Chap 10
Chap 10
Chap 10
Perception of Inequity:
- Feeling under-rewarded—reduce inequity by:
o Changing inputs by trying harder or slacking off.
o Changing outcomes by demanding a raise.
o Distorting ratios by altering perceptions of self or of others.
o Leaving situation by quitting the job.
o Choosing another object person.
- Feeling over-rewarded:
o Increase or decrease inputs.
o Distort ratios by rationalizing.
o Help the object person gain more outcomes.
Perception of Equity:
- Feeling equitably rewarded:
o Maintain performance and accept comparison
as fair estimate.
3. Goal-Setting Theory
Theory’s Assumptions:
- Behavior is a result of conscious goals and intentions.
- Setting goals influences behavior in organizations.
Characteristics of Goals:
- Goal difficulty: the extent to which a goal is challenging and requires effort
- Goal specificity: the clarity and precision of the goal
- Goal acceptance: the extent to which a person accepts a goal as his or her own.
- Goal commitment: the extent to which he or she is personally interested in
reaching the goal.