Correct Answer6
Correct Answer6
Correct Answer6
Option A: At this time, pain beneath the cast is normal. Pain is typically
severe, out of proportion to the injury. Early on, pain may only be present
with passive stretching. However, this symptom may be absent in advanced
acute compartment syndrome. In the initial stages, pain may be
characterized as a burning sensation or as a deep ache of the involved
Option B: Classically, the presentation of acute compartment syndrome
has been remembered by “The Five P’s”: pain, pulselessness, paresthesia,
paralysis, and pallor. However, aside from paresthesia, which may occur
earlier in the course of the condition, these are typically late findings.
Option C: Pulses should be present. Beware that the presence or absence
of a palpable arterial pulse may not accurately indicate relative tissue
pressure or predict the risk for compartment syndrome. In some patients, a
pulse is still present, even in a severely compromised extremity.