Gaby Tutorial
Gaby Tutorial
Gaby Tutorial
Question 1
Write equations to illustrate the SN2 reactions below. For each reaction:
• identify the nucleophile and show the non-bonding electrons involved in bond
• mark the electrophilic centre appropriately (i.e., with a partial positive charge),
• use curved arrows to show the flow of electrons for the bond-making and bond-
breaking processes,
• draw the structure of the product (include by-products).
(4 marks each)
Name……………………… Student Number………………… Tutorial Group ……
Question 2
Three pairs of SN2 reactions are shown below:
(a) Draw the products for both reactions in each pair (mechanism and by-products not required).
(b) For each pair, indicate which reaction will be the faster reaction. Explain your answer.
(3 marks each)
Pair 1
Pair 2
Pair 3
Name……………………… Student Number………………… Tutorial Group ……
Question 3
Complete the mechanism for the acid catalysed hydration reaction below by:
(i) using curved arrows to indicate electron flow during each step of the reaction,
(ii) drawing the structure of the 2 intermediates (I and II) that form during the
(iii) providing the structure of the major product that forms.
Note you must include any non-bonding electrons and non-zero formal charges in the
structures of the intermediates. (5 marks)
Name……………………… Student Number………………… Tutorial Group ……
Question 4
For each of the addition reactions below:
i) State if the reaction is regiospecific or regioselective. (1 mark)
ii) If the reaction is regiospecific, provide the structure of the product. (1 mark)
iii) If the reaction is regioselective, provide the structure of the products and state
which is the major product. (1 mark each product and 1 mark for major product
correctly identified).