Chem Investigatory - Merged

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Investigatory project


I would like to express my sincere gra tude to my Chemistry

teacher, Mr. Amrendra Kumar, for their invaluable guidance,
encouragement, and support throughout the comple on of
this project tled "Prepara on of Soybean Milk and Its
Comparison with Natural Milk." Their insights and
sugges ons were instrumental in shaping this project and
helping me understand the subject be er.
I am thankful to the Principal of New Era Progressive School
for providing a conducive environment for learning and for
gran ng access to the necessary resources and laboratory
facili es. My special thanks go to the lab staff for their
assistance in providing the materials required for the
I would also like to acknowledge the con nuous support of
my parents and family, whose encouragement mo vated me
to stay focused on my work. Finally, I am grateful to my
friends and classmates for their construc ve feedback and
helpful sugges ons during this project.
This is to cer fy that Pranav Kumar Agrawal a
student of Class XII of New Era Progressive School,
Rampur, Korba, Session 2024-25, has sa sfactorily
completed the required Chemistry Project Work
as per the syllabus of Standard XII in the
laboratory of the school.

Teachers Signature
1 Aim 1
2 Theory 2
3 Materials required 3
4 Procedure 4
5 Observa on 5
6 Result 6
7 Conclusion 7
8 Precau on 8
9 Bibliography 9
Preparation of
soyabean milk and
its comparison with
natural milk with
respect to curd
formation, effect of
temperature, etc.

Milk is considered to be a complete lood as it

contains all necessary nutrients (proteins,
carbohydrates tats minerals, vitamins and water)
required for body growth.

In summers milk is stored at low temperature in

refrigerators This happens due to the bacterial
ac vity of Lactobacillus bacteria, which turns
lactose sugar into lac c and, in acidic condi ons,
casein of milk starts separa ng out as a precipitate
When the acidity in mik is sufficient, i forms a
semisolo mass which is called curd. The curd
forma on may be studied by keeping the milk at
different temperatures Soyabean milk on the
other hand, is obtained from a plant source
soyabeans. The beans of soyabean plant is serve
as a food for animals and human beings.

 Beaker
 Glass rod
 Thermometer
 Tripod stand
 Buffalo milk
 Curd
 Pastie and molar
 Measuring cylinder
 Burner
 Muslin cloth
 Soyabeans
 Distilled water
1. Take about 100 g of soyabean seeds in a 500 ml. beaker and
op them completely in sufficient amount of water. Left the
seeds soaked neid dity

2. Next day, take these seeds out and grind them to a line paste
using pestle and mortar

3. Add about 200 ml of distilled water taken in a measuring

cylinder to the paste and mix it well using glass md

4. Pour the contents through a piece of muslin cloth to filter it

5. The clear white fitrate soyabean milk Compare its taste with
that of buftaio milik

6. Now, take 100 ml of each, the buffalo milk and the soyabean
milk in four separate beakers 12 beakers contain buffalo milk
and 2 beakers contain soyabean milk)

7. Heat the two beakers containing buffalo milk in one beaker

and soyanean milk at 30°C and remaining two beakers at

8. Add about 10 g of curd in these four bookers and left the

beakers undisturbed

9. Note down the time for the formation of curt in each beaker

10. Compare the thicknesis and taste of the curd formed in

four beakers

Type of Beaker temprature Quality of Taste of

milk no. curd curd

Buffalo 1 30°c Perfectly Sour

milk dense,semi

2 40°c Comparatively Less sour


3 50°c Highly watery Tasteless

Soybean 1 30°c Almost dense Almost

milk sour

2 40°c Semi solid, Sour

little bit
3 50°c Highly water tasteless
 For buffalo milk, the best temperature for forma on of
good quality and tasty curd is 30- 33°C and for Soybean
milk, it is 35-40°C.

 Curd made from buffalo milk is thicker than made from

soyabean milk
1. Natural milk sweat in taste while soyabean milk is not

2. Curd formed from natural milk at higher temparature is

more sour

3. The rate of forma on of curd in natural milk and

soyabean milk increases with increase in temperature
1. Do not overheat the milk as it may kill the curd forming
bacteria Lactobacillus

2. Take equal quan ly of both milk. Unequal quan ty of

milk may gives altered result in respect of firmness and
faste of ourd formed.

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