(Week 1) October 7-11, 2024
(Week 1) October 7-11, 2024
(Week 1) October 7-11, 2024
Establishing Lesson Purpose (Aims) A PENNY FOR YOUR BUBBLE MAP FYI
THOUGHTS Duration: 8 minutes Duration: 4 minutes
Duration: 10 minutes The students will be paired The teacher will share to the
The teacher will ask the up. Then, they will class that they will be reading
students the following brainstorm on the words an essay entitled By the
questions: Empathy and Justice. They Railway Side by Alice
1. The song Mean tackles will write words or phrases Meynell.
the issue of bullying. In what that you think describe or
other platforms or ways, relate to the two words. ✓ Alice Christiana Gertrude
apart from songs, do we Meynell was an English writer,
hear or see such issues editor, critic, and suffragist,
being tackled? now remembered mainly as
2. What are those other a poet. Though born in
pressing issues? London, she spent most of
3. How important is it to her childhood in Italy, the
acknowledge these issues? setting for this short travel
FYI essay, "By the Railway Side”.
Duration: 4 minutes ✓ By the railway side is a short
The teacher will share to the travel essay by Alice Meynell.
class that they will be It speaks of her experience in
listening to a speech by a train station after alighting
Martin Luther King Jr. She from a train from Tuscany.
will also share to the class ✓ While she was on the
who King is and how platform, she saw a
important of a historical commotion involving a man,
figure he is. a woman and some train
officials. Through the clear
Martin Luther King Jr. Facts imagery shown in her essay, it
✓ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. can be concluded that the
was born on January 15, man is trying to commit
1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. suicide by jumping on the
✓ He was a Civil Rights railway; that the woman
leader who was known for beside him is his wife; and
his work in organizing that his wife and the train
nonviolent protests and officials are stopping the man
giving inspiring speech to to commit suicide. After the
fight for equal rights for all train has passed, everyone in
people. the train station proceeded
✓ His famous “I Have a to their prior activities.
Dream” speech was
witnessed by the audience
who gathered at the
Lincoln Memorial in 1963 as
part of the March on
✓ In a broader scale, the
audience of his speech is
anyone who strive for to
equality for the oppressed
in America. King's speech
GRADE 9 English
Understanding (Tasks and Thought) Duration: 15 minutes Duration: 30 minutes Duration: 45 minutes Duration: 5 minutes
The class will be divided into The students will listen to the The students will create a The students will pick out the
eight groups. After which, recording of Martin Luther slogan to help fight racism word which does not belong
each group will be given a King’s speech I Have Dream and discrimination. to the group.
passage that they will and answer the questions
peruse to identify the social during the question stops. Example:
issue it tackles.