Hospitality Establishment Traineeship Brochure

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TRAINEESHIP PROGRAMMES aca) HOTEL SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL Prenatal Intemational Hotel School is internationally recognised as a leading provider of qualty hospitality and culinary education, With over $000 Alum cour graduates are job ready and in demand worldwide. International Hotel School i Africa's Leading Hotel & Culinary School Intemational Hote! Schoo! registered asa Private Higher Education Institution with the Deparment of Higher Education and Training (HET) for the qualifications as per Registration No: 2000/HE07/005 The International Hotel School is provisionally registered as a Private FET College with DHET for the qualficatons as per Registration Ne: 2009/FE071077. \ ai Hotel Sch education ang 0 9) Cdthsseta Registered with QCTO (Quality Council for Trades and Occupation) as an accresited Skis De n DP) to offer occupational qualifications as per Registration No: Durban 1223/18 un | 2280 City. iy & Gils was founded in 1878 an ha been at he foreontoftechrical and vocation education ‘i ever Shee. iy & Gules rots relevant progrrines that hep people gah the Sele tet employers Guilds Meera a ee eee eso ee ae enue maee ye Clyne Cults Raped Contes =) ‘The SA Government has an Employment Tax Incentive known as ETI. The bene ‘or you as ‘a property is that you would have the opportunity to cain up to R1000 per month for each trainee take on “ + GBBEE: Employers hav cpp tee te money spend aeincanconarhuen > to their skills scorecard under category B. the the trainee the employer would have the say forthe tition core ity to claim the combination of the mount a the employer. stipend under the same category This 0 ie for The property will gan financial benefit due to the salary structure, for the salary structure presents itselto the property in the form ofa financial gain + The property has reening process portunity to select prospective trainee nsuring a speci care of tranee for appointment he opportunity to guide and coach the +The pr according to the ethos of the prop ty will benefit from the knowledge the student gains through their + processes and demic stucies ions et edures, cost saving, superior guest On ste vist port cheduled by a Student Facilitator to provide the student and property with + The trainees pay for their own studies, or as per point 2 above, the property has the option to pay for the trainees studies (note this is not manéatory) “ae Hospitality Minimum wage with more than r a 10 employees (monthiy) 2a (Sees Monthly Employment Tax Incentive (ETI) (R 1000) (R500) — Net Salary Effect Monthly Basis 289720 | R339720 days in a month, ** Note this minimum wage for year 2s for calcu minimum sectoral determined wage, n purposes, and is based on the 2018/2019 » EXPECTATIONS + Schoo! leavers with @ National Senior Certificate with Higher Certificate admission, or equivalent +S + Applicants are between the ages of 18 and 26 years old, and are South Afecan ctizens. ents with a pasion forthe hospitality or culinary industry but nat necessanly having experience + Engish asa fest or second language in Grade 12. *+ Would have attended Workplace Foundation Training covering Basic Skis training in preparation for their work pi + Successful candidates will commence their programme with Intemational Hotel School it properties after thei inital Workplace Foundation Training in March or August, in February or Julvand wil start atthe placement + Successful trainees willbe recuired to work standard industry hours — inline with the Gazetted Basic Conditions of Employment Act: Sectoral Determination for the Hospitality Sector (including night shifts, pubic holidays and Sundays), + Responsible for verify and ensure the a recruitment and pre-selection process of the prospective students, lity of + A further shorts is compiled and presented to the management of our partner aroperties to interview and select theirt + Assign a Student Facitator to a student to support ther and visit the trainee atthe property ‘Support the students academic development through online lectures and tutorials + Final iterviews for selection of the trainees are held on campus as panel interviews, or scheduled as one-on-one interviews atthe property ‘The interwews need to be conducted by a person who has been briefed on the programme. Doing so, leads to achieving g 10 the benefit ofthe students and the property +The Work integrated Learning modules require the trainees to rotate between the different departments, and to be released from work to attend tutorials and exams. Notice of when ths will occur willbe communicated ta the property. + Assign a mentor to the trainee/ group ‘Trainees are subjact to the same staff disciplinary code, as employees ofthe property Provide feedback to the school on conduct and performance on 2 reg Type of study: + year programme + Minima .denission or equiva t takes per year: February and July Method of study: ip isa “work while you learn wearetical study. The curriculum is offered through the ln Learning Platform and supported by tutorials and facilitators wh and es spend the duration of their studies in a uration of their placement at the hospital and conditions as ful tine empl he programme requires stucents to have an entry level computer HIGHER CERTIFICATE IN HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME Upon Successful Completion of this programme, Graduates will + International Hotel School Higher Certifeate: Hospitality Management (SAQA ID No: 88062, NOF Level 5) aio tieeteniy ‘SEMESTER | ‘SEMESTER 2 Food and Beverage Office Departne: Department - Food and Front Ofte Deparment | gaertge Sonice Bur Sersice wwitchboard & Reservations, aaa’ & Reserva Banqueting Restaurant & a Bar Cost and Stock Contra, est Relations, Night Auait, | 32" Cost and Stock Control Sh Management See (Restaurant and Ba ReGen te eel eats SEMESTER | SEMESTER 2 National Senior Certificate with a Higher Certificate g of Work Integrate vit mational Hotel Scheel Online iment, rece establishment. Trainees are subject to the Vis in the workplace, ing on the job ith internat access PROFESSIONAL COOKERY PROGRAMME Upon Successful Completion of this programme, Graduates will o (tka nal Hotel Schoo! Higher Cerificate in Food & Beverage Management (SAQA |D No: 8062, NOF Level 5) + National Certificate in Profession (SAQA ID No: i411, NOF Level 4) + City & Gulds Diploma in Food Preparatio: (Culinary Ars) and Cooking YEAR 1: Work Integrated Learning SEMESTER | SEMESTER 2 od and Beverage Bar Service, Restaurant. Ktchen inqueting, Su ction All Areas Inventory, Stores eee ey SEMESTER | SEMESTER 2 snmnodation Depart », Room Area of specialisation m +y operational and trainee potential s hing d Public Areas, Kitchen = ‘oduction All Areas Kitchen = Food Food Production All Areas ae RO poy CoN

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