01 User Guide - User Guide Career Conversation Guides
01 User Guide - User Guide Career Conversation Guides
01 User Guide - User Guide Career Conversation Guides
Our research shows that career partnerships can increase employees’ career satisfaction and thereby reduce the likelihood of internal skills shortages by up to
30%, as well as increase employees’ intent to stay by up to 33%. Effective career conversations are a key aspect of successful career partnerships: managers
(and, in turn, the organization) learn what employees aspire to, and employees gain an understanding of what they can achieve and what the organization needs.
These conversation guides are based on our newest insights on career development, and they emphasize the importance of openly discussing an employee’s
employability and aligning employee aspirations with capability needs.
Career partnerships align employee interests with Employability is an employee’s capabilities, skills, knowledge,
organizational capability needs by creating transparency experiences, achievements, and personal attributes that make
into experiences that build necessary skills, motivating him or her more valuable internally and externally and, therefore,
employees to pursue career growth, building awareness more likely to achieve career success. Our research shows
of internal opportunities, and improving talent sharing that employability, even more than title progression, improves
via talent brokerage. employees’ career satisfaction.
These conversation guides are designed to be used by managers and employees before, during, and after career conversations.
Before the Career Conversation During the Career Conversation After the Career Conversation
■■ Understanding the Career Partnership: ■■ Having Career Conversations: These ■■ Building Your Personal Brand: These sets of
This guide helps employees and managers conversation guides help employees and guides help employees build their personal
understand their roles in career management. managers structure a career conversation brand by encouraging self-awareness of
based on different scenarios. strengths and interests and teaching employees
■■ Timing Career Conversations: This manager
how to communicate the value they contribute.
guide is based on data-driven insights to help
them time career conversations.
■■ Preparing for Career Conversations: These
conversation guides help employees and
managers prepare for a career conversation
based on different scenarios.
■■ Are you worried about your career ■■ Are you satisfied with where you ■■ Do you feel that you were overlooked
options within or outside of the currently are in your career? for a promotion?
organization? ■■ Do you want to make sure that you and ■■ Do you feel that you missed out on
■■ Are you looking for advice to identify your manager are on the same page a raise?
a new career challenge? regarding your career progression? ■■ Do you think that there aren’t many
■■ Do you know what you want to do but ■■ Would you like some advice on next career opportunities for you in your
need help in getting there? steps to take? current organization?
Career Aspiration Conversation Guides Career Check-Up Conversation Guides Difficult Career Conversation Guides
■■ Does the employee seem curious about ■■ Does the employee seem satisfied with ■■ Is the employee upset over a missed
different career options, within or his or her current position and speed promotion?
outside the organization? of career progression? ■■ Has the employee expressed
■■ Have you had an extensive career ■■ Has the employee been recently disappointment with his or her salary
conversation with the employee yet? promoted? or speed of career progression?
■■ Are things changing in the ■■ Do you and the employee agree on next ■■ Does the employee seem dissatisfied
organization? steps and timing for those? with his or her current position?
Career Aspiration Conversation Guides Career Check-Up Conversation Guides Difficult Career Conversation Guides