ECI Response To Shri Jairam Ramesh

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Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-rrooor

No. 39/ECI/HAR-I-AI zoz4 Dated:


Shri Jairam Ramesh

Mer.nber of Parliarnent (Rajya Sabha)

Subject: General Blection to the Legislative Assembly of Haryan a 2024- flCI response to
your Memo dated 08.10.2024

With ref'erence to your Mernorandum No. 00144lAE-2024 dated 8.10.24 rcgarding

Ltnexplaiued slowdown in updating of resr,rlts of HaryanaAssen-rbly Elcctions 2024 on the lj(ll
Website, the Commission notes that previously on June 4, 2024, in the context of General
Elections 2024, a somewhat sirnilar concem was raised by INC whicl'r was ill fbr"nrdcd and
disn'rissed by the Commissior-r.'fl-re Cornmission categorically responded that countir-rg of votes
is being carried out as per Rule 60 of Conduct of Electior-r Rules at the designated counting
ceutres and by the designated authorities following tl-re StatLrtory and Regulatory regimc.

With ref-erence to yoLrr today's Memorandum regarding slowdown in r-rpdating of tcsults of

Haryana on the ECI Website, it is reiterated tl-rat, entire counting process in Haryana and .l&K
is unfblding ir-r the presence of candidates, observers and micro-obsel'vers as per tl-re StatLrtoly
scheme. There is r-rotl-ring on lecord to substantiate your ill-foLrnded allegation of slowdown in
updating o1'results. Your Memorandum also does not bring out any contrary facts as to the
cielay at any of the constituencies in Haryana or J&K. As can be glear-red fror-n the pLrblicly
available data on tl"re results website of the ECI at
, speed of the round wise updation by
RO's as tabulated below would allay all your fears.

'l otal I otal Pen,ling

I Z:(l(l 6/t 528

72tOS 1 t00 7t5 7i5 12-/ /t77

72tlO r500 't30 770 I)'t 5 ,t[ 2

1'2:rs 1 50i M? 7 4L) li('

12tzo L5'JI 773 12).3 1:3

1 1125 12t5 iiz:i

12;30 150 r 672 3't6

12:3 5 i)llt) t2t2 462 i50

1 2t4[ ?, it

L2t45 500 9r0 590 l20t 901 300

12:5(l 0 )

72155 r500 ?51 5+,1 t20t

7J'OO r500 974 5)i: )! l ll!l

l:l:(15 4 2.7t

13:10 l5lr t01d l2 rl

13r15 -03 4 +(7 L'20( 992

13t2tt 1Si)r I01 l 195

13:2 5 150r '.lA: i l,r(

:l l50t 1 100 401 t20( I 0:il tl2
73t35 ,i 373 7 r9t ti)::) I56
Approximately,25 rounds across all the constituencies are being updated every five minutes,
which testifies dissemination of counting process in a speedy manner.

In view of the above, I am directed to convey that the Commission unequivocally rejects your
attempt to surreptitiously give credence to irresponsible, unfounded and uncorroborated
malafide narratives.

Yours sincerelv

(S.B. Joshi)

Principal Secretary

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