data
in byte, word and doubleword size, i.e., for adding 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit
operands, respectively.

9. RET-Return from where call is made


This algorithm use recursive approach to find factorial of N.

1. Start
2. Read: Take input N
3. Retrieve parameter and put it into Register-PUSH
4. Check for base case if n==0
5. move the first argument to %eax
6. If the number is 1, that is our base case, and we simply return.
7. multiply by the result of the last call to factorial.
8. Restore %ebp and %esp to where they were before the function started.
9. return to the function


Let S = { s , e , X, Y, │Φs }
The factorial function is formally defined by the product
This notation works in a similar way to summation notation (Σ), but in this case we
multiply rather than add terms. For example, if n = 4, we would substitute k = 1, then k
= 2, then k = 3 and finally k = 4 and write:

n math, we often come across the following

expression: n!

This is "n factorial", or the product

n(n − 1)(n − 2)(n − 3) ... (3)(2)(1).


• To assemble
nasm –f elf 64hello.nasm -o hello.o

• To link
ld –o hello hello.o

• To execute -

Conclusion- Hence we conclude that we can perform ALP to find out factorial of a given integer number.
Experiment No. 11

Title: Count numbers of positive and negative numbers from the


Date of Performance: Roll No:

Date of Submission: University Seat No:

Signature of Staff:
Experiment No. 11

Aim: Write an X86/64 ALP to count number of positive and negative numbers from the array.


 To understand assembly language programming instruction set.

 To understand different assembler directives with examples.

 To apply instruction set for implementing X86/64 bit assembly language programs


 Operating System: 64-bit Open source Linux or its derivative

 Programming Tools: Preferably using Linux equivalent or MASM /TASM/NASM/FASM

 Text Editor: geditor

Software Requirements :

1. CPU: Intel I5 Processor

2. OS:- Windows XP (16 bit Execution ), Fedora 18 (32 & 64 bit Execution)

3. Editor: gedit, GNU Editor

4. Assembler: NASM (Netwide Assembler)

5. Linker:-LD, GNU Linker

The following code snippet shows the use of the system call sys_exit:
MOV EAX, 1 ; system call number
(sys_exit) INT 0x80 ; call kernel
The following code snippet shows the use of the system call sys_write:
MOV EAX,4; system call number (sys_write)
MOV EBX,1; file descriptor (stdout)
MOV ECX, MSG ; message to
write MOV EDX, 4; message
length INT0x80; call kernel

Linux System Calls (64 bit) Sys_write:

MOV RSI,message
MOV RDX,message_length



Assembly Variables
NASM provides various define directives for reserving storage space for variables. The
define Assembler directive is used for allocation of storage space. It can be used to reserve
as well as initialize one or more bytes.
Allocating Storage Space for Initialized Data
There are five basic forms of the define directive:

Allocating Storage Space for Uninitialized Data

The reserve directives are used for reserving space for uninitialized data. The reserve
directives take a single operand that specifies the number of units of space to be reserved.
Each define directive has a related reserve directive.
There are five basic forms of the reserve directive:

Instructions needed:

1. MOV-Copies byteorword from specified sourceto specified destination

2. ROR-Rotates bits ofbyteorwordright,LSBto MSBand to CF

3. AND-AND each bit in abyteorword with correspondingbit in anotherbyteorword

4. INC-Increments specified byte/word by1

5. DEC-Decrements specified byte/word by1

6. JNZ-Jumps ifnot equal to Zero

7. JNC-Jumps ifno carryisgenerated

8. CMP-Compares to specified bytes orwords

9. JBE-Jumps ifbelow ofequal

10. ADD-Adds specified byteto byteorword to word

11. CALL-Transfers the control from callingprogramto procedure.

12. RET-Return from where call is made


Let S = { s , e , X, Y, Fme, mem│Φs } be the programmer’s perspective of Array

Addition Where

S = System
s =Distinct Start of
System e = Distinct End
Of System X = Set of
Y= Set Of outputs
Fme = Central Function
Mem= Memory
Required Φs =

Let X be the input such

that X= { X1, X2,X3, - }
Such that there exists function fx 1 : X1 {0,1}

X2 Source Array
Let X2 = {{b7-----b0}{ b7-------b0}--------{b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0}} where bi Є X1
There exists a function fX2 :X2 { {00h----FFh}{00h----FFh }{00h----FFh} --- }

X3 is the two digit count value

Let X3 = b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0 where bi Є X1
There exists a function fX3: X3 { 01h,02h,-,- FFh}
Let Y is the Output
Let Y= b15 b14 b13 b12 b11 b10 b9 b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2
b1 b0 Where bi Є X1
Y { 0000h,0001h, ---- FFFFh}

Let Fme = { F1 ,F2,F3 }

Where F1 = Accept
F2 = Count
F3 = Display

F1 1) Accept the number stored in array.

F2 Y = ∑ ( X2)

F3 Display Output


1 Start
2. Declare & initialize the variables in .data section.
3. Declare uninitialized variables in .bss section.
4. Declare Macros for print and exit operation.
5. Initialize pointer with source address of array.
6. Initialize count for number of elements.
7. Set RBX as Counter register for storing positive numbers count.
Lonikand, Pune – 412216
Department of Computer Engineering

8. Set RCX as Counter register for storing negative numbers count.

9. Get the number in RAX register.
10. Rotate the contents of RAX register left 1 bit to check sign bit.
11. Check if MSB is 1. If yes, goto step 12,else goto step 13.
12. Increment count for counting negative numbers.
13. Increment count for counting positive numbers.
14. Increment pointer.
15. Decrement count
16. Check for count = 0. If yes, goto step 17 else goto step 9.
17. Store the positive numbers count and negative numbers count in buffer.
18. Display first message. Call the procedure to display the positive count.
19. Display second message. Call the procedure to display the negative count.
20. Add newline.
21. Terminate the process.
22. Declare the Procedure.
23. Stop.

Lonikand, Pune – 412216
Department of Computer Engineering


Conclusion: Here we count the 32-bit numbers of positive and negative numbers in the array
in the assembly language.


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