The calcium and magnesium zeolite are insoluble in water,
they are ppt which means it they can be filter out and water
becomes soft when all the zeolite is converted into calcium or
magnesium zeolite then no other reaction take place.
● Friedel Crafts Acylation reaction − The synthesis
of acyl benzene occurs through the interaction of
benzene and an acyl halide within the context of
Lewis acid. It is referred to as Friedel craft's
acylation reaction.
Physical properties
● Urea :
● Ammonium sulphate: (NH4)2 SO4
● Ammonium Nitrate: NH4 NO3
● Calcium Ammonium Nitrate: Ca(NO3)2 NH4 NO3
Saturated hydrocarbon
Saturated hydrocarbons contain only single covalent bonds
between carbon atoms. They are also called alkanes. Alkanes
have the general formula CnH2n+2, where n is the number of
carbon atoms in the molecule. Examples of saturated
hydrocarbons include methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6),
propane (C3H8), and butane (C4H10).
Unsaturated hydrocarbon
Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain at least one carbon-carbon
double or triple bond. They are further divided into alkenes
and alkynes. Alkenes have the general formula CnH2n, and
alkynes have the general formula CnH2n-2. Examples of
unsaturated hydrocarbons include ethylene (C2H4), propylene
(C3H6), and acetylene (C2H2).
Physical properties
● Lead is a soft bluish-white metal. It is ductile, extremely
malleable, and soft.
● It tarnishes when exposed to moist air and gives a dull
● Lead is relatively soft making it easy to cut or shape.
● It is an exceptionally corrosion-resistant metal but
conducts electricity poorly.
Chemical properties
2Pb + O2 →2Pb +O 2
In the presence of excess oxygen, lead can further
oxidize to lead(IV) oxide (PbO₂).
PbO + O2 → PbO2
Pb + Cl2 → PbCl2
Explain oxide of nitrogen NOX and sulphur SO2 & SO3
act as pollutant.
Structure of diamond
Functional group
Functional group is an atom or radical which determines the
characteristics of homologous series as well as that of
homologous.Each class of the compounds possess a similar
chemical properties which is because of the presence of
particular group of atoms like -COOH , -CHO etc.
Bleaching action
The process of removal of colour from coloured matter is
called bleaching. In the presence of moisture, chlorine
bleaches vegetable colouring matter by oxidation them into
colourless matter.
Cl2 + H2O —----------------------------->2HCL + [O]
vegetable colouring oxidised
[matter] [matter]
Aqua - regia
A mixture containing one part of conc. HNO3 and three part
of conc. HCL is called aqua regia [kingly water] . It is able to
dissolve nobel metal like gold, platinum, etc because nascent
chlorine is generated
1. By application of heat
The hardness of water is eliminated by heating the water
sample due to which the soluble bicarbonate of calcium
and magnesium change into respective insoluble calcium
and magnesium carbonate
Properties of Calcium ( Ca )
Chemical properties
lightening Discharge :
When the nitrogen and oxygen molecule collide in the
atmosphere in the presence of lightening bolt , molecule NO
is formed which reacts with O2 and water to form HNO3
By symbiotic Bacteria :
The class of plants called leguments has molecule in their root
within which there live some bacteria that absorbe nitrogen
molecule directly from the air and convert them into NH3
What are the general Characteristics of coinage metal?
What do you mean by plumbosolvency.
Plumbosolvency :
The process in which lead undergoes reaction with water
containing oxygen to from sparingly soluble (polumbus
hydroxide) and this solvent action of water on lead is called
plumbosloveny. For example:
Properties of methane:
-[CH2 - CH2]- n
where 𝑛 represents the number of repeating units in the
polymer chain.The IUPAC name of polyethylene is polythene.
Polythene is for two kindly namely
II) Non ferrous alloy: The alloy which does not contain iron
as one of the it's constitution called non ferrous alloy for
example: brass and bronze.
Properties and uses of iron
Physical properties
● Silvery-gray color with a luster
● Malleable: Can be hammered into thin sheets without
● Ductile: Can be drawn into thin wires.
● Relatively soft and strong
● Good conductor of heat and electricity
● Magnetic: Attracted to magnets (ferromagnetic) at room
temperature. Loses magnetism at high temperatures
(Curie point).
𝐹𝑒 + 2𝐻𝐶𝑙 → 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝑙2 + 𝐻2
● Corrosion (Rusting)
Rusting is a specific type of corrosion that involves the
formation of hydrated iron(III) oxide.
Functional group
A functional group is a specific group of atoms within a
molecule that is responsible for its characteristic chemical
reactions. Functional groups have unique properties that are
largely independent of the rest of the molecule they are
attached to. This means that molecules with the same
functional group will often have similar chemical properties,
even if the rest of their structures are quite different
Types of polymers
i) Natural polymer:
The polymer obtained from natural source are said to be
natural polymer. They are further divided into two parts .
Chemical fertilizer :
Chemical fertilizers are the artificial fertilizer manufacture in
industries. They are prepared from water soluble salts. They
provide enough neutrients for the proper development of
crops. Various example of chemical fertilizers are sulphate,
ammonium phosphate, potassium sulphate etc. They provide
various types of neutrients like nitrogen, potassium etc. On
the basics of neutrients chemical fertilizers are divided into
three types
Nitrogen fertilizers:
Nitrogen fertilizers are the types of chemical fertilizer which
provides the salts of nitrogen for the proper development and
growth of plants
● Urea: Co(NH2)2
● Ammonium nitrate: NH4 NO3
● Ammonium sulphate: (NH4)2 SO4
Phosphorus fertilizers :
Phosphorus fertilizer contains phosphorus as the main
constitution. It is important for the strong growth of plants. It
is also associated with complex energy transformation in
● Ammonium phosphate: (NH4)3 PO4
● Calcium super phospate: Ca(H2PO4)2
● Triple super phospate: 3Ca(H2PO2)2CaSO4
Potassium fertilizer :
Fertilizer containing potassium is called potassium fertilizer
or potas fertilizer.
● Potassium chloride: KCL
● Potassium nitrate: KNO3
● Potassium sulphate: K2SO4
● Potassium carbonate: KCO3
● Property growth of root and stalks of leaves
● Development of flowers
● Resist disease
What do you mean by bleaching action of chlorine? What
are affect of oxides of carbon on environment and human.
The bleaching action of chlorine is the process by which
chlorine removes color from materials. It does this by
oxidizing the colored compounds in the material, converting
them into colorless compounds.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2):
When steam is passed over red hot iron, H2 and Fe3O4 are
formed. The reaction is as follows:
3Fe + 4H2O —---------> Fe3O4 + 4H2↑
This reaction only proceeds if iron is red hot, as iron is not
that reactive at ordinary from (room temperature).
An alloy is a substance that is made by combining two or
more elements, at least one of which is a metal. Alloys are
often made by melting the elements together and then cooling
them to form a solid solution. However, there are other ways
to make alloys, such as powder metallurgy and ion
implantation.Alloys are used in a wide variety of applications
because they have properties that are different from the pure
metals that they are made of. For example, alloys can be
stronger, harder, more ductile and more corrosion-resistant.
what happen when chlorine reacts with hydrogen and
With hydrogen
When the equal volume of Hydrogen (H2) and Chlorine (Cl2)
gases react together to form Hydrogen Chloride
(HCL)gas.The chemical equation is as follows:
H2 + Cl2 —--------> 2HCl
With Ammonia
Ammonia and chlorine gas reacts in two ways according to
the amount of reactants (ammonia and chlorine).
Use of Diamond
● It is used to make jwellery
● It is used to cut glass
● It is used to make bours
● It is used for grinding and polishing the hard material
Use of graphite
● It is used as lubricants in high speed machine
● It is used as electrode in electrical devices
● It is used to make lead pencil
● It is Used as moderator in nuclear plant
● It is used to make crucible
Use of Zinc
● Zinc is used in the preparation of alloys such as brass and
German silver
● It is used as cathode in dry cells
● It's compound are used in the manufacture of plants
● It is used for the galvanization of iron
Uses of Rubber
● It is used to make protective gear such as gloves, boot ,
earthing mat etc
● It is used to make erasers for remove pencil marks
● It is used to make tyres of vehicles for providing grip and
● It is used to make insulation of wire for safety
Rubber :
Elasto Polymers are popularly known as rubber which is very
important polymer for different purposes for example :
balloons, shoe sole, hose etc are made from elastopolymer or
CH2 = C - CH = CH2
(Butadiene) Na
(CH2 = CH - CH = CH2)2 + CH = CH2 —->[ -CH2 -CH =
CH -CH2 - CH - CH2]
Polymerization is the process by which converted into
polymer, for the polymerization certain conditions pressure,
temperature and catalyst must be maintan and sometimes
same initiator compound may be added.
Alipatic Compound:
The compound derived from animal fat are called alipatic
compounds. The alipatic Compound are non cyclic. These
compound do not follow huckels rule. They obtained from fat.
They do not have sweet smell. They May be saturated or
Examples: CH4, C2H4, C2H2 etc
Aromatic Compound:
The compound which give as sweet smell are known as
aromatic compound. The aromatic compound are cyclic. They
obtained from coals, petroleum etc. They follow huckels rule
with alternate single and double bond. They have sweet odour.
They are almost unsaturated and contain atleast one Benzene
Examples: Benzene, phenol, nitrobenzene, etc.
● When acid rain falls down and flows into the rivers and
ponds it affects the aquatic ecosystem. It alters the
chemical composition of the water, to a form which is
actually harmful to the aquatic ecosystem to survive and
causes water pollution.
Chemical properties
B + CH3 - CL —-------------> B /CH3 + HCL
either (Toluene)