Drug Study
Drug Study
Drug Study
For lumbar surgery Lumbar Naropin (ropivacaine hcl) is Slowing of Rapid onset, in There may be
epidural blocks, the Epidural used as a local (in only one labor if given minutes; lasting some differences
e ropivacaine doses Administration area) anesthesia for a spinal early; pushing 60–90 min; loss of in response in the
considered necessary to block, also called an epidural. feeling pain perception for first few days of
produce a successful Administered Naropin is used to provide obliterated, labor contractions life
block are 15 to 30 mL of for first stage anesthesia during surgery or resulting in the and birth; possible
0.5% solution, 15 to 25 of labor; with C-section or to ease labor possible maternal
mL of 0.75% solution, continuous pains. prolonged hypotension
and 15 to 20 mL of 1% block, second stage
solution. anesthesia will
last through
When used in lumbar birth; injected
epidural blocks for at L3–4
cesarean section, the
doses for ropivacaine are
20 to 30 mL of 0.5%
solution and 15 to 20 mL
of 0.75% solution.
For normal healthy Administered It is injected into the skin, None apparent Rapid anesthesia of None apparent
adults, the individual just before muscle, or cervix for the fast, the perineum
maximum recommended birth for temporary relief of pain in the
dose should not exceed perineal perineal area after delivery.
4.5 mg/kg (2 mg/lb) of anesthesia;
body weight, and in injected
general, it is through the
recommended that the vagina
maximum total dose
does not exceed 300 mg.
2-7mg/kg IV over 10 to Administered Thiopental is used to help you Forceps are Rapid anesthesia; Results in infant
15 seconds. A repeat IV by an relax before you receive required also rapid recovery being born with
Sodium dose may be given anesthesiologi general anesthesia with an because CNS depression
st or nurse- inhaled medication. abdominal
after one minute. Max
anesthetist pushing is no
dose: 7mg/kg
longer possible
Adults Naloxone is Naloxone may be used for the During labor, This drug can cause This drug can
for complete or partial reversal of blood pressure withdrawal cause withdrawal
Hydrochlor An initial dose of 400 to intravenous, opioid depression, including should be symptoms in the symptoms in the
2000 micrograms (0.4mg intramuscular, mild to severe respiratory monitored mother. Both fetus. Both
to 2mg) of naloxone may or depression induced by natural closely in mother and fetus mother and fetus
be given intravenously subcutaneous and synthetic opioids, the mothers with should be should be
and may if required, be injection. It agonists/antagonists moderate monitored for signs monitored for
repeated at 2 to 3- may also be nalbuphine and pentazocine, hypertension of distress until signs of distress
minute intervals. administered or dextropropoxyphene. It as severe stable. until stable.
by intravenous may also be used for the hypertension
Neonatal Use: infusion. diagnosis of suspected acute may occur.
opioid overdosage. Naloxone
For opioid-related
may be used to counteract
depression, the usual
respiratory and other CNS
initial dose is 10
depression in the newborn
micrograms (0.01mg) per
resulting from the
kg body weight, I.V., I.M.,
administration of analgesics to
or S.C., and this may be
the mother during childbirth.
repeated, if required, at
2 to 3-minute intervals.
Alternatively, a single
dose of 200 micrograms
(0.2mg), approximately
60 micrograms (0.06mg)
per kg body weight, may
be administered
intramuscularly at birth.