WBREAT-Appeal No.-08 & 09-2023 Order Dated 30.08.2024
WBREAT-Appeal No.-08 & 09-2023 Order Dated 30.08.2024
WBREAT-Appeal No.-08 & 09-2023 Order Dated 30.08.2024
Shyamali Mitra Respondent
Mr. Sudip Basu, learned Advocate for the Appellant by a letter dated 2gl0gl2014
intimates this Tribunal that the writ petitions being WPA No. I 7410 of 2024 and WpA
No. l74ll of 2024 challenging the judgments passed by this Tribunal in WBREAT /
Appeal No. 08/2023 and WBREAT / Appeal No. 09/2023 appeared in the daily cause list
of the Hon'ble Justice Shampa Sarkar under the heading "Urgent Motion" on
2810812024. But, due to Bandh / Strike called by the political party the matters could not
be taken up by Her Ladyship on 2810812024. Her Ladyship has directed that the matters
be listed in the daily cause list on any day in the next week. [n such circumstances, Mr.
Basu has requested this Tribunal not to disburse the amount deposited by his client with
From a photocopy of the daily cause Iist dated 2810812024 of the Hon'ble Justice
Shampa Sarkar it appears that the aforesaid two writ petitions appeared before Her
Since the writ petitions may be taken up for hearing on any day in the next week, we
feel that the sometirne may be given to the Appellant to bring stay order, if any, from the
Accordingly. the Appellant is directed to bring stay order, if any, from the Hon'ble
High Court in respect of the judgments dated 10/0512024 passed by us in WBREAT /
Appeal No. 08/2023 and WBREAT / AppealNo. 09i2023 by l7/Og/2024, failing which.
the amount deposited with the Tribunal may be disbursed to the concemed Respondent /
\r Contd. in page 2
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Communicate this order to the Appellant and its leamed Advocate as well as to the
Put up the file on 1810912024 at I 1.30 A.M. for passing necessary order. If any order
is received from the Hon'ble High Court before 1810912024, the file be put up before us
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West Bengal Real Estate Appellate Tribunal
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Judicial Member
West Bengal Real Estate Appellate Tribunal
J- /vo/^ nvkh"{ qq
Technical/Adrrrinistrative Member
West Bengal Real Estate Appellate Tribunal
Page No
Mr. Sudip Basu. learned Advocate for the Appellant by a letter dated 2glOBlZ024
intimates this Tribunal that the writ petitions being WPA No. 17410 of 2024 and WpA No.
l74ll of 2024 challenging the judgments passed by this Tribunal in WBREAT / Appeal
No. 08/2023 and WBREAT / Appeal No. 09/2023 appeared in the daily cause list of the
Horible Justice Shampa Sarkar under the heading'lJrgent Motiori'on 2810812024. But, due
to Bandh / Strike called by the political party the matters could not be taken up by Her
Ladyship on28/A8D024. Her Ladyship has directed that the matters be listed in the daily
cause list on any day in the next week. [n such circumstances, Mr. Basu has requested this
Tribunal not to disburse the amount deposited by his client with this Tribunal in
connection with the aforesaid two appeals.
From a photocopy of the daily cause list dated 2810812024 of the Horible Justice
Shampa Sarkar it appears that the aforesaid two writ petitions appeared before Her
Since the writ petitions may be taken up for hearing on any day in the next week, we
feel that the sometime may be given to the Appellant to bring stay order, if any, from the
Accordingly, the Appellant is directed to bring stay order, if any, from the Hon'ble
Appeal No. 08/2023 and WBREAT / Appeal No. 09/2023 by 1710912024, failing which,
the amount deposited with the Tribunal may be disbursed to the concemed Respondent /
Contd. in page 2
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Communicate this order to the Appellant and its learned Advocate as well as to the
Put up the file on l8lA9D024 at 1 1.30 A.M. for passing necessary order. If any order
is received from the Hon'ble High Court before 1810912024, the file be put up before us
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West Bengal R.eal Estate Appellate Tribunal