Hostel Code of Conduct For Greytown High

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Boarders will abide by all school rules. In addition to these, they will also abide by the following hostel

1.1 Dormitories must be kept clean and tidy at all times.
1.2 No clothing may be left lying around. All clothes must be kept in the lockers.
1.3 Dorm inspections take place each day of the week. Rooms must be swept, beds made and
lockers tidied in time for inspection. During inspection learners must be fully dressed and
stand next to their open lockers.
1.4 All luggage must be locked up in the storeroom by 18:00 on Monday evenings and may be
fetched on Thursday evenings at 17:45.
1.5 No medicine, food or cool drinks are allowed in the lockers or dorms and all medicine must be
handed in to matron.
1.6 Tuck must be locked up in the dining room.
1.7 Lockers must be kept locked at all times. Spare keys must be handed in to matron. The
school will not be held responsible for the loss of any possessions.
1.8 No furniture is allowed to be moved around without a teacher’s permission.
1.9 RADIOS may not be played:
Before 09:00 on any morning
After 20:00
Anywhere during Prep
Outside - during visiting hours
1.10 Each boarder will only be allowed to sleep in the bed allocated to him / her.
1.11 All boarders except prefects, are restricted to their own dorms.
1.12 No shouting, running or fooling around (wrestling) or ball games will be permitted in the hostel
1.13 Only acceptable posters are allowed to be stuck up on the partitions with prestik.

2.1 There will be compulsory Prep sessions throughout the week. All boarders must take their
places when the warning bell is rung at 17:55.
Homework will be handed in t the duty teacher at the start of the Prep session for signing and
2.2 ABSOLUTE SILENCE must be maintained during Prep times.
2.3 No telephone calls may be received during Prep or meals.
2.4 Prescribed and library books may only be read during the last session of Prep.

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2.5 Boarders who need to do extra Prep may ask for permission to do so until 22:00 for juniors
and 23:00 for seniors. Late Prep will be done in the Prep Room, not dormitories.
2.6 No walking around, borrowing, explaining, cutting-out or letter-writing during Prep.
2.7 Prep sessions start when the last person is seated and busy.

3.1 ALL CLOTHES MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED with name and laundry number. No
unmarked clothes may be sent to the laundry.
3.2 The Laundry list MUST be completed accurately.
3.3 A laundry bag (75cm x 75cm) is essential.
3.4 Laundry must be placed in the sewing room on Sunday mornings before lunch for Boys’
Hostel, and on Saturday mornings after breakfast for Girls’ Hostel.
3.5 Laundry must be handed in and collected at the laundry room by the respective grade on their
laundry days.

4.1 Girls must report punctually at 05:55, 11:50 and 16:30 for meals.
Boys must report punctually at 06:35, 12:15 and 17:30 for meals.
4.2 Tables must be set before the main bell rings.
4.3 Boarders must be neatly dressed for all meals. Sandals may be worn. No vests or hats are
allowed. No bedroom slippers or bare feet allowed for all meals.
4.4 No eating utensils or food (except fruit) may be removed from the dining room. Fruit may not
be taken into dormitories.
4.5 Benches must be pushed back into place after a meal.
4.6 Matron will supervise meal servings so that everybody receives equal portions.
4.7 Attention will be paid to table manners.
4.8 Boarders must get permission from the teacher if they want to leave the room.
4.9 Any complaints must be directed to the duty teacher.
4.10 Late meal bookings and sandwich bookings must be timeously made with the matron.
4.11 Weekend meal booking arrangements will be STRICTLY adhered to.
4.12 Boarders are not allowed to make contact with kitchen personnel. They may never enter the
4.13 Boarders may not miss meals or adopt diet routines.
4.14 Grace will be said before and after meals.
4.15 Pupils will eat meals provided and will not be allowed to address the Matron regarding the
meals. Alternate meals will be provided for those boarders who have allergies and these
allergies must be verified by a Doctor.
4.16 No pupils are allowed to bring take-out onto the Hostel property or the dining hall. Parent are
requested to limit the Tuck bought for their children.

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5.1 On Wednesdays, boarders are permitted to go to town wearing school uniform between 14:00
to 16:00. On Saturdays they may wear respectable civies to town between 09:00 to 11:30.
This is a privilege - not a right.
5.2 During Town Days pupils are not allowed to walk / go to restricted areas that will be identified
to them. Should parents want to take their children during Town Days, they have to first get
permission from the Matron on duty or Superintendent and must be able to show
identification. No child will be allowed to leave with anyone else other than their parent or
legal guardian. This also pertains to Weekend Leave.
5.3 Doctors’ appointments will serve as the only exception to the above rule.
5.4 The EXIT book MUST be signed. It must show destination and contact number, failing which,
parents will be contacted and necessary disciplinary measures will be imposed.
5.5 Boarders who participate in school sport must sign the EXIT book on departure from and
arrival back at hostel.
5.6 Boarders must be back at hostel 15 minutes after the end of any school function.
5.7 15 Minutes after school has ended, all boarders must be back at the hostel, unless they are
involved in extra-mural activities.
5.8 Boarders may not be transported around town by anyone who is driving a car or motorbike.
5.9 From time to time, boarders will be informed of places which they are not allowed to frequent.
This is at the Superintendent’s discretion and is not negotiable as it has the boarders’ safety
as it’s foundation. Parents may not over-ride this ruling which will in any case be reviewed

6.1 Boarders are allowed to go home only over weekends.
6.2 The weekend leave books must be signed before Thursday evening at 20:00 for Boys’ Hostel
and by 18:00 on Wednesdays for Girls’ Hostel, otherwise leave will not be granted.
6.3 Boarders wanting to go out to visit over weekends must have:
a letter of invitation from the hosts
a letter of permission from their own parents. (A Fax / Email must be sent to the
Superintendent with a contact telephone number)
These must be handed to the teacher by Thursday.
6.4 Boarders must sign out for a whole weekend, and not just for a part thereof. Boarders who
are in hostel for the weekend may NOT sign out to attend a party.
6.5 Parents must personally sign boarders out and back during weekends. If public transport is to
be used, permission must be granted by the parent in writing and the Superintendent must be
called to verify. Permission to take public transport will only be granted after School hours.
6.6 A list of names of people who may SAFELY transport their children must be given to the
Superintendent by the parents.

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6.7 Boarders must be back at the hostel on Sundays before 18:00 or on Mondays by 06:50. The
security gates will be locked at this time, and admission will not be granted into the property.
6.8 Boarders leaving on the school bus for hostel free weekends, must leave and return to the
hostel wearing school uniform.
6.9 Boarders must ask permission from the teacher to go to Youth functions on Friday or
Saturday evenings, and must be back by 21:00, this too is a privilege not a right.

7.1 Only boarders’ telephones may be used (i.e. the staff phone may not be used by boarders).
7.2 The telephone may not be used during meals, prep or after 20:00. All cell phones will be
collected at 19:45 and will only be returned at 15:15 the next day on School days. Collection
of cell phones over weekends will be done at the discretion of the duty teacher, however cell
phones will be collected during weekends when students are busy with examinations. Should
there be an emergency ONLY, parents can call the Hostel on the number provided and leave
a message with the Matron.
BOYS STAFF 033 413-1435
GIRLS STAFF 033 413-1597

Boarders must attend church timeously in the mornings. They will wear school uniform and
must attend the full sermon. No town after church.

9.1 Any damage to property of the hostel will be claimed back from parents in full.
9.2 No parents, friends or visitors of any kind are allowed in the dorms.
9.3 No visitors are allowed after 16:00 without the teacher’s permission.
9.4 The kitchen, teachers’ lounge, front area of office, linen room, teachers’ and matrons’ rooms,
the prefects’ room, the garage, servants’ quarters and surrounding area and the grass banks
are strictly out of bounds.
9.5 Laundry may not be hung up in the hostel to dry. Washing lines are provided for this purpose.
9.6 Cupboards and lockers may not be placed in front of windows.
9.7 Toilet paper must not be wasted.
9.8 Boys must shower between 17:00 and 17:15 (BH) and Girls (juniors) between 16:00-16:50
and (seniors) 20:30-21:15 (GH).
9.9 Sick Bay - no visitors, radios, study material or books.
9.10 Flowers and plants may not be picked and broken.
9.11 No TV until 16:30. Only prefects allowed to switch TV on / off.
9.12 All boarders to be out of dormitories by 15:00 during the week (BH).
9.13 Postal address:

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Greytown High School Telephone: (033) 413-2146 / 7 FAX (033) 413 1330 / 086 556 0274
Private Bag X5577
9.14 No parents are allowed to address any student or staff member on or off hostel property
about any problem. Should parents have complaints or concerns, they must be addressed
with the Superintendent or Principal who will attend to the matter. Legal action will be taken
against parents who do not keep to this rule.

10.2 Visitors are to be introduced to the duty teacher during EACH visit to hostel and must have
proof of identification at all times.
10.3 Visitors are expected to be suitably dressed and to behave respectably. No visitors who
smell of alcohol or are intoxicated will be allowed on the property. They will be removed
forcibly off the property.
10.4 Girls are not allowed to entertain boyfriends in or out of school.
10.5 Visitors and boarders must occupy the area in front of hostel where the duty teacher is able to
observe them.
10.6 Visitors are not permitted to enter the dormitory area.
10.7 Visitors only with parents’ permission are welcome on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from
14:00 to 16:00. ONE visitor per boarder - except for parents.
10.8 Boarders may not sit in the cars of visitors.
10.9 Inappropriate behaviour of any nature will not be tolerated at the hostels.
10.10 The hostel reserve the right to restrict entry onto its property, disregard for this decision will
result in prosecution of the offender.


1 navy regulation swimming costume 1 navy regulation s / costume
4 winter white shirts 6 white shirts
2 navy skirts 2 grey longs / shorts (Jnr.)
1 navy blazer 1 navy blazer
1 navy jersey 1 navy jersey
1 school tie 1 school tie
1 navy raincoat 1 navy raincoat
1 school tracksuit 1 school tracksuit
1 pair of black regulation shoes 1 pair of black regulation shoes
1 school sport culotte 1 or 2 athletic shorts
1 school T-shirt (sport) 1 school T-shirt (sport)

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togs / tackies for sport togs / tackies for sport
3 pair long black socks 6 pairs long grey socks
6 pairs white ankle socks 2 pairs rugby socks
2 pairs hockey socks 3 pairs tennis socks


5 bras -
7 panties 8 underpants
2 summer pyjamas 2 summer pyjamas
2 winter pyjamas 2 winter pyjamas
1 winter gown optional
1 pair of winter slippers optional
2 petticoats
1 laundry bag (75cm x 75cm) 1 laundry bag (75cm x 75cm)
2 duvet covers 2 duvet covers
1 duvet 1 duvet
3 sheets 3 sheets
4 matching pillow slips 4 matching pillow slips
2 bath towels 2 bath towels
1 swimming towel 1 swimming towel
2 face cloths 2 face cloths
toiletries & cosmetics toiletries

CIVIES (This is the maximum amount allowed. Boarders may bring less.)
2 denim jeans 2 denim jeans
2 casual slax and tops 2 long trousers
5 blouses / T-shirts 3 button-up shirts
3 shorts / culottes 4 shorts
3 dresses 5 T-shirts
2 tracksuits 2 tracksuits
3 pairs of casual shoes 2 pairs of casual shoes
2 jerseys / anoraks 2 jerseys / anoraks
1 swimming costume 1 swimming costume
4 panti-hose 3 pairs short socks
Hostel pupils must also have 2 small padlocks and 1 big lock (at least 38mm)


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Each and every item as specified in the Disciplinary Code in Addendum A also applies to
every boarder. The following items are to be implemented in addition to those in Addendum


Ha Bath / shower disobedience Bathroom duty

Hb Behavior bad - church, town, street, etc. Rules ... 2 x w / e

Hc Behavior - defiance, insolence Rules ... Supt.

Hd Bunking Supt. gated ... 4 x w / e

He Destructive Supt. ... recover costs

Hf Inspection transgressions Rules ... detention

Hg Laundry - unmarked, no bag No laundry

Hh Meals - bad manners, disrespect Eat outside dining room

Hi Meals - bookings faulty Miss that meal

Hj Meals - missed but booked Detention

Hk Phone abuse - calls too long, etc. No calls ... 48 hours

calls during prep / meals No calls ... 48 hours

Hl Prep - disobedient, write letter, etc. Detention ... Supt.

Hm Prep - disruptive Detention ... Supt.

Hn Prep - late settling Double time lost

Ho Radio abuse. Confiscated ... 1 term

Hp Rule breaking - eg. out of bounds, lights out, silence. Rules ... early rising

Hq Town - no permission, late return Detention ... gated

Hr Travel plans incorrect Gated ... 1 w / e

Hs Tuck abuse Confiscated

Ht Visitor rules broken No visitors ... 4 weeks

Hu Weekend arrangements false or faulty Supt. ... 4 w / e


Physical assault on fellow learner , 2 -4 weeks suspension

1st offence Use of alcohol or smoking, stealing, signing out under false Expulsion


Parent interview, suspension from

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Leaving hostel without permission hostel as cost of parent immediate


Parent interview, suspension from

Slipping out of hostel hostel as cost of parent immediate


Immediate expulsion

Abusing fellow learners, physically

Misconduct will be punished by means of one of the following:

a) Rules: The writing out of hostel rules.

b) Chores: Cleaning walls, extra sweeping, / cleaning.

c) Early rising: 04:45, teacher supervision.

d) Detention: Wednesday, Friday, weekends.

e) Superintendent’s interview: Parents informed telephonically (PT).

f) Gating: Town on Wednesday or Saturday or both.

i. Youth on Friday.
ii. Weekend x1, x2, x3, x4.

g) Parents informed telephonically (PT).

1. Suspension: One week. Parental interview at office (PO).

2. NO refund of School and Hostel fees during period of suspension

h) Expulsion from hostel: Parental interview (PO).

School punishment measures will also apply in Hostels.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Welcome to the Greytown High School family!

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