Voltage Regulator
Rapid GPIO
Target Applications
HVAC building and control systems Health care monitoring and instrumentation Fire/security control and monitoring systems Factory and automation systems Measurement equipment Hand-held medical/industrial applications Low-power industrial applications
2 x SCI
2x Comparator
System Integration
ColdFire V1 Core
The Flexis series of controllers is the connection point on the Freescale Controller Continuum, where 8- and 32-bit compatibility becomes reality. The Flexis series includes complementary families of 8-bit S08 and 32-bit ColdFire V1 microcontrollers that share a common set of peripherals and development tools to deliver the ultimate in migration flexibility. The QE family, comprised of a pin-compatible 8-bit and 32-bit device duo, is the first family in the Flexis series. The 32-bit MCF51QE128 device extends the low end of the ColdFire embedded controller family with up to 128 KB flash memory and a 12-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) with up to 24 channels. The MCF51QE128 includes up to 3.6V supply voltage, a 50 MHz CPU core and three timers for improved motor controlperfect for medical devices such as health care monitoring instrumentation and industrial equipment including networked smoke detectors and security cameras. The 32-bit MCF51QE128 is pin-, peripheral- and tool-compatible with the 8-bit S08QE128 device, providing unprecedented design freedom across the performance spectrum.
32-Bit ColdFire V1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) Up to 50 MHz ColdFire V1 core from 2.1V to 3.6V, and 20 MHz CPU at 1.8V to 2.1V across temperature range of -40C to +85C
Offers high performance, even at low voltage levels for battery operated applications Provides bus speed operation of 25.117 MHz from 2.1V to 3.6V and 10 MHz from 1.8 to 2.1V Provides additional instructions for easy handling of 8-bit and 16-bit data Allows for software flexibility and optimization for real-time applications
Support for up to 256 interrupt/reset sources On-Chip Memory Up to 128 KB flash read/program/erase over full operating voltage and temperature Up to 8 KB random-access memory (RAM) Power-Saving Modes Two ultra-low-power (ULP) stop modes, one of which allows limited use of peripherals New ULP power wait mode 6 s typical wake up time from stop3 mode Internal clock Source (ICS) Module containing a frequency locked-loop (FLL) controlled by internal or external reference Oscillator (OSC) Loop-control Pierce oscillator; crystal or ceramic resonator range of 31.25 kHz to 38.4 kHz or 1 MHz to 16 MHz
Security circuitry prevents unauthorized access to RAM and flash contents to reduce system power consumption
Allows continued application sampling in a reduced power state which extends the battery life
Eliminates use of an external clock source. This ultimately reduces system costs associated with development Includes ultra-low-power OSC for accurate timebase in low-power modes
Peripherals Two analog comparators with option to compare to an internal referenceoutput can be optionally routed to timer/pulse width modulator (PWM) as input capture trigger
Requires only single pin for input signal, freeing up additional pins for other use Allows other components in system to see result of comparator with minimal delay Can be used for single slope ADC and RC time constant measurements
Package Options
Part Number MCF51QE128CLK MCF51QE128CLH MCF51QE64CLH MCF51QE32CLH MCF51QE32LH Temp. Range -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C -40C to +85C 0C to +70C Package 80 LQFP 64 LQFP 64 LQFP 64 LQFP 64 LQFP
Analog Digital Converter (ADC) up to 24-channel, Having 24 channels allows up to 24 analog devices to be sampled at extremely high speeds. 12-bit resolution; 2.5 s conversion time; automatic Provides functionality across operational voltage compare function; 1.7 mV/C temperature sensor; of the MCU internal bandgap reference channel; operation in stop3 2x Serial Communications Interface (SCI)Two modules offering asynchronous communications, 13-bit break option, flexible baud rate generator, double buffered transmit and receive and optional H/W parity checking and generation 2x SCI (Serial Peripheral Interfaces)Two modules with full-duplex or single-wire bidirectional; double-buffered transmit and receive; master or slave mode; MSB-first or LSB-first shifting Time pulse-width modulation (TPM) one 6-channel (TMP3) and two 3-channel (TPM1 and TPM2); selectable input capture, output compare, or buffered edge- or center-aligned PWM on each channel Two I2Cs with; Up to 100 kbps with maximum bus loading; multi-master operation; programmable slave address; interrupt-driven byte-by-byte data transfer; supports broadcast mode and 10-bit addressing Input/Output 16 bits of Rapid General Purpose Input/Output (RGPIO) connected to the CPUs high-speed local bus with set, clear and toggle functionality 70 GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output), one input-only and one output-only pin 16 Keyboard Interrupts (KBI) pins with selectable polarity System Protection Watchdog computer operating properly (COP) reset with option to run from dedicated 1 kHz internal clock source or bus clock Low-voltage detection with reset or interrupt; selectable trip points Illegal op code detection with reset Flash block protection Allows device to recognize runaway code (infinite loops) and resets processor to avoid lock-up states Alarms the developer of voltage drops outside of the typical operating range Allows the device to recognize erroneous code and resets the processor to avoid lock-up states Prevents unintentional programming of protected flash memory, which greatly reduces the chance of losing vital system code for vendor applications Results in large number of flexible I/O pins that allow developers to easily interface device into their own designs Provides standard UART communications peripheral Allows full-duplex, asynchronous, NRZ serial communication between MCU and remote devices Edge interrupt can wake up MCU from low-power mode Having two SPI provides dedication to two separate devices. An example would be to have one SPI dedicated to a ZigBee-ready transceiver, and the other for MCUs or peripherals Three TPMs allow for three different time bases, with a total of twelve timer channels
$325* Full-featured evaluation system for the QE128 device family. This evaluation system enables full evaluation of both the MC9S08QE128 and MCF51QE128 devices.
Two I2C ports enable increased system memory by using an additional I2C EEPROM. This also creates an opportunity to add an additional I2C device
Can be used for reading input from a keypad or used as general pin interrupts
Development Support Classic ColdFire Debug B+ functionality mapped into a single-pin BDM interface Real-time debug support Allows developers to use the same hardware cables between S08 and ColdFire V1 platforms Six hardware breakpoints which can be configured into a 1- or 2-level trigger with a programmable response (CPU halt or interrupt) Capture of processor status and debug data into on-chip trace buffer provides program trace capabilities and programmable start/stop recording conditions
Learn More:
For more information about ColdFire the Flexis QE family, please visit family products, please visit
Freescale and the Freescale logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2009. Document Number: MCF51QE128FS REV 1