Ethics Reviewer Ppt34
Ethics Reviewer Ppt34
Ethics Reviewer Ppt34
MORALITY OF HUMAN ACTS “How bad” or “how good” the human act is
3. Circumstances – these are environments or - In the Philippines, this law principle and
conditions prevailing when the action is done. presumption can be found in Article 3 of the
These are the who, what, where, when, with Civil Code of the Philippines which states that
whom, under what condition and why the “Ignorance of the law excuses no one from
action was performed. compliance therewith.”
- This presumption in Philippine Law is based
Only the act and the intention make an act good or on expediency, convenience, public policy
bad. The circumstances can increase or diminish the and necessity. It is said that the good hardly
goodness or evil. For example, stealing a large
need law: when they do good acts, this is not TWO GENERAL TYPES OF VIOLENCE:
because they are deliberately complying with
the law, it is because they are simply good
men. On the other hand, without this law - In cases where the victim gives complete
principle and presumption, the corrupt will resistance, the violence is classified as
make social existence unbearable, abuses perfect violence. If a woman walking a dark
will increase, and feigned ignorance will be street at night is attacked and she attempts to
rewarded. fight of the attackers with all the physical
powers at her command, she has been the
victim of perfect violence. However, if the
- Refers to the bodily desire of man sometimes victim offers insufficient resistance, the
called passion. violence is classified as imperfect violence.
- The word concupiscence is defined as a
strong desire, a tendency or attraction,
usually arising from lust or sensual desires. It - A repeatable act of a person in comfort and
is, morally speaking, the tendency to go off ease. It is an inclination to do and finish
course. something. Habits may be good or evil as to
➢ Always leading to the satisfaction of the body. whether they influence one to do good or evil.
➢ Desire If a habit disposes a person to do good, it is
➢ Anger called a virtue. However, if a habit disposes a
➢ Hope person to do evil, it is called a vice.
➢ Despair
➢ Love
➢ Hatred
➢ Sorrow
1. Antecedent Concupiscence – a passion
that suddenly flares up without approval
of the will or mind (ex: anger)
2. Consequent Concupiscence – when the
will or mind acts in favor of the
antecedent (ex: anger deliberately
- Moral principles regarding concupiscence:
Antecedent concupiscence lessens the
voluntary nature of human acts and lessens
the degree of moral responsibility
accordingly. Consequent concupiscence
does not lessen moral responsibility. Rather,
a person acting with consequent
concupiscence is completely responsible.