Syllabus 154 October 18 Start

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Term: Spring Semester 2023
Time and place: T/TH 8:30 – 10:15 pm
Credit: Three semester credit hours

Text Book:
Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Approach, 7/e by Bennett/Briggs with MyMathLab 18-
week access or hardcopy book ISBN 0138278023

Instructor: Mr. Yidnekatchew Hailu

Email: [email protected]

Please feel free to contact me by email to set up one on one meetings.

Online Text:
Using & Understanding Mathematics: A Quantitative Approach, 7/e by Bennett/Briggs.
We will be using Pearson’s MyMathLab web-based education environment.
The text is electronically accessed within the MyLab Math environment. A scientific calculator such as TI-30X
is required as well as access to Microsoft’s Excel. The calculators should be brought to class as often we will
calculate answers to problems while in the classroom. A subscription to Pearson’s MyMathLab, an on-line
interactive system for doing homework, is required.
The class key for the class for student registration is (will be provided in announcements)

Course Objectives: MTH 154 introduces the concepts of functions, linear functions, ratios, proportions,
financial literacy with emphasis on stocks, bonds, and loans, and an introduction to logic. A more extensive
description of the course is at
Required Items for taking this course:

• Access to the online version of the text. You gain access by registering for the course through Pearson
MyMathLab (MML).
• Scientific calculator. A good choice is the Texas Instrument TI-30XIIS that you can purchase for less than
$24.00 from or from a local vendor such as Walmart.
• Computer with internet access. You will use your computer with Google Chrome (recommended
browser) to access Canvas and the Pearson online course for assignments, announcements, and
homework or quizzes.
• WebCam. You will need access to a computer with a webcam (most portables today have this
capability built-in) or you must purchase an external webcam (for instance, if you have an older desktop
computer with no webcam) Although the class is scheduled for in-person instruction, there is a need for Zoom
capability for the MDE class and Office Hour meetings etc.
• You are required to enroll in Math 54 concurrently. This is where you will work on improving
your skills, doing homework and improve your study skills. I am the teacher for this course.

Regular class attendance and diligence in doing homework assignments are the two most important ingredients
to success in this course. Attendance will be taken every class. It is only through regular attendance that you
will have the benefit of interacting with me and your classmates to clarify your understanding of the course
material. If you must miss a class, please give yourself the best chance of staying current by reading the sections
covered in class that day, doing the homework assigned for the next class, and getting a copy of a classmate’s

Homework: The assigned homework is assigned in MyLab Math. Each homework assignment is titled with a
corresponding section of the on-line text. It is assumed that you will complete the assigned homework for a
given class by the next scheduled class. Your homework grade, based on the percent of homework assignments
completed and the overall percent of correct problems of those completed assignments, will account for 20
percent of your total grade.
You should be prepared to discuss problems in class and may be asked to demonstrate the solution to some of
the assigned problems. MyLab Math will guide you through homework assignment even walking you through
the solution of assigned problems step by step. Of course, you will have opportunities to obtain my help during
class or by appointment if there is a need for any help with your understanding of the material covered or the
assigned homework. This course involves a lot of reading from the book. You are encouraged to read the topics
in the book and come to class prepared with questions and ideas. Be clear that if you do not do your homework,
there will be little or no chance that you will be successful in this course.

Tests and Final Exam: There will be two tests and a final exam. The dates will be announced at least one week
in advance. Please check the academic calendar for the final exam schedule.
Projects: There will be two Excel-based projects assigned during the semester. The grades for these two projects
when added together account for 15% of the final grade.

The projects will be assigned on Canvas where the finished assignment will be uploaded for grading. You will
see that the points awarded for Homework, Quizzes, Tests, Activities, Projects, and the Final Exam total to
100%. Your overall grade is obtained by adding your homework, project tests and final exam.

HW = 20%. Tests = 40%. Projects 15%. Final exam 25%

Grading Scale: You will be graded on the following scale.

90 – 100% A
80 – 89% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69% D
Below 60% F
You may track your progress in the course by using Canvas application available through the NVCC – Loudoun
website using myNOVA.
Policy for Missed Tests:
• There will be make-ups possible on Tests, within a week after the missed Test, subject to one of the following

a. The student has a prior commitment that he/she has informed me about and has obtained my
permission for makeup prior to the test date

b. There is a personal emergency (e.g., illness, bereavement). In such a case the student must inform me before
class if possible (in person, by phone or by e-mail) to make arrangements for a make-
up test. In the case of routine illness, this is mandatory. For all other personal emergencies, some
proof of the need for missing the exam is required as soon as possible after the studentreturns to
Come prepared to class with pencils and paper. Although this is an online course, it is important that you take
notes and organize your thoughts.
Help: If you are having trouble in this course be sure to ask for help as soon as possible - don't wait! There are
several sources of help available:

• Attend class regularly and ask questions during class.

• Make an appointment by email to see me, if necessary.
• Tutoring is available 24/7 from online.
• You can request a tutor by filling out the Tutor Request form located on the Loudoun Campus
Tutoring Website or by calling 703.948.7693, and
you will be matched with a tutor. You can receive up to two hours of free tutoring per week.
Students with disabilities: If you think you may have a disability that would merit accommodations, contact
disability services and scroll down the page to fill out a DSS
form. As a result of meeting with DSS specialists if you are granted an MOA (Memorandum of Understanding)
from the counseling center detailing the accommodations to which you are entitled, then email a copy of the
approved MOA to me and I will contact you for any questions that I have. Accommodation will be effective
once we have discussed (virtually) the signed form.

Academic Integrity:
I expect you to conduct yourself according to the standard of academic integrity. Penalties for violating
academic integrity will be according to the policies set forth in the Student Handbook. Penalties for violating
academic integrity can range upward to failure on a test or the course even to expulsion for the college. The
policy on academic integrity is at:

Unscheduled Closings:
If the college has an unscheduled closing that affects our scheduled class you should assume that we will pick
up with the schedule where we left off. In particular, if a test was scheduled for a day
in which school was cancelled you should assume that the test will be given the next time class meets. Check
the college website for information on whether the school is closed. Also, check on the Canvas website to see
what homework is assigned if the class is cancelled.

Important Dates: Test dates are subject to change

• October19 first day of class

• October 18-20 add or drop through canvas
• October 18-20 Last day to drop without grade penalty

• November 9 Test #1

• November 30 Test # 2

• December 6 -12 Final exam.

Detailed Information on NOVA’s Policies updated for 2023 is inserted as a separate document located right
after this syllabus on Canvas.

Good Luck.

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