Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation & Intelligence Question and Answer
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation & Intelligence Question and Answer
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation & Intelligence Question and Answer
1. Sworn statement, subscribed by offended party, any peace officer of public officer in charge
of enforcement of the law violated filed either to the court or to the office of the prosecutor.
a. Complaint b. Pleadings c. Information d. Affidavit
3. Is the taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
a. Arrest b. Warrant c. Jurisdiction d. Seizure
7. It refers to the questioning initiated by law enforcement officer after a person has been taken
into custody.
a. custodial investigation b. inquest c. interview d. interrogation
8. In court:
a. Every criminal has the right to a lawyer.
b. People can only be convicted if they have made a confession.
c. The suspect has the right to an interpreter free of charge if the trial takes place in a
language unknown to him/her.
10. A person undergoing custodial investigation enjoy his constitutional rights namely:
a. The right to oppose whatever accusation on him.
b. The right to plea guilty and not guilty
c. The right to remain silent, to counsel and the right to be informed of such rights.
d. The right to face his accuser in public trial
12. The forceful and intelligent questioning of one who is reluctant to divulge information?
a. interview b. interrogation c. information d.
13. It is what induces the criminal to act and not to be shown in order to obtain conviction?
a. intent b. desire c. motive d. opportunity
14. Information gathered upon initiative of the investigator from informants, vendors, taxicab
driver, GRO, and others.
a. Grapevine Sources c. Cultivated Sources
b. Regular Sources d. Cognitive interview
15. What interrogation techniques when the investigator indicates he does not consider his
subject’s indiscretion a grave offense.
a. Sympathetic Appeal c. Mutt and Jeff
b. Extenuation d. Emotional Appeal
16. In pursuing a criminal and when it appears that the pursuit is not possible, what should you
not do?
a. Better use your time and efforts to alert another unit
b. Forego the pursuit and keep on what you are formerly doing
c. Inform the dispatched of the unit
d. Use radio for possible active pursuit in coordination with other police units
17. This situation takes place when a police officer induced a person to commit a crime and
arrest him after the commission of the crime.
e. Instigation b. Search c. Recidivism d. Entrapment
18. The investigator who collects physical evidence should take it to the laboratory by himself
whenever this is possible, otherwise, he should obtain a receipt from each person to whom he
gives or receives evidence. This statement is applicable to –
f. Chain of custody of evidence c. Cardinal rules in investigation
g. Three tools in investigation d. To establish the guilt of the
19. It is a type of intelligence activity which deals with defending the organization against its
criminal enemies?
h. Line Intelligence c. Counter-Intelligence
i. Strategic Intelligence d. Tactical Intelligence
20. What is the evaluation of an intelligence report which is “usually from a reliable source and
improbable information”?
a. C-5 b. B-5 c. B-3 d. C-3
21. It is a form of investigation in which the operative assumes a cover in order to obtain
a. Overt operation c. Undercover assignment
c. Covert operation d. clandestine operation
22. It refers to a person who is highly skilled in converting message from clear to unintelligible
forms by use of codes and cipher.
a. Cryptographer c. Crypto Analyst
b.Cryptography d. Cryptechnician
23. What is evaluation of the intelligence report gathered by Agent Fukymo Mikuto which is
“Fairly Reliable and doubtfully true information?
a. D-4 b. C-4 c. C-5 d. D-5
24. In surveillance, the following are done to alter the appearance of the surveillance vehicle,
a. Changing license plates of surveillance vehicle
b. Putting on and removing hats, coats and sunglasses
c. Change of seating arrangement within the surveillance vehicle
d. Keep the cars behind the subject car.
25. A _______ is usually for the purpose of waiting for the anticipated arrival of the suspect who is
either wanted for investigation or who is expected to commit a crime at a certain location.
a. Stake out b. Rough Shadowing c. Shadowing d. Surveillance
26. In the Intelligence function, the black list includes ________ forces.
a. Unwanted b. Friendly c. Neutral d. Unfriendly
27. Is considered as the most secured method of disseminating the information to the user of
classified matters is by means of:
a. Debriefing b. Conference c. Cryptographic method d. Seminar
28. They are responsible for foreign intelligence of United Kingdom and it is also referred as Box
850 because of its old post office box number.
a. Security Service c. Secret Intelligence Service
b. Government Communication Headquarters d. Defense Intelligence Staff
29. It is the duty of the officer who first arrives at the crime scene.
a. Locate and apprehend the accused c. Protection of the crime scene
b. Collect evidence d. Present evidence of guilt
32. A public officer when not being authorized by judicial order, shall enter a dwelling
against the will of the owner thereof is committing:
a. Legal entry c. Violation of domicile
b. Trespassing d. Illegal entry
33. A form of investigation in which the investigator assume a different and unofficial identity.
a. Tailing b. Casing
c. Espionage d. Undercover work
34. A type of surveillance in which extreme precautions and actions are taken in not losing the
a. Loose tail b. Casing
c. Pony tail d. Close tail
35. A type of shadowing employed when a general impression of the subject’s habits and
associates is required.
a. Loose tail b. Casing
c. Pony tail d. Close tail
36. A surveillance activity for the purpose of waiting the anticipated arrival of a suspect or
observing his actions from a fixed location.
a. Casing b. Tailing
c. Stake out d. Espionage
38. A kind of evidence that tends to prove additional evidence of a different character to the
same point.
a. Corroborative evidence b. Circumstantial evidence
c. Direct evidence d. Real evidence
40. A person who gives necessary information to the investigator. He may give the information
openly and even offer to be a witness or he may inform the investigator surreptitiously and
request to remain anonymous.
a. Witness b. Expert witness
c. Hostile witness d. Informant
41. The use of an equipment or tool to listen and record discreetly conversations of other people.
a. Bugging b. Dubbing
c. Mimicking d. Tapping
43. Knowledge of a possible or actual enemy or area of operations acquired by the collection,
evaluation and interpretation of military information.
a. Combat intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter intelligence
44. Knowledge of the enemy,weather and the terrain that is used in the planning and conduct
of tactical operations.
a. Combat intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter intelligence
45. Activity pertains to all security control measures designed to ensure the safeguarding of
information against espionage, personnel against subversion and installations or material against
a. Combat intelligence
b. Police Intelligence
c. Military Intelligence
d. Counter intelligence
46. Those which seek to conceal information from the enemy.
a. Passive counter intelligence measures
b. Active counter intelligence measures
c. Strategic intelligence
d. Tactical intelligence
47. Those that actively block the enemy's attempt to gain information of enemy's effort to
engage in sabotage or subversion.
a. Passive counter intelligence measures
b. Active counter intelligence measures
c. Strategic intelligence
d. Tactical intelligence
48. When the source of the information comes from a police intelligence officer of long
experience and extensive background, the evaluation of reliability of information is
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
49. When there is no adequate basis estimating the reliability of an information, the evaluation of
the reliability of the information is labeled.
a. A
b. F
c. E
d. D
52. Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of marks, signs, or codes for signaling
between operatives.
a. Ciphers
b. Signs
c. Signals
d. Code
53. Any tradecraft technique employing invisible messages hidden in or on innocuous materials.
This includes invisible inks and microdots, among many other variations.
a. Secret writing
b. Secret message
c. Hidden message
d. Hidden writing
54. An apartment, hotel room, or other similar site considered safe for use by operatives as a
base of operations or for a personal meeting.
a. Meeting place
b. Dead drop
c. Drop
d. Safe house
56. The knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest, and
prosecution of criminal offenders is called _____.
a. Criminal intelligence
b. External intelligence
c. Internal intelligence
d. Public safety intelligence
57. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand. This refers to the
principle of _____.
a. Continuity c. Selection
b. Objective d. Timeliness
58. This segment of the intelligence process deals with what happens when information is
received, processed and now integrates with current holdings. This phase is called _____.
a. Data Analysis c. Data evaluation
b. Data collation d. Data dissemination
59. PO III Juan Kulang submitted an intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?
a. Information is usually from a reliable source and is possibly true.
b. Information is usually from a reliable source and is probably true.
c. Information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable.
d. Information is usually form a reliable source and is doubtfully true.
61. SPO I Edna Castro evaluated the information gathered as “completely reliable, source
probably true”. What is the type of evaluation?
a. A 5 c. A 4
b. A 1 d. A 2
62. A method of collecting information wherein the investigator mere uses his different senses.
a. observation c. research
b. casing d. interrogation
63. The term used for the object of surveillance is subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is:
a. Rabbit c. decoy
b. Surveillant d. target
64. In counterintelligence, surveillance is categorized according to intensity and sensitivity. When
there is intermittent observation varying in occasions, then this surveillance is called:
a. Loose c. open
b. Discreet d. close
65. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator tails or follows the person or
a. Research
b. Casing
c. Undercover operation
d. Surveillance
66. A system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is obtained through the process
of direct intercommunication in which one or more of the parties to the communication is
unaware of the specific purpose of the conversation.
a. Casing c. Surveillance
b. Elicitation d. Surreptitious entry
67. The covert observation of an area, a building or stationary object in order to gain information
is called:
a. Surreptitious entry
b. Surveillance
c. Penetration
d. Casing
68. It is a circumspect inspection of place to determine its suitability for a particular operational
a. Inspection c. Survey
b. Surveillance d. Casing
69. What is the method of collecting information wherein the investigator tails or shadows the
persons or vehicles?
a. Research
b. Surveillance
c. Casing
d. Photography
71. A biographical data through fictitious which will portray the personality of the agent which is
to assume is better known as _____.
a. Cover c. Cover support
b. Cover story d. Undercover
72. Which of the following is the most common reason why an informer gives information to the
a. Wants to be known to the police
b. Monetary reward
c. As a good citizen
d. Revenge
73. In general, a person who gives information to the police voluntarily, without any
consideration is properly called _____.
a. Agent c. Informant
b. Agent handler d. Informer
74. An informant that is usually anonymous and his purpose is to eliminate competitors is properly
called _____.
a. Anonymous c. Rival Elimination
b. False d. Double-crosser
76. Police Officer Jack Ammu frequents clubs, places of amusements and entertainment known
to be habitually visited by subject and subject’s associates. PO III Alta’s undercover assignment is
a. Multiple assignments
b. Social assignment
c. Work assignment
d. Dwelling assignment
77. Police Officer Una Yen get employed at a restaurant where he can observe the activities of
the crew who happens to be subject in his undercover assignment. PO I BBB’s undercover
assignment is called.
a. Multiple assignments
b. Social assignment
c. Work assignment
d. Dwelling assignment
78. In the debriefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss which of the following:
a. His educational profile and school attended
b. His personal circumstances such as his age, religious affiliation, address, etc.
c. His political inclination and/or party affiliation.
d. His observations and experiences in the intelligence function
79. A buckle maker, a brothel operator, and a master criminal became London’s most effective
criminal investigator. He was the most famous thief catcher. His methods made popular the
logic of “employing a thief to catch a thief.” He conceived the idea of charging a fee for
locating and returning stolen property to its rightful owners.
a. Jonathan Wild c. Patrick Colquhoun
b. Henry Fielding d. Thomas Byrnes
80. He introduced the term “detective,” the first recorded appearance of the word specifically
designating an investigative law enforcement officer in his novel Black House.
a. Charles Dickens c. Thomas Byrnes
b. Howard Vincent d. Jonathan Wild
81. Anyone, regardless of a criminal or law abiding background, who provides information to
the public without ulterior motive or payment.
a. Voluntary Informant c. Confidential Informant
b. Informer d. Paid Informant
82. Any type of information of a printed nature, or data otherwise recovered and stored for
retrieval. Such information may be obtained from within the police agency, from other criminal
justice agencies, and from sources not connected with law enforcement.
a. Testimonial c. Physical
b. Documentary d. Human source
83. According to Japan Scene of the Crime Operation, __________ is where the person changed
his mind.Also known as locus criminis.
a. Crime c. Location
b. Crime scene d. SOCO
86. The person is under illusion or oppression by his enemies or other impending danger.
a. Vanity c. Repentance
b. Patriotism d. Fear
87. The process of discovering, collecting, preparing, identifying, and presenting evidence to
determine what happened and who is/are responsible.
a. Criminal Investigation c. Surveillance
b. Intelligence d. Shadowing
88. The skillful questioning of a suspect or hostile witness to divulge information concerning the
crime under investigation.
a. Interrogation c. Investigation
b. Custodial Investigation d. Custodial Interrogation
89. The aggressive and confrontational questioning of a person about his participation in a
crime. The subject of such may be a suspected offender or a person who is reluctant or unwilling
to make a full disclosure of information in his possession which is pertinent to the investigation of
criminal case.
a. Interview c. Communication
b. Interrogation d. Custody
90. These are two agents, Mutt, the relentless investigator, who is not going to waste any time
because he knows the subject is guilty. Jeff, on the other hand, is obviously a kind hearted man.
a. Mutt and Jeff c. kindness
b. Stern approach d. sympathetic
91. Provided by citizens that aid in the progress of an investigation. Generally, It involves the
identity of the suspect.
a. Tips c. Leads
b. Theories d. Pattern
92. A doctrine that resulted from the case of Silverthorne Lumber Co. vs. United States which was
decided in 1920. This doctrine provides that evidence obtained as a result of an illegal operation
must be excluded from trail.
a. Poisonous tree doctrine c. In good faith doctrine
b. Inevitable discovery Doctrine d. Plainview Doctrine
94. Any written or documented statements of persons who possess relevant knowledge
concerning a crime. It covers any object of recorded data that can be used by the investigators
in their inquiry concerning a criminal incident.
a. Information c. Traces of Information
b. Sources of Information d. Kinds of Information
95. A peace officer or a private individual may arrest a person even without a warrant when in
his presence, the person to be arrested has done the following, except-
a. Has committed an offense,
c. Is attempting to commit an offense
b. Is actually committing an offense, or
d. Standing near a dead body
96. The actual search of the crime scene immediately after the commission of the crime.
a. hot search c. cold search
b. warm search d. Heat search
97. The sufficient reason to believe that an arrest or search of a suspect is necessary.
a. probable cause c. reasonable double
b. reasonable doubt d. preponderance of evidence
98. The use of scientific methods, physical evidence, deductive and inductive reasoning, and
their interrelationships to gain explicit knowledge of the series of events that surround the
a. Crime Scene Reconstruction c. Mental Reconstruction
b. Physical reconstruction d. Criminal Profiling
a. RA 1576 c. RA 7438
b. PD 1575 d. PD 7438
100. The legal taking of a person into custody in order that he maybe bound to answer for the
commission of an offense.
a. Arrest c. Seizure
b. Search d. Frisking