Unit 5 & 6 DBM
Unit 5 & 6 DBM
Unit 5 & 6 DBM
Parallel Databases
Multi-user DBMS Architectures
The file server holds the files required by the application and the DBMS.
However, the applications and DBMS run on each workstation,
requesting files from the file server when necessary.
The file server acts simply as a shared data disk. The DBMS on each
workstation sends requests to the file server for all data that the DBMS
requires that it is stored on disk.
Where ,
Volume Parallel = volume executed in a given amount of time
using 'n' processor
Volume Original = volume executed in a given amount of time
using 1 processor
Distributed Databases
Distributed Systems
Data spread over multiple machines (also referred to as
sites or nodes).
Network interconnects the machines
Advantages of Replication
Hillside Lowman 1
Hillside Camp 2
Valleyview Camp 3
Valleyview Kahn 4
Hillside Kahn 5
Valleyview Kahn 6
Valleyview Green 7
deposit1 = branch_name, customer_name, tuple_id (employee_info )
account_number balance tuple_id
A-305 500 1
A-226 336 2
A-177 205 3
A-402 10000 4
A-155 62 5
A-408 1123 6
A-639 750 7
deposit2 = account_number, balance, tuple_id (employee_info )
Advantages of Fragmentation
allows parallel processing on fragments of a relation
allows a relation to be split so that tuples are located
where they are most frequently accessed
Failure of a site.
Loss of messages
Handled by network transmission control protocols such
Failure of a communication link
Handled by network protocols, by routing messages via
alternative links
Network partition
A network is said to be partitioned when it has been
split into two or more subsystems that lack any
connection between them
– Note: a subsystem may consist of a single node
Network partitioning and site failures are generally
Commit Protocols
Commit protocols are used to ensure atomicity across sites
The protocol involves all the local sites at which the transaction
Advantages of scheme:
Simple implementation
Simple deadlock handling