English+Chemistry 9.7.2024
English+Chemistry 9.7.2024
English+Chemistry 9.7.2024
Polytechnic Name:………………………………………………..……….Mobile:…………………………………….
5. Change the parts of speech of the underlined word as directed in brackets without changing meaning: 10
(a) There is a slight difference between the two pictures. (Adj)
(b) Though poor, he is honest. (Noun)
(c) He passed an anxious hour. (Adv)
(d) It is his habit to speak ill of others. (Adj)
(e) It was not my intention to harm you. (Verb)
(f) I do not trust him. (Noun)
(g) He passed the day in anxiety. (Adv)
(h) It is not likely that he will fail. (Noun)
(i) That he had made a mistake was evident. (Adv)
(j) He is certain to come. (Adv)
6. Change the voice of the following sentences. 10×1 = 10
(a) The children laughed at the beggar.
(b) The soldiers attacked the enemy barracks.
(c) Somebody hit the dog with a stick.
(d) I will order the carriage.
(e) One may accomplish anything with a little effort.
(f) A thunderstorm often turns milk sour.
(g) The boy was climbing the cliff.
(h) Will you ever forget those happy days?
(i) All desire wealth and some acquire it.
(j) They laughed at his warnings.
1. (b) Write down the chemical formulae of the following compounds: [wb‡gv³ ‡hŠMmg~‡ni ivmvqwbK ms‡KZ wjL:] (04)
(i) Calamine(K¨vjvgvBb) :
2. (a) A nitric acid weighed 3.78 gm dissolved in 400 mL water. What will be the concentration of the solution
in molarity? How much water is needed to add to the solution to make the concentration 0.1m? [3.78 g
bvBwUªK GwmW‡K 400 mL cvwb‡Z `ªexf~Z Kiv nj| †gvjvwiwU‡Z GB `ªe‡Yi NbgvÎv KZ n‡e? Avi wK cwigvY cvwb GB `ªe‡Y †hvM
Ki‡j Gi NbgvÎv 0.1M n‡e?] (05)
2. (b) Complete the following reaction: [wb‡gv³ ivmvqwbK wewµqvmg~n c~Y© Ki:] (03)
(i) CuSO4 + KI →
(ii) Na2CO3 + HCl →
(iii) Cl2 + Na2SO3 + H2O →
3. The mass of ammonia gas kept in 1.0 L bulb is 0.672 gm at 25℃ temperature and 733.4 mm(Hg) pressure.
What will be the density in g/L of the gas in STP? [25℃ ZvcgvÎv I 733.4 mm(Hg) Pv‡c 1.0 L evj‡e ivLv
A¨v‡gvwbqv M¨v‡mi fi 0.672 gm nq| STP ‡Z H M¨v‡mi NbZ¡ g/L G KZ?] (08)
4. (a) Which bond present in the compound FeSO4. [FeSO4 ‡hŠ‡M wK wK eÜb we`¨gvb Av‡Q wjL|] (02)
(b) What is Brine? [eªvBb wK?] (02)
(c) How will you produce HNO3 form NH3. [NH3 n‡Z HNO3 wKfv‡e cÖ¯‘Z Ki‡e?] (02)
(d) If the concentration of OH- of Aluminum hydroxide solution is 3.33 × 10−4 M, then find the PH value
of this solution? [A¨vjywgwbqvg nvB‡Wªv·vBW `ªe‡Yi OH- Avq‡bi NbZ¡ 3.33 × 10−4 M n‡jÕ `ªe‡Yi PH wbY©q Ki| (02)
5. (a) A person takes 0.2L in a breath in 27℃ temperature and 1.0 atm pressure. How many gas molecules
does he take? [GKRb †jvK GK wb:k¦v‡m 0.2 L evqy MÖnY K‡i hvi ZvcgvÎv 27℃ Ges Pvc 1.0 atm| †jvKwU GKevi KZ¸‡jv
M¨vmvYy MÖnY K‡i?] (04)
5. (b) Write down the isomer of the following compound: C3H8O [C3H8O ‡hŠ‡Mi mgvYy Gi ms‡KZ wjL|] (04)
6. (a) wb¤œwjwLZ wewµqvwU c~Y© Ki Ges Aa©-RviY I Aa©-weRviY wewµqv wjL| (04)
(ii) Lime water is made opaque by___________________.[Pz‡bi cvwb‡K ‡Nvjv K‡i ____________________|]
7. A water drop contains 5 × 1020 molecules of water. If the density of water 1 gm/cm3, What will be the
volume of water drop? [GKwU cvwbi †duvUv‡Z 5 × 1020 msL¨K cvwbi Aby Av‡Q| cvwbi NbZ¡ 1 gm/cm3 n‡j †duvUvi AvqZb
KZ?] (04)
8. Tick(√) the correct answers in the following: [mwVK Dˇi wUK(√) wPý `vI|] (08)
i. What of the following is neutral oxide? [wb‡Pi †KvbwU wb‡icÿ A·vBW?]
(a) N2O (b) ZnO (c) MgO (d) Al(OH)3
ii. The outermost following energy shells electron configuration of group IIIA is _.
[ MÖæc IIIA Gi †gŠjmg~‡ni me©ewnt¯’ kw³¯Í‡ii B‡j±ªb web¨vm nj-]
(a) ns2 np4 (b) ns2 np2 (d) ns2 np1 (d) ns2 np5
iii. Net charge of an atoms is +1, It has 18 electron and 20 neutron. The number of proton is _
[GKwU cigvYyi bxU Avavb +1, Gi B‡j±ªb 18 Ges 20 wbDUªb i‡q‡Q| GwUi †cÖvUb msL¨v n‡”Q-]
(a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 21
iv. If 0.2 gm NaOH is dissolved in 250 mL distilled water. What will be the P of solution? [0.2 gm NaOH
250 mL weï× cvwb‡Z `ªexf~Z Ki‡j `ªe‡Yi PH Gi gvb KZ n‡e?]
(a) 12.3 (b) 13.3 (b) 11.3 (d) 10.3