Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Stuart Perry
~ ConJelCo
~ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Copyright 1997 by Stuart Perry
All rights reserved. This book may not be duplicated in any way or stored
in an information retrieval system, without the express written consent of
the publisher, except in the form of brief excerpts or quotations for the
purpose of review. Making copies of this book, or any portion, for any
purpose other than your own, is a violation of United States copyright
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 96-72324
Third Edition
Cover design by Cheri Soriano
132 Radcliff Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
[412] 492-9210
Table of Contents
My Start In Blackjack
Getting Ready For Las Vegas
Card Counting Myths
February 24-27: Casino Scouting
True Count Advantages in Various Games
One Deck
Two Decks
Four Decks
Six Decks
Week One: February 28-March 5
February 28
March 1
March 2
March 3
March 4
March 5
Week Two: March 7-March 11
March 7
March 8th
March 9
March 10
March 11
Dealer Cheating
Week Three: March 14-March 18
March 14
March 15
March 16
March 17
March 18
Week Four: March 21st-March 25th
March 21st
March 22
March 23
March 24
March 25
Week Five: March 28-Aprill
March 28
March 29th
ii Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
March 30
March 31
April 1
Week Six: April4-April8
April 4
April 5
April 6
April 7
April 8
Pre-Week 7: April 9th and 10th
Week 7: April II-April 15
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 14
April 15
Player Barrings
Week Eight: April 18-Apri122
April 18
April 19
April 20 and 21
April 22nd
The Rules of Blackjack
Object of the Game
Card Values
How Rounds Are Dealt
Player Options
Basic Strategy
Single-Deck Basic Strategy
Hi-Opt Count System
A Brief Explanation of Card Counting
The Hi-Opt I Count System
How To Read the Hi-Opt I Count Charts
Soft Total: Standing and Hitting
Ace Side-Count Adjustment
Insurance Decision
Shuftle Tracking
Final Casino Record
Recommended Resources
Foreword by Don Schlesinger
very once in a while, a new blackjack book arrives on the
scene that is destined to become a classic-a work so different
from any other before it that it must be read by all who are fasci-
nated by the game of casino twenty-one. Such is the case with Stu-
art Perry's wonderfully compelling Las Vegas Blackjack Diary.
Not a professional, by any means, Perry studied the Hi-Opt I
counting system, read everything he could from the "experts,"
took a $20,000 stake, and headed west to attack the Las Vegas
blackjack tables. Now, this is not the first time that an aspiring card
counter has taken such an approach to the game. What makes Per-
ry's saga unique is that he had decided, before leaving, to chroni-
cle every session of blackjack that he would play during his two-
month adventure! And document it, he did! We are caught up in
the intrigue of the "cat-and-mouse" game, played by every counter
who tries to avoid detection and, ultimately, barring; we suffer
with Perry as he endures the inevitable downswings inherent in the
nature of the exercise; we rejoice after the big wins; and most of
all, vicariously, we live the life of a card-counter going up against
the "big boys" in this gripping real-life account.
Along the way, we learn a tremendous amount about the game of
blackjack, for Perry, although not a published "authority," is none-
theless, extremely knowledgeable when it comes to blackjack
matters. A true expert in the field of sports wagering, Perry has a
great mind for numbers, odds, and probabilities, and thus has a
deep understanding of the complexities of the game. As we move
from casino to casino with him, Perry is never shy to impart a
blackjack lesson or two along the way. Thus, we learn painlessly,
effortlessly, and almost in spite of ourselves. And always we are
eager to "tum the page" to see what awaits Stuart in his ongoing
battle with the Las Vegas Strip and downtown casinos.
Some time ago, I wrote an article for Arnold Snyder's Blackjack
Forum, entitled "A Day in the Life of a Table-Hopper." In it, I tried
to convey the atmosphere of a daytripping, Atlantic City card-
counter (me!), as he moved up and down the boardwalk, trying to
win money playing blackjack. Perry has expanded upon this
theme in the grandest of styles, baring his soul, and leaving no
stone untumed in an effort to bring to life the true lessons that over
230 hours of grueling play taught him. And this is a major high-
iv Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
light of Perry's work, for although it reads very much like a novel,
every word in the diary is true.
In short, this is a book destined to become a classic on the black-
jack scene. Perhaps most valuable to the aspiring counter just set-
ting out to tackle the tables, there is much in Las Vegas Blackjack
Diary for the more experienced player, as well. For, in addition to
having a pleasant, engaging writing style, Perry is an excellent
I don't wax ecstatic about too many blackjack books that come
down the pike, but trust me on this one: you're about to embark on
an exciting journey, and you're going to love reading Las Vegas
Blackjack Diary.
Don Schlesinger
November 27,1996
Foreword by Arnold Snyder
About a year ago, Stuart Perry called me and told me about a
journal he'd kept throughout an 8-week blackjack marathon in
Las Vegas. He asked me if I'd like to read it. Sure, I said, more out
of politeness than genuine interest. Eight weeks of blackjack table
results scribbled into a notepad sounded to me about as interesting
as reading logarithm charts. But I sensed it was important to him,
a big piece of his life, and I didn't want to hurt his feelings by tell-
ing him not to bother sending it.
After I received the manuscript, it laid around my office for a
month, six weeks, maybe two months!, with Stuart calling me
once or twice a week to ask me what I thought of it. Finally, more
to get him to stop pestering me than anything else, I decided to
give it a quick read, skim it over so I could make a few apropos
comments, so he would at least know I'd looked at it. Then I could
send it back to him so it would stop collecting dust on top of my
filing cabinet.
Not twenty minutes into my "quick read," I was immersed into his
adventure. My heart was following his ups and downs, his "ran-
dom fluctuations" at the tables. Here, in this crude diary, was ev-
erything that computer simulations can't tell you about the roller
coaster ride of trying to beat the casinos at blackjack. The hopes.
The dreams. The enormous swings. The victories. The defeats.
The long, boring sessions of nothingness. The fears of being
Foreword v
cheated, of questioning your own abilities, of trusting the "ex-
perts" whose books and systems you'd taken on faith.
Stuart had put his heart into this journal. No bullshit. No padding.
No bragging. No pretensions. Just a man with a dream to beat the
casinos, and the guts to tell the world where it led him.
This is a phenomenal book. It would bore the hell out of anyone
who never dreamed of being a professional gambler. It will fasci-
nate and enlighten the true aficionados of the game. That the orig-
inal manuscript spent weeks collecting dust in my office is today
more of an embarrassment to me than anything else. And when I
think back to the irritation I'd felt each time Stuart had called me
to ask me if I'd looked at it yet, I'm ashamed of myself.
I don't think I've ever properly thanked Stuart Perry for sharing his
manuscript with me, for his honesty, his guts, and his dogged per-
sistence. So, thanks, Stuart. Thanks for writing it. Thanks for send-
ing it to me. And thanks for bugging my ass for weeks on end to
get me to read it. I discovered a treasure in your words, and I'm
sure thousands of players will likewise feel the same gratitude I
feel that you've had the courage to tell it like it is.
Arnold Snyder
December 15, 1996
vi Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
or 30 years, the book market has been inundated with publica-
tions that tell you how to make fortunes in casinos by playing
blackjack and counting cards. The majority of these books tell of
almost continuous winning experiences and give winning exam-
ples of all pointers. Many of them brush aside losses and negative
fluctuations, or worse yet, use these as "proof' that blackjack deal-
er cheating still exists. Las Vegas Blackjack Diary is not such a
The heart of this book covers the eight-week period in which a
former successful sports bettor with a good mathematical mind
and a strong background in the wagering field played casino
blackjack in Nevada for serious stakes for the first time. The au-
thor's eight-week diary relates the day-to-day, session-to-session
experiences covering two months and more than 230 hours of de-
cent money blackjack play. In this period of play, the author
won-though at a rate much less than he expected.
The introduction of Las Vegas Blackjack Diary relates the events
and previous blackjack experience that led to the two-month peri-
od of his serious blackjack play in Nevada.
In the diary portion of the book, the author reveals the monetary
results and other details of every blackjack session (one of which
lasted just one hand before a barring!) he played in the casinos be-
tween February 28 and April 22, 1994. He relates details about the
camouflage and acts used to keep casino personnel from recogniz-
ing him as a pro and discusses how he received and reacted to the
inevitable "heat" casinos heap on winning card counters.
During this eventful spring of 1994, the author faced many differ-
ent dealers. Some of them tried, at varying risks to themselves, to
help him; others acted squarely in the interests of casino manage-
ment. He also met, observed, and interacted with other players-
some decent but most not-and talks about those encounters.
Unlike most accounts of blackjack play, the diary tells of the wild
up-and-down financial fluctuations of actual casino play and pays
particular attention to the grinding emotional experiences that oc-
cur as a result of these swings, an element missing from many oth-
er books.
viii Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Uniquely, the author takes a long-hard look at the mistakes he
made, criticizes them, and notes the adjustments he had to make
in his play, his act, and his overall playing style in order to win,
discovering-as do all successful blackjack players-that win-
ning at blackjack is a never-ending learning experience.
Every serious blackjack player must be concerned about two rele-
vant playing issues-dealer cheating and player barring. They are
covered as part of the diary.
As further aids for readers who have various degrees of blackjack
knowledge, the Appendices cover the rules of the game, basic
strategy, and the count system and play indices of the Hi-Opt I
card-counting system (used by the author) respectively. Also in-
cluded in the Appendices is a brief history of card counting and
why it has the potential to be successful for the player, as well as
the basics of shuffle tracking, a technique used by some serious
blackjack players in shoe games.
On February 24, 1994, the author began surveying Nevada's casi-
nos, looking for the games best suited to his bankroll before jump-
ing into action. Then on the 28th, the real work commenced.
Hop on board, put yourself in the author's shoes, and find out the
truth about the real world of blackjack counting.
One final note. In this book, the author makes general references
to the third person singular as "he." Obviously, he could be "he"
or "she" since both men and women are members of every part of
the blackjack world. For brevity and to avoid possible confusion,
"he" is used throughout this book.
wish to thank 13 people, who were a major direct or indirect
help to me in this project.
First is Frank, a long-time counter I spoke with many times. Frank
started my blackjack education before I ever played a hand in the
casinos. I used several techniques and camouflages he taught me.
Second is Lance Humble, whose Hi-Opt I count fulfilled my need
for a simple, but effective count system. In my play, I used Hum-
ble's High-Opt I indexes from -6 to +6. These were published in
his Worlds Greatest Blackjack Book.
Third is Arnold Snyder, whose many books and publications, such
as Blackjackfor Profit, Beat the XDeck Game series, Blackbelt in
Blackjack, and Blackjack Forum (for which I have contributed a
few articles) were an invaluable aid in helping me locate and ex-
ploit the best games. Snyder's works also helped me calculate my
expected win rates and probable fluctuations in various games.
Snyder also wrote a foreword for this edition of the Las Vegas
Blackjack Diary.
Fourth is Stanford Wong, whose book Blackjack Secrets was a tre-
mendous help in my Diary play and whose Basic Blackjack made
me ready for any strange rule or situation that may pop up in a
blackjack game. Wong understands, probably better than anyone,
the financial as well as the emotional fluctuations of the game of
blackjack. (Wong also contributed to this book since the index
numbers I used for the Hi-Opt I count system in Appendix C were
derived using his Blackjack Count Analyzer computer software.)
Fifth is the late Paul Keen, formerly of the Gamblers Book Club.
I knew Paul, through the GBC, for several years before my black-
jack play. Thanks, Paul, for all the answers you gave me to my
blackjack questions. Thanks again for providing me with the Hi-
Opt I indexes for the over +6 and under -6 counts that I used in my
play. Every time I win by standing on a 13 versus a ten or by hit-
ting a 16 versus a six, I think of you, even as the other players at
my table swear and curse at how "lucky" I was with my "stupid"
play! I hope all of your hands are winners and all of your games
are hassle-free now, Paul.
Sixth is Peter Griffin, author of The Theory ofBlackjack. I used the
tables from his book in my calculations of the effects of various
x Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
rules, the value of deck penetration, as well as the off-the-top-edge
of the casino in all of the blackjack games that I played in Las Ve-
gas and Laughlin.
Seventh is Norm Young, an up and coming East Coast blackjack
counter and a vastly underrated computer expert. Norm, I've en-
joyed our long blackjack conversations on topics like fluctuations,
risk of ruin, computer simulations, the stupidity of some casino
employees, and many other blackjack-related topics. Thanks also,
for the help you gave me with my computer on this project. And a
very special thanks for the computer simulations you tirelessly ran
for me on streaks and the effects of fairly extensive bet camou-
flage; they weren't perfect, only excellent!
Eighth is Dwight Burdette, a Michigan computer expert and the
only non-blackjack person on this list. Thanks, Dwight, for an-
swering all of my questions about my computer and its operation.
Thanks for tolerating my computer illiteracy in our conversations.
Without your patience, I have doubts that my 486 computer would
have finished this job. Instead, it probably would have been thrown
through my office window by now!
Ninth is Don Schlesinger, noted blackjack author, theoretician,
and player. Don painstakingly helped me to edit earlier editions of
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary, and wrote a foreword to this edition of
the book.
There are three characteristics that I would like to share with read-
ers concerning Don Schlesinger. First is his tremendous knowl-
edge of the game of blackjack and his attention to its details. I
greatly respect any professional who pays attention to detail. In
our fast-paced, comer-cutting, and largely phony world, true and
competent professionals like Don Schlesinger are becoming ex-
ceedingly rare. Happily, they are not yet extinct. I will always trea-
sure the conversations I had with Don and the insights I gained
from them.
Second is Don Schlesinger's true passion for the game of black-
jack. As someone who also brings strong passion to activities and
work I take part in-including the game of blackjack-I really re-
spect this part of him. It is too bad that more people in our world
can't bring Don's passion of blackjack to their own activities.
And, third, is Don Schlesinger's patience. In my talks and get-to-
gethers with Don on this book, I came to know how much about
Acknowledgments xi
the game of blackjack I still have to learn. As a 20-year veteran of
the game, Don has patiently-and never condescendingly-im-
parted some of his knowledge of the game to me.
Very often when I speak to players about the game of blackjack, I,
in an exasperated way, ask myself, "Why are you wasting your
time talking to this dope, Stuart?" With Don, I sometimes won-
dered why he wasted his time talking with "a dope" like me. And,
this was a first in my blackjack experience!
Thanks again for your editing help on this book, Don. I hope your
prediction that it is a "landmark" book for counters who want to
play for extended time comes true.
Tenth is Bart, a knowledgeable blackjack player who found mis-
takes not seen by either myself or Don Schlesinger in the first edi-
tion. Thanks for your help, Bart. You have shown me that a writer
can never receive too much quality help in a project like this.
The next three contributors were most helpful for the ConJelCo
edition of Las Vegas Blackjack Diary. Chuck Weinstock, of Con-
JelCo, the publisher believed in this book enough to become its
publisher. Thanks for greatly raising the quality of the printing,
layout and binding of the book. Let's hope that your belief in Las
Vegas Blackjack Diary makes it a winner for both of us.
Maryann Guberman edited the book for ConJelCo. Thanks for im-
proving the readability of the book.
Lastly, I wish to thank someone on the other side of the blackjack
tables-Bill Zender of the Aladdin Hotel and Casino. Bill gra-
ciously provided a quote for the cover of this edition. While we are
enemies at the tables, Bill, your quotes show that you have respect
for someone that makes a serious effort to beat the game of black-
jack. I have deep respect for how you work in the interests of the
casino in the game of blackjack, as you will see in the chapter on
"Player Barrings" beginning on page 150.
Anyone who thinks that I made any mistakes or has any other
comments about Las Vegas Blackjack Diary can get in touch with
me either on-line at [email protected] or can write me at:
Stuart Perry
PO Box #262
Yonkers, NY 10704
n casino betting there are only two games in which a bettor has
a long-term opportunity to profit via skillful play. One of these
games is poker. If a player is better than the other players at the ta-
ble and the fee paid to the casino to play isn't high, he should make
a profit. The long-term odds are in this player's favor in such a
The other casino game in which a skilled player has the potential
to enjoy a long-term edge is blackjack.
The key to winning at blackjack is counting or keeping track of the
cards. As we show later, this does not mean that the player knows
every single card that comes out of the deck or shoe. All counting
systems keep track of high cards (tens and aces) versus low cards
(usually threes through sixes, though some systems also use twos
and sevens). When the deck is rich in tens and aces, the game is
favorable and the counter bets more. Because the deck or shoe is
almost never shuffled after every hand, the cards that come out on
one hand (or round) have a relation to the cards not yet played. In
other words, if a lot of low cards have been played and the deck or
shoe is still being dealt, the probabilities are that a higher than nor-
mal percentage of tens and aces-cards good for the player-will
be dealt.
In other casino games, like craps, roulette, keno, or slot machines,
each event is independent of every other event. Thus the odds of
rolling a 12 in craps are always 1chance in 36. This is true whether
the last two rolls were 12's or if 12 hasn't come up in 75 rolls. The
dice have no memory. In blackjack, the cards do. That is why this
game has the potential to be beaten by a competent player.
Unlike in poker, the blackjack player isn't competing against other
players. His job, and the task of every other player at the table, is
to try to beat the dealer. If a player is able to keep an accurate count
in a game with good conditions (more on this later) and makes cor-
rect plays and correct betting decisions, the long-term odds are in
his favor. Sufficient size bankrolls are needed for both the profes-
sional poker and the card-counting blackjack player, just as ade-
quate capitalization is needed for every other business.
Another major difference between casino poker and blackjack is
the casino's attitude towards winning players. The casino has no
2 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
qualms with professional poker players; these players are winning
the money of other players at the table. The casino gets its profit
regardless of the table results. Blackjack is very different. The
player is trying to win against the dealer-someone who is an em-
ployee of the casino. Any win that a blackjack player enjoys is a
financial loss to the casino. If the casino thinks the player has an
edge via card counting or even if the player is a high roller (by this,
I usually mean a poor player betting a lot of money) who is having
a lucky run that poses an immediate financial threat to it, the casi-
no may bar him or prohibit his play. As I have seen, different casi-
nos have different tolerance levels in this regard.
The only casinos that are not permitted to bar card counters are
those in Atlantic City. As I quickly came to realize, the Atlantic
City casinos have other ways of making life miserable for card
counters. These are shown in the chapter "Player Barrings" begin-
ning on page 150.
Thus expert blackjack players must have a different approach to
casino play than expert poker players. Poker players can always
use the best play and bet strategy to their advantage; they have no
fear of being kicked out of the casino because of expertise and
wins (or potential winnings). However, a blackjack player who al-
ways bets correctly on every hand according to the count will have
a very short blackjack playing career if he plays successfully and
for any real money (playing mostly at $25 and up minimum ta-
bles). Thus, camouflage and "putting on an act" are paramount to
survival because virtually every casino has employees who know
that blackjack can be beaten by a skilled count player playing un-
der good conditions.
My Start In Blackjack
For many years I had been heavily involved, financially, in one of
the other wagering enterprises that can give the skilled bettor a
long-range edge: sports betting. Though I was well ahead lifetime
in that field, I had decided in December of 1992 to look for other
financial pursuits. The last serious sports wager I made was on the
final game of the 1993 NBA playoffs. By this time I was much
more involved with blackjack than with sports.
My study of blackjack began with the reading of several books: Ed
Thorp's Beat the Dealer; Lance Humble's The Worlds Greatest
Blackjack Book; and Lawrence Revere's Playing Blackjack as a
Introduction 3
Business, provided good starting points. Later, books and publica-
tions by Stanford Wong, Arnold Snyder and the late Ken Uston
were helpful.
From Humble's book, I picked up and still use the Hi-Opt I count
system. In this count system, threes through sixes are low cards
(bad for the player) and tens (tens,jacks, queens and kings) are the
high cards (good for the player). The other cards of the deck: the
twos, sevens, eights, nines, and aces are considered neutral cards.
Fairly early in my play I found it very helpful to keep a side count
of aces; in my opinion, Humble underestimates the importance of
the ace side count in his book.
As I read blackjack books, I started practicing blackjack at home.
First, I learned the basic strategy. Basic strategy shows the correct
way to play every hand assuming that the player knows only his
cards and the dealer's up-card. In other words, this is the correct
way to play blackjack without counting or tracking the cards. In
about a week I knew basic strategy cold to the point of total bore-
Then, I started counting. First, I practiced with two decks. I prac-
ticed a running count, which told me how many extra high or low
cards-in comparison to each other-were remaining. Since there
were 32 of each (16 in each deck), the count at the end was sup-
posed to be even or zero. At first, counting cards gave me a head-
ache! It seemed hard to master and I seemed to be dealing to
myself too fast. But, I eventually got the hang of it.
Then I started to practice playing hands and varying my bets. Fi-
nally I learned how to adjust my playing strategy according to the
running count. I continued doing this with two decks. My two
deck running count practice lasted for about a month.
Finally, I graduated to the true count. The true count is the running
count divided by the number of decks (or fraction of remaining
decks) to be dealt. Being able to compute and make correct play
and bet decisions based on the true count is mandatory if one
wants to become a professional-level blackjack player. Most card
counters make serious mistakes in this area. Either they estimate
the remaining deck or decks incorrectly or they make mistakes in
the division, which causes incorrect bet or play decisions. These
mistakes with the true count are one of the reasons that most
counters lose money in their blackjack careers.
4 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
When I started to practice the true count, I started playing with six
decks. This practicing and mastering of the true count took me an-
other month and a half.
I now decided I was ready to seek my blackjack fortunes in the At-
lantic City casinos. On paper, I had done well with a 1-8 spread in
the six-deck game over a 10,OOO-hand span. However, I was to see
that playing blackjack at home and playing it in the casino were
very different. I did not really fully understand blackjack factors
such as fluctuation and good play conditions at this time.
As is typical of many rookie blackjack counters, I had decided far
too soon to play for big stakes in the casinos. I learned my lesson
quickly. In late February of 1993, I drove to Atlantic City and
played for about seven hours at the Trump Plaza. I played mostly
in head-on games and mostly at the $25 minimum tables-tables
at which mid-shoe entry was prohibited (a rule specifically made
to frustrate back-counters [Wongers] who try to play only in favor-
able shoes). During my play I varied my bets from $25-$200 a
hand and always playedjust one hand. I never increased my bet by
more than $25 a hand and did so only after a win.
And, I got my ass kicked losing slightly over $3,000. Part of the
reason for my loss was that I struggled to keep the true count at ca-
sino speed (though when I lost track of it, I left the table). Another
part of the reason I lost was that I didn't yet realize that a six-deck
game in which just four decks are dealt (as was the case at Trump
Plaza) is not beatable with a 1-8 spread. As I was to read a month
later in Arnold Snyder's excellent Beat the X Deck Game series
(volumes covering one-, two-, four-, six-, and eight-deck games in
detail are featured in this series), a six-deck game with the bet
spread I was using yields only a.25% to.33% edge assuming per-
fect play and bet spreading. I was thus playing in a poor expecta-
tion game: a game with poor playing conditions (counters should
try to play in conditions that yield at least a one percent edge).
However, probably the main reason that I lost was that I experi-
enced what blackjack pros call a negative fluctuation. These neg-
ative runs are ignored by almost every blackjack author (Stanford
Wong, Arnold Snyder, and the late Ken Ustan are the major excep-
tions) and media promoters who claim that card counting in black-
jack is a quick road to wealth. I had endured losing streaks at
home; however, in the casino, with real money at stake, it felt dif-
Introduction 5
ferent. I decided I needed more practice. I also saw that I still had
much to learn about the game of blackjack.
In retrospect what I probably should have done was to learn the
game more slowly in stages, then play for small stakes after each
stage. First, I should have-as I did-learn basic strategy cold.
Then I should have played for small stakes in the Atlantic City ca-
sinos. Then I should have gradually mastered each part of card
counting-the running count and varying the bets, the running
count and varying my play from basic strategy, and then finally
varying bets and then playing strategy with the true count. Trying
to master everything before a trip to the casino made matters more
However, this book is about my experience in blackjack play, so it
is appropriate that it is told truthfully. Perhaps, readers can learn
from my mistakes.
After my Atlantic City debacle, I practiced harder at home. I now
incorporated an advanced technique: an ace side count for betting
purposes, which I had not done prior to my first casino play (yet
another possible contributing factor to my losses). In later chapters
I will discuss why this technique is important.
In April of 1993, I decided to go to Las Vegas for a couple of
months. I'd bet small stakes in blackjack until I could count at ca-
sino speed in my sleep. Since I was still following professional
basketball, I also decided to bet the NBA playoffs on this trip. Be-
cause I would be playing for small stakes, I doubted that anyone
would bar me.
On this Vegas trip, I varied my bets from $5-$40, then $10-$80 and
finally, $5-$80. I always played one hand, virtually never more
than doubled my previous bet and never bet over $20 unless I had
won the previous hand and the count was high enough. The true
count had to be +3 or more for me to make my maximum bets.
I played a variety of blackjack games in Vegas mostly two-deck
games; later in the trip I played a fair number of one-deck games.
I played four-deck games occasionally at Circus Circus and Palace
Station (the only Vegas casinos with four-deckers then) and very
occasionally played six-deck games. In the second month in Ve-
gas, I sometimes played in games in which the dealer hit soft 17 (a
rule that harms the player to the tune of about 0.2 percent).
6 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
In these two months I played about 110 hours in about 20 casinos.
Only once was I badly hassled. Outside of this incident, I got only
a few glares from pit bosses and a few shuffle-ups. (The pit boss
can order the cards to be reshuffled at any time. This is usually
done to frustrate counters and eliminate positive situations.)
The time I got severely hassled was in my third graveyard shift vis-
it to the Pioneer Club casino in downtown Vegas. In my first grave-
yard visit to the Pioneer Club I was the only player in the casino.
I played against a very friendly female dealer from mainland Chi-
na. Since I was now fairly good at counting at casino speed, I
could easily talk and play at casino speed in the two-deck game.
The dealer and I talked about China (a subject I have always found
fascinating) during my play session. During this session one of the
pit bosses was practically sitting on the table as I was winning
about $150. During my 45-minute play, this boss took two phone
calls from upstairs (from the "eye in the sky").
When I quit my play, I wished the dealer and the pit boss a nice
night; the dealer responded in a friendly way and the pit boss
sneered, "Well, you have a nice night, too, sir!"
A week or so later I again played on the graveyard shift at the Pi-
oneer Club. On this visit, there were about ten other blackjack
players present. I got ahead about $300 in about 15 minutes (a very
lucky positive fluctuation considering my betting level) when a
new dealer came to my table. I lost five of six hands-and about
$60-to this new dealer (winning only on a blackjack). Since I felt
a little (probably unjustifiably) paranoid, I left.
Two nights later, I again returned to the Pioneer Club on the grave-
yard shift. Only one other player was playing blackjack in the ca-
sino. As soon as I reached the table, the pit boss crept up to my
dealer and whispered to him. For two straight decks, the dealer
dealt only six hands-I/3 of the two-decks-and shuffled. A 1/3-
dealt two-deck game is a waste of time. I left-ahead $10 for the
session-and have never played at the Pioneer Club since. Later,
a sports-betting friend of mine (one of the few that know I play
blackjack) informed me that the Pioneer Club is known as a
"sweat joint" meaning they hate to have anyone win at all. This
friend told me,just half-jokingly, that he was surprised I wasn't ar-
Introduction 7
Over the 110 hours of 1993 Vegas blackjack play, I won slightly
over $1,000. However, these profits did not come without some
wild fluctuations. I sometimes won or lost over $800 in a day. Con-
sidering that my biggest bet was $80-a level I very seldom
reached-I was starting to understand how much of a financial
roller coaster blackjack was. Most importantly, I was now able to
count at casino speed.
After another month of constant practice at home, I took a trip to
Michigan to visit some friends and also play blackjack in the Indi-
an casinos. The Michigan blackjack games I played were four-
deckers, in which three decks plus were dealt-good penetration.
I was able to get away with a $5-$160 bet range on one hand with
very little casino hassle in my 25 hours of play.
I ended up a few hundred dollars ahead playing blackjack in Mich-
igan; but, more importantly, I also learned two more lessons about
the game.
First, I learned even more how severe fluctuations can be in black-
jack. At one time, I was behind over $1,800 for the trip. Very soon
after, in three hours of play, I won $1,500, which was the key to
my winning for the trip.
Second, and even more important, I finally came to realize that dif-
ferent games with differing rules meant that I had to use different
true counts to raise my bets. Using Las Vegas examples, a bettor
playing a double-deck game at the Golden Nugget-a downtown
casino in which the dealer hits soft 17 and the player may not dou-
ble after a split-faces a .52% disadvantage off the top of the deck.
In such a game, a bettor like myself needs a true count of +1.75 to
have any real reason to raise his wager. At the Excalibur, the dou-
ble-deck game has much better rules for the player; in this game
he may double after a split and the dealer stands on soft 17. With
these rules, the player has only a .175% disadvantage off the top,
and may profitably raise his bet when the true count reaches +1.
(Bankroll considerations are very critical in bet-raising decisions.)
Before the latter part of my Michigan play, I was always raising
my bet on a true count of +1 no matter what number of decks and
rules I played. I wondered how I had won in Las Vegas playing so
8 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Getting Ready For Las Vegas
During the Autumn of 1993, I planned another blackjack trip to
Las Vegas. As yet, I didn't know when this would occur. But I
knew that on this trip I would play for serious money. I planned to
vary my bets from $25 on one hand to as high as $200 on two
I planned to use various camouflages. I might ask pit bosses for ad-
vice on hands in which there was a close play decision; thus, no
matter what they advised, I couldn't be badly hurt on long-range
expectations. I'd make a few mistakes that were not costly (such
as sometimes not doubling on soft totals of 16 or less). On bets in
which I had a total of $100 or more risked on a round, I would not
increase after losses. Sometimes-particularly in single-decks-
I'd start with big bets off the top, especially if I was winning.
I figured I would still be barred in some clubs despite my camou-
flage. I would avoid places in which big action brought undue at-
Meanwhile, I used the lousy games ofAtlantic City to practice my
bet and play camouflages and also to add the final weapon to my
playing arsenal: keeping a side count of aces for playing decisions.
For example, when doubling down on a nine or a ten, the more
aces left in the deck, the better for the player, and the more likely
I am to double. When deciding to double on an 11, extra aces left
in the deck make it more likely that doubling down should be
avoided, especially when the dealer has a nine showing (an ace in
the hole gives the dealer a 20). In insurance decisions, the more
aces (which act as small cards for this decision) left in the deck,
the less likely I am to take insurance. This is a good camouflage
since some pit bosses realize that counters are likely to insure
when big bets are on the table. When the deck is rich in aces, I am
likely to bet big-since aces are good for me-but less likely to
insure. Conversely, on some small bets, which I may make when
the deck is lean in aces, I am more likely to insure since extra
aces-or small cards for this decision-have been played).
In November and December of 1993, I took seven trips to Atlantic
City and played about eight to ten hours on each trip. I varied my
bets from $5-$100 a round and occasionally jumped my bets rad-
ically (as from $5 on one hand to two hands of $20) since Atlantic
City casinos can't bar counters. I also practiced my act on dealers,
Introduction 9
pit bosses, and players. I told jokes, sometimes made deliberately
stupid comments, and tried out different deportments to see which
ones would bring the least attention to me.
I played the six-deck games at the Trump Plaza and Trop World
and won about $650 on these trips. These winnings were more
than my expected win rate, thus I had been lucky. Fluctuations of
$1,500 and more occurred-part of the garne.
In between these Atlantic City trips, I played about another
100,000 hands at home in simulated Las Vegas casinos with one,
two, and six-deck rules. I practiced in one and two-deck games
with various rules with about a 65% shuffle point and in six-deck
games (with double after split but no surrender allowed) with a
75% shuffle point. I practiced various types of bet camouflage-
especially in the one and two-deck games.
Though I won at over a 1% rate, I saw that the fluctuations would
be strong. I had one negative swing of $13,000, and two negative
swings of about $9,000 in my 100,000 hand marathon. Since I fig-
ured that I would play between 200 and 250 hours in Las Vegas
(and probably play about 25,000 hands), I knew I would probably
have one downswing of at least $9,000. With a $20,000 bankroll,
I expected that I could handle such a loss.
By mid-February of 1994, I felt confident that I was finally ready
to play blackjack for real. I would go to Las Vegas with my
$20,000 and play from about March 1 through May 1. In 200
hours plus of play, I believed I was a favorite to win at least
$10,000 or $40-$50 an hour. I would be very disappointed if I won
less. I thought that a win in the $15-$20,000 range was very pos-
sible. If I was very lucky (had more positive fluctuations than neg-
ative ones), I could win over $20,000.
I knew that all sorts of experiences-some expected, some not-
awaited me in the Las Vegas casinos as I tried to win serious mon-
ey in them as a professional card counter. These experiences are
related in the upcoming diary.
Card Counting Myths
Before reading my diary, readers should be able to understand
and see through several myths concerning blackjack and card
counting. Seeing through these myths will not only help readers to
understand this diary better, but will also help them harbor realis-
tic financial expectations about the game of blackjack. After read-
ing this section, the reader will also have insights into the many
authors in the blackjack field; he will be able to judge correctly if
an author has genuine knowledge of the game or is a phony trying
to sell a get-rich pipe dream.
Myth: Counters always make money playing blackjack.
Pit bosses and shift supervisors often spout this myth as an excuse
to bar count players. However, upper management in almost every
casino knows that most counters lose money in the long run. How
do they know this? Because the vast majority of their colleagues
who sit in the eye in the sky are former card counters. Almost to a
man, these former counters are those who made just enough mis-
takes to lose. Even under good playing conditions, which some-
times are hard to find, a card counter's edge seldom exceeds 1
percent for the long run. Just a few key mistakes can wipe out a
card counter's financial edge and put him into the red.
Myth: Counters can significantly beat any blackjack game.
Even assuming that a card counter always raises his bets at the
right time and makes perfect playing decisions, he may still be an
underdog to win money in the long run in some blackjack games.
Deck penetration, the rules of the game, the number of other play-
ers in the game, his ability to see the cards of other players (in the
face down games) for play decisions, and the betting spread he
uses are all factors in whether a counter has the long-range poten-
tial to win money in a given game. Deck penetration is the most
important factor and the bet spread of the counter is probably the
next most important factor of those mentioned above.
For example, if a card counter uses a 1-4 bet spread in a 2/3 dealt
six-deck game in which he plays every hand (unlike table hoppers,
or Wongers, who almost always play injust positive decks), he vir-
tually will never have a long-range edge of over 1/4 percent. This
counter probably will have to play over a million hands and play
perfectly (which is something no counter does) to have a statisti-
cally significant edge. This represents about ten years of full-time
Card Counting Myths 11
playing, with all sorts of mean negative fluctuations thrown in.
With bad game rules, such as the dealer hitting soft 17 and the
player being allowed to double only on ten or lIon his first two
cards, even a 1-8 bet spread and perfect play would lose money in
a 2/3 dealt six-deck game in which every hand was played.
On the other hand, a 1-4 bet spread would win money in most one-
deck games over the long haul. The main exception to this would
be a one-deck game with an off-the-top disadvantage in which the
dealer shuffles after every hand (which sometimes does happen).
With good play, a 1-6 bet spread in a single-deck game with decent
rules and 50 percent or more penetration would garner a profes-
sional a better than 1 percent win rate.
Arnold Snyder's Beat the X Deck Game series shows a player's
short and long-range financial expectations in one-, two-, four-,
six-, and eight-deck games. Examples showing the effects of 50,
65, 75 and 85 percent penetration with various bet strategies are
shown for each of the games. There are numerous bet strategies for
various games in which Snyder shows that even a perfect counter
is playing at a long-range disadvantage.
Myth: When the count is high,
the counter wins a majority ofhis bets.
Most counters believe this myth. Even the late Lawrence Revere
in his book, Playing Blackjack as a Business, stated that the player
will win the majority of his high-count bets.
When some counters go on a losing streak in high-count situa-
tions, which, as I'll show, is as likely as when the count is negative,
they whine that they were cheated and sometimes quit playing.
The reality of blackjack is that a professional player will, in the
long run, win between 47 and 48 percent of his non-tied hands in
virtually any deck and count situation. Before the cards are dealt,
the player is virtually always a favorite to lose that hand.
The reason that decks rich in tens and aces favor the player is not
that he'll win more hands in such decks, but that four positive fi-
nancial events are more likely to occur in such decks than in neg-
ative (low-count) decks. These events will not only wipe out his
surplus losses, but will also give the professional a long term
edge-assuming, of course, that he is playing in a profitable situ-
ation to begin with. These four events are as follows:
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
1. The player is more likely to get a blackjack dealt to him.
This is by far the most important player edge in a high-count deck.
Of course, the dealer is also more likely to get a blackjack. How-
ever, the player gets paid 3-2, or 50% over his original investment,
on a winning blackjack while he loses just even money to a win-
ning dealer blackjack. The 3-2 blackjack payout for a player
blackjack versus an even money loss to a dealer blackjack repre-
sents a 25 percent edge to the player in hands in which a blackjack
is dealt. Since a count player tries to bet more money when the
deck is rich in tens and aces, this 25 percent edge is vital.
The ace's place in a blackjack (and it being only 1/4th as likely to
be dealt as a ten value card) is the reason that the ace is such a key
card in betting decisions.
The insurance decision is also related to the higher instance of
blackjacks in a high-count deck. When the dealer has an ace up,
the player can make a side bet at 2-1 odds that the dealer has black-
jack (the player can bet up to 1/2 his original bet). In a high-count
deck, the count player is likely to take insurance; correct use of
this option increases the above-mentioned 25 percent player edge
over the house on blackjacks since he will use insurance to cut
down his losses to dealer blackjacks.
2. The player will profit more heavily when he doubles down.
When a correct double down play is made, the player is always the
favorite to win that hand. Doubling down exploits these favorable
situations by giving the player the opportunity to invest more mon-
ey when the odds of winning are most in his favor. When a player
doubles down in a high-count deck (a deck with extra tens, espe-
cially), he not only tends to have more money on the table, but also
has his best chances of winning.
One drawback to high-count decks in terms of doubling down is
that a player will be doubling down less than he would in lower
count decks. This is because there are fewer of the small cards
needed to create nine, ten, and 11 player totals: the totals a player
is most likely to double down on.
3. In a high-count deck, the player is more likely to split pairs
Unlike doubling down, which should always be done to make
more money, pair splitting is often a defensive gesture in which the
player is trying not to make more money but to cut losses. The
concept behind most pair splits-wagering more money in a fi-
Card Counting Myths 13
nancially losing situation-seems contradictory. That is, a player
is doubling his investment in order to lose less money on two
hands than he would on one.
If you watch somewhat knowledgeable but amateur blackjack
players, you will often see them make poor pair split decisions;
this is because they remember losing money in pair splits (espe-
cially twos, threes, sixes, and eights-particularly eights versus
tens and aces). What these players never comprehend is that they
lose more money by not splitting those pairs at the right time.
There are some times when pair splitting is an offensive decision,
a decision in which the player is favored to win money. Splitting
aces (except versus an ace), and nines (versus a two through six
and an eight) are two major categories of offensive pair split deci-
sions. Splitting eights versus a three through a seven is an offen-
sive split with a tremendous gain: the player now is a favorite to
win money on the round by playing two hands rather than lose
money on one (on a 16, the worst total a player can get). For a card
counter, splitting tens versus a four, five or six in a positive deck
provides a huge gain. Instead of being a favorite to win one hand,
he now is a long-range favorite to win more than one bet (though
sometimes a counter should not split tens since this play can be a
giveaway that the player is counting). Ten splits are also an eco-
nomic gain in a high-count deck because a counter is more likely
to be dealt two tens in a deck that is rich with them.
In a high-count deck, the counter tends to have a big bet out. Cut-
ting losses, which pair splitting usually tries to accomplish, is ex-
tremely important on these bets.
4. A number of casinos allow surrender.
When a player surrenders a hand, he does so after receiving the
first two cards. Assuming the dealer does not have a blackjack, the
player gets back half of his bet on a surrendered hand. (This as-
sumes that early surrender-an almost obsolete rule-is not in
force.) In a high-count deck, surrender is more likely to be a cor-
rect play. Like most pair splitting decisions, surrender cuts down
losses and in the long run preserves more winnings. The correct
use of the surrender option can be worth 1/4 percent or more to a
card counter using a large bet spread.
Another important factor concerning surrender is that the hands a
player is most likely to take this option on-15's and 16's versus
14 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
a dealer ten-are more likely to appear in high-count decks. If sur-
render was not allowed, the player would be more likely to lose
these bad (or stiff) hands than he would in a more neutral deck.
Thus, surrender not only cuts down losses more strongly in high-
count decks, with the counter having his biggest bets out, and not
only is the player more likely to surrender in a high-count deck,
but the player is also more likely to be dealt a surrenderable hand
as well in a ten-rich deck.
Myth: Counters win every time they play.
The late Ken Uston had teams of blackjack players that allegedly
made millions of dollars in casinos around the world (though I
have heard differing reports about the success of these teams). Be-
fore the practice was outlawed, some of Uston's teams used hid-
den computers in casino blackjack play. With these computers
(which kept track of every card played), Uston's teams won at a
supposed 80 percent rate in one-hour play sessions: and always
playing in favorable games. Thus, even in great conditions and
with perfect play, a counter will lose at least 20 percent of the time.
Without the use of a computer in the casino (a felony in virtually
all jurisdictions), a good player is only a slight favorite to win
money in a one hour or so session: the amount of time my sessions
will be. I hope to be able to win in about 55 percent of my play
sessions. Uston's teams were very happy if a 60 percent winning
rate was attained in their sessions.
Thus, even with expert play in good games and good conditions,
even the best counter will lose money at least four out of every ten
hours he plays. For counters, losing sessions, days, weeks, and
even months are inevitable. Wild fluctuations in blackjack are un-
avoidable. My two months of play in Las Vegas would show that
once again.
When I watch someone play, the least important factor in how I
judge that person's play is how he does financially. I realize that
the 15 minutes to half hour I may be watching represents a very
short run in which almost anything can and often does happen, fi-
nancially. Casinos that have pit employees who get alarmed over
a player solely because he is on a short-term hot streak, represent
the epitome of financial stupidity.
February 24-27: Casino Scouting
I flew to Las Vegas the night of February 23 happy to get away
from the New York winter: its worst in over a hundred years. I
decided to spend the next four days scouting the casinos to see
what kinds of blackjack games were being offered. I would also
use Arnold Snyder's Blackjack Forum, and Stanford Wong's Cur-
rent Blackjack News, as guides. Both list every Vegas casino and
provide the reader information about each casino game in terms of
deck penetration, rules, and how casinos react to big money being
bet. However, I used these guides primarily as a backup because
blackjack conditions in the Vegas casinos can change literally
Though I visited virtually every casino, there were a few that I
knew would not be playable for my purposes. I skipped Caesars
Palace because they never deal more than four decks out of six and
some times they deal as few as three. I need a six-deck game that
is dealt at least 4-1/2 decks through. I skipped the El Cortez (a
downtown casino in which pit bosses go on high alert if a player
bets $10 or more on a round). And I skipped the Barbary Coast
(considered by many players to be the burn joint of all burnjoints).
During my experience in Las Vegas, I was to hear nothing but bad
reports about the Barbary Coast. Pit bosses even get paranoid
when a basic strategist plays well. Counters using even a $5-$15
bet spread have been barred. In addition, dealers I spoke to often
mentioned how Barbary Coast dealers are badly hassled by the pit
when a table is losing, regardless of circumstances. Lastly, the
games dealt at the Barbary Coast are terrible from a counter's per-
spective. Often less then 50 percent of the two decks are dealt: an
unacceptable game to play in. And I have another, personal, reason
to avoid the Barbary Coast. A fellow who I used to allow to pick
my brains on sports betting is employed in their sportsbook. When
I stopped giving him freebies, this "oddsmaker" got very angry to-
wards me. I am sure he would like nothing better to get me barred
from the tables of this and any other casino that he has influence
If all goes well, I'll start play on Monday morning, February 28. I
will be staying in a quiet off-Strip apartment complex in which I
have rented a room during two other Vegas stays. I will keep my
money in a box at one of the Vegas casinos in which I have a good
give-and-take relationship with the sportsbook director. I won't be
16 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
playing at this casino; the games there are not as bad as the three
casinos mentioned above, but are not up to my playing standards.
After my four-day casino tour, I decided that there were 24 casinos
in which I would be able to play on a somewhat consistent basis.
I decided that I would play in these 24 casinos on a rotating basis.
I would play in virtually none of them more than two of the eight
weeks that I would be playing here. I also would virtually never
play more than three sessions on anyone shift in any casino in any
one week.
I also made some money management decisions. I would limit
sessions to an absolute maximum $2,000 loss (usually my limit
would be about $1,000; however, if the game conditions were ex-
cellent, I would play further into a loss) and would virtually never
play more than one hour at a time. If I got ahead in the session by
$1,000 or more, I would, for the most part, set a stop-loss limit at
1/2 of the profits. Each of these money management decisions was
made so that I would limit losses, but not wins. Playing this way
also gave me psychological, if not mathematical, comfort. If I get
$1,000 ahead in a session, it is nice to know that no matter what
happens, I'll be leaving with at least a $500 profit. Suffering a loss
after getting $1,000 ahead is a depressing and mind-draining ex-
perience that could affect my play in the next session. Also, I
would usually quit a session after about a $1,000 losing streak; for
instance, if I got $600 ahead and then fell $400 behind, I'd stop.
I also made decisions on how much to play on each hand. In sin-
gle-deck games, I would keep my betting between $25 on one
hand to two hands of $100. I'd often play over the minimum off
the top. On other games I'd go from one hand of $25 to two of
$200, or whatever I could get away with. I would never progress
past two hands of $50 unless I was coming off a win of some kind.
Though some players might consider these huge and waiting-to-
be-barred bet spreads, I decided to use them for two reasons. First,
I wished to have over a 1 percent edge in games I played. Use of a
smaller spread would not give me such an edge. And second, if I
used a smaller spread, bet camouflage (such as betting big off-the-
top in single-deck) would take away much of my edge. I think a
player who uses a small bet spread with no camouflage is much
easier to spot as a counter than one who uses a larger spread with
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 17
Though I wish to give as honest an account as possible, I must
change some names, times, and, occasionally, casinos. I am doing
this to protect not only myself for future Vegas visits, but, more of-
ten, dealers, who sometimes gave me much better games (usually
in terms of deck penetration) than was the norm of the casino em-
ploying them.
Unlike some counters, I do sometimes tip dealers. The main rea-
son I do so is to get better deck penetration in key situations. I vir-
tually always tip by betting for the dealer on hands I play. If I have
a very strong session I may tip an extra dollar or two at the end of
it, particularly if the dealer has been friendly. On average, my tip-
ping will probably be between $6-8 an hour, and, hopefully, I'll
get value that exceeds that. If not, I may have to revise this policy.
Before I write my observations of the playable casinos, I should
mention what criteria I use for evaluating a casino for potential
blackjack play. There are five factors that I consider.
1. How a casino reacts to the bet sizes I want to make.
To make blackjack a worthwhile occupation, a player needs to be
betting enough so his long-range expectation is to earn at least
$40-$50 per hour in casino play. If a player isn't going to be earn-
ing that much, blackjack should be just a vacational pastime, not
a present or potential occupation.
To make decent money, a player has to bet decent money. And, to
do that over any long run, a player must be able to make decent-
sized bets without drawing excessive attention. Being the biggest
bettor in a casino is not a good way to guarantee long-term play.
I wanted to be able to progress to as high as $100 on two hands in
a single-deck game and as high as $200 on two hands in multiple-
deck games. I figured that these high bets were needed to be able
to earn at least $40-$50 an hour over the long haul. I would mostly
steer clear of casinos in which I couldn't reach these high bets, at
least occasionally.
2. Deck penetration.
As any serious blackjack player knows, the most important factor
in the game is how far into the deck a dealer goes before shuffling.
The deeper the penetration, the more likely a player will obtain a
high true count (running count divided by the remaining deck(s)).
More high-counts mean greater long-range profits.
18 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Stanford Wong mentions a routine example of the importance of
deck penetration on page 82 of his Blackjack Secrets. In a two-
deck game a player has a true count high enough to give him a 4.8
percent edge (a true count of at least +7 or +8 is needed for this
edge).7 percent of the time with 50 percent (52 card) penetration,
3 percent of the time with 73 percent (76 card) penetration, and 4
percent of the time with 79 percent (82 card) penetration.
Another factor concerning deck penetration is that the less the
penetration, the higher the percentage of hands a player bets off
the top with a disadvantage. Conversely, the deeper the penetra-
tion, the smaller the percentage of hands off the top the player bets
with a disadvantage. A crowded table hurts a counter in the same
way presenting him with a larger percentage of hands with a dis-
advantage off the top.
Yet another critical factor regarding deck penetration is the vanish-
ing casino advantage at various points of deck penetration. This is
covered thoroughly in Don Schlesinger's Floating Advantage.
Thus deeply penetrated games not only will give the player a
greater percentage of good counts, but these good counts also are
worth more than earlier in the deck or the shoe. This floating ad-
vantage comes into play more strongly in single and double-deck
than in shoe games.
What constitutes good deck penetration? In single-deck, 60 per-
cent dealt is a good game and a player should try to avoid play in
a game when less than 50 percent of the cards are dealt. In double-
deck, 2/3 penetration is good; 75 percent or more is great, and a
player should try to avoid games with less than 60 percent pene-
tration. In four- or six-deck play, a player should never settle for
less than 75 percent penetration. Over 80 percent (3.2 decks dealt)
constitutes a good four-deck game and over five decks dealt (83
percent) makes a good six-deck game.
I very seldom play eight-deck games. If I had to play eight deck-
ers, I would play either as a table-hopper (playing only in plus true
counts) or in games in which at least seven of the eight decks were
dealt. In my two months of Las Vegas play, I did not participate in
any eight-deck games.
3. Crowd conditions.
I wanted to play head-on as much as possible. Head-on games let
me play more hands and bet more money per hour. Also, as stated
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 19
earlier, they yield the fewest percentage of hands bet in non-prof-
itable, off-the-top situations. All of these factors mean more long-
range profit.
In face down games, which all one-, two- and four-deck games in
Vegas are, head-on play would mean that I would know all the
cards for my play decisions. After my third week of playing in Ve-
gas, I almost always avoided face down games in which more than
two other players were present.
4. Rules of the game.
The number of decks and the rules used determine the house edge
off the top of the deck or shoe. The number of decks, rules and
some simple mathematics would tell me when it was profitable to
raise my bets, and by how much, under optimal conditions.
Good playing rules for the player include double after split (DAS),
which is worth about 0.14 percent, and surrender, which is worth
at least 0.06 percent. Bad rules for the player include a dealer hit-
ting soft 17, which is worth around 0.2 percent for the house, and
no doubling on soft totals or nine totals, each worth about 0.13
percent or less for the house. The more decks used, the less these
last two particular rules hurt the player.
The more decks in play, the bigger the house advantage off the top
of the deck. The use of two decks is worth about 0.32 percent for
the house. The use of four decks is worth about 0.48 percent for
the house. The use of the eight-deck monsters gives the house a
0.57 percent edge off the top.
I nearly always avoid games in which the house edge is much over
0.5 percent. Only once on this trip, because of a unique rule and
great deck penetration, did I play in a game with much over a 0.5
percent casino edge off the top.
In the charts that follow this chapter, I show the exact casino off-
the-top advantages in various games and how the rules used can
effect these advantages. In these charts, I also show the counter's
advantage, or disadvantage, in each of these blackjack games for
each full plus true count up to plus eight.
5. Casino treatment of counters.
When I started my play on this trip I had limited knowledge in this
area. My experience was limited to my 1993 Las Vegas blackjack
play, articles I read in Snyder's Blackjack Forum (his September
20 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
1993 Cheesies award article was informative and humorous), talks
I had with two dealers I got to know during my 1993 visit, and my
conversations with Frank, a long-time Vegas card counter I had
been introduced to by a mutual acquaintance.
I wanted to be very sensitive to overplaying in any given casino.
With extensive time, any intelligent pit person (and most casinos
have some) can tell if a player is not only a card counter, but also
a competent one. Thus the reason for my time limits.
If I had total freedom, I'd choose only nine Vegas casinos in which
I would play blackjack. These casinos were: the Aladdin, Desert
Inn, Excalibur, Golden Nugget, Harrahs, Imperial Palace, The Mi-
rage, Palace Station and Treasure Island. In each of these casinos,
there were profitable games in which I could probably bet decent
money. However, if I played in just these nine casinos in my 200
plus playing hours, I might wear out my welcome in any or all of
them. This is why I need to and am willing to play in 15 other ca-
sinos in which the games are somewhat less tolerable.
Below are my observations of the 24 casinos that I considered
Aladdin: Has probably the best blackjack penetration in Las Ve-
gas. One and a half decks or more are dealt in their two-deckers
and at least five (usually 5-1/2) from their six-deckers. Surrender
and DAS are allowed in all games and the dealer hits soft 17 in all
games. The excellent deck penetration is the biggest plus here.
Another plus is that heavy action is not discouraged.
However, the biggest minus of the Aladdin games is that their pit
crew, eye-in-the-sky, and the head man, Bill Zender, all have the
reputation of being very sharp-they spot counters, and bar only
the real threats in terms of competent and big play. Counters who
never go past $100 a round virtually never get barred from the Al-
addin. Some professional players, who have never been barred in
other casinos, have been barred at the Aladdin.
I'll definitely play at the Aladdin, but not until my fourth week in
Vegas when my play act has improved. I'll keep almost all Aladdin
sessions under one hour. .
Circus Circus: This casino has great penetration on most games:
up to 3/4 dealt on the two-deckers and at least 3/4 on the four-
deckers. No DAS will keep me away from their six-deck games.
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 21
The single-deck rules (no DAS but dealer stands on all 17's) give
even a non-counting basic strategist a small edge (.02 percent) in
the game. Only the Frontier (a place I won't play in because of
their long unsettled strike) matches Circus's single-deck game.
Circus's biggest minus is that it caters to the smaller bettors, they
have just one $25 minimum two-deck game. The one-deck game
may be very hard to play for any real money. Still the great pene-
tration here will get some, though not a great deal, of my action.
Desert Inn: This casino has just six-deck games. Next to the Al-
addin, the Desert Inn has the best six-deck games in Vegas; in fact,
their total package might be better. DAS and surrender are allowed
and the dealer stands on all 17's. At least 4-1/2 and often close to
five decks out of six (some dealers go still further) are dealt. Big
action is not sweat by the pit, and the uncrowded conditions often
allow heads-up play.
The Desert Inn also has a reputation of tolerance towards counters.
They'll certainly get a lot of my shoe play.
Excalibur: One-, two-, and six-deck games are offered in this ca-
sino. There are several pluses to playing here. First, two huge and
separate game areas permit a player to move around a lot and not
stand out (though I am sure that the "eye" can and has followed
players around). Second, penetration is excellent in the single- and
double-deck games: 60 percent in single-deck and sometimes
close to 75 percent in double-deck. Third, the double-deck rules
are as good as almost any in Vegas: the dealer stands on all 17's
and DAS is allowed. These rules give the casino under a .2 percent
edge off the top. Fourth, when I played here last year-though
then it was for small stakes-I got little heat in spreading my bets.
Still, since this is one of the few casinos in which Frank, the long-
time counter I know, is allowed to play. That says something about
the tolerance of the Excalibur.
The two major minuses of the Excalibur are that the $25 minimum
tables-the tables I figure to play most at-are six-deck games.
These games give the player at a .4 percent disadvantage off the
top, by far the biggest off-the-top player disadvantage in this casi-
no. And, second, it is hard, but not impossible, to find 75%+ pen-
etration in these games, the minimum to settle for in six-deckers.
However, there is a good deal of green ($25) action in the single
and especially double-deck games. I have even seen occasional
22 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
black ($100) action on these tables. I imagine I'll play six decks
the majority of the time at the Excalibur, but I'll be sneaking into
the one- and two-deck games if I sense that my action is not stick-
ing out.
Flamingo Hilton: This casino offers two- and six-deck games in
which the dealer stands on all 17's and DAS is allowed. According
to both Snyder and Wong, the penetration here is great. However,
my scouting trip proved quite otherwise; the deck penetration here
now stinks. A player is lucky to get over 50 percent penetration in
the two-deckers and 2/3 in the six-deckers. These penetration
changes must have occurred recently since Snyder's four time a
year Blackjack Forum and Wong's monthly Current Blackjack
News have competent reporters.
The one plus here is that big action doesn't bother the bosses.
There are lots of $25 tables. However, I imagine that I'll play here
only a little and only because I need to spread myself around as a
counter. I'll probably play just the two-deckers and try to get the
best penetration I can.
Fremont: I still have nightmares about the $800 plus loss I had in
this casino in under two total hours of play at the $10 minimum
table during my small stakes play last year. This loss was over ten
top bets ($80)! I did not think that I would be able to play here this
year, but my scouting trip revealed that the Fremont now has a $25
minimum table. So, I'll give at least some play to this casino. The
major minus is the bad two-deck rules (all their games are two-
decks). The dealer hits soft 17 and DAS is not permitted. This
gives the house slightly over a .5 percent edge off the top. Howev-
er, penetration seemed good-in the 2/3 area. And deck penetra-
tion is the most important factor for a counter in a blackjack game.
Gold Coast: This casino got bad grades from both the Snyder and
Wong reporters. However, my observations showed otherwise in
this all-two-deck blackjack casino. In every game I observed, I
noted 2/3 deck penetration and that will bring me to this casino. A
few $25 tables seem to indicate that some players bet decent
amounts. The rules are mixed: DAS is allowed, but the dealer hits
soft 17. Often crowded conditions seem a minus. Still, the black-
jack at the Gold Coast seems highly beatable.
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 23
Golden Nugget: This is probably the best place for me, or practi-
cally anyone else, to play blackjack in Las Vegas. (For small stakes
players the Aladdin might be better, though not by much.)
The Nugget has, in my opinion, everything going for it. First,
when I played here last year, I spread from $5-$80 on one hand
and never got any heat doing so. Second, according to Frank, the
Nugget doesn't consider counters like me ($25 on one hand to two
hands of $200) a financial threat and thus is willing to put up with
a player like me for "a long time." This opinion was corroborated
by a dealer named Steve that I got to know a little here last year
(who has since moved away).
In addition, and very importantly, the Nugget offers very beatable
games. Though they hit soft 17 and don't offer DAS in their sin-
gle- and double-deck games, the penetration is often great. Over
50 percent and up to 2/3 and beyond can be found in single decks
and at least 2/3, and up to 75 percent, can be found in double
decks. The six-deck Nugget games allow DAS and surrender and
the dealers stand on all 17's. Between 4-1/2 and five decks are
dealt in the six-deckers.
Lastly, the Nugget buffet has excellent and healthy food. I'm sure
that I'll play at the Nugget more than any place else and I may be
willing to play over an hour at a time and over three hours on a
shift per week in this casino.
Harrahs: This looks like a very good place to play mostly because
the games are deeply dealt-up to 1-1/2 decks in the two-deck
games and often over five decks are dealt in the six-deck games.
The rules are a mixed bag. Surrender is allowed in both games, but
DAS is allowed only in the six-deck games. The dealer hits soft 17
in both games. Thus, the casino's off-the-top edge is over .4 per-
cent in the two-deck games and over .5 percent in the six-deck
games (the great penetration more than compensates). Strangely,
in many of the Harrah six-deck games, the cards are dealt face
down, while most casinos deal face up in six-deck games.
Another minus is that the only $25 tables are in the six-deck games
and there don't seem to be many players in my financial league in
this casino.
24 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Still, the superb penetration will get my play here. How much I
will play the two-deck game versus the six-deck game will depend
on how my action is accepted.
Horseshoe: Virtually every game in this wild (Damon Runyon
must be crying in his grave over the characters he missed in this
joint) downtown casino is single deck. The rules are typical down-
town Vegas: the dealer hits soft 17 and no DAS is allowed; the
player however can re-split aces and thus starts with a 0.14 per-
centage disadvantage off the top. $25 tables are easy to find and
big action seems plentiful and, seemingly, is not sweat too much.
However, there are three major minuses in Horseshoe blackjack.
First, Frank, my major counter information source, and others
have told me that the Horseshoe is very fast to "flat bet" counters
(forcing them to bet the same on every hand of a deck, thus de-
stroying their edge). Second, I did not like the way their dealers
held the deck very close to their chests when dealing. Though it
seems unlikely to happen, dealers could deal seconds, undetected,
holding the cards this way. I did find out later that the dealers dealt
this way at the Horseshoe because of casino policy. It seems that
some dealers found ways of stealing chips when the cards were
dealt lower down; this way of dealing supposedly makes stealing
less likely. The third major minus of the Horseshoe is the crowd
conditions. This place always seems to be jammed, even at three
in the morning! In single decks, I almost never play with more
than two other players at the table and that could be a hard find
I'll play at the Horseshoe but will probably leave if conditions are
too crowded, I feel any real heat, or I feel at all suspicious about
the dealer. My average session here will probably be in the 30-40
minute range.
Imperial Palace: Though I certainly don't agree with the publi-
cized purported pro-Nazi shenanigans of the owner, I'll play in
this casino. Winning will thus provide two rewards for me: I'll
make money and make a purported Nazi-lover poorer.
Politics aside, this is one of the best places to play in Vegas. The
rules and deck penetration are good; DAS is allowed in both
games; the dealer stands on all 17's; and in terms of penetration,
up to 75 percent is dealt in the two-deck games and five of six-
decks are dealt in the shoes.
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 25
Even though I sawjust a couple of $25 minimum two-deck games
and no $25 six- deck games, green and even black chip action is
not at all unusual in what a sports-betting friend of mine calls "The
Hitler Joint."
Las Vegas Hilton: This is another casino in which Wong and Sny-
der need to provide their readers with a negative update. Deck pen-
etration has been recently flushed down the toilet. Players are
lucky to get over 50 percent penetration in the two-deck games
and 75 percent in the six-deckers. The DAS and surrender rules as
well as the very relaxed attitude towards big action are small plus-
es. Like its sister casino, the Flamingo Hilton, I'll play in this ca-
sino only because I have to spread my action around.
Luxor: This casino has all six-deck games with DAS, but no sur-
render, allowed. The best penetration I saw available was 75 per-
cent, and that was hard to find. This is yet another spread-myself-
around casino, which I'll play in only because they don't seem to
sweat big action that much. The Luxor will probably provide me
with an occasional break from the far superior Excalibur games,
which are right next door.
Maxim: Before I scouted this casino, I didn't think it would make
my play list. Not only is the Maximallegedly the home of the Grif-
fin Detective Agency (an agency that, among other things, hassles
counters), but also they were reported to have lousy games.
Well, their games seemed halfway decent when I observed them.
I saw up to 2/3 of the two-deck games being dealt and some decent
money being bet in them. The six-deck games had lousy (2/3) pen-
etration, so I'll probably avoid them. The DAS and surrender rules
are also pluses. I'll play in the Maxim games with caution and be
on the lookout for any scrutiny by plainclothes cops!
MGM: This is the second of the three newer Las Vegas casinos.
Four-, six- and eight-deck games are offered. I'll pass on the eight-
deckers and I'm not nearly rich enough to play in the $500 mini-
mum four-deck games. That leaves the six-deck games.
I mostly liked what I saw in the six-deck games. Between 4-1/2
and five decks were dealt to players, who mostly, especially at the
$25 tables, enjoyed fairly uncrowded conditions. DAS, but no sur-
render, is allowed. The Wizard of Oz theme of the casino seems
friendly. I'll probably go to the MGM theme park during some
blackjack break.
26 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Mirage: Last year, the high ($25 was big blackjack money for me
then) two-deck table minimums kept me away from their black-
jack tables. This year I'll play the two- and six-deck blackjack
games in the fancy Mirage.
I've received good reports about the Mirage and its tolerance of
counters. It's supposed to be as good as the Nugget's. Though I
have to see (actually feel) this tolerance to believe it, I did see
abundant black-chip action as I scouted the games. Several play
pits and areas are a plus: I will have room to roam.
The two-deck Mirage games are excellent. The dealer stands on all
17's and DAS is allowed. 2/3 deck penetration seems normal.
The penetration seems so-so in the six-deck games-few dealers
go past the 3/4 mark. Surrender is permitted in the six-deck games.
I'll mostly play the two-deck games and play the six-deckers only
if the two-deckers get too crowded
Palace Station: They offer two-, four-, and six-deck games. In all
of them the dealer hits soft 17 and the player can DAS.
Before I made my observation trip here, I did not know if this ca-
sino would be playable for me. Last year, I experienced some heat
from the pit and I was not very happy with ~ h e dealing depth.
However, unlike casinos such as the Las Vegas and Flamingo Hil-
tons, the Palace Station provided me with a pleasant surprise; pen-
etration is much better than in 1993. Now 75 percent or more is
dealt in the two-deck games and about 80 percent (3.2 decks out
of four) is dealt in the four-deck games. The six-deckers seemed
to have barely 3/4 penetration, so I'll probably avoid those games
because of the hit soft 17 rule.
Only one $25 minimum table and little overall big action were the
minuses. I also remember Frank's tale of being backroomed (not
only barred, but interrogated in a backroom) in this casino a few
years ago. But, it seems that times and policies may have changed
here for the better. My own Palace Station blackjack experiences
will provide the answer.
Plaza: If this casino was in an-out-of-the-way place, I would not
have even checked out its blackjack games. I well remember the
intense scrutiny I received in this casino last year whenever I bet
over $20-$25. The Plaza is also known as a small-bettor place.
February 24-27: Casino Scouting 27
However, I was happy to see a $25 minimum one-deck game with
60 percent or more penetration. The dealer hits soft 17, but unlike
other downtown one-deck games the player can DAS. Thus the
player has a dead-even game off the top. This will make it easy for
me to throw in all sorts of bet camouflage off the top.
Though I won't spend large amounts of play time in the Plaza, I
will come here to play, probably when the heat chases me out of
the Horseshoe up the street!
Rio: This was another casino that I was surprised to put on my
play list. But, that is what scouting trips are for.
Though the one-deck rules are of the bad Reno variety (no DAS,
no doubling except on 10 or 11, dealer hits soft 17), I saw some
decent action being tolerated and some good deck penetration.
The two-deck games sometimes had 2/3 penetration (one could
double on any first two cards in this game) and also had some
heavy green action. I wasn't impressed with the six-deck games;
2/3 seemed the normal dealing depth.
The Rio is another casino that I am willing to play in, if sparingly.
Riviera: This was my most played casino last spring. I liked the
two-deck rules (DAS) and the consistent 2/3 penetration. Even
better, dealers often went further in if they were tipped at the right
time. However, Riviera blackjack has gone downhill in 1994. The
rules are the same, but the penetration now is almost never 2/3.
Hopefully, tipping will still get me good penetration.
One plus concerning the Riviera. When a player plays two spots in
most casinos, he must bet at least double the table minimum on
each hand. At the Riviera, a player can play the table minimum on
each. Other casinos allowing this are the Mirage ($25 or higher ta-
bles), the Las Vegas Hilton, Treasure Island ($25 or higher), and
the Gold Coast.
I noticed that head-on play was often available at the $25 two-deck
Riviera games. That may be a big help.
Sands: Two- and six-deck games are available in this casino,
which is now undergoing construction. Assuming that I can see
and breathe through the sawdust, the games may be profitable. $25
minimum games with good penetration are available in the two
and six-deck games. Two-deck games had 2/3 penetration avail-
able and the six-deck games had up to five decks dealt.
28 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
In the two-deck games, the dealer hit soft 17 and DAS was not al-
lowed. The reverse are the Sands rules in the six-deck blackjack
games. [Editor's note: Since this book was written, the Sands has
closed its doors.]
San Remo: I was surprised to see a fair amount of heavy action in
the two-deck games in this casino. In $5 minimum games at that!
The penetration was about 2/3 and DAS was allowed. I won't play
here that much, but the San Remo deserves at least a try.
Stardust: This is another casino that I'll play in a little, but would
avoid if blackjack and card counting existed in a perfect world.
The only reason I'll play here at all is that large action and decent
bet spreads are tolerated in the two-deck games. This may com-
pensate slightly for the lousy penetration (hard to get over 55 per-
cent) and no DAS being allowed.
Treasure Island: This is Las Vegas's third new casino and Steve
Wynn's third in Vegas (the Golden Nugget and the Mirage are the
other two). Hopefully, the pit is as tolerant of counters as the Nug-
get and the Mirage are said to be.
The Treasure Island rules are the same as the Mirage in both the
two and six-deck games. DAS is allowed in both games and sur-
render is permitted in the six-deck action.
The bet action seems much smaller than the Nugget and the Mi-
rage. However, the deck penetration seems good: 2/3 in the two-
deck games and 4-1/2 to 5 decks dealt in the six-deck games.
I've heard that the Treasure Island has very liberal comp policies.
I plan to use comps a lot, especially for meals. There are two rea-
sons for this: First, using comps makes me appear to be a "normal"
gambler out to get bargains; and second, I'll save time and money
on food. The money I can always use for other items (can't we
all?) and the time saved I hope to use winning more money playing
True Count Advantages in Various Games
One huge mistake I made when I first started to play blackjack was
to raise my bet at the same true count-usually plus one-in every
game I played. This is a mistake that I know is made by many
counters I have spoken to. Unbeknownst to them (and me, at one
time) they are sometimes raising their bets when they have nega-
tive financial expectations. I was fortunate to spot my mistake in
this area (during my July 1993 Michigan play) before huge mon-
etary damage occurred. To raise bets in an optimal way, a profes-
sional blackjack player needs to have not only a full understanding
of how the rules and number of decks in play create various per-
centages for and against him at various times of play, but also re-
alize how any advantage relates to his betting bankroll.
A blackjack player must play according to his available betting
bankroll. For example, the player who often makes a $50 bet with
a $1,000 bankroll when he has just a 1 percent edge on a round will
eventually go broke even if he plays perfectly. Thus, different
players with different bankrolls must approach the same blackjack
games differently in terms of how much to wager at various times.
I can not speak financially for any blackjack player except myself.
However, what I can mention here are the percentage advantages
that a player enjoys in various blackjack games at various counts.
These listings can help all card counters decide what their optimal
bets should be at various true counts. These listings can be partic-
ularly helpful for table-hopping players who can use them to de-
termine the exact right time to enter a game (depending on how
much of an edge they want) and the exact amount to wager. De-
spite casino scrutiny and heat, which makes some bet camouflage
a necessity for most counters, this guide can still be helpful to all
counting blackjack players.
The calculations shown below are done with the following as-
1. The basic rules of the game are the following: a) the dealer
stands on all 17'8; b) the player may double down on any first two
cards; c) the player may not double after a pair split (or no DAS);
and d) the player may not surrender his hand.
2. These rules are commonly referred to as "Las Vegas Strip"
rules. For each game, I state what the variations from these rules
mean to a player's expectation in percentage advantage gained or
30 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
lost. The plus and minus effects of various rules (figured to two
decimal places) are from Peter Griffin's Theory of Blackjack
(1988 edition).
3. For each true count (going from plus one to plus eight), I add .5
percent to the player's expectation. This is an appropriate figure
for a level-one count such as the Hi-Opt I or the commonly used
High-Low. This .5 percent figure is used by Arnold Snyder in his
Beat the XDeck Game Series. Arnold also recommended that I use
this figure in this section.
In negative counts, the player expectation does not always de-
crease by .5% for a count player who plays perfectly. Correct play
decisions and variations from basic strategy can lessen the disad-
vantage. Nonetheless, I don't list negative counts in the tables
since a player will always be at a disadvantage with these counts.
The only comment I'll make about negative counts is that they are
a good time to either leave the table to find another game, go to the
bathroom, or make the smallest bets you can get away with.
4. In each section the effect of deck penetration on player advan-
tage is mentioned. In deeply penetrated games, the player not only
has a better chance of seeing high true counts, but these counts
give the player a greater financial expectation than would the same
true count earlier in the deck.
One Deck
Table 1: One Deck Player Edge at True Count
True Players True Players
Count Edge Count Edge
1 0.52% 5 2.52%
2 1.02% 6 3.06%
3 1.52% 7 3.52%
4 2.02% 8 4.02%
Off-the top casino edge: -0.02% (player has 0.02% edge)
Table 1 shows how the player's advantage changes when the true
count changes in a single-deck game. Table 2 shows the effects of
various rule changes on the player's advantage in single-deck
True Count Advantages in Various Games ~ 31
Table 2: Effects of Common Rules on Single Deck Play
Effect on player's
No soft doubling -0.13%
No doubling on nine -0.13%
Dealer hits soft 17 -0.19%
Re-split of aces allowed +0.03%
Double after split allowed +0.14%
Let's see how the player advantage--or disadvantage can be cal-
culated for a couple of common single deck games. In the Plaza
single-deck games, the dealer hits soft 17 (a .19% player disadvan-
tage), but the player may re-split aces (+.03%) and also DAS
(+.14%). Adding in the .02% player edge with the Las Vegas Strip
rules we assumed, a player is playing a dead-even game at the
Union Plaza. The above table shows that when a counter has any
advantage, he is playing with at least a 1/2 percent edge.
And, better yet, if the count player has rounds dealt with under a
half deck to play, he gains-because of the value of this deck pen-
etration-an additional 1/2 percent edge. In other words, in a neu-
tral (zero count) deck at the under 1/2 deck level, the count player
actually has a 1/2 percent edge! With a +2 true count at this level,
the counter's edge jumps up to 1.5%!
Going away from downtown and off the strip, we come to the Rio.
Their one deck rules give the player a tougher game than the Pla-
za's. At the Rio, the player may not double on soft totals (-.13%),
or on nine (-.13%), and the dealer hits soft 17 (-.19%). In this
game, the player has-adding in the .02% for the basic rules-a
.43% disadvantage off the top. If the player has a true count of +1,
he has a much smaller edge (.07%) than he would at the Plaza
(.5%). Still, if a round is dealt with under a half deck to play, a neu-
tral count would give the counter a minuscule .07% edge: adding
.5% to -.43%.
Two Decks
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Table 3: Two Deck Player Edge at True Count
True Players True Players
Count Edge Count Edge
1 0.18% 5 2.18%
2 0.68% 6 2.68%
3 1.18% 7 3.18%
4 1.68% 8 3.68%
Off-the top casino edge: 0.32%
Table 3 shows how the player's advantage changes when the true
count changes in a two-deck game. Table 4 shows the effects of
various rule changes on the player's advantage in two-deck games.
Table 4: Effects of Common Rules on Two Deck Play
Effect on player's
Double after split allowed +0.14%
Dealer hits soft 17 -0.21 %
Surrender allowed +0.03%
No soft doubling -0.11 %
No doubling on nine -0.1%
Re-split of aces allowed +0.05%
Let's look at how rule variations effected my two-deck play in two
Las Vegas casinos: The Golden Nugget and the Las Vegas Hilton.
At the Golden Nugget my off-the-top disadvantage was .53 per-
cent in their two-deck games. In addition to the disadvantage of
playing two decks (.32 percent), I also was playing in a game in
which the dealer hit soft 17's (another .21 percent disadvantage).
In this game, I had a slight disadvantage with a true count of +1
(.03 percent: obtained by adding .5% to -.53%). Thus, it was to my
advantage to be making small bets until the true count reached the
neighborhood of +2 (when I would have a .47 percent edge).
At the Las Vegas Hilton, the rules were as good as in any two-deck
game in Las Vegas. The player could DAS (+.14%) and also sur-
render (+.03%). These .17 percent bonuses cut down the house
off-the-top edge to .15 percent. In this game a true count of +1
True Count Advantages in Various Games ~ 33
gave me a .35 percent advantage, as opposed to the .03 percent dis-
advantage I was going against at the Golden Nugget.
However, I still played the two-deck games at the Golden Nugget
more because of their excellent penetration, which often exceeded
2/3. At over 2/3 penetration in a two-deck game, a counter's edge
goes up .5 percent. Thus, in an neutral deck at 2/3 penetration, my
disadvantage was just .03 percent. In addition, the potential for
getting high true counts was much greater in the Golden Nugget's
excellent penetration game than it was in the poor (seldom exceed-
ing 55 percent, and virtually never exceeding the magic 2/3 point)
penetration game of the Las Vegas Hilton.
Four Decks
Table 5: Four Deck Player Edge at True Count
True Players True Players
Count Edge Count Edge
1 0.02% 5 2.02%
2 0.52% 6 2.52%
3 1.02% 7 3.02%
4 1.52% 8 3.52%
Off-the top casino edge: 0.48%
Table 5 shows how the player's advantage changes with the true
count in a four-deck game. Table 6 shows the effects of various
rule changes on the player's advantage in four-deck games.
Table 6: Effects of Common Rules on Four Deck Play
Effect on player's
Double after split allowed +0.14%
Dealer hits soft 17 -0.21 %
Re-split of aces allowed +0.07%
The four-deck game is becoming a rarity. Most casinos that offer
shoe games in Las Vegas have six-deck games. A few have eight-
deck games, which I have almost never played (except for a little
Atlantic City practice). The only four-deck games I was to en-
counter in Las Vegas were at Circus Circus and Palace Station.
Circus Circus had Las Vegas Strip rules, which puts the player at
a .48 percent disadvantage. Even with a true count of +1, the play-
34 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
er is only about even (actually a .02 percent edge) with the casino.
At the Palace Station, the dealer hits soft 17 but permits the DAS
option-a net loss of .07 percent for the player from the Las Vegas
Strip rules, and thus a .55 percent disadvantage off-the-top. Thus,
a true count of over +1 is needed for a counter to have an edge in
the Palace Station four-deck game.
In order for deck penetration to playa role in a four-deck game a
round must be dealt out after the 80 percent (or 3.2 decks) pene-
tration level. This seldom happened in these games.
Six Decks
Table 7: Six Deck Player Edge at True Count
True Players True Players
Count Edge Count Edge
1 -0.04% 5 1.96%
2 0.46% 6 2.46%
3 0.96% 7 2.96%
4 1.46% 8 3.46%
Off-the top casino edge: 0.54%
Table 7 shows how the player's advantage changes with the true
count in a six-deck game. Table 8 shows the effects of various rule
changes on the player's advantage in six-deck games.
Table 8: Effects of Common Rules on Six Deck Play
Effect on player's
Double after split allowed +0.14%
Dealer hits soft 17 -0.22%
Surrender allowed +0.06%
No soft doubling -0.09%
No doubling on nine -0.09%
Re-split of aces allowed +0.07%
Six-deck blackjack is the most common type dealt in the world to-
day. When one compares the player edges at various true counts in
the six-deck game with the one-deck game (virtually never dealt
outside of Nevada), it is easy to understand why counters wish that
the clock could be turned back 30 years in order to return to the
days when almost all games were single-deck. Additionaly, the
True Count Advantages in Various Games ~ 35
rarity with which high plus counts occur in the six-deck games-
as compared to the single-deck games-show why blackjack is
much tougher to beat than in "the good old days."
The somewhat good news is that decent rules are more likely to be
found in six-deck blackjack than in other games. Several casinos
in Las Vegas allow the player to DAS (a .14 percent bonus), sur-
render (a .06 percent bonus), and even resplit aces (a .07 percent
bonus). The Desert Inn, Mirage, Las Vegas Hilton, Treasure Is-
land, and the Golden Nugget allowed all of these options. These
options cut down the casino off-the-top edge to .27 percent.
In addition, good six-deck penetration can be found more readily
than in other games. When a player is dealt a round with under one
deck remaining in a six deck game, the plus of deck penetration
starts to take effect. In this situation, a player can add about .5 per-
cent to his advantage (or subtract it from his disadvantage). At the
Desert Inn an even count at the under one-deck level gave me a .23
percent advantage rather than a .27 percent disadvantage. On true
counts of over four, my edge would exceed two percent.
Two casinos that had excellent penetration in their six-deck games
were the Aladdin and Harrahs. Both offered DAS and surrender-
though not resplit of aces-but their dealers hit soft 17 (a .22 per-
cent disadvantage). Though this created a player .56 percent dis-
advantage off-the-top, the deck penetration-exceeding at times
5-1/2 decks !----created not only a greater potential for high true
counts, but also high true counts with greater value.
One final word of financial advice in using the tables and informa-
tion in this Chapter. Because of the gigantic financial fluctuations
in the game of blackjack, it is probably wise never to bet over 2
percent of your bankroll on any round no matter how much of an
advantage you may have. And, as I came to see in my trip to Las
Vegas, a 1 percent of the bankroll limit on the top bet is probably
still wiser. A smart way to scale bets is to wager no more than 1/2
of the percent advantage you have in relation to your bankroll with
a maximum of a 1 percent of the bankroll being your top bet.
When a player plays two spots, he can multiply his top bet by 1.5
to decide the total amount he can risk. If the most that a player
wants to risk is $200 on a hand, he can play two spots at $150
each; in the long run the fluctuations will be about the same as for
one bet of $200.
Week One: February 28-March 5
Golden Nugget, Riviera, Gold Coast, Rio,
Flamingo Hilton, MGM
February 28
Session One. Golden Nugget. 8:50-9:50AM. Graveyard shift. 1
and 6 decks.
I woke up a little nervous this morning. I guess this is normal in
any new venture, especially one in which everyone you are going
to encounter is the enemy-the reality for a blackjack counter. As
I drove to my money box to get $5,500 (the normal amount I will
use as a daily backup), I reminded myself that the odds will be in
my favor and that these odds meant that I am merely going into the
casinos to earn some money. This pep talk calmed me down.
Unfortunately, the session was a losing one: a possibility that has
an almost even-money chance of occurring. I made two bets of
$50 off the top to start my single-deck play; I lost both hands to a
dealer 20. Within 15 minutes I was behind close to $900.
After a small comeback, I left the single-deck when three other
players joined. I played a $25 shoe game in which I won a small
amount over two shoes of play despite never having a true count
of over 1-1/4, which is the count I needed to raise my bet minus
camouflage in this game.
I then hopped back to the now-uncrowded single-deck game and
won back about $200. One dumb thing I did was not making a bet
for the dealer (toking) when I had two hands of $100 on the table
at a time when he could (or could not) shuffle. The dealer shuffled.
I left the bets out to start the new deck (pulling back a bet is a very
bad practice for counters) and split the two hands. Very soon after
this, my hour was up. Like last year, I was given no heat by the
Nugget pit. Hopefully, that will continue. I Lost: $443 I
Session Two. Riviera. lO:40-11:40AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
The penetration was not good. The best I could get was 60 percent,
which was about the worst available a year ago in the Riv's two-
deck games. Compensating factors to an extent were my $25-$400
(two hands of $200) spread and lots of fast head-on play.
Unlike the Nugget, I was given some slight heat. I once had a play
decision in which it was correct to split tens versus a dealer five;
Week One: February 28-March 5 37
before doing so, I quickly looked around the pit and saw no one
watching. I then made this move and won both hands. After this, a
pit boss did start to watch.
I got ahead close to $1,000 and then lost two straight $400 rounds
(two hands of $200) near the end. The last deck went well, which
helped ensure my maiden win of this venture. I Won: $498.50 I
After my win at the Riv, I walked across the street to the Stardust,
ate a couple of hot dogs, and then spoke to Paul-a sports betting
money mover I know. He has only two NBA games to concern
himself with today, but lots of college tournament games are on
the horizon-a good time to avoid him at this place!
Session Three. Gold Coast. 1:20-1:35PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Incredibly, I suffered my first barring in my third play session. It
was a shocking experience. When I first entered the Gold Coast, I
noticed only crowded $5 tables and an empty $100 table. I asked
a pit boss if a quarter ($25 minimum) table was available. The boss
answered that the $100 table would be converted to a $25 one for
me. After this was quickly accomplished, I sat down to play and
was quickly joined by two other players. As I played, I engaged
the pit boss in conversation. I asked about restaurants and other
features of the Gold Coast (answers to which I already knew).
As I talked, I had a lucky run in my blackjack play. Without ever
going beyond two hands of $1OO-and progressing to this point
only off a win with two hands of $50 or one of $100-1 got ahead
nearly $700 within 15 minutes. At this point, the pit boss said to
me, "I think that's enough."
I answered him, "What do you mean, sir?"
"You can play other games here, but you aren't allowed to play any
more blackjack."
As I colored up my chips without protest (what was I supposed to
say?), one of the other players commented, "What the hell is this?
The guy (me) wins and they throw him out for that?"
I cashed out and left in a daze. Was my counting that obvious? Was
this the first in a quick, long string of barrings?
Later, Frank, my counter source, told me that the Gold Coast and
its sister casino, the Barbary Coast, often throw out anyone who is
winning any real money if they suspect the player even knows ba-
38 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
sic strategy well. Frank also told me that each of these casinos has
evicted him about 40 times. However, since they evict so many
players, one could easily go back in, especially on another shift,
and play again in a day or two! I'll see how I feel before I decide
to go back to the Gold Coast. I Won: $698 I
Session Four. Rio. 2:20-2:45PM. Day shift. 1 and 2 decks.
After I recovered from my Gold Coast experience, I walked across
Valley View Boulevard to play at the Rio. After I crossed this mini-
highway, a 40ish lady walked up to me and remarked how I looked
like the "All-American Man." Maybe with my Levi jacket and new
Levi jeans, I did. At first glance, the lady looked cute, and I
thought of the possibility of some fun later. However, on closer
look, she looked less attractive and in our quick conversation, I
came to feel that she was looking for someone to stay with and
sponge off of. Perhaps, the Gold Coast bosses had sent her out
there to snare me!
After this diversion, I played mostly head-on in the one and two-
deck games and my luck remained golden: even better than it was
at the Gold Coast. I got blackjacks on several big bets (more likely
in high-count decks, but I got far more than my expected share)
and I won nearly every double down bet I made.
I used a little camouflage, mostly making some big bets off the
top, and received no heat despite my winning. Then it got crowded
and I decided that it was wise to leave. I Won: $1,317 I
Session Five. Flamingo Hilton. 3:50-4:35PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
My three session winning streak came to an end. As I saw deck af-
ter deck getting reshuffled at 50 percent or so penetration, I asked
myself, "Why am I playing in this crummy game?" I know the sad
answer to my question. To stop myself from overplaying and get-
ting barred from all of the very few good games in Vegas.
The Flamingo Hilton machine shuffles many of their two-deck
games; the dealer then cuts. I prefer a player cutting.
Even head-on play and a decent bet spread couldn't make me a
winner. I Lost: $77 I
Week One: February 28-March 5 39
Session Six. MGM. 5:40-6:45PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
It sure is a long walk to the casino from the self-park. In the next
Blackjack Forum cheesie awards, this casino should get the Pack
Your Backpack Award. I'll lose a few pounds walking this week.
The penetration was between 4-3/4 and five decks today. I never
had more than two others at my table and the true count and ace
side count (see Appendix Cbeginning on page 188), and my meth-
od of keeping it without being obvious, caused no problems.
Though this session was not any real disaster, it was the type of
session that epitomizes the frustrations of blackjack for card
counters. For most of the session I was winning, a few times by
around $600. On the last shoe, the true count went past 2-1/2 for
the first time; I was thus a favorite to win more money. Didn't hap-
pen. I lost several $100 rounds (two hands of $50) and one $150
round (two hands of $75). Luckily, my camouflage of not increas-
ing past two hands of $50 unless coming off a win saved me from
a far worse loss since the count got very high near the end of the
shoe. I Lost: $141 I
Session Seven. Golden Nugget. 8:40-9:40PM. Swing shift. 2
I got my first meal comp here. The dinner buffet, which I actually
got comped to earlier on my Graveyard play, was delicious. How-
ever, it didn't come free!
With the one-deckers crowded on the main floor, I played in a $25
two-deck game in the baccarat pit. Two or three loud high rollers
from the East played at my table. One of these high rollers claimed
that he had won $27,000 in one night at Foxwoods (a mostly lousy
penetration, eight-deck, Connecticut casino, which I scouted but
never played in). On one hand this player stood on a 15 versus a
seven (in a neutral deck, though I knew he wasn't counting). This
player and his friends must have gone through $5,000 each in the
time I played. I also did poorly, though my losses, and bets, were
for far less. I Lost: $726.50 I
I was happy with the results of my first day of play, but realize that
my results are totally insignificant from a statistical point of view.
40 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
I know well that my trip winnings will not average $200 an hour
as they did today. Still, sleep came easy at my apartment. This is
usual for me after a winning day.
February 28 Won: $1,126 I Time: 5 hr, 30 min
March 1
Session One. Riviera. i:i5-2:i5PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I slept in late today. Most days, I'll probably start earlier.
Penetration continues to be bad here. Almost all of the few times
that I had good counts, I lost. I never went past two hands of $100.
No heat for me today. I Lost: $864 I
Session Two. Golden Nugget. 3:40-4:40PM. Day shift. 1 and 6
Before I started my play, I stopped in Leroy's, my favorite sports
book, across the street. I checked out the NBA lines. If I was bet-
ting, I suspect I'd bet the Knicks tonight. The Knicks have gone 0-
3 on their four game West Coast trip and tonight's game in Sacra-
mento is their last and best chance to get a win on this trip. The
game opened with the Knicks a 4-1/2 point favorite and has now
reached six. Thus, some big bettors feel the same way.
I realize that it would be dumb for me to bet this game since I am
not following the league closely enough. I have not kept power rat-
ings or anything else that would tell me if six----or even the open-
ing line of 4-1/2-is too low or high. Without such an anchor,
betting basketball, or any sport, is a losing proposition. It's like
guessing in blackjack play, the act of a dumb gambler. My days of
closely following the NBA now seem like 100 years ago.
At the Nugget, I ended my four session losing streak and also won
in this casino for the first time in three tries. I played mostly single
deck with two shoes mixed in. In the single deck, I was a little sus-
picious of how closely Lana held the cards to her body. Later, Iob-
served her and could always see the top card coming off the deck.
Though I believe that blackjack cheating by dealers in Vegas is ex-
tremely rare, I am always alert to the possibility. At the end of my
session, I played a little against Lana and added about $100 to my
winnings for the session. I Won: $466.50 I
Week One: February 28-March 5 41
Session Three. MGM. lO:30-11:40PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
After watching the Knicks pull away late in their covering 100-88
win, I left the Stardust and drove up the Strip to the MGM. And,
no, I didn't second guess my not betting the NBA.
I had my wildest blackjack session thus far. The blackjack roller
coaster was in full swing!
I fell behind by over $800 in the first 1/2 hour losing most of it in
one high-count shoe in which I won very few hands. The pit ob-
served me closely during my losing streak.
After this loss, I decided, in a bathroom trip, to risk another $1,000
plus in this decent penetration and uncrowded game. At first, I lost
another couple of hundred dollars with one other player at the ta-
ble. When this player left and I had head-on play, the tide tumed-
big time! The turnaround began with a four-bet winner on a mul-
tiple split of threes (a very lucky win since splitting threes is a de-
fensive move in which a player is trying to cut losses) when the
dealer busted. In the next shoe, the count skyrocketed to a true
count of +8. On the big bets, I won nearly every hand with dealer
busts and my blackjacks being the key. At the end of the shoe, after
a loss and a lowering of the count, it was natural to cut back to $25
bets. Because of this cutback, I decided to play one more shoe. I
often will leave a casino if I am betting very high (two hands of
$200) at the end of one shoe since a small bet at the start of the next
shoe is often seen as the sign of a counter. Despite this late cut-
back, I had over a $2,000 plus turnaround. Nothing spectacular
happened in the final shoe. I Won: $1,067.50 I
Session Four. Flamingo Hilton. 12:40-J:40AM. Swing shift. 2
Crummy penetration continues to exist in this joint. I hopped
around to find uncrowded conditions. I Lost: $268.50 I
Session Five. Rio. 2:20-3:05AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
Because of my great session here yesterday, though it was on a dif-
ferent shift, I felt a little paranoid coming here. To give the pit
bosses the "right" impression, I found some used keno tickets
elsewhere in the casino before I sat down, and I bemoaned my
"losses" in that sucker game.
42 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
My keno ruse and falling behind early by over $700 kept all eyes
and heat away from me. I not only battled back to win, but also got
a coffee shop comp from the pit boss. I Won: $90 I
Session Six. Golden Nugget. 4: 10-4:45AM. Graveyard shift. 2
Just as yesterday, I got walloped in the two-deck baccarat area
game. Last year, the Nugget sometimes had $10 two-deck games
in this pit, and I lost every time but once. Must be a jinx! Unlike
last night, I played almost the whole time by myself and thus lost
faster. I don't believe I ever had over a $200 winning streak in this
session. When my losses got close to $1,000 for the session, I de-
cided to quit for the session and the day. I Lost: $966.50 I
As I well know, losing days in blackjack play are far from uncom-
mon. I also know that I'll have days on this trip far worse than the
$475 I dropped today.
March 1
Week to date
Lost: $475
Won: $651
Time: 5 hr, 30 min
Time: 11 hr
March 2
Session One. Riviera. 8:45-9:40PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Tipping at the right time finally got me some decent penetration at
the Riv, up to 2/3rds. Larry, a new face at the Riv, went 3/4 in one
high-count deck! Since there was big action as I played at the $100
minimum table, I was given very little heat. However, when I
cashed out, the cashier wanted to know where my chips came
from, dice or blackjack. Since I'm sure that I'm always on camera
in casinos, I told her the truth. I Won: $1,071.50 I
Session Two. Rio. lO:20-11:15PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
The penetration was lousy at the Rio tonight, not much over 50
percent. With the bad rules in force (the dealer hits soft 17 and no
doubles after splits) bad penetration really hurts. Despite some
hints from me and a couple of tips, the dealers never went further
into the deck. One dealer, named Dan, seemed very slick with the
cards. He got three or four blackjacks off the top of the deck out
of six two-deck games. However, I could see nothing untoward
going on.
Week One: February 28-March 5 43
Like my session here last night, I fell behind early and a late rally
made me a small winner. I got comped to the coffee shop, which
had decent food, but very slow service. I Won: $23 I
Session Three. Golden Nugget. 12:45-1:40AM. Swing shift 1 deck.
In this session, I did something I had never done before. I played
at $5 tables and bounced from one to another as conditions got
crowded. (I virtually never play with more than two other players
in single-deck.) At these tables, I used a $5-$200 (two hands of
$100) spread with virtually no heat!
Obviously, I never made a jump from $5 to two hands of $100 in
one bet or even in one deck. What I did was start with two hands
of, for example, $50. This gave me the option of going down to
one hand of $25 (normal gambler behavior after a loss and espe-
cially good counter behavior after a loss and a bad or neutral
count). Or I could go up to two hands of $100 (after a win and a
true count of +2-1/2 or more). If I was in a losing streak and I knew
that the shuffle was imminent and if the count was lousy, I some-
times was able to decrease to one hand of $5.
As fortune had it, I had several winning streaks in this session-
my best one on the trip thus far. I also tipped very liberally, about
$15, which is more than twice my average. I do this when I win
and get good penetration, which I got. I Won: $1328.50 I
After this session, I walked around downtown. Since the Plaza, the
Horseshoe, and the Fremont are on my tentative play list for next
week, I didn't want to play in them now. Instead, I went to the
Lady Luck, a place not on my play list. Sometimes I may play for
a short while in such places. This was a mistake.
Session Four. Lady Luck. 2:00-2:25AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I sat at first base in a game that mostly had lousy penetration: one-
deck dealt out of two. I left probably 25 minutes too late. This is
the first really dumb move I've made in terms of which casino to
play. I Lost: $300 I
Session Five. Flamingo Hilton. 3:20-4:05AM. Swing shift. 2
I finally found a dealer who gives good penetration in this casino
(2/3 plus): Sally, a cute com colored blond from Nebraska. That
44 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
was the good news. The two bits of bad news were that I lost in
this casino once again and that another player really got me angry.
One play told the story. I had two hands of $100 on the table and
received a 20 and a 19 versus a dealer four. I was now a favorite to
win both hands. Before the dealer played her hand, the player on
my left (the third baseman) busted his hand with a nine, a play I
hardly noticed (especially since a nine is a neutral card in my
count system). Sally then turned over a ten in the hole and drew a
seven for a 21. Both of my hands and $200 were lost. Sally then
remarked sympathetically to me, "You were supposed to win those
I answered, "Well, tough losses happen."
Sally then said, "That's not what I mean. I was supposed to draw
the nine and bust."
I then noticed that the third baseman had hit a 13 versus Sally's
four-a play a non-counter should never make and a playa
counter should make with a very negative deck (which certainly
didn't exist now).
I was disgusted, though I fully realize that a stupid player is just as
likely to tum a losing hand into a winning hand for the others at
the table. This player then asked me, "Anything wrong?"
I answered, "Yeah, you just cost me $400."
"Don't be upset, nothing personal."
I quit shortly after this episode. Originally I was going to play at
the MGM after this session, but I don't like to play when someone
upsets me. One mistake (my play at the Lady Luck) was enough
for today! Yes, I know that I shouldn't get upset at the stupid play
of others. However, I think I got upset because this stupidity hap-
pened when I finally had gotten a good game in this casino. Now,
I got angry that I was upset. These types of distractions make
blackjack a losing proposition for a card counter. Thus, I quit for
the day. I Lost: $652 I
March 2
Week to date
Won: $1,471
Won: $2,122
Time: 3 hr, 55 min
Time: 14 hr, 55 min
Week One: February 28-March 5 45
March 3
Session One. Flamingo Hilton. 8:l0-9:15AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I awoke refreshed after just two hours sleep. Now, fully recovered
from last night's episode, I was ready to battle the casinos again.
Early morning is the best time to get head-on games: probably the
only type of game to play at a casino like the Flamingo, which usu-
ally has lousy penetration.
There were no dealers like Sally this morning. However, the ses-
sion was similar to last night in that the key hand was a loss with
a 19 and a 20 versus a three-card dealer 21. Unlike last night, no
one else was at the table. And unlike last night, I had $400 (two
hands of $200) on the table instead of $200. This round told the
story. I Lost: $408 I
Session Two. Riviera. 9:40-10:40AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
This was an uneventful session. Toward its conclusion, I suddenly
felt tired and decided to return to my apartment for more rest: a
mandatory requirement for winning play. I Lost: $69 I
Session Three. Riviera. 3:05-4:05PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
During this session I got good penetration from Lilly and especial-
ly from Mike, a dealer I knew from last year, who is one of only
two dealers in Vegas (the other being Mari, who deals at Treasure
Island) aware of what I am trying to accomplish. Mike consistent-
ly went 3/4 of the way into the deck, while Lilly shuffled at 2/3
depth. Unfortunately, Mike was at my table only for the last 15
minutes. This was the time during which I made most of my profit.
Last year, I did so well at Mike's table that I almost wondered if
he was cheating for me! In ten or so sessions with him, I lost just
once at his table. Of course, I know that Mike wasn't cheating (and
he would have been nuts to have done so since he would be risking
his whole gaming career for peanuts-even assuming that I was
into that nonsense). However, today, like last year, I got more than
my share of blackjacks and won more than my share of double
downs as he dealt. These were lucky fluctuations for me (and, as
I'll later relate, my playing experiences with Mari have been just
the opposite): a part of the game.
Players often complain of blackjack's negative fluctuations. With
Mike I get to wonder about its positive fluctuations. I quit when I
46 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
saw a pit boss glaring at me. I didn't want to get myself any heat
or get Mike hassled for dealing further into the deck than is Rivi-
era policy. Besides, my hour was up. I Won: $766 I
Session Four. Golden Nugget. 5:30-6:15PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
Before I sat down to play blackjack, I watched the Knicks-Nets
game in the sports book. The Nets, as they always seemto do, gave
the homestanding Knicks a battle. After I left to go do my work,
the Knicks did theirs in a going-away 97-86 win that also covered
the seven-point spread.
Despite some rare Vegas rain, which got some strollers into the
Nugget, I had head-on conditions virtually the whole time I
played. I won right from the start and was given absolutely no heat
over my 1-8 ($25 to two hands of $100) spread.
A few times I asked Leonard, the dealer, for advice. This was for
camouflage and done at times that his advice-always followed-
would not really hurt me (on close play calls, usually with small
bets out). Once, when I asked Leonard what to do on a soft 13 ver-
sus a five in a neutral deck, he answered my request, "What do you
need my help for? You're doing fine on your own." I doubled down
and won that hand.
I tipped liberally since Leonard often went 2/3 into the deck (great
in single-deck). Winning as I have this week can lead a counter to
believe that blackjack counting is an easy game. I am reminding
myself that I've been fairly lucky so far in my venture and have not
hit anything very close to a bad run. I Won: $1,550.50 I
Session Five. MGM. 7:05-8:05PM. Day and swing shifts. 6 decks.
With my $1,000 plus win here the other night, I wondered if I
would be hassled. This did not happen even when some of the
swing shift crew (the crew present when I won) appeared at eight
I played four shoes in this session. In only two of them did the
count get high enough to justify anything but the $25 minimum
bets (I need a true count of 1-1/2 or higher to make those bets "nor-
In the first three shoes I won about $700. In the last shoe, one in
which the count got high late, I lost over $400. On the last hand, I
lost two hands of $100 each. I paused a couple of times before
Week One: February 28-March 5 47
making correct play decisions in regard to the true count. I some-
times also did so when I knew the right play; I did so to appear as
if I really didn't know what I was doing. I Won: $267 I
Session Six. Rio. lO:30-11:00PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
Again I fell behind at the Rio, this time by over $400. However, in
this session, I couldn't quite fight all the way back. I quit when a
third player entered the game; this player, along with Kim, the
dealer, complained about my playing one and two hands seeming-
ly at random. Sometimes my going back and forth between one
and two hands has a great effect; it gets players to leave the table
and gives me heads-up play. That did not happen tonight. Tonight,
I left the table. Since the other tables were crowded and had lousy
penetration, I decided to leave the casino. I Lost: $115 I
After the Rio session, I decided to relax back at the apartment. I
ended up falling into a deep sleep. This rest would give me two
more days of play this week.
One plus factor about blackjack is that a professional player has
more leeway in setting his own hours than do most other business-
March 3
Week to date
Won: $1,991.50
Won: $4,113.50
Time: 5 hr, 15 min
Time: 20 hr, 10 min
March 4
Session One. Golden Nugget. 1:40-2:40PM. Day shift. 2 and 6
With at least three players at every table, it was too crowded to
play single-deck today. Instead, I tried the two-deck game and var-
ied my bets from one hand of $10 to two hands of $100 using the
same "crazy" betting that I did here on the night of March 2. How-
ever, there were two differences; first, I lost and second, and more
important, I was given some serious scrutiny from the pit.
For the last 25 minutes of my Nugget session, I played the $25 six-
deck game. I was able to win fairly significantly despite never hav-
ing any very high-counts. I never progressed past two hands of
$50. Thus I won for the session because I did much better in a six-
deck game with a 1-4 spread than in a two-deck game with a 1-20
spread! That's known as being lucky! I Won: $202 I
48 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Two. Lady Luck. 4:25-4:50PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I didn't want to battle the Friday rush hour on the Strip, so I went
to the Lady Luck. This time, the 60 percent two-deck penetration
got me to play. I enjoyed an early hot streak and then left when
some pit bosses started glaring. Amateur bettors would call this
the "hit and run" method. I call it the "stopping myself from get-
ting barred method." I Won: $695 I
Session Three. Riviera. 6:00-7:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Lousy penetration is the rule again in this casino. The Riviera cer-
tainly won't be the frequent play spot for me this year as it was last
On the last two-decks I played, Jill dealt just .6 decks, which is
only 30 percent penetration. Good company girl! The Riv bosses
may be very pissed off at the deck penetration and wins I received
yesterday. I Lost: $330 I
Session Four. MGM. 8:05-9:10PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
Penetration consistently in the 3/4 area, the minimum to get in a
six-deck game. I was ahead for the first three shoes I played, but
lost in the last two shoes in which high counts occurred. A
counter's nightmare. I Lost: $367.50 I
I decided after this MGM session that the best time to play on Sat-
urday (tomorrow) would be on graveyard. To be sharp for it, I
needed to go to sleep now. The long walk back to the car put me
in a resting frame of mine.
March 4
Week to date
Won: $199.50
Won: $4,313
Time: 3 hr, 30 min
Time: 23 hr, 40 min
March 5
Session One. Flamingo Hilton. 6:00-6:55AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I finally won in this crummy place despite lousy penetration (sel-
dom over 50 percent); some heavy pit boss scrutiny; and falling
behind by $700 early in the session. Head-on play most of the way
and a decent bet spread were the pluses. I played in this casino four
and a half hours this week; I'll be surprised if I play here half as
much when the Flamingo is on my schedule again: probably in
Week Five. I Won: $45 I
Week One: February 28-March 5 49
Session Two. Rio. 7:20-8:15AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
The two-deck tables varied in crowd size. The one-deck games
were all much too crowded for me. I played mostly at the $10 two-
deck table and spread from $10 to two hands of $100. I parlayed
winnings in some early hot decks (adding the winnings to my bet)
early in the session. This "money management" was applauded by
other players at the table and the bosses seemed unwise. Penetra-
tion varied widely, from 50 percent to 75 percent. This is a so-so
place to play. It will probably get my action again in about a
month. I Won: $618.50 I
Session Three. Golden Nugget. 9:00-10:00AM. Graveyard shift. 1
and 6 decks.
This would be about the last place I'd have suspicions of cheating,
but today I couldn't help feeling a little paranoid. Ronnie, the deal-
er, had five straight decks in which he started with a ten or an ace
as the up card: a huge player disadvantage which has less than a
one percent chance of happening five straight times. But, I know
that if one plays extensively, this will happen sometimes, like less
than one in a hundred times! However, when Ronnie had a ten up
on the fifth deck, he chose this time to start telling a story to me
and the other player about a Bugs Bunny cartoon in which Bugs
Bunny as the dealer cheated Yosemite Sam, his victim in a black-
jack game. The proximity of this story to what had just happened
got me to leave for the six-deck game in which I won a little.
Before I left, I played the single-deck some more. This time I
played Christy, a very friendly and fairly attractive gal, from Col-
orado Springs. I played at her table for about ten minutes. Nothing
bad happened with her except that I lost another $300 or so dol-
lars! I Lost: $717.50 I
Session Four. Lady Luck. 10:40-11:45AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I stopped for a look and to my surprise I found Paul, a dealer going
3/4 of the way on the two decks. I also got a seat next to third base,
which helps since I get to see other cards of other players before I
Good penetration helps, but doesn't come close to guaranteeing a
winning one-hour session. I lost a little to Paul and was so eager
to play him that I waited and played through his break against
Chindu, a dealer who gave just 50% penetration. I lost some more.
50 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
But what could I do? If I got up, my spot would be taken and I cer-
tainly couldn't hold it through a 20-minute bathroom break!
Worse yet, Paul was nowhere to be found after his 20 minute
break. Perhaps the shift manager fired him for dealing a good
game (for counters, anyway)! I Lost: $357.50 I
Session Five. Riviera. 12:45-1:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Jane gave better than average Riv penetration, about 60 percent.
Mike, my favorite Riv dealer, was on the $100 table. I don't yet
have the bankroll for that action; $80,000 is the minimum needed
for that kind of action in two-deck play with the bet spread I use.
In the session itself, I was ahead until the last deck in which I had
a high-count losing streak-something that can happen a lot in
this game since a player, as I wrote in "Card Counting Myths" be-
ginning on page 10, is always an underdog on a given hand before
the cards are dealt, no matter what the count is.
I'll play at the Riv again next month. The two-deck rules (dealer
stands on all 17's and DAS allowed) are good, and somehow, I'll
get well-dealt games often enough to make the Riviera blackjack
games worth my while. I Lost: $184 I
Session Six. Golden Nugget. 11:20PM-12:55AM. Swing shift. 2
Between my sessions at the Riv and here, almost ten hours went
by. I spent some time at Leroy's with some sports betting
friends-very few of whom know of my new career-and at the
Circus Circus Sportsbook. I watched the end of the Warriors 17-
point win over Charlotte at Circus.
Boy, the Hornets really miss Larry Johnson and Alonzo Mourning.
After last season, I thought that the Hornets would be a constant
50-plus win team that would win over 80 percent of their home
contests because of the very strong home support they have. But,
injuries can wreak havoc with the best of NBA teams. Hopefully,
the Hornet management writes off this year as a negative fluke and
stays the course with few changes. Many times this does not hap-
pen and a fluke year like this causes many major, and stupid,
changes to be made, which eventually destroy a team.
I got comped to the Circus buffet and drove down to the Nugget to
close out my first week of blackjack play. For the rest of my trip,
I'll rest on both Saturday and Sunday.
Week One: February 28-March 5 51
I played over my usual one hour limit because the casino was
crowded, there was no scrutiny given me, and the game (a $5 two-
deck game) got consistent 2/3 to 3/4 deck depth. I spread 1-40
(one hand of $5 to two of $100), though not in one jump! I won
$500 plus early and then lost a little of the profits. After a little over
1-1/2 hours of play, I decided it was time to end my session and
work week. I got a comp for the Nugget's late night steak and cel-
ebrated my winning first week's end there. I Won: $371 I
March 5
Week 1 Total
Lost: $224.50
Won: $4,088.50
Time: 6 hr, 25 min
Time: 30 hr, 5 min
For my first week of blackjack play, I averaged winnings of over
$130 an hour: an unrealistic long term rate for my trip. But I might
as well enjoy the good times, because the bad times will be brutal.
On Sunday (March 6) I slept in late, did some shopping for the
apartment, and went out to view a couple of movies. Since Sun-
shine left my life almost three years ago, I have not had much to
do with women. However, it would be nice to share winning expe-
riences like this with someone special, as well as have someone
around who can lift my spirits when I lose. And, I'd like to do the
same for some special woman with the good and bad times of her
Week Two: March 7-March 11
Treasure Island, Horseshoe, Fremont,
Plaza, Sands, Stardust
March 7
Session One. Treasure Island. 7:35-8:35AM. Graveyard shift. 2
This casino opened a few months ago. Treasure Island, along with
the Golden Nugget and the Mirage, forms the Steve Wynn Las Ve-
gas triad. These casinos are considered to have among the best
blackjack games in Vegas and they provide the least heat for small-
to-medium level counters. The Nugget fits that description and
now I'll see if Treasure Island does.
Unlike the Nugget, Treasure Island has no single-deck blackjack
and has no $25-minimum two-deck games open during graveyard.
So I played in the $10-minimum two-deck games. My bets usually
were $25 or more. Though the deck penetration was usually de-
cent-around 2/3, I lost. I was given no heat. I Lost: $325.50 I
Session Two. Horseshoe. 9:15-10:15AM. Graveyard shift. 1 deck.
I was very careful on my bet spread here. I often started the deck
with two hands of $50. I never went past two hands of $100. I
watched the dealers closely to make sure, as best I could, that the
top card was always being dealt. I often engaged the pit bosses and
dealers in conversation so they might think, "hey, this square is no
counter, he talks too much."
On my very first round of play, I insured a blackjack (and did not
insure my other $50 bet). This is a play that suckers always make
and to make it even better, I yelled out, "Even money!" as I in-
sured. This one play got the pit off my back right away. It probably
also got me good penetration in a rare head-on game at this usually
crowded casino. Thus, my insurance "mistake" may pay dividends
that overcome its long-range cost of about $4 on the hand in which
I did it.
I fell behind about $500 early and was starting to make a come-
back when the hour ran out. This is not a place to overstay my usu-
alone-hour limit. I suspect my play time for most Horseshoe
sessions will be much less. I Lost: $135.50 I
Week Two: March 7-March 11 53
Session Three. Fremont. 10:40-11:40AM. Graveyard Shift. 2
During the first 15 minutes, I felt that I was on my way to my first
winning session of Week Two as I roared over $500 ahead. Then,
the pit bosses started observing me and, to their delight, I started
losing. This was the first real heat I've had this week. I played at
the one $25 table. I Lost: $194.50 I
Session Four. Plaza. 1:20-1:45PM. Day shift. 1 and 2 decks.
First, I played in the $25 one-deck game and then quit when a
fourth player entered. I won a little in the two-deck game while
conversing with Mr. Gallagher, one of the bosses. When the crowd
and the heat started increasing, I decided to leave a winner for the
first time in Week Two. I also wanted to say hello to the gang over
at Leroy's. I Won: $167 I
After stopping in at Leroy's, I decided to rest and play some more
tonight. Before I played, I watched some NBA hoops. The Knicks-
Pistons game made me happy that I'm not financially involved
with the NBA. In this contest, the 10-1/2 or 11 point underdog Pis-
tons somehow had a double figure lead late in the third quarter,
which meant that they were covering by over 20 points. The
Knicks then came back and outscored the Pistons by about 25 in
the fourth quarter to win by 14 and cover. A loss like that seems
far worse than losing with a 20 to a dealer 21 in blackjack.
Session Five. Treasure Island. 8:40-9:40PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I did something really stupid in my play in this session. I had two
bets of $200 on the table (my max, which is seldom reached.) The
dealer then shuffled. I pulled the bets back and started the new
deck with two hands of $100. Pulling back bets at the end of a deck
and putting out anything smaller is one of the biggest giveaways
to counting. Keeping the two bets out there would have had a long-
range negative expectation of under 80 cents (since my off-the-top
disadvantage in this two-deck game is under .2 percent). Dumb,
dumb, dumb!
To try to make up for this stupidity, I used lots of other bet camou-
flage and even asked the pit boss for advice on a couple of insur-
ance bets. I still, probably deservedly, got some heat. I won big,
but am still angry at myself. I Won: $1,238.50 I
54 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Six. Sands. lO:20-11:20PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
The cards ran very well early. After this early run, I hit a bit of a
slump and then got very suspicious when Bob, the friendly dealer,
hit a hard 17 (a total never hit in any casino) with a ten card, which
was then burned. Was this a version of the peek-and-bum cheat
scam? I stayed on and saw nothing strange after this. Dealers can
also make mistakes and get tired. No real heat was given me on my
maiden Sands play. I Won: $435 I
Session Seven. Stardust. 12:00-1:00AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I fell behind by nearly $500 early on and didn't get ahead until
near the end. For camouflage, I asked Dwight, the pit manager, for
help on some close-decision hands and, of course, always fol-
lowed his advice. Once, when my two nines versus a deuce
stumped Dwight I asked a passerby for help. I had a running count
of -1 with about 1-1/2 decks left, so the correct play is to split
(barely, since the index true count number for this non-DAS game
is -1). This person told me to stand, very slightly the wrong choice,
and I won the hand and thanked him with Dwight looking on with
a smile.
After I finished, I asked Dwight for his Stardust restaurant recom-
mendations and a compo The seafood entree he suggested in the
main coffee shop ended up being better than his blackjack sugges-
tions! Of course, I thanked himfor his suggestions later, as well as
for the compo Penetration was 50-60 percent, very so-so. Head-on
play was a plus. My act helped me get a good bet spread and avoid
hem. I Won:$93 I
Session Eight. Horseshoe. 2:25-2:45AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I decided to finish up work today on the downtown circuit. Amaz-
ingly, the Horseshoe was packed at this late weeknight hour. I
could never get any head-on play, and I even played a couple of
hands with three other players, something I virtually never do in
single-deck. The crowded conditions and some pit boss scrutiny
made me quit, though, a small winner. I Won: $121 I
Session Nine. Fremont. 3:00-3:40AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I won for a sixth straight session. When a card counter gets on a
streak like this (almost a $3,000 upswing for me in just over four
hours of play), he almost wonders how he ever lost before. In the
casino bathroom, a counter on a streak like this is wondering
Week Two: March 7-March 11 55
where to put all of these newly acquired $100 bills-how much
more to put in the shoes or in the hidden money belt, etc.
The camouflage I used at the Fremont was in asking the dealer
how much money I needed to put out on a split or a double down
(chips or money in the bet circle can't be touched by the player af-
ter it is bet, for obvious reasons) on some big bets. This little ploy
made it seem to the bosses watching that I was not a threat. After
all, how could I be if I didn't even know how much I had bet?
Financially, I got ahead $1,300 (which meant that from that point
I had a $650 loss limit) and then lost nearly $400 to a cute female
Asian dealer. I quit the session at that point. I Won: $916.50 I
Session Ten. Plaza. 4:00-4:30AM. Graveyard shift. 1 deck.
I was feeling a little tired, but I am much likelier to continue play-
ing in a winning streak. I decided to play until I got more tired or
until I had a losing session. I lost a little at the Plaza.
There were no high limit ($25) games available, so I decided to
use the style I had first used at the Nugget last week (on March 2):
$5 to two hands of $100 with all sorts of bet camouflage. I used
much more bet camouflage here (mixing chip colors and really
acting like a wild gambler needing action) than at the Nugget.
The pit bosses watched my wild betting, but did not act concerned.
Unfortunately, the cards ran slightly on the bad side. After a half
hour of play, I decided that it was time to quit for the session and
the day. I Lost: $154 I
March 7 I Won: $2,161.50 I Time: 7 hr, 55 min
I had won more money and had put in more time than I ever had
before in my Vegas blackjack play. I keep reminding myself that
winning days such as today will be mostly acting as buffers
against bad days. Though I hadn't been hit by any financial disas-
ters yet, I knew that some would probably strike before my trip
was finished. My home practice sessions convinced me that at
least one disaster-as much as $9,000 or more on a downswing-
would probably occur on this trip.
56 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
March 8th
Session One. Treasure Island. 4:05-5:05PM. Day shift. 2 and 6
My day got off to a bad start. I began by playing at Mari's table.
She and Mike at the Riviera are the only two casino employees in
town to whom I conveyed that I am playing blackjack as a serious
counter. But unlike my sessions with Mike, I almost never win at
Marl's table. She roots for me as much as Mike does (both were
also rooting for my sports bets last spring, as well) and will often
go far into the deck to help me, but nothing helps me at Mari's ta-
ble! I not only would do badly in my own bets, but last spring it
seemed that whenever I walked by Mari's table and just said hello
to her, she would tum over a blackjack and beat her players. It be-
came a sort of private joke between us. If only the bosses knew!
Have no more fear, Stuart is here! Despite my adding to the casino
coffers at her table, I like Mari's personality, intelligence, looks,
and, most important, the game she deals me. And, yes, I fully re-
alize, that what I've experienced at Mari's table, just as with Mike,
is just a short-term negative fluctuation. If Marl were not married,
I'd ask her out; she seems like my type: physically and mentally.
This is one advantage I know she'll always have over Mike!
The eight-month hiatus didn't change my luck at Mari's table (the
six-deck game). I lost over $300 in her 83.3 percent dealt (five
decks out of six) game.
After this loss, I played in a $10 minimum two-deck game and lost
another $400 plus. I got no heat in this session, and got a buffet
comp from Daniel, the pit boss, who covered Mari's table. I'll use
it later today. I Lost: $781.50 I
Session Two. Sands. 5:45-6:50PM. Day shift. 2 and 6 decks.
I got some severe heat here. First, I didn't get the answer I was
looking for when I asked the pit boss (Andy) if I should take in-
surance. The running count was +2 with just under one-deck left
and the ace count-four-was nonnal, making insurance slightly
the wrong play, but not a huge mistake. Andy answered my insur-
ance request with, "I don't know. How many tens have come out
of the deck so far?" Not the answer that I wanted to hear! After this
remark, the dealer then shuffled up every time I raised my bet. A
couple of times I played big off the top and did OK, but the shuffle
up bullshit continued.
Week Two: March 7-March 11 57
I then moved to the six-deck pit and surprisingly the heat did not
follow. I won for a while, but then lost big (over $1,000) in the last
shoe, one with a high count. I Lost: $333 I
Session Three. Stardust. 7:20-8:20PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
My bad day continued. I played mostly with two other patrons,
who were lousy players. They often stood on 14, 15, or 16 versus
dealer high cards. However, these players had about 25 blackjacks
between them in the one hour I played. At least six times they both
got blackjacks on the same hand. Meanwhile, my blackjack total
for the hour was zero! Few high-counts probably protected me
from a bigger loss. One pit boss looked on but I was too pissed to
make conversation. Penetration was 50-60 percent. I decided to go
back to Treasure Island for some dinner. Maybe 1'4 feel better after
eating. I Lost: $575.50 I
Session Four. Treasure Island. 9:50-10:40PM. Swing shift. 2 and
6 decks.
Fortunes can change quickly in blackjack. Just as I believed that
my first really bad streak was starting, I bounced back with a mon-
ster session. Before playing, I enjoyed the buffet (American style)
through the comp Daniel had given me earlier. Long lines for the
first serving was my only complaint.
After this meal, I quickly won over $400 playing the two-deck
game. I noticed that the crew in the two-deck area was different
from last night, so I was willing to play in that pit just one day after
a big win. When the two-deck games got too crowded (I could no
longer use two spots), I played at the $25 six-deck game in the
baccarat pit. Unlike my experiences in the Golden Nugget baccar-
at pit area, I won big in the Nugget's cousin's baccarat pit.
One very lucky round was the key. On it, I had wagered two hands
of $200 (the true count was around +6). Versus a dealer six, I re-
ceived two aces on one hand and a hard 18 on the other. I split the
aces and received another ace on the first one which I split again
for another $200 (most other casinos do not allow re-splitting of
aces). On my three aces, I received a five, a six, and a nine, which
gave me totals of 16, 17, and 20. The five and the six I received
pushed the count up still higher and made a dealer bust more like-
ly. When the dealer turned over a five in the hole, my heart sank
beneath the Treasure Island basement. A ten-card would give the
dealer a 21 and me an $800 loss. And, lots of tens were still
58 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
jammed into that shoe. However, the dealer, amazingly pulled a
five (usually this card is the player's worst enemy) which made his
total 16. The next card was a beautiful queen of clubs, a long over-
due ten-value card that broke the dealer and made me $800. A
switch of the ten and the five would have created a $1,600 differ-
ence against me! Luck can playa huge role in the short, and in this
case the very-short, run in blackjack. My profit in this session was
because of my luck on just one hand! I Won: $1,440 I
I played my final six sessions of the day downtown. Though I
made some money, I paid the price in emotional weardown. I'm
sure that all serious counters have had similar experiences.
Session Five. Plaza. 11:30-11:50PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
The second I sat down I realized that this would not be a long ses-
sion. Four pit bosses stared intently at me, and I mean intently.
Three were in front of the table and the other was behind me. None
were quite close enough for me to converse with. Though I used
all sorts of bet camouflage, such as parlaying winnings even in
lousy decks and often betting big off the top, the staring continued.
I also won over $250, which was way, way past my expected earn-
ings for the 20 minutes I played, especially with all of the bet cam-
ouflage (some of it very harmful in the long run) I threw in.
After I felt uncomfortable enough to leave, I told one of the star-
ers, a black man who looked like a former football player, "Man,
what luck I had! I almost never win playing blackjack and look
how well I did!" The pit boss replied, "Boy, do you think it was
luck or was it something else?" "I was just lucky," (which I was,
considering all the bet camouflage). He answered, "By the way, do
you know where the door is?"
I did and walked out it after I cashed out. Was this an official bar-
ring or just a hint? I'd find out later in the week. I Won: $253 I
Session Six. Horseshoe. 12:05-12:25AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
In this session, the heat followed me. However, this time, it was
given to me by a player, not the pit. As is usual in my play, I often
went back and forth between one and two hands. There are two
reasons that I do so. First, playing two hands somewhat disguises
that I am increasing my bets (if I go from one hand of $25 to two
hands of $50, I am increasing my wager four times, but it is much
less obvious than going from $25 to $100 on one hand). Second,
Week Two: March 7-March 11 59
playing two hands slightly reduces the financial fluctuations I'd go
through than if I bet everything on one hand. 1\vo hands of $50
will win or lose $100 less often than one hand of $100.
At times, some players get upset that I go back and forth between
one and two hands. These players generally have the idiotic notion
that my changing the number of hands I play will somehow
change the order of the cards in a negative way (I sometimes use
this stupidity as an excuse to switch the number of hands I play if
I am in a losing streak-of course, the count is the really key fac-
tor). However, most of these players, if they do complain, do so
quietly. But not tonight at the Horseshoe.
For a while, I played with an old, well-dressed, somewhat drunk
player, who I recognized from last night. He is not a good player,
and from his interaction with the dealers and the pit, I guessed that
he was a Horseshoe "regular." The casino, I am sure, has made
thousands, probably tens of thousands, of dollars from this player.
After we had played at the same table for about ten minutes, I was
a little ahead. The drunk had often cursed his losses. He got up
from his third base position. Now, I moved from my center seat to
the seat to the right of third base. The drunk then yelled at me, "I
can't play with someone as stupid as a fuckhead like you. I've nev-
er seen anyone who goes back and forth between one and two
hands like you do. It totally fucks up my play. I'mnot playing here
again until you get the fuck out of here!"
I didn't say anything to the drunk, but I put on an act for the pit.
To one female pit boss (women bosses can often be counted on to
be sympathetic to plights like this), I acted very apologetic about
upsetting this regular. The woman boss kept assuring me that I did
nothing wrong and that I wasn't the problem.
After this, I played head-on for a few minutes, then left as the
crowds came in. I Won: $93 I
Session Seven. Four Queens. 12:40-12:50AM. Swing shift. 2
Usually this casino is just a dessert stop for me since I love their
ice cream sundaes. But when I noticed some decent two-deck pen-
etration I decided to playa little blackjack. I spread my bets wildly
(one hand of $5 to two of $75) and then left when the table filled.
I lost a little and skipped the sundae. I Lost: $35 I
60 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Eight. Fitzgeralds. i2:55-i:25AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I had glanced in here a few times, but the Fitzgerald's two-deck
$10 tables (their high tables) were always jammed. Tonight they
were not, so I decided to get in some brief play.
I spread my bets from one hand of $10 (in very negative decks off
of losses) to as high as two hands of $100 (often off wins in posi-
tive decks). This 1-20 ratio is enough to have a healthy positive ex-
pectation in almost any two-deck game.
I was given little heat by the pit. I fell behind early, but a run versus
Tran made this half-hour session a winning one. I Won: $212.50 I
Session Nine. Horseshoe. i:50-2:25AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
The wild, angry drunk from my last Horseshoe session here of two
hours ago was nowhere to be seen. In addition, I had some head-
on play. And, when I played with others, no one openly com-
plained about my one- and two-hand style.
However, there was another drunk at my table. He did something
I found amusing, though I don't know if the dealer (Kathy) did.
Whenever this drunk would double down, he would never look at
his double-down card, which is dealt face down in face down
games like the Horseshoe's. If Kathy made her hand (meaning that
she ended up with a 17-21), the drunk would let out a string of ob-
scenities, sometimes peppered with burps, even if Kathy had a 17
and he was doubling on a ten or an eleven (a situation in which he
was mostly a favorite to win). And, most of the time when Kathy
turned over the cursing drunk's double down card-even when she
pulled 18's and 19's-he would win. Still, the drunk cursed and!
or burped every time this double down scenario was played out.
I spread 1-8 (one hand of $25 to two of $100) and got so-so heat.
I usually bet bigger off the top if I did well at the end of the previ-
ous deck. Two good things occurred during this session. First, I
won despite some crazy swings. And, second, I got a comp, which
means that the pit probably accepts me and my play-for now!
When I stashed my winnings in various spots on me in the bath-
room of the Horseshoe, I figured out that I was up over $7,200 on
the trip so far. I certainly didn't expect to win this much so soon.
Hopefully, my luck will continue. I Won: $793.50 I
Week Two: March 7-March 11 61
Session Ten. Lady Luck. 3:00-3:10AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
It almost seemed as if Bev, my Lady Luck dealer, was in the
Horseshoe bathroom stall with me watching me secure my money.
She sure read me fast and spooked the crap out of me!
I won a little in the first deck I played (head-on). Early in the sec-
ond deck, I had a blackjack and Bev had an ace showing. I did not
insure and Bev did indeed have a blackjack. I now pretended that
I made a mistake.
I moaned, "Boy, that was dumb. I just threw $50 (my winnings if
I had insured my blackjack) away."
Bev answered, "Taking even money on a blackjack is the one sure
bet in the game. However, professionals usually don't take it."
"I don't know why I forgot to."
"Really? You look like a professional gambler to me."
I laughed and said that my friends would find her comment funny.
Inside, I was shaking. After this exchange, Bev asked me on every
bet raise-even if the raise was a camouflage one-if I was count-
ing the cards. I also started to lose nearly every hand after the un-
insured blackjack. After ten minutes of play and a $300 loss, I
decided to end the session and my work day and get some sleep.
This incident, the first drunk at the Horseshoe and the possible Pla-
za barring had worn me out. I Lost: $302 I
When I reached the sanctuary of my apartment, I half-yelled, "I
beat you bastards today, but you sure made me pay for it!"
March 8
Week to date
Won: $765
Won: $2,926.50
Time: 6 hr
Time: 13 hr, 55 min
March 9
Session One. Horseshoe. 3:00-3:40PM. Day shift. 1 deck
I continued to be careful in this casino. I used lots of camouflage
in masking my 1-8 spread ($25 on one hand-two hands of $100).
Still, the pit, especially one boss named Jeff, seemed to be looking
at me a lot. In addition, the cards ran lousy. When one loses, some-
times an act appears less believable. I Lost: $802 I
62 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Two. Fremont. 4:05-5:05PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I quickly fell behind by $800, and would have left if my losses had
reached $1,000. Three straight $150 per round losses (two hands
of $75) were the chief reasons for my slump.
Later, I managed to grind back some of the losses, but was still be-
hind when the hour was up. After cashing out, I spoke a little with
David, a pit boss from Spain. Surprisingly, he was very anti-Fran-
co. I mentioned to David that I knew some people who had fought
against Franco in the Spanish Civil War. This is not only true, but
could help me to get more play in the Fremont! I Lost: $389.50 I
Session Three. Horseshoe. 5:45-5:55PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
One advantage to downtown Las Vegas blackjack play is the ease
with which one can go from one casino to another. The walking
distances are short. Sadly, the downtown casino in which I would
really like to play, the Golden Nugget, I have to avoid for another
two weeks. I don't want to wear out my welcome there, no matter
what their alleged tolerance of counters is. Of course, non-
counters (or amateur counters) don't have problems like these!
This Horseshoe visit was a pit stop. I played about four or five
decks and then left when the casino got overcrowded. I was given
less scrutiny on this visit than the previous one of just over two
hours previous. I Won: $124 I
Session Four. Treasure Island. 6:35-7:35PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
The bad news was that I had my third losing session in four for the
day. The good news was that I was very lucky to avoid losing
$1,100. I would have probably stopped the session at that point. A
fortunate dealer bust when I had three bets of $75 on the table kept
me in the game. A split on one of my two hands accounted for the
third bet, which resulted in three stiffs-{12's through 16's are
considered stiff hands.) After this lucky $450 swing I battled back
a little more but was still behind when my hour of play was up.
A loss of over $200 is not usually a happy occasion in my black-
jack play, but when I realized how close I had come to losing
$1,100 instead, my comped dinner at Treasure Island tasted just a
little better. I Lost: $232.50 I
Week Two: March 7-March 11 63
Session Five. Sands. 9:30-10:05PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
After the hassle I received here yesterday, I decided to stick to just
the shoes today. At least 4-1/2 decks, and usually closer to five, are
dealt in them. Unlike yesterday, the bosses watched my six-deck
play closely today. After a little over 30 minutes of undramatic
play, I decided to leave with a small profit. IWon: $156.50 I
Session Six. Stardust. 10:40-11:45PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Before I began my 'Dust play, I spoke to Gorilla Lips, a sports bet-
tor I know who often hangs out in the Stardust Sportsbook. He
doesn't know of my new blackjack career. Gorilla Lips was speak-
ing with a friend in the almost empty sportsbook as I sauntered in.
We agreed to meet at the sportsbook at 11:45 and go to a nearby
bar to talk. In a roundabout way, I then went from the sportsbook
to the blackjack area.
In retrospect, I would have been happier and certainly wealthier if
I had spent the rest of the evening with Gorilla Lips and his friend
in the sportsbook. Not only did I have to put up with lousy players
and their advice, but I had to endure another losing Stardust ses-
sion as well. One of the lousy players criticized me whenever I hit
a 15 or 16 and busted.
Some pit boss scrutiny and lousy penetration (less than 60 percent)
didn't help my disposition either. A key double down loss on a
$100 bet in which a dealer 21 beat my 20 clinched a losing session
for me. I Lost: $358 I
After this loss, which put me over $1,500 down for the day, I got
together with Gorilla Lips in the sportsbook. We went to a bar just
across the street. For most of the time, he told me of his days as a
high school and college basketball player. Now he bets mostly
basketball. His opinion on sides (pointspreads) isn't great, but he
does seem to have a decent feel for totals. Gorilla Lips and I en-
joyed some interesting times at the Stardust, Riviera, and Mirage
sportsbooks back in the 1991 NBA playoffs. I enjoy his down-to-
earth approach to life; I felt that he would be a good tonic for this,
my roughest blackjack day thus far on this trip.
Before I went to the bar with Gorilla Lips, I was considering play-
ing some more blackjack. However, after we finished, I decided
64 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
that some sleep would be a better idea. Hopefully, tomorrow
would be a better day for me.
March 9
Week to date
Lost: $1,501
Won: $1,425.50
Time: 4 hr, 30 min
Time: 18 hr, 25 min
March 10
Session One. Stardust. 6:45-7:45AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to rebound from yesterday's
losses. Of course, a player can still get slaughtered in blackjack
even if he's totally refreshed and playing and counting in the best
of games. Still, I felt optimistic when I woke up this morning.
Thus awake, I went into the Stardust, had some head-on play with
up to 2/3 penetration and got beaten pretty badly. For a while, I
played with one of the complainers from last night, the fellow who
didn't like my hitting 15's and 16's. In this session, this player was
too busy whining and complaining about all of his lost hands to
think about or advise me. When this player left, after about a
$3,000 loss, Diane, the dealer, said, "What a baby!"
Now I had my head-on play, but I couldn't win. I made one mis-
take when I doubled on an 11 versus Diane's eight when the true
count was a little under -5 (my index for doubling). I lost the hand
and an extra $25. I tried not to complain too much as my chips
slowly dribbled away throughout the session. Diane, a 17-year
veteran dealer, seemed sympathetic. I Lost: $743.50 I
Session Two. Sands. 8:10-8:40AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
No two-deck games were open at this early hour. Since I had not
yet played in this casino on graveyard, I decided not to give a name
for rating.
I bought in for just $200 (usually at $25 tables I buy in for $500)
and played. I quit play after 30 minutes because the construction
work was creating dust in the casino, making it difficult for me to
breathe. Though I won decent money for the session, this is fast
becoming one of my least favorite casinos. I Won: $545 I
Session Three. Treasure Island. 9:05-10:05AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I spread from one hand of $10 to two hands of $100 in an unevent-
ful session at the $10 minimum table. Penetration continues at a
Week Two: March 7-March 11 65
consistent 2/3. The casino was very quiet and before I knew it my
hour of play was up. IWon: $72.50 I
Session Four. "Cheat" Casino. lO:45-10:50AM. Graveyard shift.
2 decks.
I can't name the casino because an attorney tells me that doing so
could bring a libel suit on me, as my allegations of what happened
are, as yet, unproven. I cover the aftermath of what happened in
my chapter "Dealer Cheating" beginning on page 71.
I sat down at a $25 two-deck table at first base. Three other players
were present. I immediately noticed that the dealer's ID badge was
on backwards, something I had never seen before. Since I often
talk to dealers as I play, I look at their ID badge so I know what
name to address them by. When I pointed this out to Juan, the
name I saw when he briefly turned his ID around, he kept his
badge on backwards. This rang a bell later.
I played the last two rounds of one-deck, using basic strategy,
since I did not know the count. On the second hand that I played,
I felt uncomfortable as I could not see the top card coming off the
deck, something I always look for as a form of self-protection. I
split these two rounds.
On the first hand of the new deck, I was almost sure that I noticed
Juan holding back the top card with his thumb as he played out his
hand. Luckily, I won that hand. On the second hand, I doubled
down on an 11. On double downs in face-down games, the player
turns his first two cards over and gets the double down card face
down. Thus, Juan knew what cards would help me and which ones
would not. As he dealt me the doubling card, I was now positive
that I saw Juan holding back the top card. The card I got was a sev-
en, which gave me an 18. The next card out was a ten, which broke
the next player, but would have helped me a lot. Then I became
even more sure that Juan was second dealing when he played out
his hand-with thumb holding all the way! He ended up a three
card 21 (a seven, eight and six combo). As I was leaving, one play-
er said to me, "Maybe you are smart to leave; he's killing us."
I answered, "Maybe you don't know what's really going on in the
game!" I left the casino very upset. I Lost: $25 I
What I must stress very strongly here is that I feel sure that cheat-
ing of players by dealers in Las Vegas blackjack is very, very rare.
66 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
If it was frequent, counters wouldn't win. No one else would win
either! And if cheating were house policy (I've seen no evidence
of that in Las Vegas), casinos would have no need to bar counters;
they would just send in the mechanics to clean them out. What
happened to me on March 10 was the only incident in my two
months of playing in Vegas in which I was sure I was being cheat-
ed. And, while I am certain that cheating is not the house policy of
this particular casino, I never played there again; this is the one ca-
sino barred by me. There were a few other incidents in my eight
weeks of play in which I had suspicions about dealers. I would ob-
serve these dealers closely before playing at their table again.
Session Five. Lady Luck. 11:55AM-12:10PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
After recovering from the cheating incident, I went downtown and
played first at the Lady Luck. Paul, my 3/4 penetration dealer of
late last week was nowhere to be found. I played through just three
decks and quit after the last two were shuffled at 40 and then 30
percent penetration. My win in this session was luck, plain and
simple. I Won: $138 I
Session Six. Horseshoe. 12:25-12:50PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
I continued my camouflage here, but was watched very closely. I
had a hot run early, then cooled down and then quit for the session
and day to relax. I think that for the rest of my time in Vegas, I'll
give myself a half day in the middle of the week. I Won: $98 I
The Nevada weather is starting to warm up and I feel more like
driving into the mountains than playing blackjack. I had fun driv-
ing into the mountains off Charleston and later I stopped at the Big
Dipper Ice Cream Shop to hear their inexpensive oldie jukebox
and have their great ice cream.
March 10
Week to date
Won: $85
Won: $1,510.50
Time: 3 hr, 15 min
Time: 21 hr, 40 min
March 11
Session One. Horseshoe. 8:50-9:40AM. Graveyard shift. 1 deck.
This was a very uneventful session, considering the casino. I was
able to play with just one or two other players. Early morning
graveyard has the best conditions at the Horseshoe. I wasn't given
any scrutiny. I quit at the end of a negative deck when the dealer
let another player sit in my second hand spot. I Won: $108.50 I
Week Two: March 7-March 11 67
Session Two. Treasure Island. 10:55-11:55AM. Graveyard shift. 2
and 6 decks.
I briefly played in the six-deck section and lost a small amount
there. Then I moved over to the $10 two-deck games. I continued
to lose in the two-deck blackjack and quickly fell $500 behind. It
looked like a bad session was in the making.
Then Josephine, a dealer I've never seen here before, dealt 3/4 of
the way and sometimes more into the deck. Lots of great count sit-
uations came up and I slowly battled my way back. I nearly pulled
ahead and was very tempted to stay past my one-hour time limit,
but I didn't want to overstay my welcome in a casino which has a
good game and in which I have already been observed. I also
didn't want to stay past the shift change at noon.
Two interesting players joined me in my two-deck play. One com-
mented of how four aces came out on one round and two came out
on the next. He stressed that he "wasn't a card counter or anyone
like that." I much doubt that his overall play causes much concern
to the pit at Treasure Island. Another player quit soon after Jose-
phine came on because of "too many hands between shuffles!"
Steve Wynn would probably pay a fortune to get a casino full of
suckers like this one! ILost: $11.50 I
Session Three. Treasure Island. 1:05-1:45PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I ate lunch at the buffet between my sessions here. With a new shift
on, I felt that I could come back; that's why I didn't stay past noon
in my last session.
However, I was observed more on this shift than I was on grave-
yard. I cracked some jokes to the dealers and the pit bosses to
make myself seem like an amateur player. I Won: $408 I
Session Four. Stardust. 2:30-3:25PM. Day Shift. 2 Decks.
This was another losing session at the 'Dust. Penetration never ex-
ceeded 60 percent, which makes this no DAS game tough. Once,
I lost an insurance bet with a true count of +8 when I had two
hands of $100 on the table. When the hand was played out, the
dealer made a three card 21, which gave me a $300 loss. I guess it
was fortunate I didn't have two hands of $200, on the table.
One dealer, Don, whom I also lost heavily to, looked exactly like
a former uncle of mine: one who always felt I would never amount
to anything. Figures! I Lost: $785 I
68 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Five. Sands. 4:05-4:20PM. Day Shift. 6 decks.
I playedjust one shoe because the construction noise distracted me
to the point that I screwed up my ace side count, which is more dif-
ficult to keep in shoes than in one and two-deck games. When I
have count problems, I stop playing. So, I did. IWon: $85.50 I
Session Six. Plaza. 6:05-6:06PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I thought that I would avoid the crew that hassled me the other
night (March 8) if I came in before eight. I was wrong. Swing
starts early at The Plaza!
I sat down at the $25 one-deck game and was joined by two other
players. Off the top, I played two hands of $50 and, luckily, won
both. I then was slugged with a one-two punch. First, the dealer,
with 75 percent of the deck left, reshuffled. Then, out of the comer
of my eye, I saw the black pit boss of the other night who had
asked if I "knew where the door was." I quickly colored up my
chips and made up a story about forgetting about a dinner engage-
ment. I went to the cashiers cage and cashed out. When I turned to
leave, the black pit boss was standing right next to me. He seemed
very ready to show me exactly where the door was! He said, "Boy,
I guess we didn't make ourselves very clear to you the other night,
did we? We don't want you in here to play anymore. Or for any-
thing else!"
I answered, "What do you mean? I win one hand and you want me
to leave?"
"Don't be a wise-ass with me. You are not going to be playing here
anymore. I don't want to see you in here again. Get my meaning?"
I did and left. I now had been barred twice and could actually be
arrested, and legally so, for trespassing if I so much as stepped into
the Plaza again. I Won: $100 I
Session Seven. Horseshoe. 6:20-6:55PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I was given normal heat for this place. When the crowd and the
heat picked up, I left. I Won: $157 I
Session Eight. Fitzgeralds. 7:10-8:00PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I continued the downtown circuit and found only one player at the
$10 two-deck table, so I sat down to play. I fell behind by over
$400 early and then came back late. I actually pulled ahead, but
Week Two: March 7-March 11 69
then lost a couple of $50 bets. Some pit boss scrutiny existed dur-
ing my comeback. I Lost: $47 I
Session Nine. Horseshoe. B:30-9:05PM. Swing shift. 1 Deck.
Since I knew that I wouldn't be back here for about a month, I de-
cided to play once more in this wild casino. I bounced from $25
table to $25 table so I never played with more than two others. A
few times I almost left, but I kept finding another table.
I fell almost $600 behind in just five minutes, but then ground my
way back to a small win. After 35 minutes, and little heat, I decid-
ed this was a great time to say good-bye to the Horseshoe for about
a month. IWon: $82.50 I
Before I drove up to do some blackjack playing on the Strip, I had
a nice barbecue chicken dinner at Sassy Sally's. I was served by a
cute waitress to whom I mentioned my blackjack playing. She
mentioned having bad losses in the game at the Golden Gate (a
small bettor place). It occurred to me that if I could get a playing
partner like this woman, I could probably get away with a lot more
in blackjack with less barring risk. Most casino personnel consider
women, especially attractive women, too stupid to be intelligent
blackjack players. However, after talking to this waitress some
more, I decided that she would not be a good playing partner.
Session Ten. Treasure Island. lO:35-11:40PM. Swing shift. 2
In this session the cards just ran lousy. Gary, a pit boss who had
witnessed my big winning session of March 7, could barely con-
tain his glee as I lost hand after hand. Once he even said, "Differ-
ent tonight, isn't it Stuart?"
Playing with two or three others gave me fewer hands and a worse
expectation than normal, but tonight it probably cut down my loss-
es and Gary's glee. I managed to keep my humor through it all. A
couple of times when I won hands with Gary at the table, I asked
him to stay next to me and bring me luck. A couple of times I
called for him to come by from the other end of his pit and bring
me luck on some big bets. Nothing really worked for me nor
helped; though, seeming superstitious makes me appear to be-
hopefully-a "normal" gambler. I Lost: $836.50 I
I decided after the loss at Treasure Island to end my play for the
week. Though I usually want to get in 30 hours or more of playa
70 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
week, I felt very tired. Blackjack can be a very exhausting game
mentally. This isn't only because of the figuring and calculations
that have to be made at casino speed, but also because of the acting
job that any serious count player must do to survive for any length
of time.
I just wanted to rest and not think much about blackjack for two
days. I wanted to be rested for my third week of Vegas blackjack.
I was happy to end up plus for the week, but wished that I had won
more, especially considering the great first two days I had. Of
course, I know that I'll almost assuredly have some losing black-
jack weeks on this trip. Frank, has told me that losing months are
not uncommon for him or other pros.
March 11
Week 2 Total
Trip to date
Lost: $738.50
Won: $772
Won: 4,860.50
Time: 6 hr, 46 min
Time: 28 hr, 26 min
Time: 58 hr, 31 min
Dealer Cheating
I f one plays or even talks about blackjack for any length of time,
the subject of dealer cheating is sure to come up. Nearly all of
what I've heard and read on this subject can be classified as wild
lies, paranoia and fables.
Even before I began to play blackjack for small stakes in the casi-
nos, I was bombarded with falsehoods concerning dealer cheating.
Two so-called counters in New York provided my introduction to
fables of dealer cheating. One of these "counters," AI, estimated
that over 40 percent of Las Vegas dealers and almost 20 percent of
the dealers in Atlantic City (which has only shoe games-and
therefore are much, much tougher to cheat in) cheat the players.
AI's friend, Buddy, claimed that the main reason that the casinos
in Las Vegas are well air conditioned is that the cool air makes it
easier for dealers to perform seconds dealing!
Despite Al and Buddy's accusations of rampant dealer cheating of
players, they both claimed to be huge long-term winners! After
hearing these obviously ridiculous accusations, I "barred" Al and
Buddy from my blackjack life (and all other parts of it, as well)
even before I had played a single hand in a casino!
Other somewhat more realistic accusations, which I also believe to
be largely false, were made by Lance Humble in his World s
Greatest Blackjack Book, from which I picked up the Hi-Opt I
count system. In his book, Humble, I believe, made the mistake of
confusing short-term negative fluctuations, which can be violent
in blackjack, with "evidence" of dealer cheating.
Before my blackjack trip to Las Vegas, I got to see, again, the tre-
mendous negative fluctuations in my home practice sessions.
While I won fairly significantly over the long haul (around
100,000 hands), I had a number of severe slumps that lasted many
thousands of hands. In these practice sessions, I made fewer errors
than I figured to make in the casino and I certainly wasn't cheating
In his book, Humble lays down what he considers outward signs
of dealer cheating. Some of these signs are: players whining over
losses at a table, which one sees at just about every table; tough
looking dealers; dealers wearing flashy jewelry; and so forth.
Humble even printed the results of surveys that show that players
are most likely to win against young female dealers and most like-
72 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
ly to lose against older male dealers. I don't know about Humble's
respondents, but I can say that I have had many big losses against
very attractive female dealers (as well as a number of big wins)
and many big wins against tough looking male dealers (and a
number of big losses). I would guess that for most male count
players-and the majority of counters are men-it is more com-
forting to play and easier to concentrate against a young (and usu-
ally attractive) female dealer than against a tough-looking older
man. (Interestingly enough, in Week Three, on March 15 at Har-
rabs, described on page 81, I was to have a play experience in
which my reaction to the attractiveness of a female dealer proba-
bly cost me money!) Thus, the better results versus women. And
though about ten hours of my play against each of two dealers
hardly provide a real sample, I will say again that of the two deal-
ers I know personally, I have done much better versus Mike, an
older male dealer who wears jewelry, than against Mari, a very at-
tractive lady in her mid-20's (though she does wear cute bracelets
and rings; oh my God, that's why I lost to Mari!)
In terms of actually spotting dealer cheating via seconds, peeks,
and false shuffles, Humble says that virtually no one, himself in-
cluded, can do so. He urges readers not to waste their time even
trying. (A point I strongly disagree with!)
If dealer cheating and casino tolerance of it were as pervasive as
Humble implies and if no one, save for a few card sharps, could
spot it, casinos would have no need to bar counters. Instead, the
casinos would have the cheats (or mechanics or knockout dealers)
destroy them. A few key false shuffles, peeks, and seconds at the
right time would wipe out a counter's expected weekly winnings
within an hour. If dealer cheating were rampant in blackjack, no
counters-or anyone else excepting some confederates-would
ever win a significant amount of money. However, some profes-
sional counters do win big bucks and casinos still do bar players
that they consider a threat.
In addition, Nevada and Atlantic City-the two locations where a
player is least likely to be cheated because of the expertise of
Gaming Control Agents and most shift supervisors-are now in
serious competition for consumer dollars from Indian and river-
boat casinos. Any reported and proven incidents of dealer cheating
would cause serious damage to the gaming in Nevada and Atlantic
City. Because of the long-term damage that would result over just
Dealer Cheating 73
one proven cheating incident, I very much doubt that cheating is a
house policy in any large Nevada or Atlantic City casino.
Does what I just wrote mean that dealer cheating is non-existent
in Nevada blackjack, especially the hand-held games, in which
dealer cheating via sleight of hand is much easier to perform? Of
course not. But I do believe that it is very rare. Exactly how rare is
hard to say.
By far, the most frequent scenario in which a dealer cheats a black-
jack player is one in which the casino is totally ignorant of what's
happening. It goes something like this. The cheat first helps a
friend win at his table by seconds dealing, peeking, and false shuf-
fles (putting player blackjacks on the top of the deck). The cheat
dealer and his confederate have agreed to some split of this profit.
The cheat then (the sequence can be reversed) cheats other players
to make the table win level normal, which is done to prevent pit
suspicion. In fact, a good cheat, I would imagine, would overcheat
the other (ignorant) players so that his bosses would praise him for
having such a "good" table!
However, this scam has at least two major risks. First, the dealer
who cheats this way is forever under threat of blackmail by his
confederate. In effect, the future of his gaming career is in his con-
federate's hands. In other words, the dealer had better believe his
confederate to be one of his best life-time friends! And the dealer's
life-time friend had better be someone who can understand short
term fluctuations. Even having a cheat help is no absolute guaran-
tee the player can win in a 15 or 20 minute session, which these
sessions would have to be held to because of potential pit suspi-
cion over seeing losses with the same dealer-player combo.
The second major risk involves the heavy penalties. If the cheat
and his confederate get caught they both will be arrested and faced
with felony raps. In addition, the dealer can kiss his gaming career
good-bye. In a sense the odds are against a cheat dealer because
just one mistake or error on his part that can be picked up by a
boss, the eye, or a local gaming agent, any of whom may be alerted
by a smart player, ends the scam and brings out the handcuffs.
These odds and penalties keep virtually all dealers in line.
Despite the rarity of cheating, a person playing for decent money
in a hand-held game should always be on the lookout for it. He is
most liable to be the player used by the cheat to make up for "loss-
74 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
es" to his confederate. Because dealing blackjack is a fairly low-
paying (especially considering the big money flying around),
thankless job with little security, some dealer cheating will always
probably exist. Though the odds are against its occurring, even one
session with a cheating dealer can be very devastating, financially.
Steve Forte's Gambler's Protection Video Series has been a big aid
for me (I've viewed it countless times) to learn about peeking, sec-
ond dealing, bottom dealing and false shuffles. In their writings,
Uston and Wong bring out good pointers on dealer cheating.
In my two months of blackjack playing in Las Vegas, there were
instances in which dealers made me suspicious by certain motions
and movements. On closer and later examination (when I observed
from a table or so away) these were usually proven to be definite
false alarms. There are a couple of dealers whom I do want to view
again before playing again at their tables. I would guess that there
is probably nothing wrong with these dealers, as well.
The one time on my Las Vegas blackjack trip in which I felt that I
positively identified a cheat took place on March 10 in a casino
that I have been legally advised not to name. What I will now write
of is the aftermath of this incident-something that has troubled
me more than the incident itself.
After my $25 loss in the four hands that I played, I cashed out and
made a call to the Gaming Control Board from a nearby casino.
The reasons that I did not complain to a supervisor or pit boss at
the casino in which I believed I was cheated was that, I had no hard
evidence of the seconds dealing (I would have needed a hidden
camera working to get that) and, my complaint would have
marked me as a knowledgeable player to the casino since the av-
erage player doesn't know how seconds (which must be combined
with peeking) are dealt and why. Thus, I called the Gaming Con-
trol Board, whose job it is to investigate cheating allegations.
I related the details and time of the incident to an agent. Since I
was positive that the unnamed casino tapes all of its $25 action, the
agent just needed to view the tape to see the evidence. I was told
that an agent would go to the casino before 12 noon. In case I ever
wanted to play in this casino again, I thought that I should not be
present during this agent's visit.
Early the following week (on March 14), I made a follow-up call
to the Gaming Control Board. The agent I spoke to said that no
Dealer Cheating 75
dealer named Juan was in the casino I mentioned and that no $25
tables were open when the agent visited-just 30 minutes after the
incident. I now asked to speak to this agent's supervisor.
In the conversation with a supervisor, I expressed my doubt that
any agent had visited the casino for two reasons: 1) every time that
I had been in this casino (even at times like 3:00AM) at least one
$25 two-deck table was open. I much doubted that none would be
open near noon time since the casino business picks up at that
time. 2) Even if Juan had left the casino, some supervisor would
surely know about him or whoever was working a $25 two-deck
table by his description at 11:15AM.
This supervisor expressed doubt in my story. At first, he talked
down to me as if I was some amateur who could never spot dealer
cheating and would not know why a dealer would cheat in the first
place. This supervisor was also amazed that anyone would com-
plain of dealer cheating after just a $25 loss.
Patiently, I explained my knowledge and the whys of seconds
dealing and peeking. I also stressed how rare it would be done in
these times (as compared to 25-30 years ago). I also mentioned the
bad ($743.50) loss that I had suffered earlier the same day at the
Stardust in which the dealer definitely was not a cheat. Though I
didn't explain this to the supervisor, I had lost at the Stardust-in
mostly head-on play-only because the cards ran bad, which can
often happen in the game of blackjack. I kept playing in that game
up to my one-hour time limit because I was getting halfway decent
deck penetration and was playing head-on; these factors created a
positive expectation situation for me. That I lost was no fault of
Diane, the dealer. However, at the unnamed casino, I was not go-
ing to stay and throwaway money in a rigged game just because
my losses totaled "only" $25 in the five minutes that it took me to
figure out what was going on.
The supervisor finally took me seriously and said that an investi-
gation would take place. He asked me to call him the next week.
I called back about ten days later. The supervisor now admitted
that the casino mentioned had $25 tables and that a dealer named
Juan did work there. However, no evidence of Juan's cheating was
seen. Juan, he said, would continue to be watched.
I asked if agents viewed the tape of when I had played since cheats
pick their moments and spots. The agent answered that this casino
76 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
does not tape any of their games! I was very openly skeptical of
this claim. Later, when I told Mike and Marl (the two dealers who
know about me and my card counting), they were very skeptical
of this as well. Mari almost wet her pants laughing and Mike near-
ly choked on the hamburger he was eating.
Thus, I was sure that someone was lying: either the Gaming Con-
trol Board supervisor to me or the casino to the Gaming Control
Board agent. I figured that if the supervisor would lie to me he
would probably say that the tape showed no cheating. Thus, I be-
lieved that the lie was probably told by the casino to the Gaming
Control agent. Why he believed it is beyond me!
The casino's reasons for lying can't be good ones. My guess
would be that they know or suspect that dealer cheating may be oc-
curring in their blackjack games. They would probably prefer to
find it themselves rather than be embarrassed by an outsider di-
recting the Gaming Control Board to discover it.
With this in mind, I decided to bar this casino from any more of
my play and have strongly advised other serious players to do the
Despite this incident and its unpleasant aftermath, I still think that
blackjack dealer cheating is very rare in Las Vegas, the rest ofNe-
vada, and in Atlantic City. Gaming agents and most supervisors
have a decent amount of knowledge of what to watch for. If dealer
cheating were frequent and/or house policy, I would have gone
broke playing blackjack in Las Vegas. In addition, I would never
have been barred or been flat bet: a fate that befell me on five sad
occasions on this trip.
From what I know and have seen, dealer cheating appears to be
much more of a possibility at Indian and riverboat casinos. Gam-
ing and game protection supervisors in these locations often take
their jobs with minimal, and sometimes no training, and nearly all
have extremely limited knowledge of the hows and whys of cheat-
ing. In a sense, these locations are probably a lot like Nevada was
in the 1950's and 1960's, times in which dealer cheating existed
much more so than now. Thus, blackjack players should be very
careful playing in Indian or riverboat casinos, particularly in any
hand-held games.
Week Three: March 14-March 18
Mirage, Harrah's, Imperial Palace, Las Vegas Hilton,
Palace Station, San Remo
March 14
Session One. Mirage. 6:45-7:45AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
I liked the Mirage blackjack conditions. I was able to play one-on-
one most of the time and had no problem finding a $25 minimum
two-deck game. The deck was dealt to a 2/3 plus depth. There was
little heat, though I tried to minimize it even more by throwing in
a couple of mistakes in which I didn't double on a couple of weak
soft totals (a 13 versus a five and a 16 versus a four).
The only negative about this session was that I got clobbered for
my worst loss yet in Las Vegas. I continued to play even after I fell
over $1,000 behind, my usual cut off point. Why? Because of the
superb conditions and rules (DAS and dealer stands on all 17's).
After my hour of play was over, I exchanged some jokes with the
dealers, which I felt was good cover. How many serious, never-
grinning counters would exchange jokes and laughter after losing
over $1,000? Or any bettors for that matter? I Lost: $1,091.50 I
Session Two. Harrahs. B:10-9:l5AM. Graveyard shift. 2 and 6
I did something a little different in this casino. I often bet different
amounts when I played two hands on a round. I usually bet more
on the second hand since more information is available when play-
ing it. This is especially true in face-down games since the player
can't view his second hand until after he has finished playing his
first hand (except when making the insurance decision). Some-
times when a pit boss watched, I bet more on the first hand in order
to throw them off, especially if I had won on that spot and had lost
the second spot on the previous round. This is something that I
should have been doing from the very beginning of my Vegas play.
In another first, I had a dealer curse at me. Once in the face-up six-
deck game I got a six when doubling a soft 15 versus a dealer six,
which gave me 21. When I got the six, Tony, the dealer, said "Oh,
shit!" He was probably pissed that I hadn't yet toked him though
I was losing at the time. Usually I toke some, but not him after
78 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
I played mostly the six-deck game since there are no $25 two-deck
games here. Penetration was great in both games: five decks plus
in the six-deckers and 1-1/2 decks in the double-deckers. Despite
that, I still lost again. I Lost: $184 I
Session Three. Imperial Palace. 9:35-10:35AM. Graveyard shift.
2 decks.
I spread wildly going from $10 on one hand to two hands of $150.
By often parlaying hands in a seemingly haphazard manner, I
seemed to avoid pit suspicion. Use of camouflage, such as betting
big off-the-top at times, also helped.
As happened in my first two sessions of the day, I seemed to lose
every insurance bet I made. When this happened, I often would
lose three bets on such hands. Usually my insurance bets are made
when I am playing two hands on a round. Let's say both hands are
for $100. To insure both hands, I must bet another $100. If the
dealer does not have a blackjack, I not only lose the insurance bet,
but now must play my two hands versus a strong dealer up card:
the ace. The insurance bet becomes a winning proposition if one
wins it over a third of the time. Thus, the count player will lose it
more often than not. In losing streaks, the "not" seems to disap-
pear. A big comeback at the end fell short. As last week, I now
have lost three straight sessions to start the week. Will I win the
fourth session as last week? I Lost: $86 I
Session Four. Las Vegas Hilton. 12:15-1:15PM. Day shift. 2
Before this session, I made a downtown stop at Leroy's to see my
sports betting friends. I also got a San Francisco Examiner next
door. This bulldog edition of the Examiner is the only paper in Ve-
gas from which I can get the Saturday NBA box scores. Though I
amnot betting the NBA, I still paste every box score in a notebook,
and I still record each game and pointspread. I do this in case I de-
cide to end my sports betting retirement.
My session at the Hilton put my sports betting retirement end on
hold. I not only had a big win, but I used a unique occurrence to
my advantage.
On one play, I hit a 12 and received a nine. I don't know why, but
I felt that I had busted on this play. When I threw my cards in, ca-
sino procedure after a bust in a face down game, Michelle, my
Week Three: March 14-March 18 79
dealer, informed me that I had a 21 and gave me back my cards. (I
have often caught dealer mistakes, but this was the first one I made
that I was aware of.) After Michelle performed her honest deed, I
loudly praised her and tipped her fairly well. In return, Michelle
started going much further into the deck than is Hilton policy (2/3
plus versus 50-55 percent), and I profited. After the session, I
praised Michelle to the pit bosses and even the executive casino
manager as someone who "didn't take advantage of me." How
many counters or even non-counters do that? I Won: $1,084.50 I
Session Five. Palace Station. 2:00-2:45PM. Day shift. 4 decks.
The Palace Station deck penetration was excellent. They dealt out
over three decks out of four. Some of the other conditions and
rules, such as the dealer hitting soft 17 and cards dealt face down,
are not.
I used a popular, and probably Palace Station regular, high roller
as cover. He was betting $500 per round. In his shadow, I was eas-
ily able to progress from one hand of $25 to two hands of $175.
An early high-count shoe created a winning session for me. A
comp given me for the Iron Horse Cafe at the end of my play pro-
vided me not only a decent meal, but also a signal that my play, for
now, is welcomed here. I Won: $695 I
Session Six. San Remo. 7:55-8:40PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Only $5 minimum tables were available in the double-deckers, so
I bought in for $200 and spread in crazy patterns from one hand of
$5 to two hands of $100. What I first did at the Golden Nugget on
March 2 continues to pay dividends. I won and was given no real
scrutiny. I Won: $575.50 I
Session Seven. Harrahs. 9:35-10:35PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6
I mostly played the two-deck game with $5 and $10 minimums. I
used my "crazy" bet patterns again. For a while, I forgot that sur-
render was offered in this game. Dumb! A pro must always be to-
tally aware of the rules and the effects they have on the game he is
playing. A bad drunk player chased me from the six-deck game. I
later returned to it when he, and the other players, had left. Despite
continuing great penetration, I lost here again. I was able to joke
with Debbie, the dealer I had most of my losses to. I Lost: $528 I
80 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Eight. Imperial Palace. 11:00-11:55PM. Swing shift. 2
I played at a $25 table and received more scrutiny than I did earlier
today. Was it because of the large spread I used on graveyard? I
don't know. I fell behind by over $600 in the first five minutes and
spent the rest of the session battling back.
I was watched mostly by Don, a look-alike of one of the young
Nazi killers in the movie, The Boys From Brazil. Ironic, consider-
ing the reputation of the owner. When I finally left the table a small
winner, Don said to me, "I'mhappy that you came back. You don't
know how happy I am that you came back." What was it that Hitler
once said about big lies? IWon: $58.50 I
Session Nine. Mirage. 1:05-2:05AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I might have gone back to my apartment and called it a day, but
with the Mirage right across from the Imperial Palace and Harrahs
and with my car parked in the Mirage garage, I decided to play one
more session there.
I made a lot of dealer bets in this session-probably too many. I
felt a little tired near the end of my play and perhaps should have
quit sooner, but the great conditions (very little heat, good pene-
tration and rules) kept me at the table. However, it would have
been even nicer if I had won. Though I am now 0-2 in my Mirage
sessions, I am positive that I'll win there at least once before the
week is up. They will get more of my play than any other casino
this week. I Lost: $191.50 I
March 14 I Won: $332.50 I Time: 8 hr, 30 min
This was my longest playing day in Las Vegas thus far. Except for
a brief rest stop at my apartment between sessions five and six
(Palace Station and San Remo), I was on the run all day. After get-
ting down about $1,400 early in the day, it was nice to end up
slightly ahead. However, I want my long-term hourly win rate to
be somewhat more than the $39 per hour that I won today.
March 15
Session One. San Remo. 1:20-2:10PM. Day Shift. 2 Decks.
I played and acted like a wild man at a $5 two-deck table. I acted
superstitious about what spot I'd put my money in. My head-on
play gave me lots of choices in terms of seating and where I'd put
Week Three: March 14-March 18 81
my bet down. I also acted impulsively when chasing losses, espe-
cially when the count was high.
Financially, I fell behind by $200 early, then got about $400 ahead.
I was hitting another slump when a pit boss came to watch. At this
point, I left. I Won: $140 I
Session Two. Mirage. 2:40-3:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
My session record at the Mirage fell to an imperfect 0-3. I spread
from $25 on one hand to two hands of $200 (the optimum bet
spread for me), and this time was given some heat. Jim, a pit boss,
engaged me in conversation and was obviously looking to see if I
was looking at him or the cards. Looking at the cards in our talk
would tell him that I'm a counter. I'm scared that I may not have
totally passed this test.
I had some wild money swings. First, I fell $1,000 behind. Then I
won some big bets in a few high-count decks and got $400 ahead.
A losing streak in the very last deck I played, one with a high
count, sealed another lost session.
The Mirage may not be as heat free as the Nugget, despite what I
was told by Frank and others. I wonder what will happen if I win
here at some point! I Lost: $114 I
Session Three. Imperial Palace. 3:55-4:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I fell $500 behind in the early going in a head-on game with a male
Asian dealer. This dealer then started giving me the preferential
shuffle treatment, dealing deep in negative decks and shuffling
early in positive decks. I tried tipping once, but this didn't help.
Playing against preferential shuffling is hopeless. I switched to a
more crowded table, which had consistent and decent penetration,
and I ended up a small winner. I Won: $118 I
Session Four. Harrahs. 5:00-5:45PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Again, I briefly forgot the surrender rule at Harrahs (I am really
angry about that) early, and I know that this cost me a partial bet
or two. Why did I forget? Who knows?
I received another lesson as well. Don't play when tired! At the
end of the session, I was playing against Anne, a very attractive
dealer. Anne has cute, curly, light brown hair and has the thin body
type that I like. She also has sparkling brown eyes. I lost a couple
of hands very late in the session and suddenly noticed that my play
82 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
decisions were taking me longer and longer. I was dead tired.
Anne's attractiveness had made me unaware of how exhausted I
was. The second I realized this, I quit the game and got comped to
dinner. When tired, don't play no matter who is dealing (though I
doubt very much that Anne realized or tried to contribute to my
problem). ILost: $20.50 I
After my dinner at Harrahs, I slept for about three hours at my
apartment. This sleep refreshed me.
Session Five. Las Vegas Hilton. 9:50-10:45PM. Swing shift. 2 and
6 decks
I played the two-deck game first and lost almost $1,000. The loss
would have been worse, but a couple of correct insurance bets (I'm
finally winning some of those) prevented even worse carnage.
Correct insurance play is critical to winning blackjack. Because of
its frequency in one-deck games, it is the most important strategy
variation in that game; it is also important in two-deck games.
I then gave the six-deck game a try and used some correct surren-
der plays (I didn't forget that rule in this casino) to help fuel a
small comeback. I Lost: $708 I
Session Six. Palace Station. 11:20PM-12:15AM. Swing shift. 4
I played with mostly two or three other players at the table. All
were lousy players (all never hit with over 13 versus any dealer up
card). Sometimes players like this get me angry, making it a good
time to leave. It didn't here because I remembered many times
when a stupid play by someone causes the whole table to win.
In this session, the last shoe I played was the killer. Or, more ac-
curately, the last two hands. On the first, I lost $600. I originally
had two hands of $200 on the table. The count was, of course, sky-
high. Versus a dealer six, I stood on one stiff (a 13) and doubled on
ace-three (soft 14) on which I received a ten. The dealer then pro-
ceeded to get a four card 18. He could have busted on either of his
last two cards. I then lost $400 on the next and final round of the
shoe. This was my worst session to date. I Lost: $1,191.50 I
I decided to give the good game at the Mirage another try. Being
down close to $1,800 on the day has shown a little of the real world
negative fluctuations of blackjack. The almost $1,900 I've lost in
my last two sessions shows that these losses can occur quickly.
Week Three: March 14-March 18 83
Session Seven. Mirage. 12:50-1:50AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I finally got a win at the Mirage! It came at a needed time. How-
ever, my win also had its dark lining. One dealer, Rayshell, shuf-
fled far earlier then any other dealer I've seen here, at just 50
percent. Have the pit bosses put out the word on me?
I quickly left her table and played with another dealer, Samantha,
who went 1-1/2 decks in. I did very well at her table. On one hand,
with no floor people watching, I doubled on a soft 20 versus her
six and won a big bet for me, as well as a bet for Samantha; I dou-
bled her bet as I did mine. Samantha seemed not in the least sur-
prised that I made this play; I suspect she knows that I am a
counter. It was nice to win at the Mirage, though my win there did
not put me in the black for the day or the week. I Won: $865 I
March 15
Week to date
Lost: $911
Lost: $578.50
Time: 6 hr, 10 min
Time: 14 hr, 40 min
At home, during my practice blackjack sessions, I came to see how
bad some negative blackjack fluctuations could be. I'm now get-
ting a little taste of these negative runs in the real world. I'll see
what tomorrow and the rest of the week brings. I just remind my-
self that the long-term odds are in my favor even if I should lose
thousands in the short haul.
March 16
Las Vegas had beautiful weather today, 60 degrees, blue skies, and
a swift breeze. I looked forward to enjoying it after playing for
about three hours. Today was to be my mid-week half-day.
Session One. Palace Station. 9:05-9:50AM Graveyard shift. 4
I started out with one great shoe and one fairly good one. These
shoes got me about $800 ahead. In the last three shoes I played I
lost back about $300 of the profits; I also was getting some pit
scrutiny. One of the bosses, Ross, said that I played like a profes-
sional player. I guess that I need to avoid his pit for the rest of this
week. IWon: $505.50 I
Session Two. Las Vegas Hilton. lO:35-11:35AM. Graveyard shift.
2 and 6 decks.
I won in the one shoe I played doing fairly well when the count
increased. I also got some pit scrutiny and was getting tired of it.
84 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Thus, at the end of the shoe, I complained loudly of an upset stom-
ach and went to the gift shop for some Peptol Bismol (I like its
bubble gum taste!). When I came back, showing the Peptol Bismol
to the pit, I played in the two-deck games instead. The deck pene-
tration was fair (60 percent), but I lost more than I had won playing
six-deck. Thus the session had a red bottom line, in more ways
than one! ILost: $61.50 plus a bottle of PeptoI Bismoll
Session Three. Mirage. 12:30-1:30PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
For the first half hour of my play, I had one of my hottest blackjack
runs ever; financially, it was my hottest run ever. In several high-
count decks, I reached my high bets (two hands of $200) and was
winning the majority of them. Since I was running so hot, I often
was starting out new decks with bets as high as two hands of $100.
After a half hour, I was ahead close to $2,500. With my loss limit
rules, I was going to make a minimum of $1,250 for the session.
When a card counter is the beneficiary of a run like this, he con-
siders the blackjack count books to be bibles. On my big bets I got
several blackjacks, just as the books say I should. On my big bets,
the dealers were busting most of their stiff hands, just as the books
say they should. I received several tens on my ten and 11 double
downs (once, when the ace side count was high, I received an ace
on my ten double down), just as the books say should happen.
But, as the blackjack count books say, big winners-especially
those suspected of being counters-get heat. And that also hap-
pened! At the height of my session, Ralph, the shift supervisor,
started prowling around the table and glared at me like an angry
shark. I joked with the dealer that she might lose her job since I
was doing so well. The dealer replied that I "misunderstood" Ral-
ph who she called "a sweetheart." Probably to Ralph's delight, my
hot streak cooled down after he came out of his lair to observe me.
It is now obvious that the Mirage is not nearly as heat-free as the
Nugget. I best be careful the rest of this week if I want to continue
to have access to these good games. Good penetration continued
today, despite the biggest win I've earned in Las Vegas or anyplace
else, thus far. I Won: $1,925 I
Session Four. Harrahs. 1:45-2:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I bet wildly in the $5 minimum two-deck game in this short ses-
sion. I often started out with two hands of $50. I would go as high
Week Three: March 14-March 18 85
as two hands of $100 if the count got high or gradually cut back to
one hand of $5 or $10 if the count got lousy. I parlayed my bets
like a "normal" gambler and acted like I was playing high because
I felt "lucky." After 15 minutes, I decided to enjoy the rest of the
nice day outside the casinos. In retrospect, I probably should have
stayed since the game was good and I was getting little heat; also,
generally, I am much more likely to quit off a big losing streak
than a big winning streak. But I was impatient to enjoy a splendid
outdoor day. IWon: $481.50 I
March 16 Won: $2,850.50 Time: 3 hr
Week to date Won: $2,272 Time: 17 hr, 40 min
As I crossed Las Vegas Boulevard to pick up my car at the Mirage,
I realized that I was now close to passing my high money point of
the trip. I was ahead around $7,100; my high trip point had been
about $7,200, reached before my last session of last Tuesday
(March 8). Would I pass this point tomorrow? Was my losing
stre* of late last week and early this week now a distant memory?
Tomorrow, I would start receiving answers to these questions.
Today, I enjoyed the nice weather with a slow walk in the down-
town part of town. I recalled that when I used to bet sports in Las
Vegas, I was always running someplace. Running to catch the start
of a game; running to a sportsbook to catch a price before some
other bettor or betting group took it away; running to be first in line
in the morning at the Las Vegas Hilton. I remember doing some of
this frantic running downtown. Today, I ran no place.
Later, I had dinner at a small Chinese and Thai restaurant, down-
town. During my meal, I spoke to a friendly, elderly couple from
Minnesota, who are visiting Las Vegas for a vacation. This couple
comes here once or twice a year to play for small stakes and have
fun doing so. Though for them it is entertainment, I can't imagine
wagering anything more than a dollar or two total at a time (and
this I do very seldomly) "for the fun of it" on games in which the
house has an unassailable house edge such as slots (the only bets
I make "for fun" are on these), keno, or roulette. I can't imagine
losing $100 or $200 in one session "for the fun of it." However, if
all bettors were like me, Las Vegas could not exist.
86 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
March 17
Session One. San Remo. 7:15-7:45AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
For some reason, I had a nervous feeling as I drove up 1-15 on my
way to the San Remo. I was excited because I was on the verge of
breaking into high ground for the trip. However, I was also fully
aware from my home sessions that, in my first 13 days of play, I
had not yet encountered any of the real bad runs that are part of the
blackjack experience.
I opened the day with a disastrous session. I played at the $5 min-
imum table and only once did I even bet as much as two hands of
$100. I lost every single double down bet I made and also got beat-
en by about six dealer blackjacks in my mostly head-on play. I
wasn't happy about my losses, and I put on an angry impulse act
(especially when I progressed to two hands of $50) that showed
more anger than 1really had. I Lost: $727 I
Session Two. Mirage. B:10-9:10AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
My losing streak continued for the first 40 minutes of this session.
Playing mostly one-on-one, I received zero blackjacks in this time
period. I also lost most of my double down bets.
I also blew one double down when, on a very close play decision,
1 did not double down on a ten versus a dealer ten (my true count
index for this play is +5 and the true count at this time was about
+5-1/4). I guess with this very small difference and my double
down losing streak, I was playing a little scared. I got angry at my-
self; one has to play like an unemotional machine and always
make the right plays if one is to win at blackjack. On the play, I got
a ten and beat the dealer's 18.
By this point, I was down about $1,000, but I kept playing because
play conditions were very good and there was no heat. The better
the game, the more deeply I am willing to play into a loss.
In the final 20 minutes, right after my double down error, the cards
turned. Two very hot decks pulled me back to even. And some pit
boss scrutiny followed. To this boss, I gave a rap on how to make
time seem to go by twice as fast as it really does! (I said he could
use this if he couldn't wait to go home from a dull day's work.)
This little talk must have made a good impression because the pit
boss now looked in less and he also gave me a buffet comp even
after 1had ended the session a winner! I Won: $365 I
Week Three: March 14-March 18 87
Session Three. Imperial Palace. 9:45-10:40AM. Graveyard shift.
2 decks.
In this session, I used a technique that Frank, the professional
counter I've spoken to, taught me. I played at a table with two
young female Chinese players who each were betting much more
than I. Twice, I even switched tables to follow them, saying that
they brought me good luck. The pit crew watched the $500 bets of
these ladies much more than they watched my "puny" bets of two
hands of $150. Good penetration, sometimes exceeding 3/4, con-
tinued. I Won: $156 I
Session Four. Harrahs. 11:05AM-12:05PM. Graveyard and day
shifts. 2 decks.
After my bad start at San Remo and the first 40 minutes at the Mi-
rage, I was within $200 of pulling ahead for the day and within
about $300 of breaking new financial ground for the trip. Howev-
er, I received another tumble down the mountain in this session.
I had some suspicions of Marty, who hesitated a lot before playing
out his hand. However, I could not see the top card being held
back, so I stayed at his table for a while and dropped about $200
there. Though there is probably nothing to my suspicions, I would
want to observe him more closely before playing at his table again.
At two other tables with dealers I wasn't at all suspicious about, I
lost another $367. One of these dealers, whose name now escapes
me but who reminded me in looks of Ken Stabler, the former pro
football quarterback, would yell out to the pit in a weird bartender-
like voice, "Another hundred dollar bill," each time I bought in for
another $100. (Dealers must announce and have approved by the
pit virtually all large buy-ins.) Though I was losing at Bartender
Voice's table, I almost broke out laughing over the way he an-
nounced my buy-ins. I probably should have; this would have been
a great act! I Lost: $567 I
Session Five. Palace Station. 1:45-2:25PM. Day shift. 4 decks.
I definitely was not laughing during this session! As seems to hap-
pen in all blackjack losing streaks, I lost consistently on my high-
count bets. The really big loss came in the last shoe in which I suf-
fered my biggest losses in the highest count shoe of the session. I
also received some pit glares at the end. Since I was getting serious
scrutiny at the end and since I felt that cutting down from two
hands of $200 to one hand of $25 between shoes would appear
88 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
very counter-like, I decided to cut this session, my worst thus far
in Vegas, a little short. I Lost: $1,295.50 I
Session Six. Las Vegas Hilton. 3:00-3:55PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
For the second straight session, I set a new record for my worst
session for the trip. What are the odds of that, with this being my
14th day of play?
Once again, I won very few of the high-count bets. A $150 double
down loss was the real killer. A win on that bet almost seemed as
if it would shift the momentum of the session. In the last deck I
played, I lost over $400 in a very high-count deck. This high count
was the reason I continued my play after I reached $1,000 in loss-
es. After this deck, I decided that I had lost enough. Penetration
and crowd conditions were not the best. I Lost: $1,304.50 I
In the last 2 hours, 35 minutes of play I had managed to lose close
to $3,200. I decided to go back to my apartment and get some rest.
My mind felt kind of numb after the consecutive big losses at the
Palace Station and the Las Vegas Hilton. I was now starting to ex-
perience in real life just how much of a grind blackjack can be.
Session Seven. Mirage. 7:50-8:50PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Ahead in this session on my very first hand, I was ahead until the
next to last hand. On the very last round I lost two hands of $50 to
make the session a loser.
Despite few early high-counts, I won. Late, in high-count decks, I
lost as I had continual stiffs versus dealer tens. After sessions like
these, the blackjack books, instead of being they bibles they seem
like during the good sessions, seem as if they were written by the
pit bosses! One plus was that I got absolutely no heat because of
the semi-crowded conditions. I Lost: $82 I
Session Eight. Mirage. 9:50-10:55PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
After a nice dinner at the Mirage buffet, I decided to continue my
play in this casino because of the total lack of heat in the previous
session. At dinner, I met an interesting young woman who men-
tioned that her mother is a professional poker player. Hopefully,
her mom is having a better day than I am.
My play slump continued. Few high-count situations presented
themselves. In this session, I did not do as well on the negative
counts as I had in the last session. I moved from table to table to
Week Three: March 14-March 18 89
avoid crowded conditions. Nothing helped, though the heat stayed
away from me once again. I Lost: $416.50 I
This was, by far, my worst day in Vegas. Hopefully, tomorrow will
be better.
March 17
Week to date
Lost: $3,871.50
Lost: $1,599.50
Time: 7 hr, 5 min
Time: 24 hr, 45 min
March 18
Session One. Mirage. 9:55-11:00AM. Graveyard shift. 2 and 6
I gave myself a long pep talk this morning. In it, I reminded myself
that disastrous days and losing streaks are to be expected in black-
jack. However, I do figure to win over the long haul. I reminded
myself that I expected to have one losing streak here which would
stretch between eight and thirteen thousand dollars. I felt better af-
ter eating two turkey sandwiches and drinking some fruit juice for
breakfast before going out to play.
Thus inspired, I lost again at the Mirage! It was the same old story.
It seemed as if my high-count winning percentage was about 20
percent. I seemed to have hand after hand where I had a 15 or 16
versus a ten; in high-counts I'd stand and the dealer would have
another ten as the hole card. In high-count decks, as I wrote in the
chapter on card counting myths, a player is more likely to get stiffs
like 15's and 16's versus dealer tens. In the six-deck games, I
could, at least, employ an important cost-cut measure and surren-
der many of those hands (many in high-counts). On the more un-
likely side, I lost nearly every insurance bet (well over 2/3). I also
lost the majority of my double down bets. Fewer than normal high-
counts prevented a total slaughter. I Lost: $704 I
Session Two. Harrahs. 11:20AM-12:20PM. Graveyard and day
shifts. 2 decks.
Early on, 1did fairly well in the non-smoking area (I love this fea-
ture of Harrahs). However, several high-count losses prevented me
from getting significantly ahead. When this pit filled up, I moved.
Then I played at Anne's (the attractive dealer I met on March 15)
table. I planned to spread my bets in my wild $5-two hands of
$100 fashion, except that 1never went past two hands of $55 in the
half hour 1 played at her table. The count just never got very high.
90 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Anne is very pleasant, and more importantly, she deals far into the
deck, I tip dealers like her pretty well. Or, usually I would, I should
say. In this session I never did tip her (by placing a bet for her on
a hand when the count is good at a critical deck penetration time).
At the end of this losing session, I said to Anne, "You know I feel
bad because I didn't play any hands for you. I just never had a
'good' feeling about my bets. I'm in a real losing streak."
Anne answered me, "That's OK."
"No, it really isn't. I've screwed up and I'm hurting you as well."
Smiling-and Anne's smile is a very radiant one-Anne then
winked at me and said in a low voice. "Don't worry about it. I un-
derstand. I also know exactly what's going on." I guess Anne has
figured me out as a counter even though I bet in crazy patterns in
this $5 minimum game (weeks later, my hunch was to be con-
firmed). I did tip Anne $2 when I left; I really didn't want her to
give a bad report about me to her bosses. Her wonderful smile said
that she wouldn't. I hope my hunch on that is correct as I plan to
play in Harrahs good games again in a few weeks. I Lost: $146 I
Session Three. Imperial Palace. 12:45-1:55PM. Day shift. 2 decks
At first, I played in the $5 minimum game using my crazy betting
patterns and quickly fell behind by $1,000. Hasn't this happened
recently? Because the game was very good, I bought in for another
$500 and played on. I finally started to win some key bets. I re-
couped about $600 of losses at the $5 table. Then I saw a $25 two-
deck game open up.
As soon as I entered this game, a much higher-betting player
bought in, as well. This player bet in a wild way, such as betting
$300 on one hand off the top and then reducing to one hand of
$100 even if the count went up. However, every time the deck
went negative, this player asked to sit out some hands. He was
leaving the negative decks for me!
The third time this player jumped out of a negative (the true count
was always less than minus one) deck, I was certain that he was
counting. I decided to let him know that I was angry without it be-
ing obvious to anyone else. I said, "What's wrong, my friend? Do
you have some negative vibes concerning these hands?"
The now exposed counter (he knew now that I knew what his game
was even if he didn't make it obvious to the pit or the dealer) said,
Week Three: March 14-March 18 91
"I think that I want to take a little stroll right now." Now I had a
head-on game. In it, I actually overcame my earlier session deficit.
Suddenly, I looked at my watch and saw that I had gone past my
hour session limit! Time for lunch. I Won: $9 I
I asked for and received a restaurant comp for lunch. I wondered
if my tiny win meant that my violent slump was coming to an end.
Session Four. Mirage. 3:00-3:55PM. Day shift. 2 and 6 decks.
Mirage conditions were fairly crowded as I bounced between the
two and six-deck pits. I made sure to play the two-deck games in
a different pit from my big win of two days ago.
I fell back again into my losing ways. Few high-counts appeared.
I had very few wins when they did. After 55 minutes of play, I de-
cided to stop for the day and the week. I didn't want to think at all
about blackjack until Sunday night when I would plan my Week
Four activities. I Lost: $1,202 I
March 18
Week 3 Total
Trip to date
Lost: $2,043
Lost: $3,642.50
Won: 1,218
Time: 4 hr, 10 min
Time: 28 hr, 55 min
Time: 87 hr, 26 min
I now further understand, in the real world of the casinos, the
meanings of negative fluctuations in blackjack play. In two days
and 11:15 hours of playing time, I have lost $5,914.50-over $500
an hour! One can go to a doctor or lawyer for less. I have also lost
$5,708.50 in my last 8:50 hours of playing-well over $600 an
hour. It's possible to lose a lot very quickly in blackjack. Or as
Stanford Wong wrote in his Blackjack Secrets, "If you bet big,
you'll often lose big. Expect it."
On Saturday night I had dinner at a Red Lobster with Paul, the
sports betting money mover I spent time with at the Stardust
sportsbook on February 28, and his wife, Joan. Paul reminded me
to keep an eye on the long haul. Of course, he's right. I watched
some basketball games, went to some movies, and in general took
two days away from blackjack.
I still thought that the games at the Mirage, Harrahs, and Imperial
Palace were among the best in Vegas, and I wanted to return to
them, as well as the Palace Station. The Las Vegas Hilton with its
poor penetration and the San Remo, I would play more sparingly.
Week Four: March 21st-March 25th
Golden Nugget, Excalibur, Luxor, Aladdin,
Circus Circus, Maxim, Desert Inn
March 21st
Session One. Golden Nugget. 5:30-6:30AM. Graveyard shift. 1
I fell asleep at 8:30 last night and had eight sound hours of sleep.
Being rested is critical for good card counting, even more so dur-
ing a losing streak! Hopefully, I can garner a winning week in
Week Four. At least, I know the odds favor me.
This morning I played only the $25 one-deck game. This is the ca-
sino and game in which I feel most comfortable.
I received much more scrutiny here than I ever have before. (If
only these bosses knew about my disaster of last week!) The scru-
tiny caused me to use much more camouflage than I have ever
used before at the Nugget. I often played two hands of $50 or $75
off the top.
This session ended on two good notes. First, I won! My minor
$280 win represents my best session of the last eleven. I also re-
ceived a comp for the buffet, a sign that my play is still welcomed
here; Frank has told me that a refusal of a comp is a warning sign
that a barring is imminent. I Won: $280 I
Session Two. Excalibur. 7: 15-8:20AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
This was my first session in this casino on this trip. I played just
the six-deck game since the one- and two-deck games are all $5
minimum, and were all very crowded even at this early hour. The
deck penetration was not great in any of the three, six-deck games
I played in. Four weeks ago, the penetration seemed better.
The session got off to a rocky beginning as I fell behind $500 to
Jane, an unfriendly dealer who seemed upset that I didn't tip her;
she did not take any of my broad hints that I wanted better deck
Much later, I won some high-count bets in a game dealt by Franco,
who gave me the deepest cuts I received this morning. Him, I
tipped, and we won a few bets together. In the last shoe that I
played at Franco's table, I noticed that I was being observed from
behind. I quit this session with the shoe having a true count of -5
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 93
(running count -10 with two-decks left) and being short three aces
(only five left). My win here was my biggest since my monster tri-
umph at the Mirage on March 16: 15 lifetimes----oops, I mean ses-
sions-ago. I Won: $877 I
Session Three. Luxor. 8:50-9:50AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
I made the walk between the Excalibur and the Luxor for the first
time. Just as noted in my scout trip of four weeks ago, the Luxor
has uneventful six-deck games that are marginally playable; un-
fortunately, I can't camp out at the Nugget or few other casinos
that have the great games.
I got ahead by $175 early, and then behind about $400. I worked
my way back to about even and then, lost several bets in a negative
shoe. I definitely quit the session most of one shoe too late. Live
and learn! The casino clothing was very drab. Hopefully, ancient
Egypt was more exciting than this joint. I Lost: $206 I
Session Four. Aladdin. lO:30-11:20AM. Graveyard. 2 decks.
I thought that my act was now good enough to play in the Aladdin,
the casino with supposedly the sharpest pit crew for spotting
counters. Last year, I played here once for about 45 minutes and
won $115 spreading from $5-$80 playing one hand. Later, I found
out that the Aladdin almost never bars counters who don't wager
over $100 on a round.
I decided to play at the $10 two-deck table rather than the $25 one
and use camouflage similar to what I started using at the Nugget
almost three weeks ago (March 2). I was able to get away with a
$10-$200 ($100 on two hands) spread without any apparent heat.
The deck penetration was great: over 1-1/2 decks dealt out of two.
However, the cards ran lousy and I lost. Has my slump now re-
turned? A sympathetic pit boss told me that my luck might change
if I switched tables. Instead, since my hour was almost up, I asked
for and received a coffee shop compo The prime rib was good, but
the service was slow. I Lost: $874 I
Session Five. Circus Circus. 1:25-2:25PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
The cloudy day on the Strip matched my mood as I drove from the
Aladdin to Circus. I had been warned by Marl, the dealer I know
at Treasure Island, that some dealers at Circus are alleged to be
great seconds dealers. I will keep my eye on the deck, as I always
94 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
try to, though I believe Marl's tale, though well-intentioned, is
probably just dealer gossip. I saw absolutely no evidence of any
funny business by any Circus dealer. Dealing blackjack can be, at
times, an extremely boring job (as both Mike and Marl have told
me). To alleviate their boredom, dealers probably create bullshit
stories. Some probably sound convincing.
I played at the $25 two-deck game in the main casino. Almost
from the start, a pit boss was practically sitting in my lap. I was
very careful in changing my bet sizes, especially increasing. I was
slightly ahead for most of the session. When I left, so did my lap-
sitter. This can be an emotionally draining business! I Won: $75 I
Mter this small win I drove down to Leroy's to talk to some sports
bettors about the stretch drive for the NBA playoffs. This conver-
sation took my mind off the blackjack grind for a couple of hours.
Then I rested a little at my apartment.
Session Six. Maxim. 7:10-7:50PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6 decks.
I played the six-deck game briefly. Nothing much happened in this
3/4-dealt game.
When the two-deck game became less crowded, I moved my chips
over there. I went on yet another high-count losing streak. CJ, an
older woman dealer, seemed to be hesitating in the play of her
hands, but I always saw the top card coming off the deck and the
thumb moving in the correct way. This was just another lousy ses-
sion, the type I've had much too often of late. I Lost: $854 I
Session Seven. Desert Inn. B:1S-9:10PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
The Desert Inn was even better than when I scouted it four weeks
ago. Usually I was getting five decks out of six dealt to me. The
surrender rules and the resplit of aces make this a great shoe game.
I had some wins in high-count bets for a change. Late in the ses-
sion, I won some $300 bets (two hands of $150), which helped me
overcome a slow start. Some late session pit boss scrutiny and a
delicious hot chocolate (brought by the cocktail waitress) were
other low and highlights of the session. I Won: $122 I
Session Eight. Golden Nugget. lO:20-11:25PM. Swing shift. 2
I rushed downtown and made it just in time to use my buffet comp
(given to me when I played graveyard) for the dinner buffet, which
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 95
closes at 10. The food was excellent and even healthy. Who says
that everything that tastes good is unhealthy?
Unfortunately my after dinner activities were less pleasurable. I
played in, and, as usual, lost in, the baccarat pit area two-deck
games. My loss almost made me throw up my dinner.
I've done so badly, last year and this, in the Nugget's baccarat area
games that I almost wonder if some group like Gambler's Anony-
mous films these games to warn recovering, sick gamblers what
will happen to them if they return to gambling!
I left after going through almost two $500 buy-ins. I am depressed
because my continuing slump unchecked from last week, has now
actually put me behind on my trip. I Lost: $927 I
After my Nugget loss, I walked across the street to the Pioneer
Club and got a snack in their Carl's Jr. restaurant. I thought back
to the fall of 1985 when this restaurant was a buffet in which I had
many of my dinners. I recalled the ups and downs of the NFL bet-
ting that I did in those long-ago days and I remembered rehashing
many of my wins and losses, as well as my handicapping thoughts,
in this location. I also remembered that over the years I ended up
well ahead in football and sports betting despite many rocky days
and periods. Hopefully, this history will repeat for me in black-
jack. I decided to go back-for a while, anyway-to the Nugget.
Session Nine. Golden Nugget. 11:50PM-12:15AM. Swing shift. 1
and 6 decks.
I performed my wild betting act in the $5 minimum one-deck
games and then quit when the tables filled. I played two shoes in a
six-deck game and quit this, the session and the day when the sec-
ond shoe quickly got very negative; my experience at the Luxor
(when I didn't quit soon enough in a negative shoe) taught me
something. At least, this session was a winner. IWon: $195.50 I
March 21
I Lost: $1,311.50 I
Time: 8 hr
This was my third straight day of losing over $1,000. However, my
win in the last session, though a small win, made it easier to accept
the day, even its putting me behind on the trip, mentally.
96 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
March 22
Session One. Circus Circus. lO:OO-11:05AM. Graveyard shift. 2
Today, I was given much less heat in this casino than I was yester-
day. At the $25 table, penetration was great, sometimes up to 75
percent. That was the good news.
The bad news was that I continued to lose almost all of my high-
count plays. Once, I had two hands of $125 on the table. I received
a 20 and a blackjack on my two hands versus a dealer picture card
(ten value). Naturally, the dealer had an ace in the hole for a black-
jack: this one round represented a $437.50 minus swing (assuming
I had won the 20 versus the 10 up, a hand that I am favored to win).
Right after this round, a happy pit boss asked me if I wanted him
to set me up in one of Circus' eateries. Maybe it was a mistake, but
I answered that right then I felt more like throwing up than eating!
I'm now starting to wonder if I'll ever have a good day playing
blackjack again. I Lost: $862.50 I
Session Two. Desert Inn. 11:35AM-12:30PM. Graveyard and day
shifts. 6 decks.
Sessions like this one probably go far in convincing players-es-
pecially those in the midst of a violent losing streak like mine-to
quit counting and try silly systems like the New Blackjack (men-
tioned very briefly in Appendix 0 beginning on page 200) or the
Core System. This streak I've had is maddening, but it hasn't, and
hopefully won't, make me insane!
I won hand after hand in negative counts and in very negative
shoes as tens helped me even though the odds were against their
appearing. In one stretch, I won 14 of 15 hands, all at negative or
neutral counts and virtually all of them $25 minimum bets. (Occa-
sionally, I'll parlay winnings in neutral or slightly negative shoes
to appear to be a "normal" gambler.) These winnings and some in
some slightly positive shoes, in which I never got beyond two
hands of $50, got me ahead almost $1,000.
Then I encountered a shoe in which the count got very high, never
came down (usually a disaster for a counter since his bets and play
strategies in high counts are predicated on the expected tens com-
ing out), and got clobbered. I was roundly criticized by all for in-
creasing my bets to as high as two hands of $125 (not going higher
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 97
only because I couldn't parlay winnings-there were so few) and
for making plays like doubling on a ten versus a ten and losing.
On another hand, I didn't split two tens versus a five when it was
correct to do so because a pit boss was watching; I won the hand,
but would have won two hands had I split (but might have been re-
ally hassled or even been on the road to barring). This seems to be
another unwritten rule of losing streaks in blackjack; unconven-
tional plays that are made, lose; those that are passed because of
fear of pit reaction would have won. I quit a small winner and left
dodging eggs and boos by all for my "stupid" money management.
No, I still wasn't ready for New Blackjack, yet! I Won: $103.50 I
Session Three. Excalibur. 1:00-1:50PM. Day shift. 1 and 6 decks.
This was my best session in six days. I played for 15 minutes in a
one-deck game and left when it got crowded. In my six-deck ac-
tion, I received better deck penetration than yesterday; over 4-1/2
decks out of six were dealt. And, for a change, I won several high-
count bets. My "money management" may be getting better! I not
only won, but did so without heat and got a comp for lunch. The
food tasted good coming off a big win. I Won: $978 I
Session Four. Luxor. 3:10-4:10PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
I did well despite both a grouchy dealer named Sary, who seemed
to want a tip after every bet I won but wouldn't deal far into the
shoe, and, crummy penetration that seldom exceeded 4-1/4 decks.
Outside of winning some money in a casino that I doubt I'll play
in much more, my main enjoyment was sharing some laughs with
a cute woman at the cashier's window who looked like the witch
in Hansel and Gretel-a young version of the witch that is! If I
play here much more, the lousy deck penetration will cook me for
sure! I Won: $633.50 I
Session Five. Maxim. 5:00-6:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I ran hot even with the pit bosses watching. My streak gave me a
natural reason to parlay my bets. One play that helped was my
yelling, "Even money!" on a blackjack insurance bet when actual-
ly insurance was not the right play (the true count was +2-1/2 and
I need a true count of over +3 for insurance to be the right play).
It turned out even better when the dealer did have a blackjack and
I explained to the pit boss that I insured my blackjack because "the
dealer wanted to punish me for my hot streak." This little show got
98 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
the pit boss to leave since he, like almost all pit bosses, knows that
insuring blackjacks is a sucker bet.
Jackie, the dealer I had my best run against, gave me 2/3 penetra-
tion plus. I tipped her at the appropriate times. Maybe my slump
is finally ending! I Won: $1,148.50 I
Session Six. Golden Nugget. 6:50-7:40PM. Day shift. 1 and 6
I played the six-deck shoes nearly the whole session because the
one-deck games were mostly jammed. Sammy, the main dealer I
played, was full ofjokes and talked a mile a minute. He also dealt
very rapidly-so rapidly that between his dealing and jokes I
sometimes had problems keeping the count and ace side count.
Once, I actually lost track and left the table (the count was negative
and I had lost the last hand, so this maneuver was not suspicious).
Losing the count virtually never happens to me these days.
After a few minutes of one-deck play, I returned to Sammy's table
as he was reshuffling. I did well despite almost never having a high
enough count to bet more than two hands of $50. Whenever I won
Sammy yelled out, "Easy money, easy money!" I quit after 50
minutes of play because Sammy was starting to drain me and I was
hungry for the Nugget buffet. I Won: $742 I
Session Seven. Golden Nugget. 9:05-9:45PM. Swing shift. 2 decks
I must be getting hot! I actually won money in the baccarat pit area
two-deck game. It was a minuscule win in an uneventful session.
I joked with Pam, a pit boss in the area. I had come to feel that even
if I were guaranteed a 20 on every hand, I couldn't win playing
blackjack in this pit! I Won: $7.50 I
After my very small Nugget win, I checked out some basketball
scores across the street at the Las Vegas Club. While there, I ran
into Matthew, a retired sports bettor I know. Our conversation was
far more interesting than the Vegas Club's blackjack games that I
never play: three decks dealt out of six; this takes away from all of
the good rules of the "world's most liberal blackjack."
Session Eight. Aladdin. lO:25-11:00PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6
I continued to steer clear of the $25 tables and played at the $5 and
$10 tables, which allow me more camouflage, less heat, and a big-
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 99
ger bet spread. I quit the session and for the day when all the tables
filled up. This place is in its own world in terms of deck penetra-
tion. I Won: $103 I
March 22 Won: $2,854 Time: 6 hr, 55 min
Week to date Won: $1,542.50 Time: 14 hr, 55 min
This day provided a very welcome relief from my recent brief, but
violent slump. In this slump, I had lost over $8,000 in just over
three days of playing time. Right now, I am on a $3,700 or so up-
hill streak (which started with my Desert Inn session). I am now
on a six-session winning streak. However, this won't really be-
come a winning streak until my losses of the bad streak are wiped
out. Hopefully, I am now once again on the up cycle of the black-
jack roller coaster.
March 23
Today would be my mid-week half day. I'd like to keep yester-
day's winning streak going. Unfortunately, mathematically one
day of blackjack play is totally unrelated to the next.
Session One. Maxim. 8:00-8:55AM. Graveyard shift. 2 and 6
I was a little suspicious of Earl, who seemed to hesitate a lot when
playing his hands. It also seemed like the more he hesitated the
less likely he was to bust. Though I could see no direct evidence
of any peeking or seconds dealing, I left the table after he made
two 21's in a row versus my 20's when I had big bets on the table.
I then went to the shoe game.
Though I made a comeback in the shoes, I noticed the cuts getting
worse and worse. When the dealer cut off 2-1/2 decks out of six,
despite some subtle hints I gave about wanting deeper cuts, I left.
Hopefully, this doesn't represent a new trend. I Lost: $182.50 I
Session Two. Circus Circus. 9:25-10:25AM. Graveyard shift. 4
The $25 two-deck game was crowded so I played in two different
four-deck games. Losing two rounds of $100 (two hands of $50)
cost me a winning session. At one table, the dealer admonished me
for hitting a 12 versus a three (a correct basic strategy play) and
later a 12 versus a five (not a basic strategy play, but one I made
because the true count was less than -1). I just shrugged off both
100 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
criticisms and said that I play hunches. The dealer replied that
hunches cost money as I busted both hands.1 received no heat dur-
ing this session. IWon: $15.50 I
Session Three. Desert Inn. lO:55-11:55AM. Graveyard shift. 6
This was an uneventful session. A minor hot streak made it a win-
ner. I quit when the shoe got very negative after a couple of $25
losses. I Won: $195 I
After this session, I thought about quitting for the day. Unfortu-
nately, I decided to play at the Nugget instead. It's very easy to
second guess yourself after the fact in this game!
Session Four. Golden Nugget. 12:55-1:35PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
An early cold streak on high-counts destroyed this session. Of
course, one can often do badly even in good games such as those
at the Nugget. I Lost: $892.50 I
After the 40 minute Nugget disaster, I did quit for the day. I be-
lieved that any further losses would ruin the half-day I wanted to
take off. Mathematically, there was no justification for stopping
the Nugget session after 40 minutes. But, psychologically, I felt
there was. Everyone has to do what makes him comfortable in this
regard. The only rule I try to keep for myself is that I never want
to allow myself to lose more than what I will allow myself to win.
Actually, I put virtually no limits on my wins, but do always set up
limits on losing streaks.
March 23
Week to date
Lost: $895.50
Won: $647
Time: 3 hr, 35 min
Time: 18 hr, 30 min
March 24
I ended up taking 1-1/2 days away from the game. I did not get to
sleep until fOUf in the morning, and I slept through until four this
afternoon. I must have needed the rest.
Session One. Aladdin. 6:50-7:50PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6 decks.
My clear and rested mind helped me to make an unusual decision
that may have thrown off the alert Aladdin pit crew and the eye.
Once, in the two-deck game, I had a very close insurance call. I
had two bets of $100 on the table for which I received a blackjack
and a hard seven (a fOUf and a three) versus a dealer ace. The run-
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 101
ning count was +3 with .4 decks remaining, but four aces-even
taking into account the two aces on the table-still remained in the
deck. Aces count as small cards for insurance purposes, so the true
count was +2-1/2 or not quite high enough for insurance to be the
right play. What I did was to insure the blackjack (of course, yell-
ing, "Even money!") and not insure the other hand. The dealer did
not have a blackjack and eventually I won the second hand. This
one play may get me lots more time at the Aladdin.
Financially, I fell behind by $500 at first, then got $650 ahead be-
fore a late cold streak made me a small loser. I Lost: $90 I
Session Two. Excalibur. 8:55-iO:05PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
I was incredibly lucky to garner a big win in this session in that I
progressed to two hands of $100 just once (and won $300 on that
round because one of the hands was a double down winner). Most
of the shoes stayed in the neutral range. I had other players at my
table. They made many mistakes, but most often their mistakes
helped me. This is something many players forget; they always re-
member the stupid plays that hurt them (like me at the Flamingo
Hilton on March 2). Tonight, I praised all the stupid plays that
helped me. +$1,044 I Won: $1,044 I
Session Three. Luxor. lO:25-ii:10PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
Penetration continues to be lousy here with 4-1/4 decks the best I
could find. I really don't think that this place is worth playing any-
more. Despite the lousy penetration, the count in one shoe went
high, but I got murdered in it. The dealers were friendly and seem-
ingly sympathetic as I lost, however when my losses reached
$1,000, I left. I Lost: $1,016 I
Session Four. Golden Nugget. i:OO-2:20AM. Swing shift. i and 6
I played the one-deck game at some $5 tables for almost an hour-
much of it heads-up. I spread from $5 to two hands of $100 and
got nearly 2/3 penetration and still lost. I lost about $150 in this
great game and began-despite my weird betting patterns-to get
some glares and scrutiny: very rare at the Nugget. I cooled it by
slipping away to a six-deck game where, the opposite of the Lux-
or, I got good penetration (five out of six-decks dealt), but virtually
no high-counts. I lost in this game as well. I may be slipping back
again. I Lost: $368.50 I
102 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Five. Circus Circus. 3:00-3:50AM. Swing shift. 2 and 4
Tonight I got heat from the dealers. First, Nancy shuffled up on me
in the two-deck game when I raised my bet with 1.1 decks left. In
the two four-deck games I played, one dealer suggested I get rid
of my cough by swallowing some lighter fluid followed by a
match, and then another answered my dislike of cigarette smoke
by shuffling at 60 percent penetration. These dealers are probably
all vying for pit boss jobs! I Lost: $63 I
Session Six. Desert Inn. 4:15-5:25AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
This session made me feel better about the blackjack world. I was
behind from the very start of the session until the last shoe. I had
played for 55 minutes and could have ended the session, but I de-
cided to play one last shoe. And what a shoe it was!
Before this shoe, I hinted to Dave, the dealer, about how I wanted
a deeper cut. His cuts had been 4-3/4 decks, good but not great.
Dave now cut 5-1/4 decks into play. I tipped him on the first
hand-a good way to say thanks.
In the shoe, the count slowly went up, as did my bets. I was slowly
falling further behind (which, as I've said, tends to happen as the
count rises). With 1-1/2 decks left (3/4 left to deal) the true count
had reached +6 (the running count was at +9). Two extra aces-a
total of eight-were still also in the deck; this pushed my true bet-
ting count to about +7-1/2. I now had two hands of $200 on the ta-
ble. Despite the high-count and big bets, I knew-as I wrote in
"Card Counting Myths" beginning on page 100that I might be a
favorite to win money but that I also was a favorite to lose any in-
dividual hand before the cards were dealt.
However, I overcame the odds by being virtually unbeaten for the
rest of the shoe as I got 19's, 20's, and blackjacks on nearly every
hand. Dave (very luckily for me) was getting sixes and sevens as
up cards. In six rounds, I won about $2,000. The tens and aces
were there and I got them! But without a good final cut, this ses-
sion would have been a losing one for me. Dave's reading of my
hint paid off! I Won: $1,432 I
Session Seven. Aladdin. 6:00-6:55AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
Penetration continues to be super here. Over 5-1/2 decks out of the
six-deck shoes were dealt. Again, I played at the $5 table so that I
could vary my bets more with less heat.
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 103
I had a feeling that the dealer who looked like Bum Phillips, the
former Houston Oilers coach of the late 1970s knew that I was
counting despite my camouflages. He described himself to me and
the other players as someone "who knew too much about the
game." Perhaps he has been barred as a counter in spots.
Austin, the BumPhillips look alike, was extremely personable and
friendly. Circus could probably use dealers like him. Or maybe
they can't! I always thought that if I could have played in the NFL,
I would have wanted to have played for a real human coach like
Bum Phillips. Austin strikes me as the same kind of guy. I'd bet
that he takes in more than twice as much in tips as a normal dealer
at an equivalent table.
Though my winnings were small, I greatly enjoyed this session.
For one of the very few times on this trip, I truly enjoyed blackjack
as just a social event. However, even with a genuinely nice guy
like Austin, I have to remember why I am here! IWon: $51.50 I
Session Eight. Golden Nugget. 7:45-8:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2
and 6 decks.
For the second straight day, I played one too many sessions. And
for the second straight day, I ended my day getting creamed at the
First, I went back to my losing ways in the baccarat pit area. I lost
about $450 there in about ten minutes. Then I got slaughtered in
the six-deck game losing another $600 plus there. After 35 min-
utes, I just wanted to go to sleep. Almost forgotten was the peace-
ful session I had enjoyed at the Aladdin not much more than an
hour ago. I Lost: $1,066.50 I
March 24 Lost: $76.50 Time: 7 hr, 45 min
Week to date Won: $571.50 Time: 26 hr, 15 min
The loss of over $1,000 at the Nugget in just 35 minutes was frus-
trating and very mentally draining. Crazy and fast fluctuations
such as happened today show why blackjack is a long-range bet-
ting proposition. Anyone who says otherwise is a fraud or a fool
who is looking for fools to believe him.
March 25
Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session One. Golden Nugget. 4:45-5:45PM. Day shift. 1 and 6
At the end of today's blackjack play, I would be at the halfway
point of my trip: four weeks of eight. I realized that it was possi-
ble-though not probable-that I could be behind at that point.
The day began well with my best Nugget session since Week One.
I enjoyed most of my success in the one-deck game where I joked
a lot with Leonard, the dealer. I had had a huge session with him
back on March 3. No heat was given me in this session, during
which I tipped very liberally (about $15). I tip best when I win and
get good deck penetration, which is what occurred today at the
Nugget. I Won: $1,055 I
Session Two. Aladdin. 6:45-7:40PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
I played again in the $5 six-deck game. I did well in the last shoe
as the count, and my bets, soared. I was given intense pit scrutiny,
which made me lose the count for just the second time on this trip
(my session with Sammy at the Nugget on March 22 was the first),
right at the end of the shoe. I may have blown a surrender play on
a 13 versus a 10 because of this on the last hand of the shoe. I quit
at the end of this shoe, angry that I let something like this happen.
I like the Aladdin games but their pit reputation probably makes
me more paranoid than I am anyplace else. I will be returning in
four weeks and will definitely use a different name as far as rating
is concerned. I Won: $82 I
Session Three. Maxim. 8:10-8:55PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I garnered my second $1,000 win in three sessions. I had a hot ear-
ly high-count streak, which created this win. Of course, some pit
boss scrutiny followed. I followed this with some lewd jokes,
which made the pit bosses and Joy, my dealer, laugh. Deck depth
varied. I Won: $1,094 I
After my profitable session, I met Gregory, a friend of mine em-
ployed at Circus Circus, who took me to their steakhouse for din-
ner. I had won the dinner in a bet on a Chiefs, 23-16, Monday night
win over the Packers-my friend's favorite team. Though I did not
get involved seriously with the NFL last season, I did keep
records. On this game, as I try to do in blackjack, I got the best of
Week Four: March 21 st-March 25th 105
the bet by giving my friend 2-1/2 instead of three-the predomi-
nant line-on the Chiefs. I had fun collecting the dinner. During
dinner, Gregory mentioned his search for employment in the non-
wagering arena. I told him of my blackjack successes and failures.
Session Four. Circus Circus. 11:OO-11:25PM. Swing shift.
After chowing down on prime rib and drinking about a half gallon
of soda, I was ready to go back to work. I had a short hundred-yard
walk to reach the Circus blackjack tables.
As has been usual for me today, I had an early hot run and got over
$1,000 ahead. Then the dealer started doing the early shuffle in
one deck, and then in the next, she shuffled whenever I varied my
bet. It was time to leave. I was relieved that my week of play at the
Circus was over. I Won: $920.50 I
Session Five. Desert Inn. 12:00-12:20AM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
For different reasons than at Circus, I had a brief session here as
well. I kept my session brief because I won big on some high-
counts in the second shoe I played. Cutting back from two hands
of $200 to $25 or $50 bets would have made my counting obvious.
Though much less important, I've won every time I've played here
this week. Since I want to return to this casino in a few weeks, I
don't want to appear too piggish to the pit. I Won: $941.50 I
It has been amazing how well my day has gone so far. In just over
three hours of play I have won over $4,000. I remind myself that
hot streaks can end at any time in blackjack, and I am still well
over $1,000 away from passing my top money peak of the trip.
Session Six. Excalibur. 1:OO-1:55AM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
My five-session winning streak came to a halt. I quickly fell be-
hind by almost $1,000 then almost came all the way back, but a
key $300 loss (two hands of $150) doomed the comeback. I was
engaged in some conversation by the bosses. I'm sure that I'll be
back here in a few weeks; I suspect I'll try the two-deck games
more often since it is hard to find Excalibur six-deckers that ex-
ceed 3/4 deck penetration. I Lost: $488 I
Session Seven. Golden Nugget. 2:55-3:50AM. Swing shift 1 and 6
I considered going to the Luxor after my session at the Excalibur,
but decided to make that Egyptian joint history. Lousy penetration
106 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
in six-deck games is not worth my time. The Nugget, of course, is
at the other end of my blackjack spectrum.
I did fairly well in the one-deck game, getting ahead as much as
$500. When the game got crowded, I shifted to the six-deck shoes.
For most of the time, I held my own. Then I went on a ten hand
losing streak to Yon. Though I only bet $25 on each hand, I still
lost $300 in this streak (two hands were losing double downs).
After my tenth straight losing hand, I decided to stop the session,
the day, the week, and the first half of my trip. After I cashed my
chips, I had a nice talk with Christy, an idle, one-deck dealer.
Christy is a very friendly gal from Colorado Springs, whom I have
played a couple of times. Though part of me wishes that I could
talk to her honestly about what I am doing, she and just about ev-
eryone else associated with the casino in blackjack games can not
be trusted in this way, especially since I amnow playing for decent
stakes. That's a very sad fact of life in this tough business.
Last year when I got to know Mike (the Riviera dealer) and Marl
(now a Treasure Island dealer), I was playing for much smaller
stakes and was willing to open up a bit-hopefully not a mis-
take-with these dealers. Since Mike also watches sports, we ran
into each other several times at the sportsbooks (I was betting the
NBA playoffs last year when taking time off from my blackjack
play). I Won: $196.50 I
March 25
Week 4 Total
Trip to date
Won: $3,801.50
Won: $4,372
Won: 5,590
Time: 5 hr, 15 min
Time: 31 hr, 30 min
Time: 118 hr, 56 min
Though this was a great week, I am slightly disappointed in my
overall hourly win: under $50Ihour. However, this is close to my
financial expectations for the trip. Maybe, after the great ending of
the first half of my blackjack trip, I am getting greedy and piggish!
I decided that after my play of next week, I would take a weekend
trip away from Las Vegas. I wasn't yet sure where I would go
though San Diego and Sea World seemed to be the favorite.
Week Five: March 28-April 1
Treasure Island, Riviera, Rio, Flamingo Hilton,
MGM, Stardust
March 28
This was the start of the second half of my Las Vegas blackjack
trip. I hope it will be better than the first half. However, I fully re-
alize that a good player can easily lose over a four-week period.
And, if the cards ran very badly, I could still be a loser in blackjack
for the trip. But, hopefully, my violently bad streak at the end of
Week Three and the beginning of Week Four was the worst period
of the trip.
Session One. Treasure Island. 6:50-7:50AM. Graveyard shift. 2
and 6 decks.
I lost some in the two-deck game and broke even in the six-deck
game. The $10 minimum two-deck game never had more than 2/3
deck penetration and often had worse. They dealt up to five decks
in the six-deck game. With its surrender rule, this probably made
that game more profitable than the two-deck one. I was watched
little by the pit during this session. I Lost: $94.50 I
Session Two. Riviera. 8:20-9:15AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
The penetration averagedjust under 60 percent for most of the ses-
sion. I surged ahead by about $400 early and used lots of bet cam-
ouflage, often betting big off the top. Near the end, Gil came on
and dealt less than 50 percent, so I quit. I Won: $114 I
Session Three. Rio. 11.00AM-12:00PM. Graveyard and day
shifts. 1 Deck.
Despite the Rio's reputation of being tough on counters, I contin-
ued to avoid heat. Frank told me that if I won at the Rio with any
consistency, I wouldn't be tolerated for long.
During this session, I made jokes and bet very carefully, often us-
ing a parlay system (with penalties since I was not always consis-
tent with the count) in my play. I was rewarded with up to 2/3
penetration and a decent financial windfall. I Won: $415 I
Session Four. Flamingo Hilton. 12:35-1:15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I played my 40 minutes at the $10 table. Crowded conditions and
lousy penetration (sometimes under 50 percent) were constant.
108 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Why do I play in this casino at all? As matters turned out, I never
did again! When a blackjack player wins any money in atrocious
conditions like this, he is lucky. I was lucky. IWon: $83.50 I
Session Five. MGM. 1:45-2:25PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
In the last two shoes, the count got high. Lost late bets in both
shoes prevented a huge session. In the second high-count shoe, I
was up to two hands of $200 at the end. This was a good time to
leave. The penetration was seventy-five percent or better on all
shoes. I Won: $196.50 I
With the MGM win tucked away, I drove downtown to Leroy's to
talk about the NBA. Tonight, in my now layman's NBA opinion,
I'd favor the home Sonics (at -11-1/2) over the Nuggets. The Son-
ics lost to the Nuggets in their last meeting, and they seem to have
won a lot of home blowouts this year.
At Leroy's I was informed that Chuck Sharpe, a very respected
player with a big following, bet the Nuggets and that he and his
followers knocked the price on the Sanies from 13 to 11-1/2. I well
remember that when I bet the NBA, Sharpe's bets were very im-
portant, not for me to follow, but as a way of knowing which way
the line would move and thus knowing when was the best time to
bet. Tonight, if Sharpe is still a huge NBA betting factor in the
lines of games, the best time to bet the Sonics would be five min-
utes or less before tip-off!
Session Six. Treasure Island. 7:15-8:15PM. Day and night shifts.
2 decks.
I was ahead until the very end when I lost a series of high-count
bets and about $600. A mistake I made in this session was that I
tipped far too much: $10. I didn't even get good penetration for my
tips! I did get a dinner comp, a plus for my act. I Lost: $194 I
I saw in the sports book that the Sonics won and covered, 111-97.
They pulled away from the Nuggets very late in the contest in what
had been a close game throughout, which made a winning bet on
them lucky. I also saw that the line on the Sonics went back up to
13 right before tip-off. The next day I was informed that a comput-
er group (called The Computer) bet the Sonics and thus against
Chuck Sharpe's group. I would guess it is probably easier these
days to remember all of the blackjack play indexes than it is to
keep track of who each big betting group figures to bet in the NBA.
Week Five: March 28-April 1 109
Session Seven. Stardust. lO:OO-lO:30PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Penetration was decent at the Stardust for a change. Some dealers
were going in 2/3. Unfortunately, conditions were mostly crowd-
ed. It was difficult to get a table in which I could use two spots, a
mandatory requirement for me to play. When a woman behind me
whined that she wanted to play and that I wasn't always using two
spots, I left. I Won: $73 I
Session Eight. Riviera. lO:40-11:40PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
In Lawrence Revere's book, Playing Blackjack as a Business, it is
pointed out that a player will lose about 2/3 of the hands in which
he gets a total between 12 and 17. Though Revere wrote of single-
deck games, I am positive that this percentage would be about the
same in multiple-deck games. An intelligent player, aware of these
odds, realizes that the goddess of wagering is smiling on him when
he often turns his stiffs (12' s-16' s) into made (17-21) hands or has
the dealer bust a lot when he (the player) stands on his stiffs. This
happened to me frequently during this one-hour period.
Denny, a pit boss, was extremely friendly towards me even as I
won. He probably thought I was just a typical sucker, who was on
a lucky streak (particularly as I parlayed), the type of gambler who
will pay with heavy interest later. I Won: $769 I
Session Nine. Stardust. 12:00-12:35AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I went back to play at the 'Dust again even though I had been here
just two hours ago. I figured that if I kept my total time in the two
sessions to around an hour total, I'd be OK. Penetration continued
to be decent, but conditions were still crowded. Dwight, a pit boss
who comped me to dinner on March 7th, remembered me and
seemed glad to see me.
After a little over a half hour of play, I was getting tired and decid-
ed to end the session and the day's play. I Won: $98 I
March 28 I Won: $1,460.50 I Time: 7 hr, 20 min
This was an incredible day in one respect. In my nine playing ses-
sions, I never had to go into my pocket after my first buy-in (usu-
ally $500). Once again, I've crept within about $300 of my trip's
high point. Maybe this time I'll pass it.
110 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
March 29th
Session One. Treasure Island. 12:40-1:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I fell far behind in the early going, but then I won some high-count
bets to get ahead. Then I lost most of the profit in a slump near the
end. I'm sure that I passed my high point of the trip in this session,
only to slip a little. Frieda was my friendliest dealer in this session.
She was full of smiles and talk. I Won: $77 I
Session Two. Stardust. 2:35-3:35PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Penetration is back to normal at the Stardust: lousy! I probably
should play only head-on in Stardust blackjack. The brief time that
I enjoyed head-on play was the only time that I won money in this
session. Several high-count bet losers doomed me. I received a
comp to Ralph's, a 50s style restaurant, located in the Stardust's
arcade. I'll eat lunch there after playing at the Riviera, which is
right across the street. I Lost: $322 I
Session Three. Riviera. 3:55-4:55PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
A slump may be in progress. I played at the $10 table, allowing me
a bigger, but much less obvious, bet spread in this, once again,
poor-penetration game. I never was ahead the whole session, and
could never get any run going. No heat. I Lost: $414.50 I
Session Four. Rio. 6:35-7:35PM. Day and swing Shifts. 1 deck.
The dinner at Ralph's was good, but didn't change my luck. For
the second straight session, I was behind from start to finish. In
fact, I lost every single hand in the first deck in which I played. I
played head-on and two hands on a few rounds in this deck. The
only plus, but potentially a big one, was that Evelyn, a dealer I
played in the second half of the session often dealt down to about
the last ten cards (80 percent plus penetration!) of the deck.
Financially, this session was a disaster, especially considering that
I never went past two hands of $75 and reached that level on just
two or three occasions. I Lost: $1,144.50 I
Session Five. MGM. 8:15-9:20PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
Though this was my fourth straight losing session, at least I was
ahead at the beginning of it. My profits were wiped out by a few
$150 losses (two hands of $75 each). Shannon was a very friendly
dealer, though I probably would have l i k ~ d her even more if I had
won! Penetration continues at 75% plus. I Lost: $306 I
Week Five: March 28-April 1 111
Session Six. Riviera. lO:45-11:35PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Though I won money in this session, I was forced to pay a price.
A drunk jerk (the only other player at the table) slowed down the
game and slurred insults at Peggy, our dealer. I wished that the pit
bosses would have gotten rid of him and later Peggy told me (the
pit concurred) that they would have if I had complained. It offends
me that the dealers-the ones who really get abused-have no say.
And, they are the ones who keep the games running. Whenever the
drunk lost a hand, he complained that Peggy hated him because he
was a "NewYork Jew." Anti-Semitic nutcases would get plenty of
ammunition from a jerk like this! I Won: $722 I
Session Seven. Treasure Island. 12:10-1:15AM. Swing shift. 2
Wouldn't you know it, I ran into two more abusive drunks here.
There must be a full moon out or something! When I complained
about the first drunk, the pit boss said that he could do nothing be-
cause the drunk "was a guest of the hotel." I was so disgusted that
I moved to another table-leaving on a decent (+1-1/2) true count.
At my next table, another drunk joined us and loudly told the deal-
er, me, and the pit boss that he had just lost more money at the Mi-
rage next door than the pit boss "would make in the next six
months." This drunk made several sexually suggestive remarks to
the dealer (Michelle) and cursed at the pit bosses with defiance
any time he got winning hands.
Of course, the pit bosses let this man play on (though cutting off
his alcohol) since he was a high roller. I muttered to the dealer that
if I ran Treasure Island, I'd throw this drunk out no matter how
much he was losing. The drunk then told me that he could "buy
and sell" someone like me. At this point, I almost decked him. If
he hadn't left soon after, I would have. I absolutely detest people
with money (assuming this guy was really rich), who think their
wealth gives them the right to treat people like garbage. There is
one well-known very wealthy sports service operator like that in
Vegas. Once, when he put out his hand for me to shake, I spat at it.
I don't know how dealers put up with the crap such as what I saw
at the Riv and especially at Treasure Island. I couldn't. I may see
the dealers and everyone else employed by the casino who is in-
volved in blackjack as enemies, but I still think that they should be
treated like human beings.
112 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
In the play session itself, I fell way behind early and won some key
bets at the end after the drunks had left. As I spoke to Michelle
about her work hassles (she told me that she ignores and really
"doesn't hear" any derogatory comments made at her), I compared
myself to Houdini over the financial escape I performed during the
session. Still, even this escape could not come even close to creat-
ing a winning day for me. I Won: $275 I
March 29 Lost: $1,113 Time: 7 hr
Week to date Won: $347 Time: 14 hr, 20 min
March 30
I decided that I would visit the new MGM theme park after my
play today: my mid-week half-day.
Session One. MGM. 9:10-10:20AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
Today's blackjack conditions were the worst that I have faced in
the MGM. I never had a table of less than three other players, the
dealers were slow, and the counts never got high. My biggest bets
came on the two occasions that I progressed to two hands of $50.
With some negative counts, I sometimes varied from basic strate-
gy. Once, I hit a 12 versus a five and busted with a ten. The dealer
and the other players at the table criticized this play and used it as
an example as why I was losing this session. I said that I hit on a
hunch. Should I have said, instead, that the true count was -3 and
called for a hit, a variation from basic strategy? I Lost: $138.50 I
Session Two. Treasure Island. 11:00-11:50AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I traveled through one of my wilder sessions. After falling behind
by $500, I hit a hot streak, and got up almost $900. Very late, I lost
some $200 (two hands of$100) rounds to Bruce. I also was the ob-
ject of some pit boss scrutiny by Patti, a dead ringer for Devine,
the late transvestite movie star. It was probably wise that I did not
tell Patti of this resemblance! I Won: $323.50 I
Session Three. Riviera. 12:40-1:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
This was another wild session. I lost almost $1,000 in the first 20
minutes, and would have quit had I reached that point. I came back
and actually got $100 ahead before losing a few $100 rounds to
finish in the red.
Week Five: March 28-April 1 113
One occurrence at the Riv that made me angry was that Mike, the
dealer I had gotten to know last year, seems to have soured towards
me. He ignored any conversation I directed to him when I passed
his $100 minimum table. I believe he was recently admonished by
a pit boss, who probably suspects that I'm a counter. Sadly, this
proves, through no fault of Mike, that I have no friends in the ca-
sino. This is a hard, but accurate, truth. I Lost: $405.50 I
Session Four. Stardust. 2:10-2: 15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
This being Wednesday, my half-day, I almost decided to take the
rest of the day off. I was impatient to go to the MGM theme park,
and I was also bothered by Mike's cool reception, or rather, the
probable reasons for it.
I probably would have quit for the day if the Stardust, in whose
parking lot my car was parked, was not right across the street from
the Riviera. I decided to play at the 'Dust when I found an empty
$25 table. I played just one deck (55 percent penetration), but
didn't continue. Ijust didn't feel like playing anymore today.
I really wish that I didn't feel that way because head-on is the only
way to play the usual poor penetration games at the Stardust.
However, forcing myself to play isn't right, either. Doing that
could well lead to mistakes and angry second-guessing of myself
for playing when I didn't feel like it. I Won: $74 I
March 30 Lost: $146.50 Time: 3 hr, 5 min
Week to date Won: $201 Time: 17 hr, 25 min
The MOM theme park was OK even if overpriced at $15. The park
got my mind off blackjack for a few hours.
March 31
Session One. Stardust. lO:50-11:50AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
I started a little late today. When my alarm rang at 5:30, I fell back
asleep. I woke at ten, feeling much more refreshed. It can cost
plenty to be a tired card counter.
In this session, very few positive counts occurred and thus I made
few big bets. Very little fluctuation took place.
Susan, my dealer for most of the session, complained about play-
ers who jump in and out of the game. Susan complained and shuf-
fled up when one player jumped in at a true count of minus nine!
114 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
(Probably, good ideas will pop into some readers minds for team
play!) I openly questioned Susan if jumping in mid-deck gives a
player an edge. Two-decks later, I quit the game with a very nega-
tive count in mid-deck to "prove" my point. I Lost: $54.50 I
Session Two. Riviera. 12:15-1:20PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Usually a bad record on double downs equals blackjack financial
disaster. Today at the Riv, it did not. I did well enough on my big
bets to make up for my double down losses; of course, if I had a
normal winning record in double downs (the player should win
close to 60 percent of them), I would have enjoyed a huge win.
With no pit observance, I once split tens and won both hands; this
is a play which, on this trip, I have passed on over half the time be-
cause it sends up such a strong red flag to the pit. I did not talk to
or even look at Mike. I Won: $59.50 I
Session Three. Rio. 3:10-4:10PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
Evelyn, the 80 percent penetration dealer of March 29, was deal-
ing the shoes today. I don't play these at the Rio because of the bad
rules.The player has over a 3/4 percent disadvantage off the top in
this game. However, another lady, Dawn, was dealing over 2/3 on
single-deck. Nonetheless, I lost at the Rio again. And, as two days
ago, I never progressed past two hands of $75. A couple of players
whined about how I "changed the order of the cards" by frequently
going back and forth between one and two hands. I wish that some
of these players would quit their present jobs and become shift su-
pervisors in the Las Vegas casinos! I Lost: $221.50 I
Session Four. MGM. 4:50-6:00PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
Two high-count shoes near the end of the session doomed me.
Once, a dealer forgot to deal me a second hand when I spread to a
second hand. I lost a stiff on the one hand I played. I lost several
20's to three-card or more 21 's; in fact, that has happened to me a
lot today. Penetration continues at 3/4 plus. I Lost: $669.50 I
Session Five. Treasure Island. 6:45-7:50PM. Day shift. 2 and 6
Penetration at TI is definitely going downhill. It is difficult to find
2/3 penetration in the two-deck games. I played in one six-deck
shoe, and I fell behind by over $500, then got $200 ahead and end-
ed up by losing that plus a tiny bit more in the last deck.
Week Five: March 28-April 1 115
After dinner at the buffet, I watched the Lakers, led by their new
coach, Magic Johnson, give the West-leading Sonics a very tough
game before losing by three. I Lost: $12.50 I
Session Six. Treasure Island. 9:00-10:05PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6
Though I love watching the NBA, I do remember that I am on this
trip to make money in blackjack. Thus, I tore myself away from
the Laker struggle to make the playoffs and learned of their three-
point loss later. It's doubtful that the Lakers will make the play-
offs. They trail the Nuggets for the last playoff spot by 4-1/2
games with time running out. I'm sure, however, that the media
would be delighted if the Lakers did crash the post-season party.
I seem to be on a new losing streak as I lost at Treasure Island
again. First I lost over $500 in the baccarat area six-deck game
(shades of the Golden Nugget where I almost never win in that
pit), and then I tried to make a comeback in the two-deck games.
I fell further behind and my comeback efforts were thwarted by
several more 20 losses to three-card 21 'so I must have had over 20
such losses today through this session; this is another way in
which blackjack's negative fluctuations strike. I Lost: $522.50 I
Session Seven. Riviera. lO:50-11:50PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
The penetration varied between over 2/3 to under 50 percent. One
can guess which dealers I patronized and followed around! Once
again, as happens in all blackjack losing streaks for counters, I did
poorly in high-counts. Plus, I lost about four more 20's to three-
card plus 21 'so This just hasn't been my day! Strangely, some
lucky dealer busts on negative counts prevented a very bad ses-
sion. I Lost: $370.50 I
March 31 Lost: $1,791.50 Time: 7 hr, 25 min
Week to date Lost: $1,590.50 Time: 24 hr, 50 min
I have decided to drive to San Diego and visit Sea World and other
sites there after my play tomorrow. I've heard many positive re-
ports about San Diego. I look forward to this short and much-
needed break from Las Vegas.
116 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 1
Session One. Riviera. 8:20-9:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
I played at the $10 table to get a bigger bet spread and because the
$25 tables had at least three players; since Week Three I have sel-
dom played with more than two others in any face down game.
This was my best session of the last 13 (another Riviera session,
ironically) though I never went past two hands of $75 on any
round and, experienced lousy penetration. In the very last deck,
Brenda, the dealer, dealt only 2/3 of a deck: 1/3 penetration! A pit
boss once went through the discards, not realizing that it was extra
aces left in the deck that made me increase my bets. (The tens and
low cards were about even.)
This is the last time that I'll play at the Riviera on this trip. Last
year, I made a good deal of money here. This year I was luckier to
do so because of much poorer deck depth. I Won: $640 I
Session Two. Treasure Island. 10:15-11:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2
and 6 decks.
The $25 two-deck games are not open on graveyard and the $25
six-deck games were all crowded. I played in the $10 minimum
games. I took a beating at the two-deck tables and broke about
even in the shoes, which I played about 2/3 of the time. I received
no heat. I Lost: $444 I
Session Three. MGM. 12:30-1:45PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
This was my best session of the week. I won because of one suc-
cessful high-count shoe in which I won a few $400 (two hands of
$200) rounds. I played one shoe after this, starting with a medium
bet since I realized this was my last session here for this venture.
It helped me greatly that my table was blessed with a great dealer.
Summer dealt 5-1/4 decks out of six. Her relief, Stan dealt under
the 4-1/2 decks that I need for six-deck play, but I stayed at the ta-
ble and played, awaiting Summer's return. Her first shoe after her
break was the one I won big in. I tipped her on the first hand of the
last shoe, as well as at the end of the session. IWon: $903.50 I
After the win at the MGM, I slept for a few hours, so I would be
fresh for the drive to San Diego later. I made up some sandwiches
for the trip, but would eat my dinner at Treasure Island since I had
received a comp for that earlier.
Week Five: March 28-April 1 117
Session Four. Continental. 7:35-8:30PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I have not played at the Continental because low maximum bet
limits ($200) kept this casino off my original list. However, I have
kept hearing about their excellent deck penetration, so I decided to
try some play there. I decided that I would never bet over two
hands of $100 in this visit. Since their highest minimum table was
a $5 one, I planned to use my "crazy" betting patterns that I first
performed at the Nugget on March 2.
During the session, I bounced from table to table according to
crowd conditions. Penetration was close to 3/4 with all dealers.
With little floor scrutiny, I did my "wild" betting. I first fell $500
behind, then got up by $300 and finally left a small winner. I think
this is a place in which I can do some playing.
I saw one weird thing after the session in the parking lot-a secu-
rity guard and a cocktail waitress handcuffed together. He wasn't
arresting her; they were just headed for some fun sex! Or so I
guessed since they were holding hands in a very affectionate way.
Maybe it's time for me to leave town! I Won: $37 I
Session Five. Treasure Island. 9:20-10:25PM. Swing shift. 2
As I just mentioned, maybe it was time for me to leave town. But,
I did play one more session after I used my dinner compo I was
aware that a good session could make me a winner for the week.
That would have been a solid accomplishment considering some
of the tough times I endured. I also knew that this accomplishment
would make the drive out to San Diego much cheerier. I realize, of
course, that this is psychology, not mathematics.
But, the above scenario didn't happen. Instead, I did poorly in
high-count situations. Two straight rounds of $150 losses (two
hands of $75) were critical. More important, just before I left a
floor supervisor stood behind me and observed my play. I had been
considering playing either here or at the Mirage or Nugget for a
third week. After this supervisor observation, I've ruled out Trea-
sure Island for any more play on this trip. I Lost: $470.50 I
April 1
Week 5 Total
Trip to date
Won: $666
Lost: $924.50
Won: $4,665.50
Time: 5 hr, 20 min
Time: 30 hr, 10 min
Time: 149 hr, 6 min
118 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Though I am ahead on this trip, my win rate is significantly below
what I expected. I am not really sure if this is due to negative fluc-
tuations, play conditions, or mistakes on my part (both in my play
and game selection). Probably all three are playing a role.
I wish I could have someone like Frank, a real pro, evaluate my
play (and act). However, while he is a competent player, he is also
an unreliable recluse whom I probably won't see on this trip. As it
was with my sports betting, I'll have to discover nearly all of the
in-battle answers by myself. I don't think I can ask the pit bosses
for answers!
I enjoyed San Diego. Sea World was the highlight, though I did
wonder if the intelligent animals aren't wasting their talents by
just being used to entertain people.
What I could not have realized during my San Diego and Sea
World visit was that my most violent negative fluctuation in the
game of blackjack was just ahead. This fluctuation was so violent
that I was to consider quitting the trip and the game. In retrospect,
I would have been better off staying in San Diego even if it meant
going swimming at Sea World and getting bounced around by
Shamu, the killer whale. This activity would have been much less
painful than what awaited me in Las Vegas on my return.
Week Six: April 4-April 8
Mirage, Harrahs, Imperial Palace, Sands, Desert Inn
April 4
Session One. Mirage. 3:50-4:55PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Before I started play, I dropped by the Gambler's Book Club and
spoke to a couple of blackjack players, as well as Paul Keen, the
resident blackjack expert, who works there. I hope no pit bosses
were listening to our conversation.
At the Mirage, I fell behind by about $700 early but kept battling.
The deck penetration, unlike Treasure Island's next door, is still
pretty good: about 2/3. In some head-on play, I made my move and
actually got $600 ahead before some late lost big bets turned the
session into a small loser. I Lost: $114 I
Session Two. Harrahs. 5:15-6:15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Despite the great penetration and a $5-$200 (two hands of $100)
wild spread, I lost. It seemed that whenever the ace side count was
high, the dealer got a blackjack or was able to use an ace for a
three-card 20 or 21. This loss made it easy to forget the extra 50
percent that a blackjack is worth to a player versus the dealer. The
loss also made it easy to forget how extra aces in the deck make
double downs on nine and ten more profitable: double downs, of
course, are options not available to the dealer. I Lost: $611.50 I
Session Three. Imperial Palace. 6:35-7:45PM. Swing shift. 2
The penetration was good here as well (2/3 plus), but once again I
lost. Well, if one has to lose, it is easier to take in good games.
There is less second guessing that way.
In this session, the dealers never seemed to bust on my large bets.
I realize that even when the dealer has a five or a six up, they are
still better than even money to make a particular hand (get a 17-
21) unless the true count is very high. However for them to prac-
tically never bust was frustrating.
During my losing session, I shared a table with probably one of the
most blatant counters in recent casino history. This counter would
start every deck with one hand of $5, the table minimum. He
would have one red chip on the table. If the count became positive,
he would go immediately to two hands of $25-one green chip in
120 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
each bet spot-and then to two hands of $100-one black chip in
each spot-if the count stayed strong. This fellow was watched
much more than I was. I wonder how often he has been barred?
This was a bad session even for him though he wasn't asked to
leave. I Lost: $856 I
Session Four. Harrahs. 8:55-9:20PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
I bounced around and bet wildly in several two-deck games. How-
ever, I quit after 25 minutes for three reasons. First, I noticed that
I was being closely watched and followed around by some fellows
in suits. Second, the penetration got bad for me in the last game
when the dealer suddenly dealt just one-deck rather than the usual
Harrahs' deck-and-a-half out of two. And, third, though probably
least important, I wanted to enjoy winning at least one session on
the day: a poor mathematical reason to stop. I Won: $367 I
Session Five. Sands. 9:40-10:30PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6 decks.
I played the six-deckers almost exclusively. I remembered from
four weeks ago that the Sands' two-deck games were watched
much more closely than the six-deck games. I had one very bad
high-count shoe and I ended the session after this shoe. Going
from two hands of $150 to one of $25 would not be a wise move
for me in this casino. I Lost: $645 I
Session Six. Mirage. lO:50-11:50PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Some of the games were occupied by drunken Arkansas rooters,
who were celebrating their team's NCAA title. I don't drink alco-
hol, don't follow college basketball, and felt even less like cele-
The very last hand of this session was the killer. I had two hands
of $175 on the table and just as the dealer was about to send out
the cards, another (non-counting) player sat next to me at third
base and threw some money on the table. I had a double down on
one hand and the dealer ended up making a three-card 21 right af-
ter the new player at third base took two high cards that would
have busted the dealer. This hand alone was a $1,050 negative
swing against me. When it rains, it pours! I Lost: $741 I
Session Seven. Desert Inn. 12:25-1:40AM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
My lifetime Desert Inn session record became 6-0. Strangely, I did
better in neutral and negative counts than in positive ones. At
Week Six: April 4-April 8 121
times, I raised my bets somewhat in the neutral and slightly nega-
tive decks; this camouflage, which costs in the long run, won this
short-term session for me.
However, Art, a pit boss didn't seem fooled by my betting camou-
flage. He actually asked me to admit that I was a counter ("C'mon,
admit that you're counting; you can tell me"!). I admitted that I
could count to 21 and could keep track of soft totals. The penetra-
tion was decent (about 4-3/4 decks, the standard Desert Inn cut),
but not great. I Won: $93 I
Session Eight. Rio. 2:00-2:50AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I was willing to come back to the Rio this week because I played
there just three hours last week. Decent penetration in a one-deck
game can be very profitable even with the .433 percent disadvan-
tage against the player off the top that is created by their Reno
rules (double down only on first two card 10 or 11 and dealer hits
soft 17). Tonight, I often was able to get 2/3 penetration.
I got ahead by over $750 early and then the penetration went down
and the heat went up, so I left. I Won: $252.50 I
Session Nine. Mirage. 4:00-5: lOAM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
Even though I came into this session down over $2,200 on the day,
I felt confident that good conditions here would lead to a good ses-
sion. This would end my day well and give me some momentum,
a meaningless term in blackjack, for the rest of the week. (In sports
betting, especially a day-to-day sport like basketball, winners to
tend to beget winners.) All my premonitions were incorrect.
First off, all of the $25 two-deck games had three or more players,
making them too crowded for me. I thought that almost everyone
would be asleep.
I played a six-deck game and got murdered in the last shoe. I lost
a series of $300 (two hands of $150) bets at the end. I felt angry,
frustrated, and a little tired. I Lost: $922.50 I
April 4 I Lost: $3,177.50 I Time: 8 hr, 45 min
Thus ended my second worst day of the trip. In the last five days
of play, I have lost about $5,000. I sure hope I can start to tum the
tide tomorrow.
122 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 5
Session One. Desert Inn. 3:55-5:10PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
Maybe I should play only in this casino! I ran my undefeated
Desert Inn session string to seven despite very few high-counts.
This represented my best session in two weeks and my first $1,000
plus session since the last day of Week Four, 11 days ago. I had
almost forgotten what it felt like to win big! I Won: $1,108.50 I
Session Two. Mirage. 5:40-6:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
It's totally frustrating to play in a game as good as the one at the
Mirage and lose. But, it happens and will happen to all counters a
lot. And, as I've written, it is easier to take losing in good condi-
tions because I don't have to second guess myself. I got ahead by
over $400 and then went into a late, high-count slump. My key
loss was a $400 one in which I doubled down both of my $100
hands and lost to a three-card dealer 21.
I played briefly with Teresa, a dealer who also works with AIDS
patients. It would have been interesting to talk to her about this,
but I wasn't at her table long since she did not deal much past one
deck out of two. Is the Mirage following in Treasure Island's foot-
steps? Teresa, for now, seems an isolated case. I Lost: $557.50 I
Session Three. Harrahs. 7:05-7:45PM. Swing shift. 2 and 6 decks.
I did well in the two-deck game. When someone started watching
me (don't these assholes realize that I've been getting slaughtered
lately?), I moved to the $25 six-deck game in which the cut card
was placed at the 5-1/2 deck dealt mark. Three bad events then
transpired. First, in the second (and last) shoe I played, I lost a se-
ries of high-count bets to make the session a losing one. Second, I
noticed what I knew was a casino employee watching me (he tried
to appear nonchalant by leaning against the slot machines, but he
was watching every hand). And, third, the dealer in the second
shoe, abruptly reshuffled with 1-1/2 decks left: one-deck before
the cut card (and this was the high-count shoe that I was losing in).
As soon as I left the table, the slot machine leaner ran to a casino
phone. I assume that he called the eye-in-the-sky to compare notes
on my play. The heat is on at Harrahs! I Lost: $237.50 I
Session Four. Imperial Palace. 8:00-8:55PM. Swing shift. 2 decks
This was yet another frustrating, losing session. Typical of the
Week Six: April 4-April 8 123
I fell $400-plus behind early, and battled back to get $100 ahead
fairly late in the session. I then lost two key high-count bets (two
hands of $100) when the dealer twice made hands off of 16's with
the true count above +6 in both instances. These two non-busts
caused an $800 negative swing for me.
I also ran into some preferential shuffling. Chang, an Asian dealer,
shuffled up on me early in plus decks. I have been told by some
players (and Ken Uston wrote in one of his books) that Asian deal-
ers are more likely to try to protect the house by preferential shuf-
fling. They shuffle early on plus-counts and deal deep on minus-
counts. I didn't stay at Chang's table for long! I Lost: $236.50 I
Session Five. Mirage. lO:05-11:05PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
After a nice dinner at the Mirage buffet-to which I had been
comped earlier-I resumed the wars. I enjoyed my first win in four
sessions and just my fifth winning session (out of 14) for the week.
I not only had another counter at the table, but we also helped each
other out by flashing our cards to each other. Once, on a close in-
surance call, our shared information saved me $150 when the deal-
er had a blackjack.
I noticed that this player basically spread his bets (with much less
camouflage than me) according to the count, but used basic strat-
egy for nearly all his playing decisions even when the count called
for variation. Once, on a 12 versus a four, he stood in a very neg-
ative deck (on any minus count, my count system-and virtually
all others-say to hit). The exception was the above-mentioned in-
surance bet (basic strategy says never bet insurance).
The worst penetration in the two-deck games came in the ma-
chine-shuffled two-deckers-50 percent seems the rule in those
games. In most of the dealer-shuffled two-deck games 2/3 penetra-
tion is often available. I Won: $396 I
Session Six. Rio. 11:55PM-12:25AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I did well early versus Debbie, then quit after losing six straight
hands to Mike and feeling intense pit scrutiny. I probably have to
cool it in this casino for the time being. IWon: $132.50 I
April 5
Week to date
Won: $605.50
Lost: $2,572
Time: 5 hr, 15 min
Time: 14 hr
124 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
After the Rio session, I felt a little tired. I decided to rest, get up
early tomorrow, and play graveyard. Usually, I take time off on
Wednesday, but I may not this week because I started late on Mon-
day and also because I want to give myself time to improve my fi-
nancial position for the trip, which has just over two weeks left.
April 6
Session One. Desert Inn. 7:00-8:OOAM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
What better place to start a momentum-turning day than the casino
in which I am undefeated? For most of the session, an 8-0 session
record at the Desert Inn seemed probable. Conditions were superb.
I was winning, I was getting dealt five decks out of six in head-on
play, and I was barely being observed. Lastly, the hot chocolate I
was sipping for most of the session was delicious.
Then came the last shoe. The count was going up steadily and I
was losing most of the hands and not getting the key bonuses that
enable one to win at blackjack despite losing the majority of hands
(especially player blackjacks). With one round to be dealt I was
$370.50 behind. I wagered two hands of $150 on this final round;
the true count was over +5 with just under 1-1/4 decks left in the
shoe. Two extra aces (seven were still left in the shoe) pushed the
revised true count to over +7. I was dealt an eight on one hand and
a nine on the other (the cards that created these hands pushed up
the true count even more) versus a dealer four. Because of the
high-count (plus the extra aces), I doubled down on both hands. I
now had a total of $600 on the table. If I won both hands, my
Desert Inn record would remain perfect since this was the last shoe
I planned to play. And the cut card had come out, which meant that
this was my last hand.
My double down cards were an eight on the eight and a nine on the
nine; I would live or die with totals of 16 and 18. I needed a dealer
bust to win both hands. As the dealer began to tum over his hole
card, a pit boss, seeing the large amount at stake, rushed over to
the table to see the result unfold.
The dealer turned over a ten on his hole card and now had a total
of 14. If he pulled an eight or more I would win both hands; if he
pulled an ace or a two from the shoe, the suspense would last for
another card. A dealer pull of a five, six or seven would spell di-
saster for me. The pit boss yelled, "C'mon, bust, bust, pull a pic-
ture (a ten value card). Make this man a winner!"
Week Six: April 4-April 8 125
The dealer turned over a five, the player's worst enemy (partially
because it turns all dealer stiffs into made hands) giving him a 19
total and me a $600 loss on the round. I pulled up the very few re-
maining chips I had ($29.50 worth) and said, "Well, you folks beat
me today," and cashed out. Such are the big, scary, and wild
swings of blackjack on even one round. I Lost: $970.50 I
Session Two. Mirage. 8:20-8:55AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
My slump continued and got even more violent. I managed to lose
over a $1,000 in just over 35 minutes. One hand was key.
I had two hands of $200 invested on the round. With a sky-high-
count, I had gotten my bets this high by doing a little parlaying.
The dealer had a ten showing, and I had a ten on one hand and a
20 on the other. Because the count was so high, plus the fact that
three extra aces were left in the pack, I doubled on my ten (a true
count of plus five or better is needed for this play). On my peek of
the double down card, I happily saw that one of the extra aces was
my draw giving me a 21 total. But before I could celebrate, the
dealer turned over another of the extra aces as her hole card (in the
Mirage, as in most Vegas casinos, dealers do not check under tens
until the dealer starts play on his hand) for a blackjack. The dealer
sympathetically said, "Well, at least, you lost only one bet on your
double down." Really made my day. I Lost: $1,044.50 I
After my last loss, I realized that I am barely ahead for the trip. I
have lost about $7,000 in about six days of play. Instead of needing
to find places to stash extra cash as in my winning streaks, I need-
ed to make another trip to my box to fortify my carrying bankroll.
I also went to my apartment to rest a little and relax.
Session Three. Desert Inn. 2: 15-3:20PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
Even the Desert Inn couldn't stop my losing streak. I managed to
get $500 ahead in the early shoes, but then I got clobbered by an
attractive female Asian dealer who had lots of blackjacks and 20's
on my key bets. I Lost: $420 I
Session Four. Mirage. 3:40-4:20PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
The first ten to fifteen minutes was probably the hottest run I ever
have had in blackjack. It looked as if the session would not only
provide a big win-which it did-but also wipe out most of the
misery of the last six days. (Realistically, I knew that wouldn't
happen, but huge plus and minus runs in blackjack make one be-
126 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
lieve that anything is possible.) This streak made the early part of
my huge Mirage win of March 16 look almost like a cold streak; I
got over $2,500 ahead in less than 15 minutes, not the half hour it
took me to do so then.
In this streak, I seemed to be getting blackjacks on almost every
key bet. The double downs all won. The dealers busted every stiff
and even many non-stiff starting hands. I once stood on a 14 versus
a ten (on an over +8 true count) and the dealer turned over a five
then busted with a ten. My green ($25) chips were changing into
a small army of blacks ($100 chips). I even had some of the blacks
changed into purples ($500 chips).
At the height of my streak, I gave myself slightly over a $1,000
loss limit. This quickly occurred as the cards got ice cold. Still, I
had a very good session, which may mean that my slump is end-
ing. I Won: $1,591.50 I
Session Five. Harrahs. 4:45-5:50PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
The heat on me at Harrahs has spread to days. All eyes appeared
on me in every pit I played. No camouflage helped. Penetration
was OK (though 2/3 rather than the usual 75 percent), but I lost. A
bad record on double downs spelled my doom. I Lost: $610 I
Session Six. Imperial Palace. 6:05-6:45PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Despite losing a large majority of my high-count bets, I won a lit-
tle. Sometimes, when I lose consistently on high-count bets (espe-
cially when I go on double down losing streaks), I almost wonder
if my count is off. All counters probably have such self-doubts.
My count was probably accurate in this session because it seemed
that other players at my table (and/or the dealer) would get black-
jacks when the count went up. In one 20-hand stretch, an old lady
(one of two others at my table then) got seven blackjacks, while I
was dealt none.
When the pit boss scrutiny picked up, I decided to leave and end
my day. I should have taken the whole day off on this my usual
half day! I Won: $34 I
April 6
Week to date
Lost: $1,419.50
Lost: $3,991.50
Time: 5 hr, 5 min
Time: 19 hr, 5 min
Week Six: April 4-April 8 127
I stopped off at Circus Circus to watch some NBA games and for-
get about my blackjack problems. I saw the very end of the Hor-
nets-who are finally healthy-rout of the Pacers. They are 5-1/2
games out of the last East playoff spot with just ten games left. It
is probably too late for them to make the playoffs. I saw the begin-
ning of the Lakers overtime five-point non-covering win over Sac-
ramento. This win got them within 2-1/2 games of the Nuggets for
the eighth and last West playoff spot. Their playoff run may not be
too late. Is it now too late for me to make this a good blackjack
April 7
Session One. Mirage. 7:20-8:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2 decks.
After making $400 early in the session, disaster struck. I not only
went on a high-count losing streak, but I lost every single insur-
ance bet I made. One such loss was typical of the session. I had
two hands of $200 on the table and drew a soft 19 and a hard 12
versus a dealer ace. The running count was +9 with .7 decks left,
making the true count about +13. In addition, the aces on the round
(in my soft 19 and the dealers up card) were the last two aces of
the two-deck pack. This made insurance (aces count as low cards
for the insurance decision) an even better bet since the true count
with regard to this decision was about +17! I put another $200 on
the table for my insurance bet, covering both hands. The dealer did
not have blackjack so I lost the insurance bets. I then hit my 12
and, naturally, busted with a ten. I stood on my soft 19. The dealer
then turned over a nine in the hole giving her soft 20. Another $600
was lost. On every close call when I did not bet insurance (like on
true counts-including ace adjustments-of +2 or +2-1/2), the dealer
would have blackjack.
Because of the head-on play, the good penetration and lack of
heat, I played far into this loss, my biggest yet. ILost: $1,6131
Session Two. Harrahs. 8:40-9:50AM. Graveyard shift. 2 and 6
I got ahead early in the two-deck action and then in a deeply pen-
etrated shoe, I got killed on the high counts. Once again, I was
winless on insurance bets and on one key hand (two hands of
$200), the dealer had a three-card 21 to beat my 19 and 20. One
plus was that I got no heat on this shift. I Lost: $493.50 1
128 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Three. Sands. 10:00-10:45AM. Graveyard shift. 6 decks.
I reached new lows in this session. It ended in yet another disas-
trous high-count shoe. For most of the shoe, I was playing heads-
up. Then an old lady (not a Wonging counter) joined me as the true
count reached the roof. I had my high bets of two hands of $200
out. On the first two rounds after this lady joined me, she received
a blackjack and a 20, while I lost everything, including one double
down. By now, I was taking money out of my shoes. The betting
money that had been in my wallet and money belt had already
been lost. On the next hand, the lady stood on a stiff, while I drew
a 19 and a 20 versus a dealer two. Maybe, my luck was turning.
Not! The dealer turned over an ace in the hole and drew an eight
for 21. I had thus lost $1,400 on the last three rounds and left the
table seriously thinking blackjack retirement. I Lost $1,922 I
I was in a daze when I reached the warm weather outside. I had
lost over $4,000 in just under three hours this morning and was
now behind over $8,000 for the week. I was also down over $3,400
for the trip and was on close to an $11,000 losing streak. I realized
that it was now very possible that I would lose money for the entire
I felt very worn out and numb. I decided to return to my apartment
to rest and think. I asked myself if playing blackjack was really
worth the aggravation. I was being scorched with heat, though I
hadn't been barred since Week Two, and wasn't even making mon-
ey for the hassle. Would I eventually go broke and get barred ev-
eryplace at the same time?
I decided that I had trained too hard to give up. I had put the best
part of a year and 250,000 practice rounds or more into the game.
lowed it to myself to play out the eight weeks. Maybe that amount
of time was not even close to a true test in terms of statistical sig-
nificance but I would play it out. I'd do my best and the cards
would fall where they would. My home play and my play out here
(and in Michigan) last year told me that the odds were in my favor.
And that is all anyone can ask in terms of a business proposition,
which is how I see the game of blackjack.
Before, I had overcome adversity and early losses to win in sports
betting. The long-term odds in my favor had prevailed there.
Blackjack, even though a different sort of proposition, would be
the same. I was ready to go back to war against the casinos and
their agents.
Week Six: April 4-April 8 129
Session Four. Desert Inn. 2:J5-3:20PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
After falling behind by $500 early, which extended my losing
streak to over $11,000, I made a comeback. My apartment talk
session with myself helped make me very detached during my ear-
ly losses. The high-count bets ran well, for a welcome change.
One correct play that I did not make was a double on a soft 19 ver-
sus a four. The true count was +3-1/2 (the index for doubling this
hand is plus three), but a scrutinizing pit boss made me decide to
stand on the play. (I won the hand, though I would have also won
on the double-down.) I Won: $1,070.50 I
Session Five. Mirage. 3:55-4:JOPM. Day shift. 2 decks.
This session played itself out in a rush. I actually got $1,000 ahead
in the first deck! I then set a $500 loss limit to assure myself of at
least a $500 profit. I made less than that because on my final hand
I lost $400. I started with two hands of $100. As continues to hap-
pen every time I bet insurance, I lost $100 on the bet. In addition,
I lost both hands, including one in which I lost a double down on
an 11 versus an ace. Thus, my loss for the round was double my
original investment. I Won: $333.50 I
Session Six. Imperial Palace. 4:35-5:20PM. Day shift. 2 and 6
I played the six-deckers more than the two-deckers, which were
crowded. The session went back and forth. In my last shoe, I went
as high as two hands of $150 and then quit. I received very little
heat. Maybe the casinos all know how badly I am doing! There
was good penetration in all pits and games. ILost: $92.50 I
Session Seven. Harrahs. 5:40-6:40PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Today, I was given little heat. I guess with all of my bad sessions
at Harrahs, the bosses are thinking, "How can this loser be a
threat?" This session probably reinforced that thinking.
On one hand, not being able to see the cards of another player (one
needs to be careful looking at the cards of other players in face
down games, since that is a symptom of card counting) cost me
$400 as I stood on a 12 versus a dealer three, a standing play for
me when the true count is over +1. The nine that the dealer drew
to make his hand would have given me a 21. If I had seen the four
tens of the other two players, I would have hit, since this lowered
the true count enough. As one can see, blackjack can be a good
130 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
game for second-guessers! A key loss of two hands of $150 was
also a killer in this good-penetration game. I Lost: $371 I
Session Eight. Sands. 7:00-8:00PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
My most boring session ever. Despite the over 3/4 penetration, the
true count never became very positive. Only once during the
whole hour did I progress to a $50 bet: a loser. I varied between
$200 behind and $200 ahead. Borrrrrring! ILost: $16.50 I
Session Nine. Mirage. 9:50-10:55PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Before my play, I ate in the Mirage steakhouse. A pit boss insisted
on comping me to that earlier today; he must know how badly I've
done this week!
Once again, I had a huge early Mirage run. At my peak, I was
ahead over $2,000. The swings that I've had in the Mirage have
been the biggest I've ever had in any casino. The good rules and
deck penetration create a situation in which I can not only easily
raise my bet (even on a true count of one, I can safely raise my
bet), but also, because of the penetration, I have more opportuni-
ties to do so. Plus, I sometimes throw in large camouflage bets (es-
pecially going big off the top).
I quit a couple of tables because the dealers started shuffling early,
and left another when a third other player joined. The shuffling
may be a sign of Mirage heat; I'll see. I Won: $1,662 I
April 7 Lost: $1,442.50 Time: 8 hr, 5 min
Week to date Lost: $5,434 Time: 27 hr, 10 min
Though the day was a bad one, I did make a $2,600 comeback af-
ter my morning disasters ended at the Sands. I continue to try to
swim through the turbulent waters of the fluctuations of blackjack.
Session One. Desert Inn. 10:00-11:OOAM. Graveyard shift. 6
I lost badly early. I made a little comeback at the end, but still had
my third losing session in my last four Desert Inn appearances.
Near the end of the session, I made an unusual play. With a true
count of -8, I did not split aces versus a nine. I drew two tens and
busted to the shock of the players and dealer (and to myself,
Week Six: April 4-April 8 131
though, for a different reason). I was unsure if I had made the right
play since, with rare exceptions, I've studied mostly just indexes
of plus through minus six. Later, I called Paul Keen, the blackjack
expert of the Gambler's Book Club. Paul said that the play was a
very close one, but that I was right in not splitting. In the long haul
that is more important to me than the $75 negative swing I had on
that hand. I Lost: $564.50 I
Session Two. Mirage. 11:40AM-12:50PM. Graveyard and Day
shifts. 2 decks.
I bounced from table to table as they filled up. I fell $200 behind
early, but one good run won the session. I never progressed past
two hands of $100. IWon: $479.50 I
Session Three. Harrahs. 1:OO-2:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Though I did not play at her table today or this week, I have seen
Anne (the attractive dealer I played a couple of times in Week
Three) a few times at Harrahs. Today, I mentioned my recent bad
run to her. Anne then cutely winked at me and said, "I think you'll
still come out ahead, Stuart. I'd count on it!" Can't fool her!
For a change, I came out ahead in this casino. I managed to win
despite a huge betting mistake. On one hand, I bet two hands of
$50, thinking that the dealer would shuffle, instead of the two
hands of $150 that I would have bet (progressing from a win at two
hands of $75) had I known that more cards (going past 3/4 dealt)
would be dealt. I won both hands, but blew $200 in the process. I
wonder if Anne still would respect my blackjack abilities if she
had seen this whopper of a mistake? I Won: $385 I
Session Four. Imperial Palace. 2:25-3:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I did very well versus Joanne, a friendly middle-aged dealer from
Massachusetts. When her table filled, I bounced to Wilson's table.
It soon was evident that he was a preferential shuffler, so I quit to
go eat lunch. I Won: $431 I
Session Five. Sands. 4:10-5:10PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Near the end of the session, I again ran into preferential shuffling.
I sometimes put out big bets early in the deck, but the nonsense
continued. This was my last Sands session. I can't say that I'll miss
this casino. Between the construction and pit heat in Week Two
and my 0-4 session record this week (including the loss yesterday
132 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
that had me contemplating retirement from blackjack), I don't
have very fond thoughts of this joint. I Lost: $55 I
Session Six. Mirage. 5:50-6:05PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I sure played at the Mirage a lot this week! This is the last week I
will play at the Mirage on this trip, so I want to make it worth my
while. Next week, I'll give the Nugget a third week since I've got-
ten almost no heat there.
This session was very brief because the tables quickly filled up. I
won because of one hot run. On the next deck, the table filled when
the count got negative, so this was a great time to leave: a reverse
form of Wonging. IWon: $684.50 I
Since yesterday's disaster at the Sands, I have won almost $4,000
and have again pulled ahead for the trip. I know that it is now very
unlikely that I will win enough money the next two weeks to aver-
age the$40-$50 an hour in winnings that I figured would be the
minimum acceptable win rate.
When I began this venture, I thought that I would have routine
$5,000 up- and down-swings (more up than down) and would en-
counter one very bad swing that would cost me between $9,000
and $13,000. I've endured two such swings: one that ended this
week that cost me about $11,000 and one that bridged the third
and fourth weeks that cost me about $8,000. Other factors may
have played a role in my perceived underachievement on this
trip-factors I'll try to examine in my days off and perhaps after
the trip. (These factors are discussed in "Conclusion" beginning
on page 170.)
I decided to play once more on graveyard at The Mirage in what
would be my final session there.
Before getting a little rest, I watched the Lakers get shocked by the
Nuggets at home. This key loss puts the Lakers four games behind
the Nuggets, and they have a schedule disadvantage the rest of the
way, which includes a game next week in Denver. It appears that
the momentum that Magic Johnson brought the Lakers is fading.
Session Seven. Mirage. 3:10-4:45AM. Swing and graveyard
shifts. 2 and 6 decks.
I got less sleep than planned, but was eager to end this terrible
week on an upswing. Didn't happen.
Week Six: April 4-April 8 133
I first got a little ahead in the two-deck game then switched to the
shoes when the two-deckers got too crowded. On a Friday night,
this is not unexpected.
I lost in the six-deck game when confronted with both a bad player
and bad luck. Once the bad player hit on a hard 17 versus a ten (no,
the shoe was not astronomically negative!) and got an ace which
would have gone very well with my nine. Instead, I busted. Of
course, I again realize that an idiot like this will help me just as of-
ten as not in the long run. Later, a much worse disaster hit when I
had two hands of $100 on the table. The first card on each of my
hands was an ace (which, according to blackjack expert, Peter
Griffin, gives the player an expected win rate of 52 percent) and
the dealer's up card was a five (which, I'm sure, further increased
my edge, as did the high count). But instead of receiving a ten on
my second card, I received fours on both hands. I doubled both
hands and then got two tens for two stiffs. The dealer then effi-
ciently turned over a six in the hole and pulled a ten from the ten-
rich shoe for 21. This round cost me $400.
After this tough luck in the last round of the shoe, I went back to
the two-deck games and came back about $200 before finally call-
ing it a week and saying good-bye to the Mirage. I Lost: $583 I
April 8 Won: $777.50 Time: 6 hr, 35 min
Week 6 Total Lost: $4,656.50 Time: 33 hr, 45 min
Trip to date Won: $9 Time: 182 hr, 51 min
Pre-Week 7: April 9th and 1Dth
The day after my terrible week ended, I purchased Arnold Sny-
der's book, Blackjack/or Profit at the Gambler's Book Club.
In this book, Snyder has an excellent index showing the profitabil-
ity of virtually any blackjack game based on its deck penetration,
rules, and number of players at the table, as well as the bet spread
a player uses. I've instinctively tried to play in the types of games
that the systemgives high ratings to and stay away from those that
rate poorly. However, the numerical ratings that can be attached to
games and their various conditions will be helpful to me in the fu-
Though I have tried to concentrate on playing good-expectation
blackjack games, Snyder's book did point out to me that there
were some games I've played that I should have avoided. For in-
stance, I should have avoided the Stardust and Flamingo Hilton
games altogether unless I was able to play with no one else at the
table (and those games would barely be worth playing even then).
In my visit to the Gambler's Book Club, I also spoke to Paul Keen.
I told Paul of my just concluded blackjack disaster. Paul men-
tioned that he once had 17 straight losing sessions in blackjack!
That is a fate I have thus far avoided in my play. However, I sup-
pose that if I playas much blackjack as Paul has-about 20
years-I will at some point hit such a negative fluctuation.
Later in the weekend, my rereading of some of Ken Uston's books
was also helpful. He (along with Arnold Snyder and Stanford
Wong) is one of the few blackjack authors who mention the nega-
tive swings that will occur in the game. Best yet, Uston mentions
personal and team examples of these nightmarish swings. Mirror-
ing my just ended week, Uston says that virtually every serious
player he knows has considered retirement from blackjack be-
cause of rough losing streaks or negative fluctuations.
Reading Snyder's and Uston's books reminded me once again that
blackjack will always be a learning experience. Those blackjack
players who say that they know it all know very little about the
Week 7: April 11-April 15
Las Vegas Hilton, Horseshoe, Golden Nugget,
Palace Station, Maxim
April 11
Session One. Las Vegas Hilton. 2:25-3:20PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Except for Sheila, who would deal 1-1/4 decks, I could not get
much over 50 percent penetration. I played head-on as much as
possible at all tables.
I used a lot of camouflage, which enabled me to get a 1-16 ($25-
two hands of $200) spread with little heat. I often bet $1DO-plus
off the top. Sometimes, I would progress after a win even if this
was in violation of the count.
The camouflage came easy since I was winning. Strangely, I did
well despite only a so-so double-down record. I quit very soon af-
ter a two-hand loss of $150 (two hands of $75) in which I lost a 19
and a 20 to a multiple-card dealer 21. The tables got crowded right
after this. I Won: $891 I
After my Hilton win, I drove downtown to play at the Nugget and
the Horseshoe: the two casinos on my list for Week Seven. Before
I commenced my play, I stopped to see some sports bettors at the
Las Vegas Club. In my visit I spoke with Richie, a supervisor of
this book. Richie, a Las Vegas Club sportsbook employee for
about ten years, is one of the few really nice sportsbook workers.
In my sports betting days, Richie often told me at which sports-
books the best prices on games were and were not located; this
was something which he had no obligation to do.
However, I spent most of my Las Vegas Club pit stop talking with
Sam, a sports bettor I've known for about ten years. I have yet to
hear him mention any losing streaks he has had in these ten years.
Sam, as he did today, always tells me of his latest wins against the
"weak" lines of the sportsbooks. I have long realized that Sam has
either been: a) incredibly lucky (about a .1 percent probability) or
b) lying (about a 99.9 percent probability) concerning his record.
I believe that I'm probably underestimating the chance of (b) be-
cause Samhas been working at the same civil service job for about
nine years. More important, Sam once answered my proof that he
took bad odds on a bet he (allegedly) won by saying, "Hey, I got
to the cashier's window. That's all that matters." Those are the
136 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
catch words of a sucker who will always have a long-range nega-
tive bottom line. I got my day's amusement hearing his latest fa-
bles, though. Much later, I was to need this humor.
Session Two. Horseshoe. 4:45-5:45PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
Surprisingly, I was given so little heat at the Horseshoe today that
I dropped my usual heavy camouflage for the last three decks I
played. The bad news was that I lost badly, anyway. I also bounced
around a lot so that there were never more than two other players
at my table. I Lost: $730 I
Session Three. Golden Nugget. 6:00-7:00PM. Day shift. 1 and 6
This is the one casino in which I will play for a third time. I'll play
extensively at the Nugget this week because of the lack of heat
given me and their good games.
I fell far behind early versus Glenn, a professed "hot" dealer. I saw
no evidence of any nonsense (cheating) on Glenn's part, so I kept
playing. And losing! I was easily able to use Glenn's "hot streak"
as a good excuse to leave when the table got crowded.
I drifted to the six-deck tables and did very well at Sammy's table.
Sammy is the very talkative Hawaiian I played three weeks ago.
He gives decent (4-3/4 to 5 deck) penetration, but it is a struggle
to keep count as he rambles on and deals very quickly. Sammy is
the only dealer I still have this problem with.
After my big win ("easy money, easy money," Sammy always
would say as he paid my wins) at Sammy's table, I played the one-
deck game again and broke even in it. I then ate a healthy dinner
at the Golden Nugget buffet. I Won: $561 I
Session Four. Golden Nugget. B:30-9:30PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
The one and two-deck games were very crowded so I played the
shoes once again. This time I got killed.
I made $400 in the first 40 minutes of the session and then got
slaughtered in two high-count shoes in the final 20 minutes. The
biggest loss came on one round in which I lost $800. I had two
hands of $200 on the table and not only lost the $400 to a dealer
four-card 21, but lost an insurance bet and a double down as well.
In this six-deck shoe I had absolutely no problems counting, just
winning! I Lost: $1,308 I
Week 7: April 11-April 15 137
Session Five. Golden Nugget. 9:40-9:55PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
After a quick trip to the restroom, I played at the Nugget some
more-after I first flushed some money into my wallet! I found an
empty one-deck table and sat down to play. I lost a couple of high-
count rounds and left when the table filled up. I Lost: $176 I
.Session Six. Horseshoe. lO:OO-lO:05PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
I found a table with one other player and played two-decks. Then,
the mobs moved in and I left. I Lost: $50 I
Session Seven. Palace Station. 10:30-10:50PM. Swing shift. 2
I played in the $5 minimum two-deck game which was 2/3 dealt.
I had two break even, one good, and one bad deck. The good deck
was better than the bad. Despite some wild bet patterns, I was giv-
en some heat and stopped the session. I Won: $197 I
Session Eight. Palace Station. 11:00-11:45PM. Swing shift. 4
After a quick break, I decided to try the four-deck $25 game. The
heat did not follow. I did well early, but got beaten in the last shoe
when I had six stiff (12's-16's) hands on the last three rounds and
lost them all. I Lost: $229 I
Session Nine. Maxim. 12:10-1:00AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
Because of reports of occasional good penetration here, I put the
Maxim casino on my Week Seven list. I found such with Cindy,
the first dealer I played, she dealt inside 2/3 of a deck.
I fell behind by over $1,000 early, but played on because of the
good conditions. I came all the way back in one hot and high-
count deck. Shortly after this, Monica relieved Cindy and the great
penetration vanished; no hints of possible tips would bring it back.
I was also getting some mean looks from the pit. I left two-decks
after Monica came on to deal. IWon: $731.50 I
Session Ten. Rio. 1:45-2:10AM. Swing shift. 1 and 2 decks.
Since I did not play on the night shift at the Rio two weeks ago, I
returned for a brief session tonight.
I did well in the one-deck game, but quit it when I started to lose
to Nick, who made some suspicious hand motions as he dealt. I
138 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
could find nothing definitely wrong, but I won't play Nick again
until I observe him closely when not playing.
Then I played for a while in the two-deck game, but was bummed
by the poor penetration. When another player returned from a brief
bathroom visit, I lost three straight hands. This gave me a good
"superstitious" reason to leave since I had done well when he was
gone! I Won: $123 ,.
Session Eleven. Horseshoe. 2:50-3:35AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
As soon as I sat down, I knew that there was a large potential for
trouble. Two bosses, one of them the shift supervisor, were obvi-
ously talking about me. They repeatedly pointed at me. The pit
boss looked familiar, but I couldn't yet place him.
Despite my very heavy bet camouflage, the pit boss seemed to be
trying to convince his supervisor that I was counting. I did some
depth charging (betting more when deeper in the deck no matter
what the count was; this is a somewhat viable single-deck strategy
assuming that a player can see every card and always makes good
play decisions, often going contrary to basic strategy). In some
very negative decks, I saw the supervisor laughing at the pit boss.
It was if he was saying, "How can that moron be a counter? He has
$100 (or more) on the table and look how many pictures (how neg-
ative the deck is) have come out."
After about 35 minutes of observation, the supervisor seemed to
have won the argument and he and his pit boss went their separate
ways. Or so I believed! I was a little ahead in the session and happy
that I had seemed to have survived this major test.
Since I knew that I would be leaving in about ten minutes, I decid-
ed to play it straight (no camouflage) the rest of the way. Ijust had
a desire to show these stuffed suits how stupid they were, I guess.
Two decks after I reached this decision, I started the deck with one
hand of $25. I won, the count went up, and I increased to two
hands of $50. I won both hands, and the count was good enough
to increase to two hands of $100. I won both hands on this round,
as well. This deck was a big winner for me.
About two minutes after this lucky deck, I got a tap on the shoul-
der from the pit boss, who had been suspicious of me. He wished
to talk to me, and asked me to step away from the table for this
conversation. The pit boss then told me that if I were to play any-
Week 7: April 11-April 15 139
more at the Horseshoe I would be flat bet, meaning that I had to
bet the same on every hand of a deck. I asked why, and this boss
said that I had just gone $25-$200 which was an "intolerable" 1-8
spread. I questioned this (since I had played two hands of $100,
not one of $200) and the boss answered that two hands of $100
was the same as one of $200. When I still protested, he referred me
to his boss, the shift supervisor, the man I thought was my ally.
The shift supervisor mentioned the same $25-$200 progression,
and I said that I often parlayed winnings. He answered, "Well, you
never did that in negative decks."
I answered, "What do you mean by 'negative' decks?"
"If you don't know what I mean by positive and negative decks, I
won't tell you."
Of course I wanted to say, "Why don't we view the goddamn tapes
made from the 'eye' and I'll show you how I parlayed in negative
decks." Of course, I couldn't say that!
I continued to act puzzled by this flat-bet ruling and even said that
I bet sports and that no one had ever restricted my bet range
(though I didn't mention that several outlaw bookies had thrown
me out) except within house limits that apply to all. The supervisor
then answered that, "Blackjack ain't sports." No, I guess, it ain't!
Despite my protests, the flat bet ruling stood and my days at the
Horseshoe are over (for now). I had been warned by Frank: and
Marl (the Treasure Island dealer; she had once dealt at the Horse-
shoe) about the Horseshoe flat betting of counters. IWon: $2961
Later, I was able to place the face of the suspicious pit boss. He
was one of the four bosses who had stared at me intently on March
8 at the Plaza-a casino that later barred me. This fellow had evi-
dently quit the Plaza and had moved down the street. Damn!
Though I had won a little on the day, I was depressed that my drop-
ping of my act at the Horseshoe had gotten me flat bet (and thus
barred, since flat betting is a slight losing strategy in their game).
Unlike my barrings at the Gold Coast and the Plaza, I could have
avoided that fate at the Horseshoe if I hadn't tried to flaunt things.
I'd have to be more careful for the rest of my trip in any place that
I was getting heat.
April 11 I Won: $306.50 I Time: 7 hr, 20 min
140 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 12
Session One. Golden Nugget. 3:00-4:30PM. Day shift. 1 and 2
For memory's sake, I lost $100 in a $10 two-deck baccarat pit area
game. If I even see the baccarat pit of the Golden Nugget two life-
times from now, that will be too soon!
However, today the baccarat pit was paradise compared to my
one-deck play on the main floor. The penetration was decent, but
the cards were a disaster. Lots of stiffs. Very few blackjacks. A los-
ing record on double downs. I have now fallen behind on my trip
once again. I Lost: $1,176 I
Session Two. Golden Nugget. 5:00-6:50PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
Obviously, this must be my favorite place to play! Penetration
sometimes reached 2/3 plus. But the cards continue to run lousy. I
joked to cover up my hurt. I used some bet camouflage and re-
ceived no heat. I Lost: $449.50 I
Session Three. Maxim. 7:40-8:40PM. Day and swing shift. 2 decks
This was another typical losing session. I got up $500 early by
winning mostly little bets. Penetration was again surprisingly
good, so I waited for some high counts to materialize.
In the last half hour, they mostly did. And, I got routed. I fell $900
behind before a very late comeback, mostly on low-counts, almost
got me even. When some dealers started to shuffle up early, I de-
cided it was time to leave. I Lost: $157.50 I
Session Four. Golden Nugget. lO:OO-lO:55PM. Swing shift. 1 and
6 Decks.
I did very well in the single-deck games, but gave most of the win-
nings away in the six-deck (you guessed it) baccarat pit area game
(my two-deck jinx carried over!). My loss in this game was high-
lighted by a $150 loss (two hands of $75) when I did not take in-
surance with a 20 and a blackjack on a very close insurance
decision (the true count including the ace adjustment was +2.6 and
I need over a +3 true count to bet insurance). Several onlookers
and Pam, the pit boss, said that I had played it dumb when the
dealer turned over a blackjack. ("You should insure blackjack and
those good hands like 20's".) I left in disgust even though I had
garnered my first winning session of the day. I Won: $181.50 I
Week 7: April 11-April 15 141
Session Five. Las Vegas Hilton. 11:40PM-12:30AM. Swing shift.
2 decks.
Though my win was not huge, I made all the right moves. In other
words, I played like a professional!
Early on, I did well versus Jimmy in a head-on $25 game. When
he suddenly started shuffling at less than 50 percent, I switched ta-
bles after a losing hand.
At my next table, the woman at first base seemed to get angry
whenever I switched between one and two hands. I took advantage
of this to get the table to myself by switching back and forth like
crazy. (I was helped by the Hilton's rule in which a player playing
two hands at a $25 table can bet the table minimum on both.) My
"erratic" play made this woman leave in disgust, which gave me
some more head-on play. IWon: $193.50 I
Session Six. Palace Station. 1:00-1:30AM. Swing shift. 2 and 4
I bounced back and forth between the two and four-deck games. I
quit whenever a third other player joined the game (my usual rule
in all face down games). I received some pit boss scrutiny, but
made no really big bets, never going past two hands of $75, to
bring down the real heat. I Won: $50 I
Session Seven. Golden Nugget. 2:00-3:30AM. Swing shift. 1 and
6 decks.
This may have been my most frustrating session ever. Play condi-
tions were superb with sometimes up to 3/4 depth on the one-deck
games, but 1 couldn't win.
I got $600 ahead early in the single-deck, and then a total imbecile
joined the table. Once, in a very negative deck, he resplit tens to
make four separate hands to destroy the deck. After this move, ev-
erything went downhill for me. I got practically nothing but stiffs
for the rest of the session. While the imbecile got blackjack after
blackjack, I received none. I also lost every single insurance bet I
made. I think I won one of those about a month or so ago!
There is a mathematically illogical occurrence I've noticed about
my blackjack experience. Whenever there is a player who upsets
me, I always lose money once I decide that I am upset. Logically,
this should not happen, but it does. Perhaps, I get upset enough
that I start to miscalculate.
142 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
I very seldom do get upset at other players. It usually takes much
more than mere stupid play to upset me. And, face it, if there were
no bad players, counters couldn't play, and beatable blackjack
would probably cease to exist. But the fellow in this game had a
crummy and haughty personality, which pissed me off. My recent
struggles didn't help my mood either.
I may have to set a rule for myself to quit games the minute anoth-
er player upsets me. As I just wrote, this seldomhappens, but when
it does, I never have won. My session record is exactly 0 percent
in these rare situations. I Lost: $773 I
April 12 Lost: $2,131 Time: 8 hr, 5 min
Week to date Lost: $1,824.50 Time: 15 hr, 25 min
Thus far this week, I have an even 9-9 session record, yet have
managed to lose over $1,800. I win small and lose big. Hopefully,
this disturbing trend won't last much longer.
April 13
Session One. Golden Nugget. 8:50-10:05AM. Graveyard shift. 1
Though I got just four hours of sleep, I woke up refreshed and-
who knows why after my recent blackjack play-optimistic. I've
decided to play my normal Wednesday half-day, today. I well re-
member the bad Wednesday I had last week when I did not take a
half-day off.
My positive premonitions came true in my first session for the day.
I played most of it against Christy, the friendly gal from Colorado
Springs whom I have played a few times and have talked to on a
few occasions.
I sensed early on that a turning point of sorts had been reached
when I finally won a couple of insurance bets (making correct in-
surance plays is the single most important variation from basic
strategy in single-deck play). I won steadily in the hour I played at
Christy's table, most of the time, head-on. I also enjoyed our con-
versation. My winning, I admit, made this more likely.
When Christy took her break, I played for a little while against
Audray, her relief. When I hit a $200 losing streak, I saw that I had
played for over an hour. I decided then to leave and savor my best
session of the week. I also got a comp for lunch from the pit boss-
Week 7: April 11-April 15 143
es, who had made a show of "rooting" me on. Perhaps, my recent
hard times at the Nugget have them actually feeling sympathetic
towards me! IWon: $9111
After my win, I had some breakfast and then stopped in at Leroy's.
I was tempted to bet the Bulls at plus three over the Heat tonight.
The Bulls are one of the most amazing stories in sports this year.
Mter losing the best basketball player (and maybe athlete) ever, in
Michael Jordan, and also being hit with many injuries this season,
the Bulls are just 1/2 game off the best record in the East with a
52-23 record. I would have bet serious money that the Bulls would
not have won over 45 games this season.
Tonight, in a revenge situation, even in a back-to-back spot, the
Bulls should win in Miami. Getting an underdog that figures to
win straight up is the best type of bet in sports. However, I have
not really kept abreast of the NBA this season, so my betting in
this spot would be bad short-term value.
Session Two. Golden Nugget. 1:25-2:35PM. Day shift. 1 and 2
In this session, I had several good and bad runs. I fell $300 behind
early, then got $600 ahead. Then I hit a slump, which left me just
a small winner. I did most of my playing against a dealer named
Lynn. IWon: $73.50 I
Session Three. Palace Station. 3:35-3:55PM. Day shift. 4 decks.
I mayor may not have run into a house shill in this session. For the
most part, two other players were at the table with me (my limit
for face down games, as this one is). At the end of my first shoe,
in which I entered late and played basic strategy, a fourth player
started to enter. When I started to leave, so did he. He then left the
pit. I stayed and continued to play.
In the next shoe, this player came out of nowhere and tried to enter
on the very last hand (the shoe was neutral). Again, as I started to
pack up my chips, this player declined to enter and disappeared
again. At the end of the next shoe, with the deck slightly positive,
this player again tried to pop in. At this point, I cashed out.
Since the shoe often reaches its best value at the end (since a
counter is dividing by the smallest number to get his true count
and because of the additional value of deck penetration) I won-
144 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
dered if the Palace Station was sending this player in to dilute the
last and potentially most profitable hand? Were they testing me to
see if I would be willing to stay in the last (positive) shoe and thus
identify me as a definite counter? I'll probably never know for
sure. IWon: $35.50 I
April 13
Week to date
Won: $1,020
Lost: $804.50
Time: 2 hr, 45 min
Time: 18 hr, 10 min
April 14
Session One. Palace Station. 7:05-8:05AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I got the least heat I've gotten in this casino on this trip. I played
at the $5 minimum table and was able to vary from one hand of $5
(in very minus counts off losses) to two hands of $75. I probably
could have gone up to two hands of $100 with no hassle.
Mostly, I played with just one other player whose cards were easy
for me to see. Since I ran fairly well, I told this player (whose er-
rors often helped me) what a great player he was. Not! (Once he
doubled on a ten versus a ten on a -7 true count).
The dealers consistently went 2/3 into the deck and sometimes
even up to 3/4. If only I could always get such a hassle-free, deep-
ly-dealt game! IWon: $376.50 I
Session Two. Golden Nugget. 8:50-10:1OAM. Graveyard shift. 1
Penetration was very good on this shift-as much as 2/3. Howev-
er, I was behind the whole way and was probably lucky to garner
even a small win. A $250 one-round win (an extremely rare one-
deck bet of two hands of $125, which I would only progress to in
an almost heat-free place like this) was the turning point.
I played a part of my session with Bill, an almost perfect single-
deck basic strategy player. He is a non-counter, though he has no-
ticed and even openly stated (causing me to cringe) that good
things, like blackjacks, tend to occur more often than usual on his
hands when I have big bets out. I have shared tables with him a lot
this week. He has been fairly pleasant to play with, but today he
did make one huge error in judgment.
Week 7: April 11-April 15 145
Bill quickly left the table when Jeff, a Korean dealer, came on. As
he left, Bill whispered to me, "Be careful." I guess that Bill was
trying to tell me that he thought that Jeff was a cheat.
However, I had played Jeff on several occasions and was positive
that he was not (and, I'm always on the lookout in hand-held
games). Nothing Jeff did in this session made me change my mind.
The fact that I won a little in the 30 minutes that Jeff dealt to me
in a head-on situation was further proof (though I realize that
cheats usually pick their times and spots). If Jeff was pulling she-
nanigans, my winning for over 30 minutes in a head-on game
would have been near impossible.
As I left the casino, I explained to Bill that Jeff's "fluid motions"
(what Bill found suspicious) in no way made him a cheat. I tried
to teach Bill what to look for (peeking and pull-back thumb mo-
tions when the thumb should be going forward among other
Though I had one definite incident of cheating five weeks ago
(which I mentioned to Bill), I'll stress again that I am sure that
dealer cheating is very rare in Vegas these days. Bill and others
should study cheating tapes and demonstrations so that they know
what to look for rather than guess and employ generalities. Gener-
alities such as "the guy is too fluid with the cards," do a horrible
disservice to the vast majority of honest dealers and casinos that
try their hardest to deal and employ a clean game. I Won: $60 I
Session Three. Maxim. 11:15AM-12:15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
Somehow, I continue to find dealers who deal deep in this casino.
Lenore went almost 3/4 in!
For a change, the high-count bets ran well. I got about $1,300
ahead and seemed headed for my first $1,000 plus winning session
in a week. However, I had a high-count losing streak and left just
as the hour ended, locking up half the profit. I Won: $648.50 I
Session Four. Las Vegas Hilton. 2:05-2:15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
This was a quick wipeout, pure and simple! I played head-on for
three decks, two of which were very plus despite the lousy (50 per-
cent or so) penetration. I got slaughtered and was unwilling to lose
more money in this lousy penetration game. I Lost: $904.50 I
146 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Five. Golden Nugget. 2:50-4:20PM. Day shift. 1 and 2
Though I played for 1-1/2 hours and made a few dollars, the ses-
sion was very uneventful. I bounced from table to table, leaving as
tables filled. Despite my very heavy Nugget play this week, heat
on me continues to be minimal. However, I won't play in the Nug-
get next week, my last in Vegas for this trip. IWon: $352.50 I
Session Six. Four Queens. 9:00-9:10PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
Though the Four Queens is not on my usual play list, I decided that
conditions (head-on) were such that I could play for a few min-
utes. I started with one very hot deck. This was highlighted by a
$200 (two hands of $100) win, which made this quick stop a win-
ner. Right after this, I noticed that Pai, the dealer, went deep into a
negative deck and then shuffled early in a positive deck. I quickly
left the casino rather than face this preferential shuffling.
Pai should perhaps go find work across the street at the Horseshoe!
He'll take care of those sneaky depth chargers (whose strategy will
obviously not work against preferential shuffling)! No need for the
bosses to flat bet counters at his table! IWon: $189.50 I
Session Seven. Golden Nugget. lO.25-10:35PM. Swing shift. 6
After dinner, I decided to try to play here again. The casino was
now very crowded. I was able to find one uncrowded six-deck
game. However, when the table got crowded, just as the shoe got
negative, I decided this was a perfect time to leave. I Won: $49 I
Session Eight. Maxim. 11:lOPM-12:05AM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
This session had a terrible beginning and a shocking end. I'll have
trouble sleeping tonight because of the ending.
On the first 23 hands I played, the dealer did not bust once! Even
considering that I played most of these hands heads-up (and thus
the dealer could not bust if I had busted first, as sometimes hap-
pened), the odds against this are astronomical even though the
dealer has just a 28 percent chance of busting when his hand is
played out. In this bad-luck period, I fell over $1,000 behind.
However, since the deck penetration was good, I continued to play.
After about 20 minutes of play, the cards started to tum, and I
mounted a comeback. I varied my bets, with camouflage, from one
Week 7: April 11-April 15 147
hand of $25 to two of $200. There seemed less heat on me in this
casino than ever before.
After another 25 minutes of play, I had come all the way back. Two
other players were in the game and I was joking around as I
played. I figured that I would play about two or three more decks
and then call it a session and day. I still had time to pop a big win.
After two more break-even decks, it happened. I got a tap on the
shoulder from the night shift supervisor, who wished to speak to
me away from the table. He introduced himself and told me that I
was "too tough for the Maxim."
I answered, "What do you mean? I got lucky tonight. You had me
buried and I was lucky to come back."
Impatiently, the supervisor answered, "Look, you don't have to
play games with me. We know what you are doing and we feel that
we have no edge dealing to you. You've been under observation all
week. We'd prefer that you not play any more blackjack here. You
are welcome to play any other game at the Maxim and be any
place else in the casino, but no more blackjack."
The conversation and "friendly" barring ended shortly after this,
and I cashed out and left. I have been told that barrings are a fact
of life in this business for counters; in fact, if a player is not barred,
he is probably betting peanuts and/or not playing a winning game
(true of most counters). Still, this barring came as a shock.
What really terrified me is that the Maxim was and still may be the
headquarters for the Griffin Detective Agency, an agency used by
some casinos to check up on and bar and/or harass card counters.
Would this agency now have my picture and description and show
it allover town? These were questions that I certainly could not
ask the shift supervisor as he barred me.
What is also frustrating is that this is my fourth barring (including
the Horseshoe flat-bet decree) and I haven't even really started to
win yet. I'm now down a microscopic $2 in my play for the trip.
Maybe it's good that I'm leaving Las Vegas in a little over a week.
The town may be getting too hot for me. I Won: $22 I
April 14
Week to date
Won: $793.50
Lost: $11
Time: 6hr, 15 min
Time:24 hr, 25 min
148 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 15
It was difficult for me to get out of bed this morning. The Maxim
barring of last night and its possible consequences made me al-
most want to leave town right now. But, I won't. I came here plan-
ning to play for eight weeks and I will.
Session One. Golden Nugget. 8:45-10:05AM. Graveyard shift. 1
Though I have been given little heat at the Nugget, I decided to use
more camouflage than usual. I almost always opened the deck
with decent-sized bets (though keeping my total bet variation from
one hand of $25 to two of $100). I was given no heat.
However, the cards were bad. I lost to every dealer I faced. I don't
believe that I was distracted because of what happened at the Max-
im yesterday, but I guess I'll never know for sure. Perhaps I should
have asked the eye or the pit if I was making the correct count
plays! I Lost: $953 I
Session Two. Palace Station. lO:40-11:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I played at the $25 and then the $5 two-deck games. Surprisingly,
the $5 tables had fewer players (though only one $25 two-deck
game was open).
With not much heat, I did well. I liked Eddie, a very friendly black
dealer from Louisiana. I have doubts that I would be very friendly
as a dealer. Hearing losing bettors whine all day (and many blam-
ing me), getting asked the same dumb questions hundreds of times
a day, and dealing with casino political bullshit would wear on me
quickly. Dealing seems like a thankless job.
A key $200 loss on two hands of $100 kept me from having a big
session. However, it was nice to bounce back a little from the Nug-
get disaster. I Won: $413 I
Session Three. Las Vegas Hilton. 12:00-12:45PM. Day shift. 6
With the lousy two-deck penetration, I decided to play the shoes.
I played at the $5 six-deck game which allowed me great variance
as I started with what would seem medium-sized bets and could
easily go up or down.
Week 7: April 11-April 15 149
The bad news was that in the 45 minutes in which I played, there
was only one high-count shoe, in which I broke even. I quit the
session in a negative shoe as the table and the casino became
crowded. I Won: $25 I
Session Four. Golden Nugget. 1:25-2:35PM. Day shift. 1 and 2
This session ended up being a decent, but not great, one. Near its
end, I suddenly felt very tired and worn out. I bid good-bye to the
Nugget at the session's conclusion. I Won: $321 I
This was an extremely frustrating and draining week for me. I was
barred twice, and have now fallen behind for the trip. I had a great
22-11 session record for the week and yet managed to lose money!
This week my average winning session netted me about $304,
while my average losing session made me $625 poorer. I endured
three losing sessions of over $900 this week, and just once won
over that amount. Doesn't make sense!
April 15
Week 7 Total
Trip to date
Lost: $194
Lost: $205
Lost: $196
Time: 3 hr, 55 min
Time: 28 hr, 20 min
Time: 211 hr, 11 min
The next week will be my last week of this venture. I'll give it my
best shot and draw conclusions later.
Player Barrings
~ first glance, barring blackjack players looks like a very simple
issue in which the casinos have taken an untenable position.
The casinos are offering a game, blackjack, in which the player
has options on his betting and playing strategy and is trying to win
money from the casino. The same type of player options, in play
and bet variation, exist in all other casino games-craps, roulette,
keno, etc. (Maybe slot machines don't have player options in strat-
egy, though I suppose one can use different types of pulls on the
handle!) However, since the player has the potential to have a
long-term edge in blackjack, casino bosses in all jurisdictions, ex-
cept Atlantic City, reserve the right to ask blackjack players whom
they consider skilled to leave the casino or at least not play black-
jack in their casino anymore.
Allowing casinos to bar skilled blackjack players seems like a po-
sition that only a greedy person or a fool could agree with. If a ca-
sino offers blackjack to its patrons, anyone, save disorderly
patrons, should be allowed to play at the tables. If a casino thinks
that the game of blackjack really can be beaten, it has the option
of not offering it to its patrons anymore. It seems ridiculous for a
game to be offered to players who are in effect, being told, "You
can play this game, but only if you are a sucker. If you are not a
sucker, we don't want your action." Again, only a greedy person
or a fool could agree with such a business position.
However, we live in the real world, not in a world in which prob-
lems and solutions are simple and can all be solved by perfect log-
ic and debating school points. The barring of blackjack players by
casinos is a very complicated problem.
The complexity of the blackjack barring problem has been shown
very clearly inAtlantic City. Since September 15 1982, because of
a lawsuit won by Ken Uston, Atlantic City casinos have been for-
bidden to bar blackjack players for being skilled (card counters).
The casinos in Atlantic City responded by setting up their black-
jack games in such a way that even the most skilled counter has a
minuscule edge, if that.
Virtually all of the Atlantic City blackjack games are eight-deck
games in which usually two-decks are cut off from play. These
games, it has been shown in Arnold Snyder's Beat the Eight Deck
Game, are virtually unbeatable for someone who plays every
Player Barrings 151
hand. This is because there are too many negative or neutral count
situations to overcome with any but monstrous bet spreads, which
will result in gigantic fluctuations. The house has about a .43 per-
cent edge in these games. For Wongers who table hop, any small
profits will probably be eaten up in the cost of the aspirins needed
to relieve aching feet, which will be caused by the endless walking
around looking for the few positive situations.
Even with these virtually counter-proof conditions, the Atlantic
City casinos are allowed still more options that can make life for
counters even more miserable. These options are the following:
1) The dealer can be told to reshuffle the cards at any time. Thus,
if the counter has finally gotten a good count situation, the pit boss
can have it taken away. Though this horrible form of preferential
shuffling seldom happens in Atlantic City-and usually just to
big-money counters-it, or even worse penetration, can be im-
posed at any time.
2) Virtually all of the few six-deck games in Atlantic City, as well
as the one four-deck game (a $100-minimumtable at the Claridge)
prohibit mid-shoe entry. This rule was imposed specifically to stop
Wongers. If a player plays in a six-deck game, he must play from
the beginning or he can't play at all. Even if a player like an 85
year old grandmother, who can barely see the cards much less
count, leaves a game to go to the bathroom, she can't re-enter the
game until the cards are reshuffled. With 2/3 penetration standard
in Atlantic City six-deck games, playing every hand of such a
game is really a waste of time. Even a huge bet spread would prob-
ably gain not much more than a 1/2 percent edge: an edge that
would need close to 200,000 hands of absolutely perfect play and
absolutely perfect bet spreading with no camouflage and experi-
encing no casino countermeasures for a counter to have a signifi-
cant edge-one in which he would be ahead even if two standard
deviations south of expectations.
3) Though the Atlantic City casinos are not allowed to bar obvious
counters who use big bet spreads, they can still stop the use of
these spreads by changing table limits. A $25-$1,000 table can be
changed, for example, to a $50-$100 table in which the same num-
ber of spots must be played on each round of a shoe. In other
words, in this example, a 1-2 spread would be imposed on the
counter, thus making the game unbeatable.
152 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
A few years ago a four-deck game with 50 percent penetration was
used in Atlantic City. The table limits were $25-$100. I believe
(but am not positive) that mid-shoe entry was prohibited. I
wouldn't play in such a game with your monopoly money! And
neither should you!
Because of these allowances by the New Jersey Casino Control
Commission and the bad games, the casinos of Atlantic City at-
tract virtually no professional card counters. Thus Atlantic City
has found the way around the no barring law. They make the
games unplayable for card counters.
What has happened in Atlantic City would very possibly happen
in Nevada and all other areas that offer blackjack if a no-barring
rule took place. There could be even tougher variations such as the
dealer shuffling after every round in any hand-held game with any
suspected counter at the table, or very widespread preferential
Thus stopping the casinos from barring skilled players probably
would make the game much tougher to beat than it is even now. So
what is the solution?
I believe the only casino person who has tackled the barring prob-
lem at all rationally is Bill Zender of the Aladdin Casino of Las
Vegas. Zender knows all about card counting (and hole carding
and shuffle tracking) and he also fully knows how a casino can cre-
ate basically unbeatable blackjack games.
However, Zender, being light years of intelligence ahead of most
casino executives and supervisors in Las Vegas, also realizes a few
other facts. These are:
1) Most card counters won't win because they make too many play
and bet mistakes. Frank, the long-time counter I know in Vegas,
often told me that if a casino opened and permitted no one but self-
professed counters to play it would make more money than any ca-
sino in history. I am not sure if I agree with Frank's strong state-
ment. However, I will say that most counters I have witnessed do
not playa winning game and should not be considered a threat by
intelligent casino personnel.
Zender knows that the few counters who will win probably won't
win that much money because of limited bankrolls and/or margin-
al play. Thus, very few counters are real threats to the casino.
Player Barrings 153
2) The more hands that a casino deals in the shortest possible time,
the more potential profits it can make. The casino makes no money
while the dealer is shuffling the cards. Thus, the more deeply the
games are dealt, the more money the casino potentially makes.
3) The more options allowed the player, such as DAS and surren-
der, the more mistakes a player will make. This creates a better ca-
sino bottom line. DAS and surrender are good options for a good
player, however, the number of players who make mistakes with
DAS and surrender outweigh the number of players who use them
correctly. This translates to a better profit for the house.
On points two and three, Zender realizes that the few competent
counters who can take advantage of these conditions will be far
outweighed by the masses of players who will lose far more mon-
ey by their existence.
Supposedly, Zender protects the Aladdin blackjack games against
the few real threats by taping from the eye and with an alert, com-
petent pit crew. From my understanding these "threats" are de-
fined as a "competent counter who sometimes bets over $100 a
For small-stakes, competent counters, the Aladdin is perhaps the
best place in the world to play blackjack. (Only the Golden Nugget
is close to the Aladdin's equal in this regard.) They can play in
great games and have virtually no fear of being kicked out if they
play well and win. And the games at the Aladdin provide excellent
win potential because of the superb penetration and rules (except
for the soft 17 dealer hit).
For Zender and the Aladdin, the few long-term, small-stakes win-
ning counters provide great advertising. Wannabe counters, see
these winning players not harassed and think blackjack can be
beaten, and feel comfortable that the Aladdin won't hassle them if
they do win. Of course, as Zender knows, probably less than one
wannabe counter in a hundred will actually win money in the long
run; thus these few winning players probably profit the Aladdin
Casino far more than themselves.
I would guess that, on average, maybe one blackjack player in ev-
ery 1,000 constitutes a financial threat to a casino's bankroll. A fi-
nancial threat means not only that the player is an excellent
blackjack player, but also that he is betting enough to take away a
significant portion of the casino's expected profit in the time that
154 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
he plays in it. Obviously, the definition of "a financial threat" is
different to different casinos. And "significant portion of expected
profits" is open to wide interpretation. Only the casino bookkeep-
ers know these definitions for sure!
Zender has set up the Aladdin blackjack games in such a way so
that the 999 players can play there comfortably. How well he has
kept out (protected the Aladdin) from the 1,OOOth player-the real
threat-is something that probably can't be answered objectively
at this point since Zender has been running the Aladdin blackjack
games for only about three years.
Most other casinos are so counter paranoid that they set up incon-
veniences for the other 999 players because of the 1,OOOth player.
The casino's fear of this player also costs it money. Decks are
shuffled early. Dealers preferentially shuffle. Shoes are broken in
half. All these actions mean fewer rounds dealt, less total money
wagered in a given time, and less profits for the casino. Most casi-
nos sweat winners and glare at them. They often bar skilled, and
even sometimes unskilled, players in an obnoxious way, which is
not only stupid, but alienates the other customers (like my barring
at the Gold Coast on February 28). In Atlantic City, and I would
guess in some Nevada casinos, table limits are jacked around.
Ironically, most of these paranoid casinos I would guess are more
injured by the 1,OOOth player (the real threat) than the Aladdin is!
So, the question isn't whether casinos are right or wrong in barring
skilled blackjack players. If casinos are not permitted to bar
skilled players, they could always set up games that would be un-
beatable by counters or anyone else (such as, say, a game in which
there is continuous shuffling by a machine, as the Nugget and Mi-
rage once had at a few tables). Atlantic City now comes close to
this type of nightmare as do a few Vegas casinos (such as Bally's
and Caesars Palace).
The reality is that blackjack and card counters-a few of whom
are very competent-both will continue to exist in casinos. And,
casino owners will continue to want to make blackjack profits. The
type of games that will ultimately make the casinos the most mon-
ey are the types of games that exist at the Aladdin in which deep
dealing and several player options will fatten the casino's bottom
line via more rounds dealt and more player mistakes. These games
are the same ones that are potentially most vulnerable to the very
few good players. Whether the few players or teams of players
Player Barrings 155
who pose a financial threat can make a significant impact on the
oceans of money made by the casino off of unskilled players is
something that is difficult to tell.
Though I do not have access to casinos' account books, I would
doubt that their losses to even the most competent blackjack play-
ers are anything even remotely approaching what is made from av-
erage and poor players.
I can say from my own experience that winning at blackjack is
tough. I ended up ahead on my trip, but not by any huge amount.
Though I guess it is impossible for me to know, I believe I did not
make many non-camouflage mistakes in betting or play decisions.
I would also state that I spent a good percentage (maybe not good
enough, but good just the same) of my play time in some of the
best blackjack games available in Las Vegas. And, still I had to en-
dure two very nasty financial downswings in my eight weeks of
I don't think many casino executives realize just how tough it is to
win at blackjack. Very few shift supervisors and pit bosses under-
stand phrases like fluctuations and standard deviations and long-
range probabilities. If these phrases were understood, I suspect
many fewer barrings and hasslings would take place at the black-
jack tables.
As I wrote earlier, I don't have access to casino account informa-
tion. But if I ran a casino, I would bar extremely few, if any, play-
ers even if I were allowed to do so. Probably the most drastic
action I would take-and this would be to players or teams who
pose a serious financial threat-would be to limit the maximum
amount that these players could wager as a player or a team. And
any pit boss or supervisor in my casino who sweated a game or
hassled any player would very quickly become an ex-employee!
The key issue here isn't barring, but education. If most casino ex-
ecutives understood how tough the game of blackjack is and how
violent its fluctuations, I suspect that better games for the players
would be dealt and that substantially fewer barrings would occur.
This would be the best of all possible worlds for both the casinos
and the players--even the few competent ones.
Week Eight: April 18-April 22
Las Vegas: Las Vegas Hilton, Circus Circus,
Palace Station, Aladdin, Excalibur, San Remo,
Continental, Arizona Charlies
Laughlin: Flamingo Hilton, Golden Nugget,
Pioneer, Riverside, Ramada
April 18
This is the final week of my blackjack trip. Tomorrow, I plan to
take a one-day excursion to Laughlin to check out and play
blackjack there. On the days I play in Las Vegas, I will hit a num-
ber of different casinos. I will try not to overplay any. The only
ones that I will not play for sure are the four in which I have been
barred (Gold Coast, Plaza, Horseshoe, and Maxim), and the Nug-
get, Mirage, Treasure Island, the Riviera, the Stardust, the Flamin-
go Hilton, the Desert Inn and the MGM. I may try out Arizona
Charlie's, a small casino on the west side of town. I'll always be
looking for the best possible games.
Though it will be almost impossible for me to end up averaging at
least $50 per hour in wins (my stated minimum for a successful
trip at the start), I do think that this trip has had its plus points.
I've learned a great deal of the realities of playing for serious mon-
ey inside the casino on this trip. The pit heat, the hassles, the bar-
rings, the help and hindrances given by dealers have all
contributed to my education over the seven weeks. If I ever make
blackjack a full-time career, this two-month playing period will
have been a great help.
I have also come to understand that the huge fluctuations of the
game-which are, to an extent caused by hard-to-avoid casino
conditions, make a two-month or 200-plus-hour playing test unre-
alistically short for a "long-run" test.
I have come to understand that a player probably must play at least
40-50,000 hands (play at least 400 hours) before the "long run" is
realized. To me, the "long-run" is defined as a period of time in
which the skilled player is a significant favorite (about a 95 per-
cent or better favorite-or in the neighborhood of being able to
weather two negative standard deviations) to win. Of course, even
in this "long-run" playing period, a player must play well in decent
games to have the long-range odds in his favor. Good penetration,
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 157
decent rules, and uncrowded conditions are important. So is being
able to get down a decent bet spread for a given game.
But now on to Week Eight.
Session One. Las Vegas Hilton. 9:20-10:05AM. Graveyard shift. 2
Since I played just once on graveyard last week, I decided to come
in today on that shift. I hoped that head-on play would be avail-
able. However, I believe that I was recognized by the pit.
The session began very well when I got ahead by almost $1,000
despite never going past two hands of $100. Penetration was just
over 50 percent: not good, but I did have head-on play.
Then Mary, an obvious counter catcher, started watching me. De-
spite my slumping a little and throwing in an intentional mistake
(hitting and busting on a 13 versus a three on a -1 true count-un-
der -2 is needed), she continued to watch my play very closely.
When my winnings dropped to around $600, two other players
joined the game and I left. As I cashed out, I noticed that Mary left
the table and probably went to wait in some hideaway until the pit
needed her services again. Good-bye, Hilton! I Won: $597 I
Session Two. Circus Circus. IO:35-11:20AM. Graveyard shift. 2
I played mostly at the $5 table and got away with varying my bets
from $5 to two hands of $100 without any real heat. I was very
careful in raising my bets. Four weeks ago it was almost impossi-
ble to get up to two hands of $100 at the $25 table! Today, I fell
$250 behind, but battled back for a small win. I Won: $198 I
Session Three. Palace Station. 12:00-1:00PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
No $25 tables of any kind were open, so I played at the $5 two-
deck game. I fell $500 behind early in the session and came back,
though not all the way. Little heat occurred despite a wide bet
spread. Maybe my act is getting better.
At the end of the session, several of the players were happy to see
the "dumb third baseman" (me) leave. I had hit a 12 and a 15 ver-
sus dealer fives (both times in very negative decks). I busted both
times and the dealer later made his hand. For this I was loudly crit-
icized by the dealer and the other players. I Lost: $169.50 I
158 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Four. Palace Station. 3:25-4:15PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
After eating a comp lunch in the Iron Horse Cafe, I spoke for a
while to some friends (who don't know of my new career in black-
jack) in the sports book. With the little heat earlier, I decided to
jump in on an open $25 table.
The deck penetration was fabulous: often over 75 percent! This led
to some great decks and some seemingly strange plays on my part.
In one high-count deck (+10 true count), I stood on a 15 versus a
seven (and lost). In another high-count deck I stood-probably in-
correctly though the play did work out-on a 12 versus a seven
(true count was over +30 with about.3 decks and no aces left) and
this time 1lucked out on a dealer bust. The high-count plays went
well. 1quit when the table filled.
1ended up having my first $1,000 plus win in 11 days. How sweet
it was! I Won: $1,150 I
Session Five. Aladdin. 5:45-6:50PM. Day and swing shifts. 6
1 decided to play the Aladdin and try to outfox the sharpest pit
crew in Vegas. Because of the run-down parking lot in the back,
my name for the Aladdin is now The Dump! Today, they dumped
lots of money into my wallet!
I was willing to play at a fairly crowded six-deck table since they
dealt 5-1/2 decks. And, luck and a small fortune came my way!
I not only had a better session than the one I just had at the Palace
Station, but also was very lucky during it. A dumb player made
playing mistakes virtually every time 1 had big bets on the table.
However, his mistakes almost always worked in my favor! Once,
for example, this player hit a 14 versus a four in a high-count deck
and drew an ace that would have given the dealer a 20 to beat both
my hands. Instead, the dealer drew a seven (to his total of nine) and
then busted with a picture. This stupid play created a plus $600
swing for me (I had two hands of $150 on the table). As 1 have
written, dumb play by others works both ways.
Despite using a huge spread (with camouflage, naturally) I was not
given heat or asked to leave. The "suits" have only a few days left
to nail me here! I Won: $1,591 I
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 159
Session Six. Excalibur. 8:25-9:30PM. Swing shift. 1 and 2 decks.
For this loss I have only myself to blame. On the key hand, I didn't
double down on a soft 15 versus a five with a high-count because
three extra aces (six in all) were still in the deck with .7 decks left.
This ace adjustment made the true count for this decision -4, rather
than the +4 required for this decision, since extra aces left hurt the
player. One should double on the index number, but I did not. I
won less than I should have on the hand, and as a result had less
money to use to parlay onto the next round on which I won both
hands. Penetration continues to be great in this casino: 3/4 in the
double-decks and up to 2/3 in the single decks. I Lost: $252.50 I
After this tough, though small, loss I went by the Palace Station
and thought about playing there again, but decided not to. It was
crowded and I had played there twice at night last week. Though
my blackjack was over for the day, my activities were not.
April 18 Won: $3,114 I Time: 5 hr, 30 min
A couple of more days like this and I still could pass my highwater
mark for the trip. This would be quite an accomplishment consid-
ering what I have endured in the last 2-1/2 weeks.
Feeling happy and a little giddy, I decided to make a couple of
calls from a pay phone in the small arcade area. While there, I fell
into a conversation with a woman who also was making some
phone calls. This conversation carried over to a small bar and went
on into other activities.
I could have let the fun last all night, but I did have a scheduled
business trip to Laughlin tomorrow. Later, I remembered the most
fun that I ever had having sex with a woman-a lady I knew well
in Michigan. In that instance, the passion was much more real
(since we'd known each other as friends for a long time before we
unexpectedly became lovers) and lasted all evening and night. The
next day I was driving to NewYork for Christmas. Despite having
practically no sleep, I was able to make the drive with no help from
my riders. But I was much younger at that time and wasn't sched-
uled to count cards under casino pressure the next day.
In this instance, the sex was just a welcome relief from my grind.
It fulfilled a need for both of us.
160 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 19
After last night's fun, I slept in a little later than I originally
planned. I didn't start the IOO-mile drive to Laughlin until
11:OOAM. I had wanted to be playing at the tables by that time or
I arrived in the city of the casinos by the river by 1:OOPM. Using
Snyder's Blackjack Forum and Wong's Current Blackjack News
as guides, I decided that five Laughlin casinos were worth my
play: the Flamingo Hilton, the Golden Nugget, the Pioneer, the
Ramada, and the Riverside.
The Riverside casino presented a unique circumstance. Their six-
deck game had terrible rules: the dealer hit soft 17, and the player
not only was not permitted to DAS but also could double only on
totals of ten or eleven on the first two cards. Normally, if I were to
play in such a casino, it would mean I had gone crazy and should
be locked up. These rules put the player at about a .92 percent dis-
advantage off the top, over .3 percent greater than the biggest off-
the-top disadvantage I have ever faced in the game of blackjack.
However, the Riverside offered one rule which very much interest-
ed me: the bust-out rule. This rule allows the player to bet at 2-1
odds on any amount up to his original bet that the dealer would
bust with a ten value card on his first draw on any hand in which
his first two cards (up card and hole card) totaled a hard 12-16. The
player was permitted to make this bet only if his own hand was not
resolved (e.g., he didn't have a blackjack and he hadn't busted).
This bust-out rule-a potential gold mine, proven to be eight times
more profitable than insurance for card counters-and the great
deck penetration (five decks plus) would bring me and my betting
bankroll into the Riverside despite the otherwise terrible rules.
Each of the other four casinos in which I would play had down-
town Vegas rules: the dealer hit soft 17, no DAS, and the player
could double down after any first two cards. Penetration in all
games was reported to be excellent, and my type of action would
not bring me too much heat. Or so implied Snyder's and Wong's
Session One. Flamingo Hilton. I:3D-2:25PM. Day shift. 1 and 2
Early on, I fell behind by about $200, then fought back to get
ahead. When the one-deck game got crowded, I switched to the
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 161
two-deck game. I was getting some mild scrutiny from Judy, a
friendly pit boss.
In the less crowded two-deck game, I suspected that Burt, the deal-
er, knew I was counting. I once stood on a 12 versus a 2 in a fairly
plus (over +2 on the true count) situation and won when Burt bust-
ed. Burt seemed surprised that I broke basic strategy. I loudly said
that "those who wrote the 'book' (basic strategy) never bet their
own money." This play and my comment to Burt seemed to help
lessen the pit scrutiny. I won and easily got comped to lunch. I var-
ied from $5 (at the end of minus decks off of losses) to as high as
two hands of $100 (parlaying wins in high-count decks). Penetra-
tion was great-up to 75 percent in both games. I Won: $357 I
Session Two. Golden Nugget. 3:35-4:20PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
It was spooky coming into the Nugget. It seemed a combination of
other Steve Wynn properties: the Golden Nugget and the Mirage
of Las Vegas. The rugs and wall colorings seemjust like the Vegas
Nugget and the "rain forest" in the center of the casino seemed
just like the one at the Mirage. The sportsbook-all the way down
to the color of the team markings on the board (green and black)-
was a double of the Las Vegas Golden Nugget.
I bounced back and forth between several tables as I tried to play
with two or less other players. Penetration was good (2/3 plus) and
a late hot streak made the session a winner. Maybe this week will
totally make up for my recent disasters. I Won: $452.50 I
Session Three. Pioneer. 4:50-5:55PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
And, maybe not! I played at my first $15 minimum table in Laugh-
lin and had great conditions there and at every other table I played
at in this casino (often head-on play and at least 2/3 penetration).
However, in this session, I lost steadily. I did poorly on my biggest
bets (two hands of $100).
My losses were joyfully greeted by the bosses (all dressed in Old
West cowboy outfits). When one saw me go quickly through two
$200 buy-ins, he practically tripped over his boots in his dash to
my table to see if I "needed anything". I did get a dinner comp for
Even though I used less camouflage (gotta learn to play the act
when I'm losing) than usual, I got minimal heat. My losses were
assuredly the explanation for that. I Lost: $969 I
162 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Four. Golden Nugget. 6:10-7:10PM. Day shift. 1 deck.
Since this was to be my only day in Laughlin, I decided to go back
across the parking lot that the Nugget shares with the Pioneer Club
to try to get on track again in a place where I had done well earlier.
I won pretty big, but received my most intense heat of the day. Two
pit bosses and a dealer said that they remembered me "from some-
where." My play was also observed by several bosses who pointed
at me. Do the Maxim and Steve Wynn share information?
At the very end of the session, I won several $200 rounds (two
hands of $100). During this run, I was getting 75 percent deck pen-
etration from Rhene. After one such win at the end of the deck, I
heard a pit boss whisper to Rhene to shuffle earlier. Since I had, by
now, played for one hour I decided that this was a great time to
leave. I left saying that I had a dinner date. IWon: $913.50 I
Instead of dinner, I caught up on NBA action in the sportsbook,
going there in a very roundabout way just in case I was being ob-
served. I was very shocked that the Hawks defeated the Knicks in
New York. This win just about secures the best record and home
edge in the Eastern playoffs for the Hawks. Lenny Wilkins has
done a heck of a job coaching a team that was 43-39 last year and
made few major personnel additions since then.
However, I don't think I'll ever fully forgive Wilkins for the putrid
performance his Cavs had against the Bulls last year in the play-
offs. Not only were the Cavs swept (costing me a series bet at near-
ly 4-1 odds), but they also seemed to give up the series after their
first game loss. The Cavs just seemed to expect Michael Jordan to
find a way to beat them. And, he did. When I'm in a severe black-
jack slump, I feel the same about the dealers! In fact, in my
slumps, they seem even tougher to beat than Michael Jordan!
Session Five. Riverside. 9:00-10:00PM. Swing shift. 6 decks.
It was time to play in the bust-out game. Before I did so, I viewed
the one-deck games and saw something that made me very un-
comfortable. The discards in this game were not put in a discard
tray-as in every other game I've seen-but were held by the deal-
er face up at the bottom of the deck. This is how all games were
dealt in the old days. Though I did not see evidence of such here,
seconds dealing in such a set-up seems much easier to accomplish.
(A view supported by the Steve Forte Gamblers Protection tapes.)
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 163
This session represented probably the luckiest win in my entire
blackjack career. I won even though the shoe never got that posi-
tive (I needed a true count of +2-1/2 to justify a bet of $50 because
of the .914 percent casino edge against me off the top). My biggest
bet of the whole session was two hands of $50. I was able to de-
crease to as little as $5, however. But, on virtually every hand, I
was playing at a disadvantage of over .5 percent.
The table was fairly crowded though the penetration was good
with 5-1/4 decks dealt.
My biggest disappointment was that the bust-out was never a cor-
rect play (I needed a true count of +3 to play it. The count almost
never got that high and never when bust-out was an option). This
option was seldom bet by anyone and it also slowed the pace of the
game. Oh, well. I guess the bust-out won't be around for much
I joked throughout the session with a couple that sat on either side
of me. The wife complained how lucky I was when I hit a 13 ver-
sus a three (true count was -4) and drew a seven and won. The
dealer didn't seem surprised by my play.
Normally, I never would have played in a crowded game with rules
this bad. And the reason I did in this session, the bust-out, never
was a correct play! But, I still won a little and left knowing that I
had been lucky. I Won: $121 I
Shortly after I left the Riverside, I started to feel a little sick. I went
to get my comped dinner at the Pioneer Club and despite very slow
service, felt slightly better. However, now I was also feeling a little
Session Six. Ramada. 12:00-12:10AM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
Almost right after I sat down in the Ramada, I started feeling sick
again. At the first $25 table I had played in Laughlin, the condi-
tions (uncrowded and 75 percent penetration) were excellent. This
seemed a great place to make money!
However, after ten minutes of play, I had to stop my play. I was
feeling increasingly nauseous and was having trouble keeping
count with Nick, a fast dealer. I knew that to play when feeling
sick and tired took away my advantage. If I lost in such a game,
I'd feel really stupid and if I won, I'd be tempted to make that mis-
164 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
take again (playing when sick) and probably lose. So I stopped and
managed to drive back to Vegas. I Won: $24 I
April 19 Won: $899 Time: 4 hr, 55 min
Week to date Won: $4,013 Time: 10 hr, 25 min
If I get out West to play more blackjack, Laughlin will be one of
my play spots: much more than it was this trip. Reno, with its bad
rules (dealer hits soft 17 and double only on 10 and 11), but great
penetration, can also probably be exploited.
Though I won for the day, my health suffered. It was a struggle to
get back to Vegas and I wondered if I could play the next day or
even the rest of the week. I had a win streak going and wanted to
exploit it.
April 20 and 21
Wednesdays were usually my half day. This Wednesday I took the
entire day off from blackjack play so that I could sleep off my
stomach flu. Very late in the day, I left my apartment briefly to play
miniature golf in a course by 1-15; I had wanted to play there for
years and today, totally unforeseen, I did so. The blue skies and
warming Vegas weather were good reasons for going out. My
health, which drove me back after just nine holes, was not. I went
back to my apartment for more soup and drink and tried to get
ready for my last two days of play.
With some luck, I might be able to pass my high point of the trip-
around plus $7,300. This would provide a little consolation for the
recent terrible 2-1/2 week run that prevented me from averaging
$50 per hour in winnings for the trip.
I slept and read for the rest of the day. By Thursday morning (April
21) I was ready to play blackjack again.
Session One. Aladdin. 8:3D-9:35AM. Graveyard shift. 2 and 6
I played mostly at the $5 two-deck game. I was given no heat or
Because of the superb 3/4-plus penetration I was willing to play at
close to a full table. This decision cost me on the last hand.
I had two hands of $55 on the table and the dealer had an ace. It
was a close call, and I wasn't able to see most of the other players
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 165
hands. I ended up not taking insurance. The dealer had a blackjack
and I lost $110. One of the hands that I couldn't see was a 6-3; this
knowledge would have made insurance the correct play. This is
why I very seldom play with more than two others in a face-down
game. More players than that can badly hurt play decisions (unless
one can see all of the cards-very rare at a full table) especially
the critical one called insurance. ILost: $1421
Session Two. San Remo. IO:15-11:20AM. Graveyard. 2 decks.
I decided to give this small casino a try, my first in five weeks. I
played the $5 (highest limit) two-deck tables and enjoyed great
penetration and, surprisingly no real heat. But, I lost.
And, I lost despite unexpected help from a dealer that could have
had me barred and had the dealer fired, and have us both arrested.
Wouldn't that have been a great way to end the trip?
Robin, my dealer for most of the session, felt sorry for me and was
genuinely rooting for me to win (probably because I am not only
such a nice guy but because I was also one of those rare losing
players who tipped her, which I did because of her 3/4 dealing
depth). On one round I had two hands of $80 and faced Robin's
dangerous ace. On a true count of +8, I lost the insurance bet, and
then played out my hands. I stood on my soft 18 on one and then
I tried to double down on the hard ten (on a true count of +4 or
higher this is a correct play) on the other. Robin tried to rush me a
hit card and practically tried to arm wrestle my chip holding hand
to prevent my doubling down. Robin kept saying, "You don't want
to double down on this hand!" I was dumb enough to believe that
Robin wanted to stop me because she felt that doubling a ten
against an ace is a foolish play. I was too stupid, dense, and maybe
too unhealthy to know what was really going on! I won the arm
wrestle with Robin and doubled down. What I lost was the extra
bet when Robin turned over (you guessed it) a nine in the hole for
20. I got an eight as the double down card for an 18 total.
I knew right away what had happened, and how dumb I was. I not
only felt like a hopeless imbecile, but I was flattered that Robin
had risked her career to help me-someone she had not even
known an hour earlier-save a lousy $80. Later on, I caught up
with Robin outside the gaming area and apologized and told her
how grateful I was-the very least I could do. Not everyone in the
casino is my enemy. This incident proved that. I Lost: $434.50 I
166 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Session Three. Continental. 12:30-1:30PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I continued to play in great two-deck games and I continued to
lose. I was harshly criticized by the dealer anytime I made what
she considered the wrong play (oh, baby, what you missed in my
last session). On one hand Dahlia loudly criticized me for hitting
a soft 18 versus a ten because "18 is a winner 75 percent of the
time." I'd love to give Dahlia some blackjack betting proposi-
tions-assuming I have any money left to bet! I Lost: $809 I
Session Four. Circus Circus. 1:30-2:20PM. Day shift. 2 decks.
I won for the first time in four sessions today and as a reward, I got
barred. I should have taken some hints earlier in the session.
I once again played at the $5 two-deck tables and, with what I
thought was good camouflage, went as high as two hands of $100.
I sometimes started new decks with big bets on the table.
I played at several tables in two different game areas (Circus has
three). After a few minutes and some wins, the dealers would start
giving me the early shuffle. Instead of dealing out 1-1/3 or 1-1/2
decks out of two, they dealt less than one deck. One dealer,
Sophia, would shuffle whenever I would raise my bet anytime af-
ter a 1/4 of a deck had been dealt. (A few times I got rid of negative
decks, that way but it was still a waste of time.)
The nonsense followed me from one table to the next. At the last
table I was just about to leave to end the session (since the hour
was up) when a shift supervisor came to the table.
He said, "Hey, you don't have to go find another game. We don't
want you to play blackjack here, anymore." My fifth barring
(counting the flat-bet ruling at the Horseshoe). Depressed, I went
back to my apartment to swim, rest, and think about the less than
two days I had left in Las Vegas. IWon: $345.50 I
Session Five. Arizona Charlie's. 7:55-8:55PM. Swing shift. 2
This is another low-stakes club, with reported good penetration.
But, hey, I have less than two days left so what can they do? It
would be dumb for me to stop playing now. I'll just use caution.
I used the high-roller shadow approach at Arizona Charlie's. I
found a table with just one other player: someone betting more
than me. This player bet $100 or more on every hand.
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 167
In this high roller's shadow, I was able to spread from one hand of
$5 to two of $100 with no real heat. One of the pit bosses, Joseph,
was very friendly to me. We had a friendly chat during my small
win. Joseph kept his eye on the other player, who actually was a
terrible player. Once, for example, he doubled down on a soft 14
versus a ten! The dealer two-card total of 20 showed that this play-
er was not getting hole card info! I Won: $93 I
Session Six. Continental. 9:35-10:35PM. Swing shift. 2 decks.
When one has been barred three times within a week and a half,
paranoia can easily set in. This paranoia may well have cost me
some money in this session.
I spread in erratic fashion from one hand of $5 to two hands of
$100 and was rewarded-despite the 75 percent penetration-
with mostly negative decks. Still, I was a little ahead going into the
last deck that I planned to play. In this deck, the count went up.
I had one hand of $25 on the table and lost it as the count jumped
up. I wanted to put on a "get even" act and throw out two hands of
$50, but saw a pit boss practically sitting on the table and staring
at me. At this point I lost my nerve and left and cashed out. Though
I won for the session, my cowardly move may have cost me a few
hundred dollars. (Of course, I also could have easily lost in the
high-counts, but high-counts are what a pro player waits for).
I cursed and second-guessed myself in the parking lot. I know full
well that if the Circus barring had not happened today, I never
would have left the Continental when I did. Maybe I would not
have gone up to two hands of $50, but I never would have left dur-
ing such a juicy deck. I Won: $137.50 I
Session Seven. Excalibur. 11:20-11:35PM. Swing shift. 1 deck.
The casino was crowded but I was able to find a few uncrowded
single-deck tables. I played until the crowds overwhelmed these
tables as well, and then I called it a day. The cards smiled on me
in this session. I Won: $346 I
April 21 Lost: $463.50 Time: 6 hr, 15 min
Week to date Won: $3,549.50 Time: 16 hr, 40 min
168 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
April 22nd
This is the last day of my Las Vegas blackjack venture. My plane
east leaves early tomorrow afternoon.
I felt tired and worn down when I awoke. Playing blackjack has
really started to wear on me mentally. It's not just the counting and
calculating that is draining, it's also the act I need to put on when
I play. Trying to play well and win while appearing to be another
dumb gambler has started to get to me psychologically.
In addition (as I write more about in the Conclusion) doing this
alone is tough. Blackjack, like most other forms of wagering, has
severe financial ups and downs. Not really having someone I trust
to "bounce" emotions off makes blackjack a wearing experience,
emotionally. I now felt very wrung out.
My next eight-week trip, will include a week's break to recharge
my batteries after my fourth week. The trip that I took to San Di-
ego after week Five was an excellent idea except that it probably
should have been taken sooner and been of longer duration.
"Living blackjack", as opposed to just playing for small stakes or
in practice situations, is a learning experience that I imagine all
pros go through. And perhaps, it is only the pros who can fully
comprehend the emotional roller coaster a player goes through.
Survival lessons can't be acted out in practice sessions or even
learned from a book; they are learned in a day-to-day, and even a
session-to-session process. I will probably be able to take a closer
personal inventory on this process when the trip is concluded.
For now, though, the conclusion of my blackjack play:
Session One. Continental. 9:35-10:40AM. Graveyard shift. 2
The good news was that the heat didn't follow me from last night's
shift. The bad news was that I lost in a great penetration game. I
battled back near the end winning some high-count bets, but didn't
fully make up for some heavy earlier losses. I Lost: $190.50 I
Session Two. Excalibur. 12:05-1:15PM. Day shift. 1 and 2 decks.
Another frustrating session. I not only got great penetration (up to
3/4 'on the two-decks) and mostly head-on play, but also pulled off
a monster bet spread, going from $5 to as high as two hands of
$150! I got dealt stiff after stiff (12' 8-16' s) on the big bets.
Week Eight: April 18-April 22 169
Before I played in the two-deck game, I played a little single deck.
I won a little in it, but then Lenore started to shuffle up on every
bet increase I made. The two-deck action was next.
This session showed how illogical short-term (1 hour, 10 minutes
of play) blackjack can be. I win when I get shuffled up on when I
am using a small (1-4 or so) spread and I lose when I can get away
with a huge (1-60!) spread with super penetration. Another slump
appears to be in progress. I Lost: $708 I
Session Three. Aladdin. 1:45-2:55PM. Day shift. 6 decks.
The penetration again was great (5-1/2 decks out of six). I was
willing to play at a crowded table since the game was face up.
But once again, after a decent start, I started losing the high-count
bets. I'm getting tired of this!
After I played for about 55 minutes, I told myself that I'd play one
more shoe. Not just at the Aladdin, but for the trip. I knew, of
course, that I had fallen far short of my financial goals for the trip.
I knew now that my trip high was reached in week Five (sometime
at Treasure Island in my first session of March 29) and would not
be surpassed.
So I played one last shoe. On the very last round, I had two hands
of $55 bet-my biggest bet of this shoe. I was dealt an 18 and a 19
versus a dealer six and won on a dealer bust. Though I lost a little
money in the session, it was nice to win $110 on the last round. I
also escaped barring by the sharp Aladdin crew. Adios, Aladdin
and Vegas blackjack. For now, at least! I Lost: $151.50 I
April 22
Week 8 Total
Final Trip Totals
Lost: $1,050.50
Won: $2,499.50
Won: $2,303.50
Time: 3 hr, 25 min
Time: 20 hr, 5 min
Time: 231 hr, 16 min
MyLas Vegas blackjack trip was over. I ended up ahead, but not
by nearly as much as I expected I would.
I could be bitter about my experiences in Las Vegas and claim that
I was cheated on many occasions, but that would be a foolish, non-
sensical response. In reality, there were probably six reasons why
my casino performance fell short of expectations.
1) I played too little time to have an accurate gauge of my perfor-
mance. I was wrong in assuming that 20-25,000 hands would be
reaching the long run. A professional card counter probably needs
twice as many hands in decent games to have a statistically signif-
icant (being down by two standard deviations, or about a 2.5 per-
cent probability), advantage. My results were around one standard
deviation south of expectations, something that would occur one
run in six, even with perfect play. Not at all statistically significant.
2) Though I am not nearly as bad on this score as many card
counters, I played too often in bad games. Two-deck games with
around 50 percent penetration like the Stardust, the Flamingo Hil-
ton, and the Las Vegas Hilton should only be played in head-on
circumstances. I rationalized my play in these games by saying
that I could not overexpose myself in just the good games. That is
true, but instead of playing in lousy games, I could have played us-
ing wild bet spreads (as first performed on March 2 at the Golden
Nugget) in smaller casinos under decent game conditions. I did
this in the late stages of my trip. I will do this extensively on my
next Vegas blackjack foray.
3) My idea of rotating casinos was good. However, the rotation
should have been done in such a way that I would play for two
straight weeks in a casino and then not come back again for the
rest of my trip. This 'would make me seem more believable posing
as a typical gambler who was "just visiting Vegas to get away from
the bad weather" than someone who comes back to play in the
same casino a few weeks or a month later. My last three barrings
probably could have been prevented if I had done this. Most im-
portantly, I probably could have had better play conditions in a
second week of casino play than I did coming back a month (or
three weeks) later. That would have meant bigger potential profits.
4) On some occasions when I was not given much heat and was
playing under good conditions, I should not have limited myself to
Conclusion 171
one hour of play. The one hour limit (with the exception of some
late trip play at the Nugget) caused me to wear myself down some-
what by extra traveling around Las Vegas, which in tum caused me
to take more time to get in my play hours. I am sure that the result-
ing fatigue cost me money, even if I was not aware of it at the time.
5) Before the trip, I underestimated how mentally wearing playing
blackjack can be. The calculations that must be made at casino
speed can be draining, but this is only a small part of the mental
drain that a professional player faces. Winning in blackjack is
tough enough. Winning via skill while appearing to be unskilled
to those watching, who are paranoid that you are skilled, takes a
lot of energy. Every bet, every play, every word said, every body
motion and every eye glance by the skilled player can be critical
to his survival. This act of appearing unskilled and a non-threat is
the real mental drain created by casino blackjack play.
In virtually all other occupations, people want to be (or appear to
be) skilled. They also want outside acknowledgment of their skill.
This is a natural and healthy desire. It can be verbal, financial or
both. In blackjack, acknowledgment is poisonous because it often
leads to barring. Instead of bringing praise to the player, in most
casinos large winnings bring suspicion and dislike to the player
from bosses who are looking for an excuse to bar. In fact, in sweat-
joints like the Barbary Coast and the Gold Coast (where my play
career lasted all of 15 minutes on February 28), many clueless
blackjack players have been kicked out merely because they have
gotten lucky and won a decent amount of money.
All of the above, as I now know, is very mentally draining to any
good counter. A player just can't play for long hours at a time
without resting. A couple of times that I was aware of-and prob-
ably a few times that I was not-I played when I should have been
resting. This probably cost me money.
The trip I took to San Diego was a good idea. However, a better
idea would have been for me to take it a week sooner, thereby di-
viding my trip into two four week segments. I should have taken a
week away from the game. The resulting mental refreshment
probably would have been financially profitable, or would at least
figure to be over the long haul.
6) The most successful period of my sports betting career came
when I had Sunshine, my ex-girlfriend, living with me. Though we
172 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
certainly had our battles and ups and downs, Sunshine brought a
sort of stability to my life. Whatever would happen in a game, I felt
sure that she loved me just the same and was always on my side-
as I tried to be for her. With Sunshine around, wins and losses were
less magnified than they've been when I've lived alone. This lack
of magnification made the wins occur a higher percentage of the
time as compared to when she wasn't part of my life.
As I came to see on my trip, blackjack play is a very lonely, yet
turbulent existence. In his book, Blackjack Secrets, StanfordWong
mentions in the chapter, "Turning Pro," how professional black-
jack play tends to cut off its players from the world. However, hav-
ing a significant other in one's life can, I am sure, make this
existence much less lonely and turbulent regardless of the wild fi-
nancial fluctuations that exist in the game.
However, the significant other (man or woman) must have special
and unique qualities. For me, the woman must be honest about
how I am behaving towards her, but also understanding of the tur-
bulence of blackjack (or sports). And I must be honest with her as
well. In Las Vegas, I have seen a number of sickening relationships
in which the wife of a big bettor is treated as a dependent shadow
or trophy of the husband. In my three-year relationship with Sun-
shine, I was always very aware of that potential trap.
A bunch of one-night stands-one of which I had on April 18-
are not the answer in the quest for emotional peace. They often can
feel good for the moment, but are not meaningful for long.
Though as yet, I have no basis for comparison, I would predict that
having a special woman in my life would make my blackjack play
more profitable. My two month Vegas playing experience con-
vinced me of that.
Appendix A: The Rules of Blackjack
The rules stated are consistent no matter how many decks (one,
two, four, six or eight) the game is dealt from.
Blackjack in a casino is played by between one and seven players,
who compete not against each other, but against the dealer.
Object of the Game
The object of the game is to get a point total of cards that equals
or is as close to 21 as possible without going over that total. A
player can win a hand, often called a round, in three ways.
1) He can receive a blackjack (also called a natural) on the first two
cards he is dealt. These two cards must be a ten value card-which
can be any ten, jack, queen or king-and an ace. The player wins
this hand, and is paid at 3:2 odds, unless the dealer also has a ten
value card and an ace on his first two cards. In that instance, the
hand or round is a tie and no money-or chips-changes hands.
2) His final total is closer to 21 than the dealer's.
3) His final total is any total less than or equal to 21 while the deal-
er busts (has a final point total that exceeds 21).
A player can lose a round in three ways.
1) The dealer has a blackjack on his first two cards, while the play-
er does not.
2) The dealer-who must keep hitting his hand until he achieves a
total of at least 17----ends up with a final total closer to, but not ex-
ceeding, 21 than the player.
3) The player busts his hand----exceeds a total of 21. The player
still loses his bet on a busted hand even if the dealer later busts on
his own hand (when playing out his hand versus other players at
the table who have not busted out and have not received a black-
jack). This bust "tie," which in effect goes to the dealer, is the basis
for the casino edge in blackjack. As will be shown in Player Op-
tions on page 176 the player has several options that are not avail-
able to the dealer, which can greatly lessen this advantage.
Card Values
Unlike most other card games, the suit of a card is totally insignif-
icant in the game of blackjack. A nine of clubs is, for purposes of
blackjack play, the same as the nine of hearts.
174 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Twos through nines are worth their face value: for example, a sev-
en is worth seven points and a five is worth five points.
Tens, jacks, queens, and kings are each worth ten points. Often,
these cards are called "picture cards" or "paint" by players.
Aces are unique since they can be valued as either one or 11
points. The player tries to use, and the dealer, by rule, always uses
the value of an ace that will most help the hand. For instance, if a
player draws a six and a three (total of nine points) on his first two
cards and then, on his next card, an ace, he should count the ace as
11 points for a total of 20-a total that he should be satisfied with.
(Some beginner players get confused by the ace and hit this 20.) If
a player draws a seven and an eight on his first two cards (total of
15 points) and then draws an ace, it counts as one making his total
16. Using the ace as an 11 would bust his hand.
The total of any hand that does not include an ace being used as a
point total of 11 is called a "hard" total. A jack (a ten value card)
and a nine is a hard 19 total. A seven, a four and an eight is also a
hard 19 total. A six, seven, and an ace is a hard 14 total since the
ace must count as one point in this hand.
The total of any non-busting hand in which the ace could be used
as an 11 is called a "soft" total. For example, a player drawing a
five and an ace on the first two cards of a hand has a soft 16 total.
Drawing a seven to this hand would now give the player a hard to-
tal of 13 since the ace must now count as a one point value. (If it
had to count as 11, the hand would be busted.) It is important to
remember that a soft total can never be busted by another draw.
How Rounds Are Dealt
Before each round is dealt, each player at the table places a chip
or chips (purchased before he started play) in the betting square in
front of him. In some casinos-including all in Nevada-a player
is allowed to wager cash, which can be placed in the bet box. How-
ever, if he wins the wager, the profits are always paid in chips. The
chips or cash placed in the betting box is the amount that the play-
er is risking on the round, unless certain options, later discussed,
are taken. The amount originally bet by the player must be equal
to at least the table minimum, which can be anywhere from $1 to
$500. The most frequent table minimum in Las Vegas is $5. The
amount originally bet cannot be greater than the table maximum
(which can be anywhere from $25 to $10,OOO!)
The Rules of Blackjack 175
The players at the table are each dealt two cards by the dealer. The
dealer deals from his left to his right (from right to left from the
player's perspective). The dealer actually deals each player one
card and then deals himself a face-up card, which can be seen be
all the players. A second card is then dealt to each player. The deal-
er completes the dealing of the round by giving himself a card that
is face down (its value is not seen or known by anyone, including
the dealer) and placed under his first face up-card. This card is
called the dealer's hole card.
The first two player cards can be dealt either face down or face up
by the dealer. In almost all Las Vegas blackjack games, the first
two player cards in six or eight deck games are dealt face up and
can be seen by all, while in one-, two- or four-deck games the first
two player cards are dealt face down and can be seen only by the
player holding the cards (and occasionally by the alert eyes of oth-
ers). In face-up games, players are prohibited from ever touching
the cards. In face-down games, the players can hold the cards, but
only with one hand.
After the first two cards have been dealt, play begins, starting with
the first player dealt (at the dealer's left or player's right). This
player is often called the first baseman since his position at the
blackjack table is analogous to a first baseman in a baseball infield.
The player can either take another card-done by scratching his
two cards on the table in a face down game or by pointing for a hit
in a face up game-or stay if he is satisfied with his total. These
hit cards are always dealt face up. Staying at any time during the
hand is done by placing the first two cards under the bet chips in a
face down game or by a waving off motion (like shooing away a
fly) in a face-up game. A player can take as many additional
cards-one at a time-as he wishes until he is either satisfied with
his point total or has busted. On a bust, the player in a face down
game turns over his first two cards, so the dealer can confirm that
he has indeed busted. In a face up game, the dealer knows by sight
and addition that the player has busted. All cards from a busted
hand are immediately placed in the discard tray.
If any player is dealt a blackjack (a natural) on his first two cards
in a face down game, he throws the cards over face up to show his
blackjack to the dealer. Assuming that the dealer does not have a
ten or an ace as his face-up card (thus making a blackjack impos-
sible for him) or as soon as it is confirmed (with a ten or ace card
176 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
up) that the dealer does not have a blackjack, the player is paid 3:2
for his blackjack win; i.e., he gets $15 for a $10 original bet. (The
player should avoid the very few games in which a player black-
jack is paid at just even money, since this rule costs the player an
astronomical 2.3 percent.)
If the dealer has a blackjack, (usually determined by peeking un-
der the ten or an ace either manually or by using an auto-peek de-
vice), he immediately (with no further play) takes away the chips
of all players excepting those who also have a blackjack. In some
casinos, the dealer does not check for an ace with a ten up-card.
This means that he could reveal a blackjack after the players com-
plete their hands.
Assuming that the dealer and some players do not have a black-
jack, play continues. After every player-going from right to left
or first base to third base-finishes his hand, either by busting or
standing (staying on his final total), the dealer then plays out his
hand. Unlike the player, whose options we will explore further in
a moment, the dealer has no choices in how he plays his hand.
The dealer starts to play out his hand by turning over his hole card.
If his first two cards, assuming that a blackjack has been ruled out,
total between 17 or 20 (hard or soft), his hand is complete. In some
casinos, (notably in downtown Las Vegas and in Northern Nevada)
the dealer hits soft 17's (costing the player approximately .2 per-
cent), but we'll assume Strip rules in this discussion. Assuming
that the dealer's two card total is 16 or less, he keeps hitting his
hand until he either reaches a total of 17-21 (hard or soft) and
stands, or he busts. If the dealer busts, he pays out any players at
the table who have not busted or drawn a blackjack. If the dealer
ends up with a 17-20 total he collects the chips from the players
whose final point total is less than his and pays the players whose
non-busting totals are greater. If the dealer ends up with a 21 total,
the players with unresolved hands all curse as the dealer takes the
chips of all the players excepting those who also have a 21 total.
On this or any other tie (push), the dealer usually taps the spot next
to the tying player's chips to indicate (to the eye upstairs) a tie and
no chip exchange.
Player Options
Unlike the dealer, who must play his hands according to preset
rules, the player has options in the play of his hand. If used cor-
The Rules of Blackjack 177
rectly, these options by themselves go a long way towards elimi-
nating the house edge, created by the player having to play first.
Let's examine these options.
1) Stand or hit. Unlike the dealer, the player can stand or hit on
any total. On a total of hard 12-16, a player can stand on his total
and hope that the dealer subsequently busts. Against a low (two
through a six) dealer up-card, it is often the correct play to play
this way. (Of course, some uninformed or beginner players stand
on totals like soft 14 even though they can not bust with one draw
on this hand and can win only if the dealer does bust. I've even
seen a few beginners stand on hard totals of under 12!)
2) Double Down. If the player has a strong first two-card total,
which he thinks could be greatly improved with one more card,
such as an ace or a ten, the player may double his original bet. In
a face-down game, the player turns over his first two cards when
he wishes to double down; in the face-up game he just says, "dou-
ble" while sliding over a new stack of chips next to the original
bet. In exchange for being allowed to double the original bet, the
player receives one and only one more card. He can not draw ad-
ditional cards. The double down card is usually dealt face down in
face down games and face up in face up games. Though the house
does allow players to double down for less than the original bet,
this is nearly always a sucker play. Some strange and very rare rule
exceptions make doubling down for less a very intelligent play. (I
did not encounter any of these rules in my Vegas trip.)
Doubling down correctly is an extremely critical option for the
player because it allows the player to maximize the financial pow-
er of some of his strongest hands. It allows the player to invest
more money on hands which he is a favorite to win.
Some casinos, notably most of the ones in Northern Nevada, allow
players to double down only on totals of ten or eleven. While these
totals are by far the best ones with which to double down, this rule
can cost the player over .25 percent. The Excalibur single-deck
game allows the player to double down only on totals of nine, ten
and eleven: a .132 percent player disadvantage.
3) Pair Splitting. If the player has two cards of the same denom-
ination as his first two cards, he can split these cards to form two
separate hands. (In every casino I've played in, except one in
Michigan, all ten value cards are considered the same for pair
178 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
splitting purposes.) To split a pair, the player must fully match his
original bet (unlike doubling down when a player can double for
less). In a face-down game, the two cards are thrown over face-up,
as with doubling down. In a face up game, the player tells the deal-
er he wants to split the pair. The player then plays each part of the
pair face up as a separate hand, ending up by either standing or
busting (and losing that part of the bet) before going on to the next
part of the split.
In most casinos, a player may resplit a pair. For instance, if a play-
er splits threes and then receives another three as the second card
of one of the hands, he may start another hand by matching his
original bet yet again. Most casinos do not allow more than four
total hands to be played on pair splits. In other words, a player may
usually split up to three times.
Some casinos permit players to double down after a split: an op-
tion worth .14 percent to the player who uses it correctly. When
this option is permitted, a player may double any of the split
hands. For example, if a player splits twos and gets a nine card on
one of the twos for a total of 11, he may double that part of the split
hand (putting out another pile of chips doubling the bet). Exactly
one more card is dealt to that hand: the same as for a normal dou-
ble down. In games in which doubling down is allowed after splits,
the player is more likely to split pairs.
In most casinos, aces may be split just once. In addition, in virtu-
ally every casino, a player may hit the split ace just once. For in-
stance, if a player splits aces and receives another ace, he is usually
stuck on that hand with the lousy total of soft 12 which can only
win if the dealer busts.
The reason that most casinos have these rules regarding aces is
that starting a hand with a total of 11 is extremely strong for the
player. Since a ten-value card is the most likely card to be drawn,
a player has an excellent shot at receiving a 21 (or possibly two
21's) on this split: thus the usual restrictive rules on splitting aces.
Pair splitting is one of the most misunderstood and misplayed op-
tions in the game of blackjack. As I explained in the Introduction,
even most counters don't really understand exactly why it is finan-
cially prudent to split when this is the option called for.
4) Insurance. When the dealer has an ace as his up card, the player
is given the insurance option. (Some casinos, including most in
The Rules of Blackjack 179
Canada, do not offer insurance.) The dealer offers this option by
asking, "Insurance?"
If a player takes insurance, he is making a side bet that the dealer
has a ten value as his hole card, and thus a blackjack. The player
can bet up to a maximum of one-half of his original bet on an in-
surance bet. The player receives 2-1 odds on this bet. If the dealer
does have a blackjack-a ten value card in the hole-the player
loses his original bet (unless it is also a blackjack in which case his
original bet is a tie) but gets paid 2-1 on the insurance bet. A hand
like this results in a financial tie for the player. If the dealer does
not have a ten in the hole-and thus not a blackjack-all insurance
bets are lost. Play then proceeds in the usual fashion.
Insurance is also a very misunderstood option. A common mistake
made by players and one that is encouraged by (often well-mean-
ing) dealers is to make an automatic insurance bet on a blackjack.
When a player blackjack is insured, it is called an "even-money"
play; whether the dealer has blackjack or not, the player collects
"even-money" on his original bet. For example, let's say that the
player bets $10 originally and gets a blackjack versus a dealer ace.
If he bets insurance for $5 (the maximum allowed) and the dealer
has a blackjack, the player will collect $10 on the insurance bet (2-
1 on a $5 bet) and break even on his original hand for a $10 profit.
If the dealer does not have a blackjack, he collects $15 (3-2 odds
on $10) on his original hand and loses the $5 insurance bet for a
$10 profit. Either way, the profit is $10 or "even-money" on the
original bet.
Since "only tying" with a blackjack is a frustrating experience,
many players opt for the guaranteed payout at even odds. This is
usually a costly mistake. Let's see why.
Let's take a one-deck example. Let's say that off the top of the
deck in a head-on game, you have a blackjack versus a dealer ace.
The 52-card deck starts out with 16 ten-value cards, which can
give the dealer a blackjack; however, you have one of those ten
value cards in your hand, leaving just 15 possible blackjack-creat-
ing hole cards for the dealer out of the 49 now unknown cards.
Let's say, as above, you have bet $10 on the original hand. Playing
out the scenario, the 49 possible ways and always betting insur-
ance, you would make a $490 profit: $10 on every hand. If you
never bet insurance, you would make a $510 profit (34 times $15
180 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
[which is 1-1/2 times $10]) when the dealer did not have blackjack
and break even the 15 times that he did have a blackjack, for a
$510 total profit.
A far dumber and usually far worse mistake than insuring a black-
jack is insuring a 20. The thinking on this maneuver is that a player
wants to "protect" his good hand in case "that damn lucky dealer"
has a blackjack. With two tens now in his hand (this assumes that
the player has two tens rather than a less likely nine and ace for a
soft 20), not only is the dealer less likely to have a blackjack, but
also the player now stands the possibility of losing both the insur-
ance bet and the original hand. This will occur if the dealer man-
ages to get a three or more card 21 off his ace up card. This
certainly can and has happened! In addition, if the player does
manage to win his 20 hand, he profits just half a bet (remember the
lost insurance bet?) Thus, the player who insures a 20 is risking 1-
1/2 bets while putting himself in a position to win at most 1/2 a
bet! In other words, he is risking three times what he can gain!
Plus, insurance is more than normally likely to be a bad bet be-
cause two of the cards that will win the insurance bet for the player
are right in his hand (this again assumes that the 20 is made up of
two tens instead of an ace-nine soft 20: a hand that is obviously a
better insurance bet possibility [though still a losing bet off the top
of the deck] since no tens are in the players hand). Off the top of a
single deck game, a player who insures a two-ten 20, has just a 14
in 49 chance of the dealer having a blackjack; this is giving away
a 14 percent edge!
Occasionally-since so many normal players do make this error-
it can be a good form of advertising for a counter to insure a black-
jack (and yell "even money" when doing so) at the wrong time (in-
surance, as I'll show in the Hi-Opt Count System on page 188,
should really be taken only if someone is counting and the count
is at a certain level). This makes the pit think he is a "normal" play-
er. I don't recommend insuring blackjacks all the time, but doing
so at the right time can add greatly to career longevity.
Also, the smart card counter can use the stupidity of other players
who insure 20's in face-down games to his advantage. (I would not
recommend this play, especially a two-ten 20, for cover because I
feel that it is too costly an error.) When a player insures and places
his cards underneath his chips (meaning he won't want a hit if the
hand continues) in a face-down game, I have found that it signals
The Rules of Blackjack 181
a 20 (which is, again, usually two tens) a very high percentage of
the time. This unseen card knowledge helps me to make my own
insurance decision, usually leading me towards not taking it.
5) Surrender. Most casinos do not offer this player option. How-
ever, those that do so are giving the player-especially a card
counter-an important weapon.
When a player surrenders his hand, he does so, with very rare ca-
sino exceptions, immediately after receiving his first two cards.
When he takes this option, he is giving up the hand (almost always
a stiff hand, like a 15 or a 16 versus a dealer ten), but getting half
of his money returned. The house takes the other half of the bet.
However, if the dealer has a blackjack, the player loses the whole
bet. A very few casinos in the world offer early surrender; which
gives the player half of his bet back even if the dealer does have a
When used properly, the surrender option can be used to cut loss-
es. For a counter using a wide bet spread, cutting down losses on
his big bets can make a significant difference in his long-range
bottom line.
Appendix B: Basic Strategy
The basic strategy for making decisions on how to play black-
jack hands was first developed in the late 1950's and early
1960's. Using only the knowledge of a player's own cards plus the
dealer up-card, basic strategy shows the best way to play every
conceivable blackjack hand. Perfect use of basic strategy will re-
duce the edge of the casino to usually no more than .5 percent over
the player. This rate of player loss is far less than in any other
available casino game. A player who just plays perfect basic strat-
egy will, at worst, be losing money at one-fourth the rate of the
normal blackjack player (who loses at about a 2 percent rate). With
rarely-found good rules in a single-deck game, a non-counting ba-
sic strategist can even be playing with a small long-range advan-
tage (as much as .16 percent) over the casino!
Even when a player has an edge over the casino by card counting,
he still uses basic strategy to determine the play of his hand over
80 percent of the time. Before learning card counting, a player
must know, without any hesitation, whatsoever, basic strategy.
There are several differences between one-deck and multi-deck
basic strategy: thus I will show tables for both.
Table 1: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Hard Total Standing and Hitting
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 A
13-16 S H
12 H H
11 or less Always Hit
Notes: H =Hit, S =Stand. Player should stand on three
card or more total of 16 versus a dealer 10.
Table 2: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Soft Total Standing and Hitting
Dealer Up Card
Player Total
2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 110IA
19-21 Always Stand
17 or less Always Hit
Basic Strategy
Table 3: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Hard Doubling Down: Two Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
11 D D D D D D D D D H
10 D D D D D D D D H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
8 or less Always Hit
Note: D =Double Down.
Table 4: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Soft Doubling: Two Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
19-20 Always Stand
18 S D D D D S S H H H
17 H D D D D H H H H H
15-16 H H D D D H H H H H
13-14 H H H D D H H H H H
Table 5: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Pair Splitting: No Double After Split Allowed
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair
2,2 and 3,3
184 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Table 6: Multi-Deck Basic Strategy
Pair Splitting: Double After Split Allowed
(only differences shown)
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
6,6 P P P P P H H H H H
4,4 H H H P P H H H H H
2,2 and 3,3 P P P P P P H H H H
Multi-deck surrender is called for on the following hands: all 16's
except 8,8 (which is to be split) versus a dealer nine, ten or ace and
aIII5's, except the 8,7 combination, versus 10's. There are no sin-
gle deck games of which I am aware that offer surrender.
Never bet insurance in single or multiple deck games.
Single-Deck Basic Strategy
The hard standing and hitting table for single-deck basic strategy
is exactly the same for single-deck as for multi-deck with a few ex-
When the player has a total of 12 versus a dealer four, the play-
er should hit if he has a two card 12 consisting of a ten value
card and a two.
Versus a dealer six, a player should also hit a two card 12 con-
sisting of a ten and a two. Otherwise, the player should stand
on these hands.
If a player has a 12 versus a dealer three, he should stand on a
7,5 or 8,4. Otherwise, he should hit.
If the player has a two-card 13 versus a dealer two, the player
should hit ifhe has a two-card 13 consisting of a ten value card
and a three. Otherwise, the player should stand on this hand.
On a two-card 14 versus a ten, the player should stand if he has
a pair of sevens in his hand. He stands in this instance because
two of the four cards in the deck that can help him the most on
his hand (sevens) are already in his hand. The player hits on
all other 14's versus 10's.
Basic Strategy 185
The soft standing and hitting table has only one small basic strat-
egy change for single-deck versus multi-deck. The player should
stand on soft 18 versus a dealer ace rather than hit (as in multi-
deck). However, in a single-deck game in which the dealer hits on
soft 17, the player should hit his soft 18 versus a dealer ace: as in
all multi-deck play.
Table 7: Single-Deck Basic Strategy
Hard Doubling Down: Two Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
11 Always Double
10 D D D D D D D D H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
8 H H H
D* D*
7 or less Never Double
Note: D* =Special Case (see below)
Doubling down on an eight is a single-deck basic strategy special
case in which the correct play depends on the cards that make up
the player's two card total of eight. The player should not double
down on an eight versus a dealer five or six if his two cards are a
six and a two. He should merely hit. A player should double down
versus a dealer five or six ifhe holds a five and a three. If the player
holds two fours, he should double down versus a dealer five or six
only if doubles after splits are not permitted (which is mostly the
case in single-deck play). If doubles after a pair split are allowed,
the player should split fours versus a dealer five or six (as well as
against a four).
Table 8: Single-Deck Basic Strategy
Soft Doubling: Two Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
20 Always Stand
19 S S S S D S S S S S
18 S D D D D S S H H
17 D D D D D H H H H H
13-16 H H D D D H H H H H
* Hit if dealer hits soft 17.
186 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Table 9: Single-Deck Basic Strategy
Pair Splitting: No Double After Split Allowed
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
10,10 Never Split
9,9 P P P P P S P P S S
8,8 Always Split
7,7 P P P P P P H H S H
6,6 H P P P P H H H H H
5,5 Never Split (treat as 10)
4,4 H H H D D H H H H H
3,3 H H P P P P H H H H
2,2 H P P P P P H H H H
Ace,Ace Always Split
Table 10: Single-Deck Basic Strategy
Pair Splitting: Double After Split Allowed
(only differences shown)
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
7,7 P P P P P P P H S H
6,6 P P P P P P H H H H
4,4 H H P P P H H H H H
3,3 P P P P P P P H H H
2,2 P P P P P P H H H H
Even if a player plans to become a professional blackjack card
counter, he must learn the basic strategy first. When known in-
stinctively-and this should take no more than a week's practice
for both multiple and single-deck games-the player will know-
without hesitation, the usual (basic strategy) way to play any hand
that he'll ever come across in a blackjack game. Only when basic
strategy is known without needing any thought is the player ready
to begin card counting. As the player learns card counting, he will
learn how, according to the composition of the remaining deck, he
will occasionally play his hands differently than according to ba-
sic strategy.
Even if a player does not graduate into card counting after he
learns perfect basic strategy, he will still be a better blackjack
Basic Strategy 187
player than virtually any other player he will come across in the
casino. I would estimate that no more than one blackjack player in
50 is capable of playing perfect basic strategy for the game he is
involved with. And, as I've already written, a perfect basic strate-
gist will play with a smaller disadvantage in virtually any black-
jack game than he will in any other casino game. In virtually all
Las Vegas single-deck games, the perfect basic strategist will be
playing with no more than a .2 percent disadvantage and, often,
with virtually no disadvantage at all. This small house percentage
edge means that the perfect basic strategist would expect to lose
just $2 for every $1,000 that he wagers over the long run. In multi-
deck games, the basic strategist usually faces a .5 percent or less
disadvantage; this player in the long run will lose just $5 (or less)
for every $1,000 he wagers. Though the perfect use of basic strat-
egy in blackjack is certainly not a way in which to make money or
play for the long haul, a perfect basic strategist, who is a recre-
ational gambler (who has brought along only money that he can
afford to lose), can-with a modicum of good luck-make money
at the blackjack tables over a short run, such as a two or three-day
vacation. His probabilities of a short term win in blackjack are cer-
tainly far better than in any other casino wagering proposition.
Appendix C: Hi-Opt Count System
A Brief Explanation of Card Counting
The premise of basic strategy is that the only cards taken into
consideration on a given hand are the cards in a player's hand
and the dealer's up card. Whatever cards have been dealt earlier in
the deck or the shoe are irrelevant in terms of a player's play deci-
sions on the present hand. The cards of the other players at the ta-
ble are also irrelevant in terms of basic strategy.
In the 1950's and very early 1960's, as ancient computers and
hard-working mathematicians were figuring out an optimal basic
play strategy for blackjack, a few smart bettors had already come
to realize through their own blackjack playing experiences that
when the remaining cards in the deck-and all blackjack games
were one-deck games in those days-contained a disproportion-
ately high number of tens, good events for the player tended to
happen more frequently than usual. The player was more likely to
receive a blackjack (and its 3-2 payoff); the ten and eleven double
downs-and in those days virtually no one doubled down on other
totals-often tended to become 20 and 21 totals and usual win-
ners; the dealers seemed to bust more often, especially when they
had two through six up cards.
These alert bettors, though not having access to very good play
strategy, came to understand instinctively that if more money was
bet when the deck was rich in tens (and a few of these alert bettors
realized the strength of aces because of their place in the player
blackjack), a player could make blackjack a game in which the
player and not the casino would have the edge! Though probably
not being aware of mathematical terms like dependent sequential
events, which is what blackjack is, these early counters were able
to tum the tables on the casinos by betting much more heavily in
ten and ace rich situations than when the deck did not have this
composition. The optimal betting strategy for blackjack (as op-
posed to its playing strategy, which lagged far behind) was known
by the early counters and is basically the same today.
For over ten years (I have even heard of one bettor, now deceased,
who was perhaps the very first known card counter; he began his
casino blackjack assaults in the late 1940's), these few bettors en-
joyed advantages over the casinos, which never before and proba-
bly never again will exist. These early counters used tremendous
bet ratios, like $1-$500, to take advantage of the betting strategy
Hi-Opt Count System 189
of counting. The big bets were placed in ten (or ten and ace) rich
decks. The tiny bets were made when the deck was lean in tens
(and aces). These giant bet ratios and the 100 percent deck pene-
tration (virtually every game was dealt to the last card until the
1960's) won tremendous sums of money for these few early
counters despite fairly poor, by today's standards, play strategies
and a fair amount of dealer and house cheating, which existed at
that time, but now, at least in Nevada and Atlantic City, is probably
very rare. Ed Thorp, in his classic blackjack book, Beat the Dealer,
writes of the success of some of these first counters, which includ-
ed himself, in the late part of this era. Thorp's (and other) mathe-
matical and computer work on the game of blackjack confirmed
what the early counters had known for as long as 15 years: extra
tens and aces in the deck benefit the player while surpluses of low
cards, especially fives, hurt the player. These facts were also used
to help put the final touches on basic strategy.
From the later 1960's through today, play strategies for various
counts have been developed. These strategies were developed to
help the player know the best time to vary his play from basic
strategy, according to the composition of the deck. This play strat-
egy, unlike basic strategy, is based on dependent sequential events.
To use one quick example, basic strategy says to hit a 12 versus a
dealer three. However, most count play systems say that if the
count is slightly positive (+1 true count, or more, in Hi-Opt I), the
player should stand because the chances of a player bust as well as
a subsequent dealer bust are greater than normal (because of the
greater than normal number of tens left in the deck or shoe.)
Thus was born card counting. Though the blackjack games and the
casinos awareness of card counting have changed greatly since the
early 1960's, the principle of card counting and the reasons for its
success (which I have written about in more detail in the chapter
on card counting myths) have basically remained the same. When
the composition of the remaining cards is rich enough in tens and
aces (different games and rules require different amounts of rich-
ness), the financial edge in the game of blackjack goes over to the
player's side of the table. This earthshaking event never occurs in
independent event (which means that the odds of an event's occur-
ring always stay the same, regardless of the events that proceeded
it) games such as craps, keno, roulette or slot machines.
190 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
The Hi-Opt I Count System
A running argument that exists among card counters is which
blackjack count system is the best. For over 20 years, computer
simulations have been used to "prove" that one count system is
better than another.
To me computer simulations are just that: simulations. The real
world of the casino of the mid-1990's is very tough to simulate on
a computer. A computer simulation does not have a pit boss or
shift supervisor glaring at and putting mental pressure on a sus-
pected card counter. A computer simulation does not have a shift
supervisor starting a conversation with a suspected counter in or-
der to see if his eyes avoid his to look at and count the cards. A
computer simulation does not have a stupid player doubling down
on a 12 (a play I've seen) and busting with the ten which would
have gone very well with your big-bet eleven double down (and
instead you get an ace) and its possible brief mental distraction. A
computer simulation does not have a perfect basic strategy player
and/or dealer very loudly second guessing a losing "strange" play
by a professional card counter (such as busting on a 13 hit versus
a three in a very negative deck). A computer simulation does not
have a cocktail waitress yelling out, "Drinks, anyone?" while the
card counter is deciding whether to bet insurance on an important
play. In other words, no computer simulation can put into its pro-
gram the thousand-and-one possible distractions that a counter
will face when he plays in the real world of the casino, at casino
speed. Casino distractions, by the way, are why my casino win ex-
pectations are always less than how I perform in my home play.
Now, the above is not to say that computer simulations of the game
of blackjack are worthless. Thirty years ago, as stated, computers
were the instruments used by Dr. Ed Thorp to make blackjack a
potential winning game for the card count player. Computers were
also a big aid in developing the perfect basic strategy. Computers
have been an absolute necessity in creating play strategies (or
when to vary from the basic strategy) for every count system. To-
day, computer runs are excellent at showing the profitability of
games when certain rules and conditions-such as deck penetra-
tion and a certain number of other players at the table-are im-
posed. To an extent, computer software can be used to show the
long-range financial effects of bet camouflage. However, virtually
none that I have seen or read of can fully imitate what a good
Hi-Opt Count System 191
counter playing for decent money must do to mask his betting
style in the real world of the casino-though my east coast com-
puter friend and blackjack player, NormYoung (mentioned in the
acknowledgments), may have come closest in his software.
One reality of casino play, that can not be simulated by a comput-
er, is that all card counters make mistakes in casino play. I men-
tioned some of mine in the diary. And, these were just the mistakes
that I caught. I am positive I made others. The counter who says
that he always plays perfectly with his only "mistakes" being in-
tentional ones for the benefit of the pit bosses is either a liar or an
ignorant fool. What a card counter needs is an efficient count sys-
tem that is simple enough to use at casino speed with a minimum
amount of mistakes.
Thus, for me, a balance of simplicity and effectiveness was needed
when I decided which blackjack count system to use in the casino.
The count that satisfied these qualifications for me was the Hi-Opt
I. Early in my blackjack play, I started using a side count of aces
for bet decisions. This factor, as I wrote in the Introduction, I be-
lieve is underestimated by Lance Humble in his Worlds Greatest
Blackjack Book. Later I expanded the ace side count for play de-
cisions. The betting efficiency of this count system (which tells the
counter the optimal time to raise his bets) is .96 and its playing ef-
ficiency (which tells the counter how to play his hands) is .635.
The play and efficiency level of the Hi-Opt I is very competitive
with other count systems. Most of the few that score higher are
much more sophisticated and thus much more difficult to use un-
der casino pressure and speed. Accordingly, they may cause their
users to make many more mistakes than I do.
The Hi-Opt I user counts threes through sixes as low cards (adding
one to the running count each time he sees one of these cards) and
counts all ten value cards as high value cards (subtracting one
from the running count each time he sees one of these cards). The
running count, again, is the calculation in which the user subtracts
the number of high cards (tens) that have come out of the deck or
shoe from the number of low cards (threes, fours, fives and sixes)
that have come out. For example, if on the first round of a deck or
a shoe, four low cards (threes, fours, fives, or sixes) and two high
cards (ten-value cards) were dealt, the running count for the deck
or shoe would now be +2 (four low cards less two high cards).
There are two more high cards left in the deck or shoe than low
192 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
cards (as I'll show, the significance of this difference in differing
conditions is shown in the true count).
I keep a side count of aces because of the uniqueness of the ace in
blackjack, and, especially because the Hi-Opt I does not count the
ace. Rounding out to the nearest 1/4 deck, since there is normally
one ace per quarter deck, I add one to the running count for each
"extra" ace left in the deck (or shoe) and I subtract one from the
running count for each ace the deck (or shoe) is lean for betting
purposes. An ace should be treated as a high card (i.e., as a ten-val-
ue card) for betting purposes because of its placement in a black-
jack-the winning hand that pays the player at 3:2 odds. For
example, if I am playing in a two-deck game and there are five
aces left in the deck with 3/4 of a deck left to be dealt, I raise my
running count by two since a "normal" 3/4 deck has three aces. In
such a game, I am more likely to be making a larger than normal
bet since I am more likely than normal to be dealt a blackjack on
the next hand.
The side count of aces is also important for play decisions. Let's
say I want to double down on an eleven: the most likely time I
would be doubling down. If the remaining deck is ace rich, I would
be less likely to double down because an ace on my eleven would
be disastrous; I would be left with a 12 total and could only win
my double down if the dealer busts. For this play decision, the ace
has the value of a low card.
A very critical decision in which the ace should be treated as a low
card is the insurance decision-the most important strategy varia-
tion for a counter in a single-deck game (and still a very important
variation in multiple deck games). Extra aces still in the deck
make it less likely that the dealer will turn over a blackjack when
checking under the ace up card. When the remaining deck is ace
poor, a dealer blackjack becomes more of a possibility. The most
frequent decision a blackjack player is faced with is the 16 versus
10 decision. A player faces this decision about once every 30 or so
hands. In this play decision, the ace-one of the five cards that
won't bust the player-should be treated as a low card. On this
play, the more aces left to be dealt, the more likely that hitting is
the right decision-even though aces make the count rise for bet-
ting decisions. For players using the High-Low count (in which
twos through sixes are low and tens and aces are high cards)-the
11 double down, the 16 versus the ten and the insurance bet all
Hi-Opt Count System 193
have great potential to be played incorrectly because the ace is al-
ways treated like a ten: a high-value card.
The nine and ten, as well as the infrequent eight double downs are
other occasions in which the ace should be counted as a high card.
The more of" them left in the deck, the better the deck is for the
player and the more likely a player will double down.
Largely because of its importance as a low card for the insurance
and the 16-versus-ten decisions, I decided to keep a separate side
count of the aces for play decisions. The other play decisions are
also important, but the insurance and the 16-versus-l 0 decisions
were what led me to keeping an ace side count for play decisions.
Most counters are poor at calculating the true count: the count ob-
tained at by dividing the running count by the number of decks re-
maining. The reason that a true count is so critical is that the
number of extra high or low cards left in the deck or shoe has a
very different significance (for both playing and betting decisions)
at different times. As an example, two extra high cards (a running
count of +2) being in the shoe at the very beginning of a six-deck
game is equal to about 1/3 of an extra high card per deck: no real
advantage (see "True Count Advantages in Various Games" begin-
ning on page 29). However, two extra high cards with just one-
deck left to deal is significant. Two divided by six (decks remain-
ing) equals 1/3, while two divided by one (deck remaining) equals
two: or six times 1/3rd! Thus, the necessity of using the true count.
Some counters claim they get the true count by "eyeballing" the
cards left in the discard tray to figure out how many decks have
been dealt and subtract this number from the total number of decks
in the game. The running count is then divided by this number.
However, I have known very few counters who eyeball very suc-
cessfully. Virtually none can accurately estimate the discards with-
in 1/4 of a deck in shoe games. When I started practicing the true
count, I came up with another way of figuring out how many cards
have been dealt; my method virtually always has me within 1/10
of a deck accuracy in one- and two-deck games and more often
than not within that accuracy in shoe games (in which I'm virtual-
ly always within a 1/4 of a deck accuracy).
In my deck count down system, I count every participant at the ta-
ble, including the dealer, as one player. For each player on a round,
I subtract 1/20 of a deck dealt (or .05 decks). Let's say that I open
194 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
up a six-deck shoe with two other players at the table. If we all
play one hand, there will be 5.8 decks left after the first round (1/
20 deck times four equals .2 decks, which is subtracted from six
decks). Ifl decide to play two hands on the next round and the oth-
er two players stay at the table each playing one hand, there will
be 5.55 decks left in the shoe after the second round.
There are two modifications I use to sharpen the accuracy of this
countdown system. One is subtracting another 1/20 of a deck
whenever a player splits a pair. And another is subtracting an extra
tenth of a deck once every two decks. For example, in the six-deck
shoe game mentioned above, let's say there are now 4.3 decks left
in the shoe. Let's say that the same two players and I are still at the
table and that we each play one spot. After this round, assuming
no splits, I would calculate four decks to be left in the shoe since
I would be subtracting an extra tenth of a deck at this point. I'll
subtract another extra tenth of a deck when the two-deck-to-go
level is reached. One can also subtract an extra 1/20 of a deck each
deck, as I do in two-deck games after the first deck is dealt, in-
stead. In single-deck games, I subtract an extra 1/20 of a deck af-
ter, and if, the 1/2 deck level is reached and dealt from.
My deck counting method is easier to use than you might think.
Try it! Keeping an accurate track of decks to deal and thus a true
count is necessary to win in blackjack.
I will now show the table indexes for the Hi-Opt I count system.
All index numbers are true count numbers. All index numbers take
into account all of the cards seen up to the time that the player
makes his decision, including the ones in his present hand.
HowTo Read the Hi-Opt I Count Charts
The tables should be read this way: the Hard and Soft Hitting and
Standing Tables tell the player when to stand. When the true count
is equal to or greater than the index number, the player stands.
When less, he hits. In the Hard and Soft Double Down Tables, the
index number tells the player when to double down in the same
way. The pair splitting tables are the same-split the pair when the
true count is equal to or greater than the index number-with one
major and minor exception. The major exception is splitting eights
against a ten. In this case, when the true count is greater than +5
in a non-DAS game, or greater than seven in a DAS game the play-
er does not split the eights. He splits eights only when the true
Hi-Opt Count System 195
count is lower than or equal to the index in this case. The reason
for this exception is that a high true count makes a dealer 20 and
two player 18's much more likely than usual. In this case, the play-
er should stand-or surrender the hand if the game permits-on
the two eights and accept the probable loss of one hand rather than
split and have a very possible loss of two hands. In this instance,
not splitting is a defensive move that cuts down losses. The minor
exception is splitting threes against a seven in a non-DAS game.
One should not split the threes if the true count is over +7.
The true count numbers used below were obtained by using Stan-
ford Wong's Blackjack Count Analyzer. True counts from -10 to
+10 are used in these tables. These tables are for multi-deck
games, the pre-dominant blackjack games available. These tables
also assume that the dealer will stand on all 17's. While some in-
dexes are slightly different in single-deck and dealer hit soft 17
games, the reader will be getting virtually the full-gain of the Hi-
Opt I count system by using these charts.
Table 1: Multi-Deck Hi Opt I Strategy
Hard Total Standing and Hitting
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
18-21 Always Stand
17 S S S S S S S S S -4
16 -7 -7 -8 -10 -10 +7 +6 +4 0 +7
15 -4 -5 -6 -7 -7 +8 +8 +6 +3 +8
14 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 H H H H H
13 0 -1 -2 -3 -3 H H H H H
12 +2 +1 0 0 0 H H H H H
Note: Stand if the true count ~ index number, otherwise
Soft Total: Standing and Hitting
The play for soft total hitting and standing is exactly the same as
shown in Basic Strategy with just one count play to remember.
With a soft 18 against an ace, the player stands if the true count is
+1 or greater. In a single-deck game, stand if the count is zero or
greater on this hand. Always hit this hand if the dealer hits soft 17.
Outside of this play, always hit or stand according to the Basic
Strategy Chart.
196 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Table 2: Multi-Deck Hi Opt I Strategy
Hard Doubling Down: Two Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
11 -8 -0 -9 D D -7 -5 -3 -3 +1
10 -7 -8 -9 -10 D -5 -3 -1 +5 +4
9 +1 0 -2 -3 -5 +3 +8 H H H
8 H +8 +5 +3 +2 H H H H H
7 H H H +9 +9 H H H H H
Note: Double down if the true count ~ index number,
otherwise hit.
Table 3: Multi-Deck Hi Opt I Strategy
Soft Doubling Down: tWo Card Totals
Dealer Up Card
Player Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
20 +10 +8 +6 +5 +4 S S S S S
19 +6 +4 +3 +1 +1 S S S S S
18 0 -1 -3 -5 -5 S
17 -1 -1 -4 -6 -9 H H H H H
16 +10 +3 -1 -4 -7 H H H H H
15 H +5 0 -2 -6 H H H H H
14 H +5 +2 0 -2 H H H H H
13 +10 +6 +3 0 0 H H H H H
Note: If the true count ~ index number, double down. *
=On soft 18 versus an eight, hit if the true count < -10,
otherwise stand. On soft 18 versus an ace, stand if the
true count ~ +1.
Table 4: Multi-Deck High Opt I Strategy
Pair Splitting: No Double After Split Allowed
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
10,10 -10 -8 -6 -5 -4 S S S S S
9,9 0 -1 -2 -4 -3 -6 -10 P S S
8,8 P P P P P P P P +5 P
7,7 -6 -7 -8 -10 P P H H H H
6,6 +1 0 -2 -4 -5 H H H H H
5,5 Never Split (treat as 10)
4,4 Never Split (treat as 8)
3,3 +6 +3 0 -2 P +7'" H H H H
2,2 +5 +2 0 -3 P P H H H H
Ace,Ace -8 -8 -9 -10 -10 -6 -6 -5 -6 -2
Hi-Opt Count System
Note: Split if the true count ~ index number, otherwise
treat the same as in the standing and hitting charts. * =
Split if the true count ~ index.
Table 5: Multi-Deck High Opt I Strategy
Pair Splitting: Double After Split Allowed
Dealer Up Card
Player Pair 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
9,9 -2 -3 -4 -5 -5 +2 -10 P S S
8,8 P P P P P P P P +7 P
7,7 -7 -8 -9 -10 -10 P -9 H H H
6,6 -1 -2 -4 -6 -8 H H H H H
4,4 H +7 +3 0 0 H H H H H
3,3 0 -3 -6 -8 P P H H H H
2,2 -2 -4 -6 -7 P P +5 H H H
Note: Aces, tens, and fives (which are never split) are
treated the same as in the non-DAS game.
Table 6: Multi-Deck High Opt I Strategy
Late Surrender: First Two Cards
Dealer Up Card
Player Cards 8 9 10
10,6 +4 -1 -2 0
9,7 +4 -1 -2 0
8,8 P P +1 P
10,5 +5 +2 -1 +1
9,6 +6 +2 0 +2
8,7 +6 +2 0 +2
10,4 NS +6 +3 +5
9,5 NS +6 +3 +6
8,6 NS +5 +3 +5
7,7 NS +4 +2 +4
All 13's NS NS +8 NS
Note: NS = No surrender, play this hand according to
the previous tables. Otherwise, surrender the hand if the
true count is ~ than the index number.
Ace Side-Count Adjustment
In my opinion, there are five playing decisions in which the ace
side count adjustment has the most importance.
1) Insurance. In this critical decision, the Hi-Opt I player should
consider the ace a low card. This is because the more aces that are
198 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
left in the deck, the less likely the dealer is to have a ten under-
neath his ace for a blackjack. For each extra ace left in the deck-
rounding out to a 1/4 deck-the player should subtract one from
his running count. For each ace that the deck is lean, the player
should add one to his running count. In this case, the less aces (and
other non-tens) left to be dealt, the more likely the dealer is to have
a blackjack (or a ten under his ace).
2) 16 versus 10. This decision comes up more frequently than any
other in the game of blackjack. For this decision, the player should
again consider the ace a low card since these are the Hi-Opt I low
cards-with the six being the exception-that a player needs to
make (get a 17-21) his hand. For each extra ace left in the deck,
the player should subtract one from his running count; for each ace
that the deck is lean, he should add one to the running count.
3) Doubling down on 11. Again, the player should count the ace
as a low card. This is because an ace dealt on a double down will
give the player a 12, a poor total, as are the other totals (13-17) that
would result from a Hi Opt I low card being dealt in this instance.
The running count should be adjusted as in cases 1) and 2).
4) Doubling down on 8-10. For these decisions, extra aces in the
deck help the player. Having one dealt on a doubling down of an
eight, nine, or ten would give the player the best possible total that
he could achieve using the double down option. For each ace that
the deck is rich, add one to the running count. For each ace that the
deck is lean, subtract one from the running count.
5) Doubling down on soft 18-20. As in case 4), an ace dealt to
these totals would give the player his best possible double down
total. The running count should be adjusted as in case 4).
Insurance Decision
I have saved the insurance play for last since it is such a critical
decision. The numbers that should be used for the insurance deci-
sion in the Hi-Opt I are +2.2 in the single deck and +3 in the multi-
deck games. I tend to use +3 as the index in all games for the fol-
lowing reason: in my deck count down method (see Page 146) I
use the same deck(s) amount left for the play decision on one
round as I do for the betting decision on the following round.
However, insurance is a decision that usually must be made before
the play of the hand (assuming no dealer blackjack). Thus, there
tends to be more of a deck or decks remaining which the running
Hi-Opt Count System 199
count is divided by. Because of this, I use the index of +3 (insure
at this number or more; don't insure at less) for this play. This
stops possible confusion for me as I might be playing both single
and multi-deck games in the same casino and it also possibly saves
me from losses since the larger number I am using stops me from
making possible incorrect calculations based on more cards re-
maining than I usually would calculate for the single-deck insur-
ance decision.
To make my decision a little more accurate, I keep a side count of
aces and count them, as stated previously, as a low card. I add one
to the running count for each ace the deck is short or I subtract one
from the running count for each extra ace left in the deck.
In my single deck play, I sometimes make potential adjustments
off the top of the deck. In this situation, I try to see as many cards
as possible at the table. The problem doing this, especially on the
insurance bet (so critical in one-deck games and important in two-
deck games, which are also dealt face down), is the major reason
that I almost have never played with more than two others in a sin-
gle-deck, and now, most face-down games. If I am alone at the ta-
ble and playing just one hand, I'll never insure off the top of the
deck (unless I decide to insure a blackjack to "advertise" my "stu-
pidity" to the pit as I did in my very first round of play at the
Horseshoe on March 7). With at most 16 ten cards left in the deck
out of 49 unknown cards, insurance can never be a right play for a
solo player playing one hand off the top of the deck. If I see no ten
cards in two hands off the top, I know that insurance is a slightly
profitable play (16 tens out of 47 cards is a little better than a 1: 3
ratio). If a player can see three hands off the top, he shouldn't bet
insurance unless he sees no ten cards. In four hands seen off the
top, one or no tens seen would make insurance a profitable bet. In
five or six hands seen off the top, two or fewer tens seen makes in-
surance the right wager. In seven hands-if one is at a full table
and can somehow see every card-three or fewer tens seen makes
insurance the right playoff the top.
Because insurance is such a key play-largely because it allows
counters to cut losses on big bets when the dealer is likely to have
blackjack in high-count decks-I try to make my calculations for
this playas precise as possible, especially in single deck play.
Appendix D: Shuffle Tracking
ven before I began to play blackjack in the casinos (in February
1993), I had heard of shuffle tracking. A late 1994 and early
1995 series by Arnold Snyder in Blackjack Forum made shuffle
tracking well known to any blackjack player who hadn't been
aware of it before. Though I have much personal skepticism about
shuffle tracking, I believe that this is a serious subject that deserves
discussion in any blackjack book.
Readers should not make the mistake of confusing shuffle track-
ing-a method that, in theory, has extraordinary money-making
potential in blackjack play-with systems such as New Blackjack
in which "card clumping" is discussed in terms of how to play
hands based on how various cards are "running." Blackjack ex-
perts have shown that these systems simply have no mathematical
basis. Advocates of these systems claim that by playing the hands
"correctly" according to how the cards are "running," a player can
perform miracles such as winning the majority of his 15 and 16
hands. (I'd love to offer anyone who actually believes that some
betting propositions.) From what I have read about New Black-
jack, its advocates also recommend a Martingale (progressive)
type betting style, a style in which players try to win one unit via
a progression (doubling up). The Martingale and all wagering
"systems" that limit winnings to the minimum but have much
higher limits on losses, have made casinos, gambling houses, and
bookmakers allover the world billions, if not trillions of dollars in
the history of gambling. Stanford Wong and Arnold Snyder have
already totally discredited the New Blackjack System in their pub-
lications, so I will not discuss it here any further.
Shuffle tracking is a method of tracking large clumps or slugs of
low or high cards in shoe games and having them put, via the cut,
in known and advantageous positions for the card counter. Let's
look at two examples of how shuffle tracking can be very helpful
to a card counter. First, let's say that a counter is playing by him-
self in a shoe game and is able to note a one and a half deck clump
of low cards that have a running count value of plus ten (true count
value of almost plus seven). If these cards are kept together in the
shuffle, the counter can cut them out of play (especially if it is a
six-deck game with over 1-1/2 decks cut oft) and have a shoe to
play in, which has a true count value of over plus two (ten extra
high cards divided by 4-1/2 decks). The counter would have over
Shuffle Tracking 201
a .5 percent edge (closer to one percent with good game rules) by
just flat betting this shoe. And with count and bet adjustments dur-
ing play, we would have perhaps as much as a two percent edge in
such a shoe. The bigger the amount of cards-if they are the plus-
value cards-cut out of play, the better. This type of counter shuf-
fle tracker would want shallow, not deep, deck penetration-ex-
actly the opposite desire of a normal counter.
Second, let's say that the tracker has located a one-deck or so shuf-
fle-preserved clump of high cards (tens and aces) that has a count
value of minus ten. The shuffle tracker can cut these cards right to
the top of the shoe and have a very strong deck off the top. Best
yet, this shuffle tracker can bet very big (maximum bets) off the
top with a strong (probably over 6 percent!) edge and not appear
at all like a normal card counter, who usually makes his big bets
late in the shoe. After the high-card clump passes, the counter
would make small bets and then would try to follow the high
clump through the next shuffle when he can again cut it to the top
of the shoe. And as in the other example, this counter would want
a shallow cut. In fact, one deck dealt out of every shoe would be
just fine, so long as it is highly plus (and also assuming that this
tracker can always follow the unbroken ten and ace clump through
shuffle after shuffle).
In theory, shuffle tracking is a brilliant idea for playing casino
blackjack. The card counter who can shuffle-track perfectly could
not only win at a higher rate than the normal card counter, but he
could also do so with a smaller bet spread. And if the tracker so
desires, he can use a large betting spread with less pit scrutiny than
a "normal" counter would endure. He would make his big bets
when the pit least expects a counter to make them-off the top or
wherever the rich parts of the shoe are located. Casino counter
catchers would figure to be frustrated by shuffle trackers since
their betting and decision patterns do not follow the normal count
pattern of the shoe. And, in fact, some of the big bets would be
made when the true count of the whole remaining shoe (the count
that normal counters and counter catchers use) would be very neg-
ative. Plus, in many cases, trackers love shallow cuts. This is very
unlike normal card counters. Shuffle tracking thus has the poten-
tial to make shoe-playing card counters with tracking ability much
more money with much less casino heat than regular card counting
methods. Most likely, good shuffle trackers wouldn't be hassled or
barred, but would be comped to the absolute hilt by the casino
202 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
bosses who would be licking their chops over the inevitable
"breaking" of a prime "sucker, who has just been lucky". But, the
casino, not the tracker, would be playing the role of the sucker in
this example!
As I wrote in the section on player barrings, what should happen
theoretically and what happens in reality are often two different
worlds. Usually, such is also the case with shuffle tracking.
For a shuffle tracker to have a chance to be successful, one of two
events must occur. Either the casino shoe shuffle must be an ex-
tremely simple one in which a few different sections of the shoe
are kept apart from each other in the shuffle (and hopefully one is
a high or low value section) or the shuffle tracker must have a way
to remember the value of every segment of the shoe and keep track
of the value of the segments each is shuffled then reshuffled into.
There may have been very simple shuffles 15 or 20 years ago in
the casino shoe games; 1 can't say for sure because 1 wasn't a
blackjack player at that time. But, 1do know that when 1practiced
dealing myself six-decks at home, 1shuffled pretty thoroughly just
so that the new shoe would feel "fresh." And, 1would imagine that
most players, especially normal players, always have wanted the
cards to be well-shuffled and fresh, though not wanting the dealer
to take too long to do so (I did my home, thorough six-deck shuffle
in three or four minutes).
Since 1 have played blackjack in the casinos, 1 have not seen any
simple shuffles and this makes shuffle tracking really tough. There
are four major reasons why 1 believe shuffle tracking has at best
limited value in the real world of casino blackjack today.
1) A shuffle track player not only has to locate and note the exact
value of a good clump (preferably a high one that he can put into
play) that is unbroken by the shuffle-very unlikely-or he must
know the exact value of the segments this high clump is being
mixed with. This exactness is vital for two reasons.
First, in high-count decks, a large part of the player's gain comes
from correct play decisions (this is why depth charging-betting
more money further into the deck no matter what the count is-
can beat some single-deck games; play variation is critical for a
counter in the volatile count game of single-deck). To make cor-
rect play decisions, one must know the correct true count! After,
all, even in the best deck clump, a player won't be getting black-
Shuffle Tracking 203
jacks, for which no thinking is required, on every hand! I became
suspicious of one allegedly successful shuffle tracker when he told
me that he never split tens in his shuffle-tracking play. Ten splitting
not only would be a frequent possibility in rich decks, but would
be an important and correct option to take. (In my single-deck
play, which shuffle tracking has been compared to, ten splits are a
correct play about once every eight hours of play.) Even better, ten
splitting would bring a shuffle tracker less heat than it would a tra-
ditional card counter. This person's explanation that he was afraid
of losing his casino RFB comps if he split tens really did not stop
my skepticism! Other important plays like insurance can be made
correctly only if the tracker not only evaluates the clump's original
value correctly, but also keeps track of its current count value.
The second reason for knowing the exact segments of the rich
clump and any clump it has been mixed into is that if the rich
clump is mixed with a clump of low cards (which is more normal
than likely since other parts of the shoe have an excess of low
cards), the potential edge of knowing about the rich clump is very
possibly gone. If the tracker is satisfied with just finding a rich
clump and ignores the clump it is mixed into, he will often be bet-
ting big and also making wrong play decisions in situations in
which he actually has a disadvantage. A fair number of such bet
and play mistakes and such a tracker will go broke. I have serious
doubts that very many players can keep track of all shoe segments
through a shuffle, know the newly shuffled shoe's new segment
values, and make correct bet and playing decisions in the "good"
sections of the new shoe at casino speed without the aid of a com-
puter (a felony).
2) When I wrote about the true count and the problems most
counters have keeping and calculating it, I mentioned that one of
the biggest roadblocks that frustrates counters with their true
count calculations is estimating how many decks have already
been dealt by "eyeballing" the discards. Virtually no counter that
I know is consistently accurate within a 1/4 of a deck in "eyeball"
estimations-particularly late in the shoe when the discards are
piled highest and the true count calculation is usually most impor-
tant for both bet and play decisions.
To be a good shuffle tracker, a player has to be not just a good
"eyeballer," he must be a perfect one. Being off by 1/4 of a deck
in the attempt of cutting the good cards to the top can easily spell
204 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
disaster. And, if a player hasn't cut the good cards to the top-but
still thinks he knows their location-he can't be off even by one
round-especially if other players are at the table. If the tracker
has discovered a high card one-deck clump (let's say a minus eight
true count deck) in the previous shoe and is off by even one round
as to when it comes out, it is a good probability that he will either:
a) Bet too high one round too soon in a negative part of the shoe
or b) Bet too small for one round too long as aces and tens fill the
table. I can't speak for other players, but I can say for myself that
trying to be that perfect in gauging where the good cards are and
exactly when they will be coming out of the shoe (even assuming
that all my segment math was perfect) is like trying to climb up the
outside of the Empire State Building while wearing a blindfold
and having my hands tied behind me!
3) A shuffle tracker must be able to get the cut card or must be a
member of a tracking team that has taken over a table. If he does
not, it may be difficult to have a strong clump (if one exists) cut to
an advantageous part of the shoe. If the shuffle tracker is at a table
with other players who do not know his act, he has a major prob-
lem. Either he has to get the cut card an inordinate percentage of
the time-and the dealer usually rotates it amongst all players-
or he has a much tougher job of tracking. And though pit bosses
may not be Einsteins, they know enough by now to know why one
person would always be demanding the cut card from the other
4) Most casinos are now aware of shuffle tracking and with typical
overreaction have put in very complicated shuffles and methods of
plugging the unplayed cards into the discards. These more-com-
plicated-than-necessary shuffles slow down the game and make
the casinos less money. (And, as with card counting, the casinos
are reacting to a lone threat out of a huge herd of players. Except
with shuffle tracking, I would estimate that instead of inconve-
niencing and making less money from most of the 999 non- threat-
ening players out of 1,000, they are now inconveniencing and
making less money from 9,999 non-threatening out of 10,000
players because of the one accurate shuffle tracker, who poses a
real financial threat to the casino.) As an example of the toughness
of shuffle tracking, my East Coast computer friend, NormYoung,
has analyzed on his software a "step-ladder" shuffle that a casino
he plays in uses. He has thus far concluded that at best, a player
can get a good and accurate count read on 3/4 of a deck of this six-
Shuffle Tracking 205
deck game: 1/8 of the total cards in the shoe. How often will these
cards have a good value which a player can use for good bet and
play decisions in the next shoe (assuming that the tracker has the
cut card at the key moment)? Probably not that often!
Do the four problems I just brought up mean that shuffle tracking
is totally worthless? No, it does not. The theoretical concept of
shuffle tracking is sound. No question. However, performing it ac-
curately any decent percentage of the time seems unrealistic.
If a lone player is occasionally able to track, accurately, a slug of
high or low cards, he should definitely try to use it to his advan-
tage. The best and most realistic scenario seems to be if a player
can somehow cut some rich cards to the top of the shoe. However,
being able to do so will tum out to be the exception and not the rule
of his play. Shuffle tracking, in virtually all cases, should be con-
sidered a bonus: not something that a player should rely on to win
in today's casino blackjack.
Probably, the most viable method of shuffling tracking shoes
would be by team play. A team of players could conceivably take
over a table and have each member track different parts of the
shoe. Obviously, elaborate signals would have to be used at the ta-
ble to convey information to keep the casino bosses in the dark.
And, even with team play such as Ijust described, there would still
be very little room for error. In addition, having the same players
at the same table for any length of time (unless the team has about
20 or 30 members who rotate tables, pits and casinos) would throw
up a huge red flag for the paranoid casino pit bosses.
Appendix E: Final Casino Record
Table 1: Final Casino Record
Casino Session
$ Record
Aladdin 4-4 7:35 Won: $570
Arizona Charlies 1-0 1:00 Won: $93
"Cheat" Casino 0-1 :05 Lost: $25
(see March 10)
Circus Circus 4-3 5:55 Won: $598.50
Continental 2-2 4:00 Lost: $825
DesertIon 8-3 11:00 Won: $3,111
Excalibur 4-3 6:30 Won: $1,796.50
Fitzgeralds 1-1 1:20 Won: $165.50
Flamingo Hilton 1-0 :55 Won: $357
Flamingo Hilton 2-4 5:10 Lost: $1,277
Four Queens 1-1 :20 Won: $154.50
Fremont 1-2 2:40 Won: $332.50
Gold Coast 1-0 :15 Won: $698
Golden Nugget 2-0 1:45 Won: $1,366
Golden Nugget 19-14 33:15 Lost: $2,039
Harrahs 3-10 11:25 Lost: $2,535.50
Horseshoe 9-4 7:20 Won: $156
Imperial Palace 6-4 8:50 Lost: $464.50
Lady Luck 2-3 2:20 Lost: $126.50
Las Vegas Hilton 5-4 7:15 Lost: $187.50
Luxor 1-2 2:45 Lost: $588.50
Maxim 5-3 7:05 Won: $2,450.50
MGM 4-5 9:40 Won: $812
Mirage 10-14 21:55 Lost: $1,075
Palace Station 8-4 8:30 Won: $537
Pioneer 0-1 1:05 Lost: $969
Final Casino Record 207
Casino Session
$ Record
Plaza 3-1 1:16 Won: $366
Ramada 1-0 :10 Won: $24
Rio 8-3 8:10 Won: $1,490.50
Riverside (Laughlin) 1-0 1:00 Won: $121
Riviera 8-7 14:35 Won: $2,003
San Remo 2-2 3:10 Lost: $446
Sands 4-5 7:00 Lost: $1,749.50
Stardust 4-6 8:10 Lost: $2,500.50
Treasure Island 7-11 17:50 Lost: $90.50
Final Totals 142-127 231:16 Won: $2,303.50
Appendix F: Recommended Resources
Thereader wishing to explore the game of blackjack in more de-
tail will find the following books, and computer software to be
of interest.
Basic Blackjack, Stanford Wong, Pi Yee Press.
Beat the Dealer, Edward O. Thorp, Vintage Books.
Beat the X Deck Game, Arnold Snyder, RGE Publishing.
Blackbelt in Blackjack, Arnold Snyder, RGE Publishing.
Blackjack Count Analyzer (software), Pi Yee Press.
Blackjackfor Profit, Arnold Snyder, RGE Publishing.
Blackjack Forum (magazine), ROE Publishing.
Blackjack Secrets, Stanford Wong, Pi Yee Press.
Blackjack Trainer (Windows or Macintosh software), ConJelCo.
Card Countingfor the Casino Executive, Bill Zender.
Current Blackjack News (newsletter), Pi Yee Press.
Playing Blackjack as a Business, Lawrence Revere, Lyle Stuart.
Professional Blackjack, Stanford Wong, Pi Yee Press.
The Theory ofBlackjack, Peter Griffin, Huntington Press.
The Worlds Greatest Blackjack Book, Lance Humble and Carl
Cooper, Doubleday.
Aladdin 20, 35, 93, 98, 100, 102, 104, 152, 153, 154, 158,
164, 169
Arizona Charlie's 156, 166
Bally's 154
Barbary Coast 15,171
Basic Blackjack ix
Beat the Dealer 2, 189
Beat the X Deck Game ix, 4, 11,30, 150
Big Dipper Ice Cream Shop 66
Blackbelt in Blackjack ix
Blackjack Count Analyzer ix, 195
Blackjack for Profit ix, 134
Blackjack Forum ix, 15, 19,22,39, 160,200
Blackjack Secrets ix, 18, 91, 172
Burdette, Dwight x
Caesars Palace 15, 154
"Cheating" Casino 65, 74
Circus Circus 5, 20, 33,50,93,96,99, 102,105, 127,157,166
Claridge 151
Continental 117, 166, 168
Core System 96
Current Blackjack News 15, 22, 160
Desert Inn 20, 21, 35, 94, 96, 99, 100, 102, 105, 120, 122,
124, 125, 129, 130, 156
EI Cortez 15
Excalibur7, 20,21, 92, 97, 101,105,159,167,168,177
Fitzgeralds 60, 68
Flamingo Hilton 22, 38, 41, 43, 45, 48, 101, 107, 134, 156,
Flamingo Hilton (Laughlin) 160
Forte, Steve 74, 162
210 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Four Queens 59, 146
Foxwoods 39
Fremont 22, 43, 53, 54,62
Frontier 21
Gambler's Book Club 119, 131, 134
Gambler's Protection Video Series 74
Gaming Control Board 74, 76
Gold Coast 22, 37,139,156,171
Golden Gate 69
Golden Nugget 7, 20, 23,32,35, 36, 39,40,42,43,46,47,49,
136, 137, 140-144, 146, 148, 149, 153, 156
Golden Nugget (Laughlin) 161, 162
Griffin Detective Agency 25, 147
Griffin, Peter ix, 30
Hmrrahs20,23,35, 72, 77, 79,81,84,87,89,119,120,122,
126, 127, 129, 131
High-Low 30, 192
Hi-Opt I 3, 30, 191, 192
Horseshoe 24,43, 52, 54, 58,60-62, 66, 68, 69, 136-139, 156
Humble, Lance ix, 2, 71, 191
ImperiaIPmace20,24, 78,80,81,87,90,119,122,126,129,
Keen, Paul ix, 119, 131,134
Lady Luck 43, 48, 49, 61, 66
Las Vegas Club 98, 135
Las Vegas Hilton 25, 32, 35, 78, 82, 83, 85, 88, 135, 141, 145,
148, 157, 170
Laughlin 156, 160
Leroy's 40, 50, 53, 78, 94, 108, 143
Luxor 25, 93, 95,97, 101, 105
104, 137, 140, 145-147, 156, 162
108, 110, 112, 114, 116, 156
20, 26, 35, 52, 77, 80, 81,83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 91,
New Blackjack 96, 97, 200
New Jersey Casino Control Commission 152
Palace Station 5,20,26,33, 79,82, 83, 87,137, 141, 143, 144,
148, 157-159
Pioneer (Laughlin) 161
Pioneer Club 6, 95
Playing Blackjack as a Business 2, 11, 109
Ramada (Laughlin) 163
Reno 164
Revere, Lawrence 2; 11, 109
Rio 27,31, 38, 41, 42, 47, 49, 107, 110, 114, 121, 123, 137
Riverside 160, 162
Riviera 27, 36, 40, 42, 45, 48, 50, 107, 109-112, 114-116, 156
Runyon, Damon 24
San Remo 28, 79, 80, 86, 165
Sands 27, 54, 56, 63,64,68, 120, 128, 130, 131
Sassy Sally's 69
Schlesinger, Don x, 18
Snyder, Arnold ix, 3, 4, 11, 15, 30, 134, 150, 200
Stmdust28, 37,54, 57,63,64, 67,75, 109, 110, 113, 134,170
Sunshine 51,171,172
The Theory of Blackjack ix, 30
Thorp, Ed 2, 189, 190
Treasure Island 20, 28, 35, 52, 53, 56, 57, 62, 64, 67, 69, 107,
108, 110, 111, 112, 114-117, 156
212 Las Vegas Blackjack Diary
Trop World 9
Trump Plaza 4, 9
Uston, Ken 3, 4, 14,74, 123, 134, 150
Wong, Stanford ix, 3, 4, 15, 18, 74,91, 134, 172, 195,200
World's Greatest Blackjack Book ix, 2,71, 191
Wynn, Steve 28,52, 67, 162
Young, Norm x
Zender, Bill 20, 152-154
About the Author
Stuart Perry was born in 1953 and graduated from Oakland Uni-
versity in Michigan with a degree in psychology. He has always
had an intense interest in the gaming and statistics fields. For a
good number of years Stuart made a living betting and writing
about sports, especially pro football. He is currently a consultant
on sports betting in the NFL and NBA.
In late 1992, Stuart discovered blackjack. For about a year, he
studied and practiced the game very seriously before embarking
on the two month Las Vegas odyssey, chronicled in this volume.
Stuart says that his knowledge of statistics was very helpful to him
in learning about the expectations of blackjack.
Stuart resides in Yonkers, NY.
About the Publisher
ConJelCo is a publisher based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that
specializes in books and software for the serious gambler. In addi-
tion to this book, ConJelCo publishes the book Winning Low-Lim-
it Hold'em by Lee Jones and several software products including
Blackjack Trainer for the Macintosh and Windows, Ken Elliotts
CrapSim for DOS, Percentage Hold'em for DOS, and Sozobon
Poker for Windows.
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